Another masterpiece and well worth the wait. A very sad ending, but enjoyable drama throughout. If I had to make a choice of watching, say, EastEnders or one of your episodes, it would be Bach The Animated Series every time. Well done, Peter and team, I feel there is another award on the way. 👏👏👏🏅🎭
@@johnbrown9588 Thank you so much for your kind words, as always, John. Perhaps the fact that it takes me ages to finish an episode makes it much more of an occasion than watching Eastenders with its thousands of episodes 🤣 Thank you once more!
There must’ve been moments: the love for his wife, keyboards fun with his sons, pride in his orchestral choir students, sausage and a pint at Zimmerman’s
We missed you , Mr .Fielding and "Sebastian "" very much ! But the waiting has done the job completely , episode 24 is absolute wonderful , like all the others , by the way ! A complete representation that includes life with its emotions and experiences , with joy , but also sadness , all on an exceptional music background and some absolutely magnificient images with Leipzig - the 1700 s , extraordinaryl y represented ! Thank you , we are looking forward to the next episode ! 🤗🎶🎼🎵
Thank you very much, Alexandru. Yes, I know, this time the mountain of work I was looking up against at the start of this episode seemed insurmountable and I sort of lost courage. It's my own fault because I'm always trying to improve, as you'll certainly have noticed. Next episode will probably be even more difficult, but we'll try to bring it to a good end as well. Thank you so very much for your kind words, as always! 😊
It's truly a feat of strenght to me that your serie make me feel more closer to Bach. It's like I get to know him more personaly with a feeling I've never had before by reading books, or whatever, about this legendary musician. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for using your talent in such a good way, providing us an outstanding serie to watch for free 🎶🕊
Wow! That's... an incredible compliment, thank you so much! I don't know how close my series is to the real Bach... sources are so few and it's mostly guesswork, but just the fact that the series makes you feel closer to Bach, is something I couldn't even have dreamt of when I started. Thank you very much. 😍
A magnificent episode, waited for long to watch a new one, was missing it. This raises my energy for the day , despite the sorrowful ending. The Daddy issues part is intense :). Thanks so much Peter !.
Thank you very much, Sergio. Yes, I'm trying to look at Bach's entire life, not just him as a person and his music, but his environment as well so people can get a better understanding of who he must have been as a person. Well, it's my personal take at it anyway...
@@BachTheAnimatedSeries We know so little about the Bach the human, Dad, husband, heavily buried under academia research and musicological analysis. Your work contributes to connect with the very human emotions and drama of his life and works, always a conflict looming, far beyond the biblical substrate of the music.
Dear Peter: Breathtaking again, your latest episode! I realized that the first melody is not by Bach, but contemporary, that is modern. And I like this exception to the musical rule. Meanwhile, it’s also a real cool and big creative community, your real dream team that adds quality beyond the 100 % or 100 points of 100. How much - oftentimes - the temper of the situation matches the weather in your artwork: Bernhard isn’t leaving Leipzig in broad sunshine but in a raining and dark night. The three clavichord artists‘ performance is outstanding as a mixture of your music decision and your art of drawing and animating. The sonata explained by Bach: That is what I saw as late as it is suggested by TH-cam on the right: I will create an next FAQ within the next 12 months, and I hope that pushes at least a few more viewers on your cool, unbelievable ambitioned offer. Peter: It’s again a masterpiece, one of so many. Thanks for time, skills and entertainment. Looking forward to the next episode Yours, Peter & Renate
Thank you very much, Renate and Peter, for your wonderful comments, as always. Yes, the project has grown considerably over the years with ever more actors, musicians and even orchestras willing to contribute. It's grown far beyond my wildest dreams and it fills me with gratitude, also towards you, my loyal fans almost from the start. 😊
Estimado Sr. Fielding sigo la serie desde el 2021 y debo decirle que es una extraordinaria obra maestra, guión, trama, la música seleccionada, todo, es fantástico, le felicito mucho, me encanta la estética de la serie, me encanta todo. Le mando un enrome abrazo desde Perú..atentamente: un fervoroso fan de JS Bach.
Muchas gracias, Manu! Your compliments fill me with joy and I feel honoured that even in far away Peru people appreciate the series. Thank you so very much!!! 😊
Peter I always await these with pure joy. Thank you so much for putting such materials out on by far the greatest composer there is. Our lives would all be missing something without his wonderful music. I wanted to address your voice actor position but I’m far too shy ahahah. I cannot wait for the next one. I’m sure you’ll be absolutely fine with it but if there is anything I could do please let me know. Even if it’s the most menial task. Again, thank you so much, it means the world too all of us. Blessings to you ✝️
Thank you so very much for your kind words. Yes, even the great Franz Liszt played Bach every day and made so many transcriptions of Bach's music. 😊 As far as acting's concerned, for the moment I've found every position I need, but I may need many more in the future for small parts. If you like, I could sign you up exactly for Franz Liszt himself who will make a brief appearance in one of the epilogues that will follow the series? 😆 Please drop me a mail if you're interested, so I have your contacts:
Yes, my apologies, but as I'm learning animation, things are getting ever more complex and the mountain I'm looking up to at the start of every episode becomes always bigger. This time it seemed to big to climb, but eventually I got there. Thank you for your patience. 😊
Thank you Mr Fielding for another spectacular Bach episode with some fascinating family developments (inspired me to look up his sons). Wonderful music choices with special mentions to that energetic and driving third mvt of the concerto for 3 cembalo, and my favourite of the Goldberg variations, no. 15 canone alla quinta - compositionally brilliant, powerfully emotive and played so well. 👏😄⭐️🎵
Oh, you're so kind, Stephen, Thank you so much for all those wonderful compliments! Yes, I try to show not just Bach and his music but his environment and his family as well so that people get a better idea about who he must have been as a person, even though my series is just a very personal guess... there are only very few sources that give us a real insight. But I'm thrilled that you appreciated it so very much. Thank you! 😊
Looks to me like Seb didn't have himself a wide enough network for finding better positions. Is that true in real life? I can't help thinking he would have done better elsewhere if he had more people to write letters to. "A foolish son is a grief to his father, and bitterness to her that bore him." Proverbs 17:25 The age old problem of the variability of one's offspring. But it looks like old Seb could muster up some tough love when needed. Oh sugar! I've reached the last episode produced. Now I have to wait like everyone else. Well, something to live for!
Bach obviously didn't want to settle for a low-end job such as organist. He had reached the top any musician could dream of, i.e. the title of Kapellmeister which he held during the second part of his Weimar adventure and in Köthen. The post of Cantor in Leipzig was already a giant step back and he only took it in order to have more financial security for his family. Luckily so because 6 years after he left Köthen, prince Leopold died and he would have found himself unemployed. Then the times were also changing. Glück... Haydn... a new musical wind, homophonic music with easier tunes without that "tedious" counterpoint which pleased more to the often ignorant ears of the rich princes and barons. Bach was considered too old-fashioned and this didn't play in his advantage. One of the great mysteries remains why Frederick the Great didn't offer Bach a job. Perhaps he felt humbled in his own palace by Bach's brilliance? Perhaps because Bach had indeed become too old? It remains one of those nagging questions to which we'll never know the answer as Frederick, towards the end of his life, confided that meeting Bach was the richest and most profound moment of his life.
We don't know much about Bernhard. We only know for sure that he was supposedly talented but that he never had a great career. We also know that he unexpectedly died in Jena where he had enrolled at the University studying law, whereas he was supposed to work as organist in Mühlhausen. Back in those days, children were supposed to work for the family as soon as able and there are no records of Bernhard ever being part of Bach's orchestra in Leipzig. Therefore I portrayed him as the "troubled" son who didn't want to follow in his father's footsteps and who tragically died still very young when he was trying to break free and follow his own dreams. On a sidenote, we also know for sure that Bach personally wrote the application letter for his oldest son Friedemann for the job as organist in Dresden. This shows that he was really trying to provide a decent position for his children and, even though his children probably didn't have much say in that - as was normal in the day, it was an act of love from a caring father.
Another masterpiece and well worth the wait. A very sad ending, but enjoyable drama throughout. If I had to make a choice of watching, say, EastEnders or one of your episodes, it would be Bach The Animated Series every time. Well done, Peter and team, I feel there is another award on the way. 👏👏👏🏅🎭
@@johnbrown9588 Thank you so much for your kind words, as always, John. Perhaps the fact that it takes me ages to finish an episode makes it much more of an occasion than watching Eastenders with its thousands of episodes 🤣 Thank you once more!
@@BachTheAnimatedSeries ❤❤❤
Nice to get home from a long ,hot day of work and see another episode to enjoy.
Thank you once again for the series and all the work involved.
Thank you very much for your kind words and your appreciation. 😊
Pete, you are really being Bach to life. Please just make him smile sometimes.
Thank you very much! I wish I could, but his life was a tragedy, actually...
Thank you very much! I really wish I could, but his life was a tragedy... 😥
There must’ve been moments: the love for his wife, keyboards fun with his sons, pride in his orchestral choir students, sausage and a pint at Zimmerman’s
We missed you , Mr .Fielding and "Sebastian "" very much ! But the waiting has done the job completely , episode 24 is absolute wonderful , like all the others , by the way ! A complete representation that includes life with its emotions and experiences , with joy , but also sadness , all on an exceptional music background and some absolutely magnificient images with Leipzig - the 1700 s , extraordinaryl y represented ! Thank you , we are looking forward to the next episode ! 🤗🎶🎼🎵
Thank you very much, Alexandru. Yes, I know, this time the mountain of work I was looking up against at the start of this episode seemed insurmountable and I sort of lost courage. It's my own fault because I'm always trying to improve, as you'll certainly have noticed. Next episode will probably be even more difficult, but we'll try to bring it to a good end as well. Thank you so very much for your kind words, as always! 😊
It's truly a feat of strenght to me that your serie make me feel more closer to Bach.
It's like I get to know him more personaly with a feeling I've never had before by reading books, or whatever, about this legendary musician.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for using your talent in such a good way, providing us an outstanding serie to watch for free 🎶🕊
Wow! That's... an incredible compliment, thank you so much! I don't know how close my series is to the real Bach... sources are so few and it's mostly guesswork, but just the fact that the series makes you feel closer to Bach, is something I couldn't even have dreamt of when I started. Thank you very much. 😍
Hugh Laurie pouring coffe for Bach is pretty great cameo.
Hahaha! Yes, I'm not a great artist so I'm using example images to copy. 🤣
Theme of the Goldberg variations… one of my favourites❤ Thank you so much for yet another chapter of this amazing story!
Thank you so very much! Yes, it's one of my favourites too. 😊
A magnificent episode, waited for long to watch a new one, was missing it. This raises my energy for the day , despite the sorrowful ending. The Daddy issues part is intense :). Thanks so much Peter !.
Thank you very much, Sergio. Yes, I'm trying to look at Bach's entire life, not just him as a person and his music, but his environment as well so people can get a better understanding of who he must have been as a person. Well, it's my personal take at it anyway...
@@BachTheAnimatedSeries We know so little about the Bach the human, Dad, husband, heavily buried under academia research and musicological analysis. Your work contributes to connect with the very human emotions and drama of his life and works, always a conflict looming, far beyond the biblical substrate of the music.
That was a really nice video buddy!
@@GameplaysPetrusMG Thank you very much! 😊
Dear Peter:
Breathtaking again, your latest episode!
I realized that the first melody is not by Bach, but contemporary, that is modern. And I like this exception to the musical rule.
Meanwhile, it’s also a real cool and big creative community, your real dream team that adds quality beyond the 100 % or 100 points of 100.
How much - oftentimes - the temper of the situation matches the weather in your artwork: Bernhard isn’t leaving Leipzig in broad sunshine but in a raining and dark night.
The three clavichord artists‘ performance is outstanding as a mixture of your music decision and your art of drawing and animating.
The sonata explained by Bach: That is what I saw as late as it is suggested by TH-cam on the right: I will create an next FAQ within the next 12 months, and I hope that pushes at least a few more viewers on your cool, unbelievable ambitioned offer.
Peter: It’s again a masterpiece, one of so many. Thanks for time, skills and entertainment. Looking forward to the next episode
Yours, Peter & Renate
Thank you very much, Renate and Peter, for your wonderful comments, as always. Yes, the project has grown considerably over the years with ever more actors, musicians and even orchestras willing to contribute. It's grown far beyond my wildest dreams and it fills me with gratitude, also towards you, my loyal fans almost from the start. 😊
I am pleased, Peter. Thanks.
Absolutely outstanding as always my friend 😀
That's so kind of you! Thank you! Pratman forever! 😆
Muchísimas gracias por brindarnos este excelente contenido. Saludos desde Perú.
Muchas gracias! I hope that you'll enjoy it! 😊
Estimado Sr. Fielding sigo la serie desde el 2021 y debo decirle que es una extraordinaria obra maestra, guión, trama, la música seleccionada, todo, es fantástico, le felicito mucho, me encanta la estética de la serie, me encanta todo. Le mando un enrome abrazo desde Perú..atentamente: un fervoroso fan de JS Bach.
Muchas gracias, Manu! Your compliments fill me with joy and I feel honoured that even in far away Peru people appreciate the series. Thank you so very much!!! 😊
Peter I always await these with pure joy. Thank you so much for putting such materials out on by far the greatest composer there is. Our lives would all be missing something without his wonderful music. I wanted to address your voice actor position but I’m far too shy ahahah. I cannot wait for the next one. I’m sure you’ll be absolutely fine with it but if there is anything I could do please let me know. Even if it’s the most menial task. Again, thank you so much, it means the world too all of us. Blessings to you ✝️
Thank you so very much for your kind words. Yes, even the great Franz Liszt played Bach every day and made so many transcriptions of Bach's music. 😊 As far as acting's concerned, for the moment I've found every position I need, but I may need many more in the future for small parts. If you like, I could sign you up exactly for Franz Liszt himself who will make a brief appearance in one of the epilogues that will follow the series? 😆 Please drop me a mail if you're interested, so I have your contacts:
Grazie mille. Spero che piaccia anche questa. 😊
Sicuramente 😊.
Waiting for a long time. Thank you!
Yes, my apologies, but as I'm learning animation, things are getting ever more complex and the mountain I'm looking up to at the start of every episode becomes always bigger. This time it seemed to big to climb, but eventually I got there. Thank you for your patience. 😊
Thanks for make this world a better place with your videos
hello from Brazil (soon in Spain)
Oh, what an incredible compliment! Thank you so much! If you came to Italy I'd offer you a beer. 😆
Wow 👌 amazing storytelling as ever ❤
Thank you very much! 😊
Beautiful performances and beautiful musical selections too!
Thank you very much! 😊 Though I'm just a small amateur...
Thank you Mr Fielding for another spectacular Bach episode with some fascinating family developments (inspired me to look up his sons).
Wonderful music choices with special mentions to that energetic and driving third mvt of the concerto for 3 cembalo, and my favourite of the Goldberg variations, no. 15 canone alla quinta - compositionally brilliant, powerfully emotive and played so well. 👏😄⭐️🎵
Oh, you're so kind, Stephen, Thank you so much for all those wonderful compliments! Yes, I try to show not just Bach and his music but his environment and his family as well so that people get a better idea about who he must have been as a person, even though my series is just a very personal guess... there are only very few sources that give us a real insight. But I'm thrilled that you appreciated it so very much. Thank you! 😊
Yessssssss this will be worth the wait ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you very much! 😊
Loved the episode and it was worth the wait @BachTheAnimatedSeries 🙌🔥looking forward to seeing the next episode as well.
Thank you very much! 😊
Très bien!
Merci beaucoup, c'est très gentil! 😊
@@giampierogirolamo7134 Thank you very much!
Looks to me like Seb didn't have himself a wide enough network for finding better positions. Is that true in real life? I can't help thinking he would have done better elsewhere if he had more people to write letters to. "A foolish son is a grief to his father, and bitterness to her that bore him." Proverbs 17:25 The age old problem of the variability of one's offspring. But it looks like old Seb could muster up some tough love when needed. Oh sugar! I've reached the last episode produced. Now I have to wait like everyone else. Well, something to live for!
Bach obviously didn't want to settle for a low-end job such as organist. He had reached the top any musician could dream of, i.e. the title of Kapellmeister which he held during the second part of his Weimar adventure and in Köthen. The post of Cantor in Leipzig was already a giant step back and he only took it in order to have more financial security for his family. Luckily so because 6 years after he left Köthen, prince Leopold died and he would have found himself unemployed. Then the times were also changing. Glück... Haydn... a new musical wind, homophonic music with easier tunes without that "tedious" counterpoint which pleased more to the often ignorant ears of the rich princes and barons. Bach was considered too old-fashioned and this didn't play in his advantage. One of the great mysteries remains why Frederick the Great didn't offer Bach a job. Perhaps he felt humbled in his own palace by Bach's brilliance? Perhaps because Bach had indeed become too old? It remains one of those nagging questions to which we'll never know the answer as Frederick, towards the end of his life, confided that meeting Bach was the richest and most profound moment of his life.
whats the piece starting at 8:28? is it a fugue from the WTC?
No, it's variation number 21 of Bach's Goldberg Variations "Canone allan settima". It's one of my favourites. 😊
@@BachTheAnimatedSeries oh wow i wouldnt have guessed that from the emotion in it at all! are you performing this yourself? i love the mood & tempo.
I do think that Bach could’ve be a little more supportive of his son’s dreams and could’ve considered what he wanted
We don't know much about Bernhard. We only know for sure that he was supposedly talented but that he never had a great career. We also know that he unexpectedly died in Jena where he had enrolled at the University studying law, whereas he was supposed to work as organist in Mühlhausen. Back in those days, children were supposed to work for the family as soon as able and there are no records of Bernhard ever being part of Bach's orchestra in Leipzig. Therefore I portrayed him as the "troubled" son who didn't want to follow in his father's footsteps and who tragically died still very young when he was trying to break free and follow his own dreams. On a sidenote, we also know for sure that Bach personally wrote the application letter for his oldest son Friedemann for the job as organist in Dresden. This shows that he was really trying to provide a decent position for his children and, even though his children probably didn't have much say in that - as was normal in the day, it was an act of love from a caring father.
@@BachTheAnimatedSeries Ohhh okay!! Thank you for the extra information I didn’t really understand that part 🙌🏽