Spiritual Eyes opening scripture points sermon

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2024
  • Importance of Spiritual sight
    (Rev 3:17-19) It is possible for our spiritual sight to grow dim. We could even become blind. Unlike natural blindness which is obvious to all, the spiritually blind are often deceived and think they see. The people of laodicia could not see their true condition. They thought they were rich and in need of nothing which was the exact opposite of the truth.
    (Proverbs 29:18) My people perish for lack of vision. They cast off restraint. Backsliding always starts with a lack of spiritual sight. Revelation begins to grow dim. When the vision fades, the feeling fades, the passion fades, the fire goes out. When we see something it effects us in many ways. What we see can stir up desire, it can inspire us, it arouse great emotion, etc. We must continue to behold a thing if it is to continue to effect us in such a strong manner. That is why must continually look upon the Word of God. Many times we get out our wedding albums and find those feelings of love stirred up. Or we look back at one of our missions trips and feels those thrills that we had previously experienced. Also when I was a boy after watching superman I would zoom around the house. Those images had a great influence upon my emotions, desires, etc. We must not ask ourselves whether or not we know a certain truth but rather that truth burns in our hearts as revelation and effects our lives and the lives of those around us.
    (1 John 3:2; )We become whatever we look at. If we behold Christ we become partakes of the divine nature, but if we bring idols into our house and look upon them we will begin to take on the nature of those demons behind the idols.
    (Luke 12:45-46) If we are not looking the judgment of God will take us by surprise
    (John 5:19-20) Spiritual sight vital to effective ministry. Jesus said that He only did what he saw the Father doing

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