I keep asking myself this same question ⁉️.. there ain't nothing like the blues... I've had em all my life... how bout you? great music brother... thanks 🙏
It would have been nice for my relative to be mentioned in this at least once. Francis Hillman AKA Scrapper Blackwell. A man who had no misery in his life or money issues just don't fit into the blues narrative.
@@daddystovepipe Thanks but not for me but for the new ears so they wont think Francis didn't exist. Great fretwork for sure. You would make him proud. That scale was called demonic and evil back in the day. It sparked emotions and the odd balls thought that was dangerous. Scrapper could not play many juke joints because of his color and he could not play in sundown towns because of his partner. That Scottish blood ran deep but he was always calm.
Em meravella les versions que interpreta aquest mestra. Voldria saber el seu nom. Tan sols exposa el nom de l'autor de la cançó, no pas el seu, ni tan sols a la web on indica els temes amb el preu dels tutorials per aprendre els temes. M'agradaria saber el seu recorregut musical. Si fos tan amable de respondrem, li agrairia. Per descomptat l'agraïment del plaer d'escoltar els seus vídeos. Soc conscient que el meu idioma no l'entendrà, com jo tampoc el seu, però avui en dia existeixen els traductors per internet. Això no vol dir que vulgui perdre el temps en respondrem, però seria un detall que ho fes. Moltes mercès per endavant per poder seguir el seu canal i gaudir de les seves interpretacions!!!
Beste Tonet, mijn naam is geen geheim. Google "daddystovepipe" en je komt het zo te weten. Of ga naar mijn website daddystovepipe.com en open "who am I". Veel dank voor de complimenten, als Vlaming heb ik veel sympathie voor de Catalanen, die zoals wij onafhankelijkheid nastreven.
@@daddystovepipe jejejejejeje Mai hagues dit que ets Belga, és a dir, de Bélgica, per com toques, sembla que hagis nascut en el Mississipí com els grans bluesman!!! jejejejejeje. Per altre banda, M'analegro de tenir la teva simpatia i estic d'acord en les nostres ideologies, això tenim en comú. M'han agradat les teves paraules. Moltes mercès i salutacions!!
Glad to see you in good and healthy shape and even better to enjoy you playing wonderfully this tune. Greeting from sunny Denmark.
You've got the bluuues
Another gem for me to work on. Thanks Daddy!
Masterful Daddy!
Good to see you are still there after all these years. thumb 157
Nice one daddy👍
Beautiful song, sir🙏🏾
Glad to see you...Wish you good health and happiness 😊😊👍🙏
Yes, that’s a good one! Very nice. I think you should post a video about your hats. 🎩😎
Thanks, ha, ha, that would be a boring video, I'll stick to guitars 😀
When I'm able to play like this I'll thank you and I'll remake some of my own things
I keep asking myself this same question ⁉️..
there ain't nothing like the blues... I've had em all my life... how bout you?
great music brother... thanks 🙏
Beautiful. Well done.
Love this!
The tag at the end 👌
You made Blind Lemmon Jefferson see again to look over your shoulder while you played that!
Love this!
Slow blues!! Just really good playing and singing at the same time which is no mean feat.
That's pretty blue.
This is great!! You put a lot of soul in to it. What make parlor guitar is it?
thanks, 000 made by Texan David Newton
It would have been nice for my relative to be mentioned in this at least once. Francis Hillman AKA Scrapper Blackwell. A man who had no misery in his life or money issues just don't fit into the blues narrative.
Remedied, check videodescription.
@@daddystovepipe Thanks but not for me but for the new ears so they wont think Francis didn't exist. Great fretwork for sure. You would make him proud. That scale was called demonic and evil back in the day. It sparked emotions and the odd balls thought that was dangerous. Scrapper could not play many juke joints because of his color and he could not play in sundown towns because of his partner. That Scottish blood ran deep but he was always calm.
Em meravella les versions que interpreta aquest mestra. Voldria saber el seu nom. Tan sols exposa el nom de l'autor de la cançó, no pas el seu, ni tan sols a la web on indica els temes amb el preu dels tutorials per aprendre els temes. M'agradaria saber el seu recorregut musical. Si fos tan amable de respondrem, li agrairia. Per descomptat l'agraïment del plaer d'escoltar els seus vídeos. Soc conscient que el meu idioma no l'entendrà, com jo tampoc el seu, però avui en dia existeixen els traductors per internet. Això no vol dir que vulgui perdre el temps en respondrem, però seria un detall que ho fes. Moltes mercès per endavant per poder seguir el seu canal i gaudir de les seves interpretacions!!!
Beste Tonet, mijn naam is geen geheim. Google "daddystovepipe" en je komt het zo te weten. Of ga naar mijn website daddystovepipe.com en open "who am I". Veel dank voor de complimenten, als Vlaming heb ik veel sympathie voor de Catalanen, die zoals wij onafhankelijkheid nastreven.
@@daddystovepipe jejejejejeje Mai hagues dit que ets Belga, és a dir, de Bélgica, per com toques, sembla que hagis nascut en el Mississipí com els grans bluesman!!! jejejejejeje. Per altre banda, M'analegro de tenir la teva simpatia i estic d'acord en les nostres ideologies, això tenim en comú. M'han agradat les teves paraules. Moltes mercès i salutacions!!
U play so much
I'm shocked!
How can you say a word against Blind Lemon? (Even if you are right.)
FANtastic brother 🎶