"The Appearance of my Root Guru in a Dream" by Khenpo Karten Rinpoche

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
  • (www.khenpokarte...)
    I dreamt of my root guru, Kyabje Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche whose kindness is immeasurable. In my dream, he seemed frail and small, his face brightly lit with a smile, adorned with a red robe and a Dhakpo meditation hat. The place felt like my home town in Tibet, and it was filled with flowers. Rinpoche was with about 100-200 of his followers, and at that instant, my heart was filled with immeasurable joy. He held a vajra and bell in his hands and was chanting and blessing the place. As the prayers concluded, all his followers received blessings as he placed the vajra and bell on their heads. I also followed in line to receive his blessing with my head bowed and hands folded at my heart. He placed the vajra on my head and then looked straight at me intently and said,
    “Persevere in practice, be patient with students and followers and tame your mind. Do not adopt or get rid of anything but be mindful at all times. There is nothing other than this to meditate upon.”
    When I woke up around 5 a.m., my heart was filled with a sense of joy that I had never experienced before. It was almost unbelievable and I couldn’t tell if it was in fact, a dream or real. I felt extremely fortunate, as if pulled out from the dirt of samsara by my guru. He is the very reason for whatever I am today.

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