Zelo dobro na vsaki žurki vas poslušamo najboljša muska enkrat smo ta komat poslušal od 22ure do 6ure zjutraj saj skoraj celotno že znam na pamet še tako naprej...💪💪💪😁😁😁✌✌🔥
Hi Jordi! ⏩ You will be home again... Your mother is really a strict lady... But I should be alone I wait long evenings for you in vain... Because dad is worrying you and mom is controlling you... They worry about when their daughter will be at home... That storks over the farm They don't take off any time soon From the nest where we sometimes meet Ooo yes, yes, yes, (yes yes) but the storks are already flying from the sky, aah. Ooo yes, yes, yes, (yes yes) but the storks are already flying from the sky, aah. You will be at home again... Your mother is really a strict lady But I should be alone I wait long evenings for you in vain.. Because dad is worrying you and mom is controlling you... They worry about when their daughter will be at home... 🎶That storks over the farm... They don't take off any time soon from the nest where we sometimes meet Ooo yes, yes, yes, (yes yes) but the storks are already flying from the sky, aah. Ooo yes, yes, yes, (yes yes) but the storks are already flying from the sky, aah. Ooh yes, yes, yes (Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, heeey) Because dad is worrying you and mom is controlling you .. 🎶🎶🎶They worry about when their daughter will be home That storks over the farm They don't take off any time soon From the nest where we sometimes meet Ooo yes, yes, yes, (yes yes) but the storks are already flying from the sky, aah. Ooo yes, yes, yes, (woo-woo) but the storks are already flying from the sky, aah. Ooo yes, yes, yes, (hey hey) but the storks are already flying from the sky, aah. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, heeey But the storks are already flying from the sky, aah. (Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, heeey) But the storks are already flying from the sky, aah.
Spet boš doma tvoja mama res je stroga gospa A jaz pa naj sam dolge večere te čakam zaman Ker ata te sekira in mama te nadzira skrbi ju kdaj bo njuna hčerka doma da štorklje nad kmetijo prekmalu ne vzletijo iz gnezda kjer se včasih dobiva midva aaaaa.... a štorklje že letijo z neba aaaaa.... a štorklje že letijo z neba Spet boš doma tvoja mama res je stroga gospa A jaz pa naj sam dolge večere te čakam zaman Ker ata te sekira in mama te nadzira skrbi ju kdaj bo njuna hčerka doma da štorklje nad kmetijo prekmalu ne vzletijo iz gnezda kjer se včasih dobiva midva aaaaa.... a štorklje že letijo z neba aaaaa.... a štorklje že letijo z neba
Najboljši komat na svetu 😊 celega že znam na pamet
Kdaj bojo spet kake veselice...kak jih pogresam...v noc smo ga zurali😭😭😭😭💔💔💔
Beneski fantje
Zelo dobro na vsaki žurki vas poslušamo najboljša muska enkrat smo ta komat poslušal od 22ure do 6ure zjutraj saj skoraj celotno že znam na pamet še tako naprej...💪💪💪😁😁😁✌✌🔥
No to je bil pa potem THE ŽUR ;)
Besedilo lih ni težko za si zapomniti
A mate kkšno viška fantje :)
Zelo odlično👍🏻
Slovenija moj doma
POLKAHOLIKI Rebolj Nika 4.3. 2000 15.53 PUSTNA SOBOTA Ljubljana 15.53
top. sloga in fehtarji ni bolsega. johnyy... kar tako naprej..
Močna skupina so💪💪💪
MAgyarként perfekt , Ti vagytok a legjobbak :D :D
Najboljša pesem na svetu zelo jo imamo radi💘💯👍⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐🏆🏆
Najča pesn
Prav dobr komad. Gre v uho. Nice! 👍😎😎😎❤☻
ressss lepaaa skladba za usesa
super pesem fantje🤙
Fehtarji zelo dober komad
Drugač je priredba od Čukov, se prav boljša verzija 😉😂😂
Najjaci komad
Ful dobra pesem 😎❤️
svaka cast fantje zelo dobro opravljeno #zmaj
Wow lepo👍😁
Hvala uuu
SuPeR komad in spot :D
Zelo dobra peaem
Zgodba najima
to je to
Lep komad
Zelo rada jih poslusam
Dont understand what theye sing but, I LOVE IT😍😍😍
Thank you so much! :)
@@Fehtarji I Am a big FAN😉 the songs are on REPEAT!!!
Hi Jordi! ⏩
You will be home again... Your mother is really a strict lady... But I should be alone I wait long evenings for you in vain... Because dad is worrying you and mom is controlling you... They worry about when their daughter will be at home...
That storks over the farm They don't take off any time soon From the nest where we sometimes meet Ooo yes, yes, yes, (yes yes) but the storks are already flying from the sky, aah. Ooo yes, yes, yes, (yes yes) but the storks are already flying from the sky, aah.
You will be at home again... Your mother is really a strict lady But I should be alone I wait long evenings for you in vain.. Because dad is worrying you and mom is controlling you... They worry about when their daughter will be at home...
🎶That storks over the farm... They don't take off any time soon from the nest where we sometimes meet Ooo yes, yes, yes, (yes yes) but the storks are already flying from the sky, aah.
Ooo yes, yes, yes, (yes yes) but the storks are already flying from the sky, aah.
Ooh yes, yes, yes (Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, heeey)
Because dad is worrying you and mom is controlling you
.. 🎶🎶🎶They worry about when their daughter will be home That storks over the farm They don't take off any time soon From the nest where we sometimes meet Ooo yes, yes, yes, (yes yes) but the storks are already flying from the sky, aah. Ooo yes, yes, yes, (woo-woo) but the storks are already flying from the sky, aah. Ooo yes, yes, yes, (hey hey) but the storks are already flying from the sky, aah. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, heeey But the storks are already flying from the sky, aah. (Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, heeey) But the storks are already flying from the sky, aah.
K kljuko l
moram priznati da je v videospotu zelo zelo lep traktor. LP
Odlocno dobri komadi
Oo, kok ste fajn! 😁
Hvala Eva ;)
Vi ste danes v Kuprivnici vi ste NAJAČI
mi smo fehtarji kr fehtamo za fuk oujea
Very nice
Zelo dobra pesem
legende ste
Super pesem❤
Ful dobra pesem.... TALENT🎉
pesem je od čukov
cool !
Bravo čuki
niso čuki no nehaj (poberi se čim dlje)
Super pesem
kva rečejo na začetk? a je: en, dva rojstn dan?
al je jen dva js sm za
Mislim da ne🤔
jen dva wosemnajst ;)
Ne ampak rečejo sej si luštna sam konc je
Euro he_haw
Koncn dobra priredba od čukov
Takih finih bejb pa že doug nismo vidl u štal hahah
Tak je bil namen. in pravijo, da pridejo še nazaj :)
ehhh tota se niti vedla nebi kuga je bk pa kuga je krava
kdo rab punco ce mas pa apnco
L p zlxpKxckzodckodsdcopkokPkDkpk z mko kMkkKJMZZMJnjNNJ NOAPLADPLCDLPCLPSDCLPDC.PD
., zz. ,l m,c. D xmlf
@@MrDejwid1988 ja se strinjam
Jeff sef hsgfhdg
Gaga teh FDV hg hdhdv
Tau bo tau
odličen komad
Kupim strjaka iz videospota
je moja za 1200 ti jo dam
@@benjaminsajn1719 dam 600€
Kolk Štorklj Je Nosilo V Letu 2020/2021?
Upamo da čim več :P
@@Fehtarji Pr nam je že enga prnesla v novembru :)
Lep John deer in tomos
Cool pesem
štorkle letijo z neba?
Spet boš doma
tvoja mama res je stroga gospa
A jaz pa naj sam
dolge večere te čakam zaman
Ker ata te sekira
in mama te nadzira
skrbi ju kdaj bo njuna hčerka doma
da štorklje nad kmetijo
prekmalu ne vzletijo
iz gnezda kjer se včasih
dobiva midva
aaaaa.... a štorklje že
letijo z neba
aaaaa.... a štorklje že letijo z neba
Spet boš doma
tvoja mama res je stroga gospa
A jaz pa naj sam
dolge večere te čakam zaman
Ker ata te sekira
in mama te nadzira
skrbi ju kdaj bo njuna hčerka doma
da štorklje nad kmetijo
prekmalu ne vzletijo
iz gnezda kjer se včasih
dobiva midva
aaaaa.... a štorklje že
letijo z neba
aaaaa.... a štorklje že letijo z neba
Veselice 2020 :( upam, da se vidimo
2021 here we come
Krinka bar Vam čestita za dober komad😁
Hvala lepa! :)
Čudoviti ste lepa pesem ...
Fejkate za Čuki
Ja ja pa se je iz štirko odpelo😂😂
a ni to Marjanca :O
John deere-edini traktor v katerega lahko prideš tudi z desne strani lol.
Od ravencanov
za moj rojstni dan ste dali ven toto pesem
To v zacetku je anp6….
A ta soft pornografija naj bi bila narodno-zabavna glasba?
Rečejo en dva js sm za
15.8 2023
kr tko naprej se s tomosi gont
Carska pesem ni bolše😊
dobra pejsm
Apn 6 ahahaha
Vaznu da je joan deree
Kaj vi ste sposobni narediti kateri svoj komad?Ali se samo šlepate na druge komade
Tomislav ivvoc
A vi mislte,da so štorkle riti????!!!???
daj ugasn tto stirko ko ti bo tak razpadla
Lučke su stvarno OK al ovo ostalo ... jbg kad za pare radiš onda je na silu