  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024
  • God sent the angel Gabriel to minister to me during my depression and to give me a message from God. Since that I have had many visions including the death of Princess Diana, JFK jr, crash of Egypt air plane/jet in the ocean. I was healed instantly from all my depression and was also empowered to bring this healing to others. The full version is approximately 28 minutes and gives details what caused my depression and the events leading up to this great face to face encounter. I also talk about the aftermath, how I was tempted to hate the people who persecuted me and how I was also tempted with pride. I am available to come into your church to minister and encourage all who are discomforted and troubled and to pray for those who need healing. If U wish to attend my church call my personal line @ 416-629-7778
    NASA Scientists are going to run into God - The theory of evolution is gonna come under divine judgment

ความคิดเห็น • 367

  • @karlashelby6287
    @karlashelby6287 11 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    I don't know about religion, but I know for sure God is real. If you will seek him you will surely find him.

  • @Ericbranson3
    @Ericbranson3 15 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Heavenly Father,
    I come to you in prayer asking for the forgiveness of
    my Sins. I confess with my mouth and believe with my
    heart that Jesus is your Son,

  • @denisethorbjornsen3331
    @denisethorbjornsen3331 11 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    I see angel wings moving when I pray.I saw an angel with gold hair and golden wings.Then I saw Jesus face.I was praying for others.


      Amen - wonderful - God Bless

    • @maureenkam9212
      @maureenkam9212 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Not all Angels have wings or golden hair. My guardian angel has no wings, wears a white robe and has shoulder length golden, wavy hair. Angel Gabriel and Angel Michael are Archangels so they are gigantic.

    • @vink2
      @vink2 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@maureenkam9212 our angel had black hair was beautiful and handsome. He was muscular with definition like no one on earth and he had this serious set attitude like he meant business. We were scared and awestruck at the same time.

  • @kimduckworth5047
    @kimduckworth5047 6 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Thank you for your testimony. I also had an encounter with a beautiful spirit or angel. I was going through some things and after prayers one night, as I layed down to sleep I heard the most beautiful voice in the whole world call my name. I did not see him but I knew exactly where he was. I was emptied of all pain and sorrow and was given complete joy like I have never known in my life. I would go to my death before denying what had happened.

  • @beigekitten89
    @beigekitten89 15 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    i had depression n one nite i tried killing myself....that was like in 07...i tried killing myself..but then that nite i heard a voice telling me not..i decided to sure it was Gods voice. n im cured from depression ever since ;)

  • @vanessarosenthal8476
    @vanessarosenthal8476 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    At my aunt house, I saw a man standing outside the window. His legs were enormous like a giant. All I saw was a pair of legs strong ,very muscular . On his feet, he was wearing sandals. Like in Roman times. From the knee down I saw this either was my guardian angel or an angel. But ,I saw it through the window, standing at my aunt porch. Still remember what I saw many years ago, like it happened just now . Praise God

    • @carolberwindscheffler2708
      @carolberwindscheffler2708 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I got a message just now reading this....!!!

    • @billyb4665
      @billyb4665 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sounds terrifying but exciting, too. I believe you. Thanks for sharing, and God bless.

    • @vink2
      @vink2 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes we saw an angel too after 11pm @night last year in 2020 April. And he had massive definition in his chest, biceps, big calves and wore sandals and it was 11 degrees that night it was cold but he wasn't feeling it. We were awestruck and frozen in fear and wanderment. He came to warn us and then our city went into one of the worst lockdowns that even the Russians were talking about in their news.

  • @v_shamayim
    @v_shamayim 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    All these years ago, I saw this testimony. It just popped into my head to search for you pastor Wesley and I've found it again. Still blessed me to listen again.

  • @gregerjohansson4747
    @gregerjohansson4747 6 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I had many supernatural encounters, when my dad passed away I had my angel waking me up every night for a whole year.

    • @teffanygrimmer4215
      @teffanygrimmer4215 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Greger Johansson what did the angel tell you

    • @chnsa2540
      @chnsa2540 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Angels doesnt like to see that we are sad, they see the soul of people grieving.

    @JACKDAWFISH 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Yes! The Archangel Gabriel came to me in a 'dream' when in real life I was concerned about the health of my Aunt and a local priest. In the experience I was Gabriel standing behind them (I knew immediately who he was somehow) and without speaking he sort of nudged my Aunt and she fell over and she would go first. The priest for the time being was going to be OK. Back to 'real life' nothing immediately happened and turned out the the priest's major health concerns went into remission. But it was about a couple of years later that my Aunt aged 88 had a fall, literally she fell on her driveway getting out of my Uncle's car and she died the next day in surgery trying to repair her broken hip. As soon as my Uncle told the story I remembered what Gabriel showed me. Then I understood exactly what he showed me that night.

  • @christinemusana1342
    @christinemusana1342 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Angels are real I have two Archangel Michael and Ariel they prayed for me in a dream the light shown in my room and they disappear. They told me they are Angels.

  • @angelmiracles3135
    @angelmiracles3135 12 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Awesome video!! I too have had angel encounters. My angels looked like regular people in todays clothing but appeared out of thin air and disappeard after helping me. I read simular accounts from book/youtube video called: Living In the Realm of Miracles and Angel Encounters. Some unbeleivable true stories!!

  • @kidroc1380
    @kidroc1380 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I had a similar experience last night, so I TH-camd the angel of death and came across this video, and his experience was similar to mines. This makes everything more real and gives my life a new meaning.

  • @LWDavis58
    @LWDavis58 10 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I spoke with Gabriel. Your story is like me. I did ask him about my future few weeks from then. And immediately the answer given you will spend eternity with me. He gave me vision 3. So I would know it was him. I believe everything you say. I saw the things he showed me the next day. My experience is so similar. We are unique to have this. I wanted so much to speak with him again but it was not to be. I suspect it is the same for you too.

    • @ifyify9245
      @ifyify9245 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Can you please share your story :)

    • @bread2770
      @bread2770 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I met The Angel Gabriel in July of 2016. He didn't have long hair, or appear in front of me as a kind of humanoid figure. He came down from above where I was sitting, and then he approached and appeared in my head as a kind of blue spectral entity. He said "There you are." and then he asked "What do you desire?" I replied and then he left. I didn't ask him who he was, but can't of imagine of anyone else it could have been. I'm not saying you weren't visited by him, but you and this mans experience differ from mine dramatically. Praise The Lord, and god bless you.

    • @phanuelfaceofgod1625
      @phanuelfaceofgod1625 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      What angel gabriel look like? More to female or male?


      @Lonnie - Amen - Exact same experience - Sorry to reply just now - I'm always uncomfortable talking about this

  • @HowlingDemon13
    @HowlingDemon13 13 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    A truly amazing encounter. You are very lucky my friend, in these times, with all this evil and hate, I believe we al need to be reassured by one of God's most trusted messangers. I believe you 100%, unlike some of these people who's eyes obviously have not yet opened to God's love. You are forever in my prayers.

  • @praiseyeshua1975
    @praiseyeshua1975 11 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I believe your testimony to be true brother, the Lord Jesus Christ sent Gabriel His Arch Angel to strengthen you. You must give thanks onto the Lord for what He has done for you in your life, I pray the Lord will continue to bless you as He has so graciously been doing. Peace be with you my brother. Praise Lord Jesus Almighty above all!

  • @1776Sledge
    @1776Sledge 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I would greatly love that healing to come to me. I have been suffering with great bouts of depression for years. They tire my body and don’t let me do anything.


      Hi A.O.
      I'll be praying for your healing - Just a little bit of advice - Sometimes depression can be caused by a lack of magnesium - try magnesium with calcium and see if it works and the good thing is its not addictive and the only side effect is loose bowels for a few people

  • @Beautifullysaid
    @Beautifullysaid 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I was not going press this channel than I felt in my spirit touch this page than u said 1987 that's year I was born I just decided to listen but blessed be the lord Jesus Christ for massive protection Amen

  • @marthaamanyanga7795
    @marthaamanyanga7795 6 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I would love to see an angel too❤


      Its a wonderful experience but the circumstances leading up to that can be quite daunting - For me it was immense stress from persecutors

    • @cyrusnoble9259
      @cyrusnoble9259 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@OLDTIMEANOINTEDGOSPELMUSIC The experience itself sounds terrifying. And Gabriel especially scared people in the Bible. If and or when I meet angels, I pray it will happen in a public setting. And that they come in human form. 😊

    • @cyrusnoble9259
      @cyrusnoble9259 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@OLDTIMEANOINTEDGOSPELMUSIC One more thing... a minister and author named Dr. Roger Mills also suffered persecution leading up to an encounter with Gabriel (his 2nd time with him). This man's own church members were attacking him where he pastored. And Gabriel was sent to him to let him know God was working things out in his favor.

  • @GamraFire
    @GamraFire 13 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    powerful testimony. normal people will never understand the simplicity of spiritual things which is understood throug faith. your description is truly heavenly! i believe this 100% because i had a similar encounter wid christ, he looked like a king soon to come and he told me words without opening his mouth!

  • @KeeperOfThe10
    @KeeperOfThe10 6 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Sounds like a real encounter. My father met Gabriel in the 1950s who came to announce that he would have sons and to name one Jocho and one Junia. Two years later they had twins. He was lying on the couch when Gabriel appeared. He said he closed his eyes tight because he was afraid and he prayed "Lord, I know who it is. Please don't let me be afraid." When he opened his eyes, Gabriel was smiling. Then the smile went away and he spoke, then he disappeared. My father didn't say he was tall. He said he was translucent and he had a sash around his waste. I'm sure if he had had a trumpet, my dad would've said. =)


      Thanks for your story - Angels become what they need to be for that particular person and circumstance - every appearance is unique

    • @maureenkam9212
      @maureenkam9212 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Angels don’t carry trumpets around. Angel Gabriel has short, brown golden curls. Angel Michael carries a Huge Sword.

    • @normabajou7591
      @normabajou7591 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@OLDTIMEANOINTEDGOSPELMUSIC what did he say to your father

    • @normabajou7591
      @normabajou7591 ปีที่แล้ว

      What did he say to your father

  • @sarah3447
    @sarah3447 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Great testimony! One day something was bothering me in my mind. I prayed but it continued. Out of frustration I called on the Arch Angel Michael. to help me He was there instantly. He took care of the problem in an instant and left. Calling an Arch Angel to take care of a light affliction is like calling a giant to stomp on an ant. God wants us to mature.For a time God allowed me to go through trials where I had to fight for myself. I knew the word but just would not speak it. That is how warfare is done--WITH GOD WORDS! One time a spirit was sent to buffet me over and over. I was speaking the word. He would leave and come back. Finally I started saying, "Those whose names are not written in the lambs book of life shall be cast into the lake of fire!" The spirit started crying. He said, "Oh Why do you say that? That hurts me so bad!" In many years of ministry I had never had an experience like that!

    • @cJroma316
      @cJroma316 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Very Interesting! Thanks for sharing. ``-|-``

  • @DjKnightShade
    @DjKnightShade 16 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i had an amazing touch & very clear vison from GOD also in 1987.
    & tonight im pacing the house with worry ..i cant sleep....your story has given me peace tonight.thank you my brother in CHRIST.

  • @Bedeborah
    @Bedeborah 12 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    The fear you felt was a fear of 'reverance. God bless you brother!!!!

  • @rf-bh3fh
    @rf-bh3fh 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Nothing is hidden before father. Those who seek need to seek till the end. Wash the inside of your cup as you know who made the outside. I wish you well.

  • @pamwasham2152
    @pamwasham2152 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I want to thank you for the way you told this story. The story it's self is remarkable and amazing but the way you describe everything is very special. You probably don't know that. I'm totally blind and I have never seen anything with my 2 eyes like most people look at things. I hear and feel and smell and taste things when I have experiences. When you told this story you did not do what most people do. They tell a story using so many visual words like colors and different sorts of light and all kinds of garbage a blind person just can't relate to at all. So, you don't really get a lot out of a story told like that, except a little bit annoyed and sad maybe because you'd hoped to get something you could actually imagine and think about. Maybe tell other people about if it was real good. Well you told your story with language I know. You described the way this angel was so tall that his head almost touched the ceiling. The color of his hair and beard was just fine! I don't mind colors used in that way. I can sort of imagine that. But your story kept me spellbound the whole time you were talking. The way you said everything was so uneventful that day. No clue you might see your angel later. I know what terrible depression feels like and I've been at the edge of a nervous break down before also so I could imagine that. And then you described the way the angel just faded away slowly. He was still sort of there but he just slowly faded away. Oh yes, I forgot that sound! The sound you made to describe what it was like when he put his hand close to your head. That was REALLY! neat! The way I'd describe something. Then I loved the part where you began to see things before they happened like Dianna's terrible death and the plane crash in to the ocean, and John F. K. Jr. dying. I'm sure you see lots and lots of things before they happen every day.
    I'm so sorry you didn't get to ask any questions. That's probably what would happen to me. Maybe you'll get another chance. And how nice to have a higher IQ! and your memory is so excellent! I just wanted to thank you for telling this story the way you told it. Even if I'm the only person who notices this, it's very important! You never know who'll be listening to these videos once you put them up here. Eternal love, joy and peace to you my Friend. I'll never forget you.


      Hi Pam
      I'm deeply touched by your comment. I must have read less than 10 of the probably hundreds of comments on this video but I was lead to read yours. I kept this for many years and never shared it because it felt personal. I felt guilty for a long time after sharing it because it felt like it was a private thing between me and God and I was afraid I would not have another visitation. However I had another in 2012 that I have never shared (you are the first person I'm telling). That also was a personal message from Gabriel to me. I am going to share it some day but I'm waiting for the right circumstance - On one hand I'm sorry I didn't share it because I have forgotten a part of the conversation - I forget the reason he appeared to me - However I remember the verbal dialogue we had. Spirits are nonverbal so much of what they say is a heart to heart conversation - that's a part of which I have forgotten but I still remember the rest.
      As I read your comment I was reminded of Frances Crosby who lost her sight at age 2 but lived till she was in her 90's. She wrote some of the great songs we sing today like - Blessed Assurance - Higher Ground, Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross, I am Thine O Lord, He Hideth my Soul etc. She dealt with here depression thru song writing. I deal with mine thru diet (I find when I'm low on Magnesium I feel depressed for no apparent reason) and thru prayer. Angel appearances is God's way of responding to me I have nothing to do with that other than to try and remain faithful.
      Have a nice day and God Bless You

    • @arbitrarylib
      @arbitrarylib 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      A beautiful comment

  • @darciemcgrath9451
    @darciemcgrath9451 11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Angels are energy. They can appear as anything they wish. They're not human.

  • @damajaco5
    @damajaco5 14 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    thank you!! I have a special relationship with Gabriel as well :-)

  • @harryduram7138
    @harryduram7138 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hi, Adele here. I believe these testimonies. On the 18th of July 2017, I had an angelic visitation. Understanding came Tobe automatically that this was archangel Gabriel. He was wearing a brown suit and he looked young with very short hair and his wings were huge and pure white but it was not on his back as expected. They were high up standing in the air as if he user it as a vehicle or so. He also said something to my two sons in the vision. At the time I never knew what it meant until a year later.


      Hi just notice the name in your comment. Is this ADELE the singer?

    • @harryduram7138
      @harryduram7138 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@OLDTIMEANOINTEDGOSPELMUSIC No no 😄. I'm Adele Duram, I'm an Indian. Anglo Indian.


      @@harryduram7138 OK - NOW I UNDERSTAND - GOD BLESS

  • @majormediaproductions
    @majormediaproductions 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @Houseofgoodwillministry
    @Houseofgoodwillministry 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    WOW!!! That's So Powerful The Lord Sent The Angel, To Set You Free!!! Hallelujah Glory To Jesus!!!! I'm So Happy For You, I Can Still Sense The Joy Of Your Breakthrough As You Talk About Your Experience With Angel Gabriel!!! God Also Has Blessed You With, A Beautiful Anointed Smile!!! Your Are Protected Always!!! Shalom

  • @Ericbranson3
    @Ericbranson3 15 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    And that he died on the
    Cross at Calvary that I might be forgiven and have
    Eternal Life in the Kingdom of Heaven. Father, I believe
    that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask you right now
    to come in to my life and be my personal Lord and
    Savior. I repent of my Sins and will Worship you all the
    day's of my Life!. Because your word is truth, I confess
    with my mouth that I am Born Again and Cleansed
    by the Blood of Jesus! In Jesus Name, Amen

  • @yedon68
    @yedon68 16 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    i've never seen an angel, but would love to see one!

  • @Angeloflifeselah
    @Angeloflifeselah 11 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    For all those who thinks that something may be wrong with what this man says.. no one should be angry or upset at you for not understanding such a great phenomenon, but until you experience what God is truly about then you should not be judging.. Naming your selves devil, satan ect.. its just crazy to see us as young people glorify such a creature by naming our selves demons and devils... You people need to wise up.. An encounter with an angel is a precious thing, if your jealous, don't be.

  • @Anthoneck
    @Anthoneck 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Revelations in the bible was to warn us. but most people are not watching . Jesus said if you knew at what hour the thief was to break into your house you would be ready. I pray we are ready. Thanks for reading, and God Bless You"

  • @beowolf19751
    @beowolf19751 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Awesome testimony!!!The Almighty GOD (Jesus Christ) is so good!!!

  • @Boldyaug
    @Boldyaug 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dear knowb4, thank you soo much for sharing your testimony! I am also tempted with bitterness with others- even in small matters., but you'd be surprised how Jesus can help us through that- all I do is ask Him to "deliver me in spite of myself" or ask Him to give me HIS love and take away me... that part of the self that reacts and gets defensive. It's nice to know that many angels remained faithful to God- I bet it wouldnt hurt to also keep the angels in our prayers too..


      Lord I pray you will remove every ounce of bitterness from your servant - amen. @GodsWork in Progress

  • @laurapinkfeather2931
    @laurapinkfeather2931 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    aw amen ! I've been thinking I should do videos on my experience s too! oh bless the Lord Yahushuah Messiah King of Kings and Lord of Lords who keeps us at His right hand

  • @jamesseaver6326
    @jamesseaver6326 8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    i belive my fellow child of god, :) cant you see > he shines:)

  • @MsShannruggles
    @MsShannruggles 9 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    I Also Have Met With Archangel Gabriel in The Physical ...He was as Real as Meeting Any Human...

  • @AlexisGlamoree
    @AlexisGlamoree 11 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I felt a little bit of his happiness watching this

  • @kadidja777able
    @kadidja777able 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I am very curious to know about all the arc angels of God. This month I chose Arc Angel Gabriel. Thank you for sharing your story. It’s an inspiration and I’m looking forward to have a great encounter with him.

    • @tonybourke4946
      @tonybourke4946 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      We need to Trust Jesus Christ not an angel angels didn’t die in the Cross repent from your sins and put your trust in Jesus Christ’s finished work God Bless you

  • @amongoy
    @amongoy 14 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    wow what an amazing story.. can you please pray for me..I am struggling.. and am feel so torn and lost. I would like to know my purpose

    • @ifyify9245
      @ifyify9245 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Receive the direction and guidance of tge Holyspirit in Jesus name.God bless you!! Jesus loves you , surrender your life to him!!

  • @efthimios
    @efthimios 13 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Going through tough times also, close to nervous breakdown from stress and praying daily. You are blessed, I pray to have Christ take away the weight on me. I also pray for some encounter like yours. Thank you.

    • @ifyify9245
      @ifyify9245 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      God bless you! It is well your soul in Jesus name. Jesus loves you so much , surrender your life to him! Cast all your burdens on him, for He cares for you.

  • @MikeyPikeyPix
    @MikeyPikeyPix 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Have you ever heard of Pastor Roland Buck? He was a pastor of a church in Boise, Idaho and was visited by Gabriel back in the 1970's. Some people named Charles and Frances Hunter told his story in a book called, 'Angels on Assignment'. He was also given dates and times of events would happen around the world. Which all came true. I was inspired and motivated by that book for many years. Thought I'd pass this onto you!

  • @pendita66
    @pendita66 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Interesting testimony, you're very funny😂😂

  • @rogerbahakel
    @rogerbahakel 12 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    i'm going through a rough time and i ask that other christians would pray for me.thank you.God knows my needs.


      I'm sorry I missed your comment - I stayed way from all comments here. I pray the Lord will take you through those rough times

  • @Ronisan2
    @Ronisan2 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bless all who even ponder these matters as to ponder them means that you seek truth. If this man has done nothing else, for a few moments out of everyone's life, we were all thinking about these heavenly things. God speed.

  • @normabajou7591
    @normabajou7591 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Pastor Wesley thank you for your story love see angel Gabriel to Bless me


      Hi Norma - Thanks for calling it was a pleasure talking to you. Challenge yourself by faith with the project I gave you - Praying the word is the way you built a sure foundation - God doesn't built on sand he builds on rock and his work is that rock - As you walk in it he'll build things on you each step of the way. Don't just rush through it , take it in line by line, verse by verse - These were the prayers that David prayed and won great battles. I'll keep praying for you

  • @nanakwabenatv6014
    @nanakwabenatv6014 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My mum had encounter too same tall slim faced angle very beautiful with lovely robe n mighty wings .she was also into serious situations n she had the encounter. She was soo scared she shouted Jesus n the angle went away . I believe the gentle man

    • @vanessatheurbantarotgoddes2192
      @vanessatheurbantarotgoddes2192 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I think i scared him a way too in my dream bc i woke up b4 he try to tell me anything. He said he will be back meaning when im sleep again. Hes around me now waiting til i sleep i guess but i be seeing balls a light around me b4 i close my eyes. I know thats him. But yes he is big n tall kinda scary. He has a message for me n it comes in pieces but i got to sleep to get the rest of the info. He does not give me all the info at once.

  • @LegendaryKevin7
    @LegendaryKevin7 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    fair point, however i think people believe in this only because they want to, not because they really believe it exists.


      ???? - We believe because we have faith - Faith includes rational evidence and experience

  • @tommax26
    @tommax26 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I believe the Bible is the only message we need. Read it. Believe it. Live it. Embrace Jesus and His atoning shed blood on the cross for our sins. All we need is God's grace and mercy offered, and we accept by faith. Jesus paid the price for our Salvation, and the Word of God, as inspired by the Holy Spirit is His message of love to us. In return we worship Him and follow Jesus in faithful obedience. This one and only message is our hope to sustain us now and in difficult times.


      Having external messages does not contradict or weakens the message of the bible - it actually strengthen and confirms it

  • @Ronisan2
    @Ronisan2 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    We are all conquerors, priests and kings according to the Bible. When Christ gave the ultimate sacrifice the veil that separated man from the most Holy of Holies, the very presence of God at the Ark, That veil was torn asunder. We are our intermediaries to Christ as Christ is our advocate.

  • @stephencummings1003
    @stephencummings1003 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Virtue Angel he strengthened you and your faith

  • @rogerbahakel
    @rogerbahakel 12 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    also satan was called lucifer and was a beautiful angel in heaven until he thought he could defeat God and he and a 1/3 of the angels were defeated and struck down like a bolt of a devil can come to a person disguised as an angel.or Gabriel.

  • @norma5744
    @norma5744 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you for your testimony .To God be the Glory.

  • @raypraise
    @raypraise 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    One Love

  • @michelleherridge4782
    @michelleherridge4782 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I can relate to you my brother l saw Gabriel the Angel aswell 💗💛💛💗 a few years ago and then about 4years after that one evening around about 6pm lvwas comming back home walkinga from somewhere ,l was about 20feet from my steps of my front door and as l looked l saw an angel 🤗 about 8ft standing at my front door facing out to the driveway 🤗🙏

  • @debbiehendryx6309
    @debbiehendryx6309 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I RECEIVE THE GRACE visitation with YESHUA

  • @gabrielhernandez3153
    @gabrielhernandez3153 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    the enemy makes things into your head what there not, wheir with you dont worry its alright, your heart hurts i know but jesus christ loves you very much.. and he can heal you brother . dont worry


      @gabriel hernandez - Waw - Thank you very much - I was always afraid of reading the comments and now I am and wish I did - May the Lord bless you richly forever

  • @businesslogistics6346
    @businesslogistics6346 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    And this was just an angel, How about our Lord Himself in His Glory? I guess we cant stand it. God bless you Sir.

  • @whitenigerian5836
    @whitenigerian5836 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is amazing and precious I felt joy bubbling up from my spirit when listening to your almost childlike response to this experience. It is really precious and you can hold your head up knowing knowing knowing , that you are a child of God, and favoured. Thanks for sharing with us all, you might get some strange comment, but you can expect that. Be blessed my brother. From Elizabeth in New Zealand.

  • @sassysid100
    @sassysid100 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    lol! great animated, im loving the accent...God as blessed me with the gift of vision too, but i moved away from god for along time. however i have been moving closer to Him for sometime now, but as i have started to do so i have found myself coming under attack by a spirit. i never knew that spirits could cause so much real injuries both physically and mentally.
    the experience as left me feeling abit afraid as i have never come up against such a evil force before..


      The devil attacks everyone who goes to God - especially if you are a deep person

  • @redlipblonde1
    @redlipblonde1 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i was told gabriell is my angel and i have had a experience pure love surrounding me after first chuld it said dont be afraid then total kight n love then sisappeared i was awake about 4-5am in 1985

  • @jasonrenicks9898
    @jasonrenicks9898 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    sorry brother i may have had your comment confused thought it was a reply to mine lol i totally agree with you i will pray for you too i too have been thru the mill, God bless. stay strong my friend

  • @jucegurl
    @jucegurl 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    @aroundtheworlda God did not send you here to be hopeless.You have to give that feeling to God it is blocking your blessing.He has a purpose for you.Ask and it shall be revealed to you.Your words are I am hopeful,I have love in my life,I encounter my job with an open mind and I am greatful.Everytime something negative comes to minds just say thank you for sharing.

  • @chenahill3107
    @chenahill3107 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Side note he sounds like Sebastian from little mermaid , good testimony

  • @Sundaysunny2
    @Sundaysunny2 15 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    if this man decides to share his experiences with an angel and you don't like it or the way he presents it, why not just sign out? we don't all communicate the same way, people communicate the same way. God bless you brother, speak and speak till the devil is really mad. Only, hear the advice of your friends and say only the important things so that it doesn't look funny

  • @michellealexander-nolin390
    @michellealexander-nolin390 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Exciting event in your life story!!;After this happened, did you ever experience any kind of spiritual warfare?

  • @Angeloflifeselah
    @Angeloflifeselah 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    We all would want this experience.. we are all one as Gods children and to see this trend where some of the comments are derogatory just complicates the situation. science is a wonderful thing, but if you think learning about God is a brain wash... SMH.. just wait until you find out the true arts of science.. Don't listen everything you read, seek and your questions will be answered.. God love you all just be grateful that you have life to comment.. seek God for your own he has the answer...


      @Andrew Harris - Thank you very much. I stayed away from reading the comments because I was afraid of having unnecessary and unfruitful confrontation - God Bless you

  • @kareemtaliboceanicsurreali9019
    @kareemtaliboceanicsurreali9019 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I remember this whole moment. That authority though. Man.. I thought it was Micheal. Are you sure it was Gabriel? Tongues of angels and men; is a good sign.

  • @TodoBrenda
    @TodoBrenda 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    AMEN!!!! AMAZING!!!!! oh and you r a handsome man! GOD BLESS U!!

  • @Grimblix
    @Grimblix 16 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    He faded, yet was present. Did it feel as though he was surrounding your surroundings?
    Did he seem to be made of light?
    Was he a half-middle eastern / half-white looking guy with shoulder-length black hair?
    How was he dressed?

  • @strongbadable
    @strongbadable 11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thanks for sharing this story, God bless you


      @strongbad. You are welcome - I tried hard to stay away from the comments but my daughter encouraged me to so I have mustered the strength to. God Bless you

  • @mrcuteblackie
    @mrcuteblackie 11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This same thing happened to me, but I was not a church-goer. I think I was just innoent and pure, at age 25. In may case it was two cherubs (baby angels) who appeared, and the feeling was spectacular. Not a dream.

  • @Yhwakh
    @Yhwakh 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    i keep on having really bad violent dreams about everything dieing and bad fallen angels, i get so scared i tried praying but nothing happens, until my last dream i saw a hooded figure and it told me to come with him i said no and all of a sudden i see a man he was kind of glowing but i followed him and now i have no more bad dreams :D i still dont know who he was. jesus maybe he didnt have long hair.

    • @ifyify9245
      @ifyify9245 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      I plead the Blood of Jesus over your soul and I decree that you are delivered and set free from every attack of satan in Jesus name .God bless you , Jesus loves you so much , please surrender your life to him and stop living in sin .He is waiting for you , seek Him with all your heart and He will reveal His purpose for your life .Let go of those friends, they are not good for you.God bless you.

  • @Anthoneck
    @Anthoneck 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    for example he dictates Calif's End to growing crops, to save the Darter fish, when a simple net in front of the waterway to keep the little fish from being killed, would have worked. February 9, 2012. Words from God.
    "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I remind you solemnly, Truth is the reflection of God's Light. Therefore, any laws conceived under the cover of darkness are not of God. These days love of power has overshadowed conviction of hearts in the Truth.

  • @melodytunes8406
    @melodytunes8406 9 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    so lucky...i'm jealous right now


      Its a blessing - I'm delighted I had the experience but I see it as purposeful rather than luck

  • @romonaburwell8321
    @romonaburwell8321 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    these are not dream states. you are awakened by them in a peaceful manner. he described my visitor 100 percent. you'll never be the same after

    • @romonaburwell8321
      @romonaburwell8321 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I also know that this man is honest. he is til this day confused greatly about why he was chosen. as I am.

  • @megdey1
    @megdey1 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    we can see angels no matter how religious we are

  • @Damian1975
    @Damian1975 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Matthew 22:30 ESV / 14 helpful votes
    For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.
    Mark 12:25 ESV / 8 helpful votes
    For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.

  • @Anthoneck
    @Anthoneck 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I understand your point, but if you watch some rapture videos, one in particular when a person finds himself with all persons that were dead and alive on the earth,standing shoulder to shoulder before Christ and many people started to disappear in flames, and he asked what happened and an angel said those were the ones that denied Christ.

  • @hunttherunt
    @hunttherunt 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Here's another one. "Creations and Miracles, Past and Present." All of this evidence is very compelling. I have also witnessed real exorcisms that were done in the name of Jesus and seen demons manifest in people's faces. I have undergone one myself for this demon that began following me after I did a spell (for fun, atheist at the time). I know it is real because it touched by brother once after it told me that it would, he woke up and was puzzled because he felt an airy finger touching him.


      Yes God is real and the spirit world is real. It will be revealed more clearly as the years go by - science is going to run into it

  • @Ronisan2
    @Ronisan2 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    Also, common people who were not considered prophets have seen angels. Most of them are considered prophets because they were visited by angels. This is why the Bible says to be careful how we treat others because one can not know if they just met an angel in disguise. Why would the Bible say this unless angels came to normal people?

  • @jerryswallow
    @jerryswallow 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    since my wife passed a few months ago, i keep finding bright white feathers all over the house, like 1 every few days, not like any chicken, a very fluffy feather about 3 in. long, do you know what it could be.


      Hi Sailor Thanks for your question - It can be quite discomforting having these unusual phenomena after a loved one's death - If it is from the spiritual world (it could be feathers from a pillow or some other thing) then its someone trying to communicate with you from beyond the grave - If its connected to your wife it means that she probably had unresolved issues that bothered her deep within before she died. Feathers are symbols of honor so take comfort in that. However I would advice you to speak in the atmosphere to it and tell it to go away because evil spirits like use the occasion to terrorize surviving loved ones.
      If it continues I would advice you to get a priest or an anointed man of God to come in and pray.

    • @jerryswallow
      @jerryswallow 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @Anthoneck
    @Anthoneck 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You dont know multi headed beast ,means many countries formed into onewith bad intentions, you better go into your own room if you cant figure that out, walked on water yes, Save everyone who asks, Yes, love yes!

  • @pamelakilgore4459
    @pamelakilgore4459 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @Anthoneck
    @Anthoneck 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i am not a preacher for money, i was born again oct 2 1972, the white dove flew into the factory where i worked and it lit up like brilliant white light, and god told me he , Jesus and the Dove were all together 1 God. plus other things, i have no congregation, and you are very angry, so i give up and i'll say a prayer, for your soul and let Jesus heal you. Take care

  • @MastersGraduate2023
    @MastersGraduate2023 15 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I had a dream of Angel Gabriel in my house. He was also almost touching the ceiling but his skin was golden & his hair was black. He looked in his late 50's

    • @maureenkam9212
      @maureenkam9212 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      That is strange. Angel Gabriel has short, golden brown curls. Angel Michael has black hair. Are you very sure he is Gabriel? Both are Archangels, so they are gigantic.

    • @MastersGraduate2023
      @MastersGraduate2023 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@maureenkam9212 Frankly I don't know but I knew he was Angel I had the dream over 10 years ago so I cannot clearly remember.

  • @Roger85able
    @Roger85able 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Stay strong keep pastoring

  • @123batchy
    @123batchy 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @Anthoneck
    @Anthoneck 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    watch the video about the Ecuadorian Girl who died for 23 hours, she went to see Heaven and Hell with Jesus, even seeing family members in Hell,, even Michael Jackson, And Jesus told her its too late for them only while a person is alive can they accept and be saved.

  • @mickeyminnie1792
    @mickeyminnie1792 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    We are not to seek angels for guidance we are to seek the father God in Heaven Jesus Christ the holy spirit that dwells within us for guidance and if God sends an angel that's different but we will know it's from God satan comes in many ways and he will deceive and lie and cheat look at what he did to Jesus .... he will deceive many Christians many believers if we do not truly have Jesus Christ in our heart and accept him fully we need to really know God and seek him first and foremost above all do not entertain anything else if we called out and said Jesus Father God in Heaven is this of you or from you.... and if it is not from Father God I renounce it right now in the name of Jesus Christ you will see how quickly anything will disappear if it is one of satan's deceivers or him himself stealing others identity....
    Real angels will never take credit they will always direct you to the FATHER GOD IN HEAVEN JESUS CHRIST IS THE WAY AND WILL ONLY BE DOING GODS WORK NOT THEIR OWN AGENDA 🙌🙌🙏

  • @dom-dominiquecaldwell8382
    @dom-dominiquecaldwell8382 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Gabriel came to me in a dream last night he told me he is coming. An he showed me a 3D map of a starship coming from another universe an approaching earth and this is just a short version of my dream

    • @luckystar4878
      @luckystar4878 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I am here for it.He is coming to do what though???What other message did he bring for you???

  • @Jacintalee24
    @Jacintalee24 15 ปีที่แล้ว

    wow cool!! :) thats awesome mate I wish I seen an angel I have how ever come in contact with the dark side because my family did seances and there was some awful sin in my life not directly of my self but evil spirits attatched themselves to my life through what my father had done to me as a child caused sin against my own body only good thing that happened was gods love pouring into my heart and visions at the same time:) I was a child when all that was going on.

    • @ifyify9245
      @ifyify9245 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      You are delivered and set free by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name

  • @brendam44
    @brendam44 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    when i have a dream I called it a dream i don't pretend that something has appeared to me search your heart and see what is it that you need to figure out in your own life you saw it not the world come on now don't say you had an encounter with gabriel what if another man who was a a buddist say this what do you think he would say he say the budda

  • @princejp1
    @princejp1 15 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Some How i believe him, God chooses the foolish things of this world, people that the world wouldn't give any attention to bring his will to past!

  • @mreloo
    @mreloo 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    @aroundtheworlda watch "glimpse of eternity" by Ian McCormack (you tube) he was bitten by a box jelly fish 5x, was an atheist, this is about Ians journey into the after life, you will get so so much love from Ians journey, God truly does love you and wants you to be happy. By the next day Ian was a re-born Christian, very compelling. Dont give up many people r praying for you, including Jesus himself.

  • @MsShannruggles
    @MsShannruggles 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    I watched your film- I See in Your Face; You Still See Him Don't You....I See This In Your Eyes.
    Gabriel Stayed With *Me Many Hours-12 Hours ...
    We Spoke Of Many Things...Mostly The Bible and Biblical Stories ...He Smelled Very Sweet ...He Was Not Frightening At All

    • @ifyify9245
      @ifyify9245 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Do you mind sharing your story? :)

  • @rogerbahakel
    @rogerbahakel 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    do not be decieved lucifer and satan are the same.he was called lucifer until he sinned against God and was struck down like a bolt of lightning(luke 10:18) and read in revelation 20:10-15 what happens to the devil and all who reject jesus christ.Read it.

  • @HartAHart
    @HartAHart 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I am here. ....Gabriel.