Charlie in the band statement - “This is not just a nostalgia trip, or me cashing-in. If I’d wanted that, I would have done McBusted. And that’s so far away from where I am. But the prospect of performing the old songs is still exciting for me - especially as that leads us into the idea of writing and recording new songs together.”
After some screwed 10 years, adding the fear I had that could never see them in person, this is the best news that I could now give in 2015, 2015 to my already has a sense, thank you, thank you for returning happiness to many. Always Busted.
+AlbertoTM Gracias por descubrirme este grupo, llevo escuchándolo desde el 20 songs tag y me ha enamorado, no he parado de escucharlo desde entonces :D
@@welshsam94 we're a new up-and-coming American rock band called False Tension we'll soon be releasing our first single called Marty's Future which is about the movie Back To The Future and hopefully release our first album we've been going through comments on Chapter 13,Jonas Brothers, McFly and Busted videos trying to promote our band,single and album we have 3 videos at the moment and they're about one of our members
@@those1kidds actually if u listen 2 him it's the opposite....he cares but about the music he wanted to play and being able 2 express himself as he wanted not ass perceived manufactured boyband member......if you compare busteds sound 2 what he actually went off and did its vastly different
People saying its for the money are complete idiots. Charlie had multiple times where he could have had a busted reunion. But he focused on the music with other ventures. Then he could have reformed with McBusted for money, but then again he didn't. This man lives and breathes music. This isn't about money. He has plenty.
I know right! I don't get how people think it's about money. It's not like they haven't been earning anything either over the past 10 years. Matt and James have done various things including mcbusted and Charlie as created solo music and been doing fightstar
+Callum Fletcher I disagree, he has spent years distancing himself from the group and now all of a sudden he is interested... Got payday written all over it.
+titbub Who cares whether he is doing it for the money or not. I don't think he is but even if he is it doesn't matter. They were my favourite band when I was younger and still are now tbh.
CastleFlameGal yeah to be fair after reading the reasons I do think he is just comfortable with everything now, so being labelled a 'boyband' won't matter as he's proven his talent stretches beyond that. The new fightstar album is a testament to that.
+Inky Salvador I doubt this is permanent either. Don't get me wrong, I'm overjoyed by the reunion, but it's just to relax, kick back and have some fun. Despite what you might think, people need fun in their lives and this is how these guys have fun. Who fucking cares what motives Charlie has for this. You can't read his mind. So go off and be pissy elsewhere. Thank you
I always felt sorry for James. Though Matt's solo career didn't work, he went into presenting, whereas James struggled to form a band and keep it going. And considering that Busted was his baby, it must have been difficult to even think about getting into contact with Charlie again.
James didn’t do too badly, he ended up writing music for broadway and the west end, including his own Son of Dork musical. Though I agree, of the three his was the quietest post busted career.
James did fine he just carried on writing songs for different artists and plus he will of got half of the mcfly money as him and Tom are the ones that write most of busted and mcfly songs together he might of been quiet and stayed away from the media but he kept on being talented and writing songs
Do you know what I love about this video apart from the fact they are back together which is awesome but I love James' face when Charlie walks in its a sort of 'we are back boys' look and a sign of relieve which is great because it shows James' loved Busted ❤️ can't wait for 20th May got my tickets today I'm so excited and so happy I was heartbroken when they broke up 😭
I love Busted since when I was 14 and I'm 24 now and still listening to the same album over and again! When I was a kid, one of the my dreams was going to busted's concert some day. I thought it would never came true but now I'm so freakin happy to get a chance to make my dream come true !
I can't believe this in happening. 12 years ago my heart broke when I heard Charlie left the band. I've always had a huge crush on Charlie. Now they're back together and I feel quite emotional about it. This band put me through a lot and I can't be more thankful. Reliving childhood memories right now people.
Can I just add, this is such a brilliant announcement. Thank you for sharing your feelings with us from all those years ago, and thank you for coming back together. I can't wait to hear the new material and look forward to seeing you in Nottingham next year - you've made my year! :-)
charlie simpson is the definition of giving yourself freedom to do what you want. there were so many times he could've gotten back with busted, but he didn't and continued on his journey of creating music he wanted and when he was ready he got back with james and matt.
im from Holland and was the biggest Busted fan in the country!!!! I was so madly in love with Matt at the time, he broke my heart when he got married! lol
omg......i´m so so happy that charlie is back ♥♥ Busted have played a big part in my life when i was a teenager. i loved them so much...i was so sad, when i heard, charlie left the band and they split up....and now.....HE´S BACK!!!!!! BUSTED ARE BACK!!!! i cant still believe it, but they´re back!!!!! !i´ve waiting ten years for this moment. its 2015 and i´m 26 now but i´ve never stopped listening to their music ♥
i think they all seem happy now. I was in a band few years ago not on the scale of busted but looking back you miss the old times the fun you had. The friendship ect.. Good luck to them i hope they be around for 20 years
I learned busted after they broke up , I loved Mcbusted project and I went to Hyde park concert And now this , I can't believe that Busted are Back !!! I just want to see them live like I did with Mcbusted, I'm from Greece so... Fingers crossed,
Not even care about anyone's comments, I love their story and so pleased Charlie is back. He was crazy to leave....and I had that hair in 2004 lol they did well and will do again! Roll on June. you there!!!!
For the people saying it is strictly for money...go read the interview that was just posted. They had starting hanging out again and having serious talks about reuniting after Charlie finished his solo album 3 years ago, then McBusted happened. The 3 of them continued talking and hanging out during Mcbusted. Anyway, who cares? If you love BUSTED like I love BUSTED, this is one of the best, and most unexpected, moments of my life.
MY HEART! I went to my first busted concert when I was 10 years old and living in London... Now I live in Texas but I'm going back for their tour! I've always loved this band ❤️
Oh my... 😢😢 ten years ago i was 13 years old.. And u guys broke my heart becaus i never had the Chance to hear u live (i live in germany) and now u are back ❤❤❤ I never stopped listening to your music. James' voice still touch me deep Inside. Welcome back and thank you so much!! Maybe this time i made my childhood dream come true. ✌😊 Greetings from germany :)
that song in the background made this kind of emotional when charlie walked through that door, it felt like you have just seen your son/daughter after 12/13 years of not seeing them, (weird example), but yeah
I only discovered busted like 2 or 3 years ago but I've still missed them! Even though I wasn't there since the beginning I still get a sense of nostalgia seeing this and it makes me so happy!
It's always been about Charlie :) Whether he likes it or not, he was the heart of Busted. The voice, the look, the over-all presence. Not sure I believe his reasons for coming back but whatevs, it's his life, he can do what he wants and doesn't have to justify it to anyone if he doesn't want to.
Wow this is worth a comment. I have never ever thought that this was gonna happen. I don't know what to think about it but I am definitely feeling nostalgic.
This just proves that in life anything can happen......even the things that you never expected,the unexpected......btw awesome news!!!!!! Really really happy!!!!
So beautiful ! I found out about busted 8 years ago, sadly after they had split up but now that they are back I can finally be proud that I am living in their time!
Ive followed Busted since i was about 5 years old and i was only 6 when they split up. And 10 years later im just so happy my childhood is back and as i wasnt the only one in my year who was a fan, i cant wait to tell everyone in my school year am finally getting to see them in Glasgow on may 14th, 2 days before my 18th birthday so thats my 18th already planned! Really missed them, best news ever of 2015 and i enjoyed seeing matt and james in McBusted in glasgow on 17/04/2014 and 12/03/2015 and i cant wait to see them again in just 6 months time!!!
So happy the guys are back! I was in school when they split up and now I'm an adult, it took Charlie so long to come back and I'm glad he did. I still got that feeling that Charlie left us and that he should apologise for it but then on the other hand if he didn't want to be in Busted anymore it was better that he left and wasn't forced to stay. Anyway at least the guys are back!!
I can still remember the day you guys broke up. My year 9 english teacher came in all sad one morning, told me and a few of my classmates who were also busted fans that charlie left the band. I have never felt so emotional about an artist or any band quitting. 10ish years on and I have 2 little busted fans of my own who are so exited that "the band that sings year 3000" is back. Fuck all the haters, you guys will always be my heroes.
I've watched this so many times now, and it's still not really sunk in yet! I cry every time I watching and I'm really trying to understand that this is a thing. This is happening! I've missed Busted for so long, and I'm so happy that my babies are back! I never EVER thought that this would happen! My childhood dreams are coming true!! It's so surreal! Thank you, you lovely, talented and amazing men-boys!
well its good to see the band back. busted was the first band ive ever listed to the first song i remember was what i go to school for. i was 4 when that song come out i loved and ive been a busted fan ever since
I'm watching this over and over again and i'm still so emotional :') this is too good to be true. Glad that you guys get back together. As a true fans, i thank you :D
Now that they're back together and have their own channel, can they please please please upload all their old videos in HD! I need to rewatch videos they took down like Year 3000, What I Go to School For, etc.
my mum played busted when i was little and im thirteen now. i am so happy that they're back, they're my favourite and whenever my mum played their music while in her she would feel a kick
Funny how throughout this video there is no mention of McBusted whatsoever, if McBusted wasn't a thing Busted coming back probably wouldn't be as big as a deal as it is now - McBusted made people realise how much they missed Busted and how much they wanted Charlie back - look what they're doing now. People always say "Busted are the reason McFly were ever big in the first place" but now, Busted and their fans have to appreciate if McFly hadn't let James Bourne go on stage at the Manchester show in 2013, McBusted - and Busted - would never have happened.
Not really, most McBusted fans were there because of Busted ie. Matt and James. Trust me as a Busted fan, we missed Busted way before McBusted even came around.
+Tay No, I mean now it's actually time for Busted fans to respect and appreciate McFly, because this Busted reunion probably wouldn't have happened if McBusted didn't happen first, McBusted made them realise how big this could be again. Also, I'd say there's at least a 50/50 split between McBusted fans who are there to see Busted again, and McFly fans liking McBusted because they like McFly so much that they go to McBusted shows just to see the four of them. I am the latter. I have actually grown to like Matt and James through McBusted though, I'm certainly not a hater. I made my point because I find most people who love Busted always seem to say McFly only came around because of Busted, however now I feel like Busted have used McFly for fame in McBusted a bit, and Busted's reunion wouldn't have happened without McFly helping them out along the way, hence why I'm disappointed this video didn't once acknowledge McBusted.
+Erin Croasdale I'd say I'm a mix. I've always been a massive busted fan, but I've also always loved mcfly. I'm genuinely stoked mcfly bought james on stage because he is my favourite person in the world, and I got to see him on stage. I'm in love with both bands forever. Mcbusted is my life though and the past two years have been the best of my life because of them. I've never seen mcfly on tour (though I've seen them live at free shows in Birmingham), but tbf it was Mcbusted that got me into seeing bands live in the first place so I'm extremely grateful to both and will go on any/all tours either bands do. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't have gone to see blink182 last year before they split. I credit all the guys from both bands for everything good in my life.
So stoked to hear you guys are getting back together - thought I was going to wear my first 2 Busted CD's out! Can't wait to see what you guys come up with in the months ahead :) Best of luck to you all - you'll be awesome!
True love lasts forever, and now they're back together
Might as well forget Fightstar and walk away
+patrenny Fightstar won't stop, the band and charlie has reiterated that multiple times
+OfficialGroundControl That was so cheesy and it made me smile so much. Thank you.
+OfficialGroundControl omg yeeeeeeeeeesssss!!!
I guess not anymore
I always said a Busted reunion isn't a reunion till Charlie re joined .... NOW HERE WE ARE.
OMG didn't know you liked busted
+marija iThey were my favourite band when I was growing up! :)
+dizzybrunette3 couldnt agree bring back memorys
+dizzybrunette3 charlie realised that mcbusted are really he regrets leaving busted x
+dizzybrunette3 I agree
Charlie in the band statement -
“This is not just a nostalgia trip, or me cashing-in. If I’d wanted that, I would have done McBusted. And that’s so far away from where I am. But the prospect of performing the old songs is still exciting for me - especially as that leads us into the idea of writing and recording new songs together.”
Words cannot describe the way I'm feeling
Charlie's eyebrows are still majestic.
After some screwed 10 years, adding the fear I had that could never see them in person, this is the best news that I could now give in 2015, 2015 to my already has a sense, thank you, thank you for returning happiness to many. Always Busted.
+AlbertoTM I feel exactly the same, the closest I got to seeing them back them was their Ticket For Everyone DVD!
+AlbertoTM i saw them for my birthday back in 2003 :)
+AlbertoTM +1!
+AlbertoTM Gracias por descubrirme este grupo, llevo escuchándolo desde el 20 songs tag y me ha enamorado, no he parado de escucharlo desde entonces :D
@@welshsam94 we're a new up-and-coming American rock band called False Tension we'll soon be releasing our first single called Marty's Future which is about the movie Back To The Future and hopefully release our first album we've been going through comments on Chapter 13,Jonas Brothers, McFly and Busted videos trying to promote our band,single and album we have 3 videos at the moment and they're about one of our members
you can tell how much James missed Busted
and whats screwed up to me is it doesn't seem like Charlie really gave a crap... He's just like oh, we're back together now. Cool... whatever....
@@those1kidds actually if u listen 2 him it's the opposite....he cares but about the music he wanted to play and being able 2 express himself as he wanted not ass perceived manufactured boyband member......if you compare busteds sound 2 what he actually went off and did its vastly different
James' smile after charlie and Matt hug really makes your day
Never let them forget the outfits they wore in the Crashed The Wedding music video...
Now this really is a present for everyone
Your beautiful music saved me from drowning in depression for years. It was medicine for my soul ❤️
Matt imitating James playing the guitar while singing and crying is everything. I haven't laughed so hard in a while!
People saying its for the money are complete idiots. Charlie had multiple times where he could have had a busted reunion. But he focused on the music with other ventures. Then he could have reformed with McBusted for money, but then again he didn't.
This man lives and breathes music. This isn't about money. He has plenty.
I know right! I don't get how people think it's about money. It's not like they haven't been earning anything either over the past 10 years. Matt and James have done various things including mcbusted and Charlie as created solo music and been doing fightstar
+Callum Fletcher I disagree, he has spent years distancing himself from the group and now all of a sudden he is interested... Got payday written all over it.
+titbub Who cares whether he is doing it for the money or not. I don't think he is but even if he is it doesn't matter. They were my favourite band when I was younger and still are now tbh.
CastleFlameGal yeah to be fair after reading the reasons I do think he is just comfortable with everything now, so being labelled a 'boyband' won't matter as he's proven his talent stretches beyond that. The new fightstar album is a testament to that.
+Inky Salvador I doubt this is permanent either. Don't get me wrong, I'm overjoyed by the reunion, but it's just to relax, kick back and have some fun. Despite what you might think, people need fun in their lives and this is how these guys have fun. Who fucking cares what motives Charlie has for this. You can't read his mind. So go off and be pissy elsewhere. Thank you
I'm a guy and I nearly cried XD the nostalgia man. BUSTED ARE BACK!!!!!
I always felt sorry for James. Though Matt's solo career didn't work, he went into presenting, whereas James struggled to form a band and keep it going. And considering that Busted was his baby, it must have been difficult to even think about getting into contact with Charlie again.
Son of a dork I thought was pretty cool
James didn’t do too badly, he ended up writing music for broadway and the west end, including his own Son of Dork musical. Though I agree, of the three his was the quietest post busted career.
James did fine he just carried on writing songs for different artists and plus he will of got half of the mcfly money as him and Tom are the ones that write most of busted and mcfly songs together he might of been quiet and stayed away from the media but he kept on being talented and writing songs
+DEAN I remember you guys covering Year 3000 in a carpark in like 2008 :) x
heyyy dean😄
The fact I thought I'd lost my chance to see busted live and I get to next week is fucking amazing😍
Finally saw them last night, after 12 years........Dream come true.
Do you know what I love about this video apart from the fact they are back together which is awesome but I love James' face when Charlie walks in its a sort of 'we are back boys' look and a sign of relieve which is great because it shows James' loved Busted ❤️ can't wait for 20th May got my tickets today I'm so excited and so happy I was heartbroken when they broke up 😭
This is defiantly my favorite song of Busted!!! I still can't believe it's been 12 year!!!
my childhood just reformed in front of my eyes.
I love Busted since when I was 14 and I'm 24 now and still listening to the same album over and again! When I was a kid, one of the my dreams was going to busted's concert some day. I thought it would never came true but now I'm so freakin happy to get a chance to make my dream come true !
My heart skipped a beat when Year 3000 started playing at the end.
There is a heart broken 12 year old girl still inside me whose broken heart is being glued back together!!! Can not wait!
My whole childhood was busted man. Like I literally eat,slept and breathed them when I was younger. I'm so glad that I got tickets to Wembley.
I can't believe this in happening. 12 years ago my heart broke when I heard Charlie left the band. I've always had a huge crush on Charlie. Now they're back together and I feel quite emotional about it. This band put me through a lot and I can't be more thankful. Reliving childhood memories right now people.
I love James' voice so much :)
Can I just add, this is such a brilliant announcement. Thank you for sharing your feelings with us from all those years ago, and thank you for coming back together. I can't wait to hear the new material and look forward to seeing you in Nottingham next year - you've made my year! :-)
Busted were one of my childhood bands. I'm literally so happy that they are back together❤️❤️
charlie simpson is the definition of giving yourself freedom to do what you want. there were so many times he could've gotten back with busted, but he didn't and continued on his journey of creating music he wanted and when he was ready he got back with james and matt.
im from Holland and was the biggest Busted fan in the country!!!! I was so madly in love with Matt at the time, he broke my heart when he got married! lol
omg......i´m so so happy that charlie is back ♥♥ Busted have played a big part in my life when i was a teenager. i loved them so much...i was so sad, when i heard, charlie left the band and they split up....and now.....HE´S BACK!!!!!! BUSTED ARE BACK!!!! i cant still believe it, but they´re back!!!!! !i´ve waiting ten years for this moment. its 2015 and i´m 26 now but i´ve never stopped listening to their music ♥
YES! I've waited 10 years for this!!! they broke up right after I started listening to them, I was so freaking mad but this makes me so happy!!!
i think they all seem happy now. I was in a band few years ago not on the scale of busted but looking back you miss the old times the fun you had. The friendship ect.. Good luck to them i hope they be around for 20 years
Words can't accurately describe how happy this makes me.
I come back from time to time just to watch this. 😁
I'm sitting on the bus watching this and just smiling like a loon. I love it so much.
I learned busted after they broke up , I loved Mcbusted project and I went to Hyde park concert And now this , I can't believe that Busted are Back !!! I just want to see them live like I did with Mcbusted, I'm from Greece so... Fingers crossed,
I am LIVING right now!! The next six months will just be me, listening to their old albums on repeat because EXCITEMENT!
These 3 are my childhood haha
Finally after all these years I get to see Busted live! Boys I will see you may 14th!
I cannot believe this is actually happening. I am happy beyond belief.
More tears than the john Lewis advert.
I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck raising when charlie walk through the door
Their album better be a reunion for everyone
Charlie can do whatever he wants, but the eyebrows are always in my heart.
I've watched this about 50 times I just love them so much
Not even care about anyone's comments, I love their story and so pleased Charlie is back. He was crazy to leave....and I had that hair in 2004 lol they did well and will do again! Roll on June. you there!!!!
My favourite childhood band are back together, soooooo excited and happy!!!!
This is like a childhood dream come true. Totally not crying right now...
For the people saying it is strictly for money...go read the interview that was just posted. They had starting hanging out again and having serious talks about reuniting after Charlie finished his solo album 3 years ago, then McBusted happened. The 3 of them continued talking and hanging out during Mcbusted. Anyway, who cares? If you love BUSTED like I love BUSTED, this is one of the best, and most unexpected, moments of my life.
MY HEART! I went to my first busted concert when I was 10 years old and living in London... Now I live in Texas but I'm going back for their tour! I've always loved this band ❤️
I've been waiting for this for many years. I'm crying like crazy.
Oh my... 😢😢 ten years ago i was 13 years old.. And u guys broke my heart becaus i never had the Chance to hear u live (i live in germany) and now u are back ❤❤❤
I never stopped listening to your music. James' voice still touch me deep Inside.
Welcome back and thank you so much!!
Maybe this time i made my childhood dream come true. ✌😊
Greetings from germany :)
This is exactly me
This video has me crying like a baby hearing there thoughts and beyond happy there back 😭😭😍😍
im crying... Busted is part of my teenage years. :(
that song in the background made this kind of emotional when charlie walked through that door, it felt like you have just seen your son/daughter after 12/13 years of not seeing them, (weird example), but yeah
I only discovered busted like 2 or 3 years ago but I've still missed them! Even though I wasn't there since the beginning I still get a sense of nostalgia seeing this and it makes me so happy!
It's always been about Charlie :) Whether he likes it or not, he was the heart of Busted. The voice, the look, the over-all presence. Not sure I believe his reasons for coming back but whatevs, it's his life, he can do what he wants and doesn't have to justify it to anyone if he doesn't want to.
Finally, they are back, I missed them so much! ^^
The fact that my favourite ever Busted song was used for this makes me cry
Wow this is worth a comment. I have never ever thought that this was gonna happen. I don't know what to think about it but I am definitely feeling nostalgic.
I dont care what anyone says about the breakup or whatever ish. I have loved their music when i was younger, and i will *always* do.
I miss you guys , you were my favorite band when I was in high school . I love you guys. 😢
This was one of my favourite busted songs growing up as well omg I'm crying
This just proves that in life anything can happen......even the things that you never expected,the unexpected......btw awesome news!!!!!! Really really happy!!!!
So beautiful ! I found out about busted 8 years ago, sadly after they had split up but now that they are back I can finally be proud that I am living in their time!
Absolutely beautiful. I never ever ever ever thought this day would come, but now it's here and I'm so happy about it!
What a time to be alive when this was released
Ive followed Busted since i was about 5 years old and i was only 6 when they split up. And 10 years later im just so happy my childhood is back and as i wasnt the only one in my year who was a fan, i cant wait to tell everyone in my school year am finally getting to see them in Glasgow on may 14th, 2 days before my 18th birthday so thats my 18th already planned! Really missed them, best news ever of 2015 and i enjoyed seeing matt and james in McBusted in glasgow on 17/04/2014 and 12/03/2015 and i cant wait to see them again in just 6 months time!!!
So happy the guys are back! I was in school when they split up and now I'm an adult, it took Charlie so long to come back and I'm glad he did. I still got that feeling that Charlie left us and that he should apologise for it but then on the other hand if he didn't want to be in Busted anymore it was better that he left and wasn't forced to stay. Anyway at least the guys are back!!
I still can't believe this..So excited that my favorite band is back!I Wish you all the best!
The feelings...I am a huge fan of this band!So awesome that Busted are together again!Greetings from Greece!
10 years later the impossible just became possible!! So fucking happy Busted are back together!!
I don't even live in the UK but I am so excited for this! I honestly can't believe this!
I can still remember the day you guys broke up. My year 9 english teacher came in all sad one morning, told me and a few of my classmates who were also busted fans that charlie left the band. I have never felt so emotional about an artist or any band quitting. 10ish years on and I have 2 little busted fans of my own who are so exited that "the band that sings year 3000" is back. Fuck all the haters, you guys will always be my heroes.
I've watched this so many times now, and it's still not really sunk in yet!
I cry every time I watching and I'm really trying to understand that this is a thing. This is happening!
I've missed Busted for so long, and I'm so happy that my babies are back! I never EVER thought that this would happen! My childhood dreams are coming true!! It's so surreal!
Thank you, you lovely, talented and amazing men-boys!
well its good to see the band back. busted was the first band ive ever listed to the first song i remember was what i go to school for. i was 4 when that song come out i loved and ive been a busted fan ever since
Cannot wait to see these guys tonight. I'm so glad that there back it was definitely worth the wait. Every time I watch this video makes me smile
I'm watching this over and over again and i'm still so emotional :') this is too good to be true. Glad that you guys get back together. As a true fans, i thank you :D
I'm sooooo happy! My favorite childhood and teenage band back together again!
Now that they're back together and have their own channel, can they please please please upload all their old videos in HD! I need to rewatch videos they took down like Year 3000, What I Go to School For, etc.
my mum played busted when i was little and im thirteen now. i am so happy that they're back, they're my favourite and whenever my mum played their music while in her she would feel a kick
I can't even begin to describe HOW EXCITED I am for this EPIC NEWS WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!!
Even though it has been a couple years I still find myself crying because I am so happy about this. I have never missed a concert yet.
i swear i could cry to see you giys back together
15 years ago when I first heard them ... I fell in love and to listen to them again makes me feel really happy every moment I listen to them
I've been watching this like countless of times but it still gives me shivers every time I watch it
I feel like a teenager again!!! Please tour in America!
@ 03:28min perfect timing.... kudos to the video editor
Still makes me emotional to know that busted came back ❤️❤️❤️❤️ you all mean so much to me
oh my God! You guys need a world tour and you better be coming to my country!! 😘😘😘😘
Funny how throughout this video there is no mention of McBusted whatsoever, if McBusted wasn't a thing Busted coming back probably wouldn't be as big as a deal as it is now - McBusted made people realise how much they missed Busted and how much they wanted Charlie back - look what they're doing now. People always say "Busted are the reason McFly were ever big in the first place" but now, Busted and their fans have to appreciate if McFly hadn't let James Bourne go on stage at the Manchester show in 2013, McBusted - and Busted - would never have happened.
You understand life
Not really, most McBusted fans were there because of Busted ie. Matt and James. Trust me as a Busted fan, we missed Busted way before McBusted even came around.
+Tay No, I mean now it's actually time for Busted fans to respect and appreciate McFly, because this Busted reunion probably wouldn't have happened if McBusted didn't happen first, McBusted made them realise how big this could be again.
Also, I'd say there's at least a 50/50 split between McBusted fans who are there to see Busted again, and McFly fans liking McBusted because they like McFly so much that they go to McBusted shows just to see the four of them. I am the latter. I have actually grown to like Matt and James through McBusted though, I'm certainly not a hater. I made my point because I find most people who love Busted always seem to say McFly only came around because of Busted, however now I feel like Busted have used McFly for fame in McBusted a bit, and Busted's reunion wouldn't have happened without McFly helping them out along the way, hence why I'm disappointed this video didn't once acknowledge McBusted.
+Erin Croasdale I'd say I'm a mix. I've always been a massive busted fan, but I've also always loved mcfly. I'm genuinely stoked mcfly bought james on stage because he is my favourite person in the world, and I got to see him on stage. I'm in love with both bands forever. Mcbusted is my life though and the past two years have been the best of my life because of them. I've never seen mcfly on tour (though I've seen them live at free shows in Birmingham), but tbf it was Mcbusted that got me into seeing bands live in the first place so I'm extremely grateful to both and will go on any/all tours either bands do. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't have gone to see blink182 last year before they split. I credit all the guys from both bands for everything good in my life.
+Erin Croasdale it is a bit annoying they didn't mention mcfly or Mcbusted, I agree.
So stoked to hear you guys are getting back together - thought I was going to wear my first 2 Busted CD's out! Can't wait to see what you guys come up with in the months ahead :) Best of luck to you all - you'll be awesome!
Busted being back together makes me so happy :)