Good evening, Fran! I watched this little snippet of happiness this morning but was running out of time to leave a message before going to work so here I am at the end of the day! Nothing better than being cosily wrapped up in hand made woollens, changing plans to soak up the moment! À demain! 🌲
You've got snow again, how wonderful! Being all wrapped in wool is just the best ♡ Thanks for taking us along for a little walk to the woods. I enjoyed it a lot ♡
Thanks Pa! I tried to film one of the Lavoirs as you suggested but it didn’t really look to anything! Nico spontaneously went into the one on the other side of the village te other day being silly and pretending to wash, shame I didn’t have my camera that time!!
Love your videos Fran, enjoy the snow! I am curious which other Vlogmas / podcasts you like to watch, it’s so nice sitting down with knitting and tea and being kept company❤
Thank you! Oh that’s a great question! My absolute favourite is Yarnchix with Mimi and after that I’d say Woolly Mammoth with Emma, A Lovely Yarn with Amber and this year for the first time Laura Penrose. Do you have any favourites too?
Coucou Fran, ah j'étais désabonnée je ne sais pourquoi . Alors je suis contente d'avoir trouvé où tu publies tes vlogs. Quelle bonne idée cette petite balade, ça me donne une idée où tu es même si ce village m'est familier car j'ai passé bcp de temps dans les Pyrénées quand j'étais enfant. Vivement demain ;)) Tes lainages sont vraiment beaux. Ne dois tu pas faire un marché de Noël avec tes créations, j'ai cru le lire.
Merci pour ta visite Isabelle! Tu es venue dans quel coin des Pyrénées dans ton enfance? Je crois que tu m’en a déjà parlé mais je ne rappelle pas! Oui, le marché approche à grand pas - c’est mercredi 18 devant notre Biocoop! J’ai à la fois hâte…et un peu peur!
Good evening, Fran! I watched this little snippet of happiness this morning but was running out of time to leave a message before going to work so here I am at the end of the day! Nothing better than being cosily wrapped up in hand made woollens, changing plans to soak up the moment! À demain! 🌲
Merci pour ton message Nathalie! It makes me feel so lovely to know you’ve visited my little corner at each end of your day! 🌲
You've got snow again, how wonderful! Being all wrapped in wool is just the best ♡ Thanks for taking us along for a little walk to the woods. I enjoyed it a lot ♡
It really is! I had no idea it was going to snow when I set out! It was only a little but it felt like an extra cozy winter walk!
Good to get out , even on a grey cold day. But lovely to come in to a hot cup of coco.Thanks for taking us with you Fran.
Thanks Pa! I tried to film one of the Lavoirs as you suggested but it didn’t really look to anything! Nico spontaneously went into the one on the other side of the village te other day being silly and pretending to wash, shame I didn’t have my camera that time!!
Beautiful scenery and snow - loved seeing your handknits - thank you!
Glad you enjoyed it! I’m always so curious to see what other folks have made / are wearing! Gives me inspiration for future knits!
Love your videos Fran, enjoy the snow! I am curious which other Vlogmas / podcasts you like to watch, it’s so nice sitting down with knitting and tea and being kept company❤
Thank you! Oh that’s a great question! My absolute favourite is Yarnchix with Mimi and after that I’d say Woolly Mammoth with Emma, A Lovely Yarn with Amber and this year for the first time Laura Penrose. Do you have any favourites too?
I loved going on this little walk with you! What a beautiful village.
Glad you enjoyed it! It’s such a darling little place and it’s extra wonderful because of the mountains all around!
This is so very beautiful and peaceful.
It’s one of my favourite walks, I love seeing it through every season and noticing how nature changes through the year 🤍
Curious about what kind of bush at the church is blooming with it snowing??
Coucou Fran, ah j'étais désabonnée je ne sais pourquoi . Alors je suis contente d'avoir trouvé où tu publies tes vlogs. Quelle bonne idée cette petite balade, ça me donne une idée où tu es même si ce village m'est familier car j'ai passé bcp de temps dans les Pyrénées quand j'étais enfant. Vivement demain ;)) Tes lainages sont vraiment beaux. Ne dois tu pas faire un marché de Noël avec tes créations, j'ai cru le lire.
Merci pour ta visite Isabelle! Tu es venue dans quel coin des Pyrénées dans ton enfance? Je crois que tu m’en a déjà parlé mais je ne rappelle pas! Oui, le marché approche à grand pas - c’est mercredi 18 devant notre Biocoop! J’ai à la fois hâte…et un peu peur!