  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 29

  • @wijn1008
    @wijn1008 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +27

    at 23 minute riven still didn't have an item. at 28 minute riven has 1 item, fog has full build.

    • @JaQba91
      @JaQba91 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Don’t spoil

  • @el33tkrew
    @el33tkrew 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    and the worse part about it their team would still blame the riven

  • @shadowcraftplayer9075
    @shadowcraftplayer9075 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Ill give you a list of antimeta picks/builds i usually play for fun. Some i play even in ranked (esmerald/master) as counterpicks.
    1. Miss Fortune - Midlane - Full Mov Speed
    Roam all game between waves, already gank bot at lvl2 with W mov speed and river mov speed rune. Also flash and ghost. Sometimes i just go bot lvl2, throw a Q to poke down and back to mid. You are very fast and usually you match botlane lvl2 trade cuz you solo lane and minions reach midlane faster.
    2. Leona - Toplane - AD Offtank
    You start with Doran Blade and straight all-in lvl1. Q cd is really low and you can use Q to reset auto and also cancel enemy auto, so you can trade 3 autos for 1. Also on the stun you can possition yourself ofensivelly. You win lvl1 all-in against most toplaners by far cuz low cd Q. And if it's a close one you can space pretty well for Q cds. Just auto Q and run for cd. You build for oneshoot with assistence in mid/lategame. Trinity, Magic Boots, Hull Breaker is your core. Then you build based on game. Usually you need mana if you are pushing lanes, roaming and back to farm without recall. A frozen hearth is pretty good. The combo with this build on an adc takes around 80-90% of their hp in cc, so you need a small follow up to oneshoot. Or you can be the follow up. Sunfire is pretty good too but give no resists. If you go for full cdr you have a W Q R E Q combo (double Q) to oneshoot someone facechecking. It's actually an op pick against some comps. I usually pick her against range toplaners and you hardcore win the lvl3 all-in.
    3. Rengar - Toplane - Full Tank CDR
    You Max W (for CD) and just dumb trade and heal back almost full hp when W is up. You build Trinity and full tank cdr so you can have as many W as u can in fights. The point and where the fun is, is in midgame. You want to engage in the middle of everyone so enemy team use every cooldown on you, and just run away. You want to use your W and your empowered W too. The idea is to just be a distraction. They can't ignore you because with Trinity you destroy their backlane. And if they focus you, you can just heal back all the burst and tank more dmg than an Ornn before exit. You backlane will have a very easy tf since everyone is chassing an "inting" Rengar that engages in middle of everyone.
    If they have a lot of bruisers/melees you can replace Trinity for an AP item and just do a lot of aoe.
    4. Katarina - Midlane - HullBraker Full AP
    She has decent AD scalling, her E is an autoreset and you have multiples E.
    You rush hullbreaker because one of Katarina biggest problems is that she is very weak and can be easilly killed. Rushing Hullbraker make you very very tanky and gives you tons of dmg in early game. The ad with autoresets + habillities scalling gives same dmg for 1vs1 as an ap item rush. The spike falls down really fast, so you have to snowball hard abusing the hullbreaker spike.
    5. Kayn - Toplane - Proxyfarm Ad Offtank
    You can proxy very early on and you have insane movillity, so you can ignore your lane oponent all game and play around with their jungler making him lose time. Insane Ad scalling and insane proxy. Dosnt matter if you die, because you stack pasive everytime you get ganked and they usually lose a lot of time chasing you and also lose waves, depends on enemy champs. Really fun to make them chase you around all game.
    6. Lee Sin - Toplane/Midlane - FullAD
    Probably the best AD scalling in the game. Insane lvl1 dmg on Q. A couple Q and they die. Also flash melee Q ignite auto is so easy to hit and they can't flash away after first Q cuz you hold it do use as execute. So if you hit a Q lvl1, the next flash Q you may end up killing the enemy. Pretty secure lanning phase. You can farm with Q, E and have W to enegage/disengage and substain. At lvl6 they can't crash the wave anymore because you can do W R flash Q before the tower takes minion aggro and they get oneshooted. I have done this 3000 times. Works every time xD. Also the lvl1 all-in works tons of times too. If you fail dosn't even matter, your scalling is insane so you are chilling farming, not need to force. In midgame you can roam mid and kill midlaner with flash, oneshoot in facechecks, kill their adc when farming waves, etc. The oneshoot combo from no vision is Q, W (to get melee) R, Auto, Ignite, Q, E. The oneshoot combo to facecheck is aa, ignite, q, e, r, aa, q. Another usefull combo is just R the frontline into the backline and Q the backline. In lategame you wait the fight start (flank) and kick their max bonus hp champion into their backline. Usually you peel your backline from their frontline with the kick while also hitting their backline. Lee kick does extra dmg to the backline based on the bonus hp of the champion you kicked, so if you hit 3 people you insta win the fight just pressing R. AD scalling is insane, so don't go for Trinity, GA or other optimal items, just build raw AD, not even last whispers since you want to dmg the backline, not the frontline.
    7 Shyvanna - Toplane - FullAP
    Pretty shit, but for low elo games is very fun. All you do is wait for ultimate and poke with E from max range. E does around 40% enemy HP. Ultimate does around 30% enemy HP. Is almost imposible to dodge at max range because if explode in area. Also if they stay in the fire they take a lot of dmg. Is very fun running arround with W and ghost quitting everyone and chassing throwing E. Just build raw AP and some cdr to have multiple E. Without dragon from you are totally useless.
    8. Volibear - Jungle - FullAP
    Useless as fuck cuz you need to do autos to deal dmg but you have 0 resistences and get oneshooted. BUT, you have the fastest clear speed in the game, you can solo Nashor on spawn really fast and you can get full build before other players build 4° item. If you want a full autist PVE experience and getting flamed, is the best choice for it hahaha. You probably want to full clear all game towards toplane in case there is a free dive or a free wave.

  • @STNJ_YT
    @STNJ_YT 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    Riven is absolutely tilted to hell

  • @martinsonnleitner5516
    @martinsonnleitner5516 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    That Riven quit league today..

    • @TheShilence
      @TheShilence 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thats what happens if master players smurf in iron/bronze....

  • @reillybecker9855
    @reillybecker9855 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    There’s a special place in hell for people that Smurf bronze lobbies

    • @haydenhenderson19
      @haydenhenderson19 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      smurfing to diamond, riots the one that groups iron-diamond equally for quickplay matches, for some reason or another.

    • @Pun1sherTV
      @Pun1sherTV 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This is just a quick play, what smurf are you talking about? You are just dumb, xD.

    • @TheShilence
      @TheShilence 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@haydenhenderson19wrong. Riot is not matching irons and diamonds. I play on gold level and get matched with platin and emerald but never diamond or iron.
      And if you look at the lobby they are full iron/bronze players and he is master+
      There is also a reason why he is playing this in smurfq. In master he would get shit on by every riven if he plays cait top.

    • @haydenhenderson19
      @haydenhenderson19 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@TheShilence Do you take special pride in making sweeping generalized claims based on anecdotal evidence? I checked this games stats, only one player is ranked, the bronze Jax. From there I checked recent games for the unranked players to see the general skill level they play against. There is no pattern. The games range from iron to diamond. Mostly populated with gold/silver as those represent a larger chunk of the player base.

    • @TheShilence
      @TheShilence 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@haydenhenderson19 and you would asume they are diamond players? You should go and take another look at these players and their stats and then tell again they are higher rank than bronze...

  • @carltaylor2975
    @carltaylor2975 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    He's SUCH a good player no matter what he plays.

  • @rainbowpheanix
    @rainbowpheanix 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    makes me wanna see this on 5 fulltanks.

  • @Jeff_Savior
    @Jeff_Savior 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Me Fogged, me playing against noobs in normal blind pick game, me strong

    • @TeyouGames
      @TeyouGames 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Imagine recording a vídeo on a blind pick game, such a shame.

  • @xxDEAGORxx
    @xxDEAGORxx 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Honestly if anything this tells you how weak adc is. The fact he has perfect CS 200 at 20 minutes and a good number of kills and the 90 CS 5/4/5 warwick with 1 item easily does half HP with 1 Q (about 18:40) just says a lot. Any other champ especially any bruiser would be able to 1v9 if they were that fed in that game (with such a skill gap between Fogged and the average blind pick player)

  • @mmorpgenius
    @mmorpgenius 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    we're at 10 minutes, something is about to happen....

  • @extremewq
    @extremewq 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    why are u playing practice mode? i mean normal game* xD those players are bots

  • @cristiananriquez1758
    @cristiananriquez1758 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Y ante estos casos enfrentándose a enemigos sin daño a distancia, que tal es la runa first strike?

    @MlNOOOOR 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Damn. this guy is a trynda main, but omg he's game play on another champ than trynda..!!

  • @uhffls
    @uhffls 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    this is bronze or silver elo :/

  • @charles-olivierdaoust8397
    @charles-olivierdaoust8397 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    riven should have gone to proxy

  • @okhappynow3202
    @okhappynow3202 11 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @faustotio
    @faustotio 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Whats the point of playing vs silvers?