2:50 Ross is like a bronze player with 10 years of knowledge in items and matchups, every time he steps into a lane he is thinking about killing the laner no matter what. It’s like: ‘Omg, there’s a 20 minion wave with a cannon I can clear with one single E, nope, let’s tank the whole wave and try to kill the 50% hp Ahri while being 40% hp’
League of legends but the nexus is the true objective. Go five tanks, take demolisher, play laning phase normally, do ur normal stuff. When it hits end game and you are all beefy bois, get a rift herald or baron buff, maybe a GA, and run it down mid. Ignore everything until you break a turret, then turn your attention to enemy team trying to kill you, and annihilate some of them, and then keep running it down.
Gangplank but he really misses the ocean so he stays in the river because it reminds him of the ocean that he misses *DAY TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN* You know how to stop this Ross
So.. as someone who cought a few off Ross's language flexes, I'll just post a cheeky lil' translation here. 00:36 "Schade" means what a shame in german 18:58 "잊지마" means don't forget in korean 22:30 "ICH HABE ULTIMATE" means i have ulti If you comment the timestamps I may or may not translate some I missed. Congrats Ross for making it into promos and for being the bestest ff player, you always make me smile.
*For Fun* ___________________________________ *My Ideas:* *1* _Global Horror_ *2* _My mind’s tellin’ me no..._ *3* _The ultimate synergies_ *4* _The Bloodthirster_ *5* _No need for Flash_ *6* _Master Yi mid a la Spandau_ ___________________________________ *Great and creative comments from other persons:* *1’* _A. Sol with light protection_ *2’* _Claustrophobic Rek’Sai_ *3’* _Blue Shell Rammus_ *4’* _Creationists in LoL_ *5’* _Poetic Jhin_ *6’* _Stockholm Syndrom Senna_ *7’* _Amazon Corki_ *8’* _Die => Recall_ *9’* _I’m blue da ba dee da..._ ___________________________________ *1. Global Horror* League of Legends but you scare the enemy from the other side of the map. • Kindred (Passive mark) • Nocturne (Ult dark screen) • Twisted Fates (Ult mark) • Sion (Ult sound) • Corki (Passive sound) • Kled (Ult sound) You can also play with Warwick W, Evelynn W, Pyke W and Rengar R but that is not over the whole map. (Except Warwick W for low health. Another possible champion is Karthus but you have to cancel the R before making damage. ___________________________________ *2. My mind’s telling me no but my body my body’s telling me yes* League of Legends but you play as a team out of: _Lee sin_ (Q»Q) _Kai’sa_ (Just W»R) _Rek’sai_ (Just Q (burrowed)»R _Akali_ (E»E) _Diana_ (Q»E) _Yasuo_ (knock-up»R) _Thresh_ (Q»Q) _Kayn_ (Damage»R) _Ivern_ (Q»Q) [_Malphite_ (Enemy»R)] Every time when you can activate or reactivate your ability you have to do. ___________________________________ *3. The ultimate synergies* League of Legends but your whole team make epic plays with minions. For shooting the minions you can use Syndra (W), Sion (E), Vayne (E), Alistar (W), Singed (E) and Tahm kench (W). As poking projectiles you can use Zilean (Q), Senna (W), Ivern (E), Brand (Passive E), Fizz (R), Fiddlesticks (E), Miss Fortune (Q) and Tristana (E) As outplay projectiles you can use Lee sin (Q), Akali (E), Amumu (Q) and Katarina (Q) As minions you can use Annie (R), Aphelios (turret), Heimerdinger (Q), Ivern (R), Le blanc (passive), Malzahar (W), Neeko (W), Shaco (R) and Yorick (E) Titomatico Random had the idea with the Ivern (E) ___________________________________ *4. The Bloodthirster* League of Legends but you play Warwick and you build 6 bloodthirster and have to follow the blood trails every time and try to kill the victim even if you will die when you try to kill him. ___________________________________ *5. No need for Flash* League of Legends but you play without flash. • Top - Singed • Jungle - Hecarim • Mid - Shaco • Bot - Ezreal/ Tristana • Support - Yuumi The user “FallenToast” had the same idea and he is also commenting under the video so also support him! ___________________________________ *6. Master Yi mid a la Spandau* League of Legends but you play Master Yi midlane and you have to max your E first. You would make a lots of german fans happy. Edit:_ Spandauer was ist euer Handwerk?_ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ *1’. A. Sol with light protection* League of Legends but you play Aurelion Sol and looking in the sun is dangerous. That’s why you have to wear really dark sunglasses and turn your screen brightness all the way down so your eye are save. This Idea is from Ben Moak. ___________________________________ *2’. Claustrophobic Rek’Sai* League of Legends but you’re a claustrophobic Rek‘Sai who is afraid to go into tunnels. So you can’t use your W or R. This idea is from Austin McKay. ___________________________________ *3’. Blue Shell Rammus* ForFun League of Legends but you play a Blue Shell in Mario Kart. You pick Rammus and you build full movement + Ability power. You can only kill the enemy with the best K/D/A. You can also pick a blue Rammus skin. (Freljord Rammus, Hextech Rammus or one of the chromas of the Sweeper Rammus) This idea is from NovaFlame Bird. ___________________________________ *4’. Creationists in LoL* League of Legends but you play Kha’zix or Kai’sa and you are a creationist and you don’t believe in Evolution so you can’t evolve yourself. That is not my idea and I don’t know the name of the creater. ___________________________________ *5’. Poetic Jhin* League of Legends but you play Jhin and every time you want to back you have to ask the enemy “to b or not to b” because Jhin is really into Theater. That is not my idea and I don’t know the name of the creater. ___________________________________ *6’. Stockholm Syndrom Senna_* League of Legends but you play Senna and she has Stockholm Syndrome. So she builds like Thresh because she loves him and not Lucian anymore. Press F for respect! This idea is from August Chan. ___________________________________ *7’. Amazon Corki* League of Legends but Corki can only buy items when his “Amazon” Packet arrives. That is not my idea and I don’t know the name of the creater. ___________________________________ *8’. Die => Recall* League of Legends but when somebody dies everybody have to press b to pay respect and you can’t press b when nobody dies. (You could do the same thing with Flash (Press F to pay respect ) A part of this idea is from Vitor Borges. That is not my idea and I don’t know the name of the creater. ___________________________________ *9‘ I’m blue da ba dee da ba die* League of Legends but you play Kayn just in *Blue*. Runes: Sorcery: Phase Rush Manaflow Band, Transcendence, Gathering Storm/ Riverwalk. Inspiration: Magical Footwear, Cosmic Insight „Extra Runes“: 2x Adaptive Force and Magic Resistence. Summoner Spells: Blue Smite, Ghost/ Cleanse You will obviously transform into blue Kayn (The Shadow Assasin) Items: Farsight Alteration (Blue Trinket) at Level 9 Boots: Mercury‘s Treads/ Ionian Boots of Lucidity. Mortal Reminder, Muramana, Phantom Dancer, Storm Razor, Essence Reaver, Umbra Glaive and Frozen Mallet. Elixir: Elixir of Sorcery. That is idea is from Nether Lord. ___________________________________ Thank you for reading all of this. It would be really cool if you comment your improvements under this comment.
Lol but you play a comp composed of theifs Neeko- steals your looks Sylas- steals your ability Senna- Steals your "Soul" Thresh- Steals your Wife Urgot- Steals your kills (with R) (You can replace champions if you think of other theifs) Day ??? OTHER IDEA: LOL but: Because this is the F-O-R F-U-N movement you must build an entire build of items that spell out F-O-R F-U-N. (The letters do not have to be in order, as long as by the end of the game you have the full build that spell out F-O-R F-U-N) Day ???
Hey dude, just wat to say I love your videos. I've had to be pulling 12hr shifts with what's going on and my routine when I get home is to watch your content while I prepare dinner
Oh, and ross, your extra point in q on the first game is almost how you're supposed to max into ranged. You max e and q alongside each other in a q e w e q r e q e q manner so that while you get the movespeed you need from q points, you still have waveclear, especially if you get the stinger quite early (and a-speed boots, but defencive boots might be your priority)
Wanted to note on the Shyv top, apparently it's a Korean thing (I know that what people say about every weird pick but) you go death's dance, bork, spirit visage into full defence and apparently it's a good split pushing build.
Hard to focus on the league gameplay when I'm hearing Banjo-Kazooie music and imagining how AMAZING it would be to watch Ross play that game. The energy levels would be off the charts either due to excitement or rage, not sure which.
You did it. You crazy son of a sock, you did it. Darius but every time he says “Noxus will rise” or “Carve a path” the entire team has to rotate top and nobody backs because “Never retreat.” Day 38 fhiai
Find 9 other people and have a rengar and a senna and an ashe on one team and a kha' zix and a thresh and a lissandra on the other. If you know anything, you'll see what happens.
Little comment for the algorythmen, gonna do this for every video I watched ♡ Haven't been a fan for very long, but I really enjoy your builds and videos :) Have a good day
Congratulation brooooooos you did it!!!!! After all you did it .... omg bro i love you i feel really proud praud of you... i dont know how write "orgulloso" in inglish jajajajaja
League of Legends, except nowhere is safe. There's just a bunch of invisible traps everywhere. Teemo, Shaco, Jhin, Nidalee, and maybe Caitlyn if you're okay with the enemy seeing the traps every once in a while, or Maokai, or Heimerdinger with his turrets. If not, throw in a Karthus or something incase the enemy team thinks they've gotten away safely :) (Day #39 if anyone cares)
Kayn, but I'm blue daba dee daba die. (Kayn, runes, summoner spells, items, ward...) Runes:Phase rush, Manaflow band, Transcendance, Gathering storm with Inspiration(Magic Footwear, Cosmic Insight) Summoner spells: Blue Smite+Ghost/Cleanse Blue ward skin and then farsight trinket when you get lvl9 Items: Blue jng item, Essence Reaver, Titanic Hydra, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Frozen Mallet and let's say Iceborn Gauntlet. You can also build like Frozen Heart and some other blue items instead of iceborn Gauntlet, feel like Frozen Mallet is nice.
League of Legends but teemo is a fireman (ignite/red smite/1 tear/liandrys/rylais/Sunfire cape/Zeke's convergence) *scorch in runes * In that order *In the jungle *Little Devil Teemo skin *It's been 11 months, probably 12*
Twisted Fate but you let luck decide everything. Omnistone, randomly generate the rest of your runes and your items. (Bonus points for queuing for fill and playing tf in whatever role you get)
Congratulations Ross! It might have cost you your sanity, soul and body (those pig snorts are something) but you managed to slam jam your way into diamond
We started our Journey on gold 1 and only 20 episodes later you have climbed in plat3 promos by this rate you will bw diamond in episode 60. Go ross go
Ross, for your promos, please do a cs warming up. Just cs on any champion with no items and no adaptive damage runes in a bots game. These games matter brother ❤️
NOW THIS ROSS OF THE SOCKS THAT GO BOOM. I will not stop. EVER. I don't even care that it isn't even a cool or creative challenge. I have committed myself to this. Day 172 Ahri but she thinks she is Evelynn. Jungle ahri, eve runes, eve pathing, eve items. "Ahri but she thinks she is as charming as Evelynn" Day 40 Elise but she has arachnophobia, so she wont transform or use her spiders. Day 40 Aphelios but his sister is mad at him, so he cant swap guns. Can use Q and R, but cannot swap his guns.
I played a single game of top today in ranked and had the exact same bizarre experience of being hardcamped by both the jungle and midlaner. I guess it was to shut down my fat mastery 3 Sion
"I'm never gonna kill this Ahri in Lane"
*Ross prepares to dubstep ignite and get a kill around 3 and a half minutes into the game*
You dont know what a dubstep ignite is, now do you?
2:42 "Look at how many god damn minions there are dude, bruh"; procceeds to dive em all, die and lose all that xp and gold. CMON ROSS
We take those
"Whats a chad name like something stupid like.... Jayden"
;-; but ross.....
@@thehumanpractice2985 U my friend have a chad name
I feel that man
Jayden Oram that’s my name too 😢
Sometimes I think that Ross is the only person who can actually laugh playing ranked
Even when i'm losing miserably I love it
Me: *sees the title*
"So did he get to promos or is he back in Gold?"
Could have been either at this point
@@RossBoomsocks pls forgive me for what i said in chat about ur mum i didnt know it was her
Aurelion sol but he builds 5 rabodans because “hats are always fashionable”
Hey fella, i think you might wanted to say rabadons
Why bot 6
@@lightdrgn20 i guess boots are fashionable too
@@aurelionsol8818 we have summoned the allmighty one xD
2:50 Ross is like a bronze player with 10 years of knowledge in items and matchups, every time he steps into a lane he is thinking about killing the laner no matter what. It’s like: ‘Omg, there’s a 20 minion wave with a cannon I can clear with one single E, nope, let’s tank the whole wave and try to kill the 50% hp Ahri while being 40% hp’
It hurts to see it sometimes lol
@@shahzeblotey382 you hate to see it lmao
League of legends but the nexus is the true objective.
Go five tanks, take demolisher, play laning phase normally, do ur normal stuff.
When it hits end game and you are all beefy bois, get a rift herald or baron buff, maybe a GA, and run it down mid. Ignore everything until you break a turret, then turn your attention to enemy team trying to kill you, and annihilate some of them, and then keep running it down.
Wait, how is this different from normal League games?
That sounds like a really good video. I support this.
@@ryanmcclelland9824 this time you have 5 serious picks, in normal games you have 1-3
@@ryanmcclelland9824 you're 5 tanks and you dont care about the enemy team
@@3picgam3r99 Yeah, but how is that any different from a normal league game?
Gangplank but he really misses the ocean so he stays in the river because it reminds him of the ocean that he misses
You know how to stop this Ross
hotsaucemagicbox do you still remember the guy with A-sol idea?
@@antonrock6133 a sol but hes a star so ross plays with sunglasses and brightness turned down?
hotsaucemagicbox that’s the one
hotsaucemagicbox jup the good old times
"What's your favorite dinosaur?"
that being said my favorite is Allosaurus
Good choice
You can say about Ross' German what you want, but his "ü" sound was 100% on point
Just finished my finals and let me just say your videos are what kept me moving forward these past few months
Game 1: *enemy plays ranged top laner*
Also Enemy: *gets help despite being a ranged top laner*
So.. as someone who cought a few off Ross's language flexes, I'll just post a cheeky lil' translation here.
00:36 "Schade" means what a shame in german
18:58 "잊지마" means don't forget in korean
22:30 "ICH HABE ULTIMATE" means i have ulti
If you comment the timestamps I may or may not translate some I missed. Congrats Ross for making it into promos and for being the bestest ff player, you always make me smile.
*For Fun*
*My Ideas:*
*1* _Global Horror_
*2* _My mind’s tellin’ me no..._
*3* _The ultimate synergies_
*4* _The Bloodthirster_
*5* _No need for Flash_
*6* _Master Yi mid a la Spandau_
*Great and creative comments from other persons:*
*1’* _A. Sol with light protection_
*2’* _Claustrophobic Rek’Sai_
*3’* _Blue Shell Rammus_
*4’* _Creationists in LoL_
*5’* _Poetic Jhin_
*6’* _Stockholm Syndrom Senna_
*7’* _Amazon Corki_
*8’* _Die => Recall_
*9’* _I’m blue da ba dee da..._
*1. Global Horror*
League of Legends but you scare the enemy from the other side of the map.
• Kindred (Passive mark)
• Nocturne (Ult dark screen)
• Twisted Fates (Ult mark)
• Sion (Ult sound)
• Corki (Passive sound)
• Kled (Ult sound)
You can also play with
Warwick W, Evelynn W,
Pyke W and Rengar R but that is not over the whole map. (Except Warwick W for low health.
Another possible champion is Karthus but you have to cancel the R before making damage.
*2. My mind’s telling me no but my body my body’s telling me yes*
League of Legends but you play as a team out of:
_Lee sin_
(Just W»R)
(Just Q (burrowed)»R
Every time when you can activate or reactivate your ability you have to do.
*3. The ultimate synergies*
League of Legends but your whole team make epic plays with minions.
For shooting the minions you can use Syndra (W), Sion (E), Vayne (E), Alistar (W), Singed (E) and Tahm kench (W).
As poking projectiles you can use Zilean (Q), Senna (W), Ivern (E), Brand (Passive E), Fizz (R), Fiddlesticks (E), Miss Fortune (Q) and Tristana (E)
As outplay projectiles you can use Lee sin (Q),
Akali (E), Amumu (Q) and Katarina (Q)
As minions you can use Annie (R), Aphelios (turret), Heimerdinger (Q),
Ivern (R), Le blanc (passive), Malzahar (W), Neeko (W), Shaco (R) and Yorick (E)
Titomatico Random had the idea with the Ivern (E)
*4. The Bloodthirster*
League of Legends but you play Warwick and you build 6 bloodthirster and have to follow the blood trails every time and try to kill the victim even if you will die when you try to kill him.
*5. No need for Flash*
League of Legends but
you play without flash.
• Top - Singed
• Jungle - Hecarim
• Mid - Shaco
• Bot - Ezreal/ Tristana
• Support - Yuumi
The user “FallenToast” had the same idea and he is also commenting under the video so also support him!
*6. Master Yi mid a la Spandau*
League of Legends but
you play Master Yi midlane and you have to max your E first. You would make a lots of german fans happy.
Edit:_ Spandauer was ist euer Handwerk?_
*1’. A. Sol with light protection*
League of Legends but
you play Aurelion Sol and looking in the sun is dangerous. That’s why you have to wear really dark sunglasses and turn your screen brightness all the way down so your eye are save.
This Idea is from Ben Moak.
*2’. Claustrophobic Rek’Sai*
League of Legends but you’re a claustrophobic Rek‘Sai who is afraid to go into tunnels. So you can’t use your W or R.
This idea is from Austin McKay.
*3’. Blue Shell Rammus*
League of Legends but you play a Blue Shell in Mario Kart. You pick Rammus and you build full movement + Ability power.
You can only kill the enemy with the best K/D/A.
You can also pick a blue Rammus skin. (Freljord Rammus, Hextech Rammus or one of the chromas of the Sweeper Rammus)
This idea is from NovaFlame Bird.
*4’. Creationists in LoL*
League of Legends but you play Kha’zix or Kai’sa and you are a creationist and you don’t believe in Evolution so you can’t evolve yourself.
That is not my idea and I don’t know the name of the creater.
*5’. Poetic Jhin*
League of Legends but you play Jhin and every time you want to back you have to ask the enemy “to b or not to b” because Jhin is really into Theater.
That is not my idea and I don’t know the name of the creater.
*6’. Stockholm Syndrom Senna_*
League of Legends but
you play Senna and she has Stockholm Syndrome. So she builds like Thresh because she loves him and not Lucian anymore.
Press F for respect!
This idea is from August Chan.
*7’. Amazon Corki*
League of Legends but Corki can only buy items when his “Amazon” Packet arrives.
That is not my idea and I don’t know the name of the creater.
*8’. Die => Recall*
League of Legends but when somebody dies everybody have to press b to pay respect and you can’t press b when nobody dies.
(You could do the same thing with Flash (Press F to pay respect )
A part of this idea is from
Vitor Borges.
That is not my idea and I don’t know the name of the creater.
*9‘ I’m blue da ba dee da ba die*
League of Legends but you play Kayn just in *Blue*.
Sorcery: Phase Rush
Manaflow Band, Transcendence, Gathering Storm/ Riverwalk.
Magical Footwear, Cosmic Insight
„Extra Runes“:
2x Adaptive Force and Magic Resistence.
Summoner Spells:
Blue Smite, Ghost/ Cleanse
You will obviously transform into blue Kayn (The Shadow Assasin)
Farsight Alteration (Blue Trinket) at Level 9
Boots: Mercury‘s Treads/ Ionian Boots of Lucidity.
Mortal Reminder, Muramana, Phantom Dancer, Storm Razor, Essence Reaver, Umbra Glaive and Frozen Mallet.
Elixir: Elixir of Sorcery.
That is idea is from Nether Lord.
Thank you for reading all of this. It would be really cool if you comment your improvements under this comment.
These videos are some of the only things I look forward to. I get so excited when another one is posted :)
"Overextends like a potato" XD XD
Kat is toxic the whole game, and when they win the only thing she can say is "good fight"
I like how his SO applauds at the end.
15:05 I like how they popped their Red trinket like "How the f--- did that Jinx see us?!" and there's nothing there.
Lol but you play a comp composed of theifs
Neeko- steals your looks
Sylas- steals your ability
Senna- Steals your "Soul"
Thresh- Steals your Wife
Urgot- Steals your kills (with R)
(You can replace champions if you think of other theifs)
Day ???
LOL but:
Because this is the F-O-R F-U-N movement you must build an entire build of items that spell out F-O-R F-U-N. (The letters do not have to be in order, as long as by the end of the game you have the full build that spell out F-O-R F-U-N)
Day ???
I got baited, I thought you went from plat 4 to diamond
Hey dude, just wat to say I love your videos. I've had to be pulling 12hr shifts with what's going on and my routine when I get home is to watch your content while I prepare dinner
Oh, and ross, your extra point in q on the first game is almost how you're supposed to max into ranged. You max e and q alongside each other in a q e w e q r e q e q manner so that while you get the movespeed you need from q points, you still have waveclear, especially if you get the stinger quite early (and a-speed boots, but defencive boots might be your priority)
For some reason, I laugh so hard when you live stream and upload the video!!! The camera hit Made me laugh out loud!! All around good video
Such a rollercoaster of emotions this series and I love it
thanks for making my online classes bearable
And then he over extends like a potato 😂😂
Yes, but which one of them are you talking about?
@@rifewithpotatoes i think he's just quoting what Ross said
@@illuminatedtriangle5871 Oh I know, but it's more fun to ask
@@rifewithpotatoes cool lol
Dude, that "schade" was actually really clean pronounciation wise.
3:54 that double pink in the river lmfaooooo
"Trey is a pretty Chad name" rossboomsocks 2020
As a Trey, I say thanks
Wanted to note on the Shyv top, apparently it's a Korean thing (I know that what people say about every weird pick but) you go death's dance, bork, spirit visage into full defence and apparently it's a good split pushing build.
Hard to focus on the league gameplay when I'm hearing Banjo-Kazooie music and imagining how AMAZING it would be to watch Ross play that game. The energy levels would be off the charts either due to excitement or rage, not sure which.
"League of Legends Fill to Diamond but WE HAVE DONE IT"
Expectations: I finally made it to diamond!
Reality: I finally made it into my plat 3 promos!
more like...
expectations: i finally got demoted to gold!
reality: i finally made it into plat 3 promos!
You did it. You crazy son of a sock, you did it.
Darius but every time he says “Noxus will rise” or “Carve a path” the entire team has to rotate top and nobody backs because “Never retreat.”
Day 38 fhiai
"Look how many goddamn minions there are"
_proceeds to tank all of them_
Ross, sweetheart, ...
The "It g ma" took me by surprise ahahah good ref bro
Seeing ross finally get to promos is like watching the “vindication” scene in b99
Find 9 other people and have a rengar and a senna and an ashe on one team and a kha' zix and a thresh and a lissandra on the other. If you know anything, you'll see what happens.
by this I mean you will activate all 3 easter egg quests if you play well enough
Chat: What kind of river do u like?
how Ross should have answered: RIVER SHEN
His gf clapping at the end was adorable
Well done, dude. Can't wait to see ya smash em in promos. Good luck.
I think Ross is a bread tube Stan and I’m living for this moment.
Oof the mishap at 16:29, STAY BEASTIN Ross
I'll have you know, that "over extending like a potato" is my signature move.
The Thylacoleo is my favorite Dino 🙃😂, or the plesiosaur, they’re so cool haha
NICE! Great work dude!
But also I'm sad I won't see any more FtD videos...
Man I love this series. I hope it doesn’t get canceled again....
Little comment for the algorythmen, gonna do this for every video I watched ♡ Haven't been a fan for very long, but I really enjoy your builds and videos :) Have a good day
Daily RossBoomsocks compliment:
You have gorgeous blue eyes.
Congratulation brooooooos you did it!!!!! After all you did it .... omg bro i love you i feel really proud praud of you... i dont know how write "orgulloso" in inglish jajajajaja
“What would win, a monolith or webs”
You can fear Sol... that makes Ross’s comment sound logical...
20 episodes of greatness!! Worth it XD 😂 💜💜💜💜
"Oh, he's gone Iceborn gauntlet, Iseeicyiseeicy."
Ross 2020
Kudos for using ratchet and clank 1 music lately, brings great memories.
Eudora logging site if I'm not mistaken
The lengend of instalock Garen except you're instalock Garen.
We're 20 vids in this series...who woulda thunk it?...luv the commitment from ross...gotta repekt it
Ross is showing off the german skills more and more. Find ich gut 👍
Oh the Hbomberguy name drop! :3
I'm a huge fan of your Velociraptor impersonation.
best way to start the week
I think you let that early kill go to your head on garen ross lol the jawline was too much to handle even for the beany man
Goodluck to a awesome year ✊
“There’s so many minions” *proceeds to attack Ahri and fuckin die*
League of Legends, except nowhere is safe. There's just a bunch of invisible traps everywhere. Teemo, Shaco, Jhin, Nidalee, and maybe Caitlyn if you're okay with the enemy seeing the traps every once in a while, or Maokai, or Heimerdinger with his turrets. If not, throw in a Karthus or something incase the enemy team thinks they've gotten away safely :) (Day #39 if anyone cares)
Kayn, but I'm blue daba dee daba die. (Kayn, runes, summoner spells, items, ward...)
Runes:Phase rush, Manaflow band, Transcendance, Gathering storm with Inspiration(Magic Footwear, Cosmic Insight)
Summoner spells: Blue Smite+Ghost/Cleanse
Blue ward skin and then farsight trinket when you get lvl9
Items: Blue jng item, Essence Reaver, Titanic Hydra, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Frozen Mallet and let's say Iceborn Gauntlet. You can also build like Frozen Heart and some other blue items instead of iceborn Gauntlet, feel like Frozen Mallet is nice.
League of Legends but teemo is a fireman (ignite/red smite/1 tear/liandrys/rylais/Sunfire cape/Zeke's convergence)
*scorch in runes
* In that order
*In the jungle
*Little Devil Teemo skin
*It's been 11 months, probably 12*
22:13 *appa start flying*
this was an experience... i'm actually happy you got to promos congrats my guy
4:29 did... Did the Graves just Flash?
Congrats on promos Ross! Can't wait to see what comes next
" I just hit the mic "
Mike : Flashbacks of the previous mic and what happened to him .
Twisted Fate but you let luck decide everything. Omnistone, randomly generate the rest of your runes and your items. (Bonus points for queuing for fill and playing tf in whatever role you get)
Congratulations Ross! It might have cost you your sanity, soul and body (those pig snorts are something) but you managed to slam jam your way into diamond
...did you watch the video
Me: Chad Janna isn’t real and she isn’t coming to take your lunch money. RossBoomsocks:
Day 7: Pantheon but he doesn't throw his spear because this is his last one
We started our Journey on gold 1 and only 20 episodes later you have climbed in plat3 promos by this rate you will bw diamond in episode 60. Go ross go
BRUH the way he cuts exactly when jinx get hit by sylas chain 21:21
Ross, for your promos, please do a cs warming up. Just cs on any champion with no items and no adaptive damage runes in a bots game. These games matter brother ❤️
Ross: Trey is a chad name
My mind: tray is where you put food
NOW THIS ROSS OF THE SOCKS THAT GO BOOM. I will not stop. EVER. I don't even care that it isn't even a cool or creative challenge. I have committed myself to this.
Day 172
Ahri but she thinks she is Evelynn. Jungle ahri, eve runes, eve pathing, eve items. "Ahri but she thinks she is as charming as Evelynn"
Day 40
Elise but she has arachnophobia, so she wont transform or use her spiders.
Day 40
Aphelios but his sister is mad at him, so he cant swap guns. Can use Q and R, but cannot swap his guns.
League of Legends but it's Bard and he's Dio and everytime you ult someone you have to type in all chat "ZA BARDO!"
Day 10
Za warudo
I played a single game of top today in ranked and had the exact same bizarre experience of being hardcamped by both the jungle and midlaner. I guess it was to shut down my fat mastery 3 Sion
“200 years kekw” lmao
5 noxian champions, but you're all an unity, so if one dies, everyone else dies
kyle. that’s a real nice one. they’re like the hype men for the chads
Lol I always love the ratchet and clank music
A normal summoners rift game but the team is composed of a ban screen cap of an iron IV screen of a draft game
14:29 damn sylas really leaving the kill for you my adc pings me for "ks" when enemy adc dies to my ignite 😭💀🤚
The absolute madman did it! Finally got to promos xD
Ross proved that if he practiced last-hitting he'd win games XD
"we're kinda plug walkin' here"
- RossBoomsocks 2020
Ross is looking more and more like Post Malone every day
Are you learning dutch / german atm thought i heared both??
Sounds good tho
As a german guy, hearing Ross using german is always fun ^^ better than most others that try it
Ross, they might hate you, but you also have no wards down. CMON ROSS you got this
22:29 actually made me laugh so hard
*Mentions someone as the most documentated human in history*
*Me who has never heard of them and am on the internet twenty four seven: Okay.*
Fill to diamond and then fill to iron where we all truly belong