💘[At first sight] "Tan Qing Says Love" Sprinkle Sugar Collection, Tan Xuanlin's domineering bed.....
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
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💘【一見傾心花絮】“譚卿說愛”撒糖合集,譚玹霖霸氣床咚沐婉卿,沐婉卿害羞要抱抱! | 陳星旭 林彥俊 |一見傾心 Fall In Love
【一见倾心 Fall In Love】1926年,因父母决裂而旅日十年的沐婉卿带着母亲的骨灰回国安葬,表面上她投奔父亲,实则为了查明当年导致父母决裂的兄长之死的真相。兵变上位的上海城防长官谭玹霖因出身低微一直受到排挤,逆袭之后的处境依然如履薄冰。越城司令的独子徐光耀虽是众星捧月的天之骄子,却对官场的权力倾轧十分反感。因缘际会下,沐婉卿、谭玹霖和徐光耀三个年轻人结下了深厚的缘分。沐婉卿为了在沐家立足故意接近徐光耀以做靠山,而谭玹霖为了调查与沐家有关的陈年旧案提出与沐婉卿合作各取所需。三个人在经历了一系列大起大落甚至生死考验之后,谭玹霖和徐光耀在共产党人廖曦的指引之下,看透了反动军阀“只争私利,有家无国”的实质,殊途同归的投入到了大革命的洪流之中。在此过程中,三个人之间渐渐滋长的情愫也成就了一段荡气回肠的爱情传奇。
Tan is so charismatic, so charming, funny, romantic and entertaining. 🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘
I LOVE THEM SO MUCH😭😭😭😭 THEY LOOK SO GOOD TOGETHER! this was so funny too😂😂😂 the bromance between xu and commander tan😍
霖霖和俊俊在這個花絮, 特別投契和真摯,戲拍完了,也上演了,只留下些歡樂和開心片断 ,真的感謝拍攝花絮的哥兒们、姐兒们,捕捉他们當時的一颦一笑、一舉一動…現在拍不回來了 ,此情此境己成回忆! 點大大的讚👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
超級好看的花絮,星旭在工作中,等候中的當時 ,消磨時間和演員们的互動 ,真情真性的表露無遺,率性自然的陳三歲…最珍貴是沒有配音 是星旭的原聲和爽朗的笑聲 ,真的很醒神啊…👍🙏👍🙏
Yes! I love his voice! I’m so glad they didn’t dub.
Why did they break up? @@zeller628
Mee too
I hope to see them in a new drama again, really love them. Chen XingXu Zhang JingYi
How i love chen xinxu.... How Perfect God created you ...
May you always be humble and Succesfully
Thích cặp đôi này quá, mình thích cặp đôi này ở ngoài yêu nhau thật 😊
I swaeeerrr they look soo good together💝 I want them to be in another drama together please🥺❤️
崔連鳳和沐婉婷的花絮也要給點讚 ,"一見傾心"这部戲裏,沐婉婷是漂亮的女演員, 和沐婉卿是一時瑜亮,只是戲中角色是编剧早己設定 ,演員要依從導演指令去演好角色.這姊妹倆的演技很稱職,婉婷和崔連鳳 演一對母女 ,奸得很入戲 !👍👍🌹🌹
Everyone was brilliant! I loved the show❤
Chen xenxu is so good looking. Great actor.
0:29 that’s sweet of him to wait and help her👌
譚司令和徐少帥,戲外的好兄弟 ,很融洽唷…
Beautiful couple 💞💞💞
6:51至6:18 ,譚司令聳肩膊 ,聳得很銷魂呀…你太迷人了 。👍👍
0:07 Ahhhh this edit is too perfectttttt 😭😭😭🥺🥺😍😍
I love this drama, this couple amd chemistry 😍
I miss you sooo much..... Guys😭😭😭😭😭😭
the best drama so far for me... congratulations to the director👏.. hope the actors will be reunited in the next drama..
unique story and mutual cooperation.. just found out and watched it this year.. even though it's late it still remains in my memory because the storyline is very interesting.. the best chinese drama..❤❤❤
Que agradable es disfrutar lo que se hace.
this film romantic, and nerve-wracking, love it..
Love the music (theme song).😍😍
Пусть успех фильму принесет.🍒🍒
Love actor n actress commander tan n mu wanqing
Отличное игра моладцы
White moonlight lagunya,,😊masih setia nonton 2024
My favorite drama ❤
It’s so funny 😂😂
Season 2. Please
Vui quá
這花絮很好看 ,有其他的演員的片段;當然主菜是男主和女主
Đeo đôi qua
Aaaa queria que tivesse legenda em português , amei esse bts 😍😍
Hai nhiển duyên đóng dễ thương có phim mới nào ko
Season 2 pls
ยืนรอช่วยนางเอกเลย ห้ามคนอื่น
Tam Xuanlin, strong gentleman,
you're got a great personality ,
brave hero !reality he have a soft、kind heart!👍👍
Season 2 dong min 🙏🏻
Chan xing xu, masya allah
Cakepnya minta ampun ❤️❤️
Cakepnya kebangetan....,
Keknya Oliver suka beneran ma jingyi
May i know the title of the song in this clip?
What's the title of the song that Tan xualin sang in minute 4:12/4:14?
@@Giselle834 in English please
naaah porque no tiene sub en español :(
Tak ada bahasa malaysia
The execution of cui didnt showed. What episode is that?
Wat the song name in first clip??
白月光与朱砂痣(White moonlight and cinnabar nevus)
@@jennyli7911 謝謝
Diễn xuất nam, nữ ở mức tạm
Gọi huynh hieu minh, hồ Ca = cụ
Эти 2 командира геи??
NO! NO ! hahaha…
Season 2 dong min 🙏🏻