thanks for posting I had a 2.2. 5cyl in exact same colour for a few years and loved it. Did 100 miles a day in it for many years on a commute. Easy getting past lorries and slow cars and it handled nicely. Sturdy and dead easy to service I used to do it all myself. Unfortunately it attracted car thieves like mad and I had to get the door fixed three times from attempted break-ins. I used to remove the HT lead when parked at night so even when they broke into the car they couldn't start it! It had to go when we had family, but some fond memories of it.
Nice lookin car ! Keep it original ! Lots of people don't know the sunroof is removable. Just pull the two pin on the side , and inside the trunk have a L shape bracket to slide the sunroof to store it. They are the fun car to drive . True classic !
I had an '84 and then an '87 GT Coupe back in the '90s, and I was perplexed as to what those two brackets in the trunk were for. I was finally enlightened, about a year ago, while watching another Audi Coupe TH-cam video.
Had a W reg C drove it from London to GREECE then back to Dublin .cornered like a cat on a shag carpet .Loved the whine when gearing down in to first .Whang daang daang
I have one. Bought in 2003 with 135.000kms, and now with 370.000. I'm from Portugal e I had crossed europe 3 time in it, one of them from Oporto to Berlin. My opinion is suspect, but it seems it is a good car ;)
Not naturally aspirated. It had Bosch jettronic mechanical fuel injection. I had a 1984 A reg 2.2 5cyl in tornado red back in the day. Definitely one of the best cars I ever had. That 5 cylinder burble was sooooooo sweeeeet. Yours looks in great condition. I’m jealous!
The 1981 Coupe GT 5S was my first car ever. Sooooo many memories coming back seeing this footage.
That was my 1st too. She was 1983. loved it
And me ! A 1985 GT5S was my first car. Loved it!
thanks for posting I had a 2.2. 5cyl in exact same colour for a few years and loved it. Did 100 miles a day in it for many years on a commute. Easy getting past lorries and slow cars and it handled nicely. Sturdy and dead easy to service I used to do it all myself. Unfortunately it attracted car thieves like mad and I had to get the door fixed three times from attempted break-ins. I used to remove the HT lead when parked at night so even when they broke into the car they couldn't start it! It had to go when we had family, but some fond memories of it.
Nice lookin car ! Keep it original ! Lots of people don't know the sunroof is removable. Just pull the two pin on the side , and inside the trunk have a L shape bracket to slide the sunroof to store it. They are the fun car to drive . True classic !
I had an '84 and then an '87 GT Coupe back in the '90s, and I was perplexed as to what those two brackets in the trunk were for. I was finally enlightened, about a year ago, while watching another Audi Coupe TH-cam video.
I had an A reg one just like that back in the day. A great GT car with a sonorous engine sound!
I had 1987 us version ,love it ,think the sunroof was full power ,red also digital dash thou
Had an 1980 Audi 4000 with the 2.1 liter 5 cylinder, which was fairly rare, as most 4000’s were VW 4cyl. Always wanted the GT though.
Wrong about Sun roof Not tilt only.... it lifts out and stores in boot on a little bracket on top off inside off boot lol ....
Very good review. Loved these cars.
Had a GT back in the late 1990s, £300.00 I paid for it with a brand new radiator, I loved it👍😘
Had a W reg C drove it from London to GREECE then back to Dublin .cornered like a cat on a shag carpet .Loved the whine when gearing down in to first .Whang daang daang
I have one. Bought in 2003 with 135.000kms, and now with 370.000. I'm from Portugal e I had crossed europe 3 time in it, one of them from Oporto to Berlin. My opinion is suspect, but it seems it is a good car ;)
Not naturally aspirated. It had Bosch jettronic mechanical fuel injection. I had a 1984 A reg 2.2 5cyl in tornado red back in the day. Definitely one of the best cars I ever had. That 5 cylinder burble was sooooooo sweeeeet. Yours looks in great condition. I’m jealous!
Definitely naturally aspirated (i.e. no turbo or super charger). Fuel system is Bosch K-jetronic, which is a basic mechanical fuel injection system.
@@markf4720 yeah sorry - I was mixing up naturally aspirated and carb. Dumb aren’t I? 😂
@@bluwolf1067 lol!, No - I'd be lying if I said I hadn't confused that in the past myself 😁
Why at the end of the video did you say it was a 4 cyl? The 2.2 Has always been a five pot
They actually did make some that were 4 cylinder models....sacrilege !
@@motoflyte Must have been very early prototypes. 5+ ALL DAY LONG LOL
@@paulisenior They did make 1.8 4cyl models in both carb and injection, All 2.0 and 2.2 models were fives
@@paultaylor5502 there was a 1.9 5 cylinder carb engine as well, I think from launch to 1982
@@markf4720 yep, indeed they did 1921cc, i had 2
loved the video! such a nice car
Is it AWD?
I like how he says not many options, well the reality is... Do you need more options? REALLY
I had a 1988 model and loved it until my mate run into the back of it with his rover sd1