It’s good tanacity it’s getting nerfed,the other day I was playing aram and was cc chained for 28 seconds, if they could make it a bit longer I could go for a bathroom break mid-game.
Ghost just got ANOTHER NERF - it was 15 seconds long, yesterday 13 seconds long, now it's only 10 seconds. If these changes go through, Ghost will surely lose a lot of popularity.
just make it not as strong on ranged and give back the reset on takedown mechanic and it will be fine. Ghost rn is braindead as its a flat ms increase with no conditions that lasts 2 years. slap that on ADC's put them top and you get a stage 6 tumor. Make ghost 6 seconds, extends by 3-5 on a takedown, and only 50% as effective on ranged champion and it will be fixed. Flat nerfing it just makes champs that need it such as darius, garen, nasus,ksante, beyond bad. Nerfing all sources of tenacity doesn't help.
thank god ghost is turbo broken 15 seconds is so fucking long its dumb 15 seconds is longer than most team fights even last, 10 seconds at least makes it not just a "fight starts me press ghost" you actually have to make sure you use it at a proper time to get the most out of it in a fight.
I feel like the loss of slow resist on swifties is gonna be a massive deal, causing things like Rylias and Ashe to be a massive pain with no real answer anymore, outside if you already either build berzerks or if you have to shell out an extra 2000 gold JUST for the slow resist
@@CrimsonKnightmare1 swifties was my main boot for rammus, warwick, and trundle. If you combined it with dead mans plate no one can catch you or slow you down
I liked this item too, but truth is it's not needed that much anymore. BotRK got nerfed heavily and there are plenty of good items against %HP mages like Brand. And let's be honest, an Ornn/k'Sante rushing anathema's were the most obnoxious toplane picks out there. 2500 gold for rendering 80% of toplaners useless in a duel was not a fair trade. Makes me wonder why anathema's chains were so slept on.
Cause being ahead with a bruiser makes you basically unstoppable. Being tanky is the one thing but dealing dmg while not ccable is unbelievable stupid. Keep in Mind: Merc Boots 30%, Steraks or either Wits End 20%, Prec Rune 20%, Stats runes 10% -> After calc (look up LoL fandom) it comes down to 60% Tenacity which makes lets say Morgana q (3s, one of the longest cc spells) to 1,2s. Thats why its being nerfed, thats straight up broken
I've never wondered, i don't think i have enough tenacity. I always pick the all the tenacity runes and items and even with all that, i am cced for 10 seconds. Great job riot
@@Sebastian-oz1lj So you think pisselo players are the cause? Because if pisselo players were complaining because CC was too strong, nerfing tenacity doesn't make sense right? Wouldn't that just cause your crying pisselo example players to cry more?
Because rito thought tenacity is hard to balance in the past, introducing knock-ups, which are NOT affected by tenacity already... Like, tenacity is already barely in the game, why is it getting nerfed even more
Its gonna be a massive pain in the butt once this patch is released. Imagine an enemy team full of cc and with the loss of tenacity and slow resist, youre just gonna get poked down.
I think that, if this lets them nerf cc, the tenacity nerfs are good. The point of cc is that it removes counter-play. Cc must be at least a certain length for many champions to function. Because of tenacity, RIOT has to make cc longer to compensate. This kind of makes tenacity a tax: either you buy it or the tank's abilities are plain OP.
@@Teknospacepotato Exactly. Thanks to the idiot that came up with legend tenacity, tenacity has become extremely abundant on basically every melee champ. You often go into teamfights with near 50% tenacity. How the heck are you supposed to balance hard CCs around some enemies reducing literally half of it? Well, riots answer was to just.. buff CC durations. I mean, CC doesnt matter on squishies, they die in half the CC duration anyway lol. Guess thats their logic.
So ADCs get boots upgrade but other roles don’t? Strange decision. I hope they add more boot upgrades later because it’s kind of crappy that only bot lane gets that.
Adc is like the only role who need it. You dont really need more armor/mr on tank, assassin will one shot anyway, mage well they are always fine and bruisers have more cc now. Meanwhile an adc will auto twice and die from a lost projectile. Now they have a chance to attack a third time before dying
I am really worried about the slow resistance removal. Champions like brand can apply slows from so far away and so easily that it feels like unless you have a dash in your kit you will just die to any Rylai's champ.
@@herpderp66 Not really, HP stops being efficient after like 700 bonus hp. Vs %hp its worse and you are better off building resist since it lowers the % dmg taken.
....did we watch the same video? do people just say shit at this point just to hate? like i had to rewatch the whole video and all i can see is randuins armor buff. unless you count the 5 resists increased on the fuckin boots, which also both lost plenty of defensiveness from their passives. Wtf are you even talking about bro where are the armor and mr buffs "added everywhere"??? mfs just delude themselves on purpose to suit their beliefs, its crazy
Hopefully with the 25% crit change for completed items they adjust yone and yas. They’re been adjusted for the 20% crit items to get 100% at 2 items. Excess going to damage.
I think they are probably trialling the new boot upgrade thing, and if it works they will do the same for the other boots. That or they just didn't have time to implement the rest.
@@Sebastian-oz1lj technically yes, but they do nothing for mages or assassins and the vast majority of top-laners would rather have resists on their boots than attack speed it could help people like yas, yone, yi, garen and maybe jax, but other champs won't touch it with a 10ft pole
Cutting some runes that are simply bad for the game whenever they are meta. Tenacity creep is a real thing and a big problem. Makes balancing hard CCs impossible, cause you have to balance with 50% tenacity in mind. Lets hope for some good follow up on that. Tanks have had a big problem of not having great access to CDR. Alongside bruisers, tanks are probably the class in biggest need of cd reduction. They are trying to fix that, along with some work to their durability. ADC work looks rather experimental. I think they want to properly seperate on-hit and crit, give a bit more freedom in ADC builds, while also tuning their scaling to be "finished" at 4 instead of 5 items, maybe to alleviate how insane full build ADCs go? In any case, the intent here is hard to discern. Bruisers got a single item! As a bruiser main, I am so happy that I will still need to build lethality. Fun >.> They kinda seem to want dot mages to be able to stack dots again..? Its a weird addition. And lastly, it seems like they are just generally cutting some niche yet potentially problematic/design limiting effects - like summoner haste or item haste.
looks like they think everyone will have better MS so they can dodge more spells so every spell deals more damage to be able to onesht if you misstep once and the same goes for CC spells but instead of more dmage they will just CC you long enough to die from other spells. so everything about Movment Speed
@@TheSorrowfulAngel It was 50% tenacity, because Riot overbuffed CC many many years ago. The endless cycle of we buff/nerf X thing because of Y thing, but now Y thing is weak so we have to buff it because X thing is strong...
I'm always apprehensive when they remove tenacity. So many new champs have two types of CC in their kits, that some tenacity is needed. But when they remove multiple ways to get it, it really makes some game a slog by being CCed for 5 seconds. Especially since they keep releasing a lot of new champions with displacement CC, so tenacity does nothing to begin with
Optimally, they remove tenacity so they can properly balance CC. Cant balance a CC reasonably when you have to keep in mind the rather common ~45% tenacity case. With 20% being common, you can land on much more reasonable CC numbers without tenacity completely fucking your durations up. Tenacity should go back to being a specific "counter" statt that you spec into instead of a pay-to-play stat for every melee champ in 80% of games.
@@Sebastian-oz1lj Isnt the correlation the other way around? Higher damage = lower time to kill = CC should be shorter. Lower damage = higher time to kill = CC should be longer.
Who are y'all maining? I got fucked over too with GP. no sheen on essence reaver and navori not giving valuable stats anymore is so unbelievably bad for him its insane
I really really hope they aren't going to only give beserkers an upgrade item. Especially after they made swiftness worse for everyone else but marksmen when the biggest abusers of swiftness boots before were ranged champs top.
It’s actually rage inducing to me that they gutted swifties for melee champs, took away tenacity, and gave ranged auto attackers the only slow resist in the game. This cannot possibly be a good thing
@@mazex0 agreed, i think supports should be the only one to have access to these as they roam quite often Imagine any champ with a dash just dashing over a wall and by the time you cross that wall he's nowhere to be seen
@@socksrocksdocks I think it'll be the premier tank item into a full AD comp. Now you don't have to choose between AS reduction and Crit Reduction. Adding to that it will be the second highest armor item in the game (which I believe is a title that SHOULD go to thornmail since wounds is almost always a must these days, but why should Riot want us to think while building?) Sure, won't show up every game. But now when the opposing team drafts like trash you can really get the punish.
Right now my champs in toplane need a tenacity rune, a tenacity item and tenacity boots, on top of using ghost/flash to be able to catch up to people. Without tenacity the no mobility juggernauts are going to be even worse.
No problem, Il just build beserkers on Darius and get my stacks even faster , Darius is Guts anyway , fits pretty well. This changes suck and they will be chamged agaim after 2 or 3 weeks after release, so relax take a break and let others test this out🤣
The worst part is tenacity doesn't even matter these days. Let's be real. Most CC you see nowadays consists of interrupts, pulls, etc. Things tenacity doesn't effect. What I'd rather get added though is something to defend against true damage and crit damage for fucks sake
@@apricreed9580 Some of it is ok, y'know Camille doing 900 true damage unavoidable click that's ok, getting ulted by a fed garen from 50% hp and dying to his true damage ult that's still ok but when you have a VAYNE WHO DOES 90% OF YOUR HP IN 3 AUTO ATTACKS WITH UNAVOIDABLE TRUE DAMAGE WHILE BEING THE BEST DEFENSIVE ADC IN THE GAME THAT IS CRAZY.
@@conscripthornet4430you’ve never played against a competent garen clearly. It’s a freelo champ that happily farms and infinitely scales because of his ult. Good garens take phase rush into bad matchups so they can Q, E, phase rush and walk away without taking a trade in response. And then win at lv 6 when they can kill you at 30% HP. You can’t dive him, you can’t out sustain him in lane. It’s a miserable champ to play against. I perma ban him. I’ll take anyone else.
After the changes to swifties I feel like I'll go pick nasus press W and remove 1 person from the enemy team for 5 seconds. They're definitely going to enjoy it.
I think considering some of the itmes for adcs if they dont do dmg they might be useless because adcs can pretty easily just walk away especially with all the ghost nerfs
Bro they are already doing way too much damage. Ksante, Zac, Sion, Mundo, Ornn all do insane amount of damage while being way too tanky. Had a game where enemy Zac did more damage than my Full AP aurelion sol who was 22/6. Totally Balanced role
@bluebud169 I'm not saying they dont decent or even crazy dmg, but also that asol situation just sounds unrealistic for a full tank, a bruiser I could understand also I said looking the upcoming item changes that even if they do dmg they are gonna get perma kited with slows and cc. Maybe it looks worse than it will be, but it just seems like we are moving into a huge ADC season
@@MareWTmundo isn’t a tank, he’s a juggernaut. And he has no cc, so if he didn’t have damage he would be completely useless. Insane people complain about mundo damage still when he has nothing else. Zac on the other hand is broken since he has 4 cc ability’s that stun multiple people and insane damage. Not fair
Yeah, jhin seems like an absurd adc with these changes. Wonder how high he can get his ad and how high he can make that bleed. He might be able to get a 400 bleed on every auto now.
inb4 everyone builds Symbiotic in pro play because of enhanced recall. Probably Yone's E can be abused to facilitate the distance traveled quest, would be interesting to try out.
I really, REALLY dont get why they felt the need to remove anathemas. Such a cool and actually useful item gets removed but they are still trying to make warmogs playable.
The boots of swiftness rework is so awful. It's worse than breserks for marksmen and terrible for every other class of champions. They might as well remove them...
This sounds like a Alois take. Set foot on the botlane once a while to see what it feels to be bound to others in a game and suffer the consequences of a tank dealing more damage than you with suppousedly ''damage items'', of dying in a fight from a lost mage projectile, and to get deleted by a 0/4 assasin or 0/6 toplaner while you are two items ahead of them even if you play it as good as it gets. ADCs have been in the gutter ever since Yas/Yone exist. Any item that has been remotely good on ADCs has been historically nerfed because of the windshitters. Shieldbow? More like ''Shitbow'', lost Life Steal from passive, then lost it's AS, and HP from passive, and now it also loses the base Life Steal. We also lost the ability to use Galeforce and IE/Navori together, then GF got removed, again because of these two fuckers. And we lost Lethal tempo because of these two fuckers too. Then the mythic system went away, yet we still got a major nerf because we still had mythic like restrictions and our items were still balanced around building a mythic compared to the rest of classes that had a lot of new toys to play with. Loved crittank yasuo BTW. Let's also not conveniently overlook that toplane has been chain buffed not too long ago, same for mages and assasins, resulting in a power creep that left botlane feeling like a dumpster fire ever since the preseason 12, and while the QoL buffs where nice in the meantime, it didn't change the fact that the role was gutted by proplay and the windshitters. Now that we are getting in line with other classes, you guys always find a goddamn reason to cry, and fair enough, every time toplaners cry they get buffed, same for midlaners, so it's already something you have been conditioned into, however, this time looks like it's our turn to be decent. No, we don't get to be broken else Topmains will cry louder than ever we'll get hotfixed in 24 hours, while other roles get their nerfs in the next patch.
I like a lot of the direction with the changes. Easy access and Tenacity bloat is a big problem for the game. It really, really fucks up balancing. As a bruiser(and really, melee champ), you basicallly need to run tenacity in 80% of games. Oftentimes, its even correct to double tenacity with treads+legend. In response, a ton of CCs got their duration improved. Cause many champs just don't quite work - on their own - vs tenacity being everywhere(especially when stacked). But buffing CCs is a really dumb way to combat this. This led to a lot of CCs being OP vs enemies without tenacity and Tenacity becoming a "pay to play" stat for many champs. That's a really undesirable state. Tenacity also interferes with comboing. Varus R is a good example of a place where CC is rather vital to properly combo an enemy. It also just fucks up CC-lock timings, which you have to relearn all the time. Lissandra is a good example of such a case. So, moving to a lower tenacity world with tenacity being generally less available is a good thing. I also like that Bruisers uniquely have the biggest access to tenacity in steraks - bruisers, as a class, have the biggest need for tenacity in the game. We can only hope that riot follows these changes up with across the board reduction to CC duration(especially at teamfighting stage, less so at lower levels). Many CCs should take as heavy a hit as 20-40%, imo. An interesting thing about tenacity is that, as it is a %decrease to CC duration, the difference between tenacity vs no tenacity is naturally lower on lower duration CCs. So while the percentage is the same, the absolute effect is decreased, meaning that even bigger nerfs on CC duration are not as big as they look at first.
technically they buffed rylais by nerfing swifties and there are other strong runs for him. some of the higher elo singed mains dont even really run pred
So Tenacity is slowly getting removed from the game. Surely this means Riot will do the correct thing and nerf point and click ranged cc like Fiddle fear, TF stun, Lulu poly etc. right guys? 😃
Removing tenacity makes no sense. Last night, had brand mid, TF top and Gragas supp. I took cc runes, took cc boots and despite these two, one stun was enough (point and click from TF) to keep me cc locked until I die. I even took Steraks 3rd item but CC still felt too long. Removing tenacity will bring the worst meta... Everyone gonna force hard cc team comps... Gonna be really fun.
@@vanjamenadzer that's 2.5sec on one target and 1.5sec on the rest, watch me die to the enemy team faster when the 1.5s cc goes away I guess. (also you always need to use flash or you won't hit much with r)
Ah yes, the Adc meta Riot has been so desperately trying to force is finally arriving. The adc now have a lot of options and with tenacity almost gonne the tank and support and gonna peel super hard for them while the enemynis cced for an eternity. Meanwhile the adc just standing still hitting an enemy. Truly the hypest thing to see.
being able to upgrade boots would be such a genius idea (to have on more than just _1 type_ of boots) because I see so many... certain people selling boots to get more damage, not realizing that move speed is actually _pretty important,_ so being able to upgrade boots would be awesome
You used to be able to upgrade boots, it was called enchantments. However, I started playing shortly after those were removed so Idk how strong that was.
@@MattHatter360 not that strong in my opinion, everyone just used to buy homeguard upgrade (speedup when leaving base) which you now automatically get after some time
@@MattHatter360 It was removed for good reason tbh, the enchantments were all pretty boring, and as the other comment said, homeguard was taken 99% of the time... So Riot just realized they could just add homeguard as a thing at 20 min and skip the enchantment system entirely
how are you supposed to even queue toplane without being useless? no swiftie's, no tenacity, nerfed tank/bruiser items and buffed adc's, toplane's only purpose is solo carry because you provide nothing besides that, and they just hard nerfed it, toplane remains by FAR the most useless irrelevant low impact role, and the only fix riot gives is grubs, which simply causes your jg to skip a top gank to do grubs, or camp top to secure them, no inbetween. fix. the. role.
@@_Cheerio No he pretty much nailed it. There is simply no reason for a jng to path top side. Bot is and will next patch also be the one relevant role to play around. Look Msi or the lec finals with g2 vs fnc. They sacrafice top lane for 6 min (they were lvl 1!!! at 6min) just to not fall behind bot lane. In low elo the otherhand everyone ints, doesnt know what to do and/or go afk if they're not the main char. So yeah in many eyes top is broken
I see a bit of what they are trying to combat, I understand it feels bad to stun someone or slow them and nothing seems to happen because you don't have god like reflexes but I do feel they are over correcting
It's a bit nostalgic watching the old swift boots from WR in pc, they got deleted to add berserk boots, but before the swift boots gave slow reduc, then Move speed with every attack and then deleted
As a Nasus main, seeing those changes is super scary : I rely on my tenacity to be able to reach people, as Nasus has such a big hitbox under ult and not mobility that he has to facetank a lot of CC. Between that and ADCs being able to take me down faster, I'm not sure how I can play him anymore, unless they plan to buff him a lot on the side.
the item rework away from mythics was a huge W from me, and got me back into playing league.. Looking at this, after 4 years of this one shot/poke meta seeing them add more scaling to damage, more cc, and less answers to both... Yeah, I think I might be taking another indefinite break
It‘s actually crazy to me, nerfing tenacity without any major nerfs to basically all cc tanks or/and mages. Pro play basically has 3 tanks in top/jgl/supp just for cc and protecting the two carries.
Pro play only ksante(tank master yi,the most stupid champ in the game) , tham kench with senna, rell sejuani and nautilus sometimes(low pickrate), zac and reksai only in 2024 first split. If they remove ksante from the game it s ok, tanks are fine
Another huge buff for ADCs... Tabis nerf, berserker buff, no tenacity so you can have free shoots. Does Phreak play Adc or who's the one wanting freelo?
Its most likely that GP is gonna go back to bruiser build. But with the passive being with crit, i honestly dont know how he is going to survive this, especially tanks are being buffed once again. The only thing i can think of is tri force shojin mortal reminder collector. But this is still so bad for GP. Maybe theyrr forcing him to go full lethality but it makes no sense at all@mateusguimaraes2564
Im so cooked, vayne can now take boots of swiftness, cleanse, flash, scimitar, jaksho, phantdom dancer, Zephyr, and guardian angel or another tank item
- Nerfing Tenacity while buffing Haste from everywhere is probably the dumbest thing here. It was already possible to be stun locked pretty often even with Tenacity, now it will be properly unplayable depending on the champions. Especially when they also lower the HP values on Tank items, and buff ADC items... You will not be able to play, and you'll die faster in addition. Being a Top Laner, you can guess I'm looking forward to that lol (Most ironic tone ever)... The most strange thing is that, not so long ago, I clearly remember Riot saying they wanted things to come back a bit to the state of "Durability Patch" because there is way too much damage in the game right now. While they do the exact opposite with this patch... Pure Riot logic... - I don't get the boots changes, it's both strange and unhealthy in my opinion. Having boots that can empower your recall when you're nerfing both Mercury, Steelcaps, and Swiftness (In my opinion this is a nerf even if it's a "rework")... What are they thinking??? Macro-wise it's busted. And giving the Slow Resist only for the ADC basically, also another big middle-finger to the rest along with Tenacity nerfs. - I hate the removing of Corruption Potion, Anathema's Chains, Futur Market, Ingenious Hunter, and of course Legend Tenacity. But I love the removing of Lethal Tempo and the Ghost nerfs. Overall I have a really mixed feeling about these changes, but way more disappointed than happy. The game already has too much damage and Haste, and they are just making things worst.
From what I'm seeing with games on PVE crit meta is going to be a thing. It's utterly disgusting. 4 items for 100% crit then 5th item for whatever is needed. Every crit build comes online so much faster. They also in the most Riot move ever that no one could see coming didn't nerf Yasuo and Yone's passive stacking with crit, so that's a new adventure in lunacy.
It's interesting to see how much MS they are adding. Maybe the drop in tenacity is because they are giving you enough MS to dodge cc like lux bind or morg root and tank their whole combo. Only issue is that doesn't help with point and click; Pantheon, TF, Morg, Naut, Renekton, Malz, Briar, and Kass are going to be so much fun... I am excited for Blackfire tho, as an Asol main, thats going to be so good.
Riot: we have a snowball problem. You get ahead and you are much more likely to win. Also riot: buff all the damage items, nerf the defensives and tenacity. Also, buff the support and mage items. Make adc's hit their power spikes earlier and make sure people cant get to them or get away from them.
they literally buffed the shit out of randuins and removed crit from a bunch of crit items and then half the crit items that are left got their AD removed, and essence reaver is no longer even an item what do you mean buff all the damage items
Seems you dont understand how it works. more damage benefits more coin flips so exatly what riot wants. more damage is less snowball more tanky is more snowball
Makes sense theyd reduce tenacity since they want the game to be a fucking misery. Now you cant even build to get out of bullshit chain CC, they want you to just not play this horrific fucking game anymore. The only way riot decides to make a balance team that have atleast base understandings of what is going on in the game will be a protest.
wait no corrupting potion? How I'm supposed to survive fizz early game? specially against tristana, cassio, diana, lissandra mids? Stay under tower and dont farm first 10 minutes?
So adcs will be able to have six items while the rest have five and some boots… I shudder to think of how fast yone will scale with the attack speed boot path
the upgraded boots isn't really good value, 40% atk speed and 65 mov speed for a total of 3100g, it is only an option for those who have 6 items and extra gold
I mean, steraks and wits end have tenacity if they haven't been changed. Personally I like that tenacity options are being moved to items, so you don't have to gamble on runes in modes like quickplay or ARAM.
skill issue, adc is the most impactful role played by the most dog players. In pro its always been bot lane meta. Buff adc and you get the most boring thing under the sun. Surpassed only by tank meta.
@@GCOSBenbow Exactly as the only way for people to be useful is to play tank. hence the very fun ksante vs reksai/zac top or skarner vs zac top we are seeing. Stronger adc's lead to bruisers/skirmishes like darius/irelia/fiora/garen/nasus being unplayable as they get 3 shot my adc and cant ever reach the backline because of support. So they are forced into Ornn/sion as that way they can still be a slab of meat for their team.
okay so like for ranged champions that go swifties, at level 15 they should go for zephyrs its a direct buff because they have the same movement speed, except its constant, and it provides attack speed, and the slow resist that it had before, They should have given each boot their own upgrade except symbiotic soles (since it upgrades passively) because at level 15, theres no reason to still have swiftness boots for any champion unless your melee, which even then, the slow resists helps more and the attack speed.
The new boots are gonna be so busted, bailing with a baron recall on laning phase is gonna be crazy, but i do like the fact some boots can get upgraded, they could do that to other boots for sure
I love the idea of boots being upgradable late game. Like make it that you need a certain level and a certain amount of other items completed before you can build it.
I dont know why they are keeping the rejuvenation bead in the warmogs. It's a redundant stat. Zephyr boots are completely broken op. Why would they remove rock solid from randuins when the component has it? That was the reason they changed the spectres cowl to have 100% regen instead of 150% after tsking damage. So that the full item would not lose an innate effect of a component.
I guess swift boots are dead? Like what? That's the ONLY thing they were bought for, even then they were really rare and only like singed and some tanks built it occasionally
Riot nerfed tenacity while buffing haste, this season gonna be who gets stun locked first shit fest.
They should add arenas combo break
@@luizotavio44 you'll be dead before it procs
@@luizotavio44 lmao. you would die by then
There's still a lot less haste than last season.
you kidding? all ad items got %6~10 movement speed and higher base movement speed@@DarthRadical
It’s good tanacity it’s getting nerfed,the other day I was playing aram and was cc chained for 28 seconds, if they could make it a bit longer I could go for a bathroom break mid-game.
They're adding lots of ability haste so yeah, you can take your bathroom break
Aram isn't a good representation of the game as a whole. And if they are wasting all their cc on the tank aren't you happy
@@MrThebigdog93 I'm always happiest when people save me the pain of actually playing the game, yes
@@MrThebigdog93he was being sarcastic
if tenacity is being nerfed they need to increase cd on basically all cc abilities tbh
Ghost just got ANOTHER NERF - it was 15 seconds long, yesterday 13 seconds long, now it's only 10 seconds.
If these changes go through, Ghost will surely lose a lot of popularity.
just make it not as strong on ranged and give back the reset on takedown mechanic and it will be fine. Ghost rn is braindead as its a flat ms increase with no conditions that lasts 2 years. slap that on ADC's put them top and you get a stage 6 tumor.
Make ghost 6 seconds, extends by 3-5 on a takedown, and only 50% as effective on ranged champion and it will be fixed.
Flat nerfing it just makes champs that need it such as darius, garen, nasus,ksante, beyond bad.
Nerfing all sources of tenacity doesn't help.
@@cephalonbob15 ah yes bc ghost on melees like darius is not completely braindead. only ranged is the problem xddddd fck offfff
thank god ghost is turbo broken 15 seconds is so fucking long its dumb 15 seconds is longer than most team fights even last, 10 seconds at least makes it not just a "fight starts me press ghost" you actually have to make sure you use it at a proper time to get the most out of it in a fight.
Someone needs to let Tyler1 know.
I feel like the loss of slow resist on swifties is gonna be a massive deal, causing things like Rylias and Ashe to be a massive pain with no real answer anymore, outside if you already either build berzerks or if you have to shell out an extra 2000 gold JUST for the slow resist
no one built swifties
@@CrimsonKnightmare1 swifties was my main boot for rammus, warwick, and trundle. If you combined it with dead mans plate no one can catch you or slow you down
@@CrimsonKnightmare1 wrong
I think removing Lethal Tempo and Ghost are going to be way more than just massive deal for Ashe
@@CrimsonKnightmare1mundo builds them a lot
Why the hell is Riot so adamant about removing tenacity from the game!?
If only they could remove all the true damage.
@@SchapieNL if only they could remove fucking collector 5% execute(fucking no item should have a champion ability)
@@SchapieNL so they can cc chain us to death lol
Because they love tanks outperforming everyone.
phreak has been playing morgana and enjoys the 7 second stun lock combo
The Patch 14.10 Experience: Crowd controlled for 10 years because tenacity got nerfed too many times
Cc'ed until next patch
Happy Morgana mains noises
Still getting cc’d to death this patch even with 40% tenacity in so many games
Blame the pro players they literally all build merc unironically in every game ever.
@@cosmickitteh because tenacity is op and they play at the highest level
Are Tanks going to Deal damage and be tanky or be tanky or be useless lets see.
tanks cant be tanky and useless they have too much utility in their kits to be useless ...
They will do damage if they somehow avoid all cc abilities with cd reductions and almost no tenacity, simple, right?
@@_garicas a tank that take cc for the team is a good tank imo... That their job
tanks are going to be less tanky and be more useless as one cc will stop them from doing anything the cd provided in return doesnt help at all
tanks are ment to be cc bot who should never be able to 1 vs 1 an adc but it should not be killed by assasins
Anathemas chains o7 . The best item nobody was building you will always be remembered. Must have gained over 500 lp just from anathemas alone.
I liked this item too, but truth is it's not needed that much anymore. BotRK got nerfed heavily and there are plenty of good items against %HP mages like Brand.
And let's be honest, an Ornn/k'Sante rushing anathema's were the most obnoxious toplane picks out there. 2500 gold for rendering 80% of toplaners useless in a duel was not a fair trade. Makes me wonder why anathema's chains were so slept on.
The only item that actually countered Evelynn...
@@dominiorrr6510 Good luck not getting one shot by evelynn with 70% mp now.
Nerf tenacity because cc isn’t broken enough already, wpgg riot!
actual tanks are useless in the first place anyway
Fr bro they just want to make the game unplayable
The issue is cc is not strong enough
@@cjvangin I agree, it's very weak and you should get an afk warning, to make your point and click stun more valuable.
Cause being ahead with a bruiser makes you basically unstoppable. Being tanky is the one thing but dealing dmg while not ccable is unbelievable stupid. Keep in Mind: Merc Boots 30%, Steraks or either Wits End 20%, Prec Rune 20%, Stats runes 10% -> After calc (look up LoL fandom) it comes down to 60% Tenacity which makes lets say Morgana q (3s, one of the longest cc spells) to 1,2s. Thats why its being nerfed, thats straight up broken
I've never wondered, i don't think i have enough tenacity. I always pick the all the tenacity runes and items and even with all that, i am cced for 10 seconds. Great job riot
now you gota be cc chained for 20 because pisselo noobs couldnt dodge some cc spells and they complai its overpowered
@@Sebastian-oz1lj So you think pisselo players are the cause? Because if pisselo players were complaining because CC was too strong, nerfing tenacity doesn't make sense right? Wouldn't that just cause your crying pisselo example players to cry more?
Because rito thought tenacity is hard to balance in the past, introducing knock-ups, which are NOT affected by tenacity already... Like, tenacity is already barely in the game, why is it getting nerfed even more
@@RapTapTap69 pisselo idiots complain about everything acording to them everything is overpowered and nefring anything is wrong
next update:
luden's companion's name is changed to luden's echo
Its gonna be a massive pain in the butt once this patch is released. Imagine an enemy team full of cc and with the loss of tenacity and slow resist, youre just gonna get poked down.
I think that, if this lets them nerf cc, the tenacity nerfs are good. The point of cc is that it removes counter-play. Cc must be at least a certain length for many champions to function. Because of tenacity, RIOT has to make cc longer to compensate. This kind of makes tenacity a tax: either you buy it or the tank's abilities are plain OP.
Hopefully increase the cooldown on hard CC abilities.
@@EeveeRealSenpaiI'd rather get shorter cc duration.
@@Teknospacepotato Exactly. Thanks to the idiot that came up with legend tenacity, tenacity has become extremely abundant on basically every melee champ. You often go into teamfights with near 50% tenacity. How the heck are you supposed to balance hard CCs around some enemies reducing literally half of it?
Well, riots answer was to just.. buff CC durations. I mean, CC doesnt matter on squishies, they die in half the CC duration anyway lol. Guess thats their logic.
@@Teknospacepotato stuppiest take ever.
We're all going to take the 10% Tenacity/Slow Resist shard and we're gonna like it!
I'd seriously consider taking it if it was atleast 15%, but 10% is just too negligible.
I dont get why they are removing legend tenacity tho, just having a tenacity shard is gonna do nothing lmao
So ADCs get boots upgrade but other roles don’t? Strange decision. I hope they add more boot upgrades later because it’s kind of crappy that only bot lane gets that.
thank god an adc main is in charge of balance. phreak season baby
Adc is like the only role who need it. You dont really need more armor/mr on tank, assassin will one shot anyway, mage well they are always fine and bruisers have more cc now. Meanwhile an adc will auto twice and die from a lost projectile. Now they have a chance to attack a third time before dying
Wind shitters will be cancer
Ir wont make them less oneshoteable
they got their main rune obliterated
I am really worried about the slow resistance removal. Champions like brand can apply slows from so far away and so easily that it feels like unless you have a dash in your kit you will just die to any Rylai's champ.
me, a sett main - I may have a 5k w, but its useless if I can't move to hit it
Riot really rereleasing season 7 with this one
Fuck s7 all my homies hate s7.
Season 7 was the best balanced.
Season 4
@@edibomi Old runes and masterys was so baalnced not much dmg in the game from it. Now u have so many broken late game runes.
fucking k'santé main must be so happy about tank items change.
so much armor and MR added everywhere.
HP is better late and early game than armor and mr. This hurts tanks over all.
@@herpderp66 Not really, HP stops being efficient after like 700 bonus hp. Vs %hp its worse and you are better off building resist since it lowers the % dmg taken.
....did we watch the same video? do people just say shit at this point just to hate? like i had to rewatch the whole video and all i can see is randuins armor buff. unless you count the 5 resists increased on the fuckin boots, which also both lost plenty of defensiveness from their passives. Wtf are you even talking about bro where are the armor and mr buffs "added everywhere"??? mfs just delude themselves on purpose to suit their beliefs, its crazy
What? Didn’t they just nerf all the tank items?
Tabi nerf is massive.
Hopefully with the 25% crit change for completed items they adjust yone and yas. They’re been adjusted for the 20% crit items to get 100% at 2 items. Excess going to damage.
Theres no way those two will get nerfed. It's like inflation where it can go down to nothing but prices will still stay as high as they were.
I think they are probably trialling the new boot upgrade thing, and if it works they will do the same for the other boots. That or they just didn't have time to implement the rest.
To mee it feels like these boot changes are there to make bot stronger. Since support and ADC are the ones who got them.
@@arthena2130 very closed minded approach, isnt it like everyone can buy those items?
@@Sebastian-oz1lj technically yes, but they do nothing for mages or assassins and the vast majority of top-laners would rather have resists on their boots than attack speed
it could help people like yas, yone, yi, garen and maybe jax, but other champs won't touch it with a 10ft pole
there were boots augments already seasons ago
@@novaseeri know garen is gonna be happy about these new boots. And he totaly needs more ms.
Reddit already exploding enough with Vanguard drama, glad you didn't bring it up in your videos. Although, have no idea if you will.
Haven't really seen any reddit posts about it, I guess i was too zoned on this season shenanigans
What's the vanguard drama?
@@pymonodew vanguard it self?
It's in the 14.9 bug megathreas post. The comments are golden there. I don't know if the mods deleted them though@@Vandiril
Dead man’s pick rate gonna go up since it’s the only item with slow resist now lmao
Petu our beloved dman salesman
and new item of berserker bot
petu was right
ah yes, upgrade shoes into a sword, make sense
Sure, upgrade daggers into a bow? First time?
@@PhatTran-nw9ri lol😂
@@PhatTran-nw9ri You tie the dagger to the end of an arrow duh
@@criticaltipper7699 nah you just put a piece of string between the tips of both blades and try to fit an arrow on it
i dont mind this, but do mind the fact that other boots does not get the similar treatment
I'm not even gonna think about where is Rito going with these changes... I no longer have any clue.
ADC-Meta, simple as that.
most of these are reverts, this is just trying to see if their past game state was better than the current
Cutting some runes that are simply bad for the game whenever they are meta.
Tenacity creep is a real thing and a big problem. Makes balancing hard CCs impossible, cause you have to balance with 50% tenacity in mind. Lets hope for some good follow up on that.
Tanks have had a big problem of not having great access to CDR. Alongside bruisers, tanks are probably the class in biggest need of cd reduction. They are trying to fix that, along with some work to their durability.
ADC work looks rather experimental. I think they want to properly seperate on-hit and crit, give a bit more freedom in ADC builds, while also tuning their scaling to be "finished" at 4 instead of 5 items, maybe to alleviate how insane full build ADCs go? In any case, the intent here is hard to discern.
Bruisers got a single item! As a bruiser main, I am so happy that I will still need to build lethality. Fun >.>
They kinda seem to want dot mages to be able to stack dots again..? Its a weird addition.
And lastly, it seems like they are just generally cutting some niche yet potentially problematic/design limiting effects - like summoner haste or item haste.
looks like they think everyone will have better MS so they can dodge more spells so every spell deals more damage to be able to onesht if you misstep once and the same goes for CC spells but instead of more dmage they will just CC you long enough to die from other spells. so everything about Movment Speed
@@TheSorrowfulAngel It was 50% tenacity, because Riot overbuffed CC many many years ago.
The endless cycle of we buff/nerf X thing because of Y thing, but now Y thing is weak so we have to buff it because X thing is strong...
I'm always apprehensive when they remove tenacity. So many new champs have two types of CC in their kits, that some tenacity is needed. But when they remove multiple ways to get it, it really makes some game a slog by being CCed for 5 seconds. Especially since they keep releasing a lot of new champions with displacement CC, so tenacity does nothing to begin with
Optimally, they remove tenacity so they can properly balance CC.
Cant balance a CC reasonably when you have to keep in mind the rather common ~45% tenacity case.
With 20% being common, you can land on much more reasonable CC numbers without tenacity completely fucking your durations up.
Tenacity should go back to being a specific "counter" statt that you spec into instead of a pay-to-play stat for every melee champ in 80% of games.
nerfed cc would be good IF overall damage in game would be much lower, now it makes no sense
@@Sebastian-oz1lj Isnt the correlation the other way around?
Higher damage = lower time to kill = CC should be shorter. Lower damage = higher time to kill = CC should be longer.
@@TheSorrowfulAngel ist that wat i said?
@@Sebastian-oz1lj I think you did. I misread, sorry.
This just killed all my mains LMAO
they literally did it to my mains for 5 years straight, it's going to be much better
Who are y'all maining? I got fucked over too with GP. no sheen on essence reaver and navori not giving valuable stats anymore is so unbelievably bad for him its insane
@@NiceO1Darius is dead for me with the ghost gutting and tenacity practically not existing anymore.
@@NiceO1gp already does way too much dmg you guys cannot be complaining 😂
Ima karthus main
I just press r and win
I really really hope they aren't going to only give beserkers an upgrade item. Especially after they made swiftness worse for everyone else but marksmen when the biggest abusers of swiftness boots before were ranged champs top.
It’s actually rage inducing to me that they gutted swifties for melee champs, took away tenacity, and gave ranged auto attackers the only slow resist in the game.
This cannot possibly be a good thing
Just saying. With maxed shaco q and the recall boots you can basically escape any situation.(q and back instant and you always back in invis)
gonna watch pinkward when changes go live, thats busted
the boots should be tied to support quest imo
@@mazex0 agreed, i think supports should be the only one to have access to these as they roam quite often
Imagine any champ with a dash just dashing over a wall and by the time you cross that wall he's nowhere to be seen
@@mazex0 Those boots shouldn't be a thing, especially not on Supports.
The recall timers will be absurdly broken especially for toplane, idk why nobody is talking about this.
Damn, this patch scares me somehow
i fear no man... but that thing, it scares me
@@graxion5951 Exactly...
Knight's vow also allows the linked ally to mitigate the damage before it's transferred, instead of being pre-mitigation damage.
Randuins Omen no longer has Rock Solid Passive but still has Wardens Mail in Build Path, thats a false.
there is almost no point in building it anymore if there is no rock solid passive
@@socksrocksdocks I think it'll be the premier tank item into a full AD comp. Now you don't have to choose between AS reduction and Crit Reduction. Adding to that it will be the second highest armor item in the game (which I believe is a title that SHOULD go to thornmail since wounds is almost always a must these days, but why should Riot want us to think while building?)
Sure, won't show up every game. But now when the opposing team drafts like trash you can really get the punish.
Right now my champs in toplane need a tenacity rune, a tenacity item and tenacity boots, on top of using ghost/flash to be able to catch up to people. Without tenacity the no mobility juggernauts are going to be even worse.
Rip darious
Can't wait to build zephyr on sion so i can take towers even faster let's go
No problem, Il just build beserkers on Darius and get my stacks even faster , Darius is Guts anyway , fits pretty well. This changes suck and they will be chamged agaim after 2 or 3 weeks after release, so relax take a break and let others test this out🤣
GG Tryndamere players. RIP lethal tempo and tenacity runes. Tryndamere will likely be in a bad spot for awhile lol
He will just have to resort to insta kills
Tryndamere players? Kog maw was only able to play the game with lethal tempo, now he's just gonna be unplayable
@@Grea-go4zz first strike and dark harvest is fun on him
@@Grea-go4zzKog'Maw was only able to be the most broken ADC in the game because of lethal tempo, now he might be balanced.
@@dominiorrr6510 Kog isnt even that good, have you heard of twitch?
The worst part is tenacity doesn't even matter these days. Let's be real. Most CC you see nowadays consists of interrupts, pulls, etc.
Things tenacity doesn't effect. What I'd rather get added though is something to defend against true damage and crit damage for fucks sake
true damage is fine but having people have percent true damage is disgusting, like true damage should be countered by building HP.
@@apricreed9580 Some of it is ok, y'know Camille doing 900 true damage unavoidable click that's ok, getting ulted by a fed garen from 50% hp and dying to his true damage ult that's still ok but when you have a VAYNE WHO DOES 90% OF YOUR HP IN 3 AUTO ATTACKS WITH UNAVOIDABLE TRUE DAMAGE WHILE BEING THE BEST DEFENSIVE ADC IN THE GAME THAT IS CRAZY.
@@conscripthornet4430you’ve never played against a competent garen clearly. It’s a freelo champ that happily farms and infinitely scales because of his ult. Good garens take phase rush into bad matchups so they can Q, E, phase rush and walk away without taking a trade in response. And then win at lv 6 when they can kill you at 30% HP. You can’t dive him, you can’t out sustain him in lane. It’s a miserable champ to play against. I perma ban him. I’ll take anyone else.
We had anti true dmg, but riot removed it... rip anathema chains my beloved
Chains doesn't work against true damage XD@@Grea-go4zz
After the changes to swifties I feel like I'll go pick nasus press W and remove 1 person from the enemy team for 5 seconds. They're definitely going to enjoy it.
you forget that they nerfed tenacity and ghost so nasus won't be able to move...
@@graxion5951 two sided weapon
@@graxion5951 dead man's rush
I was a fan of swifties against a Nasus. The W is too OP.
Are Tanks going to Deal damage and be tanky or be tanky or be useless lets see
I think considering some of the itmes for adcs if they dont do dmg they might be useless because adcs can pretty easily just walk away especially with all the ghost nerfs
covering all the possibilities is easy to predict the meta hahahaha
Bro they are already doing way too much damage. Ksante, Zac, Sion, Mundo, Ornn all do insane amount of damage while being way too tanky. Had a game where enemy Zac did more damage than my Full AP aurelion sol who was 22/6. Totally Balanced role
@bluebud169 I'm not saying they dont decent or even crazy dmg, but also that asol situation just sounds unrealistic for a full tank, a bruiser I could understand also I said looking the upcoming item changes that even if they do dmg they are gonna get perma kited with slows and cc. Maybe it looks worse than it will be, but it just seems like we are moving into a huge ADC season
@@MareWTmundo isn’t a tank, he’s a juggernaut. And he has no cc, so if he didn’t have damage he would be completely useless. Insane people complain about mundo damage still when he has nothing else. Zac on the other hand is broken since he has 4 cc ability’s that stun multiple people and insane damage. Not fair
Zephir is a direct buff to Jhin dealin 300 dmg more per shot in the lategame now ... pretty gud
Yeah, jhin seems like an absurd adc with these changes. Wonder how high he can get his ad and how high he can make that bleed. He might be able to get a 400 bleed on every auto now.
i used to get 950 ad on him pretty consistently lol
Im sure they are aware of this, so expect a Jhin nerf
@@xCoKeZx If theres one thing riot is lacking, its game awareness, lol
inb4 everyone builds Symbiotic in pro play because of enhanced recall. Probably Yone's E can be abused to facilitate the distance traveled quest, would be interesting to try out.
I'm a hecarim main and I'm crying right now... Why my ghost 😭 how is illaoi faster than hecarim make it make sense.
Lilia is faster anyways bc she needs that movement speed apparently
@@thaerren I'm fine with Lilia being faster but illaoi still the 2nd fastest champ. 😂 Master yi is the fastest.
Those new boots seem overpowered. I don’t think people realize the power of an empowered recall.
thats how riot is making up for the extra 4 minutes of cc duration we will have to deal with every game
I feel like it should be support quest locked
@@EeveeRealSenpai totally agree
Well, less roaming, more recalls.
Makes sense
tbh with how long it's gonna take to actually get the empowered recall, I don't think it's gonna be all that gamechanging
I really, REALLY dont get why they felt the need to remove anathemas. Such a cool and actually useful item gets removed but they are still trying to make warmogs playable.
And they made warmogs just as useless as before
The boots of swiftness rework is so awful. It's worse than breserks for marksmen and terrible for every other class of champions. They might as well remove them...
that only berserkers can be upgraded is just another example that riot loves adc and hates every other role
This sounds like a Alois take. Set foot on the botlane once a while to see what it feels to be bound to others in a game and suffer the consequences of a tank dealing more damage than you with suppousedly ''damage items'', of dying in a fight from a lost mage projectile, and to get deleted by a 0/4 assasin or 0/6 toplaner while you are two items ahead of them even if you play it as good as it gets.
ADCs have been in the gutter ever since Yas/Yone exist. Any item that has been remotely good on ADCs has been historically nerfed because of the windshitters. Shieldbow? More like ''Shitbow'', lost Life Steal from passive, then lost it's AS, and HP from passive, and now it also loses the base Life Steal.
We also lost the ability to use Galeforce and IE/Navori together, then GF got removed, again because of these two fuckers.
And we lost Lethal tempo because of these two fuckers too.
Then the mythic system went away, yet we still got a major nerf because we still had mythic like restrictions and our items were still balanced around building a mythic compared to the rest of classes that had a lot of new toys to play with. Loved crittank yasuo BTW.
Let's also not conveniently overlook that toplane has been chain buffed not too long ago, same for mages and assasins, resulting in a power creep that left botlane feeling like a dumpster fire ever since the preseason 12, and while the QoL buffs where nice in the meantime, it didn't change the fact that the role was gutted by proplay and the windshitters.
Now that we are getting in line with other classes, you guys always find a goddamn reason to cry, and fair enough, every time toplaners cry they get buffed, same for midlaners, so it's already something you have been conditioned into, however, this time looks like it's our turn to be decent. No, we don't get to be broken else Topmains will cry louder than ever we'll get hotfixed in 24 hours, while other roles get their nerfs in the next patch.
I think bruisers are dead class with these changes
I like a lot of the direction with the changes.
Easy access and Tenacity bloat is a big problem for the game. It really, really fucks up balancing. As a bruiser(and really, melee champ), you basicallly need to run tenacity in 80% of games. Oftentimes, its even correct to double tenacity with treads+legend.
In response, a ton of CCs got their duration improved. Cause many champs just don't quite work - on their own - vs tenacity being everywhere(especially when stacked).
But buffing CCs is a really dumb way to combat this. This led to a lot of CCs being OP vs enemies without tenacity and Tenacity becoming a "pay to play" stat for many champs. That's a really undesirable state.
Tenacity also interferes with comboing. Varus R is a good example of a place where CC is rather vital to properly combo an enemy. It also just fucks up CC-lock timings, which you have to relearn all the time. Lissandra is a good example of such a case.
So, moving to a lower tenacity world with tenacity being generally less available is a good thing. I also like that Bruisers uniquely have the biggest access to tenacity in steraks - bruisers, as a class, have the biggest need for tenacity in the game.
We can only hope that riot follows these changes up with across the board reduction to CC duration(especially at teamfighting stage, less so at lower levels). Many CCs should take as heavy a hit as 20-40%, imo. An interesting thing about tenacity is that, as it is a %decrease to CC duration, the difference between tenacity vs no tenacity is naturally lower on lower duration CCs. So while the percentage is the same, the absolute effect is decreased, meaning that even bigger nerfs on CC duration are not as big as they look at first.
Really well put. More people need to read this.
I love how riot is so determinded to make the game worse with every patch
its matter of time when tenacity will actually extend you cc duration
They killed singed, R.I.P
this is like saying they killed a dead body
Singed was already dead
Rest in piss 😂
@@BooelGaymes yeah, it feels like riot is dancing over his corpse while they laugh
technically they buffed rylais by nerfing swifties and there are other strong runs for him. some of the higher elo singed mains dont even really run pred
So Tenacity is slowly getting removed from the game. Surely this means Riot will do the correct thing and nerf point and click ranged cc like Fiddle fear, TF stun, Lulu poly etc. right guys? 😃
Riot: *Adds more tenacity in new season*
Removing tenacity makes no sense. Last night, had brand mid, TF top and Gragas supp. I took cc runes, took cc boots and despite these two, one stun was enough (point and click from TF) to keep me cc locked until I die. I even took Steraks 3rd item but CC still felt too long. Removing tenacity will bring the worst meta... Everyone gonna force hard cc team comps... Gonna be really fun.
@@vanjamenadzer the funniest thing is that amumu q's cc is 1sec.
@@KyzerGHD Don't know if you think it should be more or what? Because his Q isn't to stun you, it's a gap closer so you can use your R to stun.
@@vanjamenadzer that's 2.5sec on one target and 1.5sec on the rest, watch me die to the enemy team faster when the 1.5s cc goes away I guess. (also you always need to use flash or you won't hit much with r)
Ah yes, the Adc meta Riot has been so desperately trying to force is finally arriving. The adc now have a lot of options and with tenacity almost gonne the tank and support and gonna peel super hard for them while the enemynis cced for an eternity. Meanwhile the adc just standing still hitting an enemy. Truly the hypest thing to see.
if all Boots have a final form i'll be happy. it's always akward to have Boots but want to build a 6th item
The swiftness change is so bad, i don't want to be in range in order to get ms i want ms to get in range
Season of tank and cc again
being able to upgrade boots would be such a genius idea (to have on more than just _1 type_ of boots) because I see so many... certain people selling boots to get more damage, not realizing that move speed is actually _pretty important,_ so being able to upgrade boots would be awesome
Check how it's done in wild rift
Boots have more stats, a dedicated slot and can be upgraded
Ig zephyr is a test to copy this system
You used to be able to upgrade boots, it was called enchantments. However, I started playing shortly after those were removed so Idk how strong that was.
@@MattHatter360 not that strong in my opinion, everyone just used to buy homeguard upgrade (speedup when leaving base) which you now automatically get after some time
I sell boots for Youmuus
@@MattHatter360 It was removed for good reason tbh, the enchantments were all pretty boring, and as the other comment said, homeguard was taken 99% of the time...
So Riot just realized they could just add homeguard as a thing at 20 min and skip the enchantment system entirely
how are you supposed to even queue toplane without being useless? no swiftie's, no tenacity, nerfed tank/bruiser items and buffed adc's, toplane's only purpose is solo carry because you provide nothing besides that, and they just hard nerfed it, toplane remains by FAR the most useless irrelevant low impact role, and the only fix riot gives is grubs, which simply causes your jg to skip a top gank to do grubs, or camp top to secure them, no inbetween. fix. the. role.
@@_Cheerio No he pretty much nailed it. There is simply no reason for a jng to path top side. Bot is and will next patch also be the one relevant role to play around. Look Msi or the lec finals with g2 vs fnc. They sacrafice top lane for 6 min (they were lvl 1!!! at 6min) just to not fall behind bot lane. In low elo the otherhand everyone ints, doesnt know what to do and/or go afk if they're not the main char. So yeah in many eyes top is broken
play vayne top lol
I see a bit of what they are trying to combat, I understand it feels bad to stun someone or slow them and nothing seems to happen because you don't have god like reflexes but I do feel they are over correcting
I think riot has amnesia, the nerfed tenacity then nerfed it again after forgotten they already did nerf it
They should make it so only I can still buy Corrupting potions
It's a bit nostalgic watching the old swift boots from WR in pc, they got deleted to add berserk boots, but before the swift boots gave slow reduc, then Move speed with every attack and then deleted
I liked to use swift boots with senna and jhin, good to see them back on pc
As a Nasus main, seeing those changes is super scary : I rely on my tenacity to be able to reach people, as Nasus has such a big hitbox under ult and not mobility that he has to facetank a lot of CC. Between that and ADCs being able to take me down faster, I'm not sure how I can play him anymore, unless they plan to buff him a lot on the side.
Stop crying, you're still going to be able to wither and kill any adc in two q's just like you always have been.
the item rework away from mythics was a huge W from me, and got me back into playing league..
Looking at this, after 4 years of this one shot/poke meta seeing them add more scaling to damage, more cc, and less answers to both... Yeah, I think I might be taking another indefinite break
what are you cope'ing about this is still oneshot meta look at the items changes everything has more dmg and less health
@@Sebastian-oz1lj Your reading skills need work
It‘s actually crazy to me, nerfing tenacity without any major nerfs to basically all cc tanks or/and mages. Pro play basically has 3 tanks in top/jgl/supp just for cc and protecting the two carries.
Which tanks?
Pro play only ksante(tank master yi,the most stupid champ in the game) , tham kench with senna, rell sejuani and nautilus sometimes(low pickrate), zac and reksai only in 2024 first split. If they remove ksante from the game it s ok, tanks are fine
@@ilplopperz Tahm Kench is not a tank.
What weird changes to make
Now morgana can really cc to afk message
Another huge buff for ADCs... Tabis nerf, berserker buff, no tenacity so you can have free shoots. Does Phreak play Adc or who's the one wanting freelo?
He reached masters this season with support. He abused Janna and maokai.
Why would you ever go swifties when zephyr just gives more movement speed
looks like a few months vacation time.
GP is completely screwed. They need to buff him or revert his Q nerf.
it would be amazing if they bring bruiser gp back
Its most likely that GP is gonna go back to bruiser build. But with the passive being with crit, i honestly dont know how he is going to survive this, especially tanks are being buffed once again. The only thing i can think of is tri force shojin mortal reminder collector. But this is still so bad for GP. Maybe theyrr forcing him to go full lethality but it makes no sense at all@mateusguimaraes2564
Isn’t his phantom barrel bugged currently too?
@@jamesplitter14 ye
Im so cooked, vayne can now take boots of swiftness, cleanse, flash, scimitar, jaksho, phantdom dancer, Zephyr, and guardian angel or another tank item
MID-SEASON titled Better CC wins not even joking.
- Nerfing Tenacity while buffing Haste from everywhere is probably the dumbest thing here. It was already possible to be stun locked pretty often even with Tenacity, now it will be properly unplayable depending on the champions.
Especially when they also lower the HP values on Tank items, and buff ADC items... You will not be able to play, and you'll die faster in addition. Being a Top Laner, you can guess I'm looking forward to that lol (Most ironic tone ever)...
The most strange thing is that, not so long ago, I clearly remember Riot saying they wanted things to come back a bit to the state of "Durability Patch" because there is way too much damage in the game right now. While they do the exact opposite with this patch... Pure Riot logic...
- I don't get the boots changes, it's both strange and unhealthy in my opinion. Having boots that can empower your recall when you're nerfing both Mercury, Steelcaps, and Swiftness (In my opinion this is a nerf even if it's a "rework")... What are they thinking??? Macro-wise it's busted.
And giving the Slow Resist only for the ADC basically, also another big middle-finger to the rest along with Tenacity nerfs.
- I hate the removing of Corruption Potion, Anathema's Chains, Futur Market, Ingenious Hunter, and of course Legend Tenacity. But I love the removing of Lethal Tempo and the Ghost nerfs.
Overall I have a really mixed feeling about these changes, but way more disappointed than happy. The game already has too much damage and Haste, and they are just making things worst.
At this point I think Riot should just remove tenacity altogether and implement a system that reduces duration of each consecutive cc
Why change from max mana to bonus mana when there are 4 items in the game that give mana?
Yeah the season 7 meta is definitely back at this point. It was so heavy tank and on hit meta.
From what I'm seeing with games on PVE crit meta is going to be a thing. It's utterly disgusting. 4 items for 100% crit then 5th item for whatever is needed. Every crit build comes online so much faster. They also in the most Riot move ever that no one could see coming didn't nerf Yasuo and Yone's passive stacking with crit, so that's a new adventure in lunacy.
It's interesting to see how much MS they are adding. Maybe the drop in tenacity is because they are giving you enough MS to dodge cc like lux bind or morg root and tank their whole combo. Only issue is that doesn't help with point and click; Pantheon, TF, Morg, Naut, Renekton, Malz, Briar, and Kass are going to be so much fun... I am excited for Blackfire tho, as an Asol main, thats going to be so good.
Recurve bow now deals physical damage on hit and dagger lost 2% AS who asked for that
What if they put the items that are in arena to the normal games
Riot: we have a snowball problem. You get ahead and you are much more likely to win.
Also riot: buff all the damage items, nerf the defensives and tenacity. Also, buff the support and mage items. Make adc's hit their power spikes earlier and make sure people cant get to them or get away from them.
yeah idk man I literally cant play Assassins now and this update is gonna make it worse GG riot thanks for fucking up once again
they literally buffed the shit out of randuins and removed crit from a bunch of crit items and then half the crit items that are left got their AD removed, and essence reaver is no longer even an item
what do you mean buff all the damage items
Seems you dont understand how it works. more damage benefits more coin flips so exatly what riot wants. more damage is less snowball more tanky is more snowball
Bausses Sion will be happy from this update. Imagine the proxy with new boots
Makes sense theyd reduce tenacity since they want the game to be a fucking misery. Now you cant even build to get out of bullshit chain CC, they want you to just not play this horrific fucking game anymore. The only way riot decides to make a balance team that have atleast base understandings of what is going on in the game will be a protest.
wait no corrupting potion? How I'm supposed to survive fizz early game? specially against tristana, cassio, diana, lissandra mids? Stay under tower and dont farm first 10 minutes?
So adcs will be able to have six items while the rest have five and some boots… I shudder to think of how fast yone will scale with the attack speed boot path
the upgraded boots isn't really good value, 40% atk speed and 65 mov speed for a total of 3100g, it is only an option for those who have 6 items and extra gold
@@perceptivity_ And 20% slow resist and a blowjob and a free car and and and and and and and and and
Adc's are late game monsters, I'm okay with them getting upgraded boots, if the game lasts long enough for 5 items they can have it.
I mean, steraks and wits end have tenacity if they haven't been changed. Personally I like that tenacity options are being moved to items, so you don't have to gamble on runes in modes like quickplay or ARAM.
is riot stupid?
they've released champs with such broken abilities(yone), so i'm 100% sure
@@mateusguimaraes2564 Do not forget ksante. A tank that somehow has several dashes and more damage than AP midlaner
Symbiotic Soles will be a troll Item lol. Supports will hit lvl3 and never come back bot.
I like these changes except WHY WOULD YOU REMOVE ANATHEMA'S!!!!
They should buff Tenacity not nerf it... way too much cc in this game
look's adc is finally getting buffed after getting wrecked by mages and tanks last season
i feel like every mid season patch for the past 4 seasons has been adc item changes, i just dont understand why riot cant get them right
skill issue, adc is the most impactful role played by the most dog players.
In pro its always been bot lane meta.
Buff adc and you get the most boring thing under the sun. Surpassed only by tank meta.
@@cephalonbob15 Stronger adcs lead to tank metas.
@@cephalonbob15 Most impactful role
Dies to 0/10 toplaner or jungler
Great argument butthurt idiot
@@GCOSBenbow Exactly as the only way for people to be useful is to play tank.
hence the very fun ksante vs reksai/zac top or skarner vs zac top we are seeing.
Stronger adc's lead to bruisers/skirmishes like darius/irelia/fiora/garen/nasus being unplayable as they get 3 shot my adc and cant ever reach the backline because of support. So they are forced into Ornn/sion as that way they can still be a slab of meat for their team.
Whats about liandry and blackfire? Are they stackable? I can already imagine teemo shrooms with those 2 and riftmaker
damn those recall boots, seem kinda nuts, hopping a wall and slipping away and getting to just tp out seems really busted on shaco or kayn or talon
14.10 is looking to be a nightmare...
okay so like for ranged champions that go swifties, at level 15 they should go for zephyrs its a direct buff because they have the same movement speed, except its constant, and it provides attack speed, and the slow resist that it had before, They should have given each boot their own upgrade except symbiotic soles (since it upgrades passively) because at level 15, theres no reason to still have swiftness boots for any champion unless your melee, which even then, the slow resists helps more and the attack speed.
The new boots are gonna be so busted, bailing with a baron recall on laning phase is gonna be crazy, but i do like the fact some boots can get upgraded, they could do that to other boots for sure
I love the idea of boots being upgradable late game. Like make it that you need a certain level and a certain amount of other items completed before you can build it.
I hope they add boot upgrades to all of the boots, otherwise it's going to be hard to not swap over to zephyr in the later game
basically they want to re-do the hyper carry and slve sup meta.
So glad riot vanguard is letting me get away from this balancing nightmare
I dont know why they are keeping the rejuvenation bead in the warmogs. It's a redundant stat.
Zephyr boots are completely broken op.
Why would they remove rock solid from randuins when the component has it? That was the reason they changed the spectres cowl to have 100% regen instead of 150% after tsking damage. So that the full item would not lose an innate effect of a component.
I guess swift boots are dead? Like what? That's the ONLY thing they were bought for, even then they were really rare and only like singed and some tanks built it occasionally
What the hell is happening