I started freelancing right out of college, and quickly realized how difficult it was. So major props to doing what you love! I have a 9-5 now and some part of me misses freelance, so maybe I'll make the transition back to freelance again one day. Wonderful video, very inspiring
"My art journey" is ALWAYS an interesting subject, and yours is no exception. I briefly worked for another company doing art, and also learned that it just... wasn't for me. It was such a bad experience that it totally turned me off from art for YEARS.... But now I'm back! Making videos, art, and learning more and more that there is life outside of working for others. I'm completely jealous of the self-employment role models you had around you because I just turned thirty and only now have realized that not working for others is an option. I'm glad you worked past your fear, because there's so much of it to be had in this life.... but I've found that if something terrifies you, you should run head first towards it because it's usually the best possible path.
So true, and to help put even your situation in perspective, I will tell you mine. I hope you don't mind, perhaps it is just for me that I am writing this out. But I really feel for you and know how hard that must have been to be so discouraged to turn away from art completely for many years. I did this too.... basically my whole life until really a few months ago. But, yes Sara is young but still a good person to learn from - for not only following ones' heart to do art but to reach success and to be independent as well! So, not only was I not encouraged to consider self- employment, I wasn't even encouraged to pursue art in any way. So guess what ... at the age of 60, yes 60 (wow that is so ancient!) I'm going for art/ illustration full on. - I am like a teenager in my abilities, but it is all I love to do, so, I am just drawing and painting daily and trying to learn, and never even had a job in a creative of in anyway pleasant situation at all (I worked as a nurse - ICU, er, etc. etc... some challenge and knowledge of helping initially, but really hard and draining after a short time, especially with my innate aesthetics) So , i do not mean to disregard your discomfort at where you are now and where you want to be, but I want you to not be too frustrated with your age. You can be where you want to go, and while it may not come instantly, it will come. Today, we are really all so lucky to have the internet, (as long as it stays open!) because we can learn the truth here - that it is not silly and impossible to get a job doing art, nor is it silly and impossible to work as your own boss. I only learned this because of all the young artist (mostly) on youtube and instagram). I have seen several artist go from awkward beginning artist to 1st class artist with good income. So you can imagine at my age people think I'm not all there to be focusing on art so much (except not my Instagram art friends - who likely all think I am 20 something) and having faith that I will one day at least make some money at it. If not for was several artists on youtube who not only talked about success really being a matter of drawing and focusing on learning your art daily - rather than it being a magical talent from birth, that allowed me to believe it was possible. Really, I had no choice any longer, because it is just all I want to do and seem able to do, although I still work to bring in the funds. But it is true, the more I work at the art, the better I get and it may take time yet, but at least I am doing what i love and there is some hope that maybe within a few years It will supplement my income. If not for the other artist I have come across on youtube and Instagram I would still be wondering why I was cursed with a love of drawing and painting and have no talent. But now,I know, that all you need is the desire and drive to draw and paint daily and to work and improve, and this it all that is needed, At any age! (sorry for running on, but hope you or someone gets a little from it)
Go girl!! I'm an actor, not an illustrator, but it was so interesting to hear how freelancing in visual art is so similar to performance art. Once you can do it full time, it's so worth the struggle! Keep it up!!
I randomly play this from my youtube feed and it was what I need to hear right now at this point in my life, I work as a uiux designer and I totally left behind my passion for illustration. When I was in uni I really love illustration, I've always have insecurities about myself and my art so I didn't go for it as a career... so I started working full time as uiux and I completely forgot about illustration... and I think that's the reason why I'm feeling so sad and a little miserable in my life. So hearing you, gave me hope and I want to make the same decision as you, quit my job and looking foward to make a life with illustration. Thanks for all the inspiring words in your video, keep it up! you're awesome
Wow thank you for your message - I can 100% relate! I think I forgot to talk about this in this video but I was also feeling sad because I neglected illustration for so long. And I - just like you - wasn't confident with my art so I went for another career instead in the beginning of my "work life". But don't feel ashamed for your art, it is definitely a career and it is possible to make a sustainable income with it. It can be hard in the beginning when you start out fresh but you can totally start it on the side of your UX/UI job, and once it gets more stable you can go full in :) Keep it up girl! :) 💛
Katherine Ponce I’m on the exact same boat as you; miserable in uiux. The ui part is fine,my art is good enough for it,but I am not good enough in concept art so I’m stuck doing ui. UX bores/annoys me to death. I’m on the verge of quitting my job bc I hate this career path ...nice salary but miserable 9 hrs a day. I too stumbled on this channel and really want to be my own boss at running my own little shop selling stickers and illustrations. But it’s so scary....bc the little shops market is so saturated...I’m so scared of not having anything unique enough to offer
Yep, I'm in product design too. I'd love to try and get them to aggree to work location independent. I don't need to be stuck in an office to make art for products. and sadly, my hours are 8-5 not 9-5
Oh I feel you! Thats exactly what I thought! And actually my creativity is better when I am outside of an office environment! That was a really big reason for me to make the jump!
You have the absolute best narration voice and video style!! I love this soooo much! Listened/watched whilst working on a commission piece of my own :3 I am 27 and have just finished a contract with the university I did grad school at and am building up my own portfolio/online presence in hopes of making art a more significant part of my own income. I've been doing a few commissions a year for the past 4 years consistently, though I'd done a few in my mid-teens as well. Pet portraits have been my focus! I absolutely love your work and your style! Congrats on your successes so far! You deserve them :)
your voice is so calm and nice.. and i love your story :) I find myself in the same situation, only that i lost this drawing fever due to oppose of my parents about the idea of quitting a nicely paid stable job. its good to have someone supporting for your dream .. i wish i had that.. anyways, love your video and your drawings!
Wow! Saw your vid yesterday abt sticker making and had me immediately subscribed to your channel. 😀 You are such an inspiration. I just lost my job as a product designer too few weeks ago due to company cutting cost. But since i want freedom and do what i love, ill continue to draw and do freelance work too. 😀 more power to you and us all. 😊
I'm currently taking a CS degree with specialization in Software Engineering cuz my parents forced me to. Someday I will work as a Software Engineer for a while then quit my job to focus on doing art. While still studying and while working, I will work my way to refining my art style. I'm planning on taking an Architecture course or something related to product and/or industrial design. To make doing art a guaranteed living. Thank you for this video. You made me want to pursue my passion more.
yes would love to know more about how you find your niche and how you market it! Thanks again for sharing this, you're honestly amazing and the fact you are willing to share your experience really make a difference! xxxxx
Your art is so cute...I know why people are attracted to it...and there is a quality of shyness in the characters you create. They are a reflection of you.
i love you sister! :)❤️ it’s cute that you‘ve mentioned me when you talked about who is independent and who has its own company ❤️ i love you and i miss you! :)❤️ - you’re so inspirational and to be honest - i absolutely admire you (& i don’t say it just because you’re my sister) keep doing what you love:) & this video is amazing😍 you could be a professional video editor as well because the way you edit your videos is just wow!😍❤️ send you much love from home❤️❤️❤️
Hey Sara I want to be doing exactly what you’re doing so just wanted to say you are a huge inspiration and one of my freelance illustration heroes (or heroines 😊) people like you give me hope that I can make art as a living too because I totally relate to feeling constricted by the standard 9-5 office job which is what I have currently. Not to say I’m not greatful for this job as I know it’ll get me where I want to be eventually but I hear you when you say the freelance life is more liberating! I hope you can keep doing this for the rest of your life and wish you all the best in the world! :)
You have become so successful and you should begin to feel confident. Enjoy hearing the truth about how hard you worked to get where you are. I have always been an entrepreneur and have always been self employed but the most difficulty I have is marketing and social media! Thank you so much for this video. I look forward to more.
I am so glad i found your channel . and i love your story. I am slowly building my audience once step at a time while working a full time job and i hope i will have the courage to take the freelancing way one day. Your illustration style is amazing and everything you said in this video is very helpful. Thank you and best of luck
I understand what you feel. My goals too is to be independent and work on my own after 2 years. Thank you for inspiring me to follow what I really want for my self! :)
Alot people supported in your decision, nice to hear. I want to become a fulltime artist but don't know what do first. I want to quit my job and I have money saved up..
I just found your channel through my suggested video list and what a great channel I found, I love your style of illustration and your story is so inspiring. I can't wait to see more of your videos!
New subscriber, Sara and excited to find your channel. I'm fairly new to TH-cam, as I've been at it for about a year, but I've been a freelance illustrator for about 30 years, combined with graphic design as well. I understand the exhausted feeling, as even now, I STILL do work into the evening, and with 4 teens, life is always a challenge! lol! Glad to find your channel and looking forward to seeing more of your work. Cheers! :)
Wow thank you so much!! Its amazing you have 30 years of experience in the industry, still the work only gets more and more:) But thats a good sign though ☺️ I am happy you like my videos!! Thank you for your nice message and have a great day :)
this video is amazing, it really covered questions i had and made me just want to be an illustrator even more! 🎨 thank you so much for posting this!! 💞🌈
This is so inspiring! Its my dream to be a freelance illustrator, its nice to know that it IS achievable! Instagram is so helpful, the art community is amazing!
Your education and experience in business would be so helpful for artists. Would you please do some videos on the business aspect of art? Like starting an LLC, managing taxes and finances what to charge, how to manage time, licensing music for TH-cam videos etc
I'm trying to go back to be freelancer again after I stablish myself and my family in FL. I have a full time job but is hard to do what you like and work at the same time. But your video gives me hope to get going and step in little by little into self employment.
I didn't talk about it, because its different for every country - but for Germany you don't have to pay taxes until you meet a threshold of a certain amount of income, after that you have to pay taxes. I work with a tax consultant, thats super important for me because I don't want to make any mistake :)
The tax free income in Germany is 9000€ per year. How do you support yourself with less than 9000€? What were your starting costs like and did you cover them on your own? You use a lot of expensive equipment to do your work. Can you do a video on what your actual expenses and income are? I think it would benefit all the aspiring young freelancers who want to know what it really takes to set up shop. Great videos by the way! Keep up the good work :)
Thanks for this! I'm like on the shore and trying to get in the same boat as you. I love creating so much. This is really encouraging me to keep going.
I am currently an art teacher and while there are some good days, I just don’t feel fulfilled. I can’t practice my own art and I just keep dreaming about being my own artist and making my own schedule. Maybe one day I’ll be brave enough to take that leap, but who knows!
I always admire illustrators who manage to do it for a living... but at the same time I'm so discouraged by all the talent out there - it's overwhelming. But great video!
@@backnforth8401 I've worked in games for 13 years. I have literally never seen it happen or heard it happen. Rather, I CONSTANTLY see and hear about women getting demoted or fired for turning down advances from men. I don't pretend- I observe. What I observe here is that your inability to fix your little pointless life manifests as misogyny, almost 100% guaranteed to be because they ignore you.
I didnt want to get into the art industry mainly because I always didn’t like the idea of making art to please others (which is how u earn money as an artist) and although I know criticism is good to improve, I didn’t rlly like taking criticism when it comes to doing my art. I don’t know how to best explain it without sounding obnoxious or proud (?) but art is my escape of being entirely myself and my hands create whatever my mind and heart wants to. “If you did it like that, it would look nicer. If you used that colour, it would be more appealing. If you used this technique, your artwork will look better.” I realised early that seeking other people’s approval for my art work actually made me more easily disappointed with myself and I would lose my sense of art style in the means of trying to be the very best. Hence, I didn’t think of considering art as a career. Thoughts anyone?
Thank you for this video, it’s super inspiring. I’m starting to take my art more seriously now, thanks to artists like yourself who show their art. 😍💖💜. Good luck, you’ll do great 👍🏾
I would like to do this but art supplies are expensive, even the ones with a low quality. I think I can’t sell something made without having the best matterials or an iPad Pro or Wacom :(
Not true. Try to not be all or nothing. It makes us procrastinate and its not necessarily true that the lower quality is that much less of grade, most eyes can't see the difference unless you show them visually on purpose.
Don't worry about that too much. I thought the same. But if you get one of the cheap Wacom Bamboos for example, that's already enough and you can do a lot with that. iPad Pro is the ultimate thing for later, i would not worry about that until you saved up the money for it. For traditional art it's similiar, pretty much anything can work, unless you want to use stuff like copic markers which can be expensive. The only thing that ruined some of my drawings was when i used the wrong paper, so maybe make sure you use somehwat decent paper (or whatever you draw on).
I just found your youtube channel through this video and first WOW I love your art. The whole style and fibe is so nice and lovely. Very inspirational! Second I wanted to react on this video. I just started this whole creative journey since January and begin getting more serious with making stuff and learning new things this summer after I graduated university. I am 21 atm and working as a product developer in an office and girl I CAN RELATE. Sure the work is ok, I don't mind the job (and the steady salary) but I hate that I am not passionate about it. In the end I don't feel like I am doing this for me and I really want to build something myself. So I am working on that. This summer I also started in instagram and now have a youtube that is slowly growing while I am figuring out what I like to do and make. And I am doing it on the side next to this fulltime office job. I feel like I am just where you were a couple years ago and it is so inpirational to see you do this. I really hope one day I am ready to take this step as well. I keep telling myself if I just keep practising, I will keep growing and then one day I will be ready. Doesn't matter how long it will take. I am only 21 plenty of time left. So what was I trying to say? Just that I felt very inspirated by you. THANKS
OMG THANK YOU!!! Wow its crazy how similar our path is! 🤯 It's awesome that you listened to your inner self and act on it! That's how you grow! Keep rocking! 💛
yes yes, completely take advantage of social media #1 it is free #2 treat your socials as your online portfolio. Assume that a potential client will be looking at your work.
This video is just what I needed 💕 I also studied business but I just dont feel thats exactly what I want to do and also my parents are Selfemployed so I've always had the idea of being an independent illustrator💕 Your video was very inspiring. Hopefully some day I could do the same.
How did you and how long did it take to grow your social media to that many people following you? I believe this aspect is very important and well, I'd like to start as an illustrator, build an Instagram page but I have nothing still and would like to get an image in my head of how long would it take to build it up.
Hi! Thank you:) I might do a tutorial about it but actually I think you can open an Etsy shop from everywhere. They have really nice guides and posts about it on their website so if you want to know more you will find something there:)
I'm in love with your videos! They are so helpful, i'm in a similar position i'm an illustrator but i'm just starting out. Thanks for the tips :) Your work is lovely
Hey, I also live in Germany and I'm very interested in starting as a freelance illustrator/creative overall. I wanted to ask you how did you start it "bureaucratically"? I mean, did you go to any specific office (Arbeitsamt/Steuerberater/Gewerbeschein anmelden/...)? What should my first steps be, in order to start? thank you very much. I appreciate so much your work and personality, you really gave my dream strength and hope!!
Omg I just watched the whole vid and didn't make the connection that those were cacti until you put the little bulbs on top of them. I assumed they were just giant leaves lol.
Hi Sara! :) This is my first time writing here (I think! :P). Thank you so much for sharing your story about the decision you took. This vid has been very orientational. Actually, I'm pursuing a similar path as an artist; living from it if possible. I've been looking for stories like yours from all over the web, mainly to encourage myself, and the most of them coincide in the same concepts. I know it won't be easy to take so crucial step, but I believe at the end it all will worth. Have an excellent weekend! Blessings!!
Hi! I am so happy about your comment, because messages like yours are the reason I made this video. When I started out, I was also looking all over the web for other peoples stories, but there weren't many. Good luck with your path and I wish you all the best!
I think there is not this one right answer, its different for everybody. It depends on what you earned before and how many jobs you get now and what your prices are. Sometimes you make more with one single job than before but with freelancing you never know when the next job will come so its hard to say. But you can definitely make a good amount of money and the fulfilment is priceless. ☺️
Sehr interessantes Video! Mich würde interessieren, wie du es geschafft hast auf 20k Follower zu kommen. Hattest du einen konkreten Plan wie du deine Post erstellst, was du illustrierst etc.
Thanks a lot for this video ! I don't know why, but the fact that it is in English is more convincing for me in comparison with a video in my mother tongue (French). It's super weird to feel that way ahah. Anyway, thank you a lot fort this
I started freelancing right out of college, and quickly realized how difficult it was. So major props to doing what you love! I have a 9-5 now and some part of me misses freelance, so maybe I'll make the transition back to freelance again one day. Wonderful video, very inspiring
"My art journey" is ALWAYS an interesting subject, and yours is no exception. I briefly worked for another company doing art, and also learned that it just... wasn't for me. It was such a bad experience that it totally turned me off from art for YEARS.... But now I'm back! Making videos, art, and learning more and more that there is life outside of working for others. I'm completely jealous of the self-employment role models you had around you because I just turned thirty and only now have realized that not working for others is an option.
I'm glad you worked past your fear, because there's so much of it to be had in this life.... but I've found that if something terrifies you, you should run head first towards it because it's usually the best possible path.
So true, and to help put even your situation in perspective, I will tell you mine. I hope you don't mind, perhaps it is just for me that I am writing this out. But I really feel for you and know how hard that must have been to be so discouraged to turn away from art completely for many years. I did this too.... basically my whole life until really a few months ago. But, yes Sara is young but still a good person to learn from - for not only following ones' heart to do art but to reach success and to be independent as well! So, not only was I not encouraged to consider self- employment, I wasn't even encouraged to pursue art in any way. So guess what ... at the age of 60, yes 60 (wow that is so ancient!) I'm going for art/ illustration full on. - I am like a teenager in my abilities, but it is all I love to do, so, I am just drawing and painting daily and trying to learn, and never even had a job in a creative of in anyway pleasant situation at all (I worked as a nurse - ICU, er, etc. etc... some challenge and knowledge of helping initially, but really hard and draining after a short time, especially with my innate aesthetics) So , i do not mean to disregard your discomfort at where you are now and where you want to be, but I want you to not be too frustrated with your age. You can be where you want to go, and while it may not come instantly, it will come. Today, we are really all so lucky to have the internet, (as long as it stays open!) because we can learn the truth here - that it is not silly and impossible to get a job doing art, nor is it silly and impossible to work as your own boss. I only learned this because of all the young artist (mostly) on youtube and instagram). I have seen several artist go from awkward beginning artist to 1st class artist with good income. So you can imagine at my age people think I'm not all there to be focusing on art so much (except not my Instagram art friends - who likely all think I am 20 something) and having faith that I will one day at least make some money at it. If not for was several artists on youtube who not only talked about success really being a matter of drawing and focusing on learning your art daily - rather than it being a magical talent from birth, that allowed me to believe it was possible. Really, I had no choice any longer, because it is just all I want to do and seem able to do, although I still work to bring in the funds. But it is true, the more I work at the art, the better I get and it may take time yet, but at least I am doing what i love and there is some hope that maybe within a few years It will supplement my income. If not for the other artist I have come across on youtube and Instagram I would still be wondering why I was cursed with a love of drawing and painting and have no talent. But now,I know, that all you need is the desire and drive to draw and paint daily and to work and improve, and this it all that is needed, At any age! (sorry for running on, but hope you or someone gets a little from it)
Thank that will help me alot and Your videos so great 💞💞
Go girl!! I'm an actor, not an illustrator, but it was so interesting to hear how freelancing in visual art is so similar to performance art. Once you can do it full time, it's so worth the struggle! Keep it up!!
Thats so true! It's all worth it in the end. Its so cool that you can also be a full time actor, keep it up!:)
I randomly play this from my youtube feed and it was what I need to hear right now at this point in my life, I work as a uiux designer and I totally left behind my passion for illustration. When I was in uni I really love illustration, I've always have insecurities about myself and my art so I didn't go for it as a career... so I started working full time as uiux and I completely forgot about illustration... and I think that's the reason why I'm feeling so sad and a little miserable in my life. So hearing you, gave me hope and I want to make the same decision as you, quit my job and looking foward to make a life with illustration.
Thanks for all the inspiring words in your video, keep it up! you're awesome
Wow thank you for your message - I can 100% relate! I think I forgot to talk about this in this video but I was also feeling sad because I neglected illustration for so long. And I - just like you - wasn't confident with my art so I went for another career instead in the beginning of my "work life". But don't feel ashamed for your art, it is definitely a career and it is possible to make a sustainable income with it. It can be hard in the beginning when you start out fresh but you can totally start it on the side of your UX/UI job, and once it gets more stable you can go full in :) Keep it up girl! :) 💛
Katherine Ponce I’m on the exact same boat as you; miserable in uiux. The ui part is fine,my art is good enough for it,but I am not good enough in concept art so I’m stuck doing ui. UX bores/annoys me to death. I’m on the verge of quitting my job bc I hate this career path ...nice salary but miserable 9 hrs a day. I too stumbled on this channel and really want to be my own boss at running my own little shop selling stickers and illustrations. But it’s so scary....bc the little shops market is so saturated...I’m so scared of not having anything unique enough to offer
Hearing success stories like these motivates me so much!😻😻 eek!😸
Yay you can do it!
Maybe it's a glimpse into your future
Yep, I'm in product design too. I'd love to try and get them to aggree to work location independent. I don't need to be stuck in an office to make art for products. and sadly, my hours are 8-5 not 9-5
Oh I feel you! Thats exactly what I thought! And actually my creativity is better when I am outside of an office environment! That was a really big reason for me to make the jump!
cetriya's Art n Comics Channel \
You have the absolute best narration voice and video style!! I love this soooo much! Listened/watched whilst working on a commission piece of my own :3 I am 27 and have just finished a contract with the university I did grad school at and am building up my own portfolio/online presence in hopes of making art a more significant part of my own income. I've been doing a few commissions a year for the past 4 years consistently, though I'd done a few in my mid-teens as well. Pet portraits have been my focus! I absolutely love your work and your style! Congrats on your successes so far! You deserve them :)
your voice is so calm and nice.. and i love your story :) I find myself in the same situation, only that i lost this drawing fever due to oppose of my parents about the idea of quitting a nicely paid stable job. its good to have someone supporting for your dream .. i wish i had that.. anyways, love your video and your drawings!
Wow! Saw your vid yesterday abt sticker making and had me immediately subscribed to your channel. 😀 You are such an inspiration. I just lost my job as a product designer too few weeks ago due to company cutting cost. But since i want freedom and do what i love, ill continue to draw and do freelance work too. 😀 more power to you and us all. 😊
I'm currently taking a CS degree with specialization in Software Engineering cuz my parents forced me to.
Someday I will work as a Software Engineer for a while then quit my job to focus on doing art. While still studying and while working, I will work my way to refining my art style. I'm planning on taking an Architecture course or something related to product and/or industrial design. To make doing art a guaranteed living.
Thank you for this video. You made me want to pursue my passion more.
Artillerist X Duelist I hope you achieve your dream one day
@@allustrationsstudio2321 thank you.
Thanks for sharing your experience, I love hearing about illustrators and what they did before making the leap to full time artist.
yes would love to know more about how you find your niche and how you market it! Thanks again for sharing this, you're honestly amazing and the fact you are willing to share your experience really make a difference! xxxxx
THANK YOU! ✨ I might make a video about it since it would have been helpful for me when I started:)
It's always so inspiring to see an artist just go out and get it done!
This motivates me so much ♡
I'm always hard on myself , telling myself I'm not good enough.
I'm also very shy and have social anxiety.
Your art is so cute...I know why people are attracted to it...and there is a quality of shyness in the characters you create. They are a reflection of you.
Wow thank you so much! Guess thats true, even though I never thought about that :)
i love you sister! :)❤️ it’s cute that you‘ve mentioned me when you talked about who is independent and who has its own company ❤️ i love you and i miss you! :)❤️ - you’re so inspirational and to be honest - i absolutely admire you (& i don’t say it just because you’re my sister) keep doing what you love:) & this video is amazing😍 you could be a professional video editor as well because the way you edit your videos is just wow!😍❤️ send you much love from home❤️❤️❤️
Hey Sara I want to be doing exactly what you’re doing so just wanted to say you are a huge inspiration and one of my freelance illustration heroes (or heroines 😊) people like you give me hope that I can make art as a living too because I totally relate to feeling constricted by the standard 9-5 office job which is what I have currently. Not to say I’m not greatful for this job as I know it’ll get me where I want to be eventually but I hear you when you say the freelance life is more liberating! I hope you can keep doing this for the rest of your life and wish you all the best in the world! :)
Du bist die größte Inspiration für mich und ich habe schon so viel von dir gelernt ♡♡ deine Videos sind einfach goals
You have become so successful and you should begin to feel confident. Enjoy hearing the truth about how hard you worked to get where you are. I have always been an entrepreneur and have always been self employed but the most difficulty I have is marketing and social media! Thank you so much for this video. I look forward to more.
I am so glad i found your channel . and i love your story. I am slowly building my audience once step at a time while working a full time job and i hope i will have the courage to take the freelancing way one day. Your illustration style is amazing and everything you said in this video is very helpful. Thank you and best of luck
I understand what you feel. My goals too is to be independent and work on my own after 2 years. Thank you for inspiring me to follow what I really want for my self! :)
Yes please go into detail about how you knew what you wanted to draw
Love this 💕 This gave me hope and encouragement when i decide to start my illustration account and shop. Thank you!!😄
Thats amazing!! I am so happy it inspired you!! 💛
This is truly an inspirational story. Never give up on your dreams!!
U inspired me a lot ☺️. I have started as a freelance illustrator recently and I found ur channel.
Gurl! I am a fan!!! Keep up the awesome work!!❤🎉
Alot people supported in your decision, nice to hear. I want to become a fulltime artist but don't know what do first. I want to quit my job and I have money saved up..
I just found your channel through my suggested video list and what a great channel I found, I love your style of illustration and your story is so inspiring. I can't wait to see more of your videos!
Aww thank you so so much!!
Yes please another video about finding what you wanted to illustrate!
So good to hear your story and how you got started. Thank you! :)
Thanks for sharing your experience. That's a massive inspiration for all entrepreneurs. Lots of love
Videos like these motivated me to start my own art channel! Thanks for the inspiration and great content! :)
New subscriber, Sara and excited to find your channel. I'm fairly new to TH-cam, as I've been at it for about a year, but I've been a freelance illustrator for about 30 years, combined with graphic design as well. I understand the exhausted feeling, as even now, I STILL do work into the evening, and with 4 teens, life is always a challenge! lol! Glad to find your channel and looking forward to seeing more of your work. Cheers! :)
Wow thank you so much!! Its amazing you have 30 years of experience in the industry, still the work only gets more and more:) But thats a good sign though ☺️ I am happy you like my videos!! Thank you for your nice message and have a great day :)
this video is amazing, it really covered questions i had and made me just want to be an illustrator even more! 🎨
thank you so much for posting this!! 💞🌈
Congrats to you... i been doing art since I was 6 yo, i stop in high school and college, then i have a job i realize to go back what its me.
This is so inspiring! Its my dream to be a freelance illustrator, its nice to know that it IS achievable! Instagram is so helpful, the art community is amazing!
oh no, i'm 2 years late🙈 but i'm so happy this was in my recommended ! you are super inspiring🤩
Oh I love that you are left handed too!!!! Do you have a video sharing your set up?
I would love to know how you came up or how you realized what kind of art you want to do 😊
Je découvre ta chaîne et ton travail, j'aime beaucoup ton univers et ta personnalité, tu es très inspirante ! je te souhaite une belle continuation 😍
Your education and experience in business would be so helpful for artists. Would you please do some videos on the business aspect of art? Like starting an LLC, managing taxes and finances what to charge, how to manage time, licensing music for TH-cam videos etc
I'm trying to go back to be freelancer again after I stablish myself and my family in FL. I have a full time job but is hard to do what you like and work at the same time. But your video gives me hope to get going and step in little by little into self employment.
How do you handle the tax part?
I didn't talk about it, because its different for every country - but for Germany you don't have to pay taxes until you meet a threshold of a certain amount of income, after that you have to pay taxes. I work with a tax consultant, thats super important for me because I don't want to make any mistake :)
Sara Faber thank you for replying :)
uhhhh tax !!! that's a tough one :P
The tax free income in Germany is 9000€ per year. How do you support yourself with less than 9000€? What were your starting costs like and did you cover them on your own? You use a lot of expensive equipment to do your work. Can you do a video on what your actual expenses and income are? I think it would benefit all the aspiring young freelancers who want to know what it really takes to set up shop. Great videos by the way! Keep up the good work :)
how you cover your health and other insurances???
Thank you for creating this video. It was very encouraging and you seem to be very sweet. Much success. I love your art!
Thanks for this! I'm like on the shore and trying to get in the same boat as you. I love creating so much. This is really encouraging me to keep going.
I am so happy about your message! Thank you and good luck to you, you can do it!! 💛
Thank you!
Thankyou Sarah for this video. You are awesome! More power to you 😘
I am currently an art teacher and while there are some good days, I just don’t feel fulfilled. I can’t practice my own art and I just keep dreaming about being my own artist and making my own schedule. Maybe one day I’ll be brave enough to take that leap, but who knows!
Really cool video Sara! :) thanks for sharing this info! good luck with everything ;)
I always admire illustrators who manage to do it for a living... but at the same time I'm so discouraged by all the talent out there - it's overwhelming. But great video!
girl I feel you.. I'm studying graphic design but I dont feel fulfilled as much..I never have to time to improve my own art
LaLa land I feel ya!
Same I'm not as motivated with graphic design anymore I really want to go back into drawing lol
I'm studying design at Uni, and I'm just curious, how did you become a Product designer if you haven't got a degree in Product design? xx
Its called doing special favors
I’m currently a product designer in Toronto, I just... applied to the job haha. Studied Fine Arts in Uni :)
@@backnforth8401 oh look, another person who got nowhere in life and needs to make excuses for the success of others.
@@concept1027 don't pretend it doesn't happen
@@backnforth8401 I've worked in games for 13 years. I have literally never seen it happen or heard it happen. Rather, I CONSTANTLY see and hear about women getting demoted or fired for turning down advances from men. I don't pretend- I observe. What I observe here is that your inability to fix your little pointless life manifests as misogyny, almost 100% guaranteed to be because they ignore you.
I'd definitely want to know what all you've learned on the way in terms of how to illustrate keeping the message and market / clients in mind.
So so glad I found you channel. I’m just getting started so this is so helpful
sara you inspire me, like, a lot!
Thank you Sara for doing this!!!!
I didnt want to get into the art industry mainly because I always didn’t like the idea of making art to please others (which is how u earn money as an artist) and although I know criticism is good to improve, I didn’t rlly like taking criticism when it comes to doing my art. I don’t know how to best explain it without sounding obnoxious or proud (?) but art is my escape of being entirely myself and my hands create whatever my mind and heart wants to. “If you did it like that, it would look nicer. If you used that colour, it would be more appealing. If you used this technique, your artwork will look better.” I realised early that seeking other people’s approval for my art work actually made me more easily disappointed with myself and I would lose my sense of art style in the means of trying to be the very best. Hence, I didn’t think of considering art as a career. Thoughts anyone?
Thank you for sharing your experience! Good luck with all your future endeavors 🌿✌🏻🤩
Thank you so so much!! 💛
Thank you for this video, it’s super inspiring. I’m starting to take my art more seriously now, thanks to artists like yourself who show their art. 😍💖💜. Good luck, you’ll do great 👍🏾
Aw thats amazing!! Thank you! And keep going :)
Dads free
So much information..❤️ Thank u for sharing your experience. This is so inspiring!
How did you publish yourself when you started drawing?
Did you know people will buy stuff and see your videos?
And love what you do?
Yess girl, preach! Thank you for sharing 💕🌸
I would like to do this but art supplies are expensive, even the ones with a low quality. I think I can’t sell something made without having the best matterials or an iPad Pro or Wacom :(
Not true. Try to not be all or nothing. It makes us procrastinate and its not necessarily true that the lower quality is that much less of grade, most eyes can't see the difference unless you show them visually on purpose.
Don't worry about that too much. I thought the same. But if you get one of the cheap Wacom Bamboos for example, that's already enough and you can do a lot with that. iPad Pro is the ultimate thing for later, i would not worry about that until you saved up the money for it. For traditional art it's similiar, pretty much anything can work, unless you want to use stuff like copic markers which can be expensive. The only thing that ruined some of my drawings was when i used the wrong paper, so maybe make sure you use somehwat decent paper (or whatever you draw on).
I just found your youtube channel through this video and first WOW I love your art. The whole style and fibe is so nice and lovely. Very inspirational! Second I wanted to react on this video. I just started this whole creative journey since January and begin getting more serious with making stuff and learning new things this summer after I graduated university. I am 21 atm and working as a product developer in an office and girl I CAN RELATE. Sure the work is ok, I don't mind the job (and the steady salary) but I hate that I am not passionate about it. In the end I don't feel like I am doing this for me and I really want to build something myself. So I am working on that. This summer I also started in instagram and now have a youtube that is slowly growing while I am figuring out what I like to do and make. And I am doing it on the side next to this fulltime office job. I feel like I am just where you were a couple years ago and it is so inpirational to see you do this. I really hope one day I am ready to take this step as well. I keep telling myself if I just keep practising, I will keep growing and then one day I will be ready. Doesn't matter how long it will take. I am only 21 plenty of time left.
So what was I trying to say? Just that I felt very inspirated by you. THANKS
OMG THANK YOU!!! Wow its crazy how similar our path is! 🤯 It's awesome that you listened to your inner self and act on it! That's how you grow! Keep rocking! 💛
yes yes, completely take advantage of social media #1 it is free #2 treat your socials as your online portfolio. Assume that a potential client will be looking at your work.
Du bist sooooo talentiert 😍😍😍!!! Ich liebe deinen Malstil ❤️
Aww danke! 😍
This video is just what I needed 💕 I also studied business but I just dont feel thats exactly what I want to do and also my parents are Selfemployed so I've always had the idea of being an independent illustrator💕 Your video was very inspiring. Hopefully some day I could do the same.
You want ALL the goods in life. You go Girl!!! It is totally possible with hard work. :)
How did you and how long did it take to grow your social media to that many people following you? I believe this aspect is very important and well, I'd like to start as an illustrator, build an Instagram page but I have nothing still and would like to get an image in my head of how long would it take to build it up.
Thanks for sharing. It is very helpful.
Hi Sara, I absolutely love your work and your channel is amazing. Just a quick question: you mentioned paying insurance for your art, what is this?
Such a big inspiration and motivation. Thanks! X
Aw thank you!!! 😭😍
I like your video! ❤️ Please tell us more about how you find your illustration style! Thanks! 👏🏻
Thank you! And thank you for the video suggestion:)
Also I definitely want to hear about how you knew what you wanted and didn't want when it comes to freelance jobs :)!
your illustrations are so cute, thanks for sharing your story. I want to take that step to become a freelance artist too, that would be a dream :)
How did you acquire your instagram followers? I'm an aspiring comic book/graphic novelist and I'm just getting into social networking.
Can you do a tutorial on how to open an etsy shop...... Can people from anywhere open etsy shop..? As i m from india
Hi! Thank you:) I might do a tutorial about it but actually I think you can open an Etsy shop from everywhere. They have really nice guides and posts about it on their website so if you want to know more you will find something there:)
Sara Faber thanks a lot 😊... For the information
I'm in love with your videos!
They are so helpful, i'm in a similar position i'm an illustrator but i'm just starting out.
Thanks for the tips :) Your work is lovely
Yay I am happy you like my video! Good luck with your new path, I wish you all the best !! ☺️
It is so inspiring😁😁 Thank you! I have the similar problem now
Hey, I also live in Germany and I'm very interested in starting as a freelance illustrator/creative overall. I wanted to ask you how did you start it "bureaucratically"? I mean, did you go to any specific office (Arbeitsamt/Steuerberater/Gewerbeschein anmelden/...)? What should my first steps be, in order to start? thank you very much. I appreciate so much your work and personality, you really gave my dream strength and hope!!
Congratulations on making a transition!!
What the brand do you use for your painting ?
question what was your most struggle throughout being a illustrator?
I love the font! What font is that?
Omg I just watched the whole vid and didn't make the connection that those were cacti until you put the little bulbs on top of them. I assumed they were just giant leaves lol.
I just stumbled across this video... I want to become a freelancer too!! I'm studying an illustration/animation course at University.
How do i start an online shop? I don't know how do i get clients
Super hilfreich! Meinst du, du kannst mal deine ganzen Malmaterialien zeigen? das wäre toll :)
Love you Sara I have subscribed to your channel when I first saw your stickers using procreate and circuit love from India😘😘😘
Thanks so much! I have sent this to my sister who is an amazing artist...what is your etsy shop name?
I thought ur previous job was modeling! You're stunning! ♥
I love that soo much!! You are super inspiring and amazing!!❤😍😊💫
Thank you! 😍
Great stuff Sara!!!!!!!!!!! I quit my job tooo ;p
This video inspire me alot.. 💓👌🏻
Yaaaay !! ☺️
So inspiring. Thank you so much, you're amazing :)
Hi Sara! :)
This is my first time writing here (I think! :P).
Thank you so much for sharing your story about the decision you took. This vid has been very orientational.
Actually, I'm pursuing a similar path as an artist; living from it if possible. I've been looking for stories like yours from all over the web, mainly to encourage myself, and the most of them coincide in the same concepts. I know it won't be easy to take so crucial step, but I believe at the end it all will worth.
Have an excellent weekend!
Hi! I am so happy about your comment, because messages like yours are the reason I made this video. When I started out, I was also looking all over the web for other peoples stories, but there weren't many. Good luck with your path and I wish you all the best!
Oh, you're so kind! Thank you! :) Blessings!!
Hi new subscriber here! ❤❤ love your vlogs 😍 im inspired.
Fan here from Philippines
Is doing freelance work more financially beneficial than a normal day to day job? That’s what I would be the most nervous about.
I think there is not this one right answer, its different for everybody. It depends on what you earned before and how many jobs you get now and what your prices are. Sometimes you make more with one single job than before but with freelancing you never know when the next job will come so its hard to say. But you can definitely make a good amount of money and the fulfilment is priceless. ☺️
Sehr interessantes Video! Mich würde interessieren, wie du es geschafft hast auf 20k Follower zu kommen. Hattest du einen konkreten Plan wie du deine Post erstellst, was du illustrierst etc.
Thanks a lot for this video ! I don't know why, but the fact that it is in English is more convincing for me in comparison with a video in my mother tongue (French). It's super weird to feel that way ahah.
Anyway, thank you a lot fort this