How to Make Your Dreams a REALITY: French Farmhouse & Potager Gardening

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 207

  • @HousewifeInTheWoods
    @HousewifeInTheWoods 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    This was wonderful!!!! ♡♡♡ I had a dream off jumping off grid.... we did it may of 2015... we sold everything and moved into tents with our kids and started to build in cash week to week paycheck to pay check... super tough... but dreams do come true!!! A year with lanterns and now we have solar ... 2.5 years pumping and hauling water and then finally a shower.... this spring I plumbed the kitchen and..... I have a sink! Lol sounds crazy. ... and everyone thought we were nuts to give up our nice life for this. Now everyone is like holy cow, you did it! It still isn't done, but we work at it every day.

  • @iamjulia_od
    @iamjulia_od 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I love the realness of this video. These are my fav kinds of yours: the cooking, cleaning, family meals and kids playing, gardening
    I love this

  • @lisaporch8922
    @lisaporch8922 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Ypu are soooooo sooooooo right about social media. You go on Facebook or insta and see upsetting things and we should learn to just delete those people from our lives and surround ourselves with inspirational people and cheerleaders!! I love what you said “guard your heart and mind “

  • @eflores4449
    @eflores4449 5 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    You know, I was having a funky day. We just moved into a new house and I find I am completely overwhelmed. This was just the pep talk I needed. I spent the rest of the afternoon tackling the long neglected garden and making it my own. Thank you for reminding me to find my vision for my garden and my life.

    • @ParisienneFarmgirl
      @ParisienneFarmgirl  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Elena Flores thank you so much for sharing!!!

    • @celticfiddle7605
      @celticfiddle7605 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Me too. She has helped me more than I can say. I am revitalized!

  • @scrappaperart
    @scrappaperart 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I just discovered your YT channel a few days ago and I've been binge watching.....hubby too! You have inspired this 66.5 woman to have dreams again. We recently moved last Oct. from California to Washington state and we love it. We are looking for a little farm house or cottage we can nest in again. I had to sell 98% of my household...all my antiques and such. Moved with no furniture except our bed so life is starting over for us. You channel has inspired me to go back 30 years when I use to love decorating and collecting beautiful things for my home. When I married my husband 24 years ago my mom passed away a week later and she was the heart of our home. You remind me a lot of her and her home skills. I miss her terribly. Again thank you for your inspiration and for sharing your beautiful family and home with us. PS. can I ask what it was that you made for looks so delicious? Hugs! Noella

  • @txspacemom765
    @txspacemom765 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm starting my 3rd career, in the middle of Covid, at almost 46 and I am beyond excited! Let them roll their eyes! I am COMPLETELY overhauling my life, like your house! I am so excited!

  • @vickigade7681
    @vickigade7681 5 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    Love this inspiring video. I truly believe in everything you mention. I do not live on a beautiful farm but I have not let that stop my dreams of gardening. Several years ago I dreamed of a English Rose garden (my version☺️) now I’m working on my Potager garden. It’s not easy living on a corner lot exposed to traffic and I’m sure judgment of a overweight old woman working out her dreams visible to everyone who goes by but that doesn’t stop me. I’m looking forward to see your garden this year. Don’t stop dreaming 🤗

    • @Estella0707
      @Estella0707 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Vicki Gade wow so inspiring!!! Be blessed.

    • @susanhorn3910
      @susanhorn3910 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Vicki, your story sounds like mine! We’re never too old to realize our dreams, and when we are older, we are wiser, have more time and resources (with any luck) to make them happen. I celebrate you! Thanks, Angela, for this wonderful chat!

  • @maureenbaker7516
    @maureenbaker7516 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you for this, I am living my dream....I recently retired at 62! I do work part-time with my daughter(she has her own practice). I love being with her and working a job that brings me joy. I sold my house and bought a cute cape on a dead-end street with NO mortgage. A train goes my house in the forest several times a day.....I love it, it brings me back to my younger days. My 3 children are all healthy and living fruitful lives. I am working to live a simpler life style. Your videos inspire me. Thank you for your peaceful life style.

  • @BelindaTN
    @BelindaTN 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I heard Dolly Parton say once. That making dreams come true requires a lot of planning and a lot of work. And lot of persistent and consistent work. Otherwise all you have is a wish.......... Great video Angela.

    • @ParisienneFarmgirl
      @ParisienneFarmgirl  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      LindyTN Dolly speaks truth most of the time. Love her!

  • @MrsGHome
    @MrsGHome 5 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Omg Thank You so much!I needed to hear this today,I’m handicapped since 1999 due to a surgery that went wrong but I can still get around but with limits you gave me hopes and dreams for my home life!

  • @fortheloveofhome7824
    @fortheloveofhome7824 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So many wise words said. Thank you. ❤️

  • @tlillies5671
    @tlillies5671 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My dreams are very similar to yours♥ It's so FUN to see your dreams work out with all the help of your hubby and kids!

  • @vickiegriffin9414
    @vickiegriffin9414 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I just started following you. Don’t know how I found you but so glad I did. You lift me with your words and the beauty of your land and your home.

  • @valeriecraftkitover4944
    @valeriecraftkitover4944 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Parisian Farm Girl.....You Rock!!!

  • @margaretmoore3915
    @margaretmoore3915 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I see that this is 2 years old, but your advice is timeless... and timely for me! Thanks for your clarity.

  • @rasulhafeez5575
    @rasulhafeez5575 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Hi, Angela. This is Jalika. Thank you so much for this beautiful video. As I watch you and your family, gathering together and helping with chores. It's so pleasant. I have wrote down what my goals are. One, to move and two, to purchase a sewing machine to sew my own clothing. Thank you again for sharing, and you have inspired me to never give up. God bless you and your family. May God bless you with your goals.

  • @caroleprisk98
    @caroleprisk98 5 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I am trying to clean on old woodshop and turn it into a spot where I can do projects . It is a mess of rotting sawdust, cobwebs and junk. I am 71 and hampered by arthritis, so my progress is has been slow. I work about an hour and then rest. It doesn't show any improvement yet, but I hope I can accomplish my goal. First to clear and sort the stuff , then move everything out and sweep, vacuum, and power wash the concrete floor. Put things back and organize it and beautify it. I also am pulling things out to decorate my gardens, planting, raking, and cleaning my potting shed. I work one day a week as an English teacher in an alternative school and two days in an antique shop. I have booths in two antique malls I try to find merchandise for as well. I hope I can pull it off.

    • @letsplaybaby8098
      @letsplaybaby8098 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Don't ever give up. It doesn't matter if you only work ten minutes a day on it. It will be so precious to you when it's done.

    • @ashgreenspinner1503
      @ashgreenspinner1503 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      carole prisk I hope you’ve had a wonderful summer and that your plans have moved forward beautifully!

    • @robyndismon394
      @robyndismon394 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi Carole, so very nice 2 read your post. Regarding your arthritis had u ever considered yoga? It might be helpful. Everything u shared showed how your day to day goals r coming along just with 10 minutes or so. I am rooting 4 u way over herein northeast Ohio. Your sanctuary will be your reality b4 you know it. Happy autumn.🍁

    • @susanhorn3910
      @susanhorn3910 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      You can do it! Your plan sounds wonderful, and you’re such a busy lady, too! We’re never too old to keep dreaming and to make them come true. Best wishes!

  • @katrinagauld7340
    @katrinagauld7340 5 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    My goal is a small cottage next to my horse barn on my property with an outdoor kitchen that has a wood fired oven to back bread and pizza. Also a wood fired wok. To be able to set on my porch in the morning with a cup of coffee and watch my horses graze. Walk to the garden and pick fresh vegies and herbs and flowers for my table. Have friends over in the evening to set by an outdoor fireplace and enjoy great conversation. That is a small glimpse.

  • @deborahcrutchfield5022
    @deborahcrutchfield5022 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I felt your Dream ❤️ . Wonderful. Right now my goal is to have a productive kitchen garden. Have Beautiful flower beds. I retired 2 years ago really started working on it this year. My husband still works so he only mows the grass. An d I pray I live in my late 80s working on my gardens. Your right be careful of negative people that don’t want to do anything but sit around . Saying We are to old, no never be to old. ❤️

  • @homespunfarmhouse5353
    @homespunfarmhouse5353 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you so much for your words and of inspiration and beautiful videos! I have your similar dreams and a brain that is overflowing with ideas and things I love to do!!! Gardening, crafting, baking, sewing, woodworking, sharing, farmhouse building etc etc.... Glad you were forced to do this video it’s the one I enjoyed the most so far. Content, videography, music ❤️❤️❤️🤗🌻

  • @thicket
    @thicket 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Getting a property to build as a legacy for my family. My boys want an old family estate for all of us to live on someday. I'm so glad I "met" you in the training the other day. I'm loving your channel!

  • @nitahiltner8527
    @nitahiltner8527 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I want to live another 20-25 years or more to see my grandkids grow up and have their families.

  • @rowenaphilbeck1919
    @rowenaphilbeck1919 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    That was very special and really is inspiring. I'm getting ready to retire from my 29 year job and I want to fulfill my dreams. Right now its having a beautiful vegetable, herb gardens in my back yard. Nice seating spaces to relax. I have started a week ago and working on my porch and I had an old plastic tool chest that I had a wood box on rollers made for an herb garden. Its a process but I have started and with each step its very rewarding. Thanks for the push and love watching your family and what all you are working on. Prayers!!

  • @PeetaIsMyHomeboy
    @PeetaIsMyHomeboy 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You're going to say, "Who are you?" because I never comment , but I love, love, love this video. Not at all stagey or scripted, more a true blog and glimpse into your life. Huge Elliott fan for quite some time, and a fun of yours for months without realizing your connection until recently. Your inspiring, you're fun, you're instructive and I'm being blessed.

    • @ParisienneFarmgirl
      @ParisienneFarmgirl  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Dawn McKenna so fun! Thank you! I just got back from Shaye’s last night at midnight. Thus no show yesterday:). Thank you for commenting!!! Now I know. Lol.

  • @jenns6063
    @jenns6063 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Oh my goodness! You look EXACTLY like Jennifer Aniston!!!!! I never saw it before, but this video makes it obvious... when you're on your bench talking about dreams, I could swear I was watching Jennifer in a movie!!!!! You're stunning!!!

  • @erikalouwrens3992
    @erikalouwrens3992 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think that you are the first TH-camr I watch who has, along with Joel and the children, worked her fingers to the bone to achieve the dream. So many say they have worked so hard. But have they? You are an inspiration.

  • @patriciadiaz1753
    @patriciadiaz1753 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Beautifully said!!!! It felt like your heart was speaking directly to mine. Lots of love & blessings. Thank you so very much!

  • @xiomiminer
    @xiomiminer 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love your enthusiasm and positivity, I watch your videos daily. It's motivational. Thank you for your engenuity and strength. I have goals, although my health and age is a deterent from it's fulfilment. I would love a little safe place like yours. And an edible garden. I will work on those goals at least a few. God bless us all.

  • @fortheloveofhome7824
    @fortheloveofhome7824 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    So wonderful! You keep me motivated to work hard towards our family dreams. ❤️

  • @pennyhanson2598
    @pennyhanson2598 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You are quite right - if your goals are written out and on show, you will soon take more notice of them and be able to ignore the ‘eye-rolling’ ! It will encourage even small steps, which, in turn will lead to much bigger things - hopefully!! Thank you for your encouragement! Always enjoy your videos , especially as my family have had a farmhouse in the Vendee for nearly 40 years and my Dad had similar dreams. Kind regards to you and your family from Penny in Liverpool 🇬🇧😊💕

  • @maggiesue4825
    @maggiesue4825 5 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    At 68, I often feel as if it's too late to have goals. Your video is so very encouraging.

    • @ParisienneFarmgirl
      @ParisienneFarmgirl  5 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      BE ENCOURAGED! This world is OBSESSED with youth and it's ridiculous. You, no doubt, have SO much wisdom and experience to offer any arena!

    • @michelleackerson4524
      @michelleackerson4524 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      I agree Maggie. I turned 69 years old yesterday and it feels like the big dreams and lofty goals are a thing of the past. But all is not lost, we can still have small goals... like I'm going to finish the new potager I started last summer ( not so grand a scale as yours Angela) and rejuvenate my herb garden as well. I also have a couple of garden crafts I'm itching to get started on as soon as the snow is gone so I can get into the woods. It's okay for us to accept that the golden years are a time to slow down a bit and simply enjoy the good things we have created in our lives :-)

    • @PatriciaJessup
      @PatriciaJessup 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Good day Maggie. I hear you and so wish to encourage you to take the steps towards even the smallest of your dreams. I just turned 66 this past Feb. Five years ago I made a huge move to a new province in Canada. I was 61 at that time. This move has been filled with many up's and of course some down's but as the years have passed I am closer to moving into an off-grid home called an Earthship. Of course there have many helping hands along the way and there have been many moments when I've thought what the heck am I doing I'm a senior taking on such a project. Anyway all the baby steps taken has me many steps closer to my dreams. Hope this encourages you.

    • @romanvansanchez1
      @romanvansanchez1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      There is no retirement in the bible, it was man made, so start living!!!

    • @AcornHillHomestead
      @AcornHillHomestead 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Oh no no no its not too late. My mother is 83 and manages her lovely garden on her own. That home and garden was her dream and she is still at it rider mower and weed whacker and all!! Creating is what keeps her living. In the winter she designs and makes small quilts with her dining room set up with three sewing machine and then hand quilts at night. You go girl. Forget about the age. Do what you can when you can and how you can. Its YOUR life. YOUR dream!!

  • @jeanninef2110
    @jeanninef2110 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Beautiful message. Just what I needed to hear! Merci ma chère! From Québec!

  • @eileensanchez7611
    @eileensanchez7611 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So happy I found you! Love the tour. You are very creative and inspiring. Thank you!

  • @dianerosario163
    @dianerosario163 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    My dear sweet lady. I love your videos because you are so are just a simple n humble mom with beautiful dreams just like most of us..And we should work hard to make our dreams come true.Like you did..God bless you and your family I can't wait to see ur farm and everything else .You have an exquisite style so I know that everything will look beautiful ! I look forward to your videos for some reason they bring me lots of joy..blessings. ❤

    • @ParisienneFarmgirl
      @ParisienneFarmgirl  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Diane Rosario such kind words. Thank you for spending your valuable time with us. And thank you for the encouragement.

  • @kaylang4166
    @kaylang4166 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love my Tasha Tudor gardening book--so lovely. You remind me of a modern "Tasha." We all need dreams, no matter our age.
    May God bless yours and your family. : )

  • @amandagauthier-parker1399
    @amandagauthier-parker1399 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you, Angie!! You are such an inspiration!!! 🥰

  • @cheribelisle4033
    @cheribelisle4033 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Great pep talk ! I started a discovery journal about 18 Years ago . It is fun to look back and see how much of what I envisioned has come true .
    My children are all grown now and my grand kids are school age . I am now entering a new phase and dreaming about new things 🤓. Your ideas I think will help me formulate a plan . Sometimes a big imagination is hard to tame

  • @Shadypeanutlane
    @Shadypeanutlane 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Oh, boy... What timing! I have spent most of the night writing and journaling and dreaming about what goals and habits I need for a good future. My old life is not serving me.... or anyone else, and so it is vital to get real with my days. I am 64... and instead of dogging through the old dreams I had.... I may have to accept that some came to fruition and others probably won't. .... not to say they even should any more. But I had such wonderful parents and grandparents who never stopped.... I can't believe it has taken me 5 years of retirement and 10 years of caregiving and 2 years of being "lost" to realize I am permitted to revamp my life.... quit trying to finish my mother's dreams even after she's gone.... I love your channel soooo much.

    • @ParisienneFarmgirl
      @ParisienneFarmgirl  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Gayla Pappenfoht yes Gayla! It sounds like it’s time! It sounds like you have a legacy of people who left you a great work ethic and inspiration but that it’s also time to peruse your own passions! How else may I encroach you!? I hope that you are able to begin to pursue those dreams!💚💚💚

  • @itsmewende
    @itsmewende 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I wish I was 30 yrs younger...62 in 18 days...but I'm going to bring my goals to fruition, they include buying land to make a Nature Habitat, put a shed barn on it to convert to 2 spaces for Airbnb, which I'm on now, an do so love it. Next on the list is a garden center selling my own plants, an my graphics on everything I can think of. I do think you are sooooo right about calling it a dream, setting goals makes so much more sense, putting the effort out into the world. I'll check out your friends as well.

  • @TailSpinFarm
    @TailSpinFarm 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Oh how my creative spirit needed to hear this today! I get so bogged by all the thoughts and dreams in my head they become overwhelming and paralyzing. We moved to our dream lake house in northwest Michigan 3 years ago. Many dreams come with that ( like buying all the houses and property around us as rentals ;)) I also hope to focus on everything yarn/spinning/angora rabbits that I can!

  • @christyjohnson6967
    @christyjohnson6967 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Your channel is just lovely! And your family is delightful!

  • @airizarry12
    @airizarry12 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video. Inspirational, I am so happy I found your channel. I am 67and have yet to live my dreams, hoping it's not too late. My dream is to be an artist.

  • @moregardening5014
    @moregardening5014 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    My husband and I bought our dream house a few months ago. I’ve been painting and getting the inside of the house how we want, but now Spring is here and I need to get going with the outside! We have 23 acres and I have dreams of an orchard, a potager, a lush green pasture dotted with sheep for spinning, meat, and hides, a dairy cow or two one day, and our children (which we don’t have yet) rolling down the hills. There’s so so much to do, but I really love doing it! Time to get to work! À bientôt!

  • @toniclark9492
    @toniclark9492 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good for you!!!! All things are possible!

  • @hansgirl
    @hansgirl 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    My diffuser is loaded with Serenity, Marjoram, Vetiver, and Patchouli; and I have a glass of Malbec at hand. I am ready to watch this week's episode!

  • @cindyb8775
    @cindyb8775 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    needed to hear this angela. and I agree with another poster in that it seems so unscripted and genuine. I needed to see this video and the Lord led me too it. Thanks.

  • @jillspady6450
    @jillspady6450 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If it's not on the calendar it doesn't exist! Great message today. Nailed it

  • @anneedfitzpatrickfitzpatri3294
    @anneedfitzpatrickfitzpatri3294 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Love your dreams Angela...enjoy!

  • @SweeTart77kkibble
    @SweeTart77kkibble 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Couldn’t love you more. ESP in these dark times, it’s just what we need to hear and believe!

  • @margaretrosin7853
    @margaretrosin7853 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have huge goals of starting a business and company that can impact millions of people in a great way. I’ve taken business courses, made a business plan, dream board, all the details are planned out, even found my teams who will implement it and a partner who is looking for capital...but it’s been almost 7 years and it hasn’t happened. I know this business idea was given to me from God, so it WILL happen and will benefit so many. I have gotten plenty of resistance from well meaning doubters who try their best to discourage me, but the ones who believe in me are there too. I haven’t given up hope and I never will. Thanks Angie. 💕

    • @ParisienneFarmgirl
      @ParisienneFarmgirl  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Margaret Rosin i would love to hear more about this:

  • @robinr1714
    @robinr1714 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I very much enjoy watching you and your family working on your dreams and this blog was especially inspiring!

  • @juliegibbons5988
    @juliegibbons5988 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    A dream, a goal.... how about a seed? This is how I see my dreams and they need the loving care that a seed does. Some grow, some don't but usually those that are truly strong and real.... will!!! I also say "I am...." rather than I want. So... I am writing the most beautiful gardening book (and already it begins to come together.... more effortlessly. This is creation with the divine feminine, natural, organic, conscious mind. XXX I love your channel. Do you know Stephanie from Chateau Lalande? She has a beautful channel on TH-cam also. XXXX

  • @elainneydiaz5975
    @elainneydiaz5975 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great advice dreams can become reality with God's grace.

  • @marieradatsz6170
    @marieradatsz6170 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you so much for your words of wisdom they are just what I needed. God uses people to speak to us and he has surely used you. God bless you all and thank you again xx

  • @AcornHillHomestead
    @AcornHillHomestead 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    A co worker and I used to talk about our dreams at work all the time and both knew some how and some way we would both get there. We are now both late 50’s - early 60’s. Some days work seemed unbearable and the dreams so far away but we just kept forging ahead. I left my job 4 years ago and my friend left hers soon after I did. Both of us sold our homes and moved to totally different types of areas in Wisconsin. She and her husband opened their BnB near an in town area near a large lake after leaving her job and my husband and I are living a rural life on some wooded acreage near a large lake we dreamed of many years ago. We renovated a small beat up smelly run down home in cottage style using reclaimed and scavenged materials and have a large garden. My dream was to tend to my beautiful home, cook, bake and to produce and preserve as much food from my garden as possible spending my days vegetable and flower gardening. My husband is a tradesman and can do just about anything and really just wants to work on our own land and spend time fishing and boating. We are both working for ourselves when we want to (I am semi retired) and also rent out a vacation cottage nearby. Eventually we will travel in the US occasionally. No one would ever know the home we renovated was in the awful state it was. There were days we thought it was never going to be finished but here we are 10 years later. No matter what that dream is just write it all down, have faith, have a plan and a reasonable timeline. Surround yourself with supportive people. Yes, people will always give you the what if things go wrong speech or react as if your dreams are not reasonable. Most people are scared of anything but the “secure” 9-5 job and thats ok. Just don’t let their fear infect your dreams! Keep moving your dream forward. You don’t have to be in your 20’s or 30’s to start either. My husband and I started at age 53 and 48 and my friends were about 55:and 60 when they took the plunge!! Hard work, a dream and faith can get you just about anywhere in this life! Go for it!!

  • @snuggleb100
    @snuggleb100 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’ve been catching up on your videos. I really love the end of this one. I have to tell you I was thinking of how I would love for you to write a book on gardening and not forget us beginners. how to know when to harvest herbs and fruits and vegetables has been my biggest problem and when to plant do you plant things together do you plant them separate some of us are beginner so don’t forget us when you decide to write your gardening book. and of course we’d love to know about your flower planting. loved the encouragement about your dreams And how we can achieve ours. thank you for sharing such positive, informative and exciting ways to get our dream started God bless

  • @missjesstherest
    @missjesstherest 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Love the ending outtakes XD Your channel popped up as a suggested video and I've been loving watching your Friday night lives and seeing your lovely home. I minored in French language in college and studied abroad in Paris. I'm a bit younger than your average subscriber (I"m 29) but it's so nice to soak up the positivity and realistic approach of a fellow mom who has already been through some childrearing. It helps my nervousness and self doubt :D
    My husband and I just had our first child 5 months ago and our dream is to build a timber frame house on our own piece of land and be %80 self sufficient, however that works out! God willing, we will achieve our goal before our kids are all grown! Merci pour votre sourir brillante et votre positivite!

  • @rainbowcitizen4897
    @rainbowcitizen4897 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    After my guest left yesterday morning. I spent the whole day outside gardening in Virginia Beach yesterday. It was Wonderful warm and sunny, sitting on Mother Earth grounding. Those are my favorite days. And it's where I do my best daydreaming. Now back to dreams and goals. Having the recipe to that delicious breakfast you served your family. So please yes, write another cook book. I'm so grateful Spring is here.

    • @ParisienneFarmgirl
      @ParisienneFarmgirl  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Rainbow Citizen the sun is finally shining and it looks like I’m finally goi g to get my grounding day too. here’s the recipe. Oils are optional.

  • @michellemooney4225
    @michellemooney4225 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Beautiful words in this video!

  • @marlaruthwhetten1391
    @marlaruthwhetten1391 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Watching all of your little ones eating together brings back the memories of my once little ones. Three have since flown the coop and the other 3 are busy doing college life. Hug your babies the blink of an eye your youngest will be 23, your floors will stay cleaner longer and not so many dishes.
    Some days I really do miss the chaos.

    • @ParisienneFarmgirl
      @ParisienneFarmgirl  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      MarlaRuth Whetten oh my gosh, stop it:). You’re making me cry. I can’t handle it. It’s why I keep having them.

    • @marlaruthwhetten1391
      @marlaruthwhetten1391 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Parisienne Farmgirl . One of my greatest joys tho is that that 23 year old babygirl of mine took French with me here at our community college. We can "kinda" speak to each other and the others don't know what we are talking about. lol. There is immense joy in having 6 young adults too.
      You are teaching your babies well. Have a beautiful day!

  • @mikemanogue3161
    @mikemanogue3161 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Love this! I'm such a dreamer and I'm going through medical testing for memory disorder. It's easy to get discouraged when my health is in question, but I'm such a creative person that I keep trying to move forward. Your video confirmed so many things I've experienced! Thank you for all of your beautiful, inspirational and uplifting videos! Your family and farm give me hope of overcoming all of my obstacles! I'm on hubby's computer, so, I don't know how this will sign out. Love & thanks! Olivia Manogue (Little Farm Under The Stars)

  • @alisonives928
    @alisonives928 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Really inspiring and encouraging xx 😘 Thank you x

  • @susanvelez6534
    @susanvelez6534 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    And your dream will come true darling, your on your way. Your home is stunning

  • @mynature5106
    @mynature5106 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    You're doing a wonderful job on youtube! Thank you! Hope to see the time, when the number of your subs will be many millions. Everyone deserves to be inspired by your videos.

  • @authenticallyamber99
    @authenticallyamber99 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Beautiful, Angela! Thank you so much for sharing such an inspirational message. I needed that to re-focus on my dreams. God bless you!

  • @apriljo1968
    @apriljo1968 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Currently in the middle of my dream.....honestly, been about to give up.
    I desperately NEEDED this!!!!
    THANK YOU❤❤❤❤

  • @marestar64
    @marestar64 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Very inspirational video. Thank you! I have found when I make lists they are so productive. I can focus on what is written and it helps to get things taken care of. Especially wish lists. I make a wish list for the year of different projects and so happy to see at the end of the year every thing was accomplished. For me dreams can become goals and then plans when written down. Thinking positive and being optimistic is a mindset that has helped me as well to get those baby steps going. I love love love your videos and lifestyle. Keep living the dream!

  • @kak2tnt
    @kak2tnt 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I needed this talk today. Wise woman, God Bless & Thank you.

  • @joannetaggart4136
    @joannetaggart4136 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for this uplifting and inspiring video. I am new to your channel. Your channel projects love, patience, faith and creativity. What a blessing to meet you. I don't know if you'll even see this as I am a year or so late. I am older - 61 And my husband and I raised five sons and we homeschooled. Not our oldest as I didn't know it was an option at that time. But the other four, yes, and it was the best thing we ever did. All In all, we spent 18 years teaching. After that I was a cook in a historic tearoom. Loved it. But my health interfered. But that's okay, because I can always find something to do. I love to cook, craft, turn things into something that one wouldn't expect. Your suggestion of a dream board is one I have heard of and I am going to make one. Dreaming takes time, does it not? And I have time now. Thank you for planting a seed of hope in my heart. Even at 61 And with health issues, I have got to have things to do and look forward to. God bless and I look forward to learning and being inspired.💜💜💜

  • @CottageGardensonForest
    @CottageGardensonForest 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’m so glad you touched on the goals. I’m not much of a dreamer but I’m a person who does the research, making my notes and lists. I’m a planner. I’m still pushing through even with the struggles with my health. I’m remodeling and updating the home I purchased three years ago. My goals are to transform my huge back yard into a large edible raised garden with fruit trees and bushes and create an English cottage garden. Their big goals but I can make it happen just like your creating goals and plans. I wish you all the best!

    • @ParisienneFarmgirl
      @ParisienneFarmgirl  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Tawana Jeffries this sounds absolutely wonderful! I can’t wait to see it when it’s finished.

  • @sinawiller9417
    @sinawiller9417 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I would love for you to make a video about hallways, between-spaces and the entry room. Because its easy to envision a living room or a kitchen, but for me it ist very difficult to envision a beautyful hallway. This is usually not a space, where you spend a lot of time in. But I read, that all the good in the world will come to you, if your hallway or entrance looks nice and welcoming. 😊 Please do a video on that 😘

  • @lesleybruechner8132
    @lesleybruechner8132 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Our style is different but our dreams are the same. Thank you for your brave and inspirational words.

  • @meriemo4482
    @meriemo4482 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for advice I have allotment in london and you are inspiring me lovely family

  • @barbaranielsen2888
    @barbaranielsen2888 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wise words, thank you!

  • @Holistichart868
    @Holistichart868 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Really needed this. Thank you 🌷

  • @nildaramoscutrone337
    @nildaramoscutrone337 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    wow how blessed are thee🙏...such a wonderful family...labor of love ....I admire your disposition ...May the good lord continue to bless you all...Amazing....your family ,house, garden and everything

  • @truckerbrat7005
    @truckerbrat7005 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I just started following you. Thank you so so so much for this video. Adieu!

  • @janetbecker4282
    @janetbecker4282 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    That food looked so tasty; all I could think of was fresh cream with the berries. And not a flop.

  • @debwoodward
    @debwoodward 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you so much for sharing and for the encouragement. What a true blessing. 🥰🙏🏻❤️

  • @EliseRoseCrochet
    @EliseRoseCrochet 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This was such an amazing video! Thank you for challenging us to to not just dream but to make them goals! I'm going to have to think about that for a while but it will definitely include crocheting and knitting! Thank you!!!! Love your channel!

  • @t.t.powell4135
    @t.t.powell4135 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Breakfast looks yummy!!

  • @clipp7777
    @clipp7777 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ty for the pep talk.

  • @thewhittierhousewife3898
    @thewhittierhousewife3898 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Great episode! It's so true, dreams are nice, but if you want them to come true, then roll up your sleeves and get to work!
    Lol-- is that duct tape keeping Joel's knee attached? Ha! Lil cutie pie..."Just you wait 'Enry 'Iggins just you wait!" I love that part, and Ascot!

  • @erikaadams9730
    @erikaadams9730 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’m so glad I found you! Great video, thanks for sharing. I love your green jacket, where did you find such a cute thing?

  • @supergirl460
    @supergirl460 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I LOVE this THANK YOU!!!!!!

  • @aBronteSister
    @aBronteSister 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    You spoke to my heart ❤️

  • @brandyuhl
    @brandyuhl 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You are so cute! I love this. My dreams are having a flower farm and sell my cut flowers out of a vintage blue farm truck, and a book/gift shop. Also cows and horses would be amazing :)

  • @KarinaHein
    @KarinaHein 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Sometimes i have so Many things i head , that i can't find the red tread. So You ser things , and buy Them, But You have so Many other thing, that dont go together , and the cluter Begins. So im going to Write down what i wan't, for my house and my life .. thank You ❤️

  • @sylviagregory3585
    @sylviagregory3585 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very inspiring! May all your dreams come true

  • @shabbynative9522
    @shabbynative9522 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow,you are so inspiring! Thank you. I need to watch this everyday 😂

  • @cyndifox4711
    @cyndifox4711 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    My goodness we are truly kindred spirits, I pray that I someday too can have my dreams come true

  • @merrishearer
    @merrishearer 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Beautiful and wise words, Angela. Thank you for sharing your dreams and wonderful advice. xo

  • @debbieb3952
    @debbieb3952 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I feel lIke I've made a new life on Lemon Lane AND The Elliot Homestead. Its helping me define my dreams!

  • @countrymousesfarmhouse497
    @countrymousesfarmhouse497 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fantastic video, thanks for sharing and what awesome goals you have.

  • @nancyoakley4727
    @nancyoakley4727 5 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @TinyLuvsBostons
    @TinyLuvsBostons 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    3:17 Yum!! Gorgeous breakfast! Beautiful video, Angela 😘

  • @joannamoore3321
    @joannamoore3321 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you so so much for the encouragement

  • @gailann7813
    @gailann7813 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wow Angie!!! What an inspiring video. You are such a beautiful woman, inside and out. This video went straight to my soul and it made me start to really think of all the things you spoke about. You are one amazing person who definately has the gift of really speaking to people in such a way that is so caring. You definately woke up my buried dreams that have been sleeping for a long time. Thank you for that :) What is the name of your cookbook you authored? I am anxious to view it.

    • @ParisienneFarmgirl
      @ParisienneFarmgirl  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Gail Ann yes! Let’s wake up buried dreams. Life is so precious! Thank you for letting me know how it spoke to you. I appreciate that. The name of my cookbook is From France to the Farm and it’s available on Amazon.

  • @andree824
    @andree824 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Loved this ❤️️ Thank you : )

  • @teacupcottagewithree7986
    @teacupcottagewithree7986 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    our farmhouse was a project from the beginning of our marriage 25 years ago, i chose to stay at home to care for our gtowing family. i paint . i bake myself. we have always had enough but i live to avoid hiring it done. sometimes i wonder where my servant girl is...i would give her a portion if she was the Word says. i have witnessed God bringing to pass beautifying and making more useful this space. thank you for this post. We have boys.