I'm so the girl who absolutely HATE wearing makeup, it's too time consuming and a lot of other overdo it however THIS RIGHT HERE, THIS RIGHT HERE is PERFECT for me! Thank you so much beauty!
Wearing a make up for Me seems to overwhelm and leaves me very uncomfortable 😣😫!! I don't understand why, and I haven't worn make up in years, I only use lip gloss!!
People are beautiful but if someone tells someone they don't need make up they should believe it. I see and know of women with lovely skin who don't wear it as there's nothing to enhance. But if someone hasn't got great skin I would understand their reasons and their need to wear make up. Especially if they feel better with it. Right now there are a group of young ladies in the UK t.v personalities who know young girls look up to them and they have started a campaign getting women to go without makeup .
@@andreemichaels6476 but that their choice to wear makeup or nah. They might do it for fun or because it's nice it doesn't always mean someone is insecure about their skin
@@andreemichaels6476 Not to toot my own horn but people always tell me that I my skin is pretty and I tell them the secret is water. I hate makeup, it makes my skin feels dirty and dont get me started on the yucky feel of lipstick. At the age of 41 I still dont wear it. I do get individual eyelash extensions, put on chapstick and that's it. And still feel like the most beautiful woman in the room.
That’s true, it does enhance your beauty but it’s a choice for each person. Funny thing is I started to wear makeup when I was in my 20’s. At that time I felt I needed it to cover the brown discoloration that I had under my bottom lip from eczema and oily skin. I started getting acne in my late 20’s after having my first child. The acne became worse after my 2nd and third child and makeup made more breakouts. I’m turning 46 in January and still get mistaken for someone in her 20’s. I don’t have wrinkles, skin is still oily, brown patch still under bottom lip & now mild brownish circle under my eyes)I stopped wearing makeup in my late 30’s because I started getting very hot from my neck up, (makeup made me feel uncomfortable & more hot & oily faced), it broke me out more with acne. Under my eyes and under my bottom lip are a little darker than my face but at this point in my life it doesn’t bother me anymore, so I choose to not wear makeup. If you do or don’t wear makeup, most important thing is just to be happy with yourself.
You did a great job explaining each step. My adopted daughter is 14 and is wanting to wear makeup I told her to keep it natural. I found your channel and now I'm subscribed. Thank you!
I agree it was to many steps. When I saw the title of the video, I said Okay a video for me because I really don't care to wear make up until I seen all these steps I did like it because it made you look natural and that's another thing I was looking for just something so simple and natural.
Thank you. This looks so natural and it’s a much more realistic look. I’ve seen a ton of “daily, light” makeup tutorials that are way overboard. But yours is perfect. I had bought the Maybelline Instant Age Rewind in 3 different shades and honestly can’t figure out how to make it look good. It pops up all my skin creases and texture. I wonder if it’s because I’m older. Dunno.
Lefty Crafter there's a woman on you tube who mixed her age rewind concealer and it gave her the shade she wanted. Try mixing if you got 3 of them see what happens.
She does look amazing. I would try using Wet n Wild Pearlescent Pink blush (looks orange) for your cheeks, bridge of nose, eyes, and lips. Don't forget lip gloss for a little bit of shine. That's all you need. It gives you that sunkissed effect and it looks beautiful on every skin tone.
I thought it was just me, LOL. Once she started adding the powder after the foundation, I was getting overwhelmed. And we still added bronzer and highlighting two places with mascara and I'm not even finished yet, LOL. I don't think I'm going to finish watching because it's already more than I have time for in the mornings. the video was 9 Minutes sped up. I can only imagine how long it actually took her... I don't even think all the products she used are listed in the description. SMH...
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been searching for a video that features minimal makeup that actually looks natural.. and finally.. I've found it... I love your skin..and the look..absolutely lovely! thanks again.
You are gorgeous without the makeup. I'm 48 and have never been a makeup wearer. And even though you look amazing, it's still too much work for me. Please keep doing what you do baby sister. Much love.
First time on this channel. This video came on right after Tiarra Monet's 10 minute makeup video. I am so thankful because I really like this video and how she did her makeup.
I'm 50 and people think I'm way younger they can't believe how old I am when I tell them. I don't like lots of make up although I wear make up sometimes I don't like it slathered on. My sister only wears mascara that's her make up. She will tell me when we go out she gotta do her make up. I used to say i thought you said you doing your make up. She says look I got mascara on my eyes and lpsyl on my lips. .... Lord have mercy😂😂😂. But she's beautiful.
Your skin is amazing. I like the idea of keeping it simple, that’s me don’t like the cake face but the natural look. New to the makeup game but I’m learning
I've been trying to get into makeup, and while I don't see myself spending a lot of money, I thought this was really manageable. I've been trying it for a few weeks now and it has become really easy and feels and looks really nice. Thanks, sweetie!
I’ve been searching for natural makeup look for like forever lol but all of them contour! I finally found a video! And I’m super happy thank you so much!!! I love this 💖💖
Girl you kill it all this is the best makeup I have seen on TH-cam, it's so natural I am not a makeup person but I will try this you don't have to paint your face like others do this is wow thanks for sharing and I will try this.
You're beautiful. I'm new to this make up thing and if I tell you hard it is to make up my face, you won't believe me. But I will be trying this look it's a good tutorial. Thank you for this video.
I love this! I’m pregnant and I want to get ride of this preggo look and keep it super simple bc I honestly don’t like to much make up and this is EXACTLY WHAT IM LOOKING FOR! (After searching for an hour) thank you! I’m so saving this! 💕 (I have a winter trip coming and this will be perfect)
Your skin is flawlessssss ❤❤you don't need makeup luv. But this is still so much for my cheap lazy self😫 All I use is a powder foundation or concealer (idk which is what lol) and do my eyebrows which is already naturally thick. Then use a clean mascara brush (without mascara) on my lashes again thick. Last is carmax or that clear gloss😌(last all day). BOOM💥 DONE lol.
Sounds like me lol. I literally will do eyeshadow, lip gloss and mascara. Ive tried but i dont really like any other make up outside of those 3 things.
Wearing makeup if easier for me in today's world. I grew up when it was hard to find foundation for my melanin rich tone. So I love that I can walk into stores and find foundations for my Lupita complexion.
Now this is a natural look. They kill me when they say natural and proceed to put 50 products on their face just to prepare to put the actual makeup on. Then they put 250,001 other things on and say this is my simple everyday look 😳
I remember when simple makeup was lipstick and mascara. The played up version was foundation and liner and eyeshadow was taking it way over the top. You could basically look nice with 3-6 products. Long gone are those days. Maybe I’m just old because the best beauty regiment to me is drinking plenty water, a good multivitamin, Burt’s Bees cream cleanser, witch hazel toner, vitamin e capsule to moisturize, eating 3-4 Brazil nuts a day and taking a zinc supplement three times a week. Your skin will look so nice you won’t need makeup. Also your eyes will have a natural sparkle. But like I said, maybe I’m just old. lol
Omg. Thank you soooo much for making and posting this video. I am just getting into makeup so I am ALWAYS looking for videos to help me and seeing all of these videos on how to apply it can be EXTREMELY intimidating. But you made it look super simple and super easy. I’m a mother of six so a quick no makeup makeup look in order for me to get out the house and not look the Night of the Living Dead character is just perfect for me. Thanks again. 🤗
I have sensitive skin and dermatitis and whenever I try to apply foundation and concealer it crease so much, I think I should go for Vichy make up or Bionike but I spend already so much for dermatologists approved products for my skincare. Whta I really like is (after my mandatory skin care) a good primer and CC cream by Roche posay. It does the job as it evens out the skin.
I freaking loooooove this!! Girl I’m with it...natural everyday looks. All that contouring nonsense is for the camera. I’m refuse to do all that everyday. Thanks so much for sharing.
Thank you thank you thank you for this video. I have always felt intimidated by makeup and now wanting to finally give it a try, not a dramatic change, but not knowing where to start. I wanted something natural and this video is so helpful. You are a natural beauty! Thank you again!
Thank you so much for this. I recently stopped wearing makeup because I hate it now and this helped a lot because sometimes I want to wear it but it’s just too much and I don’t feel like my natural self. But it’s helped tremendously!
I like the tutorial very much, it's not that I don't like make up, it's because I don't know how to do it. I've been looking for a long time for a video like this one and it's very nice and simple. Thank you very much 😊❤️
Yes im 42 and have never wore makeup until mothers day when my niece hooked me up loved it but to much this is perfect for an every day look love it can you please list the products and colors of your make up as we are the same in color thank you
Are there any makeup tutorials where they're not putting 10,000 things on their face??
Right that was too much for me
You know........
Loool.. It's never ever simple when talking makeup. Loool. Also searching...
Ladies I feel ya! The struggle is real. Be looking for some years now, but still nothing. Good luck and be blessed.
I love this! I’m not really into the “beat face” look and have been trying to find a nice natural look. This is perfect! 🙂
I'm so the girl who absolutely HATE wearing makeup, it's too time consuming and a lot of other overdo it however THIS RIGHT HERE, THIS RIGHT HERE is PERFECT for me! Thank you so much beauty!
Loyaltee 808 I agree. Sometimes it feels like I’m wearing a mask. I’m for the more natural look. I still feel like myself
Awesomely gorgeous w and w/o makeup love you facial contour. I KNOWi wont follow all steps , HOWEVER i wish i had it in me to do ur beautiful !!!!!!!!
I agree! This is perfect for me. Very easy to do. No soooo many layers of makeup. I'm going to try this.
Wearing a make up for Me seems to overwhelm and leaves me very uncomfortable 😣😫!! I don't understand why, and I haven't worn make up in years, I only use lip gloss!!
I never understand when people say... you dont need makeup. Makeup is an simply an enhancer of one beauty.. Thanks for sharing!
People are beautiful but if someone tells someone they don't need make up they should believe it. I see and know of women with lovely skin who don't wear it as there's nothing to enhance. But if someone hasn't got great skin I would understand their reasons and their need to wear make up. Especially if they feel better with it. Right now there are a group of young ladies in the UK t.v personalities who know young girls look up to them and they have started a campaign getting women to go without makeup .
@@andreemichaels6476 but that their choice to wear makeup or nah. They might do it for fun or because it's nice it doesn't always mean someone is insecure about their skin
why do you need to enhance your beauty?
@@andreemichaels6476 Not to toot my own horn but people always tell me that I my skin is pretty and I tell them the secret is water. I hate makeup, it makes my skin feels dirty and dont get me started on the yucky feel of lipstick. At the age of 41 I still dont wear it. I do get individual eyelash extensions, put on chapstick and that's it. And still feel like the most beautiful woman in the room.
That’s true, it does enhance your beauty but it’s a choice for each person. Funny thing is I started to wear makeup when I was in my 20’s. At that time I felt I needed it to cover the brown discoloration that I had under my bottom lip from eczema and oily skin. I started getting acne in my late 20’s after having my first child. The acne became worse after my 2nd and third child and makeup made more breakouts. I’m turning 46 in January and still get mistaken for someone in her 20’s. I don’t have wrinkles, skin is still oily, brown patch still under bottom lip & now mild brownish circle under my eyes)I stopped wearing makeup in my late 30’s because I started getting very hot from my neck up, (makeup made me feel uncomfortable & more hot & oily faced), it broke me out more with acne. Under my eyes and under my bottom lip are a little darker than my face but at this point in my life it doesn’t bother me anymore, so I choose to not wear makeup. If you do or don’t wear makeup, most important thing is just to be happy with yourself.
You did a great job explaining each step. My adopted daughter is 14 and is wanting to wear makeup I told her to keep it natural. I found your channel and now I'm subscribed. Thank you!
I tried your technique in this video this past weekend and received so many compliments thank you.
No way is this for anyone who doesn’t like to wear makeup lol. Way too much consealer everywhere. Too many steps.
I agree i mean how is it a 'no makeup' makeup tutorial when shes wearing so much makeup????
Well I think she looks really good!😁But I guess your'e right theres alot of steps
I agree it was to many steps. When I saw the title of the video, I said Okay a video for me because I really don't care to wear make up until I seen all these steps I did like it because it made you look natural and that's another thing I was looking for just something so simple and natural.
She put on a light layer you dummy and your still saying she wearing too much like sit down somewhere.
Ppl who hate wearing makeup are not going to do all this lol...but thank you for showing us how to do a natural look.
She had a natural look before putting on the makeup and eyeliner. After that it’s makeup, not natural.
@@can.du.8116 Still natural
My thoughts exactly!
@@SNOWQueen87-v1g How is putting on makeup still natural? Wut....
all i usually do is my eyebrows, mascara and top lid eyeliner and concealer. You did a great job. I’m still completely in the dark about contouring 😑
Thank you. This looks so natural and it’s a much more realistic look. I’ve seen a ton of “daily, light” makeup tutorials that are way overboard. But yours is perfect. I had bought the Maybelline Instant Age Rewind in 3 different shades and honestly can’t figure out how to make it look good. It pops up all my skin creases and texture. I wonder if it’s because I’m older. Dunno.
Lefty Crafter there's a woman on you tube who mixed her age rewind concealer and it gave her the shade she wanted. Try mixing if you got 3 of them see what happens.
You look great and I guess I'm really not into makeup because I thought that was still too much🤦♀️🤷♀️
Fritznerda Laporte she does look great but I agree, too much for me too! Lol
I said the same thing to myself lol.
She does look amazing. I would try using Wet n Wild Pearlescent Pink blush (looks orange) for your cheeks, bridge of nose, eyes, and lips. Don't forget lip gloss for a little bit of shine. That's all you need. It gives you that sunkissed effect and it looks beautiful on every skin tone.
I am yet to see an actual video tutorial with "little or no makeup" smh....if anybody has a link, please let me know!
I thought it was just me, LOL. Once she started adding the powder after the foundation, I was getting overwhelmed. And we still added bronzer and highlighting two places with mascara and I'm not even finished yet, LOL. I don't think I'm going to finish watching because it's already more than I have time for in the mornings. the video was 9 Minutes sped up. I can only imagine how long it actually took her... I don't even think all the products she used are listed in the description. SMH...
A perfect every day look for sure
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been searching for a video that features minimal makeup that actually looks natural.. and finally.. I've found it... I love your skin..and the look..absolutely lovely! thanks again.
Great job, easy to follow and understand! Ill definitely try this.
You are gorgeous without the makeup.
I'm 48 and have never been a makeup wearer.
And even though you look amazing, it's still too much work for me.
Please keep doing what you do baby sister.
Much love.
I so agree! Beautiful girl, great results, but way too many steps for a real makeup 'hater' like me 😏
I co-sign. I do moisturizer, Primer, foundation, loose powder, eyeliner and mascara (top lid only) and moisturizer for lips. 😀
Teresa Brooks Yes! When I was 47, I told my mother I'd try to get into makeup but I'm still trying
First time on this channel. This video came on right after Tiarra Monet's 10 minute makeup video. I am so thankful because I really like this video and how she did her makeup.
I'm 50 and people think I'm way younger they can't believe how old I am when I tell them. I don't like lots of make up although I wear make up sometimes I don't like it slathered on. My sister only wears mascara that's her make up. She will tell me when we go out she gotta do her make up. I used to say i thought you said you doing your make up. She says look I got mascara on my eyes and lpsyl on my lips. .... Lord have mercy😂😂😂. But she's beautiful.
Thank you finally a natural tutorial that doesn't have 15 steps. This is more manageable.
After like 12 thousand videos... I finally found yours... thank you so much
No lie..this is EXACTLY how I do my makeup!!! Outstanding job Alicia!🤗
Frugaliciously Fabulous me too
Your skin is amazing. I like the idea of keeping it simple, that’s me don’t like the cake face but the natural look. New to the makeup game but I’m learning
Thank for sharing,I will try this because it is not too much,bless your heart
Its soo natural, I love it!
I've been trying to get into makeup, and while I don't see myself spending a lot of money, I thought this was really manageable. I've been trying it for a few weeks now and it has become really easy and feels and looks really nice. Thanks, sweetie!
I have been searching al, through TH-cam for a natural makeup look just like this! Love this and your channel!
I’ve been searching for natural makeup look for like forever lol but all of them contour! I finally found a video! And I’m super happy thank you so much!!! I love this 💖💖
Love this video. I'll be doing this look on the regular! Thank You!
Cute but not simple
I kinda differ... it was very minimal........................ I think
Compared to other makeup styles very simple.
Y’all expect to throw on some mascara, blink and have a full face. Makeup doesn’t work like that’s
That is a natural look! Nice! Will definitely try.
Girl you kill it all this is the best makeup I have seen on TH-cam, it's so natural I am not a makeup person but I will try this you don't have to paint your face like others do this is wow thanks for sharing and I will try this.
Finally it’s about time someone did one of these videos. This is how I do mines when I wear make up very little but i do less steps.
Great tutorial, just what I've been looking for.
This is the makeup video I need! Thank you. 💚
You look beautiful💜 truly, all you did was enhance your beauty for what it already was. Well done 👍🏾
Now this I CAN ACTUALLY do!!! Thank you so much can't wait to try this
You're beautiful. I'm new to this make up thing and if I tell you hard it is to make up my face, you won't believe me. But I will be trying this look it's a good tutorial. Thank you for this video.
I love this! I’m pregnant and I want to get ride of this preggo look and keep it super simple bc I honestly don’t like to much make up and this is EXACTLY WHAT IM LOOKING FOR! (After searching for an hour) thank you! I’m so saving this! 💕 (I have a winter trip coming and this will be perfect)
your skin is beautiful. I agree with you on keeping it simple. That's where I am with my makeup application.
I agree. It helps she has great skin. I believe great skin is the first line of makeup. I love this video. Liked after watching.
Thank you for this video. Very easy to follow. I like to keep it simple.
You have a new fan in me! I have been looking for this for a long time. I will be trying this tomorrow.
Omg your skin is flawless and make the makeup very nice
So grateful to find this video. I am a fan of the natural look and this video helps. Thanks!
This look is great! I am not good with applying makeup but I can do this. Thank you
Your skin is flawlessssss ❤❤you don't need makeup luv.
But this is still so much for my cheap lazy self😫
All I use is a powder foundation or concealer (idk which is what lol) and do my eyebrows which is already naturally thick. Then use a clean mascara brush (without mascara) on my lashes again thick. Last is carmax or that clear gloss😌(last all day). BOOM💥 DONE lol.
Sounds great. You need to do a video tutorial! I would be so into it as a "No makeup" person.
Lignum VITAL 😭awe thank you beautiful 💜💜
Please do a video on this... Sounds simple and gets the result we want
Sounds like me lol. I literally will do eyeshadow, lip gloss and mascara. Ive tried but i dont really like any other make up outside of those 3 things.
What’s the name of your powder foundation?
Yes!!!! Love simple natural looks! Thank you Alisha!!!
Thank you , i have been looking for easy and fast way to do my makeup. I am a beginner and i really believe that i can do it.
Wearing makeup if easier for me in today's world. I grew up when it was hard to find foundation for my melanin rich tone. So I love that I can walk into stores and find foundations for my Lupita complexion.
Best no makeup look I’ve seen. This is exactly how I try to do my face bc I do not like wearing makeup. Thanks!!
Now this is a natural look. They kill me when they say natural and proceed to put 50 products on their face just to prepare to put the actual makeup on. Then they put 250,001 other things on and say this is my simple everyday look 😳
Vershelder Green 🤣🤣🤣
Hi Alisha, do you use a moisturizer that has sunscreen in it? Please let me know. Your makeup looks very natural, thank You for sharing.
This is my kind of look. You are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Your skin is so radiant and flawless! I can't wait to try using concealer then foundation . Thanks!
Great video. Will try Eyebrow pencil.
I remember when simple makeup was lipstick and mascara. The played up version was foundation and liner and eyeshadow was taking it way over the top. You could basically look nice with 3-6 products. Long gone are those days. Maybe I’m just old because the best beauty regiment to me is drinking plenty water, a good multivitamin, Burt’s Bees cream cleanser, witch hazel toner, vitamin e capsule to moisturize, eating 3-4 Brazil nuts a day and taking a zinc supplement three times a week. Your skin will look so nice you won’t need makeup. Also your eyes will have a natural sparkle. But like I said, maybe I’m just old. lol
Omg. Thank you soooo much for making and posting this video. I am just getting into makeup so I am ALWAYS looking for videos to help me and seeing all of these videos on how to apply it can be EXTREMELY intimidating. But you made it look super simple and super easy. I’m a mother of six so a quick no makeup makeup look in order for me to get out the house and not look the Night of the Living Dead character is just perfect for me. Thanks again. 🤗
No way! This is still too much for me. Lately, all I do is concealer and powder and lip gloss. Done!
You know this!
Even that's too much for me. If you had to call it makeup, I just put lotion on my face and chapstick.
I would like the name of the products you use / you said them so fast but easy to follow thanks so much
Super Cool. Aside from the setting powder, I got this. Thanks
I simply love it 🥰.... thank you for doing this video.... I love natural look 👀
I have sensitive skin and dermatitis and whenever I try to apply foundation and concealer it crease so much, I think I should go for Vichy make up or Bionike but I spend already so much for dermatologists approved products for my skincare. Whta I really like is (after my mandatory skin care) a good primer and CC cream by Roche posay. It does the job as it evens out the skin.
Absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for the tutorial. I'll try it out.
Great video! This is my kind of makeup look. I gotta try the concealer first trick.
I freaking loooooove this!! Girl I’m with it...natural everyday looks. All that contouring nonsense is for the camera. I’m refuse to do all that everyday. Thanks so much for sharing.
Thank you thank you thank you for this video. I have always felt intimidated by makeup and now wanting to finally give it a try, not a dramatic change, but not knowing where to start. I wanted something natural and this video is so helpful. You are a natural beauty! Thank you again!
I absolutely love this natural method. You have gained a new subscriber today!
Great tutorial ! Love the color selection and ease. I too do not like a lot of makeup and prefer a more natural look. Great job !
I'm so here for the natural look. I love it
Thanks I've been looking for something like this and will try it. Very pretty and simple.
This was really simple. Thanks for sharing. I'll definitely try it out 👌👌
I love this tutorial, you made it so simple and easy to follow. Thank you 🤗
I just ran across this video. What is the name of the brow pencil for filling in your brows? Thank you.
That looks so good!!It was probably easy because your skin is so clear and flawless!!😁😍
Oh and 2018 anyone?
This is pretty simple;e. Thank you for sharing! I need to look to see if you have done a skincare routine!
Thank you. I don't like a lot of make up and this is very simple but beautiful.
Beautiful!! Great job!
I was glad to find a makeup tutorial that didnt involve 1,000,000,000,000 steps. thanks :)
Just curious what's primer for ? Can't you just use regular moisturizer?
Wow, yeah this looks good. Im a no makeup woman but would definitely try this.
You look amazing! I will be following every step!!
Easy quick and natural i like it.
what do you use on ur skin ?? it's really glowing
Beautiful. So natural. .
I tried this and loved it. So simple quick and easy. Thank you 🤗🤗
Your skin is beautiful, you really don't need makeup. Thx for the tutorial.
Thank you so much for this video I have a 6 month old and he takes up so much of my time. Love this look
Love this!!! I will try because it is getting close to summer and who wants to wear all that heavy foundation +
Super simple thank you because I am so not a pro and you made it easy and video not too long thanks love it Beautiful 😻
Finally, someone who uses a more neutral colored concealer underneath the brows. It does the job in a very natural way.
Lol this is still a lot to me..i jus put mascara & lipstick & sometimes my shade in my brows
Very quick and easy. Thanks!
Beautiful! I love it! Thank you
Thanks for doing the no make = up look. I don't like applying make-up but I need it to even out my skin tone and not to scare anyone.
What kind of brush are you using to apply and blend with?
Thank you so much for this. I recently stopped wearing makeup because I hate it now and this helped a lot because sometimes I want to wear it but it’s just too much and I don’t feel like my natural self. But it’s helped tremendously!
So pretty and yes very natural looking. Love it. Great job. Thanks for sharing.
My kind of makeup routine!! Beautiful
Fabulous. What color is the brow pencil?
The best natural make application I've seen. Great job
I like the tutorial very much, it's not that I don't like make up, it's because I don't know how to do it. I've been looking for a long time for a video like this one and it's very nice and simple. Thank you very much 😊❤️
Gorgeous! What color brow pencil do you use?
I love this... you the first person who got the no make-up look right. I'm not a make-up person but this I will try...
Yes im 42 and have never wore makeup until mothers day when my niece hooked me up loved it but to much this is perfect for an every day look love it can you please list the products and colors of your make up as we are the same in color thank you
Still a lot of makeup🙁
Simple Truth not really ?