He’s always buying meat packaged in plastic, raw milk packaged in plastic, kefir packaged in plastic, cheese packaged in plastic, the Irish butter is in plastic lined foil, lol, but you can’t buy anything ion plastic, lol
There was a recent documentary that Paul did about seed oils. In that documentary there was a lady that referenced a study the gave heart patients seed oils to detrimental effect. What they didnt mention is there was another group in the study they gave olive oil. That group also died to nearly the same extent as the seed oil group. It makes you think.
I would be curious if they controlled for fake/cheap olive oil. Animal fats are clearly the best, but I would expect single estate fresh olive oil to be healthier than seed oil.
Love! Love! Love! This video is amazing and sooooo informative! Thank you Paul. BTW I've been carnivore for over a year now and I've lost 50 lbs and I'm thriving. Have a wonderful day!
Just discovered the organic grass-fed beef sticks I was eating might contain seed oil. I was eating the Archer organic beef sticks and they contain encapsulated citric acid which is either made of hydrogenated vegetable oil or maltodextrin (either ingredient is very bad). They also contain colored beef collagen casings that also can contain seed oil and not sure what they use for coloring, but I decided to get rid of what I had and will not buy again.
@@bigstrongguy91 That is exactly why I stopped using Bragg! Bragg's now dilute their vinegar with water! I use Fairchild's Vinegar which is not diluted so you get 100% vinegar that you can dilute yourself.
The only sad thing about animal fats like tallow becoming popular is companies coming out with severely over priced products. I recommend tallow to people but when i see the price for a small jar at $40.00 I kinda feel bad for doing so. Just like bone broth, ridiculously priced in the stores. At least up here in Canada. Fortunately I make my own🙏
I love hearing actual knowledgeable information, instead of corporate spun seed oil coping misinformation. From people who might be trying to good, but never look further than the surface.
I'm seriously about to build a Time Machine to go back to a time before they had plastic. Just watched a video of Bryan Johnsons about microplastics in everything. And then you. Why can't we come together and say no? It's convenience! Thanks Paul for brining this BS to light. Hopefully RFK Jr will help create some new industry regulations for production.
I would have loved to see the Kirkland brand of olive oil that is cold pressed and EVOO in the opaque plastic. You do a lot of shopping at Costco, kind of surprises me that it was not in there! Also, what about the Costco brand that is in the can from Italy or Spain?
Make sure it's grass fed and finished tallow, and for the lard good gosh pigs can eat ANYTHING, even Snickers bars AND the wrapper, so make sure you know EXACTLY what those hogs are eating.
I haven't used olive oil in a while, but my go to was California Olive Ranch, because it was guaranteed 100% olive oil, and from here in the US. It's very disappointing to find out it is high in phalates. I now use only grass fed butter, and I just bought some organic ghee to use for a multi day egg fast. I was also recently very disappointed to find out Redmond Real salt tested high in lead, so I have stopped using that, and switched to another brand, Colima, that tested extremely low in lead and other contaminants.
@@Nete-vb4xo REALLY ??,,you are here so you must be able to copy and paste to google or are you that lazy ?,,unreal Just because its on Y T doesn't mean its true ,dont be a Y T sheep do your own homework
Greece is home to some of the world's finest extra virgin olive oils, known for their exceptional quality and rich flavors. Top Greek brands include *Dimitri Unfiltered*, *Dr. Kavvadia Lianelia*, *Ena Ena PGI Olympia*, *Laconiko*, *Acaia Organic*, *Monogram Premium Organic*, *Kouzini*, and *Liokareas*. These oils are crafted with traditional methods, reflecting Greece's rich heritage and commitment to excellence in olive cultivation. Taste the essence of Greece with these award-winning olive oils! .... and we have more!!
Kinda off topic but does anyone know if hair oils are bad for you. My gf just got hair oil at the mall and it has soybean amd sunflower oil. Just curious if this is harmful
Just so you’re aware, you didn’t match the correct one for the California Olive Ranch, it shows it as 2,646 ppb…the one you stated was from O California brand
The problem with olive oil is that it used to be squeezed only from the pulp, but today it is also squeezed from the pit. Modern olive oil, like other vegetable oils, contains oxidizing and pro-inflammatory linoleic acids. Olive oil is the most frequently counterfeited product.
I've been into nutrition for about 14 years, around 7 years carnivore, tried various varieties, now doing pretty much the same version as you minus the dairy and still I keep learning new to me useful information when watching your videos. Thank you so much
How do the waxes and coatings applied to the produce used to make these oils weigh in? I think many have abandoned using Apeel, but there are similar products out there.
I had some olive oil the other day after weeks on my meat based elimination diet and was shocked to feel inflamed after consuming it. It was supposed to be 100% olive oil from Italy that I purchased at costco.
Kalamata is in Peloponese , Greece.My aunt has Greek origins and i know that Greek virgin oil especially from Peloponese and Crete( if poss,cold-pressed concentrated oil) is supreme. Solid A class+.
I switched to glass container olive oil for recycling issues. Bummer to learn they use plastic in the manufacturing. I would think metal would be more durable. Single source organic cold-pressed olive oil in opaque glass. “I’m not sure why you’re eating a salad” ??
It is fairly cheap when you cancel the overpriced medical insurance because you just simply don’t need the broken American healthcare system any longer. #MAHA
Hello, Dr. Saladino. I'm not sure if you've covered this before, but what's your opinion on mayonnaise made with avocado oil? Are there any brands that you would recommend? Also, are there any mayonnaise brands that dont use plant oils, or something like coconut oil instead? Thanks.
The problem with most olive oil is, it contains a significant amount of seed oils. The FDA allows a certain percentage of olive oil to be cut with seed oils without having to show it in the ingredients. to buy 100% olive oil, you may have to import it from Italy or Spain, and it’s very expensive.
They have mafia too. They dilute the oil with other things too. Watch documentaries on olive oil wars and documentaries on US customs. We have local olive oil. Is best to consume our own oil.
I've heard that this is a moot point since we are even inhaling microplastics these days. The latest studies show that even our brains are 0.05% plastic now, which is 50% higher than in 2016. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to avoid consuming or breathing in microplastic, so this is as futile as telling a heavy smoker to stop grilling steaks because it's bad for their lungs.
Why when talking about rapeseed oil is it always assumed that the oil will be heavily processed? In England you can buy cold pressed rapeseed oil in dark glass bottles everywhere since it grows abundantly here. Every spring the countryside is yellow with their flowers.
rapeseed is canola oil and it is toxic the body! they used to use it to lubricate machinery-when they had a stockpile, they decided to market it as a healthy cooking oil-it is not-it is a long chain oil and the body needs medium chain oils!
Will you comment on what you think about organic seed oil like I’ve seen organic sunflower oil in things? Also, what about palm oil or palm kernel oil? Are they equally bad?
It leeches into the liquid inside as well, but don't let that stop you, unless you're consuming a big portion on a daily avarage. Maintaining proper diet health allows your body to naturally remove toxins from your body at a good rate daily, what matters is how you treat your body.
Thank you so! For that amount of & depth of consideration. If only we all heeded our high school chemistry when learning the heightened reaction with heat and water
I have been using Primal Kitchen avocado spray to cook with for high temperatures. guess I need to change that. I use Bragg’s apple cider vinegar, so hopefully they’re as good as their olive oil.
Bill gates and a singer can’t remember her name bought out Braggs watched whole foods saying they had so many complaints that it’s not the same so whole foods taking them off shelf and getting another brand to sell (Kate Perry) was the singer
Can't remember why, but they're both bad. Neither of them are the healthy alternative to Teflon that they claim to be. Stainless steel with butter, tallow, or lard is the way to go. There's a learning curve to cooking that way in regards to timing, temperature, etc.
@@mattnieri1202 Ya I just stick with my plain stainless steel cookware but I do use that blue diamond coating nonstick egg skillet just for eggs. I think Gundry approved that one but I've had mine for a very long time.
Article *Olive Oils Tested for Toxic Phthalates - Buying Guide* by Mamavation May 2024 Because olive oil is a high-fat ingredient (and because phthalates are attracted to fat), it’s sensible to expect plastics used in the production of olive oil to be a contaminant issue just as they are with dairy.
Finding the RIGHT fat or oil to keep the engine (body) healthy is what makes us keep moving upright. Knowing that some can be detrimental, or even good for you will always baffle the mind that is stuck in his ways.
Why don’t you address milk in plastic bottles, butter wrapped in foil, meat packaged in plastic, and fruits and honey stored in plastic? These foods are always promoted even though they contain harmful substances, while everything else is criticized.
Probably because it’s hard to avoid that plastic packaging for most people whereas plastic water bottles or that kind of thing are way easier to cut out
@readysetreact1345 also solid foods in plastic will absorb less than liquids, especially water as he mentions, it's the oils that expediate the dissolution of pthalates into the foods we eat
when I stopped eating pork my knee pain stopped also=pigs have no sweat glands and retain all their toxins, why would I eat the fat around their kidneys?????
If you are a carnivore then you should not be buying any food in any store as all carnivores eat for free with the 8.7 million species of animals to choose from all free and zero grocery bill for life.
Isn't the reason you pour some oil on your "raw" salad because the stomach will keep the salad longer in itself so that stomach acid works longer on it so it produces less free radicals when the salad reaches the intestines? It's like having zero-fat milk that gets passed down from stomach quickly vs. whole milk that stays longer in stomach and gets digested better. Correct me if I'm wrong
Before you go any higher, let me explain to you that all olive oil is pressed with the pit in the fruit. The pit lets go of some juices..... just to let you know, I consider that also a seed oil. That's why I stick to lard, tallow, coconut oil, butter, ghee....
It looks to me like the bottle of California Olive oil, has the white label on the top above the regular label and would mean this is a blend and not the purer oil. Can you respond why you picked the blend? It is not pure.
Hello paul i’ve got a question im 14 lean and a soccer athlete in the 7th grade i had heart palpitations from too many processed foods and seed oils in my diet i’ve done various research and found animal based diet, over time my heart became significantly better however when I noticed i made sweet potato pancakes with only sweet potato’s and eggs and threw raw honey on them after a few days i started to feel some palpitations. Is this happening because my body hasn’t fully healed.
1) did you get an mRNA vax? 2) have you looked into the Lion Diet? It's supposed to be a temporary diet, for some half a year, for others 5 years before moving on to animal based. From what I've seen, it seems like the best thing for long term healing from many chronic conditions.
That is a ton of "sugar" between the sweet potato and honey .. you might be reacting like drinking a malt too fast (you know the brain freeze thing). I am gathering it goes away in a few hours once your sugar high leaves.
While your data may be accruate... Can you imagine the cost of foods if we no longer allowed packaging in "plastics"? You think we have inflation now... rofl it would pale in comparison to plastic packaging reduction for foods. .. Clever that you put your product infomercial at the end of your vid.
Wife and I are rendering down an entire cows worth of fat scraps. Just picked up our annual grass fed cow from the local farm. Clean tallow ready for the whole year!
Why is it bizarre when Avo's have alot of good fat in them and they're a food like Olives are a food ? There's all kinds of oils used, peanut, sesame, walnut, etc
@@sadmad1331 wait, so avocado oil is bizarre, but olive oil is not? And how about animal fats? Those are bizarre too. Just eat the fatty animal parts, why do you need oil/fat for cooking anyway? You can cook with water or dry heat.
@ Braggs was bought out by Katy perry and company a while ago, the quality of all the Bragg products has been altered and modified which causes it to no longer have the pure and nourishing effects it had when the Bragg family owned and hand crafted , wild harvested worthy products for healthy longevity. It’s celebrity owned = crappy ingredients for way too much money. It’s a Hard No for me.
Ok, but how many studies ACTUALLY SHOW that these toxins are 1 of the main reasons someone got sick? I'm talking about running tests on someone who IS sick and these chemicals may have contributed to the illness? It all seems like speculation to me.
Dont dismiss these studies. They are important to keep producers accountable and motivated to improve.
I'd like the PRICE to improve - 3 14oz jars of his Lineage beef tallow are $59. Hopefully Ghee is cheaper
He’s always buying meat packaged in plastic, raw milk packaged in plastic, kefir packaged in plastic, cheese packaged in plastic, the Irish butter is in plastic lined foil, lol, but you can’t buy anything ion plastic, lol
There was a recent documentary that Paul did about seed oils. In that documentary there was a lady that referenced a study the gave heart patients seed oils to detrimental effect. What they didnt mention is there was another group in the study they gave olive oil. That group also died to nearly the same extent as the seed oil group. It makes you think.
I would be curious if they controlled for fake/cheap olive oil. Animal fats are clearly the best, but I would expect single estate fresh olive oil to be healthier than seed oil.
@ good question. It was a very old test like from the 60s and I only had access to the summary.
Love! Love! Love! This video is amazing and sooooo informative! Thank you Paul. BTW
I've been carnivore for over a year now and I've lost 50 lbs and I'm thriving. Have a wonderful day!
That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing 💪🙏
Great vid....avoiding crap in our food is a full time job it seems.....
and becoming high profitable for those who have their own products to sell.
@@DangerZone-w6y You get what you pay for and you can find other sources once you have the knowIedge.
The concept of health in "The 23 Former Doctor Truths" book completely explains this. I wish I read it sooner
Thanks for sharing that Thomas
Im checking that book right now
Just discovered the organic grass-fed beef sticks I was eating might contain seed oil. I was eating the Archer organic beef sticks and they contain encapsulated citric acid which is either made of hydrogenated vegetable oil or maltodextrin (either ingredient is very bad). They also contain colored beef collagen casings that also can contain seed oil and not sure what they use for coloring, but I decided to get rid of what I had and will not buy again.
man what i eat those like every day i thought they were actually good
Applegate beef hot dogs fried in beef tallow way better and healthier
Why the Heick would you even eat those??? Eat a piece of meat, period!
OMG! Colored beef collagen casings can contain seed oil! Call the ambulance!
Try making your own beef jerky. You can either make in an oven or buy a dehydrator
Lucini and Bragg’s are excellent and both are from one source/country.
Braggs brand may not be as good as it once was since Katy Perry bought the company and started cutting corners on manufacturing to boost profit
@@bigstrongguy91 Fairchild is a good brand.
@@bigstrongguy91 That is exactly why I stopped using Bragg! Bragg's now dilute their vinegar with water! I use Fairchild's Vinegar which is not diluted so you get 100% vinegar that you can dilute yourself.
The only sad thing about animal fats like tallow becoming popular is companies coming out with severely over priced products. I recommend tallow to people but when i see the price for a small jar at $40.00 I kinda feel bad for doing so. Just like bone broth, ridiculously priced in the stores. At least up here in Canada. Fortunately I make my own🙏
You can get beef dripping in the uk for less than £3
@The_Mansion_ 🤠👍😋
Please do a video about which oils are most and least contaminated by pesticides next.
thank you for always learning and sharing!
I love hearing actual knowledgeable information, instead of corporate spun seed oil coping misinformation. From people who might be trying to good, but never look further than the surface.
I'm seriously about to build a Time Machine to go back to a time before they had plastic. Just watched a video of Bryan Johnsons about microplastics in everything. And then you. Why can't we come together and say no? It's convenience! Thanks Paul for brining this BS to light. Hopefully RFK Jr will help create some new industry regulations for production.
I concur!
Just make sure you don’t have any plastic in the time machine
Don’t cheap out on Time Machine parts
The body can clean these microplastics out if given the chance. Fasting and sweating should be regular practices.
Why? because people who benefit from people like you or me consuming these products don’t care and would never bat an eye to it. Money money 👍🏻💀
Excellent and thanks for sharing today
Just checked terra delyssa olive oil from Tunisia. Looks good
I would have loved to see the Kirkland brand of olive oil that is cold pressed and EVOO in the opaque plastic. You do a lot of shopping at Costco, kind of surprises me that it was not in there! Also, what about the Costco brand that is in the can from Italy or Spain?
I’m curious too!
Lard tallow and butter, there I've saved you time and money goodbye
Right? I’m surprised he’s not saying the same thing in this video…I know he used to. Like all the time.
Lard isn’t amazing, really high omega 6 to omega 3 ratio
Make sure it's grass fed and finished tallow, and for the lard good gosh pigs can eat ANYTHING, even Snickers bars AND the wrapper, so make sure you know EXACTLY what those hogs are eating.
You gave an answer with no explanation. Any teacher would give you an F for not showing your work. I think you may need to go back to school.
Paul has this intelligent but intense *unpredictability*....and it is fascinating.
I haven't used olive oil in a while, but my go to was California Olive Ranch, because it was guaranteed 100% olive oil, and from here in the US. It's very disappointing to find out it is high in phalates. I now use only grass fed butter, and I just bought some organic ghee to use for a multi day egg fast. I was also recently very disappointed to find out Redmond Real salt tested high in lead, so I have stopped using that, and switched to another brand, Colima, that tested extremely low in lead and other contaminants.
Where do you find Colima salt?
@@Nete-vb4xo REALLY ??,,you are here so you must be able to copy and paste to google or are you that lazy ?,,unreal
Just because its on Y T doesn't mean its true ,dont be a Y T sheep do your own homework
Excellent lab info and comparison. Do you have this data also for European Brands??
Pls just give us the brand of the best olive oil PLEASE.
None. All of them are RBD even the best choices like Chosen Foods.
Don’t eat it
Bertoli is very good and tested in germany every year for contermination. Don't know if you can get it in the USA.
@@URCRINGEwhat is rbd?
@@elizabethmeadows8751Refined, Bleached, & Deodorized
Lucini Organic Olive Oil is what I choose. Now I’m curious about their processing
Greece is home to some of the world's finest extra virgin olive oils, known for their exceptional quality and rich flavors. Top Greek brands include *Dimitri Unfiltered*, *Dr. Kavvadia Lianelia*, *Ena Ena PGI Olympia*, *Laconiko*, *Acaia Organic*, *Monogram Premium Organic*, *Kouzini*, and *Liokareas*. These oils are crafted with traditional methods, reflecting Greece's rich heritage and commitment to excellence in olive cultivation. Taste the essence of Greece with these award-winning olive oils! .... and we have more!!
Kinda off topic but does anyone know if hair oils are bad for you. My gf just got hair oil at the mall and it has soybean amd sunflower oil. Just curious if this is harmful
Just so you’re aware, you didn’t match the correct one for the California Olive Ranch, it shows it as 2,646 ppb…the one you stated was from O California brand
Great info Dr. Saladino
How about Rice Bran Oil
Please do a video on cold pressed seed oils
The problem with olive oil is that it used to be squeezed only from the pulp, but today it is also squeezed from the pit. Modern olive oil, like other vegetable oils, contains oxidizing and pro-inflammatory linoleic acids. Olive oil is the most frequently counterfeited product.
I've been into nutrition for about 14 years, around 7 years carnivore, tried various varieties, now doing pretty much the same version as you minus the dairy and still I keep learning new to me useful information when watching your videos. Thank you so much
I remember seeing someone making a video on making your own avocado oil, it seems very simple so I will try it out instead.
How do the waxes and coatings applied to the produce used to make these oils weigh in? I think many have abandoned using Apeel, but there are similar products out there.
Lucky to be born in Italy, we have some of the best olive oils
I had some olive oil the other day after weeks on my meat based elimination diet and was shocked to feel inflamed after consuming it. It was supposed to be 100% olive oil from Italy that I purchased at costco.
I use the Dittmans kalamata olive oil in glass. Wonder how good that is.
Kalamata is in Peloponese , Greece.My aunt has Greek origins and i know that Greek virgin oil especially from Peloponese and Crete( if poss,cold-pressed concentrated oil) is supreme. Solid A class+.
I switched to glass container olive oil for recycling issues. Bummer to learn they use plastic in the manufacturing. I would think metal would be more durable.
Single source organic cold-pressed olive oil in opaque glass.
“I’m not sure why you’re eating a salad” ??
Dr, what are your thoughts on melting Coconut for use in cooking?
Dude, do you know how expensive it is to eat raw, pasture raised, organic, non plastic food and water! Let me be ignorant! 😂
It's not that much more expensive, but it can be difficult - especially if you travel much or have to take clients out to lunches/dinners.
Still cheaper than the hospital bills….
It is fairly cheap when you cancel the overpriced medical insurance because you just simply don’t need the broken American healthcare system any longer.
Raw milk is expensive but you can do without it… other than that not much of a difference
Dr Paul what about Walnut oil for cooking?
Hello, Dr. Saladino. I'm not sure if you've covered this before, but what's your opinion on mayonnaise made with avocado oil? Are there any brands that you would recommend? Also, are there any mayonnaise brands that dont use plant oils, or something like coconut oil instead? Thanks.
The problem with most olive oil is, it contains a significant amount of seed oils. The FDA allows a certain percentage of olive oil to be cut with seed oils without having to show it in the ingredients. to buy 100% olive oil, you may have to import it from Italy or Spain, and it’s very expensive.
Spain is notorious for fake olive oils
Order straight from Greece or Italy, like I do
Ha, ha
Yeah. That's realistic.
Ha, ha
Yeah. That's realistic.
They have mafia too. They dilute the oil with other things too. Watch documentaries on olive oil wars and documentaries on US customs. We have local olive oil. Is best to consume our own oil.
If you live in Europe, then its not a problem to buy high quality evoo from an olive farm.
I've heard that this is a moot point since we are even inhaling microplastics these days. The latest studies show that even our brains are 0.05% plastic now, which is 50% higher than in 2016. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to avoid consuming or breathing in microplastic, so this is as futile as telling a heavy smoker to stop grilling steaks because it's bad for their lungs.
Why when talking about rapeseed oil is it always assumed that the oil will be heavily processed? In England you can buy cold pressed rapeseed oil in dark glass bottles everywhere since it grows abundantly here. Every spring the countryside is yellow with their flowers.
Just do the A-B test. Same for any food. The body won't lie to you.
rapeseed is canola oil and it is toxic the body! they used to use it to lubricate machinery-when they had a stockpile, they decided to market it as a healthy cooking oil-it is not-it is a long chain oil and the body needs medium chain oils!
Yes i have wondered about this too. What like to know what Paul says about cold pressed seed oils.
Glad you are quoting a study, with references. Do it more often.
Most Portuguese olive oils that i have found are only ~6% linoleic acid.
Will you comment on what you think about organic seed oil like I’ve seen organic sunflower oil in things? Also, what about palm oil or palm kernel oil? Are they equally bad?
What do you think about Jovial Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil?
Can you do a video on sparkling water? I’ve seen unsettling studies
Any link? I drink sparkling water sometimes because it has healthy minerals in it. Just make sure it has no sugar or anything else in it.
@ nah no link, I just saw that sparkling water was an endocrine disrupter.. I’m talking normal sparkling water like pellegrino or topo chico
What is your opinion about Cold Wood Pressed Mustard Oil for eating?
great video, content so prefect
What about tin containers?
It leeches into the liquid inside as well, but don't let that stop you, unless you're consuming a big portion on a daily avarage. Maintaining proper diet health allows your body to naturally remove toxins from your body at a good rate daily, what matters is how you treat your body.
Thank you.
Nah brah
Most have a thin layer of plastic inside the can
Hey Paul, what shirt is that? Looks fantastic on you and I want one now :0
What if I buy a tub of lard or tallow? How much pthalates?
Tallow and lard stored in glass containers should be safe!
Thanks Paul 🙂
Oh, I thank you so much. I’ve been getting the wrong olive oil. The one in the middle that is.
How about organic cold pressed coconut oil doc?
Glass jars and bottles, ANYWHERE you possibly can
Thank you so! For that amount of & depth of consideration. If only we all heeded our high school chemistry when learning the heightened reaction with heat and water
I recently learned about Moresh olive oil. What do you think about that brand?
I have been using Primal Kitchen avocado spray to cook with for high temperatures. guess I need to change that. I use Bragg’s apple cider vinegar, so hopefully they’re as good as their olive oil.
Bill gates and a singer can’t remember her name bought out Braggs watched whole foods saying they had so many complaints that it’s not the same so whole foods taking them off shelf and getting another brand to sell (Kate Perry) was the singer
Bragg's dilute their ACV in water. Don't get it. Get Fairchilds ACV.
DITTO what Colleen says
Why do you only sell the tallow in 3 packs?
Which animal fat do you think is best to season cast iron pans? Most chefs recommend using oils to season like rice bran oil (apparently GMO free)
I don't know what's "best" but lard works just fine for me
Wondering if dr. Gundrys' olive oil was tested?
I don't know anything about tallow, but can we find it in H.E.B. or any other local stores, in Austin, for instance?
What is H.E.B. ? I can't stand it when macho man-cave buddies of Paul Saladino are using abbreviations Now, what in the f*** is HEB ?
Is olive oil ok to use for baking in the oven?
Are those "copper" non-stick pans dangerous? How about the "white" coated non stick pans?
Can't remember why, but they're both bad. Neither of them are the healthy alternative to Teflon that they claim to be.
Stainless steel with butter, tallow, or lard is the way to go. There's a learning curve to cooking that way in regards to timing, temperature, etc.
@@mattnieri1202 Ya I just stick with my plain stainless steel cookware but I do use that blue diamond coating nonstick egg skillet just for eggs. I think Gundry approved that one but I've had mine for a very long time.
ceramic coated are better than teflon
@@mattnieri1202 AND cast iron.
@@sadmad1331 with S.S. preheat your pan properly before adding the butter, ghee, lard or tallow, use a lower heat also. Eggs don't stick.
What about coconut oil, good to use or not?
Cold pressed coconut oil is fine, just watch the heat. My go to when making popcorn, drenched in grass-fed butter. :))
@@hanko5750 cold pressed yes!that's what i also know.
Article *Olive Oils Tested for Toxic Phthalates - Buying Guide* by Mamavation May 2024
Because olive oil is a high-fat ingredient (and because phthalates are attracted to fat), it’s sensible to expect plastics used in the production of olive oil to be a contaminant issue just as they are with dairy.
Please do a video with Dr. Mike
I wonder about raw honey in plastic? Seems it is more of a problem with oil
He said nothing in plastic
I only buy honey I glass
There is definitely a risk, I wouldn’t buy honey stored in plastic…
What brand of EVOO do you consume?
Imma have a nice big bowl of air eaten with an air fork from an air bowl with air seasonings washed down with air water from an air glass.
air is contaminated, planet Earth=don't breathe, eat or drink and you'll be fine, dead but fine!
Wrong, today’s air is contaminated with greenhouse gasses. Better to use a filter first. Stay safe 🫡
Cant have nothing 😂
Where is the link to that, "recent independent analysis"?
Paul, what about meats wrapped in plastic? Will the meat contain Phthalates?
Finding the RIGHT fat or oil to keep the engine (body) healthy is what makes us keep moving upright.
Knowing that some can be detrimental, or even good for you will always baffle the mind that is stuck in his ways.
Why don’t you address milk in plastic bottles, butter wrapped in foil, meat packaged in plastic, and fruits and honey stored in plastic? These foods are always promoted even though they contain harmful substances, while everything else is criticized.
He has and does always say to avoid anything in plastic.
Probably because it’s hard to avoid that plastic packaging for most people whereas plastic water bottles or that kind of thing are way easier to cut out
Now you fucked it up for all of us. I guess I gotta go hunt and butcher it myself.
@readysetreact1345 also solid foods in plastic will absorb less than liquids, especially water as he mentions, it's the oils that expediate the dissolution of pthalates into the foods we eat
He has done but its impossible to cut it out completely so just do your best.
Does tallow, butter or ghee contain phthalates?
From the site you were referencing a lot of the oils that had the lowest amount of phalates were in plastic containers. Why is that?
What are your thoughts on pork lard ? It’s commonly used in Mexican cuisine
It’s used in England too. Most traditional bakeries use it to make both sweet and savoury products.
All depends on what they feed the pigs. In Mexico I wouldn't rely on it unless you know exactly what they eat.
Whatever the case, it's better than any vegetable (or fruit) oil.
when I stopped eating pork my knee pain stopped also=pigs have no sweat glands and retain all their toxins, why would I eat the fat around their kidneys?????
@@ThePallidor doesn't matter-I know Mexicans who will not eat pork, yuk!
If you are a carnivore then you should not be buying any food in any store as all carnivores eat for free with the 8.7 million species of animals to choose from all free and zero grocery bill for life.
They’re eating the dogs……they’re the cats….
Isn't the reason you pour some oil on your "raw" salad because the stomach will keep the salad longer in itself so that stomach acid works longer on it so it produces less free radicals when the salad reaches the intestines? It's like having zero-fat milk that gets passed down from stomach quickly vs. whole milk that stays longer in stomach and gets digested better. Correct me if I'm wrong
Oh no, he's going through the AirBNB Cooking Cabinets. It's over for them
So Is Bragg the best mainstream olive oil?
So I'm confused, just buy cold pressed in gren or brown bottles right???
Before you go any higher, let me explain to you that all olive oil is pressed with the pit in the fruit. The pit lets go of some juices..... just to let you know, I consider that also a seed oil.
That's why I stick to lard, tallow, coconut oil, butter, ghee....
The pit is usually removed except in bog standard brands.
It looks to me like the bottle of California Olive oil, has the white label on the top above the regular label and would mean this is a blend and not the purer oil. Can you respond why you picked the blend? It is not pure.
Hello paul i’ve got a question im 14 lean and a soccer athlete in the 7th grade i had heart palpitations from too many processed foods and seed oils in my diet i’ve done various research and found animal based diet, over time my heart became significantly better however when I noticed i made sweet potato pancakes with only sweet potato’s and eggs and threw raw honey on them after a few days i started to feel some palpitations. Is this happening because my body hasn’t fully healed.
1) did you get an mRNA vax?
2) have you looked into the Lion Diet? It's supposed to be a temporary diet, for some half a year, for others 5 years before moving on to animal based. From what I've seen, it seems like the best thing for long term healing from many chronic conditions.
@ thank you i might give this one insight or lower my carbohydrate intake i haven’t gotten an mrna vax
That is a ton of "sugar" between the sweet potato and honey .. you might be reacting like drinking a malt too fast (you know the brain freeze thing). I am gathering it goes away in a few hours once your sugar high leaves.
@ yeah it goes away
@ i got a question why does paul say that sugar won’t affect you from fruit and honey
In Sweden only 2 out of 10 of the most sold was actually EVO.
3 out of 10 wasn't even olive oil
5 out of 10 was olive oil, but not extra virgin.
While your data may be accruate... Can you imagine the cost of foods if we no longer allowed packaging in "plastics"? You think we have inflation now... rofl it would pale in comparison to plastic packaging reduction for foods. .. Clever that you put your product infomercial at the end of your vid.
Wife and I are rendering down an entire cows worth of fat scraps. Just picked up our annual grass fed cow from the local farm. Clean tallow ready for the whole year!
Is it the plastic that’s the palate issue and these oils naturally don’t have them but if they sit in plastic they do?
So what's the best extra virgin olive oil to buy?
i wonder what the consensus is on duck fat... makes for great roast potatoes 😂
The idea of avocado oil is utterly bizarre. Just EAT the whole, unprocessed avocado and cook in ANIMAL fat.
Why is it bizarre when Avo's have alot of good fat in them and they're a food like Olives are a food ? There's all kinds of oils used, peanut, sesame, walnut, etc
@@sadmad1331 wait, so avocado oil is bizarre, but olive oil is not? And how about animal fats? Those are bizarre too. Just eat the fatty animal parts, why do you need oil/fat for cooking anyway? You can cook with water or dry heat.
How do you get company’s to get away from using plastic when dealing with olive oil ?
No Braggs for me.
Why no Braggs?
@ Braggs was bought out by Katy perry and company a while ago, the quality of all the Bragg products has been altered and modified which causes it to no longer have the pure and nourishing effects it had when the Bragg family owned and hand crafted , wild harvested worthy products for healthy longevity. It’s celebrity owned = crappy ingredients for way too much money. It’s a Hard No for me.
Woah they even poisoning the olive oil
Ok, but how many studies ACTUALLY SHOW that these toxins are 1 of the main reasons someone got sick?
I'm talking about running tests on someone who IS sick and these chemicals may have contributed to the illness?
It all seems like speculation to me.
I consume Bryan Johnsons Olive oil brand. I dont cook with it. I just do 1 tablespoon raw after dinner.