I used to only buy genuine ones, mostly because of the trend. Later, I bought more and more bags, and I didn’t want to carry many of them after just a few times. I felt it was a waste to buy tens of thousands of them, and the discount was very high when I recycled them. So now I just carry a *esluxy* .
👜Ladies Bags Collection at Discount Price😱
Kashis Bag Bazar
Shop no: 47-48 (Ground Floor Eastern Mollika Shopping Complex
I used to only buy genuine ones, mostly because of the trend. Later, I bought more and more bags, and I didn’t want to carry many of them after just a few times. I felt it was a waste to buy tens of thousands of them, and the discount was very high when I recycled them. So now I just carry a *esluxy* .
What are you talking about bro?? The Christian Dior and the Paris looked way more crisp on the *esluxy* .
Nice collection ❤
@@khaledsaifulla6927 🫶🫶
I love *esluxy* , yes, that’s what I’m here for .