Never mentioned the in game store in my review so I thought I would share my view here. I fail to see any need for a store selling cosmetic gun skins in a game, especially a single player game. These skins were clearly made at the same time the game was being made so for me they should be available to everyone as part of the game, it's immoral and greedy to withhold game content and then flog it as if it's some kind of extra content the same day the game releases. Stop buying it then they will stop selling it separate from the game!
Worth A Buy American here, haven’t finished the vid and know you likely don’t want to answer questions but can you please elaborate on the blond hair-fan guy..? I keep noticing every single trump portrayal outside the 2016-17 snl sketches has just been utter shit and made the Dems look pathetic and I’m curious if this game really shat the bed in a pathetic attempt to win over a handful of critics or not...
While you may disagree with a company selling 'extras' ; its a tad hyperbolic to call that immoral. Morality has nothing to do with voluntary transactions between two free people. It would be immoral to claim that you got these skins with the standard game purchase and then after you purchase you find you have to pay more for what was already promised. However this doesn't seem to be the case you describe. Don't confuse your aesthetic opinion about how a private enterprise should interact with it's client base with morality because morality is a bridge burning proposition.
Thats a game i was wondering if its actually worth a buy. It looks interesting thats for sure.. but is it any good? Only 1 way to find out. :) your review
Really interested to hear your take on this one. I'm close to pulling the trigger but was hoping to wait for your review if it was coming up. Glad to hear it is.
@@Hazztech You have no idea what you are typing there. How many Just Cause games have you played? Have you observed the way their games have evolved since jc 2? Compare it to jc 4. And Mad Max is great. Don't type shit just because you can.
I wouldnt have touched this game had it not been for ID / Doom shooting mechanics. As soon as I finish a session playing Rage 2, within 30 min I want to go back in and shoot more.
This game shows the difference between id and avalanche. Id does what they do best: a wonderfully polished and fun FPS. Avalanche half assed it with mediocre open world with busy work. As much as id claims avalanche did most of the work, you can see where the work was.
Avalanche need shutting down, the quality of their work over the last few years is utter RUBBISH. JC has gone to shit, and as for that crap with the copy paste robots/environments they shat out the other month, that was pathetic. Another incredible idea that they had no clue how to implement.
@@bricktop. Yeah I recently discovered Macks channel and found out its Avalanche behind some right shit releases. Sad cause they have good IPs but the staff are terrible
I disagree Matt. As much as Doom 2016 is good looking game, these music sections are only set in certain areas. When i played Doom it felt like this: corridor( no music) , arena ( music), corridor( no music). When i played older games like Blood or Doom, there was some background music and at certain times it would increase the volume, not due to fact in was in "arena", but when getting to a certain "checkpoint" ( some temple enterance, big reveal...etc) New Doom doesnt feel like a world that exists, it doesnt feel as im the doom guy. And more over, chainsaw has fuel - that thing ruined the game for me. Maybe im just too old...
I LOVE good sounding games, that alone might make me buy it when its 15-20 $ someday. I dont feel the rush to go out and buy it now tho. Thanks for the good review Mack!
Starfals get it on sale. I have it, but I tell people wait for sale. It’s good but I went into thinking it was a doom type game but it wasn’t even close lol
Yeah definitely buying it a year later cuz it takes that much time for stuff in my country to finally reach $30 and new games are $80 when they should be $60 most stores here are just abusing their customers
@@point-bl4nk Or that's not what was he was focusing on, and different people have different skill levels at gaming. Difficulty is subjective so maybe it was difficult to him.
The last time I Immediately felt a rush of true badass energy in a game, was Shadow Warrior 2 and Doom. This game has allowed me to be a mad man on steroids.
I haven't heard Mack speak so passionately about a positive aspect of a game for ages - it must be good! Here's hoping that the content "road-map" improves the open world and makes it more interesting. Still, i'm sick of developers (more likely publishers) thinking they can release 25% of a game, and then drip feed the rest over time. urgh.
Eh that's the thing tho.. it's an open world game with a story. And if the story is bad. The characters are bad. The vehicles to get you through the open world are bad. Than you kinda have a pretty bad game. It's not just a game created for shooting like doom was. So just upvoting it based solely on shooting mechanics isnt really justified. Especially for a 60 euro price tag.
@@Pand0rasAct0r_ ffs dude, it`s a shooter ! story is irelevant in games like this.if it was an rpg or an rts yeah..i would agree with you..but in a shooter ? fuck no !
Well the thing is, this was advertised for it's story and open world. Clearly a lot of time ingame is spent with quests and the open world. Take doom for instance, that game has no questing or open world or story or anything, it does exactly what it does best: you shooting demons in gory ways and feeling a badass whilst you're doing it.
why do they even bother tacking on a gringy story? All the story should be, like you said, being the biggest badass in the wasteland. Less is more, in this case. If they want a story, they should make a proper story not half-ass it.
0:30 Running "well" on a 2080 at 1080p is nothing to write home about, actually this game runs like shit in part due to the fact its using the same engine as Just Cause 4 rather than IdTech6. 0:48 Other than the lighting system and special effects the game lacks depth and has trouble rendering certain details like SSR. Also lack of detail is obvious especially in the starting zone even tho it is better masked in other parts of the game. 1:00 For a AAA game made by ID Software the amount of graphics settings you can modify is laughable. Also they are hardly worth turning down due to the small impact in performance and high impact to graphics quality. The best thing to do if you want more performance in this game is to turn down video resolution, most other settings are not worth the visual impact in terms of performance gained. 8:16 No surprise here, it has pink (as did another game you recently liked) and allegedly has fun combat without proper motivation (as did the other game) 8:26 You said that about the last pink FPS you played recently that you also thumbed up, and it wasn't jedy academy :) i would have thought it reminded you of Far Cry New Dawn since thats the exact same thing you said about the game. I love Doom, but that has great optimization and graphics, isn't forcing nonsensical characters down your throat and is certainly not fu**ing pink and full of microtransactions. Hope you loved my review of your review :)
This is nuts man. You went full nerd. He records in 1080, plays in 1440p. I have a 2070 super and it runs great in 1440p, about 90fps average on very high in open world.
Same here, This and Sekiro were the 2 biggest disappointments this year. I have Rage 2 on the One X and it runs like shit as well, it needs a patch ASAP. Days Gone has been amazing, also playing DMC 5 and RE2 both of which are a lot of fun. Rage 2 just can't hold my attention, it's all copy and paste the whole game.
Jon DGAF I’m at the other side of your spectrum cause I fucking hated Days gone, just another soulless, boring, bland zombie game with a mediocre story and awful voice acting, sold it immediately didn’t bothered to go further, while sekiro is one of the best experiences I’ve had recently (being a fan of the souls games helps I guess)
The shift in art style from rage 1 to 2 is pretty weird. Granted civilization has recovered a bit after rage 1 but it's still weird how everything just became pink all of the sudden.
Yeah, maybe. I love it. Only fault is that after you finish it is nothing more to do. Oh, almost forgot that you get stuck there when you are supposed to find a safe haven and the characters resurrected! WTF? I don't know what they intended with that shity ending, but love the game and the characters have hearts. And the amazing sky box!
I appreciate how you list the good and the bad and eventually tell whether at the end of the day the game is fun playing or not. So many reviews just naming positives and negatives but at the end I'm none the wiser whether this is worth my time or not
So basically the core gameplay loop is incredibly satisfying enough to warrant buying this game. Thats the thing - so many games dont get that core mechanic nailed but when they do it's so f*****g awesome. Some other good examples of this is Doom original, Doom 2016 and God of War
I played through the entire thing without knowing about that perk screen you were in when talking about the ui even existed. is that where you can get the aim and float thing I heard people talk about?
They have the wrong people working on story aspects in these bigger companies. All the talented people decided to go elsewhere. If Indie developers can make something interesting, why can't larger developers who have millions and millions to spend for budgets. Too much of a focus on graphics.
Because the biggest audiences will earn the most money. And the biggest audience for videogames are casual players, often not adults. So keeping a game similar to other bigger titles, without much thought process involved to play the game and making it easy as fuck, ensures a casual player will play it 1-5 hours/week and feel like he's good at the game. Not only that, he can pick up and not be lost as to where he was in the story/game and whatnot. And on top of that, they're not taking any risks so they're not making anything original. Open world and vehicles look extremely generic in this game for instance. Look at big developpers these last 5 years and almost all of them follow a same pattern.
@@Wolfsheim23 Might be. I share a lot of opinions with him. He is the only reviewer that isn't afraid to say that witcher 3 and metal gear solid 5 sucks.
@@sirrahma1690 See that's just the thing. It's not everyone's Afraid to say that the Witcher 3 sucks. Because to say such a thing is to Dishonor the work that devs put into games like that and to seem like a privileged hipster. Because you don't like something, doesn't make it Trash. Most people loved those games and with good reason. Same with Horizon: Zero Dawn. That's a real copout and makes you look bad to say that every reviewer is lying about their true feelings but they are all just Shills caving to some payoff. That's bullshit and some places may be like that but it's rare. ACG sure isn't like that or many other independent game reviewers on youtube. Maybe for people that are true Pessimists about gaming and have also grown Jaded about them, Mack is the perfect guy because he's more likely to dislike a game or movie rather than just try to be more objective and put aside his own personal biases.
@@Wolfsheim23 I was only half serious with my previous comment. I do believe many people to be such a sheep that they like something just because everybody else does, that is just human nature. My problem with witcher 3 and metal gear solid is that everyone is fanboying the crap out of them and blind to the huge flaws that these games have. People praise these games as if they were absolutely perfect. These games have gotten so much praise all around that I offer my different opinion about them with clean conscience, criticism is good for the community and good for the developer. To be Frank, if these games wouldn't be causing such a mass psychosis among gamers, I would consider them just mediocre games.
@@sirrahma1690 No they don't consider them perfect they consider then better than most any other games in that category. It's not psychosis. Mack goes into what he hates in Witcher totally ruining the experience for him and yet ignores many of those same issues in a game like Kingdom Come: Deliverance which had hugely more issues than the Witcher. But it's OK to like a game like Kingdom Come more but to call the Witcher a terrible game and Kingdom Come a great one takes such a biased skewed perspective that I can't take them seriously even though I like Macks reviews and sometimes he's spot on, I still take it all with a grain of salt because I know his perspective is so biased and skewed one way.
Just so you know, there was an interview with Tim Willitz from id Software in which he insisted quite firmly the game was not meant to be political and that Rage 2 Orange Man is not Trump, even when the interviewer sort-of tried to pressure him into saying the villain was Trump. Not sure what to make of it but there is that.
Maybe we're all getting too sensitive, but that guy was clearly based on Trump, do they think we're idiots? Maybe the guy that created him lied or did it subconsciously, either way its an attack on the first decent president since Reagan and I'm not standing for it.
FYI, the Arks don't come down from the sky, they're buried underground and surface, hence the caterpillar tracks on the top. Picked this up in the Rage Retro review too.
2:07 I agree with this ever since the trailer it's just struck me as a relatively new spin off under an older franchise name. I really enjoyed the first one but that came out a lot time ago I don't really recall much beyond loving it. This honestly (to at least myself) feels like more of a franchise which was cancelled and sold off where it bounced between multiple companies before one felt like using it. Homefront 2 had the same problem (loved the original as well) but it was thrown between companies forever with the project repeatedly being under development and than cancelled. At the end of it all we where left with a new Homefront game which had nothing but the name in common with the original game. I don't know if this was the case for Rage 2 but it really had that feel going for it.
Thanks Mac - another trusted review. One thing though - is it a problem that you have a 2080? Telling me it runs well on a 2080 doesn't say much. 1) of course it does. 2) I'm still on a 970 and will be for a couple of years, so knowing it's good on a 2080 doesn't mean anything to me. Looking at the most recent steam survey the most common cards are the 1060, 1050Ti, 1050, 1070 and 960. If you had a 1070 say, people would be able to gauge something from your experience. Saying it's fine on a 2080 is only good info for 2080 owners (which steam puts at 0.6% of gamers in Apr 2019).
You don't need gtx 2080s and such calibers to play games like this at 1080p med-high @60fps. Just grab a used rx 580 4gb or 8gb sapphire off eBay for around $100-$130.
There's something about Rage 2 that made me decide that ACG's review was not enough, and that I had to wait for your review. I really like how raw and honest WAB's reviews are.
Agreed at times i find wab better than acg for some games while acg is very professional he is sometimes a bit forgiving and that's where wab comes in. Now wab has its issues like some biased reviews he did, dying light is an example just to let u know .
"you feel so awesome, you feel so powerful" >mac running around carefully with only a shotgun I sorta lost it at that part. Sorry Mac, but the clip and the your words at the time just gave me a giggle. Good review regardless.
I purchased this game last night, played for about 2 hours and generally though the combat was fun but the overall experience was shit. A game like this needs a compelling story to keep me playing and it's just not here. Thanks for convincing me to ask for a refund.
just goes to show how good ID software is, i loved doom and it's combat (the recent one) I'll wait for Doom Eternal i think, i like the look of the combat in this but everything else just lets it down. It maybe fun but i need a bit of everything to satisfy my thirst for a good game.
Grandmastergav86 bro i grew up with them ;) hahaha was playing quake as a young lad and actually funnily enough I met an accountant (one of my grandads friends in Spain) she was working for ID software in the 90’s and her ex husband was a dev, who still actually works for them, they have very interesting stories about the development. I’m a huge fan of all their games.
The only reason I didn't skip on the game is because the combat is one of the best you'll ever experience! It's just a shame that everything else (Mission structure, MPCs, music, vehicles, open world) sucks. It's scary and disappointing when a game only has one saving grace.
Hey Mack, thanks for taking your time playing these, voicing your opinion. You've saved me heaps of disappointments and saved loads of cash. Hope you have a good day, and remember to go fishing this summer! It's better than any game.
So this game basically tried to copy: - Mass Effect abilities - Doom theme and gameplay/combat - Mad Max world and driving - Bulletstorm graphics and physics - Borderlands characters And some of those worked, some are absolute shite.
Most of those are redundant as hell. It's just Bulletstorm meets Far Cry and tbh the abilities are just your run of the mill enhanced crowd control/mobility/fury that have been in countless kther titles. Saying it "copies" stuff is really just hating on it for being an open world FPS on 2019.
Open world bollocks. Why are companies so allergic to quality linear experiences? The part when you were collecting those blue crystal resources to appease the faction...made me sigh.
Dave Rogers Actually RAGE 1 lacking an open world was one of that game’s biggest flaws. Fun car combat, but the overworld was too small to really do a lot of that. Open world games work best when the movement and moment to moment gameplay are good, because then you can keep doing the same thing over and over and still have fun. When you don’t have that, that’s when the open world gets monotonous and dull. Think Far Cry 2 and MGSV.
Rage is underrated series in my opinion. Rage 2 is still good but still underappreciated just like those two Titanfall game which are underrated as well
They weren't trying to portray the guy as DT, in fact, one of the devs specifically told a rabid jouno that the guy was designed before DT was in the picture.
I really disliked the colours of the game. What is up with the hot pink? Immediately it make me sick to look at the game, and I uninstalled it after about 30 minutes. The gameplay isn't anything new. Same old same old, and very boring. Personally I would give the game a solid 2.5 out of 10, and nothing more. Total garbage.
If there aren't any cuts in content then it should be equally worth it as this one. Those who are used to consoles/controllers have no problem with shooters on console. Mack is not used to them and thus thinks they are wank. Controllers have their issues but not unusable.
@Guybrush Threepweed I know fps games are idea for PC and mouse/kb but you now not all of us can afford a gaming PC and a console is waaaaay better than nothing :)
I've been playing the Borderlands trilogy for the past two months for the 1st time and I love them. This looks like a similar game. I'm going to start Rage 1 tonight since it's included in my" PS4 Now " subscription service. Thanks .
The problem is they're all so fucking bad. There's one company that makes good Open World games and that's Rockstar. Everything else feels like a lifeless piece of shit.
Thing is, it isn't open world games that are bad they are just bad open world games. When you make an open world game you don't make it where you just conquer the map, you make the world alive and immersive and shit. Also Avalanche studios makes the worst open world games out there. They are still technically very linear its just now you have a big ass map to complete.
Mediocre reviewer with a bell. inconstancy in all of his reviews. he hates mechanic A and B in one game, he loves the same mechanic in game C. talking about good old games and how bad the new ones are but shilling for every other Ubisoft/EA game that was release in past two years.
Mack plz test your games on your good old 1070. Most of us can't afford beasty 2080s and need to know if we'll be able to get 60fps on our crappy 10 series cards :')
Never mentioned the in game store in my review so I thought I would share my view here.
I fail to see any need for a store selling cosmetic gun skins in a game, especially a single player game. These skins were clearly made at the same time the game was being made so for me they should be available to everyone as part of the game, it's immoral and greedy to withhold game content and then flog it as if it's some kind of extra content the same day the game releases. Stop buying it then they will stop selling it separate from the game!
Thanks for the vids mac
Worth A Buy American here, haven’t finished the vid and know you likely don’t want to answer questions but can you please elaborate on the blond hair-fan guy..? I keep noticing every single trump portrayal outside the 2016-17 snl sketches has just been utter shit and made the Dems look pathetic and I’m curious if this game really shat the bed in a pathetic attempt to win over a handful of critics or not...
@@anonamoutsxc he doesn't have time for that. Why don't you use fucking Google mate and you answer your own question.
While you may disagree with a company selling 'extras' ; its a tad hyperbolic to call that immoral. Morality has nothing to do with voluntary transactions between two free people.
It would be immoral to claim that you got these skins with the standard game purchase and then after you purchase you find you have to pay more for what was already promised. However this doesn't seem to be the case you describe.
Don't confuse your aesthetic opinion about how a private enterprise should interact with it's client base with morality because morality is a bridge burning proposition.
@@Dlahusen1 If it is exploitative, you could deem it immoral. Not saying it is, but if that's the angle it wouldn't be hyperbolic at all.
A Plague tale is next up guys
Please don't overwork yourself again !
Doing God’s work
Thats a game i was wondering if its actually worth a buy. It looks interesting thats for sure.. but is it any good? Only 1 way to find out. :) your review
Really interested to hear your take on this one. I'm close to pulling the trigger but was hoping to wait for your review if it was coming up. Glad to hear it is.
Mac, I can damage you with a mean comment. But I refuse to do that, as a man.
So essentially Avalanche's open world was shit but Id saved it with the good ole rooty tooty point n shooty?
Avalanche has always been pretty shitty. Just cause 2 is the only good thing they've made, but even then I'm not fond of it
@@Hazztech mad Max is great!
@@Hazztech You have no idea what you are typing there. How many Just Cause games have you played? Have you observed the way their games have evolved since jc 2? Compare it to jc 4. And Mad Max is great. Don't type shit just because you can.
@@Alexthelion93 yeah, they've "evolved" in the same way the blobfish evolved: into something terrible.
@@Alexthelion93 I loved JC2 but hated JC3. Will I like JC4?
Mac we need more bell ringing, kinda miss that.
No we do not need that, but
WE NEED MORE COWBELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD
"Hi guys *ding!* welcome to another *ding!* and today we'll be looking at *ding!*
Love the bells!
Last time I heard bells ring, a whole city of a million got burnt down.
I wouldnt have touched this game had it not been for ID / Doom shooting mechanics. As soon as I finish a session playing Rage 2, within 30 min I want to go back in and shoot more.
This game shows the difference between id and avalanche. Id does what they do best: a wonderfully polished and fun FPS. Avalanche half assed it with mediocre open world with busy work.
As much as id claims avalanche did most of the work, you can see where the work was.
Avalanche need shutting down, the quality of their work over the last few years is utter RUBBISH. JC has gone to shit, and as for that crap with the copy paste robots/environments they shat out the other month, that was pathetic. Another incredible idea that they had no clue how to implement.
Id creates linear shooters on rails. Avalanche creates open world games. I was bored playing Doom within a few hours. Rage 2 was endless fun.
@@bricktop. Yeah I recently discovered Macks channel and found out its Avalanche behind some right shit releases. Sad cause they have good IPs but the staff are terrible
Seems like its missing a good soundtrack. That's what pushes 2016 Doom game play to the next level is rocking out while slaying
Matt Binns I personally enjoyed the combat music. I dunno about ambient music cuz I just watch TH-cam while driving around lol
I disagree Matt. As much as Doom 2016 is good looking game, these music sections are only set in certain areas. When i played Doom it felt like this: corridor( no music) , arena ( music), corridor( no music). When i played older games like Blood or Doom, there was some background music and at certain times it would increase the volume, not due to fact in was in "arena", but when getting to a certain "checkpoint" ( some temple enterance, big reveal...etc)
New Doom doesnt feel like a world that exists, it doesnt feel as im the doom guy. And more over, chainsaw has fuel - that thing ruined the game for me. Maybe im just too old...
Mick Gordon is too busy with doom eternal hopefully 🙂
Dat metal bruh
Ya, but DOOM 16's weapon sounds suck.
it's clearly not a game for me but it's really fun seeing you be so enthousiastic about this game
"I have never had this much fun playing a game" is the same thing i said after playing Doom 2016, looks like i am buying this.
I LOVE good sounding games, that alone might make me buy it when its 15-20 $ someday. I dont feel the rush to go out and buy it now tho. Thanks for the good review Mack!
Don't rush and you won't crash.
Starfals get it on sale. I have it, but I tell people wait for sale. It’s good but I went into thinking it was a doom type game but it wasn’t even close lol
Yeah definitely buying it a year later cuz it takes that much time for stuff in my country to finally reach $30 and new games are $80 when they should be $60 most stores here are just abusing their customers
looks like a great game, also looks like the kind of game that'll be half price within 6 months, £20 seems pretty good value
@@christopherbarham4402 It does look like a doom kind of game, funny how you and most people say its not :P Thats very interesting for sure
Looks like some kinda Mad Max: BorderDoomLands - Far Cry Edition 👍
yes, just 10x the price
I don't see the far cry In it but with doomlands I Do, nice analysis
@@RomanowRomanow1 lol since when is £40 10x the price of any of those games?
@@idkwhatnameishouldhave7106 It has pink color from the last FarCry :-)
@@RomanowRomanow1 its 39 99 on pc. Normal price.
8:16 funny how you say you thumb this up, while showing footage of sitting ducks AI doing absolutely nothing to stop you
@@Abhishek-fe3zs theres no such ability that makes you invisible to the enemies the AI is really bad and gives you no challenge whatsoever
Yeah get the game and play on nightmare, you won't be saying that.
@@JoeySav then he should have played on nightmare and said "don't play on normal or you'll fall asleep"
@@point-bl4nk Or that's not what was he was focusing on, and different people have different skill levels at gaming. Difficulty is subjective so maybe it was difficult to him.
@@point-bl4nk He actually said just that in the review.. jsing
btw wtf with that color palette ?
I agree, it's awful and gaudy.
Guess it's better than the first
If 99.8% of people buy this game are white cis males, why do you Make IT Look like that? Seems like Bad marketing decision
It looks like a homage to Blood Dragon tbh
@@Jartza82 lmao cringeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy stop making these petty comments lmao
The last time I Immediately felt a rush of true badass energy in a game, was Shadow Warrior 2 and Doom. This game has allowed me to be a mad man on steroids.
I haven't heard Mack speak so passionately about a positive aspect of a game for ages - it must be good! Here's hoping that the content "road-map" improves the open world and makes it more interesting. Still, i'm sick of developers (more likely publishers) thinking they can release 25% of a game, and then drip feed the rest over time. urgh.
Exactly how I feel about the game. I'm sick of ppl downvoting games for lack of story when gameplay is this good.
Some games dont need a prominent story.
Eh that's the thing tho.. it's an open world game with a story. And if the story is bad. The characters are bad. The vehicles to get you through the open world are bad. Than you kinda have a pretty bad game. It's not just a game created for shooting like doom was. So just upvoting it based solely on shooting mechanics isnt really justified. Especially for a 60 euro price tag.
@@Pand0rasAct0r_ ffs dude, it`s a shooter ! story is irelevant in games like this.if it was an rpg or an rts yeah..i would agree with you..but in a shooter ? fuck no !
For the amount of contents this game offer, definitely not worth $60
Well the thing is, this was advertised for it's story and open world. Clearly a lot of time ingame is spent with quests and the open world. Take doom for instance, that game has no questing or open world or story or anything, it does exactly what it does best: you shooting demons in gory ways and feeling a badass whilst you're doing it.
why do they even bother tacking on a gringy story?
All the story should be, like you said, being the biggest badass in the wasteland. Less is more, in this case.
If they want a story, they should make a proper story not half-ass it.
0:30 Running "well" on a 2080 at 1080p is nothing to write home about, actually this game runs like shit in part due to the fact its using the same engine as Just Cause 4 rather than IdTech6.
0:48 Other than the lighting system and special effects the game lacks depth and has trouble rendering certain details like SSR. Also lack of detail is obvious especially in the starting zone even tho it is better masked in other parts of the game.
1:00 For a AAA game made by ID Software the amount of graphics settings you can modify is laughable. Also they are hardly worth turning down due to the small impact in performance and high impact to graphics quality. The best thing to do if you want more performance in this game is to turn down video resolution, most other settings are not worth the visual impact in terms of performance gained.
8:16 No surprise here, it has pink (as did another game you recently liked) and allegedly has fun combat without proper motivation (as did the other game)
8:26 You said that about the last pink FPS you played recently that you also thumbed up, and it wasn't jedy academy :) i would have thought it reminded you of Far Cry New Dawn since thats the exact same thing you said about the game. I love Doom, but that has great optimization and graphics, isn't forcing nonsensical characters down your throat and is certainly not fu**ing pink and full of microtransactions.
Hope you loved my review of your review :)
jesus christ you're a mad little nerd aint you
This is nuts man. You went full nerd. He records in 1080, plays in 1440p. I have a 2070 super and it runs great in 1440p, about 90fps average on very high in open world.
I got completely bored of Rage 2 after 3 hours, not sure if I'll start it up again. The 'humor' in this game is just painful.
Same here, This and Sekiro were the 2 biggest disappointments this year. I have Rage 2 on the One X and it runs like shit as well, it needs a patch ASAP. Days Gone has been amazing, also playing DMC 5 and RE2 both of which are a lot of fun. Rage 2 just can't hold my attention, it's all copy and paste the whole game.
Played an hour and got bored. It's a poor man's Doom. It seems like crappy DLC for Doom.
@@warpath375__ LOL that's exactly what it is.
@@JonDGAF For you ofc. Sekiro aint a disappointment.
Jon DGAF I’m at the other side of your spectrum cause I fucking hated Days gone, just another soulless, boring, bland zombie game with a mediocre story and awful voice acting, sold it immediately didn’t bothered to go further, while sekiro is one of the best experiences I’ve had recently (being a fan of the souls games helps I guess)
9:39 The Sargent must go now, his people need him.
Looks so much like Far Cry New Dawn
@Cntrol100 Because it is exactly what you've said.
The shift in art style from rage 1 to 2 is pretty weird. Granted civilization has recovered a bit after rage 1 but it's still weird how everything just became pink all of the sudden.
Actually, the reveal traailer for this game was ahead of New Dawn....I think Ubi got wind of the trend and just went along with it...
@@elbluntoinstrumento5699 Yep. Ubisoft kinda ruined the style. It was interesting until Far Cry got their version out first.
Used a controller, had a blast, smashed it, loved it. Honestly didn't think the driving was that bad though
Jmo but Mad Max was the most underrated game of this generation.
Yeah, maybe. I love it. Only fault is that after you finish it is nothing more to do. Oh, almost forgot that you get stuck there when you are supposed to find a safe haven and the characters resurrected! WTF? I don't know what they intended with that shity ending, but love the game and the characters have hearts. And the amazing sky box!
Hedwig yeah too bad they didn’t fix the last bugged trophy for the platinum lmao what a joke. All them hours went for nothing oh well lol
Need to finish Mad Max
Mad max was OK. It wasn't amazing. Really repetitive.
Nope. I enjoyed it but it had that repetitive feeling too it. Lots of missions were very same too.
Completely different experiences? Every and I mean every piece of gameplay of Rage 2 has all looked exactly the same.
yup, floor Punch, rage and shotgun. Sometimes the Push.
I appreciate how you list the good and the bad and eventually tell whether at the end of the day the game is fun playing or not. So many reviews just naming positives and negatives but at the end I'm none the wiser whether this is worth my time or not
So basically the core gameplay loop is incredibly satisfying enough to warrant buying this game. Thats the thing - so many games dont get that core mechanic nailed but when they do it's so f*****g awesome. Some other good examples of this is Doom original, Doom 2016 and God of War
Mack : I havent had so much fun in a game since jedi academy
Titanfall 2 : Am i a joke to you
I played through the entire thing without knowing about that perk screen you were in when talking about the ui even existed. is that where you can get the aim and float thing I heard people talk about?
When Fallout and Mad Max have a drunken one night stand
whats witth the purple arrows on the road.. is that the way marker? i dont like that
They have the wrong people working on story aspects in these bigger companies. All the talented people decided to go elsewhere.
If Indie developers can make something interesting, why can't larger developers who have millions and millions to spend for budgets. Too much of a focus on graphics.
Because the biggest audiences will earn the most money. And the biggest audience for videogames are casual players, often not adults. So keeping a game similar to other bigger titles, without much thought process involved to play the game and making it easy as fuck, ensures a casual player will play it 1-5 hours/week and feel like he's good at the game.
Not only that, he can pick up and not be lost as to where he was in the story/game and whatnot. And on top of that, they're not taking any risks so they're not making anything original. Open world and vehicles look extremely generic in this game for instance. Look at big developpers these last 5 years and almost all of them follow a same pattern.
I love you're videos straight to the point but just wondering why run it at 1080p with a 2080 did you run at 1440p just curious tks mate
It simply because I edit in 1080p so that is how I record it.
@@WorthABuyreviews 👌
The map is pretty small. I walked across the entire map in 45 minutes.
Love the fact that you were ranting about the AI and still said the AI is not too bad. Great review as always
I was waiting for macks point of view of the game.
But Mack is utterly jaded and you can't always trust whether he was just in a shitty mood at the time.
@@Wolfsheim23 Might be. I share a lot of opinions with him. He is the only reviewer that isn't afraid to say that witcher 3 and metal gear solid 5 sucks.
@@sirrahma1690 See that's just the thing. It's not everyone's Afraid to say that the Witcher 3 sucks. Because to say such a thing is to Dishonor the work that devs put into games like that and to seem like a privileged hipster. Because you don't like something, doesn't make it Trash. Most people loved those games and with good reason. Same with Horizon: Zero Dawn. That's a real copout and makes you look bad to say that every reviewer is lying about their true feelings but they are all just Shills caving to some payoff. That's bullshit and some places may be like that but it's rare. ACG sure isn't like that or many other independent game reviewers on youtube. Maybe for people that are true Pessimists about gaming and have also grown Jaded about them, Mack is the perfect guy because he's more likely to dislike a game or movie rather than just try to be more objective and put aside his own personal biases.
@@Wolfsheim23 I was only half serious with my previous comment. I do believe many people to be such a sheep that they like something just because everybody else does, that is just human nature. My problem with witcher 3 and metal gear solid is that everyone is fanboying the crap out of them and blind to the huge flaws that these games have. People praise these games as if they were absolutely perfect. These games have gotten so much praise all around that I offer my different opinion about them with clean conscience, criticism is good for the community and good for the developer. To be Frank, if these games wouldn't be causing such a mass psychosis among gamers, I would consider them just mediocre games.
@@sirrahma1690 No they don't consider them perfect they consider then better than most any other games in that category. It's not psychosis. Mack goes into what he hates in Witcher totally ruining the experience for him and yet ignores many of those same issues in a game like Kingdom Come: Deliverance which had hugely more issues than the Witcher. But it's OK to like a game like Kingdom Come more but to call the Witcher a terrible game and Kingdom Come a great one takes such a biased skewed perspective that I can't take them seriously even though I like Macks reviews and sometimes he's spot on, I still take it all with a grain of salt because I know his perspective is so biased and skewed one way.
Mac is this worth £7.99 as its on offer ?
Just so you know, there was an interview with Tim Willitz from id Software in which he insisted quite firmly the game was not meant to be political and that Rage 2 Orange Man is not Trump, even when the interviewer sort-of tried to pressure him into saying the villain was Trump. Not sure what to make of it but there is that.
Maybe we're all getting too sensitive, but that guy was clearly based on Trump, do they think we're idiots?
Maybe the guy that created him lied or did it subconsciously, either way its an attack on the first decent president since Reagan and I'm not standing for it.
FYI, the Arks don't come down from the sky, they're buried underground and surface, hence the caterpillar tracks on the top. Picked this up in the Rage Retro review too.
I said in rage 1 :p
Can't get excited about the game when admittedly just 1-2 aspects of the game (combat and sound) are noteworthy by even Mack's standards.
But that's like 70% of the game.
It's a great game!
... when it will be on 50% sale :-)
you're in combat for the majority of the time. that's like saying "only the shooting is good in this shooter"
@@EvilTim1911 combat means 10x more when it has a good story attached.
@@tobyhendricks9951 Sweet! I'll wait until it's at least 30% off then to make up the difference in content and quality.
2:07 I agree with this ever since the trailer it's just struck me as a relatively new spin off under an older franchise name. I really enjoyed the first one but that came out a lot time ago I don't really recall much beyond loving it. This honestly (to at least myself) feels like more of a franchise which was cancelled and sold off where it bounced between multiple companies before one felt like using it.
Homefront 2 had the same problem (loved the original as well) but it was thrown between companies forever with the project repeatedly being under development and than cancelled. At the end of it all we where left with a new Homefront game which had nothing but the name in common with the original game. I don't know if this was the case for Rage 2 but it really had that feel going for it.
Thanks Mac - another trusted review. One thing though - is it a problem that you have a 2080? Telling me it runs well on a 2080 doesn't say much. 1) of course it does. 2) I'm still on a 970 and will be for a couple of years, so knowing it's good on a 2080 doesn't mean anything to me. Looking at the most recent steam survey the most common cards are the 1060, 1050Ti, 1050, 1070 and 960. If you had a 1070 say, people would be able to gauge something from your experience. Saying it's fine on a 2080 is only good info for 2080 owners (which steam puts at 0.6% of gamers in Apr 2019).
upgrade your GPU you fuckin scrub
Looks good but how long is game? I would like a long moneys worth game. I heard Rage 1 was waaay short
As most games right now in the gaming industry. Beautiful, fun while fighting but boring without story.
Did i mentioned #Anthem?
What about Tim Kitzrow??? Is he worth a buy???
Sometimes i wish mack didnt have such a high end pc so i would know what to plebs cant afford 2080s
You don't need gtx 2080s and such calibers to play games like this at 1080p med-high @60fps. Just grab a used rx 580 4gb or 8gb sapphire off eBay for around $100-$130.
yet hes playing on a 1080p 60hz monitor LOL
There's something about Rage 2 that made me decide that ACG's review was not enough, and that I had to wait for your review. I really like how raw and honest WAB's reviews are.
Agreed at times i find wab better than acg for some games while acg is very professional he is sometimes a bit forgiving and that's where wab comes in. Now wab has its issues like some biased reviews he did, dying light is an example just to let u know .
"you feel so awesome, you feel so powerful"
>mac running around carefully with only a shotgun
I sorta lost it at that part. Sorry Mac, but the clip and the your words at the time just gave me a giggle.
Good review regardless.
will they patch rage 2 to fix the problem for audio
Forty pound game?! Holy shit it's $115 in New Zealand. :(
Who do you watch review wise?
well at least this game as good combat...
I purchased this game last night, played for about 2 hours and generally though the combat was fun but the overall experience was shit. A game like this needs a compelling story to keep me playing and it's just not here.
Thanks for convincing me to ask for a refund.
Hey Mack, how long is the single player campaign, and how many hours do you think its possible to get out of this game?
Id Software has the best gameplay mechanics of any recent game : Change My Mind.
I can't. Rage 2 proved that they got even better at what they do. I hope they'll work on Starfield's combat too.
There's no wingstick?
Love the reviews. Big fan and thanks for being the only honest reviewer.
ACG is great too
@@badboje6040 ACG is good too, at times maybe too generous, but i like Mack more, cos his main focus is on gameplay
Gmanlives is also a pretty good and very honest reviewer
Is there multiplayer?
just goes to show how good ID software is, i loved doom and it's combat (the recent one)
I'll wait for Doom Eternal i think, i like the look of the combat in this but everything else just lets it down. It maybe fun but i need a bit of everything to satisfy my thirst for a good game.
You should play the original Doom games, they're fantastic fun with a phenomenal modding scene.
Grandmastergav86 bro i grew up with them ;) hahaha was playing quake as a young lad and actually funnily enough I met an accountant (one of my grandads friends in Spain) she was working for ID software in the 90’s and her ex husband was a dev, who still actually works for them, they have very interesting stories about the development. I’m a huge fan of all their games.
You didn't show your end game map
all points exacttly my thoughts. combat is AMAZING Fun! That alone is enough for me to do the rest.
That's what's important in this game. I don't understand the complains about the story in a game that is supposed to have a bad story
The only reason I didn't skip on the game is because the combat is one of the best you'll ever experience! It's just a shame that everything else (Mission structure, MPCs, music, vehicles, open world) sucks. It's scary and disappointing when a game only has one saving grace.
This just makes me want to replay Rage 1 again.
For what?
Rage is awful.
@@realhamonwry8620 It was great, actually. if you didn't compare it to irrelevant games.
@@AoyagiAichou - You must have the palate of an amoeba.
Rage is pure garbage by any metric of analysis.
@@realhamonwry8620 OK.
Mack can you please preview/review UBOAT please?
Yes I have to ready to play, got a few more to do this week but it's on next weeks list
@@WorthABuyreviews brilliant.👍
That AI though :\
I retract my comment! Clearly the best way to play this is on hard, looks like classic old school combat.
You ever gonna do a worth a buy tropico 6?
So he wont review Days Gone but picks up Rage 2? Days Gone is a 7.0 game
Agreed take away the shotgun mac game would be a thumbs down. Combat is shite on Hard and Nightmare. Bullet sponge handgun only impossible.
Hey Mack, thanks for taking your time playing these, voicing your opinion. You've saved me heaps of disappointments and saved loads of cash. Hope you have a good day, and remember to go fishing this summer! It's better than any game.
So this game basically tried to copy:
- Mass Effect abilities
- Doom theme and gameplay/combat
- Mad Max world and driving
- Bulletstorm graphics and physics
- Borderlands characters
And some of those worked, some are absolute shite.
Most of those are redundant as hell. It's just Bulletstorm meets Far Cry and tbh the abilities are just your run of the mill enhanced crowd control/mobility/fury that have been in countless kther titles. Saying it "copies" stuff is really just hating on it for being an open world FPS on 2019.
So tbh is it worth getting this over Doom 2016?
Open world bollocks. Why are companies so allergic to quality linear experiences? The part when you were collecting those blue crystal resources to appease the faction...made me sigh.
Why are contrarians so allergic to open worlds? There's nothing inherently wrong with them
@@EvilTim1911 Just feels unnecessary a lot of the time. Does Doom Eternal need an open world? Because Rage 2 certainly didn't.
Dave Rogers Actually RAGE 1 lacking an open world was one of that game’s biggest flaws. Fun car combat, but the overworld was too small to really do a lot of that.
Open world games work best when the movement and moment to moment gameplay are good, because then you can keep doing the same thing over and over and still have fun.
When you don’t have that, that’s when the open world gets monotonous and dull. Think Far Cry 2 and MGSV.
Mac, whats the name of the song playing when your conclusion is showed?
Since Jedi Academy? Then you haven't been playing that many videogames then or just biased
Loved the video! Been watching for ages, you deserve so many more subs!
So pretty much everything but the combat is total banter wank?
Played it a bunch today and have to agree on the combat, better than 2016 that's for sure. To hell with the story, man I'm having a blast.
First Far Cry new Yawn, then this ... at least the devs had the decency to warn us about the sjw agenda by colorcoding the ui pink and violet
Rage is underrated series in my opinion. Rage 2 is still good but still underappreciated just like those two Titanfall game which are underrated as well
Best combat? None of the enemies attacked you LOL. You're confusing best with easiest.
I think he was playing it on easy.
Same thing happens with Borderlands 3. Just turn up the difficulty.
Absolutely trash AI on enemies..smh
They weren't trying to portray the guy as DT, in fact, one of the devs specifically told a rabid jouno that the guy was designed before DT was in the picture.
I really disliked the colours of the game. What is up with the hot pink? Immediately it make me sick to look at the game, and I uninstalled it after about 30 minutes. The gameplay isn't anything new. Same old same old, and very boring. Personally I would give the game a solid 2.5 out of 10, and nothing more. Total garbage.
About 20 mins for me
@@RichardPhillips1066 It doesn't take long.
What's Jedi Academy?
Yes.... the devs of this game seem to have been in a particularly degenerate phase....
is the PS4 version worth a buy? (I can no longer afford PC gpu's the price they are these days, so limited to console gaming)
If there aren't any cuts in content then it should be equally worth it as this one. Those who are used to consoles/controllers have no problem with shooters on console. Mack is not used to them and thus thinks they are wank. Controllers have their issues but not unusable.
@Guybrush Threepweed I know fps games are idea for PC and mouse/kb but you now not all of us can afford a gaming PC and a console is waaaaay better than nothing :)
Sounds like power fantasy done right. Great review!
I've been playing the Borderlands trilogy for the past two months for the 1st time and I love them. This looks like a similar game. I'm going to start Rage 1 tonight since it's included in my" PS4 Now " subscription service. Thanks .
Am I the only one sick of open world games?
No, you're not😪
well, I´m sick of bad open world games
The problem is they're all so fucking bad. There's one company that makes good Open World games and that's Rockstar. Everything else feels like a lifeless piece of shit.
Thing is, it isn't open world games that are bad they are just bad open world games. When you make an open world game you don't make it where you just conquer the map, you make the world alive and immersive and shit. Also Avalanche studios makes the worst open world games out there. They are still technically very linear its just now you have a big ass map to complete.
I just bought rage 2 for ten dollars what do think is this the money
"The best combat i've had in years" The ai barely move and/or shoot judging by this footage.
Well the game does have difficulty settings, and honestly I just recommend playing on hard. The AI is aggressive on hard.
@@8BitPinkiePie ok. good to know
This is honestly one of the best game reviews I've seen... ever. Please keep em' coming.
Honestly Mac I'd rather just wait for Doom Eternal
I'd say it's worth it now on sale since Doom Eternal is delayed.
Gotta say that graphics - esp. lighting - look luxurious .
Rage 2 looks like what I was wishing Doom Eternal would have been.
4:28 you need to handbreake *before* you get to the turn XD
Mediocre reviewer with a bell. inconstancy in all of his reviews. he hates mechanic A and B in one game, he loves the same mechanic in game C. talking about good old games and how bad the new ones are but shilling for every other Ubisoft/EA game that was release in past two years.
You didn't mentioned about x-ray vision or am i wrong about it?
hmm avalanche studios.. so its basicly Just Rage: Cause insecure editon
Mack plz test your games on your good old 1070. Most of us can't afford beasty 2080s and need to know if we'll be able to get 60fps on our crappy 10 series cards :')
I like Donald Trump. MAGA.
Mack ironically doesn't :p
Probably my favorite reviewer right now
Lets not forget the most important factor Mack. The belly laugh provided by the Rage 2 live band at E3 (Bethesda) last year. Great review of the game.
Let us know how long the game can last.