Amen 🙏 anyone who knows when Chaplain Phiri comes to Harare please can you kindly inform me,,I would love to attend her sermons,,,she always lifts my spirit.....God bless you Chaplain may you live long life
I am gaining strength to strength from your sermons each time I listen to them. They are uplifting Chaplin. Ari kuchema ano nyara oterera osekerera ☺ Thank you mufudzi wakanaka, mudzidzisi. Hameno hawo wasipo Maruzaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃😆😆🙏
That's true varoyi vakasangana vanozivana I once had a visitor at my place immediately she arrived, the following day she clicked with my tenant and she commented that this lady is so nice ndakabvunza kuti who nice hwake mawuona nguvai imi makasvika nezuro ini ndinogara naye handizvione she couldn't answer but they clicked in a blink of an eye. It's true birds of a feather flock together.
Ndakanzi handi bereki,asi ndono bereka nezita rajesu.
Glory..ndayiida kuwandiripoo pamusangano wevakanzi havabereki
Thankyou Mama Phiri nekubvuma kushandiswa naMwari zvakadai ...Jesu ndiMambo chokwadiii handikende Kuti kunaSatani
Amen am blessed with the word. I like your preaching chaplain phiri
i like listening to your sermons mama may the gracious God continue to bless you u lift my soul
She has a unique way of preaching. Well done Chaplain Phiri.
People's conclusion is God's introduction. Hokoyo!
Powerful message Chaplin Phiri.
Amen zvakataura pamusoro pangu ngazvinyarare kusvika chandirikuda ndachibata
Chakanzi hachibereki, chichabereka, amen
People's conclusion is God's introduction 🙏. Powerful
Ngazvinyarare!!!!! Repeating watching this sermon ...Kune uya akanzi haabereki...
Pamberi neshoko mambo kadzi najesu tinosvika kure🙏🙏🙏💃💃💃💃
Amen 🙏 anyone who knows when Chaplain Phiri comes to Harare please can you kindly inform me,,I would love to attend her sermons,,,she always lifts my spirit.....God bless you Chaplain may you live long life
Amen lm blessed wt your preaching
Amen handikendenge kuti kuna satan. Ngazvinyarare zvose zvisiri zvaMwari.
My favorite preacher, mama, u always upright my spirit. U preach reality and zvamakasangana nazvo.hamuvanze where u come from.i salute u mama
Very true she deserves to be saluted 🙋♂️
Zvakataurwa ngazvinyarere kwete kufa . Amen
❤amen and amen may God bless the words thanks
This is so powerful and profound ... was blessed Woman of God Chaplin by your preaching 🙏
Amen. I am what God says I am.
This is powerful woman of God. I get strength from your sermons.
Amen, Mwari wedu ndeve munana, zvinonzi hazvigoneke nevanhu Mwari vanozvigona
I am gaining strength to strength from your sermons each time I listen to them. They are uplifting Chaplin. Ari kuchema ano nyara oterera osekerera ☺ Thank you mufudzi wakanaka, mudzidzisi. Hameno hawo wasipo Maruzaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃😆😆🙏
Chokwadi ku denga kwakanaka. Thank you mama Phiri for the word
Powerful ! Powerful......Amen Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏 long live Chaplin Phiri
Powerfully teaching
Amen mharidzo dzenyu dzinondiitira zvakanaka mwari vakupfuudzei mberi nekurima Munda washe
My chaplain my role model . thank you for the powerful message . USA 🇺🇲
Never allow the devil to define you 🙏Powerful
Powerful Sermon, may God bless you Chaplain
Amen .Mwari vakuitirei zvakanaka munhu vashe .mazviita 🙏🙏
May God increase you and anoint you more and give you more revelation
Mama makanyanya. Mwari vakupfuudzei mberi. May he grant you the desires of your heart.
Powerful sermon thank u my chaplain
Oooh Yes you're used of God mama wethu may the Almighty keep on using you vele siyakuthanda wena 🙏
Thank you servant of God.
Munondisimudzira amai . Watching from USA
Thank you woman of God Chaplain Phiri 🙏.
Amenn pasi nasatan nevanhu vake keep it up chaplain we love you
You are the best ma😍😍munondisimudzira
Hallelujah glory to Jesus Christ Amen 🙏 🎉🎊🎉💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿
Amen zvose zvakataurwa pamusoro pangu ngazvinyarare .munondiitira mama Phiri shoko renyu rinondisimudzira
Bhinja Gandanga rechinamato ha ha ha powerful stuff falling in love with you and your sermons Hallellujaj!!!
Amen, Mwari wedu ndeve munana, zvinonzi hazvigoneke nevanhu Mwari ndipo pavanotangira.
I am a living testimony amai
Jeso munhu anovhara door rekumba asi haagone kuvhara door renyasha,, gedhe reblessing harina anogona kurivhara,,, mazvita henyu Mwari tibatsirei tirege kutora Mwari senjuga Jesoooo murangariri tiwanirei nyashaa
Powerful words mhamha phiri mwari ndavarambe vachikupfuudzaii mberi
Amen 🙏 Powerful sermon
Ameeen powerful word thank you mom yu lift my spirit in Christ 💞 🙏
Amen,be blessed mama for a powerful sermon
Mharidzo dzaChaplin Phiri dzinondibata.
Amen.....God never disappoints
I love Chaplin Phiri. ndinoropadzwa neshoko ravo
That's true varoyi vakasangana vanozivana I once had a visitor at my place immediately she arrived, the following day she clicked with my tenant and she commented that this lady is so nice ndakabvunza kuti who nice hwake mawuona nguvai imi makasvika nezuro ini ndinogara naye handizvione she couldn't answer but they clicked in a blink of an eye. It's true birds of a feather flock together.
Thank you holy spirit for the breakthrough
Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏 Amen ndatenda zvangu mandibatsira Amai
You are my inspiration Woman of God
Powerful woman of God🙏
Charplin mharidzo iyi yanditendeutsa
Thank you God for this mother
Yes you can close my door for my house 🏘️ but you can't close my blessing haleluya thank you Jesus there is no-one like you Hamukundikani🙏
May God bless you for changing lives
Powerful word
She needs her own page ..
God is faithful allt the time
Power ful Pstr 🔥🔥🔥
Denga ngarirevhese!!!!
Kudenga kuna mwari mufundisi 👏👏
Amen.munondisimudzira pakunamata.ndinotenda
Love you pastor
Powerful Amen 🙏
Amen thank you Lord Jesus
Powerful 🙏 massage
Powerful sermon
Amen thank yu powerful
🔥🙏 powerful woman of God
Mazita akanyorwa ngadzimwe nezita ra Jesu amen
Ameeen powerful
Amen kudenga kwakanaka
Amen mhamha munondisimudzira
Powerful sermon mama
Amen Amen.
Thank you Jesus 🙏
My favourite Chaplin 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Haleluya ngazvinyarare
Amen munhu waMwari🙏🙏
Well done Chaplin Phiri
Never disappoint
Amen powerful
Uye ainzi haabereki😢😢😢😢😢
Best phiri
Long live Chaplin love you
My favorite
Munondigonhera Chaplin pfudzwai mberi pabasa revhangeri
Pfuudzwai mberi Mama
Amen 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Amen Halleluaaaa .
My dear friends ini ndosipakwa ne soko kudenga kwakanaka ndoramba ndichinamata 🤣
Hallelujah 🙏
Ndinobva ndanzwa kusimudzirwa pazvinhu zvaMwari
Amen and Amen