I live in Melbourne, Australia. I have been growing U Loi or dendrobium wardianium in my garden for 8 years without any problem. I grow them similar to đùi gà or dendrbium nobile but with 50% light only. It flowers for me every year. I bring them in when the temperature goes up to 34c.in summer. It can handle winter here of 5c without any artificial heating.
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I live in Melbourne, Australia. I have been growing U Loi or dendrobium wardianium in my garden for 8 years without any problem. I grow them similar to đùi gà or dendrbium nobile but with 50% light only. It flowers for me every year. I bring them in when the temperature goes up to 34c.in summer. It can handle winter here of 5c without any artificial heating.
lan U lồi chịu được nhiệt độ rét, và cần lạnh để ra hoa, thích hợp khí hậu á nhiệt đói
Lông tu đẹp.
Thanks em Nguyễn Thanh
cảm ơn anh chị, nếu thấy video hữu ích hãy chia sẻ cho em nhé
Chao Chu Minh cho hoi cacleda cay con trong cach nao co cat het re k chu
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