My 16 year old son introduced me to The Oh Hello's and I have been listening to everything from the group that I can find. I am 65 years old. Just wonderful music.
Climbing trees, like we did when we were children. Scaling walls, the walls that took us years to build. Climbing trees, haven't much since we were children. Shaking limbs, tend to end up bent and broken. Safe inside, the walls we built we found ourselves a home. Higher branches, harder fall. Hesitation stops us all Higher branches, harder fall. Hesitation stops us all. Higher branches, harder fall. Hesitation stops us all. Higher branches, harder fall. (Oh you'll never know) Hesitation stops us all. Oh you'll never know. Oh you'll never know. Oh you'll never know. Climbing trees. Haven't much since we were children. Shaking limbs, tend to end up bent and broken. But heartache, Pales in comparison to love.
4 year old comment but ay thanks for the lyrics. I’ve always thought it was “hide our branches, hide our thoughts / hesitation stops us all”. such pretty lyrics
This song was used in our wedding video. I had never heard it before, but now it's a constant reminder of the start to the best thing that's ever happened to me. Every time I hear it, I'm torn between dancing and crying and praying. You guys are wonderful
On their website they say they are influenced by "The Lumineers to Sufjan Stevens and The Middle East" but I'd argue those bands could take some influence from them. Rock on you amazing pair.
I just realized that "shaking limbs tend to end up bent and broken" could apply to either tree limbs or human arms and legs. Kind of obvious, I guess, but the wording lets the double meaning carry really well.
I actually thought shaking limbs reffered to their limbs, and it's shaking cuz they're of old age. Paired with "CLIMBING trees, haven't much since we were CHILDREN"
They could also be referring to shaking hands in an agreement with someone. The agreement could then be betrayed and their trust is now "bent and broken".
Climbing trees, the higher you get, makes you seek more safety the higher the risk of hurting yourself gets if you were to feel, but the higher you get the less of these safeties exist. Eventually you break/quit and go back down. In other cases you find a nice spot to be safe/sit and there you stay. But sometimes even though there is great risk, you have to keep going, sometimes because you have come too far to quit, sometimes because going down is impossible, and sometimes because going down now by choice would hurt just as much as falling from that height accidentally. You’re limbs are shaking, you’re heart is beating, but you keep going for that exact reason.
this music touches my heart. such a lame thing to say but it is true. no matter how alone, sad, angry, just any bad feeling i get, when i put on bands like this the feelings just fade away and i just sit there feeling so alive and lost in the beautiful music. music like this just makes you feel not alone
this song has been such a comfort to me, especially recently with how my mental health is deteriorating ever-so-slowly but surely. this reminds me that there's things in life that makes it worth fighting. the birds outside my window. the sky. the bugs going about their day as if i'm not even there. the trees. the fleeting moments of contentment.
I always thought “the shaken limbs” was “the chicken lives” which also fits the theme but I like both equally. The shaken limbs fits better with the line, obviosuly
I think this song is about breaking up with someone because how it talks about tree limbs breaking and then later it says "Higher branches harder fall" probably talking about getting really close to someone romantically then them breaking up with you and then getting really sad. Then at the end of the song talking about heartache
Higher branches, harder fall would likely refer to the more close you allow yourself to get to someone, as in the more that you allow yourself to love them, the harder it hurts if/when that relationship breaks off. So climbing higher is to have deeper feelings. This song seems to have a cynical or fearful way to look at allowing yourself to love someone. It is almost as if they are hesitant to actually give their heart away. But I love how it has somewhat of a positive or hopeful twist at the end... "But heartache pales in comparison to love." It is as if the choice is made even with all of the fear and hesitation.
I see it more as advice. They know the reasons why we all hesitate and they list out the things we tell ourselves that stops us from making any sort of step towards making connections. They then make their point very short and sweet at the end, "You'll never know" "[even though we hesitate and fear like in the lyrics before], heartache pales in comparison to love." Kids are adventurous. They know they can get hurt and even often do, but that doesn't stop them from climbing trees anyway. Somewhere along the way, we lose that bravery and learn to hesitate for fear of being hurt. Like broken limbs, a broken heart can be mended by time. Love and the memories created by climbing the trees anyway are lasting and worth the risk and pain before.
I'm listening to this on a playlist, and I've never heard this song before, and I regret not listening to it before now. I really need to look more into their works
Haha check back on the views 😉 ever since people heard soldier poet king on tiktok in the now-trending cottagecore tag, and just bc cottagecore in general has become popular over quarantine, people have been interested in the Oh Hellos more I believe. At least, that's how I got here lol
My heart is a city I must protect. Even if I build walls around my city, they are still going to be broken. My city will be stomped on, so I dont build walls. I simply shoot any outsider on sight. Moral of the story: my heart has become north Korea.
Jesus Christ is there no place on the Internet where I'm safe from the dream smp lmao?? Well. I get it. I've been part of some of the most annoying and and far-reaching fandoms ever on TH-camr. It's fun, isn't it? I hope you guys are enjoying yourselves. If I was a bit younger and had a bit more time, I'd probably be into the dream smp as well. As it is, I just run into you people in every corner again and again and still don't have much of an idea what's even going on on that server. It's a fascinating fandom. From the outside. As I said, I hope it's fun. But I won't lie it is a tiny bit annyoing lol
*[página 16]* ...dos filhos de Israel." "Pela fé o Mar Vermelho se abriu." "Pela fé as muralhas de Jericó caíram." "Pela fé a prostituta Raabe foi salva." "E que mais direi? O tempo me faltaria para falar de Gideão, Baraque, Sansão, Jefté, Davi, Samuel e dos profetas." Mas todos esses foram homens de fé. Outros mencionados nas Escrituras fizeram algo, mas Deus não os aceitou. Homens se humilharam e ainda assim Deus não os salvou. Acabe fez isso e mesmo assim seus pecados nunca foram perdoados . Homens se arrependeram e ainda assim não foram salvos, porque o arrependimento deles estava errado. Judas se arrependeu, enforcou - se e não foi salvo. Homens comfessaram seus pecados e não foram salvos. Saul fez isso. Ele disse a Davi: "Pequei contra ti, meu filho Davi". E mesmo assim ele continuou como antes. Multidões confessaram o nome de Cristo e fizeram coisas maravilhosas, e ainda assim nunca foram agradáveis a Deus, por essa simples razão de que não tinham fé. E se não há ninguém mencionados nas Escrituras, que é a história de milhares de anos, não é provável que nos outros dois mil anos da história do mundo tenha havido alguém, quando não houve nenhum durante os primeiros quatro mil. *[página 17]* *1.* Mas o próximo argumento é que a fé é a graça de se curvar e nada pode fazer um homem se curvar sem fé. Agora, a menos que o homem se curve, seu sacrifício não pode ser aceito. Os anjos sabem disso. Quando eles louvam a Deus, eles fazem isso velando seus rostos com asas. Os redimidos sabem disso. Quando eles louvam a Deus, lançam suas coroas aos pés dele. Agora, um homem que não tem fé prova que ele não pode se curvar. Pois ele não tem fé por essa razão, porque ele é muito orgulhoso para acreditar. Ele declara que não vai submeter seu intelecto, ele não se tornará uma criança e acreditará humildemente no que Deus lhe diz para acreditar. Ele é muito orgulhoso e não pode entrar no céu, porque a porta do céu é tão baixa que ninguém pode entrar por ela amenos que abaixem suas cabeças. Nunca houve um homem que pudesse entrar na salvação ereto. Devemos ir a Cristo de joelhos. Pois embora Ele seja uma porta grande o suficiente para o maior pecador entrar, Ele é uma porta tão baixa que os homens devem se curvar se quiserem ser salvos. Portanto, é necessário ter fé, pois a falta de fé é uma evidência certa da ausência de humildade. *[página 18]* *2.* Mas agora por outras razões. A fé é necessária para a salvação, porque nos é dito nas Escrituras que as obras não podem salvar. Para contar uma história muito familiar, e até mesmo os mais pobres não podem entender mal o que digo - um ministro estava ... *[página 19]* ... indo pregar um dia. Ele subiu uma colina em seu caminho. Abaixo dele estavam as vilas, adormecidas em sua beleza, com os campos de trigo imóveis sob a luz do sol. Mas ele não olhou para eles, pois sua atenção foi capturada por uma mulher parada em sua porta, que, ao vê-lo, se aproximou dele com a maior ansiedade e disse: "Oh, senhor, você tem alguma chave com você? Eu quebrei a chave das minhas gavetas e há algumas coisas que eu preciso pegar imediatamente." Disse ele: "Eu não tenho chaves." Ela ficou desapontada, esperando que todo mundo tivesse algumas chaves. "Mas suponha", disse ele, "que eu tivesse algumas chaves, elas podem não se encaixar na sua fechadura e, portanto, você não poderia obter os artigos que deseja. Mas não se preocupe, espere até que alguém mais apareça ". Mas, disse ele, desejando aproveitar a ocasião, "você já ouviu falar da chave do céu?" "Ah, sim", disse ela, "eu vivi o suficiente e fui à igreja o suficiente para saber que se trabalharmos duro, ganharmos nosso pão com o suor do nosso rosto, agirmos bem com nossos vizinhos e nos comportamos, como o catecismo diz, humildemente e reverentemente com todos os nossos superiores, e se fizermos nosso dever na posição de vida em que Deus nos colocou, e rezarmos regularmente, seremos salvos." *[página 20]* "Ah!" disse, "minha boa mulher, essa é uma chave quebrada, pois você quebrou os mandamentos, você não cumpriu todos os seus deveres. É uma boa chave, mas você a quebrou." "Por favor, senhor ", disse ela, acreditando que ele entendia o assunto e parecendo assustada, "o que eu deixei de fora?" "Bem", disse ele, "a coisa mais importante, o sangue de Jesus Cristo. Você não sabe que é dito que a chave do céu está em Seu cinto. Ele abre e ninguém fecha. Ele fecha e ninguém abre." E explicando mais detalhadamente para ela, ele disse: "É Cristo e somente Cristo que pode abrir o céu para você, e não suas boas obras." "O que, ministro?", disse ela, "nossas boas obras são inúteis, então?" "Não, não depois da fé. Se você acreditar primeiro, poderá ter quantas boas obras desejar. Mas se você crer, nunca confiará nelas, pois se você confiar nelas, você as estragou e elas não são mais boas obras. Tenha quantas boas obras quiser, mas coloque sua confiança totalmente no Senhor Jesus Cristo, pois se você não fizer isso, sua chave NUNCA abrirá o portão do céu " Então, meus ouvintes, devemos ter fé verdadeira, porque a velha chave das obras está tão quebrada por todos nós que nunca entraremos no Paraíso por ela. Se algum de vocês pretende não ter pecados, para ser bem claro com vocês, vocês estão se enganando e a verdade não está em vocês. Se vocês concebem ... *[página 21]*
My 16 year old son introduced me to The Oh Hello's and I have been listening to everything from the group that I can find. I am 65 years old. Just wonderful music.
You and your son have fabulous taste
My dad introduced me to them and I’ve been listening to them for like 2 years IM OBSESSED (not going to share my age tho lol)
Fandom memes introduced me to The Oh Hellos. I've never been so obsessed with a musical group.
I got here from a couple of speedpaints. Never turned back ever since. The Oh Hellos my dearly beloved
My friend introduced me to them simply by talking about them nonstop, lol. I'm here because I'm finally listening to their entire discography.
Climbing trees, like we did when we were children.
Scaling walls, the walls that took us years to build.
Climbing trees, haven't much since we were children.
Shaking limbs, tend to end up bent and broken.
Safe inside, the walls we built we found ourselves a home.
Higher branches, harder fall.
Hesitation stops us all
Higher branches, harder fall.
Hesitation stops us all.
Higher branches, harder fall.
Hesitation stops us all.
Higher branches, harder fall.
(Oh you'll never know)
Hesitation stops us all.
Oh you'll never know.
Oh you'll never know.
Oh you'll never know.
Climbing trees.
Haven't much since we were children.
Shaking limbs, tend to end up bent and broken.
But heartache,
Pales in comparison to love.
4 year old comment but ay thanks for the lyrics. I’ve always thought it was “hide our branches, hide our thoughts / hesitation stops us all”. such pretty lyrics
You’re right
This song was used in our wedding video. I had never heard it before, but now it's a constant reminder of the start to the best thing that's ever happened to me. Every time I hear it, I'm torn between dancing and crying and praying. You guys are wonderful
That's so beautiful
On their website they say they are influenced by "The Lumineers to Sufjan Stevens and The Middle East" but I'd argue those bands could take some influence from them. Rock on you amazing pair.
I just realized that "shaking limbs tend to end up bent and broken" could apply to either tree limbs or human arms and legs. Kind of obvious, I guess, but the wording lets the double meaning carry really well.
Or someone’s heart/spirit
I actually thought shaking limbs reffered to their limbs, and it's shaking cuz they're of old age.
Paired with "CLIMBING trees, haven't much since we were CHILDREN"
They could also be referring to shaking hands in an agreement with someone. The agreement could then be betrayed and their trust is now "bent and broken".
I love all these different interpretations!!
I believe if more people listened we would have world peace and we would all climb trees.
that sounded better in my head.
This comment makes the world a better place
it sounded just as good as it did in your head
Walk down the street and just seek people blasting this song and sitting/hanging/standing in the trees. 🤣
That was beautifully sed! Thank you! 🙏
Listening to this song coming home from school on the bus, full blast through my ear buds-
*you’ll feel like your flying*
I do that too lol I have a whole playlist of the majority of their songs that I do this with
@@lillyquis6105 Do you have Spotify? If so, we can trade playlists
@@joeyscheier02 no, I just listen to it here on youtube lol and the playlist is private. I can make it unlisted and give a link tho if you want it!
I do the same thing! But I like listening to them most when I'm hiking in the forest and running down forested hills in the early afternoon
i listen to the oh hellos 24/7
Climbing trees, the higher you get, makes you seek more safety the higher the risk of hurting yourself gets if you were to feel, but the higher you get the less of these safeties exist. Eventually you break/quit and go back down. In other cases you find a nice spot to be safe/sit and there you stay. But sometimes even though there is great risk, you have to keep going, sometimes because you have come too far to quit, sometimes because going down is impossible, and sometimes because going down now by choice would hurt just as much as falling from that height accidentally. You’re limbs are shaking, you’re heart is beating, but you keep going for that exact reason.
honestly, this song makes me nostalgic for a time that i was never apart of, it makes me yearn for memories that i dont have
this music touches my heart. such a lame thing to say but it is true. no matter how alone, sad, angry, just any bad feeling i get, when i put on bands like this the feelings just fade away and i just sit there feeling so alive and lost in the beautiful music. music like this just makes you feel not alone
This music makes me feel like the world is good.
The world is good, but some people is bad and make us feel like the world is like them, the world is a amazing place full of life and beuty
for me, it's more like the world is just the way it is, but I'm good despite it all
this song has been such a comfort to me, especially recently with how my mental health is deteriorating ever-so-slowly but surely.
this reminds me that there's things in life that makes it worth fighting.
the birds outside my window. the sky. the bugs going about their day as if i'm not even there.
the trees.
the fleeting moments of contentment.
Heartache pales in comparison to love.
The most underrated string of words I have ever heard.
I always thought “the shaken limbs” was “the chicken lives” which also fits the theme but I like both equally. The shaken limbs fits better with the line, obviosuly
I think this song is about breaking up with someone because how it talks about tree limbs breaking and then later it says "Higher branches harder fall" probably talking about getting really close to someone romantically then them breaking up with you and then getting really sad. Then at the end of the song talking about heartache
Higher branches, harder fall would likely refer to the more close you allow yourself to get to someone, as in the more that you allow yourself to love them, the harder it hurts if/when that relationship breaks off. So climbing higher is to have deeper feelings.
This song seems to have a cynical or fearful way to look at allowing yourself to love someone. It is almost as if they are hesitant to actually give their heart away. But I love how it has somewhat of a positive or hopeful twist at the end... "But heartache pales in comparison to love." It is as if the choice is made even with all of the fear and hesitation.
I see it more as advice. They know the reasons why we all hesitate and they list out the things we tell ourselves that stops us from making any sort of step towards making connections. They then make their point very short and sweet at the end, "You'll never know" "[even though we hesitate and fear like in the lyrics before], heartache pales in comparison to love."
Kids are adventurous. They know they can get hurt and even often do, but that doesn't stop them from climbing trees anyway. Somewhere along the way, we lose that bravery and learn to hesitate for fear of being hurt. Like broken limbs, a broken heart can be mended by time. Love and the memories created by climbing the trees anyway are lasting and worth the risk and pain before.
I'm listening to this on a playlist, and I've never heard this song before, and I regret not listening to it before now. I really need to look more into their works
Found the Oh Hellos on tiny desk concert. Sooooo glad I did!
Aaaand this is my new "filler" song for playing live sets. You guys are fantastic.
Those ten people who disliked have never heard good music before
thehappiestcamper sAMe
Essa música é simplesmente incrível! Harmonia perfeita!
I always feel like I'm in a tavern listening to the band and drinking beers with orcs
How have I been living without this?
Oh wait this comment was 7 years ago hahaha 😅
... this is an awesome song. why have only 40 people heard it?
Haha check back on the views 😉 ever since people heard soldier poet king on tiktok in the now-trending cottagecore tag, and just bc cottagecore in general has become popular over quarantine, people have been interested in the Oh Hellos more I believe. At least, that's how I got here lol
How did I not know this band before? Well, it least NOW I know it !!!
I don't know why but this song just gives me "Flowers From 1970" vibes, its such a good song for an emotional fantiction
has the dream smp fandom just overtaken this entire band?
@@strawberryflavoredvelcro3454 wait there's more here?
I mean beyond wolfy speedpaint fans
I have this song on vinyl and it sounds even better! Its such a beautiful song :)
I wish you to become more popular cause i'm sure that many people wish to know you, but they don't
I'm going to pretend that one dislike was an accident. And I forgive you.
Michael Rushton Jr. aww. Such kindness.
37 seconds: Chicken lips. You will not unhear it
You monster.
+Taylor Davis shake your hips , shake your hips... now I have to keep saying it over and over again otherwise, you'll win.
+Taylor Davis Hear chicken... but still hear limbs. Chicken limbs. XD
the chicken of limbs
this is one of those songs u wish were a whole lot longer.
2:05 best part :D
I love the foreshadowing of the Second Child, Restless Child theme there!
I crank it here
Whoa, this is so great - so glad I found it!
Friggin love this song!
My 12 year old me heard this song now im here listing again
all those small new bands have the right to be reconised beside international singers . That's what we all want . No more pop !!
Amel Loudghi Then they would no longer be "small" bands. And pop music isn't bad by definition.
Amel Loudghi i mean if this became as popular as pop it would become pop
Edit: just noticed this was from 5 years ago oops, sorry for that
absolutely stunning. come to toronto!!
Wow. Refreshingly good stuff. I like it. :]
Heartaches will always pale in comparison to love
Love this so much
This sounds like growing up
19 people are trees who disliked this video
My heart is a city I must protect. Even if I build walls around my city, they are still going to be broken. My city will be stomped on, so I dont build walls. I simply shoot any outsider on sight.
Moral of the story: my heart has become north Korea.
I love this song
amazing today at the newport folk festival
They do, don't they?! I thought that was just me.
very good music
Just this song.
Am I right in saying the chords are (with capo 4) C - G - F and then at the picky bit C and Am? I'm trying to work it out here haah!
i am gonna listen to this in a forest
cc patate
these always have so few dislikes and there is definitely a reason!
Would make an awesome music video
Anyone know any songs very similar to this one?
Well if you mean style: Monsters of Men
If you're wondering about a song with the title: Twenty one Pilots - trees
home - edward sharpe & the magnetic zeros
the little guitar tune sounds like harvey beaks lmao
Kinda reminds me of - dog days are over
The end credits song from Tangled
i feel like this would make a great dream smp amv.... anyone? no? ill exuse myself-
Jesus Christ is there no place on the Internet where I'm safe from the dream smp lmao??
Well. I get it. I've been part of some of the most annoying and and far-reaching fandoms ever on TH-camr. It's fun, isn't it? I hope you guys are enjoying yourselves.
If I was a bit younger and had a bit more time, I'd probably be into the dream smp as well. As it is, I just run into you people in every corner again and again and still don't have much of an idea what's even going on on that server.
It's a fascinating fandom. From the outside. As I said, I hope it's fun. But I won't lie it is a tiny bit annyoing lol
como se llama la cancion que dice hello hello hello hello guow ho ho ho
Except not boring!
*[página 16]*
...dos filhos de Israel." "Pela fé o Mar Vermelho se abriu." "Pela fé as muralhas de Jericó caíram." "Pela fé a prostituta Raabe foi salva." "E que mais direi? O tempo me faltaria para falar de Gideão, Baraque, Sansão, Jefté, Davi, Samuel e dos profetas." Mas todos esses foram homens de fé.
Outros mencionados nas Escrituras fizeram algo, mas Deus não os aceitou. Homens se humilharam e ainda assim Deus não os salvou. Acabe fez isso e mesmo assim seus pecados nunca foram perdoados . Homens se arrependeram e ainda assim não foram salvos, porque o arrependimento deles estava errado. Judas se arrependeu, enforcou - se e não foi salvo.
Homens comfessaram seus pecados e não foram salvos. Saul fez isso. Ele disse a Davi: "Pequei contra ti, meu filho Davi". E mesmo assim ele continuou como antes. Multidões confessaram o nome de Cristo e fizeram coisas maravilhosas, e ainda assim nunca foram agradáveis a Deus, por essa simples razão de que não tinham fé.
E se não há ninguém mencionados nas Escrituras, que é a história de milhares de anos, não é provável que nos outros dois mil anos da história do mundo tenha havido alguém, quando não houve nenhum durante os primeiros quatro mil.
*[página 17]*
*1.* Mas o próximo argumento é que a fé é a graça de se curvar e nada pode fazer um homem se curvar sem fé. Agora, a menos que o homem se curve, seu sacrifício não pode ser aceito. Os anjos sabem disso. Quando eles louvam a Deus, eles fazem isso velando seus rostos com asas. Os redimidos sabem disso. Quando eles louvam a Deus, lançam suas coroas aos pés dele.
Agora, um homem que não tem fé prova que ele não pode se curvar. Pois ele não tem fé por essa razão, porque ele é muito orgulhoso para acreditar. Ele declara que não vai submeter seu intelecto, ele não se tornará uma criança e acreditará humildemente no que Deus lhe diz para acreditar. Ele é muito orgulhoso e não pode entrar no céu, porque a porta do céu é tão baixa que ninguém pode entrar por ela amenos que abaixem suas cabeças. Nunca houve um homem que pudesse entrar na salvação ereto.
Devemos ir a Cristo de joelhos. Pois embora Ele seja uma porta grande o suficiente para o maior pecador entrar, Ele é uma porta tão baixa que os homens devem se curvar se quiserem ser salvos. Portanto, é necessário ter fé, pois a falta de fé é uma evidência certa da ausência de humildade.
*[página 18]*
*2.* Mas agora por outras razões. A fé é necessária para a salvação, porque nos é dito nas Escrituras que as obras não podem salvar. Para contar uma história muito familiar, e até mesmo os mais pobres não podem entender mal o que digo - um ministro estava ...
*[página 19]*
... indo pregar um dia. Ele subiu uma colina em seu caminho. Abaixo dele estavam as vilas, adormecidas em sua beleza, com os campos de trigo imóveis sob a luz do sol.
Mas ele não olhou para eles, pois sua atenção foi capturada por uma mulher parada em sua porta, que, ao vê-lo, se aproximou dele com a maior ansiedade e disse: "Oh, senhor, você tem alguma chave com você? Eu quebrei a chave das minhas gavetas e há algumas coisas que eu preciso pegar imediatamente." Disse ele: "Eu não tenho chaves." Ela ficou desapontada, esperando que todo mundo tivesse algumas chaves.
"Mas suponha", disse ele, "que eu tivesse algumas chaves, elas podem não se encaixar na sua fechadura e, portanto, você não poderia obter os artigos que deseja. Mas não se preocupe, espere até que alguém mais apareça ". Mas, disse ele, desejando aproveitar a ocasião, "você já ouviu falar da chave do céu?" "Ah, sim", disse ela, "eu vivi o suficiente e fui à igreja o suficiente para saber que se trabalharmos duro, ganharmos nosso pão com o suor do nosso rosto, agirmos bem com nossos vizinhos e nos comportamos, como o catecismo diz, humildemente e reverentemente com todos os nossos superiores, e se fizermos nosso dever na posição de vida em que Deus nos colocou, e rezarmos regularmente, seremos salvos."
*[página 20]*
"Ah!" disse, "minha boa mulher, essa é uma chave quebrada, pois você quebrou os mandamentos, você não cumpriu todos os seus deveres. É uma boa chave, mas você a quebrou." "Por favor, senhor ", disse ela, acreditando que ele entendia o assunto e parecendo assustada, "o que eu deixei de fora?" "Bem", disse ele, "a coisa mais importante, o sangue de Jesus Cristo. Você não sabe que é dito que a chave do céu está em Seu cinto. Ele abre e ninguém fecha. Ele fecha e ninguém abre."
E explicando mais detalhadamente para ela, ele disse: "É Cristo e somente Cristo que pode abrir o céu para você, e não suas boas obras." "O que, ministro?", disse ela, "nossas boas obras são inúteis, então?" "Não, não depois da fé. Se você acreditar primeiro, poderá ter quantas boas obras desejar. Mas se você crer, nunca confiará nelas, pois se você confiar nelas, você as estragou e elas não são mais boas obras. Tenha quantas boas obras quiser, mas coloque sua confiança totalmente no Senhor Jesus Cristo, pois se você não fizer isso, sua chave NUNCA abrirá o portão do céu "
Então, meus ouvintes, devemos ter fé verdadeira, porque a velha chave das obras está tão quebrada por todos nós que nunca entraremos no Paraíso por ela. Se algum de vocês pretende não ter pecados, para ser bem claro com vocês, vocês estão se enganando e a verdade não está em vocês. Se vocês concebem ...
*[página 21]*
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