If the rate of return is good enough then this house is a nice investment because you can live upstairs and rent out the basement or you can rent out to 2 families. The one thing I'd look into install a second electricity meter to separate the power bills of upstairs and the basement.
True , you need to acquire multiple residences’ property insurances....... Anyway, it’s not recommended to use it as a rooming house because it’s against the law
The mildew around the bathtub is disgusting and should have been cleansed before putting it up for sales/lease, and not paying extra cost to the team after the purchase.
put paper towel dipped with bleach around the dark mold for a day.. its not hard but need time to clean the details, i did that all the time for my tenants
It cost 220 dollars per square foot to build an entry luxury detached but it changes from time to time. Material cost increase by 15% this year as well.
If the rate of return is good enough then this house is a nice investment because you can live upstairs and rent out the basement or you can rent out to 2 families. The one thing I'd look into install a second electricity meter to separate the power bills of upstairs and the basement.
租比人都要執好啲㗎 ! 咁嘅心態嘅業主唔會有好租客 ! 將心比己嘅道理唔係唔知掛? 做代理一樣! 態度決定高度 ! 呢一款代理,不敢恭維 !
你好 Stephen ; 多倫多作為北美第二大金融中心,自然會有有錢人和經濟能力冇咁好嘅人居住。 試問如果房東花100,000去裝修,然之後每個月收多租客$1000;咁係咪代表個業主就有良心啦。 作為一個好嘅屋主;係確保間屋係安全嘅情況下入住,然之後要確保有緊急情況出現的時候,要馬上處理。例如當暖氣壞咗嘅時候,要立刻找有相關嘅工作人員去處理,定時定候幫房屋做檢查,例如間屋有冇喉管乾唔乾淨、自來水乾唔乾淨等等
@@TheRingoTsangTeam Ringo, 其實我講嘅嘢都好general ! 而你用嘅例子太極端, 正如你在片中一樣。如只以金錢嚟衡量而將之量化,正如你用十萬蚊裝修,以一千元出租,常人都會明白這是沒可能亦没必要! 其實我字面都寫得好白,相信唔難理解! 作為代理就必定係服務啦! 服務唔單止對業主,亦都會對租客,如果呢條片只供業主觀看的話,冇問題。但呢條片係公開全世界嘅,那我嘅感覺你就當係潛在租客的感覺吧! 一分錢一分貨大家都明白但表達可以有好多種方法,例如好似個廁所咁感覺上好舊好污糟,但你嘅演繹方式就話可以好平執番用得就ok都係租畀人啫,洗咩咁好,同意,但唔使講出嚟,咁你咁樣演繹作為觀眾嘅我只係講出感覺,這就是我對片中作為地產代理的你嘅感覺! ”杯汽水俾多啲冰支飲管有咁粗得咁粗飲完好快啲走“∼呢啲嘢我只會對自己夥記講而唔會對啲客人講,唔難理解卦?! 請緊記,呢個係社交媒體,咩人都會睇! 業主租客都係客,作為聰明得體嘅代理,點去演繹自己應該十分容易明白!
very practical floor plan. but may not be covered by home insurance if not single dwelling
True , you need to acquire multiple residences’ property insurances.......
Anyway, it’s not recommended to use it as a rooming house because it’s against the law
原來Bungalow 係咁;佢講D野好有資訊性
The mildew around the bathtub is disgusting and should have been cleansed before putting it up for sales/lease, and not paying extra cost to the team after the purchase.
put paper towel dipped with bleach around the dark mold for a day.. its not hard but need time to clean the details, i did that all the time for my tenants
@@6mommom I know how to do it and I have done this to my bathrooms too. Read between the lines of what I wrote. Thank you.
我住在湖邊,間屋欄得快,揾過建築公司拆屋,想起間三千呎屋.鄰居反對,因為擋住他們的湖景,市府亦不准我改變土地只准起單層平房的規定,我向議員求救,我話間屋大舊,又霉又爛,住得好慘,想死..議員只能幫我爭取得按原貌重建. XYZ佢老X,咁我為乜重建!
How much does it cost to re build the house? Where is it exactly located? thanks
It cost 220 dollars per square foot to build an entry luxury detached but it changes from time to time. Material cost increase by 15% this year as well.
It’s located on Bayview and Majormack.
你可以去MPAC 睇到;通常樓價升一成自然會令到地升三成
Not a big fan of this realtor. Seems a bit off and arrogant in the way he comes across.