3146 Dan Seifert(Adoption, Religion ) At the age of four he fell from a wheelbarrow; twenty two years later Dan Seifert nearly fell over the woman he would marry.
And be not drunk with wine wherein is Grandma excess but be filled with the sprit Ephesians 5: 18 from the holy Bible king James version kjv published in 1611
Gn ty for Unshackled videos for me and my children💯
Truly blessed by these stories
Dan Seifert was a good man trying to make a living 4 his Family
Love To HeaR The Victory's
And be not drunk with wine wherein is Grandma excess but be filled with the sprit Ephesians 5: 18 from the holy Bible king James version kjv published in 1611
Please talk to your kids about underage Drinking
Underage Drinking is not allowed it's against the law it's illegal
The local police department do a DUI checkpoint every day
If you have too much to drink grab a booth and sober up at Denny's please get home Alive and sober
Please give your keys to somebody else who has not been drinking a designated driver who is sober
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever Hebrews 13: 8 from the holy Bible king James version kjv published in 1611
Please don't do drugs anymore it's not good for you
Drugs are not good for you
Please don't do drugs anymore it's not good for you
Please don't do drugs anymore it's not good for you
Please don't do drugs anymore it's not good for you