Gunnyer really is not op at all more like cakewalk to kill. His only strength is high damage on close range. If you are awesome at aiming a gunner can be hard to kill but just ambush as assult or lazer as gunner or snipe them and if all that does not help just back grapple as assassin or ninja star when they go stationary
@SevTheTrooper I can't recall to be honest. I think gold was rate of fire, silver was accuracy and bronze was something else.
The gunner is kinda overpowered. But still a thumbs up this has good content and its impressive.
Gunner and support. I also have a soft spot for tank. Gunner is a bit overpowered though.
What is your favorite class?
@SevTheTrooper Actually silver would've been armour i guess, and bronze accuracy.
Gunnyer really is not op at all more like cakewalk to kill. His only strength is high damage on close range. If you are awesome at aiming a gunner can be hard to kill but just ambush as assult or lazer as gunner or snipe them and if all that does not help just back grapple as assassin or ninja star when they go stationary