때찌니임😍~!!! 뜨거운 오후에요ㅜㅜ 에어컨 옆에 있는게 최고인 것 같아요! 수제속지에 어울릴 것 같아 잘 안쓰고 있는 스탬프들을 이번에야 꺼내보았어요😆 항상 예뻐해주시고, 남다른 분위기까지 느껴주셔서 정말 감사드려요 때찌님😍👍 오늘도 덥지만ㅜ... 더위조심하시구요! 시원하고 힐링되는 하루보내세요! 때찌님😍💝💝💝
으악 정말 넘 예쁘다ㅠ 게다가 소리들도 너무 ASMR이에요...😴 저는 스탬프 떼어내는 소리가 너무 좋은 것 같아요 ㅎㅎ 예쁘게 찍히면 또 만족스럽기도 하고... 그리고 뭔가 8월이라는 게 아직도 믿기지 않네요ㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋ 새삼 시간 참😳 아무쪼록 더운데 몸조심하세요 프랑님!
톡기님~! 좋은아침이에요!😍 이번 영상도 마음에 들어해주셔서 정말 기뻐요💝💝💝 맞아요ㅎㅎ 저도 스탬프 떼에내는 소리가 좋더라구요👍 요즘 날이 정말 빠르게 가는것 같아요ㅜ 벌써 8월이이라니ㅜㅜ 아쉬운마음을 달래고자 다꾸에 더 집중하고 있어요🤗 톡기님두 매일 행복한 날이 되시구요~! 오늘도 날이 더운데ㅜㅜ시원하게 보내세요! 톡기님😍💝💝💝
Because of a fever, I finally got some free time to just lie down and watch your video. These past days have been crazy, and with the school year approaching soon, I've been having even more troubles trying to keep up with everything at once. I should have been here earlier but I couldn't😞 But anyway! This is such a lovely video and with such a different way of journaling, and still your talent shone through the whole video with your attention to details and your eyes for the elements that will go well with each other! I love the opening page in that you didn't go for the common route with laying down the base layout with big background papers and instead, you chose to use stamps! I was quite surprised but also in awe with your creativity, that was such a refreshing way of making the background pop! And when you started to add the other ephemera onto the page, everything began to come together into a beautiful picture, and I just loved the butterfly detail so much, a nice touch of color but didn't look too different from the other elements. I also love the section pieces in the middle, it was a really original way to make people pay attention to the details you want! Overall, just another pretty piece from you to add to my collection of favorite spreads! The other piece though, was a surprise for sure. I didn't expect you to make that on another piece of paper altogether, but I could see why you did it, because it was so much prettier like that! Totally love the final detail with the button, reminds me of walking into an antique store with hundreds of stuffed teddy bears lining up across the wall! Like the 18-19th century inspired accessories with lolita fashion and such! The muted color scheme made for an interesting and catching piece of art, and when you attached it onto the page, the yellow-ish page made the colors stand out even more! I truly missed leaving comments on your videos to gush about how fascinating all the things you've done were. Like just one video and I already feel so healing despite my headache. Really hope to catch up on your other videos soon, but I will have to rest now. Love this video a lot and thank you so much for yet another incredible work of art. I hope you will be having many wonderful days ahead💜🦔✨
Are you all right now?😭 I've been worried a lot. ㅜㅜ How's your fever, Angus? I hope you get well soon, Angus😭 My daily routine is always the same. I used to like days with a lot of change, but now I like to go slowly without change☺️ I wish there were always days like this😊 Angus is always in good health, and I hope that his busy work will be finished soon ㅜㅜ Thank you for your always kind comments!💖💖💖 I always think of you, Angus🥰 I wish you a happy day😍💝💝💝
오늘 영상 너무너무 이뻐요 :)
늘 이뻤지만 오늘따라 남다른 분위기😍
수제속지에 스탬프활용까지보니 스탬프 구매욕까지 생기네요 🤣 무더위에 늘 건강조심하시구 좋은밤 되세요 💕💕💕
때찌니임😍~!!! 뜨거운 오후에요ㅜㅜ 에어컨 옆에 있는게 최고인 것 같아요! 수제속지에 어울릴 것 같아 잘 안쓰고 있는 스탬프들을 이번에야 꺼내보았어요😆 항상 예뻐해주시고, 남다른 분위기까지 느껴주셔서 정말 감사드려요 때찌님😍👍 오늘도 덥지만ㅜ... 더위조심하시구요! 시원하고 힐링되는 하루보내세요! 때찌님😍💝💝💝
세상 사람들 제발 프랑님 다꾸 보세요~~ 작품이에요 작품! 아이디어며 디테일이며.. 무엇보다 손으로 종이 찢기 장인..😲 찢는거마저 예술! 오늘도 n번째 넋놓고 구경하다 갑니다
작품으로 봐주셔서 감사해요🥰 제 영상에 다꾸하면서 주로 가위보다는 손으로 찢는게 많더라구요🤗 숙련이 되었나봅니다😊 앞으로도 힐링이 될 수 있는 영상 많이 보여드릴게요~! 시청해주셔서 정말 감사합니다 별오늘님😍💝💝💝
You're truly an artist! I just started watching your videos and you're at an entirely different level with your imagination and creativity.
우아.. 프랑님.. 모서리 네부분 오려서 붙인거에 무릎을 탁!!! 쳤네여🤭🤭세상마상.... 그리고 나비는 또 봐도 너무 이쁘고... 오늘 속지도 대박이고 프랑님 트노에 찰떡이고💕💕자기전에 또볼거에요😍😍😍😍😍😍
꿀배니임~! 오후 잘 보내고 계신가요~! 오늘도 덥네요😭 그래서 전 에어컨 옆에 찰싹 붙어있습니다👍👍👍 항상 영상 예쁘게 봐주셔서 감사해요! 저는 꿀배님 다꾸가 너무 너무 이뻐요😍😍😍 앞으로도 잘 보겠습니다~! 그럼 오늘하루도 꼭 시원하게 보내세요! 꿀배님😍💝💝💝
So creative😍
Thank you so much!😍💝
보고.보고. 또 보고!!!!!!!!!봐도..봐도..아트에요!!!!!화유님은 천재에요!!!소름이 쫙!!!영상 분위기..어쩔게에요ㅜㅜㅜ
보고.보고.또 봐주셔서 정말 감사해용 슈님😭😭😭 질리지 않아 해주셔서 정말 기쁩니다💖👍 아직도 해보지 못한 다양한 다꾸들이 많은데요오 계속 봐주셔야되용👉👈💝 오늘도 행복하고 시원한 하루되세요 슈님😍💝💝💝
Beautiful ❤ !!
으악 정말 넘 예쁘다ㅠ 게다가 소리들도 너무 ASMR이에요...😴 저는 스탬프 떼어내는 소리가 너무 좋은 것 같아요 ㅎㅎ 예쁘게 찍히면 또 만족스럽기도 하고... 그리고 뭔가 8월이라는 게 아직도 믿기지 않네요ㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋ 새삼 시간 참😳 아무쪼록 더운데 몸조심하세요 프랑님!
톡기님~! 좋은아침이에요!😍 이번 영상도 마음에 들어해주셔서 정말 기뻐요💝💝💝 맞아요ㅎㅎ 저도 스탬프 떼에내는 소리가 좋더라구요👍 요즘 날이 정말 빠르게 가는것 같아요ㅜ 벌써 8월이이라니ㅜㅜ 아쉬운마음을 달래고자 다꾸에 더 집중하고 있어요🤗 톡기님두 매일 행복한 날이 되시구요~! 오늘도 날이 더운데ㅜㅜ시원하게 보내세요! 톡기님😍💝💝💝
오늘도 디테일이 살아 있는 영상 잘 보고 갑니다~ ^^
디테일있게 잘 봐주셔서 감사해요 젬마님😊 오늘도 날이 더운데요ㅜ 꼭 시원한 하루 보내세요! 젬마님😊💖💖💖
감탄만 나오는 영상이네요.
프랑님의 손을 사고 싶은 저입니다.
정말 잘 보았네요.멋찝니다.💘💘
글을 읽다가 저도 모르게 손을 뒤로 가져갔네요.//🤣 하은님 항상 멋지게 봐주셔서 정말 감사드려요👍 덕분에 저도 기뻐요🥰💖 오늘도 날씨가 더운데요ㅜ 꼭 더위조심하시구요! 시원한 하루되세요 하은님🥰💖💖💖
헝 둘다 넘 이뽀요🥺 계속 보다보니 프랑님의 작업공간이 궁금하네요ㅎㅎ빈티지 앤틱하면서 아기자기한 소품 많을꺼 같아요😆
매일 정리를 하는데도, 매일 다꾸를 하다보니 결국 예쁘게 정리가 안되네요😭 다꾸룸을 소개시켜드릴 수 있는 기회가 언젠가 오겠죠~!😆 시청해주셔서 감사합니다 리나님 행복한 하루되세요~!😍💝💝💝
@@hwaufranc 와 매일 다꾸하시는구나..역시 다꾸의 프로네용ㅎㅎㅎ
오늘 영상도 너무 멋지네요😍❤ 다꾸는 말할것도 없고요 여유롭고 차분하게 잘봤습니다😘❤
희맘님 오늘도 날이 더운데ㅜ 시원하게 보내고 계신가요ㅠ 저는 에어컨 앞에서 떨어지지 않습니다😳 항상 멋지게 봐주셔서 감사해요! 희맘님🥰💝💝💝
Because of a fever, I finally got some free time to just lie down and watch your video. These past days have been crazy, and with the school year approaching soon, I've been having even more troubles trying to keep up with everything at once. I should have been here earlier but I couldn't😞
But anyway! This is such a lovely video and with such a different way of journaling, and still your talent shone through the whole video with your attention to details and your eyes for the elements that will go well with each other! I love the opening page in that you didn't go for the common route with laying down the base layout with big background papers and instead, you chose to use stamps! I was quite surprised but also in awe with your creativity, that was such a refreshing way of making the background pop! And when you started to add the other ephemera onto the page, everything began to come together into a beautiful picture, and I just loved the butterfly detail so much, a nice touch of color but didn't look too different from the other elements. I also love the section pieces in the middle, it was a really original way to make people pay attention to the details you want! Overall, just another pretty piece from you to add to my collection of favorite spreads!
The other piece though, was a surprise for sure. I didn't expect you to make that on another piece of paper altogether, but I could see why you did it, because it was so much prettier like that! Totally love the final detail with the button, reminds me of walking into an antique store with hundreds of stuffed teddy bears lining up across the wall! Like the 18-19th century inspired accessories with lolita fashion and such! The muted color scheme made for an interesting and catching piece of art, and when you attached it onto the page, the yellow-ish page made the colors stand out even more!
I truly missed leaving comments on your videos to gush about how fascinating all the things you've done were. Like just one video and I already feel so healing despite my headache. Really hope to catch up on your other videos soon, but I will have to rest now. Love this video a lot and thank you so much for yet another incredible work of art. I hope you will be having many wonderful days ahead💜🦔✨
Are you all right now?😭 I've been worried a lot. ㅜㅜ How's your fever, Angus? I hope you get well soon, Angus😭
My daily routine is always the same. I used to like days with a lot of change, but now I like to go slowly without change☺️ I wish there were always days like this😊
Angus is always in good health, and I hope that his busy work will be finished soon ㅜㅜ Thank you for your always kind comments!💖💖💖
I always think of you, Angus🥰 I wish you a happy day😍💝💝💝
the best ever😍, I love what you do and how passionately you do it❤
I'm so glad you liked it. Thank you so much!🥰💕💕💕
I really love your creativity, it’s healed every time, thanks ☺️
I am always healed by your writing💕 Thank you so much! Janna🥰💝💝💝
I loveee this so much
이렇게 분위기 예쁜 채널을 이제야 알게 되다니!! 구독 꾹~ 누르고 가요ㅎㅎ
예쁜 채널이라고 말씀해주셔서 감사해요 은영님🥰 앞으로 좋은영상 많이 보여드릴게요! 구독 꾹~ 감사합니다~! 행복한 주말되세요 은영님🥰💝💝💝
너무너ㅓㅓ무 이쁘당 ㅠㅠㅠ 영감을 줬어!!!
예쁘게 봐주셔서 감사합니다 사이라님🥰💕💕💕
Everything is very beautiful..🥰
The items (7:38) seem to be very delicate.😱 But they are pretty..🤎☺️
I'm so, so glad you like this spread, too. I also like delicate things. Thank you so much for watching! Beurla😍💕💕💕
@@hwaufranc 🥰🥰❤️
J'adore est vraiment ancien et romantique ❤️
je suis ravie que la vidéo te plaise. Merci😊💝💝💝
저번 영상때부터 속지 살라고 여기저기 돌아다녀봤는데 아무리 찾아도 없더라구요~오늘 드디어 알아냈네요 인더몽드 요기가 맞나요?? 넘모 감사해요 화유님 ♡♡
네 팡팡이님😊 인더몽드 맞아요~!!! 도움이 되어 정말 기뻐요:) 이 속지에 꾸미는 순간. 헤어나오실 수 없을거에요... 너무 이쁘거든요😭 팡팡이님 편안한 저녁되세요~!😍💝💝💝
สวัสดีค่ะ🙏..... เวลา22.02เราเรียนรู้กับคุณ😄wow..... Beautifal.🥰👍👍👍👍👍👍💙💙❤️❤️🤭😴😴😴
how I bought this antique paper?
I bought it from a Korean site.
As far as I know, international shipping is not available yet😭
속지 구매처좀 알려주세요 너무 이뻐요~~ㅠㅠ
인더몽드 속지입니다:) 더보기란에 링크있어요~!😊 시청해주셔서 감사합니다 경은님🥰💝💝💝
Bonjour, l'inspiration change un peu
J'aime beaucoup
J'aime les changements.
Merci d'avoir aimé la vidéo, Michele🥰💝💝💝