I'd like to dedicate this song to all of my brothers in arms in FANK 1970 - 1975 I don't care what people say about us, we fought against Vietcong and the Khmer Rouge to protect and to defend Cambodia. Long live Khmer Republic soldiers!
I used to listened to this song with my friends inside of our emplacement when we were Khmer Republic soldiers fighting against the Khmer rouge. It brought so many memories, good and bad every time I hear this song. :'(
I love this song and all this time I thought it was about her broken heart by a man...and never really understood it when I was a kid. Thank you for posting up this song because as I am working from home I had the opportunity to listen to the lyrics and translate the metaphor to the song and what she is portraying...it is so powerful and moving. I am experiencing goosebumps as I listen to the song w/ tears flowing down my cheeks.
thanks for this gem from 1970/71 - it reminds us of the burst of khmer pride among khmer youth in those days who believed in the promises of the new republican regime
The song was very popular during the 1970's during the Khmer republic era. I miss all my darest families who had died and served as soldier fought against Vietcong.
Same here but we are still alive..... at times wish to be with family during the saddest and tragic period.... from afar, with you well and your today, tomorrow, day after and after full of peace. See you on the other side.
The lyric was writing by Neak Bawng Sim Chanya. Tror Bek Prey was the student club of students @ ENS (Ecole Normal Superieur; graduated 1971)..included Sim Chanya; Yim Guechse; Khun Srun...Bawng Dy Sakhan lives @ Houston Texas....
She is a friend of mine. She still alive. She live in Long Beach, California. 7 years ago we did a lot of health video together for Saint Mary Medical Center. She still has a wonderful voice. Her name is Sadira Dy Sakhon. I forgot to mention, she still look gorgeous!
+ABBA RATH Love her voice so much. I have had a few of her songs on cassette tape from the early 80s. I didn't know that she is one of the original singers from the past. Wish her a long life ahead. I love and respect all of the oldies , They are the greatest.
Regarding the vocalist who sang this song. Let's me emphasize to you, and I make it short. There were two song contested vocalists for the 'Pka Trobaek Prey' song, one was older, and one was younger. The final for the competition, Ms. Toun Vannte Mass was awarded number '1' singer and Mr. Abdoul Sary was awarded number '1' male singer.
ABBA RATH Thank you so very much. Now, I'm living in Fresno, California. My name is Sadira Sokhan Dy សាឌីរ៉ា សុខន ឌី នាមដើម: ឌី សុខន អរគុណដែលនៅចាំខ្ញុំ ។ សូមព្រះអង្គប្រទានពរ!!!
Regarding the vocalist who sang this song, let me emphasize it and make it short. There were two contesting vocalists for this Pka Trobaek Prey song, one was older and one was younger. The final for the competition, Ms. Toun Vannte Mass was number #1 female singer and Ab Doul Sary was number #1 male singer.
Bopha Angkor, I was graduated from University of Fine Arts. ជាស្ត្រីចេះសរសេរភ្លេង មាន តិចណាស់ គេមិនស្គាល់ គេក៍ មិនដែលឲ្យតម្លៃ។ ខ្ញុំនិពន្ធ នឹង ច្រៀងតែបទភ្លេងស្នេហាជាតិ ចម្រៀងសិក្សាអប់រំ នឹងចម្រៀងសរសើរដំកើងព្រះ....ខ្ញុំមិនដែលចេញមុខលើឆាកច្រៀងឲ្យគេរាំ រែកទេ ខ្មាស់ណាស់បងប្អូន។
The 'Pka Trobaek Prey' song was sung by two vocalists during the song contested. The song was aired on television during 1971. I had an excellent memory back then, and I watched the vocalist sing the song whom won number ‘ONE’ award as follows: A male vocalist contestant awarded number '1' was Mr. Apdol Sary. He sang the “Polto Aphorp” song. The female vocalist contestant awarded number ‘1’ was Ms. Toun Van Temass. She sang the “Song Chiam Jos Bong” song. A male vocalist awarded number ‘2’ whom was Mr. Chain Chenda Peckdey. He sang the “Dong Steung Aranh” song. The female vocalist awarded number ‘2’ was Ms. Keo Keshia. She sang the “Yuvchaungk Khmer Jomnone Thmey” song. A female awarded number ‘3’ was Ms. (I don’t remember her name). She sang the “Prey La’ Bak Kouv Kjey” song. Also, there were two female vocalists in the contest that sang the same “Pka Trobaek Prey” song. One was younger, and one was older. Preah Vihear Khmer
I'd like to dedicate this song to all of my brothers in arms in FANK 1970 - 1975
I don't care what people say about us, we fought against Vietcong and the Khmer Rouge to protect and to defend Cambodia. Long live Khmer Republic soldiers!
Thumb Up my man..
Thanks bro
you're welcome,brother..
ប៉ាខ្ញុំកូនចៅ ឌាញ់ ក្រូច
HockeyDad81 ี
I used to listened to this song with my friends inside of our emplacement when we were Khmer Republic soldiers fighting against the Khmer rouge. It brought so many memories, good and bad every time I hear this song. :'(
ផ្កាត្របែកព្រៃ(ពណ៌ស្វាយ)បង្កើតបាននូវភាពបត់បែនក្នុងយុគសម័យគ្រប់កាល ។🎉❤
I love this song and all this time I thought it was about her broken heart by a man...and never really understood it when I was a kid. Thank you for posting up this song because as I am working from home I had the opportunity to listen to the lyrics and translate the metaphor to the song and what she is portraying...it is so powerful and moving. I am experiencing goosebumps as I listen to the song w/ tears flowing down my cheeks.
This is a REAL Khmer music,Not COPYING from anyone AT ALL.Thank you for up load the REAL one.
thanks for this gem from 1970/71 - it reminds us of the burst of khmer pride among khmer youth in those days who believed in the promises of the new republican regime
The song was very popular during the 1970's during the Khmer republic era. I miss all my darest families who had died and served as soldier fought against Vietcong.
Same here but we are still alive..... at times wish to be with family during the saddest and tragic period.... from afar, with you well and your today, tomorrow, day after and after full of peace. See you on the other side.
Ming Dy Sakhon....beautiful voice, beautiful song!
The lyric was writing by Neak Bawng Sim Chanya. Tror Bek Prey was the student club of students @ ENS (Ecole Normal Superieur; graduated 1971)..included Sim Chanya; Yim Guechse; Khun Srun...Bawng Dy Sakhan lives @ Houston Texas....
ពិតពិរោះណាស់ អ្នកស្រី ឌី សាខន
Yes! however, she was not passed the song contested. Her voice was not that great to compare to the other singers.
បើមានជាតិក្រោយ សុំអ្នកមីង កើតមកជាខ្មែរ ស្នេហាជាតិ
i love how patriotic this song sounds.. Proud to be khmer! :)
I used to listen to this very often. It is so sweet.
ពិតជាពិរោញណាស់ ស្តាប់នឹកស្រណោះមាតុភូមិ ដែលញាំញី ដោយភ្នក់ភ្លើងសង្គ្រាម...😭
អ្នកស្រី ឌី សាខនជាអ្នកចម្រៀងដ៏មានប្រជាប្រិយហើយក៏ជាសាស្រ្តាចារ្យសិល្បៈនៅេវិទ្យាល័យ១៨មិនាក្នុងអំឡុងទសវត្ស៍ឆ្នាំ១៩៧០។គាត់មានមិត្តភក្តិម្នាក់ទៀតជាអ្នកចម្រៀងសូ ប្រាណូគឺ អ្នកគ្រូ ស ចន្ថា។
Let me make it short. Ms. Dy Sakhon was NOT a singer.
Savey Yun : I loved Di Sokhan, too. She had a beautiful voice
Di Sokhan was commander and she wrote this song ' pkha Trobeakprey'.
Muniroth jaya អរគុណណាស់ដែលនៅនឹកចាំខ្ញុំ ឌី សុខន។ សូមព្រះប្រទានពរ Muniroth Jaya
June 25th., 2018 នេះខ្ញុំបាន មកលេងស្រុកខ្មែរមួយខែហើយខ្ញុំបានសើចចំពោះការបកស្រាយខុសអំពីបទចំរៀង នឹងសម្លេង របស់ខ្ញុំ៕
អរគុណណាស់ Savay Yun ដែលនៅចាំខ្ញុំ ឌី សុខន បទភ្លេង លាផ្កាត្របែកព្រៃ នេះ ខ្ញុំសរសេរ នៅខែកុម្ភៈ ឆ្នាំ1971 មុនយើង ទៅបង្រៀនក្រុមយុវជននៅព្រៃពួច មកវិញ ទើបបង្រៀននៅ 18 មិនា។ ដោយខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តនិពន្ធបទ ភ្លេងនិងច្រៀងតែបទសិក្សាអប់រំ នឹងចម្រៀងស្នេហាជាតិ ក្រសួង ក៍បានចាត់ឲ្យខ្ញុំទៅធ្វើកិច្ចការនៅ ខាងវិទ្យុជាតិផ្នែកសិក្សាអប់រំចាប់តាំងពីក្រោយថ្ងៃ18 មិនា1970។
ខ្ញុំធ្វើការងារវិទ្យុផង បង្រៀននៅ វិទ្យាល័យ18មិនាផង។ នៅព្រៃពួច ជាកិច្ចការយុវជន។
love this song very much. thanks for up loaded
តាមខ្ញុំដឺងអ្នកស្រី ឧីសាខន គឺអ្នកចម្រៀងពីជំនាន់មុនក្នុងសម័យលន់ណុល តាំងពីពូកខ្ញុំនៅក្មេង
@Toly Tin, Last time I saw her was at Khao I Dang camp"1984-87", she must be some where in the states now.
Sokhon Ros I live in k I d to
ស្រឡាញ់ទាំងសម្លេង អត្ថន័យចំរៀង ស្រណោះសង្គ្រាមសម័យលន់ នល់ !ភ័យរន្ធត់! ។
ភាពភ័យខ្លាចសង្គ្រាម សម័យនោះសែនតក៎ស្លុត! ។ ឥឡូវសន្តិភាពសែនត្រេកអរ!។
សំនៀងរបស់អ្នកស្លូតបូត និងសុភាពរាបសារ
ដូចផ្កាត្របែកព្រៃតំណាងនូវទឹកចិត្តបរិសុទ្ធអញ្ចឹង! ។
La belle chanson qui nous berce et nous transporte vers un passé plein de nostalgie!
Le Cambodge vivrera longtemps! et pour toujours!
សុំស្រលាញ់ពណ៌ស្វាយ , ពណ៍ត្របែកព្រៃនឹងណាស់ 😑💜💜💜
មាននយ័យ៉ាងជ្រៅណាស់បទនេះ ក្នុងសមយ័វាយ យៀកកុង
Pet Cha perus nas orkun thom thom.💯👌🌺😘
Love this song so much
Sweet and meaningful
ខ្ញុំបាទសូម ឧទិសដល់វិញ្ញាណខន្ធ ដល់លោកស្រ ឌី សាខង ម្ខាស់បទ ផ្កាត្របែកព្រ
ស្តាប់បទផ្កាត្របែកព្រៃនេះ នឹកឃើញកាលរៀននៅវិទ្យាល័យ១៨មិនា ក្នុងឆ្នាំ១៩៧២... ស្រុកទេសកំពុងវឹកវរនិងសង្គ្រាម... នារីដែលខ្ញុំលួចមើល នាងចេញទៅបរទេសជាមួយក្រុមគ្រួសារ..... ហើយបាត់.....គ្មានដំណឹងជារៀងរហូត....
remembered khmer republican era , still in my memory , love all oldies songs .
She is a friend of mine. She still alive. She live in Long Beach, California. 7 years ago we did a lot of health video together for Saint Mary Medical Center. She still has a wonderful voice. Her name is Sadira Dy Sakhon. I forgot to mention, she still look gorgeous!
Love her voice so much. I have had a few of her songs on cassette tape from the early 80s.
I didn't know that she is one of the original singers from the past.
Wish her a long life ahead. I love and respect all of the oldies , They are the greatest.
I used to sit and listened to this song in the battlefields and wondering if it was the last time to be alive
Regarding the vocalist who sang this song. Let's me emphasize to you, and I make it short. There were two song contested vocalists for the 'Pka Trobaek Prey' song, one was older, and one was younger. The final for the competition, Ms. Toun Vannte Mass was awarded number '1' singer and Mr. Abdoul Sary was awarded number '1' male singer.
ABBA RATH Thank you so very much.
Now, I'm living in Fresno, California. My name is Sadira Sokhan Dy
សាឌីរ៉ា សុខន ឌី
នាមដើម: ឌី សុខន
អរគុណដែលនៅចាំខ្ញុំ ។ សូមព្រះអង្គប្រទានពរ!!!
ផ្កាត្របែកព្រៃ ផ្កាពណ៍ស្វាយ ពណ៍ចិត្តរាយមាយ ដុះក្នុងដីក្រុង ធ្លាប់ជាប់ចិត្តស្រឡាញ់គ្រប់ៗគ្នា។
ផ្កាអើយផ្កាពណ៍ស្វាយ គួរតែគ្រប់ប្រាណនឿយណាយពីចិត្តទាំងនេះ។
ព្រោះតែផ្កាត្របែកព្រៃ ទឹកដីធ្លាប់តែរីករាយ ឥឡូវប្រែក្លាយប្រាសាទទាំងឡាយដិតដាមដោយឈាម
ឱផ្កាត្របែកព្រៃ គុណអ្នកថ្លាថ្លៃ បន្សល់ទុកនូវស្នាដៃ រហូតដល់សព្វថ្ងៃ វិនាសហិនហោចនិងបាត់បង់ទឹកដីទាំងស្រុង នាពេលអនាគត់។
I thought Sim Touch sang this song. I think I'm wrong. Love this song so much.
Yes, the composer is Mrs. Sim Chanya.
អ្នកស្រី ឌី សាខនជាគ្រូរបស់ខ្ញុំនៅទសវត្ស៍១៩៧០ពេលដែលខ្ញុំរៀននៅវិទ្យាល័យ១៨មិនា
Yes! she was just a teacher but she was NOT a singer.
អរគុណ Savey Yun ដែល នៅចាំខ្ញុំ។ មានអនុស្សវរីយ៍ច្រើន នាគ្រាដែលខ្ញុំបង្រៀននៅទីនោះ បាតុកម្ម សម្លាប់លោកថាច់ ជា លោកកែវ សង់គឹម.....
ថ្ងៃទី17 មិនា ឆ្នាំ1973 ខ្ញុំរង របួសនៅមហាវិទ្យាល័យគរុ កោសល្យ....
Beautiful song
Regarding the vocalist who sang this song, let me emphasize it and make it short. There were two contesting vocalists for this Pka Trobaek Prey song, one was older and one was younger. The final for the competition, Ms. Toun Vannte Mass was number #1 female singer and Ab Doul Sary was number #1 male singer.
ថ្វីត្បិតខ្ញុំកើតពុំទាន់សម័យកាលនៃបទចម្រៀងនេះ ដែលរៀបរាប់ពីតថភាពនៃសង្គមរបស់យើងក៏ពិតមែន ប៉ុន្តែរាល់ពេលខ្ញុំស្ដាប់បទនេះម្ដងៗ ខ្ញុំហាក់មានអារម្មណ៍ក្ដុកក្ដួល ចំពោះទុក្ខវេទនារបស់ប្រជាជកម្ពុជានាសម័យនោះ ដែលបង្កឡើងដោយសាសង្គ្រាមស៊ីវិល។
កាលពីថ្ងៃច័ន្ទ ទី3 ខែកញ្ញា ឆ្នាំ2018 កន្លងទៅនេះ លោក ម៉ម ប៊ុតណារាយ ជាតន្ត្រីករ លេង Piano ក្នុងបទចំរៀងនេះ នឹងបទ" ចំរៀងមកមិត្ត " បាន លាចាកលោកនេះហើយ ក្នុង ជន្មាយុ 85 ឆ្នាំ ។ ឥឡូវនេះ នៅ សល់តែអ្នកច្រៀងទេ៕
ចូលរួមសោកស្តាយលោកម៉ម ប៊ុណ្ណារ៉ាយ !!
វីរសិល្បករដ៏ចំណានដែលតែងនិពន្ធបទភ្លេងនិងទំនុកនិងច្រៀង! សូមព្រលឹងលោកទៅកាន់សុគតិភព !
គន់ =សម្លឹងមើល......គយគន់......មិនមែនគុណទេ.....! គន៉អ្នកចុងក្រោយ,,,,,,,,,
ទសវត្សរ៍70 ខ្ញុំឥតដែលស្គាល់មុខរបស់គាត់
ឡើយ ឥឡូវបានឃើញនិងបានស្តាប់ជាថ្មី ។ក្នុងនោះសម័យក្រោយរំដោះ អ្នកស្រីបានច្រៀងក្នុងវិទ្យុជាតិ គឺនៅតែចូលចិត្តនិងចង់ស្តាប់សំនៀងរបស់គាត់ដដែល !។
តើឌីសាខនជាអ្នកចម្រៀង សមយ័លុនណុលឫក៏សមយ័ឥឡូវនេះ? សូមជួយតបផង អរគុណ។
Bopha Angkor, I was graduated from University of Fine Arts.
ជាស្ត្រីចេះសរសេរភ្លេង មាន តិចណាស់ គេមិនស្គាល់ គេក៍ មិនដែលឲ្យតម្លៃ។ ខ្ញុំនិពន្ធ នឹង ច្រៀងតែបទភ្លេងស្នេហាជាតិ ចម្រៀងសិក្សាអប់រំ នឹងចម្រៀងសរសើរដំកើងព្រះ....ខ្ញុំមិនដែលចេញមុខលើឆាកច្រៀងឲ្យគេរាំ រែកទេ ខ្មាស់ណាស់បងប្អូន។
does anyone have the song call morakpheap diep vannara.
The 'Pka Trobaek Prey' song was sung by two vocalists during the song contested. The song was aired on television during 1971. I had an excellent memory back then, and I watched the vocalist sing the song whom won number ‘ONE’ award as follows:
A male vocalist contestant awarded number '1' was Mr. Apdol Sary. He sang the “Polto Aphorp” song. The female vocalist contestant awarded number ‘1’ was Ms. Toun Van Temass. She sang the “Song Chiam Jos Bong” song. A male vocalist awarded number ‘2’ whom was Mr. Chain Chenda Peckdey. He sang the “Dong Steung Aranh” song. The female vocalist awarded number ‘2’ was Ms. Keo Keshia. She sang the “Yuvchaungk Khmer Jomnone Thmey” song. A female awarded number ‘3’ was Ms. (I don’t remember her name). She sang the “Prey La’ Bak Kouv Kjey” song. Also, there were two female vocalists in the contest that sang the same “Pka Trobaek Prey” song. One was younger, and one was older. Preah Vihear Khmer
@tech050254 Dy Sakhan is your teacher? Is she still alive?
បានស្ដាប់បទផ្កាត្រ ែបក ៃព្រនិក េឃីញ េពលមួយកំពុង ែតអង្គយទ េន្ទញ េមរៀន េហីយ េបីកវិទ្យុស្ដាប់បទ េនះតិចៗមានអារម្ពណដឹងថាព េរាះណាស់កាល េនាះឆ្នាំ១៩៧២