Please SHARE this if you too discovered God's heart for Israel!! #PASTORSFORISRAEL | Pastor Elton McMillan By: ---- Facebook: oneforIsrael
Now this is how a testamony should be like , straight from the heart. Just like the seal of God. It is the intension of the heart that make your actions so real and not deceitful. May God bless you , all around you , Isreal and let the light of God shine on you. Amen !
Totally agree,but not only the pastors should see this testimony but also many believers in Christ[Yeshua} that are ignorant and misleaded with many wrong and false teachings about Israel and forever Gods people the jews.
@@TwoGreenDots People hate other people no matter if they are Jewish or European. I m European and have hated other people in my country, even in my family. It's still wrong no matter what side you look on. Sin in our hearts is the real enemy and the devil,, not other people. Before I was saved I was a staunch ateist and I blamed everyone and everything, even the Jewish people. I did that to ease my own shortcomings. God had others plan's, praise His holy name. Look it for yourself. Hatred only poisoned my own soul and ruined my life. But Jesus can and will help you. I m not telling you what to do, but praying and asking you to reconsider. We all see that the world is going to waste, what will you do after it gets even worse? What if you die? Those are some legit questions to ask oneself...May God lead you. You have a prayer from me. Ephesians 6:12 King James Version For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
I know that I have Hebrew blood in my veins and my heart yearns for my blood brothers and all people who live with an absence of Yeshua in their lives. I literally weep for their ignorant loss. I am terrified at the fate that awaits them so I pray for the risen Messiah to come into their lives and be the real answer to all of their problems. I know that He has and does answer my prayers. Hallelujah!!!
After all he was just following the satanic cult of sola scriptura man made tradition invented by devil possessed Martin Luther who initiates antisemitism. Very simple truth.
I follow many Jewish tiktokers and TH-camrs and I still can't understand how the jewish people are so blinded when I read the OT Jesus just makes so much sense my heart is saddened and break's when thinking about it all.
@MrLohatooIvebyte Yes, I do the very same...for Israel, my family and all the Lost. I actually picture Christ coming to minister to them in person. However, I try to always conclude my prayer with, "But, truly God, I pray that Thy Perfect and Holy Will be done. In Jesus' Holy Name, I pray. Amen"
The promises that God has made for His people Israel STILL STAND. They will come true; they will not be broken. And the fulfillment of those promises are coming very soon. Some have come already in our lifetime. Very exciting times for the people of God! One of my favorite verses is Romans 11:11-12. "Again I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious. 12 But if their transgression means riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much greater riches will their full inclusion bring!" And their full inclusion is COMING!
Amen! God will definitely make his promise in Jeremiah 31:31 come true. He will established a New Covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. He will MAKE IT HAPPEN! SOON!
I have always loved the Jewish people and the country of Israel. He told me in my heart..."They are your older brothers and sisters." I was invited to a Passover seder at a Messianic community a few years ago, and when they blew the shofar, I felt I was hearing a sound from the heavenly whole body was covered in goose bumps and shaking. The unity of Jew and Gentile is coming to fruition in Jeshua in these end times and I am so happy to see this day. To imagine that the promises of God to His people have been abandoned, is to not know the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, at all. I long to see the day, when everything comes to fulfillment and fruition in Him.
This is what my father taught me: We are one with Israel. We must pray for Israel and bless Israel because Israel is special and will always hold a special place in God's heart. And it is through the Jews that the Gospel came to the Gentiles. 🥰✝️
I am a Jew from blood, but since i was a kid i was told I could not be a Jew since i believed in Jesus, it was not until i was an adult a few years back that i realized that i could be both, the problem has been precisely that, being an ignorant Semitic, or having "ignorant teachers" which overlook these parts of scripture and teach others lacking the knowledge of these parts of scripture. I am happy that there are organizations like these that open the eyes of those who are blinded by "theology" and are now being led to know the Scriptures in their complete context. God Bless
No such as a Jewish are confusing "Abrahamic" bloodlines with what a Jew actually is. Read John 8. All real Jews are Messianic, and all real Jews submit to Jesus as their God; anyone that submits to Jesus as their God, is a real Jew.
God's CHOSEN people are being so deceived by the enemy of our souls, the devil! I have been binge watching these testimonies and am SOOOOOO THANKFUL for this ministry and the POWER that is being shared through these testimonies! Satan has aimed to destroy Jewish people all throughout history - WHY would he do this if it didn't matter.....and matter the MOST to God?!?!?! I am SHOCKED to hear these testimonies of how many Jewish people have no idea Jesus was Jewish! So many are told not to speak his name in their homes, they are told they can't be Jewish AND believe in Yeshua, just as you said, the testimony on here from the former Muslim girl who was from Iran who said she was raised to HATE Jews and she had no idea why, but she did until God showed her the TRUTH and changed her heart! Satan has armies of Muslims being trained to HATE the Jews (and Christians), and they are ISRAEL'S NEIGHBORS!!! This is no accident. The Bible tells us that we do not wrestle with flesh and blood, but with rulers, spirits, etc. of darkness! God is using One for Israel to blow the TRUTH into so many of the darkest areas, and is doing a work in my heart by giving me (a Gentile) SUCH a heart to help deliver this truth to God's chosen! Praise Him!! Blessings to you!
My heart aches for the Jewish people. They need to know Yeshua, their Messiah, the fulfillment of all of God's promises. Their Immanuel, their Savior and Redeemer. The Holy Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The One crushed for our iniquities, and afflicted for our transgressions. Yeshua, because by His wounds we have healing. Yeshua, for God in this way loved the world so much, both the Jew and the gentile, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, may not perish, but have eternal life.
"They need to know Yeshua, their Messiah..." How can they? Gentile christians don’t even know "Yeshua, their Messiah", because for almost 2000 years gentile christianity has hidden him in the disguise of a Sabbath breaking, pork eating, Torah rejecting, pagan gentile. For almost 2000 years christianity has presented to the Jewish People and to the world, a christian "Jesus" that is made IN THEIR OWN IMAGE. I shudder in fear because of what Christianity has done to the Jewish People and their Messiah. It should make us all weep before the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. May we all come to repentance and to a knowledge of and practicing of the truth. Amen.
4u soul - Shalom. I am not telling anyone what to eat or what day to keep holy. The scriptures tell us this. Yeshua didn’t come to judge nor to condemn, and neither do I. He said “the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day". We must look at the scripture you quote in the full context of what it is taken out of. Yeshua was not saying that all food is clean and therefore appropriate to eat. He was not saying that eating unclean food is okay. God forbid! What He was challenging in context was the pharisaical dogma of eating "clean food" with "unwashed hands". The belief in the Judaism of Yeshua’s day, taught and practiced by the Pharisees and more than likely all of Israel, was that touching food that is clean with unwashed hands will cause the clean food to become common, or ceremonially unclean. Yeshua was refuting this teaching. That is all. He was not rewriting the Torah and saying that it is now okay to eat what is unclean. If He were to do that, he would disqualify himself from being Messiah. It was this same pharisaic doctrine that had to be refuted for Peter when God gave him the vision of the sheet filled with all kinds of animals. Clean and unclean, touching each other in the sheet, rendered all common, or ceremonially unclean. If you can imagine a sheet being held by 4 corners, filled with anything, everything falls to the middle and by default, touching is inevitable. That is why Peter would not ‘kill and eat’. In his mind, the touch of the ‘unclean’ made the ‘clean’ to be ‘unclean’. It was not the codification of a falsehood that unclean food is now okay to eat. Yeshua said that until Heaven and Earth pass away, not one Yud or even the smallest stroke that forms the Yud, would pass from the Torah until all is fulfilled. He went further to say that if anyone therefore (because all the Torah is valid until Heaven and Earth pass away and all is fulfilled) breaks even the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so, will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven. Look, I do not say these things to be critical of you personally, or of the myriads of gentile believers in Yeshua/Jesus that have, like I, been ignorant of Torah, what it teaches, and it’s validity for all who have received salvation and forgiveness of sins. But, it is time that all of those who call themselves Christians to begin to understand that Jesus was and is Jewish, when he returns, He will return as the Jewish ‘Messiah Son of David’. We will all be judged by HIS Word. Therefore, it behooves us all to humble ourselves before God, and learn and practice the truth. Love in Messiah to you. Shalom.
Detective Halverson - I wasn’t ‘trying’ to say anything. I put the scripture that 4u quoted at me into it’s proper context so that he/she could see the truth. There is no division or lie in anything I posted, or in anything I believe. For people who have been steeped for years in christian doctrines that teach lies, the truth may not be or appear so simple when a falsehood/lie is all one has known. The scripture that 4u quoted is one that is often misunderstood because it is taken out of it’s Jewish context to teach a lie that believers in Jesus are free to eat anything they want, and that unclean food is okay to eat. It is not, and it has nothing to do with health even though there may be a health benefit attached to it. It has to do with loving and joyful obedience to the truth, which alone sets people free. That is all. Shalom.
They already knew and few of themselves have a accepted Him as the true Christ. Never forget they were the first follower of the messiah which the majority of present Christian never understood.
"Blinded by God" as a phrase, comes to us from the multi-various Translators who don't take enough care to transmit the intention of the Causative & Passives in the Hebrew Verb system: the Almighty *allows* people to go and become evil, ignorant or "blind" to this Reality surrounding us. He didn't "harden Pharaoh's heart," which would make Him look two-faced. Check the Verb in that Phrase : its in the "2nd-Agent-ed" Pi'el Binyan (which is NOT a 'true causative' like the Hiph'il Binyan is) and this Pi'el by itself *implies* a passivity to it; So God "allowed Pharaoh to harden his own heart" is how it SHOULD HAVE BEEN rendered. And like Pharaoh, most people are playing fearful games with Yahweh..!
#ישועלבואבקרוב Both Pharaoh and the Children of Father Israel tested Yahweh TEN TIMES and *then* received the known consequences for their bad actions, *so watch out.* #SteveBerksonOfMTOI #CurtisReid #MichaelRood
@@tghuffine6277 Greater is he who is in me, then he who is in the world. I walk by the spirit & he is my teacher...I know exactly who's the enemy. O' ye hypocrites, Den of vipers, serpent seed how can u escape the damnation of hell. The same one's who crucified my Savior Jesus Christ are the same serpents who have all the power now & pushing for their Nwo. Has to do with a certain sect of beings in the middle-East nation state.
As soon as I started to read Holy Bible my love grow up to Judes.Intresting, that they atract me since ever ,i wonted to since childhood to know them...
@@CircleWedge @davidmcintosh3468 Forgive me if I'm wrong, David... I think David is attempting to refer to the Jews "who say they are Jews but are not"...I too believe many of them to be hybrids...and thus, NOT God's chosen AT ALL. God knows His Own, so I pray for all Israel knowing God knows my heart is ONLY for His chosen.
Beautiful and thanks to admitting and that God gave you the passion in your heart for Israel ppl. One that stood out for me is that Israel unbelieve opened door for me gentile to enter, but God will graft them back to Jesus. That's warmed my heart, that their act, gave me opportunity to enter. We warned not to be conceited but fear God. To God be glory
The true Israel of the Old Testament became the nucleus of the true church on the day of Pentecost. Here the analogy of the olive tree that Paul uses in Romans 11 is instructive. The tree represents the covenant people of God-Israel. Paul compares unbelieving Israel to branches that have been broken off from the olive tree (v. 17a). Believing Gentiles are compared to branches from a wild olive tree that have been grafted in to the cultivated olive tree (vv. 17b-19). The important point to notice is that God does not cut the old tree down and plant a new one (replacement theology). Neither does God plant a second new tree alongside the old tree and then graft branches from the old tree into the new tree (traditional dispensationalism). Instead, the same tree exists across the divide between Old and New Testaments. That which remains after the dead branches are removed is the true Israel. Gentile believers are now grafted into this already existing old tree (true Israel/the true church). There is only one good olive tree, and the same olive tree exists across the covenantal divide. Not replacement theology, it’s fulfillment theology. The church does not replace Israel. We can either say the church is the outgrowth or extension of Israel, or they’d summarize by saying Christ is the true Israel and we are in Christ
I'm glad this pastor's eyes were open. But I still think it's sad that so many Christians do not know the Bible. You're not supposed to pick and choose what you like in the Bible. We had to memorize Bible verses when I was little and we read the Bible front to back.
Yes, I totally agree with you J D. I was a 'Christian' for so long and had total faith in Yeshua and Adonai. I love the Israeli people, but I didn't grasp the full meaning of much of any of this stuff until I started going through the Bible from front to back. It's amazing all the things we don't hear in church. I'm sitting on the fence between Christianity and Messianic Judaism right now. I love them both, and I know Adonai will guide me to the proper place for me. The Torah speaks volumes about our Messiah, and yet we don't know all about Him until we stop listening to humans and start studying the Creator and His first books. I'm falling ever deeper into love with our God.
@@edenrosearcher8183 Messianic Judaism? You had better read and STUDY Galatians first, There is a severe warning from the apostle Paul about falling from Grace. As a matter of fact, that message is repeated over and over again. Salvation is a FREE GIFT, NOT of works. For by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. There is an Old Testament for Jews bound under the LAW, and the New Testament for all (both Jew and Gentile), who are saved by grace and through faith in Jesus Christ ALONE! For by the works of the law shall NO flesh be justified.(Gal 2:16). The gospel and doctrine for all Christians can be found in Romans through Philemon, all written by Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles. It says over and over again that Jesus fulfilled the law [TORAH]. Paul said that a believer was justified 'from ALL things' that he could not be justified BY THE LAW OF MOSES (Acts 13:39,40). That meant ALL things, both the ceremonial laws, and ALL of the moral commandments! The Apostle Peter also said: “Now therefore why tempt ye God to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers or we [JEWS] were able to bear? But we believe that through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved even as they `` (Acts 15:10,11). Now if Peter admitted that he nor their fathers could bear this yoke, do you really believe that you can? Later in that same chapter when writing to the Gentiles the apostles wrote: For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things; that ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. (Acts 15:28,29). Messianic Jews are preaching another gospel; the exact thing that Paul warned about in the first five chapters in the book of Galatians. Please read these chapters very carefully. He warns that if you are trying to be justified by the law, 'Ye have fallen from grace' (Gal. 5:4). and are UNDER A CURSE (Gal. 3:10)
@KJVNEWS I had a girlfriend one time who was and as of this time still in a Messianic congregation. As a Protestant it was a good learning experience but ultimately it wasn't for me and God definitely wasn't calling me to it. Ultimately what made me turn-tail was some of the leaders beliefs. It was a Rabbi and a Rabbitzen(?). Long story short they were rebuilding the wall between Jew and Gentile that Christ so painstakingly broke down. I doubt all congregations are like that but this one was. And this channel clued me in on some of their observances which I felt vindicated my decision.
Amen.l love my Jewish brothers and sisters, my prayers are for them to come to saving faith in the Messiah Jesus the Christ. God bless One For Israel and the Jewish Nation.
I think this awakening of Christians to the importance of Jews is as important as the awakening of Jews to Christ that we're seeing. As Paul wrote, if gentiles benefit from the unbelief of Jews, how much more will the world be blessed when the Jews begin to turn back to God and accept their Messiah. So grateful for this testimony -- and hope to see this sweep around the world.
This is such a wonderul testimony...a great gift of obedience and love. Ever since I was a very small child, I've had a strong belief in God... and, I was "born again" @29. I cannot remember when I did not empathize with God's Love FIRST for Abraham and then for Abraham's chosen seed. The relationship between Abraham and God is so truly beautiful. Likewise, I will be forever grateful that God chose to "graft" us in with His chosen... including us in the magnificent and equally undeserved Gift of Salvation in Christ Jesus' Blood Sacrifice. Thank you my God, my Saviour and my precious Holy Spirit. Thank You for Your many gifts and for loving us in spite of our continuous sin against You. In the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, I pray. Amen
wauw, what a testimony and so true. In evangelical churches most likely they refer to the Jewish people, in story's, to learn about them. But never we are learned to reach out to them. This has come to my mind also, since a few years. I always had a love for Israël, also because my grandmother is Jewish, but the real love came when i met Christ. And he is so right, why is it , that the church (not every church , there are churches who truly pray for the Jewish people) has forgotten that passage, of making the Jewish nation jealous for the Lord?
The true Israel of the Old Testament became the nucleus of the true church on the day of Pentecost. Here the analogy of the olive tree that Paul uses in Romans 11 is instructive. The tree represents the covenant people of God-Israel. Paul compares unbelieving Israel to branches that have been broken off from the olive tree (v. 17a). Believing Gentiles are compared to branches from a wild olive tree that have been grafted in to the cultivated olive tree (vv. 17b-19). The important point to notice is that God does not cut the old tree down and plant a new one (replacement theology). Neither does God plant a second new tree alongside the old tree and then graft branches from the old tree into the new tree (traditional dispensationalism). Instead, the same tree exists across the divide between Old and New Testaments. That which remains after the dead branches are removed is the true Israel. Gentile believers are now grafted into this already existing old tree (true Israel/the true church). There is only one good olive tree, and the same olive tree exists across the covenantal divide. Not replacement theology, it’s fulfillment theology. The church does not replace Israel. We can either say the church is the outgrowth or extension of Israel, or they’d summarize by saying Christ is the true Israel and we are in Christ
Through watching hours of these testimonies last night, God has opened my eyes to how badly Christiand need to have a burden for Jewish people who do not know Yeshua!! Without Him, there is NO POWER!!!!! We have NO POWER in and of ourselves and God knows this amd is therefore why He sent Jesus in the 1st place. It is HEARTBREAKING that God's CHOSEN people are so deceived, many of them not even knowing Jesus was JEWISH! I was raised Catholic. My Mom taught Sunday School for 20 years - it was not until we moved to Texas and attended a different church that she EVER read/heard the verse, "God is love". She was SHOCKED that was in the Bible, and it changed everything for her. We were taught in the Catholic church the following LIES FROM THE PIT OF HELL: 1. God is to be feared (and not reverently, but that He is so holy we can't approach Him) 2. That only Priests were able to handle our confessions/offer us forgiveness 3. That babies should be baptised before they have any idea what's going on and that is enough to seal them (instead of full-knowledge and full-immersion baptism as Christ demonstrated), 4. That Mary and the Saints have more power than Jesus (we prayed to them more than Jesus, I NEVER remember praying to Jesus), 5. That Jesus should be remembered on the cross - that is where His power ends - every image of Him within the church, on the rosary is of Him still on the cross - NO focus is on Him as being RESURRECTED and ALIVE/not still on the cross although of course we should remember Him there/NOT still in the tomb - without the resurrection, He would be just like every other human man, just like every PRIEST and RABBI, POWERLESS to save us all and this is from the PIT OF HELL! So, I identify very much with the Jewish people who are, so close yet so very far away from the TRUTH that will SET THEM FREE! We MUST partner with them in the fight for our souls and I am working on an impactful way to do just that and will be in prayer about hopefully partnering with One for Israel to do just that. Blessings to you!!!
The true Israel of the Old Testament became the nucleus of the true church on the day of Pentecost. Here the analogy of the olive tree that Paul uses in Romans 11 is instructive. The tree represents the covenant people of God-Israel. Paul compares unbelieving Israel to branches that have been broken off from the olive tree (v. 17a). Believing Gentiles are compared to branches from a wild olive tree that have been grafted in to the cultivated olive tree (vv. 17b-19). The important point to notice is that God does not cut the old tree down and plant a new one (replacement theology). Neither does God plant a second new tree alongside the old tree and then graft branches from the old tree into the new tree (traditional dispensationalism). Instead, the same tree exists across the divide between Old and New Testaments. That which remains after the dead branches are removed is the true Israel. Gentile believers are now grafted into this already existing old tree (true Israel/the true church). There is only one good olive tree, and the same olive tree exists across the covenantal divide. Not replacement theology, it’s fulfillment theology. The church does not replace Israel. We can either say the church is the outgrowth or extension of Israel, or they’d summarize by saying Christ is the true Israel and we are in Christ
God has put Israel on my heart ever since I was saved...I teach the word of God and I always find myself trying to convince the Jew that Jesus is fact I'm obsessed with teaching the Gospel from an Old Testament perspective.... I recommend all pastors and teachers to preach the gospel but use your background from the old Testament stories so start preaching your message from an old Testament scripture and watch how the Holy Spirit leads's amazing the spiritual insights that come from this approach... I gain a deeper appreciation in love for the people of Israel every time I do it.....
It is amazing the love Paul has for his people ... he also doesn't want others to discount their value to God. The OneForIsrael video series has brought joy to my heart. God is making the Body of Christ complete (bringing people from every people group). What a great homecoming it will be when we get to Heaven. New International Version Rev. 22:20 He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
Wowww to the Jew first ..... that the whole world 🌎 will be blessed through them that believed Jesus Christ , the Son of the living God 🙏. All Israel shall be saved and Peace to Jerusalem.
I recently visited a church and got handed a care card on it was a place for Prayer requests I wrote Isreal, Isreal is central to the Bible we need to lay aside lesser issues and Pray for Isreal and her people PSALM 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Love and prayers from Australia 🌹
Oh, I really like this testimony. It’s great to see God work in the life of a man who is a Pastor being humbled by His word, and then seeing him respond with such humility. I’m encouraged and humbled as well. I will definitely read Romans 9-11 again.
It was thou schooling that I learn to admire the Jew. I went to Northern Caribbean University back in the 80's and it was their I was though to respect the Jews.
We the Christians are blessed because of the Jewish people! We must love, pray and hope to bring to Jesus the Messiah to every Jewish person we can. To God be all the glory!!!
wow i just read 9,10,11 and some of 12. Thank you Pastor Elton for challenging the viewers to read these chapters of Romans. I am grafted into Gods chosen family because he wanted me too be. If the root is holy, so are its branches!! and you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but be afraid. 11:21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either. Wow
"I am not come but for the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Jesus said these words. If you want into the renewed covenant with the Almighty you must be grafted into Israel. You cannot be grafted into something and consider yourself to be separate! You are fed from the same root spiritually. One God, one law, one covenant for the foreigner and the native born that join themselves to serve the Almighty through the precious Lamb, Yeshua!
They aren't adopted . They are referred to as the natural branches . Everyone else is grafted in as a wild olive branch into the tribe of Judah through Yeshua. Yet in fact they are called "sons" and treated the same.
Well, what it says in the Bible is that, if we were grafted in, as wild branches, how much more easily could the natural branches be grafted back in if they turned to Christ. So it's pretty clear that, while they are the natural branches, they were cut off, and they need to turn to Jesus to be grafted back in. (Romans 11:17) So wild and natural all need to connect to the same root.
@@WaltzingAustralia that's up to God as to when , where , how and under what conditions . He has his own reasons. His thoughts are not our thoughts . Dont try to figure it out
@@jsavak99 Of course. Not certain what in my reply made you think I was trying to predict when it would happen -- just repeating what the Bible says -- that it will happen. Sorry if I failed to make that clear.
The true Israel of the Old Testament became the nucleus of the true church on the day of Pentecost. Here the analogy of the olive tree that Paul uses in Romans 11 is instructive. The tree represents the covenant people of God-Israel. Paul compares unbelieving Israel to branches that have been broken off from the olive tree (v. 17a). Believing Gentiles are compared to branches from a wild olive tree that have been grafted in to the cultivated olive tree (vv. 17b-19). The important point to notice is that God does not cut the old tree down and plant a new one (replacement theology). Neither does God plant a second new tree alongside the old tree and then graft branches from the old tree into the new tree (traditional dispensationalism). Instead, the same tree exists across the divide between Old and New Testaments. That which remains after the dead branches are removed is the true Israel. Gentile believers are now grafted into this already existing old tree (true Israel/the true church). There is only one good olive tree, and the same olive tree exists across the covenantal divide. Not replacement theology, it’s fulfillment theology. The church does not replace Israel. We can either say the church is the outgrowth or extension of Israel, or they’d summarize by saying Christ is the true Israel and we are in Christ
This is so awesome!!! YHWY is so bringing the branches together!!! Israel needs to believe in Jesus and America needs to walk with Jesus and in his divine behavior. Each of us have what the other needs to be complete :):):) I have loved Jesus and YHWY since I was a little girl and I have been so blessed in the last 3 and a half years to be guided and taught by the Holy Spirit about Shabbat and how important EVERYTHING in the Bible is and that it is all the truth in who and how God is and wants his people to behave. It's his divine behavior and we are so favored as to follow our Messiah who does everything the Father does :):):) God bless Israel and America in the mighty name of Yeshua!!! AMEN AMEN AND AMEN!!!
Praise God, just go to Israel, as soon as your feet touch the land of Israel, you feel the udifference, it is so peaceful., just look around, it is so beautiful. At the same time, neighboring countries are dry like desert, look terrible! Israel is a blessed country., God's chosen people.
@@mariasalome5525 The Jews already know the gospel?? Please explain where you have found all these Jews who already know the gospel. I find your comment astonishing and can't wait for your comments. Thank you!!
@@Carol4YeshuaAdonai Because the Jews learn the New Testament in order to refute the Christian missionaries. Listen to Rabbi Skobac, Rabbi Tovia Singer, and Rabbi Schulman. They are anti missionaries and they know the New Testament inside out. Every time I approach a Jew to tell them about Jesus they insult me and call me a pagan idol worshiper.
So grateful to be grafted in and part of the sheepfold of the Good Shepard. IMO if one is truly saved by the Jewish Messiah that person will also have a heart of love for the Jewish people. This can be clearly seen in those from a Muslim background who now profess Yeshua as L-rd.
My dad was born in 1902. I was born in 1953. Rev. F.C. Cornell. Best preacher, pastor and finest man I ever knew. He always loved the Jews! A few were saved and called to preach under his ministry. He never said they killed Jesus - cause Jesus said ‘no man takes my life, I lay it down…’ the Jews are God’s chosen people’. The tribulation period is to bring the Jews to Jesus cause they are His!
As a 67 year old Filipino Gentile, you would never, ever think that I would have understood deeper the message of Romans 11as far back as 2007, not in this far eastern country of mine. Surely Yahushuwa's Message of Salvation has been fulfilled, " to the Jew first, and equally to the Gentiles".,, That Israel's hard headedness is temporary and that Salvation will come to them because they are the TRUE OLIVE TREE and we Gentiles are the WILD OLIVE TREE GRAFTED to her. We Gentiles should never boast of being the " New Israel", walking around proudly while holding a Bible, as if YHWH spoke to us directly. The creator spoke directly and made covenants only to one people, Israel. That is why woe to those who curse Israel, because they will be cursed, and blessed are those who bless her.
📜 Galatians 3 Children of God 23 Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. 24 So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. 25 Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. 26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. 📜 Aaronic blessing בָרֶכְךָ֥ יְהוָ֖ה וְיִשְׁמְרֶֽךָ׃ יָאֵ֨ר יְהוָ֧ה ׀ פָּנָ֛יו אֵלֶ֖יךָ וִֽיחֻנֶּֽךָּ׃ יִשָּׂ֨א יְהוָ֤ה ׀ פָּנָיו֙ אֵלֶ֔יךָ וְיָשֵׂ֥ם לְךָ֖ שָׁלֹֽום׃ וְשָׂמ֥וּ אֶת־שְׁמִ֖י עַל־בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וַאֲנִ֖י אֲבָרֲכֵֽם׃ Numbers @-27 (WLC) The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Numbers @-27 (ESV) ✝🍞🍷🕊🙏
I must be in a minority living in central IL as a Baptist Christian. Or town was heavily Catholic but I was always taught as a child in Bible school & church that Jesus was a Jew & as Christians, we should love the Jews. I am 56 yrs old. I feel blessed to know the truth!
I've committed to memory half a dozen Psalms and Isaiah 53, but now I think I should memorize some verses from Romans 9, 10 and 11 just so I can witness to the Jews about how Biblical FIRST CENTURY Christianity honored and loved the Jews as the "Root"/"vine" of Christianity. . .we Christians are the "Branch", totally dependent on the "Root/Branch". Thank you for this.
📜 7 Understand, then, that those who have faith are children of Abraham. 8 Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: “All nations will be blessed through you.” 9 So those who rely on faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith. 📜 Revelation 22 16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root 💖and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.” 📜 Colossians 2:6-8 Spiritual Fullness in Christ 6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. 8 See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ. 📜 Isaiah 61:1-3 The Year of the Lord’s Favor 61 The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, 2 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, 3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion- to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor. 📜 Aaronic blessing בָרֶכְךָ֥ יְהוָ֖ה וְיִשְׁמְרֶֽךָ׃ יָאֵ֨ר יְהוָ֧ה ׀ פָּנָ֛יו אֵלֶ֖יךָ וִֽיחֻנֶּֽךָּ׃ יִשָּׂ֨א יְהוָ֤ה ׀ פָּנָיו֙ אֵלֶ֔יךָ וְיָשֵׂ֥ם לְךָ֖ שָׁלֹֽום׃ וְשָׂמ֥וּ אֶת־שְׁמִ֖י עַל־בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וַאֲנִ֖י אֲבָרֲכֵֽם׃ Numbers 6:24-27 (WLC) The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-27 (ESV) 📜 Ephesians 1 2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.😂 🍞🍷✝🕊🙏💖
I have a very hard time saying that someone is a Jew. I usually say Jewish. I have German ancestry on both my mothers side and my father's side. As I grew up, I was taught a terrible rhyme about Jews that I have forgotten most of but somehow remember the most terrible part of it, the last line. Now, I pray every day for the Jews to realize that Jesus IS the Messiah, and for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem. As an aside, I also have a very hard time saying, Jesus Christ. My dad's most go-to exclamation was to take our Savior's name in vane. Now, I mostly say, Jesus the Christ (Jesus the Messiah, Yeshua HaMessiach).
Holy Spirit is urging all mature Gentile Christians to embrace the nation of Israel and the Jewish people to come to know the true about Jesus Christ as part of Gods salvation plan.
It has always arrested my attention in Faith, how much Paul loved his people...Paul was commissioned to bring the Gospel and minister to the Gentiles...whereas Peter was commissioned to do so to the Jewish people...and Paul did carry out his service in Faith to the Gentiles..but when you think about was Paul's persistent efforts to minister the Gospel in Yeshua, to his own people that brought about the events which led to, him being imprisoned and being brought before Rome...The Lord had through other believers in Yeshua, through the Holy Spirit..warned Paul of what was going to the point some of them wept when he left them, as they were relating to Paul how the Holy Spirit had shown them how, he would be arrested/bound...Paul was not being disobedient to his calling...he was not having a Jonah moment persisting as he did...He did continue to faithfully minister to the Gentiles, while sharing the Gospel with his people as well...we hear the grief he expresses in Romans for his people, come out when he said he "shook hi robes at them" and "let their blood be on their own heads then"...but Paul did know in Faith also....that God has a plan to pour Grace out over Israel...just as Paul himself and all the apostles had received Grace and mercy through Yeshua...Romans 11: 1-6"... 1I ask then, did God reject His people? Certainly not! I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin. 2God did not reject His people, whom He foreknew. Do you not know what the Scripture says about Elijah, how he appealed to God against Israel: 3“Lord, they have killed Your prophets and torn down Your altars. I am the only one left, and they are seeking my life as well”a ?4And what was the divine reply to him? “I have reserved for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.”b5In the same way, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace. 6And if it is by grace, then it is no longer by works. Otherwise, grace would no longer be grace.c ...:Romans 11:11-14 "... 11I ask then, did they stumble so as to lose their share?f Certainly not! However, because of their trespass, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel jealous. 12But if their trespass means riches for the world, and their failure means riches for the Gentiles, how much greater riches will their fullness bring!13I am speaking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch as I am the apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry, 14in the hope that I may provoke my own people to jealousy and save some of them. ..."Romans 11:25-29 "...25I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, so that you will not be conceited: A hardening in part has come to Israel, until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. 26And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: “The Deliverer will come from Zion; He will remove godlessness from Jacob. 27And this is My covenant with them when I take away their sins.”h 28Regarding the gospel, they are enemies on your account; but regarding election, they are loved on account of the patriarchs. 29For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. ..." -And what Paul discerned deep down in faith, concerning his people....we should likewise be thoughtful of in Faith in Yeshua also....
@Noob Saibot The true Israel of the Old Testament became the nucleus of the true church on the day of Pentecost. Here the analogy of the olive tree that Paul uses in Romans 11 is instructive. The tree represents the covenant people of God-Israel. Paul compares unbelieving Israel to branches that have been broken off from the olive tree (v. 17a). Believing Gentiles are compared to branches from a wild olive tree that have been grafted in to the cultivated olive tree (vv. 17b-19). The important point to notice is that God does not cut the old tree down and plant a new one (replacement theology). Neither does God plant a second new tree alongside the old tree and then graft branches from the old tree into the new tree (traditional dispensationalism). Instead, the same tree exists across the divide between Old and New Testaments. That which remains after the dead branches are removed is the true Israel. Gentile believers are now grafted into this already existing old tree (true Israel/the true church). There is only one good olive tree, and the same olive tree exists across the covenantal divide. Not replacement theology, it’s fulfillment theology. The church does not replace Israel. We can either say the church is the outgrowth or extension of Israel, or they’d summarize by saying Christ is the true Israel and we are in Christ
@@diegovalleperez3360 thx brother. My understanding was that replacement theology is the idea that christians are the tree, but israel is the tree and christians are the grafts right? That is what is written
@Noob Saibot The original tree is the jews, the unbelieving jews were taken out and the gentiles were grafted in. That union became Christianity. Jews and Gentiles are one body, the body of Christ. So you can understand better I put these summary of verses: The promise was for Abraham and his seed. His offspring was through the seed. Galatians 3:16 says: Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. Galatians 3:16 1 Corinthians 12: 12-14 says: There is a body, but it has many parts. But all its many parts make up one body. It is the same with Christ. We were all baptized by a Holy Spirit. And so we are formed into one body. It didn't matter if we were Jews or Gentiles, slaves or free people. We were all given the same Spirit to drink. Therefore, the body is not made up of a single part. It has many parts. 1 Corinthians 12: 12-14 Romans 8:17 says: Now, if we are children, then we are heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if we participate in his sufferings so that we can also participate in his glory. Romans 8:17 To conclude, Abraham's promise was for his seed. The seed is Jesus, he is the true Israel. As Paul said, we are one in Christ. Jewish believers and Gentile believers, one in Christ. And as Paul also said, we are joint heirs with Jesus in him. This is how the promise to Abraham is fulfilled. Jesus is the seed and the nation that God promises to Abraham is the church through the seed who is Jesus Christ. And this is called fulfillment theology.
For a large portion of ethnic and observant Jews, they will come to take hold of salvation after the embarrassment of seeing that huge numbers of Gentiles have been grafted on to salvation first. Because of God's continuing desire and, quite possibly, even His Sovereign Will for Israel their hardness of heart (that was there for a time) to be at last lifted to enable that part of His family to be brought in to salvation again!!
I've read and studied it long ago and could never understand how Martin Luther who bragged so much about the book of Romans could have so much Antisemitism in his heart.
Romans 10:2-4. and yet most Christians could not tell you the difference between HIS righteousness and our own. Philippians 3:9 But Hebrews 5:13 shows us that understanding RIGHTEOUSNESS is key to growing more mature in Faith and understanding. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, not our own.
Its All Israel and there is where things get fasinating because Israel is everywhere on this planet in what form not sure but just awesome but its God I wouldn't expect anything less Amen
Wow comments enabled! Good for you Israel! Your Unebelief led to our mercy, and our mercy will lead you into love and redemption! Yahua has redeemed ya'acob! (Yisrael)
I was born in a Christian family, puertoricans (USA citizens) and they (Pentecostal churches) teaches to love and pray for the Jews and for the country of Israel. It is weird for me to know that there are Christians that are antisemitic.
interesting advice too read Romans 9, 10 and 11...... the advice i always give is read Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel...... it is true that most christians are guided over select passages more than others in the same way that the talmudic rabbi will look at some bits but will miss Isaiah 53 !!! as a christian i was told by Jesus to take the scriptures back to Israel and he was talking about the Tanakh !!!... i honestly believe that the Tanakh is a must read, but what i am seeing is that the talmudist reads the talmud and the christian reas the NT, the muslim reads the quran, but the real gem that is the tanakh is put 2nd or less by each group.... when jews christians and muslims all pick up the Tanakh and study Isaiah,Jeremiah and Ezekiel then all will understand and we will have peace.
As a Believer in Jesus, I've always been astonished about 2 things. 1, that most Churches ignore the fact that God's Messianic was Jewish, and that Jesus never ventured outside of Israel's borders during his ministry. 2, was how it is that Modern Jews so vehemently refuse to acknowledge the Messiah Jesus, when the old Testament prophecies couldn't be clearer? But as I've grown older, God has shown me why on both accounts. All I can say is Thank the Lord, they're now seeing Jesus for who he is, and that most Gentile believers are finally understanding the Jewish roots of their own faith.
I pray that every Pastors should read the Book of Romans 10&11... I praise God our Prayer Leader was teaching us regards this and from there on I started to fall in love with God and His chosen people
I know that' HaShem' (god) will be please if more pastors really learn the' Scriptures' the way He commanded us to learn, they say they Love god but they do not want to accept that 'YESHUA' is a Jew', remember He was born, live and die as' KING OF THE JEWS' HE IS A LIVE sitting on the right side of THE FATHER, Bless you.
Every Words of God will be fulfiled as He has Promised to His Covenant People, the Israel n through Them extend His Love Promises to all other nations in Yeshua Messiah holy Name. Amen n no more of harden heart, but believe in HIM*Yeshua n not through the denominations stuff💗 tnku
God bless Israel. God bless all pastors. God bless all Christians. God bless the people of the world.
Now this is how a testamony should be like , straight from the heart. Just like the seal of God.
It is the intension of the heart that make your actions so real and not deceitful.
May God bless you , all around you , Isreal and let the light of God shine on you.
Amen !
Excellent! All pastors should see this testimony.
susan mathisen very true
amen, i agree!
Much prayers and tears i left
Totally agree,but not only the pastors should see this testimony but also many believers in Christ[Yeshua} that are ignorant and misleaded with many wrong and false teachings about Israel and forever Gods people the jews.
@@TwoGreenDots People hate other people no matter if they are Jewish or European. I m European and have hated other people in my country, even in my family. It's still wrong no matter what side you look on. Sin in our hearts is the real enemy and the devil,, not other people. Before I was saved I was a staunch ateist and I blamed everyone and everything, even the Jewish people. I did that to ease my own shortcomings. God had others plan's, praise His holy name. Look it for yourself. Hatred only poisoned my own soul and ruined my life. But Jesus can and will help you. I m not telling you what to do, but praying and asking you to reconsider. We all see that the world is going to waste, what will you do after it gets even worse? What if you die? Those are some legit questions to ask oneself...May God lead you. You have a prayer from me.
Ephesians 6:12
King James Version
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Praise Jesus for opening the Pastor eyes and heart to the Truth of God Holy Word the Bible
I know that I have Hebrew blood in my veins and my heart yearns for my blood brothers and all people who live with an absence of Yeshua in their lives. I literally weep for their ignorant loss. I am terrified at the fate that awaits them so I pray for the risen Messiah to come into their lives and be the real answer to all of their problems. I know that He has and does answer my prayers. Hallelujah!!!
Lohatool vebyte
Praise God...
After all he was just following the satanic cult of sola scriptura man made tradition invented by devil possessed Martin Luther who initiates antisemitism. Very simple truth.
I follow many Jewish tiktokers and TH-camrs and I still can't understand how the jewish people are so blinded when I read the OT Jesus just makes so much sense my heart is saddened and break's when thinking about it all.
Rejoice, God will soon make all things new. And EVERY knee will bend.
Yes, I do the very same...for Israel, my family and all the Lost. I actually picture Christ coming to minister to them in person. However, I try to always conclude my prayer with, "But, truly God, I pray that Thy Perfect and Holy Will be done. In Jesus' Holy Name, I pray. Amen"
Amen Amen for those words!!! Pastor
Glad to see this man humble himself and admit he was in error. This video makes me think of what Jesus said to Nicodemus.
My mother loved the Jews and taught me to love the jews, I praise Jesus for a wonderful mother.
I love Jesus so much ❤
We love Israel,the choosen generation of God💟💟💟
The promises that God has made for His people Israel STILL STAND. They will come true; they will not be broken. And the fulfillment of those promises are coming very soon. Some have come already in our lifetime. Very exciting times for the people of God!
One of my favorite verses is Romans 11:11-12. "Again I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious. 12 But if their transgression means riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much greater riches will their full inclusion bring!"
And their full inclusion is COMING!
Amen! God will definitely make his promise in Jeremiah 31:31 come true. He will established a New Covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. He will MAKE IT HAPPEN! SOON!
Wow this is so beautiful... may the God of Israel touch many many more pastors and burn their hearts for love for Israel and His people... amen
I have always loved the Jewish people and the country of Israel. He told me in my heart..."They are your older brothers and sisters." I was invited to a Passover seder at a Messianic community a few years ago, and when they blew the shofar, I felt I was hearing a sound from the heavenly whole body was covered in goose bumps and shaking. The unity of Jew and Gentile is coming to fruition in Jeshua in these end times and I am so happy to see this day. To imagine that the promises of God to His people have been abandoned, is to not know the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, at all. I long to see the day, when everything comes to fulfillment and fruition in Him.
This is what my father taught me: We are one with Israel. We must pray for Israel and bless Israel because Israel is special and will always hold a special place in God's heart. And it is through the Jews that the Gospel came to the Gentiles. 🥰✝️
I am a Jew from blood, but since i was a kid i was told I could not be a Jew since i believed in Jesus, it was not until i was an adult a few years back that i realized that i could be both, the problem has been precisely that, being an ignorant Semitic, or having "ignorant teachers" which overlook these parts of scripture and teach others lacking the knowledge of these parts of scripture. I am happy that there are organizations like these that open the eyes of those who are blinded by "theology" and are now being led to know the Scriptures in their complete context. God Bless
The curses of bible tell you who the Israelites and the Jews are if your ppl don’t fit the curses then your not a child of GOD 🖤
All real Jews are Messianic, and all real Jews submit to Jesus as their God; anyone that submits to Jesus as their God, is a real Jew.
No such as a Jewish are confusing "Abrahamic" bloodlines with what a Jew actually is. Read John 8.
All real Jews are Messianic, and all real Jews submit to Jesus as their God; anyone that submits to Jesus as their God, is a real Jew.
God's CHOSEN people are being so deceived by the enemy of our souls, the devil! I have been binge watching these testimonies and am SOOOOOO THANKFUL for this ministry and the POWER that is being shared through these testimonies! Satan has aimed to destroy Jewish people all throughout history - WHY would he do this if it didn't matter.....and matter the MOST to God?!?!?! I am SHOCKED to hear these testimonies of how many Jewish people have no idea Jesus was Jewish! So many are told not to speak his name in their homes, they are told they can't be Jewish AND believe in Yeshua, just as you said, the testimony on here from the former Muslim girl who was from Iran who said she was raised to HATE Jews and she had no idea why, but she did until God showed her the TRUTH and changed her heart! Satan has armies of Muslims being trained to HATE the Jews (and Christians), and they are ISRAEL'S NEIGHBORS!!! This is no accident. The Bible tells us that we do not wrestle with flesh and blood, but with rulers, spirits, etc. of darkness! God is using One for Israel to blow the TRUTH into so many of the darkest areas, and is doing a work in my heart by giving me (a Gentile) SUCH a heart to help deliver this truth to God's chosen! Praise Him!! Blessings to you!
My heart aches for the Jewish people. They need to know Yeshua, their Messiah, the fulfillment of all of God's promises. Their Immanuel, their Savior and Redeemer. The Holy Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The One crushed for our iniquities, and afflicted for our transgressions. Yeshua, because by His wounds we have healing. Yeshua, for God in this way loved the world so much, both the Jew and the gentile, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, may not perish, but have eternal life.
"They need to know Yeshua, their Messiah..."
How can they? Gentile christians don’t even know "Yeshua, their Messiah", because for almost 2000 years gentile christianity has hidden him in the disguise of a Sabbath breaking, pork eating, Torah rejecting, pagan gentile. For almost 2000 years christianity has presented to the Jewish People and to the world, a christian "Jesus" that is made IN THEIR OWN IMAGE. I shudder in fear because of what Christianity has done to the Jewish People and their Messiah. It should make us all weep before the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. May we all come to repentance and to a knowledge of and practicing of the truth. Amen.
Don't. We would not thrive on your beliefs and practices.
We need ours.
4u soul - Shalom. I am not telling anyone what to eat or what day to keep holy. The scriptures tell us this. Yeshua didn’t come to judge nor to condemn, and neither do I. He said “the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day". We must look at the scripture you quote in the full context of what it is taken out of. Yeshua was not saying that all food is clean and therefore appropriate to eat. He was not saying that eating unclean food is okay. God forbid! What He was challenging in context was the pharisaical dogma of eating "clean food" with "unwashed hands". The belief in the Judaism of Yeshua’s day, taught and practiced by the Pharisees and more than likely all of Israel, was that touching food that is clean with unwashed hands will cause the clean food to become common, or ceremonially unclean. Yeshua was refuting this teaching. That is all. He was not rewriting the Torah and saying that it is now okay to eat what is unclean. If He were to do that, he would disqualify himself from being Messiah. It was this same pharisaic doctrine that had to be refuted for Peter when God gave him the vision of the sheet filled with all kinds of animals. Clean and unclean, touching each other in the sheet, rendered all common, or ceremonially unclean. If you can imagine a sheet being held by 4 corners, filled with anything, everything falls to the middle and by default, touching is inevitable. That is why Peter would not ‘kill and eat’. In his mind, the touch of the ‘unclean’ made the ‘clean’ to be ‘unclean’. It was not the codification of a falsehood that unclean food is now okay to eat. Yeshua said that until Heaven and Earth pass away, not one Yud or even the smallest stroke that forms the Yud, would pass from the Torah until all is fulfilled. He went further to say that if anyone therefore (because all the Torah is valid until Heaven and Earth pass away and all is fulfilled) breaks even the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so, will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Look, I do not say these things to be critical of you personally, or of the myriads of gentile believers in Yeshua/Jesus that have, like I, been ignorant of Torah, what it teaches, and it’s validity for all who have received salvation and forgiveness of sins. But, it is time that all of those who call themselves Christians to begin to understand that Jesus was and is Jewish, when he returns, He will return as the Jewish ‘Messiah Son of David’. We will all be judged by HIS Word. Therefore, it behooves us all to humble ourselves before God, and learn and practice the truth. Love in Messiah to you. Shalom.
Detective Halverson - I wasn’t ‘trying’ to say anything. I put the scripture that 4u quoted at me into it’s proper context so that he/she could see the truth. There is no division or lie in anything I posted, or in anything I believe. For people who have been steeped for years in christian doctrines that teach lies, the truth may not be or appear so simple when a falsehood/lie is all one has known. The scripture that 4u quoted is one that is often misunderstood because it is taken out of it’s Jewish context to teach a lie that believers in Jesus are free to eat anything they want, and that unclean food is okay to eat. It is not, and it has nothing to do with health even though there may be a health benefit attached to it. It has to do with loving and joyful obedience to the truth, which alone sets people free. That is all. Shalom.
They already knew and few of themselves have a accepted Him as the true Christ. Never forget they were the first follower of the messiah which the majority of present Christian never understood.
One for Israel Has to Do it...God has appointed this Group for awaking Israel.
No, we all must do it, whenever possible!! That is the Great Commission that Jesus gave to all who are saved.
One must not lose heart, keeping in mind they have been blinded by God, until the fullness of the Gentiles comes in.
Pray for them continually
"Blinded by God" as a phrase, comes to us from the multi-various Translators who don't take enough care to transmit the intention of the Causative & Passives in the Hebrew Verb system: the Almighty *allows* people to go and become evil, ignorant or "blind" to this Reality surrounding us. He didn't "harden Pharaoh's heart," which would make Him look two-faced. Check the Verb in that Phrase : its in the "2nd-Agent-ed" Pi'el Binyan (which is NOT a 'true causative' like the Hiph'il Binyan is) and this Pi'el by itself *implies* a passivity to it;
So God "allowed Pharaoh to harden his own heart" is how it SHOULD HAVE BEEN rendered.
And like Pharaoh, most people are playing fearful games with Yahweh..!
Both Pharaoh and the Children of Father Israel tested Yahweh TEN TIMES and *then* received the known consequences for their bad actions, *so watch out.*
@@tghuffine6277 Greater is he who is in me, then he who is in the world. I walk by the spirit & he is my teacher...I know exactly who's the enemy.
O' ye hypocrites, Den of vipers, serpent seed how can u escape the damnation of hell. The same one's who crucified my Savior Jesus Christ are the same serpents who have all the power now & pushing for their Nwo. Has to do with a certain sect of beings in the middle-East nation state.
@@giavannasebastiano7261 what sect?
@@kathidori8504 Talmudic Kabbalahist the Pharisees of old still wreaking havoc & deceptions.
With his testimony It my be like others out there who have not seen the same light . I hope this reaches far and wide amen
As soon as I started to read Holy Bible my love grow up to Judes.Intresting, that they atract me since ever ,i wonted to since childhood to know them...
Wouldn't it be God-born?
Forgive me if I'm wrong, David...
I think David is attempting to refer to the Jews "who say they are Jews but are not"...I too believe many of them to be hybrids...and thus, NOT God's chosen AT ALL. God knows His Own, so I pray for all Israel knowing God knows my heart is ONLY for His chosen.
Beautiful and thanks to admitting and that God gave you the passion in your heart for Israel ppl. One that stood out for me is that Israel unbelieve opened door for me gentile to enter, but God will graft them back to Jesus. That's warmed my heart, that their act, gave me opportunity to enter. We warned not to be conceited but fear God. To God be glory
The true Israel of the Old Testament became the nucleus of the true church on the day of Pentecost. Here the analogy of the olive tree that Paul uses in Romans 11 is instructive. The tree represents the covenant people of God-Israel. Paul compares unbelieving Israel to branches that have been broken off from the olive tree (v. 17a). Believing Gentiles are compared to branches from a wild olive tree that have been grafted in to the cultivated olive tree (vv. 17b-19). The important point to notice is that God does not cut the old tree down and plant a new one (replacement theology). Neither does God plant a second new tree alongside the old tree and then graft branches from the old tree into the new tree (traditional dispensationalism). Instead, the same tree exists across the divide between Old and New Testaments. That which remains after the dead branches are removed is the true Israel. Gentile believers are now grafted into this already existing old tree (true Israel/the true church). There is only one good olive tree, and the same olive tree exists across the covenantal divide.
Not replacement theology, it’s fulfillment theology. The church does not replace Israel. We can either say the church is the outgrowth or extension of Israel, or they’d summarize by saying Christ is the true Israel and we are in Christ
I'm glad this pastor's eyes were open. But I still think it's sad that so many Christians do not know the Bible. You're not supposed to pick and choose what you like in the Bible. We had to memorize Bible verses when I was little and we read the Bible front to back.
Hense, BRAINWASHING the sad ones eh...
Yes, I totally agree with you J D. I was a 'Christian' for so long and had total faith in Yeshua and Adonai. I love the Israeli people, but I didn't grasp the full meaning of much of any of this stuff until I started going through the Bible from front to back. It's amazing all the things we don't hear in church. I'm sitting on the fence between Christianity and Messianic Judaism right now. I love them both, and I know Adonai will guide me to the proper place for me. The Torah speaks volumes about our Messiah, and yet we don't know all about Him until we stop listening to humans and start studying the Creator and His first books. I'm falling ever deeper into love with our God.
@@edenrosearcher8183; The Great wall of isisrael keeping the natives out and the xenophobia in... eh.
@@edenrosearcher8183 Messianic Judaism? You had better read and STUDY Galatians first, There is a severe warning from the apostle Paul about falling from Grace. As a matter of fact, that message is repeated over and over again. Salvation is a FREE GIFT, NOT of works. For by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
There is an Old Testament for Jews bound under the LAW, and the New Testament for all (both Jew and Gentile), who are saved by grace and through faith in Jesus Christ ALONE! For by the works of the law shall NO flesh be justified.(Gal 2:16). The gospel and doctrine for all Christians can be found in Romans through Philemon, all written by Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles. It says over and over again that Jesus fulfilled the law [TORAH]. Paul said that a believer was justified 'from ALL things' that he could not be justified BY THE LAW OF MOSES (Acts 13:39,40). That meant ALL things, both the ceremonial laws, and ALL of the moral commandments!
The Apostle Peter also said: “Now therefore why tempt ye God to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers or we [JEWS] were able to bear? But we believe that through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved even as they `` (Acts 15:10,11). Now if Peter admitted that he nor their fathers could bear this yoke, do you really believe that you can? Later in that same chapter when writing to the Gentiles the apostles wrote: For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things; that ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. (Acts 15:28,29).
Messianic Jews are preaching another gospel; the exact thing that Paul warned about in the first five chapters in the book of Galatians. Please read these chapters very carefully. He warns that if you are trying to be justified by the law, 'Ye have fallen from grace' (Gal. 5:4). and are UNDER A CURSE (Gal. 3:10)
@KJVNEWS I had a girlfriend one time who was and as of this time still in a Messianic congregation. As a Protestant it was a good learning experience but ultimately it wasn't for me and God definitely wasn't calling me to it. Ultimately what made me turn-tail was some of the leaders beliefs. It was a Rabbi and a Rabbitzen(?). Long story short they were rebuilding the wall between Jew and Gentile that Christ so painstakingly broke down. I doubt all congregations are like that but this one was. And this channel clued me in on some of their observances which I felt vindicated my decision.
Love it ! Wonderful Spirit of Truth who reveal it to teachers/pastors etc. Thank you so much for posting this....Shalom
Amen.l love my Jewish brothers and sisters, my prayers are for them to come to saving faith in the Messiah Jesus the Christ. God bless One For Israel and the Jewish Nation.
Dear brothers we have have been praying for ONE FOR ISRAEL. You are doing a great job. May God bless you and use you for His own purposes.
I think this awakening of Christians to the importance of Jews is as important as the awakening of Jews to Christ that we're seeing. As Paul wrote, if gentiles benefit from the unbelief of Jews, how much more will the world be blessed when the Jews begin to turn back to God and accept their Messiah. So grateful for this testimony -- and hope to see this sweep around the world.
Thank you for your honesty and for having the courage to change. Good on you.
This is such a wonderul testimony...a great gift of obedience and love.
Ever since I was a very small child, I've had a strong belief in God...
and, I was "born again" @29. I cannot remember when I did not empathize with God's Love FIRST for Abraham and then for Abraham's chosen seed. The relationship between Abraham and God is so truly beautiful.
Likewise, I will be forever grateful that God chose to "graft" us in with His chosen... including us in the magnificent and equally undeserved Gift of Salvation in Christ Jesus' Blood Sacrifice. Thank you my God, my Saviour and my precious Holy Spirit. Thank You for Your many gifts and for loving us in spite of our continuous sin against You. In the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, I pray. Amen
Praise the Lord.
Great testimony! Love Israel! Love this pastor,God bless him!
True christians loves Israel that's call respect to GOD, like David repect to GOD he is not kill Saul because Saul is GOD'S choosen king.
you are so right not only respect but if we say we love HaShem we must love all that He is. Bless you.
By the grace of God, I visited Israel four times already. Planning to bring my whole family to visit the Holy Land soon.
wauw, what a testimony and so true. In evangelical churches most likely they refer to the Jewish people, in story's, to learn about them. But never we are learned to reach out to them. This has come to my mind also, since a few years. I always had a love for Israël, also because my grandmother is Jewish, but the real love came when i met Christ. And he is so right, why is it , that the church (not every church , there are churches who truly pray for the Jewish people) has forgotten that passage, of making the Jewish nation jealous for the Lord?
The true Israel of the Old Testament became the nucleus of the true church on the day of Pentecost. Here the analogy of the olive tree that Paul uses in Romans 11 is instructive. The tree represents the covenant people of God-Israel. Paul compares unbelieving Israel to branches that have been broken off from the olive tree (v. 17a). Believing Gentiles are compared to branches from a wild olive tree that have been grafted in to the cultivated olive tree (vv. 17b-19). The important point to notice is that God does not cut the old tree down and plant a new one (replacement theology). Neither does God plant a second new tree alongside the old tree and then graft branches from the old tree into the new tree (traditional dispensationalism). Instead, the same tree exists across the divide between Old and New Testaments. That which remains after the dead branches are removed is the true Israel. Gentile believers are now grafted into this already existing old tree (true Israel/the true church). There is only one good olive tree, and the same olive tree exists across the covenantal divide.
Not replacement theology, it’s fulfillment theology. The church does not replace Israel. We can either say the church is the outgrowth or extension of Israel, or they’d summarize by saying Christ is the true Israel and we are in Christ
Through watching hours of these testimonies last night, God has opened my eyes to how badly Christiand need to have a burden for Jewish people who do not know Yeshua!! Without Him, there is NO POWER!!!!! We have NO POWER in and of ourselves and God knows this amd is therefore why He sent Jesus in the 1st place. It is HEARTBREAKING that God's CHOSEN people are so deceived, many of them not even knowing Jesus was JEWISH! I was raised Catholic. My Mom taught Sunday School for 20 years - it was not until we moved to Texas and attended a different church that she EVER read/heard the verse, "God is love". She was SHOCKED that was in the Bible, and it changed everything for her. We were taught in the Catholic church the following LIES FROM THE PIT OF HELL: 1. God is to be feared (and not reverently, but that He is so holy we can't approach Him) 2. That only Priests were able to handle our confessions/offer us forgiveness 3. That babies should be baptised before they have any idea what's going on and that is enough to seal them (instead of full-knowledge and full-immersion baptism as Christ demonstrated), 4. That Mary and the Saints have more power than Jesus (we prayed to them more than Jesus, I NEVER remember praying to Jesus), 5. That Jesus should be remembered on the cross - that is where His power ends - every image of Him within the church, on the rosary is of Him still on the cross - NO focus is on Him as being RESURRECTED and ALIVE/not still on the cross although of course we should remember Him there/NOT still in the tomb - without the resurrection, He would be just like every other human man, just like every PRIEST and RABBI, POWERLESS to save us all and this is from the PIT OF HELL! So, I identify very much with the Jewish people who are, so close yet so very far away from the TRUTH that will SET THEM FREE! We MUST partner with them in the fight for our souls and I am working on an impactful way to do just that and will be in prayer about hopefully partnering with One for Israel to do just that. Blessings to you!!!
Lord Jesus, let our souls be owned by you alone, now and forever! Amen! Hallelujah!
God bless the Jews, and bless Israel.
Sky Everlasting - Remember:
The true Israel of the Old Testament became the nucleus of the true church on the day of Pentecost. Here the analogy of the olive tree that Paul uses in Romans 11 is instructive. The tree represents the covenant people of God-Israel. Paul compares unbelieving Israel to branches that have been broken off from the olive tree (v. 17a). Believing Gentiles are compared to branches from a wild olive tree that have been grafted in to the cultivated olive tree (vv. 17b-19). The important point to notice is that God does not cut the old tree down and plant a new one (replacement theology). Neither does God plant a second new tree alongside the old tree and then graft branches from the old tree into the new tree (traditional dispensationalism). Instead, the same tree exists across the divide between Old and New Testaments. That which remains after the dead branches are removed is the true Israel. Gentile believers are now grafted into this already existing old tree (true Israel/the true church). There is only one good olive tree, and the same olive tree exists across the covenantal divide.
Not replacement theology, it’s fulfillment theology. The church does not replace Israel. We can either say the church is the outgrowth or extension of Israel, or they’d summarize by saying Christ is the true Israel and we are in Christ
@Yasharahla Israel Where is your biblical based argument to my post? Because emojis won’t do anything.
God has put Israel on my heart ever since I was saved...I teach the word of God and I always find myself trying to convince the Jew that Jesus is fact I'm obsessed with teaching the Gospel from an Old Testament perspective.... I recommend all pastors and teachers to preach the gospel but use your background from the old Testament stories so start preaching your message from an old Testament scripture and watch how the Holy Spirit leads's amazing the spiritual insights that come from this approach... I gain a deeper appreciation in love for the people of Israel every time I do it.....
It is amazing the love Paul has for his people ... he also doesn't want others to discount their value to God. The OneForIsrael video series has brought joy to my heart. God is making the Body of Christ complete (bringing people from every people group). What a great homecoming it will be when we get to Heaven.
New International Version
Rev. 22:20 He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
“I will Bless those you bless you and I will Curse those who curse you” - Genesis 12:3
Wowww to the Jew first ..... that the whole world 🌎 will be blessed through them that believed Jesus Christ , the Son of the living God 🙏.
All Israel shall be saved and Peace to Jerusalem.
I recently visited a church and got handed a care card on it was a place for Prayer requests I wrote Isreal, Isreal is central to the Bible we need to lay aside lesser issues and Pray for Isreal and her people PSALM 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.
Love and prayers from Australia 🌹
Oh, I really like this testimony. It’s great to see God work in the life of a man who is a Pastor being humbled by His word, and then seeing him respond with such humility. I’m encouraged and humbled as well. I will definitely read Romans 9-11 again.
It was thou schooling that I learn to admire the Jew. I went to Northern Caribbean University back in the 80's and it was their I was though to respect the Jews.
We the Christians are blessed because of the Jewish people! We must love, pray and hope to bring to Jesus the Messiah to every Jewish person we can. To God be all the glory!!!
Praise you Lord for opening the eyes and ears of the Jews and Gentiles as we together prepare the way for You to return again!
Yes , its your God and your Messiah and your King and your Deliverer.
I Love God, i truly want his home of Israel established refined and his pride blossom again.❤️
wow i just read 9,10,11 and some of 12. Thank you Pastor Elton for challenging the viewers to read these chapters of Romans. I am grafted into Gods chosen family because he wanted me too be. If the root is holy, so are its branches!! and you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but be afraid. 11:21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either. Wow
It was heartwarming to listen.
I grew up as a PK my entire life and I was taught to pray for Isreal and the Jews.
"I am not come but for the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Jesus said these words. If you want into the renewed covenant with the Almighty you must be grafted into Israel. You cannot be grafted into something and consider yourself to be separate! You are fed from the same root spiritually. One God, one law, one covenant for the foreigner and the native born that join themselves to serve the Almighty through the precious Lamb, Yeshua!
They aren't adopted . They are referred to as the natural branches . Everyone else is grafted in as a wild olive branch into the tribe of Judah through Yeshua. Yet in fact they are called "sons" and treated the same.
Well, what it says in the Bible is that, if we were grafted in, as wild branches, how much more easily could the natural branches be grafted back in if they turned to Christ. So it's pretty clear that, while they are the natural branches, they were cut off, and they need to turn to Jesus to be grafted back in. (Romans 11:17) So wild and natural all need to connect to the same root.
@@WaltzingAustralia Exactly. Jew or Gentile, the bottom line is we all still need to repent so we can be saved.
@@WaltzingAustralia that's up to God as to when , where , how and under what conditions . He has his own reasons. His thoughts are not our thoughts . Dont try to figure it out
@@jsavak99 Of course. Not certain what in my reply made you think I was trying to predict when it would happen -- just repeating what the Bible says -- that it will happen. Sorry if I failed to make that clear.
Thank you! As long as we r on this earth, we have something to learn....
Job said ,"that which I see not; teach thou me" Job 34:32 Sue
soooo many pastors need this revelation !
The true Israel of the Old Testament became the nucleus of the true church on the day of Pentecost. Here the analogy of the olive tree that Paul uses in Romans 11 is instructive. The tree represents the covenant people of God-Israel. Paul compares unbelieving Israel to branches that have been broken off from the olive tree (v. 17a). Believing Gentiles are compared to branches from a wild olive tree that have been grafted in to the cultivated olive tree (vv. 17b-19). The important point to notice is that God does not cut the old tree down and plant a new one (replacement theology). Neither does God plant a second new tree alongside the old tree and then graft branches from the old tree into the new tree (traditional dispensationalism). Instead, the same tree exists across the divide between Old and New Testaments. That which remains after the dead branches are removed is the true Israel. Gentile believers are now grafted into this already existing old tree (true Israel/the true church). There is only one good olive tree, and the same olive tree exists across the covenantal divide.
Not replacement theology, it’s fulfillment theology. The church does not replace Israel. We can either say the church is the outgrowth or extension of Israel, or they’d summarize by saying Christ is the true Israel and we are in Christ
From my First Reading of Genesis -
I have always loved the "Original Cast"
I don’t understand, can you explain your comment?
I, too, have been exploring this...God has been moving in my heart about His people, Isreal.
I’m glad he came to recognize the truth. I’m not sure how anyone could read the Bible and not see the importance of Israel.
This is so awesome!!! YHWY is so bringing the branches together!!! Israel needs to believe in Jesus and America needs to walk with Jesus and in his divine behavior. Each of us have what the other needs to be complete :):):) I have loved Jesus and YHWY since I was a little girl and I have been so blessed in the last 3 and a half years to be guided and taught by the Holy Spirit about Shabbat and how important EVERYTHING in the Bible is and that it is all the truth in who and how God is and wants his people to behave. It's his divine behavior and we are so favored as to follow our Messiah who does everything the Father does :):):) God bless Israel and America in the mighty name of Yeshua!!! AMEN AMEN AND AMEN!!!
Praise God, just go to Israel, as soon as your feet touch the land of Israel, you feel the udifference, it is so peaceful., just look around,
it is so beautiful. At the same time, neighboring countries are dry like desert, look terrible! Israel is a blessed country., God's chosen people.
wow - this is powerful
This Chanel made me Pray so much of the Jewish people who still does not know that their Messiah had already walked among them. Made me sad... 🧡🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Luke 24:47
And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
The Jews already know the gospel. They actually know it better than many Christians. It's more logical to go to the pagans.
@@mariasalome5525 The Jews already know the gospel?? Please explain where you have found all these Jews who already know the gospel. I find your comment astonishing and can't wait for your comments. Thank you!!
@@Carol4YeshuaAdonai Because the Jews learn the New Testament in order to refute the Christian missionaries. Listen to Rabbi Skobac, Rabbi Tovia Singer, and Rabbi Schulman.
They are anti missionaries and they know the New Testament inside out. Every time I approach a Jew to tell them about Jesus they insult me and call me a pagan idol worshiper.
So grateful to be grafted in and part of the sheepfold of the Good Shepard. IMO if one is truly saved by the Jewish Messiah that person will also have a heart of love for the Jewish people. This can be clearly seen in those from a Muslim background who now profess Yeshua as L-rd.
Thank you! I too have highlighted 5-8 but didn’t know what 9-11 say ! I will read with anticipation!!
My dad was born in 1902. I was born in 1953. Rev. F.C. Cornell.
Best preacher, pastor and finest man I ever knew. He always loved the Jews! A few were saved and called to preach under his ministry. He never said they killed Jesus - cause Jesus said ‘no man takes my life, I lay it down…’ the Jews are God’s chosen people’. The tribulation period is to bring the Jews to Jesus cause they are His!
As a 67 year old Filipino Gentile, you would never, ever think that I would have understood deeper the message of Romans 11as far back as 2007, not in this far eastern country of mine. Surely Yahushuwa's Message of Salvation has been fulfilled, " to the Jew first, and equally to the Gentiles".,, That Israel's hard headedness is temporary and that Salvation will come to them because they are the TRUE OLIVE TREE and we Gentiles are the WILD OLIVE TREE GRAFTED to her. We Gentiles should never boast of being the " New Israel", walking around proudly while holding a Bible, as if YHWH spoke to us directly. The creator spoke directly and made covenants only to one people, Israel. That is why woe to those who curse Israel, because they will be cursed, and blessed are those who bless her.
Galatians 3
Children of God
23 Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. 24 So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. 25 Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.
26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Aaronic blessing
בָרֶכְךָ֥ יְהוָ֖ה וְיִשְׁמְרֶֽךָ׃
יָאֵ֨ר יְהוָ֧ה ׀ פָּנָ֛יו אֵלֶ֖יךָ וִֽיחֻנֶּֽךָּ׃
יִשָּׂ֨א יְהוָ֤ה ׀ פָּנָיו֙ אֵלֶ֔יךָ וְיָשֵׂ֥ם לְךָ֖ שָׁלֹֽום׃
וְשָׂמ֥וּ אֶת־שְׁמִ֖י עַל־בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וַאֲנִ֖י אֲבָרֲכֵֽם׃
Numbers @-27 (WLC)
The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
Numbers @-27 (ESV)
** Wild Branch ** Amen
I must be in a minority living in central IL as a Baptist Christian. Or town was heavily Catholic but I was always taught as a child in Bible school & church that Jesus was a Jew & as Christians, we should love the Jews. I am 56 yrs old. I feel blessed to know the truth!
The force is strong with this one ☝🏻 haha 😄I like his character n yes that smile must be the light 💡 of Yeshu shines in Him 😊✝️🙏📖⛪️
The Jews were blind for a time and the Christians were blind for a time. Now, the Father is bringing us together as one in Him!
Will read it now. Thank you
I've committed to memory half a dozen Psalms and Isaiah 53, but now I think I should memorize some verses from Romans 9, 10 and 11 just so I can witness to the Jews about how Biblical FIRST CENTURY Christianity honored and loved the Jews as the "Root"/"vine" of Christianity. . .we Christians are the "Branch", totally dependent on the "Root/Branch". Thank you for this.
7 Understand, then, that those who have faith are children of Abraham. 8 Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: “All nations will be blessed through you.” 9 So those who rely on faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.
Revelation 22
16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches.
I am the Root 💖and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”
Colossians 2:6-8
Spiritual Fullness in Christ
6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
8 See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.
Isaiah 61:1-3
The Year of the Lord’s Favor
61 The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,
because the Lord has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim freedom for the captives
and release from darkness for the prisoners,
2 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor
and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn,
3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion-
to bestow on them a crown of beauty
instead of ashes,
the oil of joy
instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise
instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the Lord
for the display of his splendor.
Aaronic blessing
בָרֶכְךָ֥ יְהוָ֖ה וְיִשְׁמְרֶֽךָ׃
יָאֵ֨ר יְהוָ֧ה ׀ פָּנָ֛יו אֵלֶ֖יךָ וִֽיחֻנֶּֽךָּ׃
יִשָּׂ֨א יְהוָ֤ה ׀ פָּנָיו֙ אֵלֶ֔יךָ וְיָשֵׂ֥ם לְךָ֖ שָׁלֹֽום׃
וְשָׂמ֥וּ אֶת־שְׁמִ֖י עַל־בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וַאֲנִ֖י אֲבָרֲכֵֽם׃
Numbers 6:24-27 (WLC)
The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-27 (ESV)
Ephesians 1
2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.😂
Thank you LORD!
Yeshua HaMashiach Melech haOlam.
Baruch haba beShem Adonai.
Yes, Great, Roman's is the top of the list for the Right Theology about Israel, Jews and what we call as the "Judeo Christian heritage "!!
Thank you
As usual, awesome video!! You guys do such an awesome job every time!!!
I have a very hard time saying that someone is a Jew. I usually say Jewish. I have German ancestry on both my mothers side and my father's side. As I grew up, I was taught a terrible rhyme about Jews that I have forgotten most of but somehow remember the most terrible part of it, the last line. Now, I pray every day for the Jews to realize that Jesus IS the Messiah, and for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem. As an aside, I also have a very hard time saying, Jesus Christ. My dad's most go-to exclamation was to take our Savior's name in vane. Now, I mostly say, Jesus the Christ (Jesus the Messiah, Yeshua HaMessiach).
Am Yisrael Chai 🕎
Holy Spirit is urging all mature Gentile Christians to embrace the nation of Israel and the Jewish people to come to know the true about Jesus Christ as part of Gods salvation plan.
It has always arrested my attention in Faith, how much Paul loved his people...Paul was commissioned to bring the Gospel and minister to the Gentiles...whereas Peter was commissioned to do so to the Jewish people...and Paul did carry out his service in Faith to the Gentiles..but when you think about was Paul's persistent efforts to minister the Gospel in Yeshua, to his own people that brought about the events which led to, him being imprisoned and being brought before Rome...The Lord had through other believers in Yeshua, through the Holy Spirit..warned Paul of what was going to the point some of them wept when he left them, as they were relating to Paul how the Holy Spirit had shown them how, he would be arrested/bound...Paul was not being disobedient to his calling...he was not having a Jonah moment persisting as he did...He did continue to faithfully minister to the Gentiles, while sharing the Gospel with his people as well...we hear the grief he expresses in Romans for his people, come out when he said he "shook hi robes at them" and "let their blood be on their own heads then"...but Paul did know in Faith also....that God has a plan to pour Grace out over Israel...just as Paul himself and all the apostles had received Grace and mercy through Yeshua...Romans 11: 1-6"... 1I ask then, did God reject His people? Certainly not! I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin. 2God did not reject His people, whom He foreknew. Do you not know what the Scripture says about Elijah, how he appealed to God against Israel: 3“Lord, they have killed Your prophets and torn down Your altars. I am the only one left, and they are seeking my life as well”a ?4And what was the divine reply to him? “I have reserved for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.”b5In the same way, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace. 6And if it is by grace, then it is no longer by works. Otherwise, grace would no longer be grace.c ...:Romans 11:11-14 "... 11I ask then, did they stumble so as to lose their share?f Certainly not! However, because of their trespass, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel jealous. 12But if their trespass means riches for the world, and their failure means riches for the Gentiles, how much greater riches will their fullness bring!13I am speaking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch as I am the apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry, 14in the hope that I may provoke my own people to jealousy and save some of them. ..."Romans 11:25-29 "...25I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, so that you will not be conceited: A hardening in part has come to Israel, until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. 26And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written:
“The Deliverer will come from Zion;
He will remove godlessness from Jacob.
27And this is My covenant with them
when I take away their sins.”h
28Regarding the gospel, they are enemies on your account; but regarding election, they are loved on account of the patriarchs. 29For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. ..." -And what Paul discerned deep down in faith, concerning his people....we should likewise be thoughtful of in Faith in Yeshua also....
Thank you lord my jesus
That's great!
Replacement theology is very wrong. God made a covenant with israel and he does not break promises.
It is a new covenant. That being said any unconditional promises made by God, He will keep.
@Noob Saibot The true Israel of the Old Testament became the nucleus of the true church on the day of Pentecost. Here the analogy of the olive tree that Paul uses in Romans 11 is instructive. The tree represents the covenant people of God-Israel. Paul compares unbelieving Israel to branches that have been broken off from the olive tree (v. 17a). Believing Gentiles are compared to branches from a wild olive tree that have been grafted in to the cultivated olive tree (vv. 17b-19). The important point to notice is that God does not cut the old tree down and plant a new one (replacement theology). Neither does God plant a second new tree alongside the old tree and then graft branches from the old tree into the new tree (traditional dispensationalism). Instead, the same tree exists across the divide between Old and New Testaments. That which remains after the dead branches are removed is the true Israel. Gentile believers are now grafted into this already existing old tree (true Israel/the true church). There is only one good olive tree, and the same olive tree exists across the covenantal divide.
Not replacement theology, it’s fulfillment theology. The church does not replace Israel. We can either say the church is the outgrowth or extension of Israel, or they’d summarize by saying Christ is the true Israel and we are in Christ
@@diegovalleperez3360 thx brother. My understanding was that replacement theology is the idea that christians are the tree, but israel is the tree and christians are the grafts right? That is what is written
@Noob Saibot The original tree is the jews, the unbelieving jews were taken out and the gentiles were grafted in. That union became Christianity. Jews and Gentiles are one body, the body of Christ. So you can understand better I put these summary of verses:
The promise was for Abraham and his seed. His offspring was through the seed. Galatians 3:16 says:
Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. Galatians 3:16
1 Corinthians 12: 12-14 says:
There is a body, but it has many parts. But all its many parts make up one body. It is the same with Christ. We were all baptized by a Holy Spirit. And so we are formed into one body. It didn't matter if we were Jews or Gentiles, slaves or free people. We were all given the same Spirit to drink. Therefore, the body is not made up of a single part. It has many parts. 1 Corinthians 12: 12-14
Romans 8:17 says:
Now, if we are children, then we are heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if we participate in his sufferings so that we can also participate in his glory. Romans 8:17
To conclude, Abraham's promise was for his seed. The seed is Jesus, he is the true Israel. As Paul said, we are one in Christ. Jewish believers and Gentile believers, one in Christ. And as Paul also said, we are joint heirs with Jesus in him. This is how the promise to Abraham is fulfilled. Jesus is the seed and the nation that God promises to Abraham is the church through the seed who is Jesus Christ. And this is called fulfillment theology.
God is Great....He chose the Jewish people to write all 66 books of The Holy Bible and bring it to ME. Thank You in Yeshua's Name😊
The Jew should read the Gospels in the New Testament and Repent. Don't be deceived. The Jew did not write all 66 books!
GREAT. Blessed a New Year
For a large portion of ethnic and observant Jews, they will come to take hold of salvation after the embarrassment of seeing that huge numbers of Gentiles have been grafted on to salvation first. Because of God's continuing desire and, quite possibly, even His Sovereign Will for Israel their hardness of heart (that was there for a time) to be at last lifted to enable that part of His family to be brought in to salvation again!!
I've read and studied it long ago and could never understand how Martin Luther who bragged so much about the book of Romans could have so much Antisemitism in his heart.
Romans 10:2-4. and yet most Christians could not tell you the difference between HIS righteousness and our own. Philippians 3:9 But Hebrews 5:13 shows us that understanding RIGHTEOUSNESS is key to growing more mature in Faith and understanding.
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, not our own.
Romans 11:11-35, Romans 9 , 10,11 ❤ 🕊
Its All Israel and there is where things get fasinating because Israel is everywhere on this planet in what form not sure but just awesome but its God I wouldn't expect anything less Amen
Wow comments enabled! Good for you Israel! Your Unebelief led to our mercy, and our mercy will lead you into love and redemption! Yahua has redeemed ya'acob! (Yisrael)
1 Corinthians 15 1-4, Ephesians 1 7 and 2 Corinthians 5 19-21 are our saving scriptures.
I was born in a Christian family, puertoricans (USA citizens) and they (Pentecostal churches) teaches to love and pray for the Jews and for the country of Israel. It is weird for me to know that there are Christians that are antisemitic.
interesting advice too read Romans 9, 10 and 11...... the advice i always give is read Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel...... it is true that most christians are guided over select passages more than others in the same way that the talmudic rabbi will look at some bits but will miss Isaiah 53 !!!
as a christian i was told by Jesus to take the scriptures back to Israel and he was talking about the Tanakh !!!... i honestly believe that the Tanakh is a must read, but what i am seeing is that the talmudist reads the talmud and the christian reas the NT, the muslim reads the quran, but the real gem that is the tanakh is put 2nd or less by each group.... when jews christians and muslims all pick up the Tanakh and study Isaiah,Jeremiah and Ezekiel then all will understand and we will have peace.
As a Believer in Jesus, I've always been astonished about 2 things.
1, that most Churches ignore the fact that God's Messianic was Jewish, and that Jesus never ventured outside of Israel's borders during his ministry.
2, was how it is that Modern Jews so vehemently refuse to acknowledge the Messiah Jesus, when the old Testament prophecies couldn't be clearer?
But as I've grown older, God has shown me why on both accounts.
All I can say is Thank the Lord, they're now seeing Jesus for who he is, and that most Gentile believers are finally understanding the Jewish roots of their own faith.
I pray that every Pastors should read the Book of Romans 10&11... I praise God our Prayer Leader was teaching us regards this and from there on I started to fall in love with God and His chosen people
I know that' HaShem' (god) will be please if more pastors really learn the' Scriptures' the way He commanded us to learn, they say they Love god but they do not want to accept that 'YESHUA' is a Jew', remember He was born, live and die as' KING OF THE JEWS' HE IS A LIVE sitting on the right side of THE FATHER, Bless you.
Every Words of God will be fulfiled as He has Promised to His Covenant People, the Israel n through Them extend His Love Promises to all other nations in Yeshua Messiah holy Name. Amen n no more of harden heart, but believe in HIM*Yeshua n not through the denominations stuff💗 tnku
Glory to Love for everything!
God bless the Christian Jews who keep the Sabbath and the 10 Commandments of God as Jesus did. We should adopt their custom.