What Kind of Messiah Are The Jews Waiting For? | WRETCHED

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ความคิดเห็น • 51

  • @GMS370
    @GMS370 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You get my sub 🤣‼️

  • @bvon5630
    @bvon5630 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Some Jews will be sucked in by the antichrist who will come in peace, be the political ruler of the world, and rebuild the temple under his 7 year peace covenant. But Jesus, the true messiah, doesn’t return until just before Armageddon,
    Revelation 16:
    15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
    That’s the last warning of Jesus for his return, and then in the next verse is Armageddon when he returns;
    16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

  • @teresacastillo1783
    @teresacastillo1783 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    bring peace animals alive together❤

  • @oekmama
    @oekmama 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thanks Todd, I’ve often asked myself the same question

  • @bobbicatt
    @bobbicatt 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I pray that Jews re-think all this.Jesus did all the things that the Jews say the messiah would do. Could it be that the Jews in charge back then didn’t want their power and money affected ? Jesus was perfect, he was a sacrificial lamb who died for our sins. I feel the Jews of today are being mislead.

    • @pakkarim
      @pakkarim 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      They are zionists, who claimed to be children of Israel.

    • @TPNZ8888
      @TPNZ8888 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Jesus was a Jew. And Jesus did not bring world peace in case you haven't notice...

    • @yvonnegordon1952
      @yvonnegordon1952 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Judaism has nothing to do with Christianity, which is Assyria (a step to happiness) in the first 39 books of the Bible. Isaiah 19 explains how God uses Assyria to be the work of his hands just like the NT explains, Christ is the workmanship of God, to FORM ISRAEL out of Egypt, his people. Israel is only a reality when the SOUL comes out of the nations, hence there are no NATURAL Israelites, because even if a person who becomes Israel has a child, that child also has to BE JOINED TO GOD by Assyria (Gods workmanship to move from the nations to Israel):
      Those who try to say that Israel is a nation without being JONED TO GOD, are not telling the truth:
      Isa 19:25 Whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance.
      It even says God gave Egypt a RANSOM for Israel, meaning he gave the first birth (that died so the soul could live) a ransom for the soul to come up and out of the flesh and blood birth.
      Isa 43:3 For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia (black) and Seba (seven) for thee.
      The things that are happening in the world today is because the Abrahamic religions have never known peace, never knew Jesus or the Father: These people may believe in the Messiah (Jew or Christian or even Muslim) but only those who are PEACEMAKERS actually "MET" Messiah and where do we meet him? 2 Thess 1:10,. He is revealed in his saints, I Cor 15, every man in his own order, Mark 4, Joh 16, when he is born through their heart. I don't know why this isn't known yet because it is written all over the place, but they don't know it because they don't have ANY FRAME OF REFERENCE FOR IT.
      everything written about Jesus is absolutely true but none of it is OUTSIDE OF YOU: It says WE (us, ourselves) are baptized into Jesus name, so Jesus is born through our heart (not physically but spiritually) and he raises our consciousness to God: Jesus is a Greek name given to the story of REGENERATION of our own soul, but if you only believe in him and "NEVER COME TO KNOW HIM" then you are only mentally assenting that he existed, instead of confessing that he is MADE FLESH through YOUR HEART (desire):
      1Co 15:45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.
      Jesus is a personal experience every soul must have to SEE with the SPIRITUAL EYE that is above the two physical eyes: A HIGHER VIEW of life. When Jesus rises, it is within us and this is OUR resurrection through our heart (Stone rolled away) but Jews are said to have stony hearts because they don't give birth to Jesus: The Bible explains he is the ROCK Moses got the living water from (THE ANOINTING that rises to our stone/Pineal gland) to bring that higher resurrection knowledge that saves us from our lower animate consciousness:
      Jews bind the law on this place on their forehead where he is REVEALED in a vision when the ANOINTING OIL reaches this place of the skull: This gives you the arm of the LORD (God) revealed because it removes the left brain consciousness (the left temple) which is the ego consciousness, to give you God consciousness that must come to BOTH TEMPLES that are destroyed when Christ RISES IN YOU:
      Most people walking around today have not had this experience but I have so I know its true:

    • @Tyson13797
      @Tyson13797 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@TPNZ8888 not yet no but he will but you won't see it

    • @TPNZ8888
      @TPNZ8888 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The thirf coming? ​@@Tyson13797

  • @willleonhardt3827
    @willleonhardt3827 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Gidian saw god n thot he was going die until god said don't be scared.

  • @hglundahl
    @hglundahl 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    According to Rivon Krygier, among other things, they wait for a Messiah to fulfil Isaias 11.
    The funny thing is, Jesus already did that. The very early Church had two local Churches in the very first time of expansion. Jerusalem had been going for some time since Pentecost. Samaria was next, before whereever the Candace was. Was there envy between Jerusalem and Samaria? No.
    // And the envy of Ephraim shall be taken away, and the enemies of Juda shall perish: Ephraim shall not envy Juda, and Juda shall not fight against Ephraim. //
    Verses 11 and 12 already fulfilled in Acts 2.
    Has this fulfilment been cancelled? No. Christian Palestinians are still here to this very day. The logic some Israelis use to prove they never existed as a people actually proves they were a demilitarised people. Precisely according to prophecies enumerated by Tovia Singer. Some of them involve a word of peace going out. Some of them involve God's power over the nations.
    The Catholic Church has fulfilled both these prophecies. Take a look at Medieval Italy, I'll quote two works by GKC on two Medieval Italians :
    // War had broken out between Assisi and Perugia. It is now fashionable to say in a satirical spirit that such wars did not so much break out as to go on idefinitely between the city states of medieval Italy. It will be enough to say here that if one of those medieval wars had really gone on without stopping for a century, it might possibly have come within a remote distance of killing as many people as we kill in a year, in one of our great modern scientific wars between our great modern industrial empires. But the citizens of the medieval republic were certainly under the limitation of only being asked to die for the things with which they had always lived, the house they inhabited, the shrines they venerated and the rulers and representatives they new; and had not the larger vision calling for them to die for the latest rumours about remote colonies as reported in anonymous newspapers. And if we infer from our own experience that war paralyzed civilization, we must at least admit that these warring towns turned out a number of paralytics who go by the names of Dante and Michael Angelo, Ariosto and Titian, Leonardo and Columbus, not to mention Catherine of Siena and the subject of this story. While we lament all this local patriotism as a hubbub of the Dark Ages, it must seem a rather curious fact that about three quarters of the greatest men who ever lived came out of these little towns and were often engaged in these little wars. It remains to be seen what will ultimately come out of our large towns; but there has been no sign of anything of this sort since they became large; and I have sometimes been haunted by a fancy of my youth, that these things will not come till there is a city wall around Clapham and the tocsin is rung at night to arm the citizens of Wimbledon.
    ... The crown of Sicily, a considerable centre of controversy at the time, was apparently claimed by a certain Gauthier de Brienne, and the Papal cause to aid which Gauthier was called in aroused enthusiasm among a number of young Assisians, including Francis, who proposed to march into Apulia on the count's behalf; perhaps his French name had something to do with it. For it must never be forgotten that though that world was in one sense a world of little things, it was a world of little things concerned with great things. There was more internationalism in the lands dotted with tiny republics than in the huge homogeneous impenetrable national divisions of to-day. The legal authority of the Assisian magistrates might hardly reach further than a bow-shot from their high embattled city walls. But their sympathies might be with the ride of the Normans through Sicily or the palace of the Troubadours at Toulouse; with the Emperor throned in the German forests or the great Pope dying in the exile of Salerno. Above all, it must be remembered that when the interests of an age are mainly religious they must be universal. Nothing can be more universal than the universe. And there are several things about the religious position at that particular moment which modern people not unnaturally fail to realise. For one thing, modern people naturally think of people so remote as ancient people, and even early people. We feel vaguely that these things happened in the first ages of the Church. The Church was already a good deal more than a thousand years old. That is, the Church was then rather older than France is now, a great deal older than England is now. And she looked old then; almost as old as she does now; possibly older than she does now. The Church looked like great Charlemagne with the long white beard, who had already fought a hundred wars with the heathen, and in the legend was bidden by an angel to go forth and fight once more though he was two thousand years old. ...
    Nevertheless, there is a queer quality in that time; which, while it was international was also internal and intimate. War, in the wide modern sense, is possible, not because more men disagree, but because more men agree. Under the peculiarly modern coercions, such as Compulsory Education and Conscription, there are such very large peaceful areas, that they can all agree upon War. In that age men disagreed even about war; and peace might break out anywhere. Peace was interrupted by feuds and feuds by pardons. //
    Was it Zachary 9 that Tovia Singer mentioned? FULFILLED.

  • @Tyson13797
    @Tyson13797 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The king of heaven open your eyes isreal

  • @Zahavagold1167
    @Zahavagold1167 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    No we do not need a God Man! There is one God not 2

    • @KeepingWatch95
      @KeepingWatch95 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Has this Messiah in Jeremiah came yet?
      _Jeremiah 23:5 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth._
      _Jeremiah 23:6 In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS._
      The two English words in Jeremiah 23:6 “THE LORD” had been translated from the single Hebrew word יְהֹוָה which is of course the Jewish national name of God. (The one and only true God, the Hebrew God)
      Has this Messiah, in whom's name will be called יְהֹוָה _"YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS"_ came yet? Or should we wait?

  • @soldierofchrist1250
    @soldierofchrist1250 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    He needs to read OT just as he needs a haircut

  • @pissanukatika3720
    @pissanukatika3720 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Mashiach will emerge with authority , spiritual power,miracles,prestige and might.

    • @bobbicatt
      @bobbicatt 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It’s exactly what Jesus came and did. I find it odd that Jesus wasn’t accepted with all the miracles and wonders. Jesus was perfect and became the sacrificial lamb. Could it be that the Jews in charge back then did not want their money & power taken away and were threatened?
      Also, where is the verse saying that Jesus would be born of humans on Earth? I love Jews, I just wonder if they got it wrong. ? I mean how many thousands of years have to pass before your messiah comes ?

    • @pissanukatika3720
      @pissanukatika3720 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@bobbicatt Christian’s 27 books in the New Testament writing about Jesus are fake,forged and fabricated,full of lies,fables,forgery,fallacies,counterfeit and falsification.

    • @psalm2764
      @psalm2764 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@bobbicatt Messiah had disciples who were gathered by Him supernaturally - read Jeremiah 46.16, Isaiah 11.11., Ezekiel 11.17, Ezekiel 27, John 12.20-24.

  • @Christians0105
    @Christians0105 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Supporting verse please ? Because Jesus Christ born and died is written in Old Testament..

    • @YungGreazyBoi
      @YungGreazyBoi 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yall also say the Trinity is in the old testement. But only trinitarians can see it.

  • @sateeshkumartippagari
    @sateeshkumartippagari 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Very clear as king david and more jewish seeking to live with no work no holy no problem they want everything in simple way without work and it has to come simple way what they wanted everything has to come in very simple ways to them this what they wanted.

    • @Tyson13797
      @Tyson13797 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      In simple ways in simple ways simple

  • @ammarturky5402
    @ammarturky5402 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    God is one, God isn't human. if you're gonna pray to Jesus cuz of his mircales, you might as well pray to Moses for splitting the sea with his stick, Or maybe to Noah, for building his vessel in the middle of desert after being told by God that the flood is coming. Or Maybe Solomon for all the powers God has given him, Or maybe to Abraham for surviving the flame they threw him into. All Prophets had mircales, However, people should take their messages and believe, not worship 'em.

  • @harmar4181
    @harmar4181 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Isn't it clear that God himself gave a commandment that He is the only God and we shall not have other Gods besides him? Jesus cannot be called Messiah if he's God cause Messiah means God's annointed one. It doesn't make sense that God will annoint him if they are actually the same one God. One more thing, why would God the Father say that to Jesus all authority was given? is that only for a show? if he was God and of equal level as God the father then why would he be given authority as if he doesn't have it before? and who will give it to him if noone was higher than him. correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the reason why God is giving Jesus all authority because he has proven himself that he remained obidient even to his death, a thing that Adam (the only perfect person to walk on earth prior to Jesus) failed to do. And because Adam failed to obey, sin came into the world and the only way to counter or reverse is thru another perfect man, another Adam, Jesus. He does what Adam failed to do, he became obedient to pay for the sins that Adam caused. Jesus never said he was God nor God said the he was equal to him..The concept of trinity wasn't in the bible, it's a human doctrine that was decided upon by few individuals. How can we trust popes and bishops decision when we know that their very foundation was a lie, to them Peter was the first Pope in Rome and his body was buried in Vatican, but the reality is that Peter was never been to Rome at all, it was Paul who went to Rome. History tells us that the purpose of Emperor Constantine for founding his Roman church was to reunite his empire, so he combined the real Christians with Pagans who were at that time worshipping the sun as their god with their feast being the last week of December. He confuses the people between their Sun God and Son of God and he made them believed that it's the Son of God that they were worshipping but in reality it was the Sun God. That is why the holiest item in every catholic church was that golden cross with sun rays all over. in their depiction of Jesus, Mary and their saints, there's always this round thing around their heads with run rays. in order to continue with their pagan festivals during december, they declared the feast of their Sun God to be the birthday of Son of God, something that isn't biblical at all. according to the bible Jesus was born in a manger because at that time the animals were outside and that's why that night of his birth, an angel appeared to the shepherd which were outside with their flocks to tell them about birth of the savior, clearly it cannot be winter as shepherd won't stay outside during winter especially at night time, they won't bring the animals out during winter which will make it hard for Mary to find an empty manger to stay.

  • @NewB_12
    @NewB_12 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    What's with all the walking around? And why so arrogant?

    • @bonitajanssen745
      @bonitajanssen745 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Donald Johann Drumpf 666

    • @magaman6353
      @magaman6353 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Ridiculous criticism.

  • @Zahavagold1167
    @Zahavagold1167 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Baalim. Yes the Christian Greco Roman Story is Baal. And Jesus was never and never called Immanuel in the New Testament

  • @shukrullorahimov5893
    @shukrullorahimov5893 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Is antichrist their waiting for

    • @avyamine6355
      @avyamine6355 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      True as Muslim we believe that Jews speech about Messiah coming is true.however is not a good one he s a lier who's gonna have a power offered by god and he s gonna hurt people except only whose believe in him

  • @sallymcmurray949
    @sallymcmurray949 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    My only issue with this is your condescending attitude that is not Christ-like.

    • @oekmama
      @oekmama 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yeah, it’s supposed to be funny but it’s not quite…

  • @espositogregory
    @espositogregory 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This man’s arguments are terrible.
    1. There is only one God. No other share his glory or stand on his face.
    2. Human sacrifices are the worst way to honor God. Sacrificing God is impossible, but the hubris to claim to have killed God is terrible as well.
    3. Christ may have been sinless, as well as holy. However, there is no reason to believe the Messiah is going to be God, nor that God will become a man. When a person acts blamelessly, they are a true Son of God, and embody the spirit of God. To see them is to see God, but only through the human mirroring of righteousness.
    4. God himself says in many places “Following the Laws are NOT too hard to do!” That he has NO5 given these laws beyond our ability. Reject the sin-loving notion that none can prove righteous but God. He begs us to live without transgression. We CAN, and in leu of succeeding this, repent and turn away from sin.

    • @wickmaani116
      @wickmaani116 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      my guy you DONT KNOW WHAT GOD MEANS, God is a nature, there are three beings who all have the qualities of God, they work as one God, its not three different Gods bro, and no amount of animals sacrifice an cover our sins

    • @wickmaani116
      @wickmaani116 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      u didnt even listen to the video, your heart is hardened

    • @psalm2764
      @psalm2764 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You can present your case against the Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world, at the Judgement.

  • @David6.3
    @David6.3 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    People forget, or didn’t pay attention. Jesus told us who the Jews are waiting on, their father is not ours. Why do you think they wanted him dead? He was NOT speaking in allegory when he said their father was the devil. He was telling them to their face he knew exactly who their father was.

  • @InterestedInDansk
    @InterestedInDansk 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Jesus is not God the Father or God the Son, because he tells us variously *the Father is greater than I* and *You must worship the Son as you worship the Father* and so we have to unravel the relationship.
    God is Spirit, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, this is the Trinity of One God.
    God has one Son begotten not made which means *Of Himself* this could be compared to the relationship we have with ourselves when we address ourselves with regard to any venture we ask how feasible it is, and we get our own answer, just as God who asks Himself any question He too receives His own answer from the faculty of Truth and also Wisdom because God's self loves Him the answer is always at a higher level of Truth and Wisdom taking into account God's righteousness and His Providence.
    The Word of the Lord is zealous to put into effect all that the Father has given Him, and as the Father creates Life the Son has life in Himself The Son has a privelidge in that everyone *through time* will hear his testimony and the children of God are his progeny which he sires (non-sexually) as a proxy for God the Father who has but One Son.
    In order to create the Children of God there has to be a feminine, this is the Holy Spirit who is the source of the human soul, this means that the human soul is feminine in males and females.
    *The exegesis of the soul* states _The sages that came before us gave the soul a feminine name, she also has a feminine nature and even has a womb_
    Simeon told Mary that *and a sword shall pierce your own soul* this is a Holy Impregnation by the Word of the Lord that can occur during life when someone is either *convinced of his faith* or has received his _accounting of judgement during life_ where the Word of the Lord allows that person to see the child of God leaving his deceased body during judgement.
    So we are all to be the children of God by the fertility of the Virgin who is the Holy Spirit.
    There is no disputing that the Trinity is established in Jesus Christ but God is beyond comparison or limitation, yet according to biblical tradition a person could be given permission to rule co-equally with a human ruler and God responds to generosity with generosity, Jesus says in the Beatific Vision *I am wholehearted as is my Father wholehearted, you are halfhearted*
    Notice that He calls God the Father "my Father" .
    Therefore we can pray to Jesus and he can act accordingly to our needs.
    But Jesus is also the Son of Man, John 3:13 *No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven-the Son of Man*
    The process by which this was accomplished is that God made a promise to Abraham and his progeny, He adopted Jacob and renamed him ISRAEL Israel died and left Paradise a thousand years later 1400 years before Jesus, God said to Israel *You are my servant Israel in whom I shall be glorified*
    Jesus identified John the Baptist as Elijah redivivus and John the Baptist identified Jesus as Israel redivivus in John 1:26-27 _“I baptize with water,” John replied, “but among you stands one you do not know. 27 He is the one who comes after me, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.”_
    Together with John 3:13 the origin of Jesus is Israel so *Jesus is the Son of Man*

    • @Colbsack
      @Colbsack 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I agree with you mostly but there are a few things you should consider. First off the New Testament is mostly paul and then some anonymous authors likely students of their book title namesakes, i haven’t done as much research as i should but look into islam a little. The main thing I commented for is the bible and all religions only talk about humans relationship with god and the spiritual but hypothetically if aliens exist they would also have a relationship with god and would probably go through a similar rapture process and be separated into heaven and hell(separation from god). Look into the ra contact and the law of one, basically these people try to communicate with a spirit and this entity who calls itself ra possessed this women and they ask it a long series of questions and ra goes on to explain the law of one and the 7 levels of consciousness. Basically ra claims to be a social memory complex of his species basically the combined experience of everyone in one being and thats kinda what i believe jesus to be. One of the first borns of all creation given dominion and authority over man.

  • @richard6502
    @richard6502 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Dude, you couldn't be any more WRONG !!! Go talk to Rabbi Tovia Singer.

    • @wickmaani116
      @wickmaani116 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      your heart is hardened

  • @kunjimoncm1501
    @kunjimoncm1501 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I don't know that what he said. But what are you talking about? Who is Jesus? Where is he now? What new testament? The Messiah is alive, today then for ever. You are nothing

  • @shawncarrell9101
    @shawncarrell9101 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Your points are good but your arrogance….. you will answer to God for your arrogance. Why would anyone want to listen to you?