I have a question. I read the patch notes a few patches ago about the Phage item on Tri-Force and Black Cleaver. Since their name have been change, but the passive is still the same, does it still stack just like in PC?
No sir look at how he is playing him. His momentum along with his damage is his strength. You are literally running them down. Take your time while learning him. Watch how he plays; really watch what he is doing. A good combo is to charge up your 3rd ability before engaging to gain the speed. Then jump onto a enemy while activating his 2nd ability and push them towards your team along with doing the AOE damage (that circle that’s around you). Then you use his 1st ability along with a an auto attack to hack them down. His strength is to displace the enemy them and move around while doing damage. Unless there is a target that you want to single out do not stay on top of enemies that can burst you down and Cc you. Hecarim is not a easy champion to master and will take time for you to learn how to dominate. I’m still trying to figure out how to use him as well but practicing will be your friend. He is a absolute tanky monster that one of the hardest champion to pin down before he kills you. Even with the combo I mentioned you have to just react and do it while in game. If you have to constantly think about what you do before you do it you need to practice.
Yeah, he's not supposed to be good in aram Most pure junglers are shit in Aram really. Hecarim is based around power farming and winning smaller 1v1/2s. He doesn't do that great in full 5v5 teamfights
0:07 China China No.2 Player HECARIM JUNGLE Gameplay
14:46 China Top1 Hecarim Montage
18:31 China Server HECARIM Top10 ~ Top1 Build Runes
9:00 u went back 😂
Muchas gracias por la Build y el video didáctico🤯🤯.
Good hecarim, thanks!
I have a question. I read the patch notes a few patches ago about the Phage item on Tri-Force and Black Cleaver. Since their name have been change, but the passive is still the same, does it still stack just like in PC?
Tri and BC phages stack now yes.
Since the activation name is different, it will stack.
2:17 in your rank, your team will never do that, that's why you are getting owned
Gonna try this build. He is kinda squishy, so this looks good.
bro I have 0 winrate in hecarim in Aram, wtf is the strategy for that? hecarim barely has damage is too squishy
No sir look at how he is playing him. His momentum along with his damage is his strength. You are literally running them down. Take your time while learning him. Watch how he plays; really watch what he is doing. A good combo is to charge up your 3rd ability before engaging to gain the speed. Then jump onto a enemy while activating his 2nd ability and push them towards your team along with doing the AOE damage (that circle that’s around you). Then you use his 1st ability along with a an auto attack to hack them down. His strength is to displace the enemy them and move around while doing damage. Unless there is a target that you want to single out do not stay on top of enemies that can burst you down and Cc you. Hecarim is not a easy champion to master and will take time for you to learn how to dominate. I’m still trying to figure out how to use him as well but practicing will be your friend. He is a absolute tanky monster that one of the hardest champion to pin down before he kills you. Even with the combo I mentioned you have to just react and do it while in game. If you have to constantly think about what you do before you do it you need to practice.
Yeah, he's not supposed to be good in aram
Most pure junglers are shit in Aram really. Hecarim is based around power farming and winning smaller 1v1/2s. He doesn't do that great in full 5v5 teamfights
@@metrius98picked him up abt a week now already got pentakill in emerald ranked lobby :)