I'll keep saying it: the biggest enemy of Eunbi's career is and forever will be Woolim, i'm aware they might not have all the resources to support Eunbi at 100%.....but letting the girl release digital singles who are focused on the Korean public without promotions isn't the most ideal scenario, isn't Woolim?. She literally released another song aside from Sabotage
It reminds me of a comment I read (and I could be wrong on this) where someone pointed out that Woolim hasn't released anything for their active artists aside from single albums (at least for their Korean releases) in over 1 1/2 years. The last release under the company where it was an EP or a full album was DRIPPIN's full album (Villain : The End) in November 2022. They might not even have the funds to release above a single album at this point in time. And about her new song (Please Summer!), I didn't even know she put out another track it until I saw the cover art on Pinterest 2 days after its release. Woolim is letting all of their artists, including Eunbi, down.
Okay that's pretty wild. I was literally work on this script for a bit and was listening to her music while editing and preparing this video and didn't even realise she release another song. I wonder whether there was much intention to this release or just a throwaway type just for putting out more stuff. As for the single album statement; I had a quick look at the groups and soloists within Woolim and yea 2022 was the last year where mini albums and full albums were released which defs could suggest a lot tbh. What's wild is that despite releasing single albums, all Woolim groups have also only had one korean comeback as a single album in 2023 (note: Golden Child and Drippin also released one comeback in Japan too). It really suggest potential financial issues if they can't even split the number of mini album songs into two comebacks a year.
The truth is, producing albums is expensive and combined with the fact that you have to pay to promote your groups/soloists on music shows, all they can really afford to make is music videos and digital singles. It’s sad, really.
As a casual listener from London, I feel like Eunbi's music would resonate well with a UK audience at music festivals due to title tracks like Underwater and Glitch reminding me of songs that gain traction here.
Yea, I think of all areas; I saw a lot of people mention europe being a notable place that would get a great reception from Eunbi. I do wonder whether Eunbi or her company think too much about that and just "ignores" the reception or whether it's just solely domestic and kinda doesn't realise the potential.
It's always unfortunate that kpop soloists struggle to gain attention these days. IU is one of the only soloists I can think of who has managed to succeed as a soloist for so long. The only soloists that seem to have success these days are still within a group, with solo projects. I can think idols like Nayeon (Twice), Taemin (SHINee), or even Kai (EXO). It helps to have their fans from their already well-known active groups to support their solo projects, and they can return to their group after solo activities. With all of the soloists who came from survival group success, like Eunbi, Chaeyeon, or even Chungha, they struggle to have the large fan base that previously supported their groups support them as well. I wish these companies could do better to promote the idols and give them more opportunities to shine as soloists. I wouldn't know how else to see these idols grow in their success for a long-term career and it's so worrying as a fan of these idols.
I wonder if being a part of a previously successful group is the part that hinders their success as a soloist. I wonder how different it would've been if the Iz*One members who debuted as soloists debuted in groups instead, like some of the other Iz*One members who are now in very popular groups. 🤔 Is it even worth debuting soloists in the current kpop landscape? Maybe with the right company? 😖
All the IZONE soloists should get together and debut in a new group, preferably in one of the big 3 or 4 or the more established companies like Starship etc. This way WIZONES can more easily support them without losing focus all over the place and just giving up completely. Groups are more easy to follow and support because of the greater variety. For example Kiss of Life seems to be doing quite well with all the solo fans of each girl coming together to support all the girls in the group.
@@JO-qn8gytbh I don’t know why they didn’t do that. It’s so trivial that groups gain more attention than soloists. Yeuhua could have gone big with everglow + yena but they just dropped everything to debut her solo. Such a wrong move. As a group Yuri, Yena, Chaeyeon and Eunbi would make such a big noise since they were one of if not the most talented members of the group, main vocalist, main rapper, main dancer and leader. All of these things seem to not appear on them as soloist. (I mean not the talent but the power their talent hold).
Amen like I’ve been listening to her for a while now, and it’s just so sad to see her, not getting as much momentum in terms of fanbase as she would had she been managed better
Honestly she doesn't stand a chance if she stays under Woolim. As an Inspirit I know all about how much Woolim sucks, they have in the past actively prevented members of Infinite from having schedules, pushed extremely harmful diets on the members (especially Sungjong...), and suddenly stopped putting effort into comebacks post 2016 (as soon as Golden child debuted) despite the fact that they were still Woolims most popular act at the time. The same stuff also happened to Lovelyz, Babysoul, and Golden Child. If Woolim ever debut any new artists Eunbi is going to be swept under the rug and ignored just like all the other artists Woolims had.
Ohh damm. Don't really know too much about Infinite but the earliest memories I remember of Woolim kinda fumbling the bag was with Lovelyz after queendom puzzle and even their contract renewals where there was supposed to be atleast a final comeback. Now with the slight resurgence of Lovelyz, here's Woolim trying to potentially piggy back off their hype again. I do hope they do take a break from debuting anything new and focus on their current artist because it's a bit concerning what's happening. I mean Juri from Rocket Punch leaving was not in my kpop 2024 bingo card.
I'm a huge Eunbi fan and I feel like she has a lot of potential to become one of those top soloists. I can acknowledge she's not at Taeyeon’s level in vocal performance, but she can really sing and has great dance skills. With songs like "Glitch" and "The Flash," Eunbi managed to find a sound that works for her. Even her recent single, "Sabotage," continues in that line (with a few not very pleasing production moments, being honest). I think Woollim needs to work with producers who can expand this sound and actually make it cater to a bigger audience. Her discography also has some pretty solid b-sides. I believe not all hope is lost yet, I really wish she finds that breakthrough single. She is talented and deserves a decent career at least. On another note, the ageism point is totally true. I feel like that's the reason Eunbi had to debut as a soloist in the first place. If she left Woollim, not many companies would be interested in her solely because she's not in her teens or early twenties, which sucks. While I really support and see the potential in Eunbi as a soloist, I can imagine her being in a group with other women her age. Not only would it be a statement showing these companies that not only minors can debut, but they could also explore more mature sounds and concepts that would bring in a bigger audience.
Yea the most two recent releases does seem to have a vibe to it so she might potentially have her sound. I just hope with the direction that Woolim seems to be going for their artist that they atleast fine tunes the songs to really fall in line and attract more viewers to her music. As for the debuting a group with others around her age; that would be so cool to see but also unfortunately sounds very unlikely.
i LOVE eunbi and her music and it’s always bothered me so much that she doesn’t get that much recognition as a soloist :( no one likes the flash or even knows it exists and it’s one of my favorite kpop songs of all time. and sabotage barely got promoted even though it’s amazing(although i don’t love her bsides, they’re usually pretty generic for me but the title tracks are always great). the fact that she’s most famous for waterbomb is especially sad to me because her biggest success as a soloist isn’t for her talent but for her body
I agree mostly expect I feel there's quite few hidden gems in her b-sides like Magentic, Croquis(Glitch's sister) etc. Plus her coming back with single albums is limiting her catalog(Thanks Woollim).
What's interesting is that Sabotage coincided with the waterbomb and so I wonder whether they should have gone for more of a summery concept to coincide with her appearance or whether she should have made the comeback after the appearance to build on the attention received kinda like how they released the flash after her first waterbomb appearance.
@@cloudchungxiao yeah, i think they released it before waterbomb so people could see her there and then go listen to her music, but instead it just kind of fell flat and so did her waterbomb appearance because no one really knew the song(also i personally really didn’t like her outfit the stylists did not eat, i think they were trying to make it a little revealing but not too much and they made it weird) 😭 i think the song sounds really summery, but you wouldn’t think that at all from the teasers and concept. they do a really poor job of promoting her
i looove eunbi but still haven't listened to her 1st ep, open, because door just didn't resonate with me. but glitch and underwater are my jam. color and lethality might be my favorite solo projects from any female soloist so far. the flash and sabotage... i don't like as much. it is in the same vein as color and lethality, but i feel like they're not as strong thematically. the only thing woollim did right in eunbi's career is releasing the flash, after her virality in waterbomb, because it led to her first win. i feel like they could still preserve or evolve her current sound into more summer-oriented songs. cool for the summer by demi lovato is a good example. still a club banger but has those hints of summer with the lyrics and vibes. woollim needs to shift her back into releasing EPs and/or albums, and bring back the strong thematics throughout the MVs and albums. always love the topics of your videos and how you deep dive into the girl groups/soloists
@@yoongiverse. It could've been clearer though that might've been because they censored a bit the implied relationship Eunbi has with a woman in the MV.
Woollim giving her single albums right now be because they can't afford more right. I do agree that her newer albums are less cohesive and her only releasing single albums recently is probably a big reason why. I feel she is already diving into summer-oriented songs with Sabotage but maybe bringing more of a Glitch-type into that style would make her really stand-out/
Thanks. Appreciate that. I defs enjoyed her first three releases but the last two of the flash and sabotage have kinda not been completely it for me. I kinda agree with your sentiment that those two releases were a bit of a watered down version of her previous releases. Definitely not bad at all but not songs I would go back to actively. But yea, we see more from the next release.
I'm only a casual listener for her music since Glitch, but yet to checkout any live stages from her. Really wish she can find a way to perform outside of Asia.
Yea, I mean if she does receive any opportunities to perform outside, I do hope she takes them. With the relatively old but also recent news about music program fees and income; I do wonder how much financial benefits there would be considering the many comments indicating the not so great financial position that Woolim is in.
For sure. I would say we have heard more in relation to the benefits she has gained from her idol career so there’s no denying she has gained success. Just definitely not in the place she should be if she released such great music like that
The music segment makes me so sad because I love Eunbi's songs SO MUCH like... Underwater was my 3rd most listened song in 2023 even though it was released in 2022!! The only artist that wasn't Ateez (my ults) in my top 5! I love the direction she's going because Door was not my cup of tea at all but Glitch??? is a literal masterpiece??? I want to hear Underwater live before I die! I randomly dance The Flash and point choreo out of nowhere! My friends are sick of me doing the Sabotage dance with doors (instead of dancer) lmao Please Summer and Like Heaven aren't my style but stil... When I saw her sales stats for Sabotage, it made me so genuinely sad. I love her music so much and I wish her all the best from the bottom of my heart
It's great that you like the direction she's going but unfortunate that her music isn't translating in the same reception in where she also promotes. I personally didn't vibe with The flash or sabotage but they're both not bad. Do you think she needs to kinda switch the sound up or do you think there's something else that needs to be done to get that impact.
Honestly I think Woollim puts all of their money into their music bc I love all of the releases their groups put out but put absolutely zero effort into marketing and promotion. They only know how to send their idols on survival shows, in 2018-2020 especially, and outside these shows their idols are unknown.
Marketing really sucks for Woolim because I think only think of a distinct few idols who have built up their idol persona to be really prominent. Other than that; wouldn't have a clue on who they were. As for the putting money into their music; the only issue with that is the subjectivity of music which puts the idols career in a big risk of relying solely on such a subjective factor. There definitely needs to be a balance between marketing and music which hopefully they put into consideration moving forward
Ive loved every solo song she puts out but I only end up listening to them 3 months after release cuz i never see any promotion or it being talked about anywhere
Just double checking; are you saying that you don't realise when she releases music so when you do find out about them, which is around 3 months after the release, that's when you vibe with it? Also what's your ranking for the title tracks?
She was my bias in Iz*One and i still love and follow her to this day- most, if not all, of the music she releases I adore and it makes me sad that she's not gaining more traction. I was surprised that Glitch or Underwater didn't go more viral. I also loved The Flash but translated some Korean comments which said that "it sounds like something from 2013" so that would make more sense why it didn't gain traction in the Korean industry. BUT her b-sides are amazing: Croquis and Magnetic being my overall favorite, I think she has so much potential with her voice. Maybe she can be like Natty and possibly redebut in a group? I saw another comment where they said to redebut her, Chaeyeon, Yena, Yuri- they could possibly be big.
I feel like Glitch had it's moment in the kpop niche community of people riding for it but not enough to cause a big wave. Underwater also slightly had it's moment but that was combined with the waterbomb festival. As for the flash and sabotage which kinda sonically sound the same; assuming that korean comment represents a good chunk of the general domestic audience thoughts, then that could explain why she is not gaining that traction like that. Unfortunately, I cannot see her debut in a group. Her solo career is defs not the worst where Woolim can't do anything with her so I kinda can't see a reason to throw her in a group. But yea, a sub-unit of iz*one soloist could be a fun one-off.
@@cloudchungxiao You’re right- I think she definitely has a more established Korean audience too considering how she had a moment during waterbomb with Underwater I agree that having a one off with some of the Iz*one members would be nice. Maybe that would give them all a little more popularity- either way I’ll stay supporting 💪
Walk with me but I think her error was all the famous Hollywood hair-theory. I genuinely think she would’ve gone so much more viral with another styling.. idk ginger/orange or blond or whatever else. Even more during glitch.
Ohh interesting thought. Would you say the hollywood hair theory is that prominent within kpop? I wanna say besides like hair bangs and maybe blonde hair; I don't really think of idols and hair as a notable distinctive feature of consideration.
@@cloudchungxiao There's some that definitely retain more attention when they change, imo. Like Seulgi's orange is SO iconic. People were tweaking for Wony's blond. I think Yuna's red hair is a hit too. Choerry's purple, Rosé's blond, Taeyeon's blond was such a thing for her too... I mean list is long I think it definitely can play a rôle if the styling with it incapsulates the vibe of actual concept. For exemple, Glitch (again lol) is so ethereal that her having a blond almost white hair would've shaped her traits to be in the same energy than the song. For her debut a brown leaning on copper would've done a similar job.
Damm, defs not something that I think about intentionally but a few examples you listed were pre iconic hair styles so maybe it would further compliment the whole era for Eunbi.
Ayyy, do you like CSR? because what the hell (respectfully) is going on with them. After shining bright; it's been a series of confusing actions and events for them
@@cloudchungxiao yess i love csr! yeah it’s weird how they kept putting out all those crappy remixes of that happy birthday song instead of their company giving them a proper comeback, and then they completely changed their concept and music style. personally the “christian horse girl” concept/music genre was what drew me and most of their other fans in, so i’m wondering why they suddenly switched up their style
Yea. Plus sending them on a survival show that was overseas oriented was a interesting choice too. Hopefully they kinda get there stuff together and see they should go back to the older concept. I do wonder whether the members already want to maybe pivot the concept too? That could be a factor but this most recent song was kinda a dramatic shift. Kinda like Weeekly with Ven Para
Eunbi's audience are literally festival and rave goers. Her recent titles are not for me but she continues to stay relevant in the Korean public eye because she is the Waterbomb Queen. That being said even if she did just make songs to performed at festivals, it could be CUNTIER because we knowww she is capable of carrying. That being sad, I think Woollim completely gave up on elevating Eunbi as a top soloist, keeping her only to serve as their cash cow. That's why we get mid songs and her still performing non stop
Yea, there seems to be a lot of waterbombs. I thought it was just once per year but nah they do it in different areas. Plus she's confirmed going to US so absolutely great opportunities to pop off and hopefully she does get that additional support there. But yea, I could see Woolim kinda put minimal effort while throwing her everywhere to get returns from her current virality.
I’m curious on what you think about how somi’s solo career is going. It’s not like her career has been unsuccessful but she’s been a solo artist for 5 years now and it still feels like she hasn’t established herself. Since debut, it’s felt like the black label doesn’t know what to do with her
Omg, literally mentioned that in the upcoming video of a potential video idea. Only thing is like you said that she hasn't had a unsuccessful career. But yea, will defs scroll on through to see whether I can kinda make it not just about the lack of comebacks from TBL as the only factor from initial thinking.
Yea, ngl wasn't sure how to describe her music so kinda relied on reviews of the songs to kinda find a general genre name for it but good to know for the future. Thanks :)
It's difficult for soloists unless they have a substantial fanbase. They're very reliant on them and their songs being popular in Korea. Underwater has done pretty well, but Sabotage went nowhere
Yea, that's a major issue for soloist for sure. I think a very small amount have actual decent sized fanbase while everyone else is relying on the general public for the most part.
I think the debut hurt her trajectory,I love the album with all my heart but I feel like people saw how tacky some of the outfits/the album cover was and felt like it wasn’t worth looking into
@@cloudchungxiao people do usually do that,they tend to see “bad quality” or “non aesthetic” stuff and tend to not look into it bc they deem it “not worthy”,idk the psychology behind it but for example,if someone were to stumble upon the album on TH-cam,they would most likely scroll past it,since the album cover looks more like an independent artist trying out stuff then an actual profesionally made album
That's crazzzyy but also highlights how music is not even that "IT" factor for people stanning groups because that's literally the main product for Kpop and yet outfits and albums cover can deter people just like that.
I'll keep saying it: the biggest enemy of Eunbi's career is and forever will be Woolim, i'm aware they might not have all the resources to support Eunbi at 100%.....but letting the girl release digital singles who are focused on the Korean public without promotions isn't the most ideal scenario, isn't Woolim?. She literally released another song aside from Sabotage
It reminds me of a comment I read (and I could be wrong on this) where someone pointed out that Woolim hasn't released anything for their active artists aside from single albums (at least for their Korean releases) in over 1 1/2 years. The last release under the company where it was an EP or a full album was DRIPPIN's full album (Villain : The End) in November 2022. They might not even have the funds to release above a single album at this point in time. And about her new song (Please Summer!), I didn't even know she put out another track it until I saw the cover art on Pinterest 2 days after its release. Woolim is letting all of their artists, including Eunbi, down.
they so not decent
Okay that's pretty wild. I was literally work on this script for a bit and was listening to her music while editing and preparing this video and didn't even realise she release another song. I wonder whether there was much intention to this release or just a throwaway type just for putting out more stuff.
As for the single album statement; I had a quick look at the groups and soloists within Woolim and yea 2022 was the last year where mini albums and full albums were released which defs could suggest a lot tbh. What's wild is that despite releasing single albums, all Woolim groups have also only had one korean comeback as a single album in 2023 (note: Golden Child and Drippin also released one comeback in Japan too). It really suggest potential financial issues if they can't even split the number of mini album songs into two comebacks a year.
The truth is, producing albums is expensive and combined with the fact that you have to pay to promote your groups/soloists on music shows, all they can really afford to make is music videos and digital singles. It’s sad, really.
what the hell? i also found out she released a song from this comment lol
As a casual listener from London, I feel like Eunbi's music would resonate well with a UK audience at music festivals due to title tracks like Underwater and Glitch reminding me of songs that gain traction here.
Definitely!! Totally agreed as another uk girlie
Yea, I think of all areas; I saw a lot of people mention europe being a notable place that would get a great reception from Eunbi. I do wonder whether Eunbi or her company think too much about that and just "ignores" the reception or whether it's just solely domestic and kinda doesn't realise the potential.
Agreed - am from UK :x
This is what I think too I really need her to have a concert her. Her earlier sound would resonate extremely well with a UK audience
Furthermore underwater sounds a lot like a 2010’s clean bandit song
It's always unfortunate that kpop soloists struggle to gain attention these days. IU is one of the only soloists I can think of who has managed to succeed as a soloist for so long. The only soloists that seem to have success these days are still within a group, with solo projects.
I can think idols like Nayeon (Twice), Taemin (SHINee), or even Kai (EXO). It helps to have their fans from their already well-known active groups to support their solo projects, and they can return to their group after solo activities.
With all of the soloists who came from survival group success, like Eunbi, Chaeyeon, or even Chungha, they struggle to have the large fan base that previously supported their groups support them as well. I wish these companies could do better to promote the idols and give them more opportunities to shine as soloists. I wouldn't know how else to see these idols grow in their success for a long-term career and it's so worrying as a fan of these idols.
I wonder if being a part of a previously successful group is the part that hinders their success as a soloist. I wonder how different it would've been if the Iz*One members who debuted as soloists debuted in groups instead, like some of the other Iz*One members who are now in very popular groups. 🤔 Is it even worth debuting soloists in the current kpop landscape? Maybe with the right company? 😖
All the IZONE soloists should get together and debut in a new group, preferably in one of the big 3 or 4 or the more established companies like Starship etc. This way WIZONES can more easily support them without losing focus all over the place and just giving up completely. Groups are more easy to follow and support because of the greater variety. For example Kiss of Life seems to be doing quite well with all the solo fans of each girl coming together to support all the girls in the group.
@@JO-qn8gytbh I don’t know why they didn’t do that. It’s so trivial that groups gain more attention than soloists. Yeuhua could have gone big with everglow + yena but they just dropped everything to debut her solo. Such a wrong move.
As a group Yuri, Yena, Chaeyeon and Eunbi would make such a big noise since they were one of if not the most talented members of the group, main vocalist, main rapper, main dancer and leader. All of these things seem to not appear on them as soloist. (I mean not the talent but the power their talent hold).
Bibi, IU, and Somi r doing great. Sunmi was doing good until her last song for last yr was horrible and made her lose her popularity
@@crystalsmith9038 I’m not as familiar with Bibi, but I know Somi and Sunmi were also previously a part of girl groups before being soloists
her situation is so sad she deserves so much better 😭😭 imo she’s the best soloist and doesn’t have a bad song
She is already successful financially. I would like to see her continue to grow as an artist though.
Amen like I’ve been listening to her for a while now, and it’s just so sad to see her, not getting as much momentum in terms of fanbase as she would had she been managed better
Best soloist from post-iz*one or overall?
@@cloudchungxiao just my opinion.,,.
If her songs are good isn't that thanks to woollim?
Honestly she doesn't stand a chance if she stays under Woolim. As an Inspirit I know all about how much Woolim sucks, they have in the past actively prevented members of Infinite from having schedules, pushed extremely harmful diets on the members (especially Sungjong...), and suddenly stopped putting effort into comebacks post 2016 (as soon as Golden child debuted) despite the fact that they were still Woolims most popular act at the time. The same stuff also happened to Lovelyz, Babysoul, and Golden Child. If Woolim ever debut any new artists Eunbi is going to be swept under the rug and ignored just like all the other artists Woolims had.
Ohh damm. Don't really know too much about Infinite but the earliest memories I remember of Woolim kinda fumbling the bag was with Lovelyz after queendom puzzle and even their contract renewals where there was supposed to be atleast a final comeback. Now with the slight resurgence of Lovelyz, here's Woolim trying to potentially piggy back off their hype again. I do hope they do take a break from debuting anything new and focus on their current artist because it's a bit concerning what's happening. I mean Juri from Rocket Punch leaving was not in my kpop 2024 bingo card.
I'm a huge Eunbi fan and I feel like she has a lot of potential to become one of those top soloists. I can acknowledge she's not at Taeyeon’s level in vocal performance, but she can really sing and has great dance skills. With songs like "Glitch" and "The Flash," Eunbi managed to find a sound that works for her. Even her recent single, "Sabotage," continues in that line (with a few not very pleasing production moments, being honest). I think Woollim needs to work with producers who can expand this sound and actually make it cater to a bigger audience. Her discography also has some pretty solid b-sides. I believe not all hope is lost yet, I really wish she finds that breakthrough single. She is talented and deserves a decent career at least.
On another note, the ageism point is totally true. I feel like that's the reason Eunbi had to debut as a soloist in the first place. If she left Woollim, not many companies would be interested in her solely because she's not in her teens or early twenties, which sucks. While I really support and see the potential in Eunbi as a soloist, I can imagine her being in a group with other women her age. Not only would it be a statement showing these companies that not only minors can debut, but they could also explore more mature sounds and concepts that would bring in a bigger audience.
Yea the most two recent releases does seem to have a vibe to it so she might potentially have her sound. I just hope with the direction that Woolim seems to be going for their artist that they atleast fine tunes the songs to really fall in line and attract more viewers to her music.
As for the debuting a group with others around her age; that would be so cool to see but also unfortunately sounds very unlikely.
She's literally one of my favourite soloists😭😭😭
Her intial releases were really up there for me. What's your favorite era from her?
i LOVE eunbi and her music and it’s always bothered me so much that she doesn’t get that much recognition as a soloist :( no one likes the flash or even knows it exists and it’s one of my favorite kpop songs of all time. and sabotage barely got promoted even though it’s amazing(although i don’t love her bsides, they’re usually pretty generic for me but the title tracks are always great). the fact that she’s most famous for waterbomb is especially sad to me because her biggest success as a soloist isn’t for her talent but for her body
I agree mostly expect I feel there's quite few hidden gems in her b-sides like Magentic, Croquis(Glitch's sister) etc. Plus her coming back with single albums is limiting her catalog(Thanks Woollim).
@@ClubPuguin yesss croquis is a standout! i agree though she can’t have a ton of amazing bsides if she barely has any bsides
What's interesting is that Sabotage coincided with the waterbomb and so I wonder whether they should have gone for more of a summery concept to coincide with her appearance or whether she should have made the comeback after the appearance to build on the attention received kinda like how they released the flash after her first waterbomb appearance.
@@cloudchungxiao yeah, i think they released it before waterbomb so people could see her there and then go listen to her music, but instead it just kind of fell flat and so did her waterbomb appearance because no one really knew the song(also i personally really didn’t like her outfit the stylists did not eat, i think they were trying to make it a little revealing but not too much and they made it weird) 😭 i think the song sounds really summery, but you wouldn’t think that at all from the teasers and concept. they do a really poor job of promoting her
I love flash too.
i looove eunbi but still haven't listened to her 1st ep, open, because door just didn't resonate with me. but glitch and underwater are my jam. color and lethality might be my favorite solo projects from any female soloist so far. the flash and sabotage... i don't like as much. it is in the same vein as color and lethality, but i feel like they're not as strong thematically.
the only thing woollim did right in eunbi's career is releasing the flash, after her virality in waterbomb, because it led to her first win. i feel like they could still preserve or evolve her current sound into more summer-oriented songs. cool for the summer by demi lovato is a good example. still a club banger but has those hints of summer with the lyrics and vibes.
woollim needs to shift her back into releasing EPs and/or albums, and bring back the strong thematics throughout the MVs and albums.
always love the topics of your videos and how you deep dive into the girl groups/soloists
the sabotage mv had a whole storyline
@@yoongiverse. It could've been clearer though that might've been because they censored a bit the implied relationship Eunbi has with a woman in the MV.
Woollim giving her single albums right now be because they can't afford more right. I do agree that her newer albums are less cohesive and her only releasing single albums recently is probably a big reason why. I feel she is already diving into summer-oriented songs with Sabotage but maybe bringing more of a Glitch-type into that style would make her really stand-out/
@@ClubPuguin very true
Thanks. Appreciate that.
I defs enjoyed her first three releases but the last two of the flash and sabotage have kinda not been completely it for me. I kinda agree with your sentiment that those two releases were a bit of a watered down version of her previous releases. Definitely not bad at all but not songs I would go back to actively. But yea, we see more from the next release.
I'm only a casual listener for her music since Glitch, but yet to checkout any live stages from her. Really wish she can find a way to perform outside of Asia.
I think she has only done that one-time as a soloist for a festival in New York.
@ClubPuguin she has been to Ottawa Canada as well for a kpop festival. I found out about it after it happened 😔 I didn't get to see her perform. 😕
Yea, I mean if she does receive any opportunities to perform outside, I do hope she takes them. With the relatively old but also recent news about music program fees and income; I do wonder how much financial benefits there would be considering the many comments indicating the not so great financial position that Woolim is in.
eunbi is doing well, great even, she just should be a lot bigger
For sure. I would say we have heard more in relation to the benefits she has gained from her idol career so there’s no denying she has gained success. Just definitely not in the place she should be if she released such great music like that
The music segment makes me so sad because I love Eunbi's songs SO MUCH like... Underwater was my 3rd most listened song in 2023 even though it was released in 2022!! The only artist that wasn't Ateez (my ults) in my top 5! I love the direction she's going because Door was not my cup of tea at all but Glitch??? is a literal masterpiece??? I want to hear Underwater live before I die! I randomly dance The Flash and point choreo out of nowhere! My friends are sick of me doing the Sabotage dance with doors (instead of dancer) lmao Please Summer and Like Heaven aren't my style but stil... When I saw her sales stats for Sabotage, it made me so genuinely sad. I love her music so much and I wish her all the best from the bottom of my heart
It's great that you like the direction she's going but unfortunate that her music isn't translating in the same reception in where she also promotes. I personally didn't vibe with The flash or sabotage but they're both not bad. Do you think she needs to kinda switch the sound up or do you think there's something else that needs to be done to get that impact.
Honestly I think Woollim puts all of their money into their music bc I love all of the releases their groups put out but put absolutely zero effort into marketing and promotion. They only know how to send their idols on survival shows, in 2018-2020 especially, and outside these shows their idols are unknown.
Marketing really sucks for Woolim because I think only think of a distinct few idols who have built up their idol persona to be really prominent. Other than that; wouldn't have a clue on who they were. As for the putting money into their music; the only issue with that is the subjectivity of music which puts the idols career in a big risk of relying solely on such a subjective factor. There definitely needs to be a balance between marketing and music which hopefully they put into consideration moving forward
Yeah they only know marketing from 2nd gen
Eunbi has a unique sound and it’s sad how fans can’t see how original her music is.
Her early was pretty unique for sure but yea, not sure whether the reception isn't there or whether the marketing isn't there to make it more known.
glitch is one of my favourite kpop songs. it's so good i was shocked she out of everyone released it tbh
Do you feel like someone else vibes with the glitch concept or that she released one of the better songs?
The editing layout looks so good! 🔥
Thanks :)
Ive loved every solo song she puts out but I only end up listening to them 3 months after release cuz i never see any promotion or it being talked about anywhere
Just double checking; are you saying that you don't realise when she releases music so when you do find out about them, which is around 3 months after the release, that's when you vibe with it?
Also what's your ranking for the title tracks?
She was my bias in Iz*One and i still love and follow her to this day- most, if not all, of the music she releases I adore and it makes me sad that she's not gaining more traction.
I was surprised that Glitch or Underwater didn't go more viral. I also loved The Flash but translated some Korean comments which said that "it sounds like something from 2013" so that would make more sense why it didn't gain traction in the Korean industry.
BUT her b-sides are amazing: Croquis and Magnetic being my overall favorite, I think she has so much potential with her voice. Maybe she can be like Natty and possibly redebut in a group? I saw another comment where they said to redebut her, Chaeyeon, Yena, Yuri- they could possibly be big.
I feel like Glitch had it's moment in the kpop niche community of people riding for it but not enough to cause a big wave. Underwater also slightly had it's moment but that was combined with the waterbomb festival.
As for the flash and sabotage which kinda sonically sound the same; assuming that korean comment represents a good chunk of the general domestic audience thoughts, then that could explain why she is not gaining that traction like that.
Unfortunately, I cannot see her debut in a group. Her solo career is defs not the worst where Woolim can't do anything with her so I kinda can't see a reason to throw her in a group. But yea, a sub-unit of iz*one soloist could be a fun one-off.
You’re right- I think she definitely has a more established Korean audience too considering how she had a moment during waterbomb with Underwater
I agree that having a one off with some of the Iz*one members would be nice. Maybe that would give them all a little more popularity- either way I’ll stay supporting 💪
Walk with me but I think her error was all the famous Hollywood hair-theory. I genuinely think she would’ve gone so much more viral with another styling.. idk ginger/orange or blond or whatever else. Even more during glitch.
Ohh interesting thought. Would you say the hollywood hair theory is that prominent within kpop? I wanna say besides like hair bangs and maybe blonde hair; I don't really think of idols and hair as a notable distinctive feature of consideration.
@@cloudchungxiao There's some that definitely retain more attention when they change, imo. Like Seulgi's orange is SO iconic. People were tweaking for Wony's blond. I think Yuna's red hair is a hit too. Choerry's purple, Rosé's blond, Taeyeon's blond was such a thing for her too... I mean list is long I think it definitely can play a rôle if the styling with it incapsulates the vibe of actual concept. For exemple, Glitch (again lol) is so ethereal that her having a blond almost white hair would've shaped her traits to be in the same energy than the song. For her debut a brown leaning on copper would've done a similar job.
Damm, defs not something that I think about intentionally but a few examples you listed were pre iconic hair styles so maybe it would further compliment the whole era for Eunbi.
shining bright at the end ❤️❤️
Ayyy, do you like CSR? because what the hell (respectfully) is going on with them. After shining bright; it's been a series of confusing actions and events for them
@@cloudchungxiao yess i love csr! yeah it’s weird how they kept putting out all those crappy remixes of that happy birthday song instead of their company giving them a proper comeback, and then they completely changed their concept and music style. personally the “christian horse girl” concept/music genre was what drew me and most of their other fans in, so i’m wondering why they suddenly switched up their style
Yea. Plus sending them on a survival show that was overseas oriented was a interesting choice too. Hopefully they kinda get there stuff together and see they should go back to the older concept. I do wonder whether the members already want to maybe pivot the concept too? That could be a factor but this most recent song was kinda a dramatic shift. Kinda like Weeekly with Ven Para
Eunbi's audience are literally festival and rave goers. Her recent titles are not for me but she continues to stay relevant in the Korean public eye because she is the Waterbomb Queen. That being said even if she did just make songs to performed at festivals, it could be CUNTIER because we knowww she is capable of carrying. That being sad, I think Woollim completely gave up on elevating Eunbi as a top soloist, keeping her only to serve as their cash cow. That's why we get mid songs and her still performing non stop
Yea, there seems to be a lot of waterbombs. I thought it was just once per year but nah they do it in different areas. Plus she's confirmed going to US so absolutely great opportunities to pop off and hopefully she does get that additional support there. But yea, I could see Woolim kinda put minimal effort while throwing her everywhere to get returns from her current virality.
I’m curious on what you think about how somi’s solo career is going. It’s not like her career has been unsuccessful but she’s been a solo artist for 5 years now and it still feels like she hasn’t established herself. Since debut, it’s felt like the black label doesn’t know what to do with her
Omg, literally mentioned that in the upcoming video of a potential video idea. Only thing is like you said that she hasn't had a unsuccessful career. But yea, will defs scroll on through to see whether I can kinda make it not just about the lack of comebacks from TBL as the only factor from initial thinking.
I would say Glitch is more house/dancefloor than uk garage
Yea, ngl wasn't sure how to describe her music so kinda relied on reviews of the songs to kinda find a general genre name for it but good to know for the future. Thanks :)
It's difficult for soloists unless they have a substantial fanbase. They're very reliant on them and their songs being popular in Korea. Underwater has done pretty well, but Sabotage went nowhere
Yea, that's a major issue for soloist for sure. I think a very small amount have actual decent sized fanbase while everyone else is relying on the general public for the most part.
First, also don't worry this time i can hear on both ears
Ayyyy, that's good to hear. Thanks for watching :)
@@cloudchungxiao your welcome 🥰
The second post izone soloists rip
Second? as in second post izone soloist that I have talked about?
Isn’t woollim associated with SM? Yea they definitely have the money but I feel like they want to maximize their profits.
Really? How involved would SM be with Woolim?
@@cloudchungxiaothey are not associated anymore, their partnership ended ages ago when infinite is still active and under woollim.
Omg, I was gonna say woah that's kinda wild if they were still associated because it does not feel like that.
I think the debut hurt her trajectory,I love the album with all my heart but I feel like people saw how tacky some of the outfits/the album cover was and felt like it wasn’t worth looking into
Really??? How about the music though? or did people get that turned off by the outfits and album cover to not even evaluate the music?
@@cloudchungxiao people do usually do that,they tend to see “bad quality” or “non aesthetic” stuff and tend to not look into it bc they deem it “not worthy”,idk the psychology behind it but for example,if someone were to stumble upon the album on TH-cam,they would most likely scroll past it,since the album cover looks more like an independent artist trying out stuff then an actual profesionally made album
That's crazzzyy but also highlights how music is not even that "IT" factor for people stanning groups because that's literally the main product for Kpop and yet outfits and albums cover can deter people just like that.
yall better leave my lil Kazoo alone fr lol
Kazoo? Is that some nickname that she has gotten or is that your nickname for her?
In short lack of star aura
Really? You think so? I mean I wouldn't say it's constantly being seen but there is some aura to her.
Yeah Woolim sucks when it comes to promoting their artists especially since their marketing strategy is way too outdated from 2nd gen
Yea, not even sure what kinda marketing is done to really appeal to modern times.