Ellis, nice reaction to this cool song by Helloween... recreated in the hands of the amazing Alip!!! By the way, what happened to your video toward the end...?? ~Love from Jess~ ❤️
Tuan Ellis, saya sangat kagum kepada Anda bagaimana Anda sangat menghargai dan membahas petikan Bang Alip. Andai Anda berkunjung ke Indonesia dan berjumpa dengan Bang Alip, bagaimana dia akan menjamu Anda minum segelas kopi dan berbagi ilmu bergitar.... respect
saya masih kebingungannya dengan apa yang di omong kan mr ellis,,, dikarenakan jujur saya kurang begitu mengerti dengan bahasa Inggris,,, tapi saya selalu melihat reaksi dari mr ellis
@@bell1153 iya bener,,,saya sudah subscribe channel nya lagi viral dia sudah menterjemahkan dengan bahasa Indonesia,, tapi baru sebagian dari channel nya mr ellis.
Now im still singing Here I am Seeing you once again My mind's so far away My heart's so close to stay Too proud to fight I'm walking back into night Will I ever find Someone to believe? Your lies... Your lies...
I can play this song. But after watched Alip and ur titoring, i will forget to play this song. But i will not stop listen to this cover and sing along. Tks to u both
u know what i like from u when u're doing reaction, i love ur hypotehsis when doing a chord structure. u're like figure out that things from what he does who's hard can't be describe for noob like us maybe it's not the same things, but it's closer n that's good n u're giving explanation so we got a new lessons as well . and it's good for learning
For 3 days I watched all your 90 videos of alip's reaction. Now I'm getting to know alip better on how he plays guitar and does the tricks. Thank you so much..
Ellis...it's nice ...your reaction is so critics, you raelly put attention in every grips on neck of guitar and hearing the tone carefully than coment.
Just curious, are you familiar with blues scales in terms of theory? They contain 'blue notes' which are used mostly as passing tones to notes typical inside minor, major, and Dorian. They also contain 10 notes sometimes depending on the specific scale used, so they can give the tonal color of other modes due to the extra accidental. Due to the extra notes they also contain more half steps, which can lead to phrygian, lydian and mixolydian tonality coming out occasionally. The reason I bring this up is because there were many 'blue notes' used in this. In a classical sense, they are used almost like ornaments to give moments of tonal color. Blues and jazz blues can get quite tricky with theory but I reccomend looking into it.
Karena mas Alip,para video reaktor bisa saling bersilaturahmi.Sebagaimana para Aliper di seluruh dunia bisa berinteraksi. Terima kasih mas Alip,because of you,we can be respect each other,make a friend forever. Suwun..
Selamat pagi...guten morgen Ellis. Selamat datang, welcome in Alipers world...btw thanks a lot for nice and smart react to excellent job of Alip guitar playing...keep it up
Alip might need to cover most viewed songs on TH-cam, to get more variations and to gain much much more viewers. Such songs from Ed Sheeran, Maaron 5, Taylor Swift, etc can add new flavors to his fingerstyles and attract more millennials.
Haha...yayat...aku dapat rasa nama alip ba ta adalah huruf2 quran..mungkin sebab itu bro yayat taknak sampai dia lupa diri dan bangga berhayal kemewahan dunia dgn nama samaran itu....aku bangga dgn bro alip ba ta
Andai Saja Kang Elis, ngasih Subtitle, alangkah Indahnya, Saya Jadi Tau Apa Yang Di Bicarakan, tiap Kang Elis Reaction cuman Manggut2 Saja, Asik in aja🤣
Ellis, nice reaction to this cool song by Helloween... recreated in the hands of the amazing Alip!!! By the way, what happened to your video toward the end...?? ~Love from Jess~ ❤️
Much love you from 🇲🇨,, jess..
Like u jess
Hai kak jesss
Aww the footage... Can't hold it any longer, too much excitement 😅😂😂👍
Tuan Ellis, saya sangat kagum kepada Anda bagaimana Anda sangat menghargai dan membahas petikan Bang Alip.
Andai Anda berkunjung ke Indonesia dan berjumpa dengan Bang Alip, bagaimana dia akan menjamu Anda minum segelas kopi dan berbagi ilmu bergitar.... respect
Bagus sekali bahasanya pak. Dengan begini akan mudah sekali Ellis translate pakai Google 😂💪.. Lanjutkan!
saya masih kebingungannya dengan apa yang di omong kan mr ellis,,, dikarenakan jujur saya kurang begitu mengerti dengan bahasa Inggris,,, tapi saya selalu melihat reaksi dari mr ellis
@@dedewaji2484 apa lgi klo udah nyengir demen bgt gw 😀,kagum abis dia
@@bell1153 iya bener,,,saya sudah subscribe channel nya lagi viral dia sudah menterjemahkan dengan bahasa Indonesia,, tapi baru sebagian dari channel nya mr ellis.
When the amazing human playing guitar and reacted by the knowledgeable human, that's called perfect!
Clear, clean and very harmonic,,, i think he is the legend fingerstyle,,, salute
Now im still singing
Here I am
Seeing you once again
My mind's so far away
My heart's so close
to stay
Too proud to fight
I'm walking back into night
Will I ever find
Someone to believe?
Your lies...
Your lies...
I can play this song. But after watched Alip and ur titoring, i will forget to play this song. But i will not stop listen to this cover and sing along. Tks to u both
That is alif ba ta. Always and always make people can enjoy listening what he is played
What he played
Not what he is played
The special thing from Mr. Alip is that he plays every note and doesn't break apart, but he also hears the bass
Ellis..!!!! what a smart music teacher you are!!! 😊😊😊
Educative explanation good job👍
When the soul inside in the guitar...
u know what i like from u when u're doing reaction, i love ur hypotehsis when doing a chord structure.
u're like figure out that things from what he does who's hard can't be describe for noob like us
maybe it's not the same things, but it's closer n that's good n u're giving explanation so we got a new lessons as well
and it's good for learning
That's it, my favourite band 'Helloween' !!! 😌👍👍
For 3 days I watched all your 90 videos of alip's reaction. Now I'm getting to know alip better on how he plays guitar and does the tricks. Thank you so much..
Thanks mate...for an analyst and show up....nice a reaction ...
Thank you for explaining my brother about the style of playing alip ba ta
Gretting For Me From Indonesia South borneo city Elis 😊👍
I would love to hug your kucing...she's so adorable cutiee pie
And that new hair cut is impressive...luv it
Ur analize on all reaction to Alib is Soo diligent, i like all of ur coment to Alib.. exslecialy your smile 👍👍
You are Famous person in Indonesia cause U re always reaction Mr Alip Ba Ta..
Ellis made different way. Great to have Ellis because the free tutoring. for me is clear. Alip makes us unity
"excellent job Alip"...Ellis said..👍
Not just a reaction but also useful lesson
Alip ba ta ''INI RINDU
Bang Ellis mantap, apalagi senyumanya .....👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏
Ellis...it's nice ...your reaction is so critics, you raelly put attention in every grips on neck of guitar and hearing the tone carefully than coment.
Thank's bro Ellis...
Love from Indonesia for your Alif Ba Ta 's Reaction...
Just curious, are you familiar with blues scales in terms of theory? They contain 'blue notes' which are used mostly as passing tones to notes typical inside minor, major, and Dorian. They also contain 10 notes sometimes depending on the specific scale used, so they can give the tonal color of other modes due to the extra accidental. Due to the extra notes they also contain more half steps, which can lead to phrygian, lydian and mixolydian tonality coming out occasionally.
The reason I bring this up is because there were many 'blue notes' used in this. In a classical sense, they are used almost like ornaments to give moments of tonal color.
Blues and jazz blues can get quite tricky with theory but I reccomend looking into it.
oficcial fans page "Helloween" (facebook) posted this cover , wow awesome
this time !!!
I hope someday see you write/coment on alip ba ta chanel 🙏
i always waiting your reaction for alip' s covered
Salam Indonesia alib ba ta ....mantul
oh my that chonker of a beast!
I like to see your reaction, i alwasy get some new information how Alif did it. 👍
Nice reaction..good job broo
its not about playing guitar but this feel on music
nice start dude..
I waiting youlast night, today i looked youreaction amazing for Alip thanks ellis 👍👍👍🙏
Karena mas Alip,para video reaktor bisa saling bersilaturahmi.Sebagaimana para Aliper di seluruh dunia bisa berinteraksi.
Terima kasih mas Alip,because of you,we can be respect each other,make a friend forever.
That great Ellis your react..plus alip perform..that cool..👍👍👍👍
I always wait your reaction proff 😊😊😊
Finally....welldone bro...👍👍
Full soul inside ...
No one finger style like alif... He very amazing
Monster of slidding n harmanic...#cakaliplanjutterus$
Selamat pagi...guten morgen Ellis. Selamat datang, welcome in Alipers world...btw thanks a lot for nice and smart react to excellent job of Alip guitar playing...keep it up
Waiting your reaction ....
*Worth it*
Keep it up
More Alip's videos please
Alip might need to cover most viewed songs on TH-cam, to get more variations and to gain much much more viewers. Such songs from Ed Sheeran, Maaron 5, Taylor Swift, etc can add new flavors to his fingerstyles and attract more millennials.
Alip ba ta just cover legend song
he's different
cover millenial songs maybe 10 years from now
Entertaining reaction Ellis...love it
Nice,,, thanks.
Waiting 4 next react.
He is my neighbor when he was kid, I learned how to play from him, when young he is called "Yayat" not Alib. I proud to him,
Haha...yayat...aku dapat rasa nama alip ba ta adalah huruf2 quran..mungkin sebab itu bro yayat taknak sampai dia lupa diri dan bangga berhayal kemewahan dunia dgn nama samaran itu....aku bangga dgn bro alip ba ta
Mantap... Bro. Ellis..
Nice reaction
Kucing....i love kucing so much
Im so really happy that you makes react video of Him, but Im also really love YOUR CAT :"D
Mantab bosskkuu...👍👍👍👍
Great arr..... good vibe... soulful...
Thx bro..... mantap !!!
Mantap mr elis good luck tanks for reaksion briliant to alip bata kopi mana mana kopi
g'night mr.ellis....job best friend👌👌😘thank'u reaction alif ba -ta...success 4 u
nice react...
well explanation...
good luck brother
I'll ben waiting for your react all this time.....
Ha... Finally. I've been waiting your reaction dude... Impressive as always!
Well too bad it is destroyed partially. That's okay, though.... 👍
Andai Saja Kang Elis, ngasih Subtitle, alangkah Indahnya, Saya Jadi Tau Apa Yang Di Bicarakan, tiap Kang Elis Reaction cuman Manggut2 Saja, Asik in aja🤣
Yang Lainya Yang Reaction Alif ba ta, yang udah subtitle langsung ku subcrib
Selamat pagi
Selamat siang
Selamat malam
Kopi mana kopi 😀🇮🇩
Many are great at fingerstyle but only bang alip is the best
His cover is easy to listen to.
Indonesia harus berbangga memiliki sosok seperti ALIP BA TA.
Selamat Malam and Good Evening Ellis.. nice reaction to alip_ba_ta 👍👍🎸☕
"Selamat Menempuh hidup baru" Salam dari koecheng oren.
Selamat malam ..... Nice reaction tanks
Selamat malam Bro..👍👍👍👍👍
God bless you ..👍
my favorite song..is very famous in indonesia few years ago
ordinary song becomes extraordinary with the touch of his finger bro😊😊😊
What? Ordinary song? Ha Ha Ha
ordinary ndasmu...
@@Luffman123 udelmu
Waaaaw sdh pandai ckap melayu...mantappp broo..
Im surprised that u havent heard this song and helloween. Back at the time, helloween is sooo popular in 90's here in indonesia.... just telling
Wow wow wow.....👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 king of master gitars
I'm wait this reaction 👍
selamat sore..
I love Indonesia from Pangandaran Beach, West Java 😍😍
Thnx broder.. alipres indonesia
Very good brother
Five thumbsup
Kucing walked in yeah. 😁😁
Selamat dan sukses selalu... Aminn
I Hope Mr Alip Ba Ta can release everyweek fingerstyle cover...
Crazy Skill...👍👍👍👍👍👍
love you reaction....👍👍👍
aliper hadir.......😎✌️
Whats up, "kucing" walked in..😄😄
is good to hear that, u learn bahasa indonesia? what a serious person are u...good job👍
I like it... 👍
i dont see you smile like before,
*_josephine alexandra,,nathan,,fingerstyle from indonesian is the best,_*
Selamat sore...good greeting broo...👏👏
Gokil habis aksi wong jowo of indonesia 🇮🇩
So sweet👍
Nice 👍👍👍👍😍
Mantap mas bro
Elis tampan...
Selamat selalu Mr. Ellis 😍