Voices from the Gulf: Florida Business Owners
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ม.ค. 2025
- Rick Scali and his wife manage vacation rental homes in Destin, Florida, and rely on tourists to make a living. They were completely booked in 2010 - until the oil spill occurred. BP made up the Scalis' lost revenue and hired teams of workers to clean the beaches. Now, the Scalis are welcoming back visitors and know that the beautiful Destin beaches can "give you the best vacation ever." Read more at www.bp.com/gulf... about BP's ongoing commitment to the Gulf.
I can't believe I spent 4 seconds of my life watching this before I realized what it was. I'd like those 4 seconds back please.
Well, you made it right for us again, BP!
Coastal business is up and profits are soaring again because you kept your promise to all Americans. The beaches are clean and the water is warm, let the summer good times begin again!
We salute BP for its tireless commitment to the people of the affected areas, no other profit-seeking company could have achieved what BP did nor could anyone else have accomplished such a massive undertaking in so short a time!
For all that you do BP... THANKS A MILLION!
"My name's Rick Scali. BP payed me an undisclosed amount of money in order to lie to you in this commerial, and keep you uninformed."
I was on vacation in Destin during the BP spill and was pleasantly surprised to see the beaches so clean after watching all the negative news on TV. It was my fourth trip to Destin and the first time in the Ocean, which showed no signs of the spill. I stayed at Easy Street Vacation Rentals owned by Rick Scali and was treated like a King. I will be back.
BP said they were going to make it right after costing us tens of thousands in sales. After compiling every piece of documentation they asked for (150+ pages) and waiting six months we got a three paragraph letter saying "no, you didnt prove any damages". Calls to the Claims facility only put me in touch with their 'grief counselor' not an actual adjuster who can tell me what they need to see. The person I talk to says it looks like I submitted everything they asked for. Thanks BP....
I think it's funny that every time I see ads like this for BP, I am reminded of their past mistakes. Good job.
I am curious how many comments has BP removed from all their videos?
You know since that "oil spill" and the corexit 9500 cleaning agents that BP used to clean the gulf, people have had severe respiratory problems here. I live on the ocean in Navarre Beach, Florida and I recently got diagnosed as having a severe obstruction of the lungs (an issue I have been having for more than a year and a half) and ironically my test results show me as having the lungs of a 84 year old, call it a conspiracy but I don't smoke and I live on the gulf of mexico where the oil hit.
I am a resident of the Florida gulf coast in Pensacola and I can personally say that BP is NOT making it right.
They say that the oil has been cleaned up or that it has been broken down to nothing... I went surfing 3 weeks ago (Jan 2011) and got tar balls stuck to my board and feet.
They say that those who have been affected financially by the spill will be adequately compensated... I have yet to receive anything to make up the difference for what I should have made. I'm a bartender so fewe
I WILL NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, buy my gas or anything from BP again.... I challenge all of you to do the same....
Together we are unstoppable !
Last year when I went to Destin, the beaches were almost empty. Nobody ordered seafood, and everywhere I went seemed strangely empty. And it is all because of you, BP. You hurt the economy of one of the best cities on this whole planet. People lost their jobs, stores and resturaunts closed, and it is all because of BP. I will rejoice the day that BP goes bankrupt, and I will boycott until that day. I will never forget.
BP hasn't done nothing most of it was done by our government.
Thanks a lot
Who saw the thumbnail of a pool, then saw BP in the title, then thought "how come there isnt any oil in that pool?"
This just makes me sad. His business and his livelihood basically depends on convincing people that BP can fix everything they messed up. I feel terrible for this guy, and I hope he does get enough business to keep going.
BP, how about instead of trying to convince us that it's all like new, you make a real effort to make sure nothing like this ever happens again? Because while I hope Rick's business survives, I won't shed a tear over you.
I went to FL last Summer to visit some great friends. Whenever we would go out, I would notice all the empty BP stations, except for maybe a car or two. I would laugh each time.
How much revenue and profit did your company have again last year?
The people in these ads are most likely doing it because BP has them all at gun point. That's BP for yah.
Looks beautiful! We hope you have a great summer.
Just because you can't see it anymore doesn't mean it's gone.
I think its wierd how this huge story cut off before they even completely fixed the leak, the last I remember hearing about it it was still leaking, I guess BP paid off the news stations
What's the name of the piano song at the beginning??!
BP needs to ask all of the Louisiana fishermen to do a commercial. I am sure BP wont like what the majority of Louisiana will say
I love how BP make sure to mention that he was not compensated for this interview. He is a small business owner that got a national commercial, any small business owner would kill for a free commercial gets lots of views. Yet they expect us to believe they are doing it to help restore BP's name. HOGWASH!
Might not be the best subject to do an ad on, BP.
Notice the fine print at the end? "Mr. Scali was not compensated for his apperance." Yeah, Mr. Scali wasn't compensated for his appearance by BP. But he just got a free advertisement to about 700,000 people. I don't like the way BP is handling this. Spend your money on R&D and fixing what you started, not improving your public relations with misleading advertisements.
What kills me is that people still buy BP oil like nothing happened. Stop buying their oil!
Guess any minute now they're going to fly that "Mission Accomplished" banner over the town. The job is not going to be fully done and traces are still very much there. You don't just undo something like this that fast. As for those of you saying that they had no control over the spill, you are wrong. If that were true, it only further shows it should not be done so close to shore.
Another safety option was not installed, and stocks changed hands the moment before the accident was reported.
My whole summer fishing was wasted, got harassed trying to get in and out of my bayou. BP you did a bad job! Make it right!
lol southpark "were sorry... sorry... sooooooooooorry......"
How is this a Featured Video?
What's the piano song at the beginning?
@theLARGEKahoona Assassination? Which whistleblowers have died under mysterious circumstances? I haven't heard of anything like that and would like some information if you have names or links.
You know what. This guy probably decided to do it as a way of free advertising for his place.
"And don't forget to bring your whole family."
Oh, no! I forgot my whole family!
how much money does BP pay TH-cam to have their videos always promoted like this?
But what about the thousands of fishermen, non lying resort owners and other beach-relying citizens who are out of the job?
The only reason I clicked on this video is because the thumbnail looked like my backyard. Which is funny, because I do live in Florida also.
the beaches in louisiana are not clean. they are still having oil wash ashore on our beaches and in our wetlands and the clean up crews are leaving. the way of life here will never be the same. And BP isnmt doing enough!!!!
S.O.S. save Louisianas Shoreline.
BP thinks we're stupid, but the comments and like/dislike ratio shows otherwise.
How the hell did the guy get there at 0:29??
BP = British Polluters
Wow BP you helped a couple families, I guess you aren't so bad after all. Forget the fact that this happened out of pure negligence.
I am in this video and did not receive any compensation from BP or Mr. Scali. The beaches were as clean as they had been in my previous vacations here. The only thing that was missing were the people scared off by the Media. BP made a mistake and admitted to it and agreed to pay billions to make it right.
Swim in the Gulf/Florida You dont need sunscreen The oil will do the job.Like PCBs.Go off shore diving and look at the sea floor.Tell me its all cleaned up.Its what you dont see that will harm you.EX:you cant see air borne asbestoes fibers.Microscopic.How do i know?I have level 3 asbestosis.Also 8.5 ppm of PCBs in my blood.I am 66 years old.
In the beginning, the billboard for Destin says:
Welcome to DESTIN, The World's Luckiest Fishing Village.
Dear BP,
Please stop wasting money on ads to try and repair your reputation and actually use the money to repair the actual damage to the enviroment and locals -not your image.
What you don't see is the BP executive with a gun a and sign cards
The only reason tourists are coming back is to see how bad the beaches are. They stay so they can laugh the entire time when they see a "We are helping" BP billboard.
Wouldn't be surprised if this guy had a gun to his back and was forced by a BP crony to say good things about BP.
0:12 Did anyone else expect the swimming pool to spring an oil leak?
Hahaha this ad is such a fail. I just saw a article about how overall resort buisiness has gone down 2/3rds in Florida.
i still swam in the water during the oil spill.
"But men are so full of greed today, they'll sell anything for a little piece of money."
-Little Richard-
I wounder how much BP paid them to do this commercial?
@nuclearjong sorry... not state conversions, chemical conversions.
@Shashanyaara why u move to vegas?
thumbs up if you clicked this because you thought it was a guy skating next to a pool in the thumbnail
It's nice that you might have made the beaches LOOK clean, now how about fixing the ocean AROUND the beaches?
lol bp threw a few pennies at this guy and made a heartwarming 1 minute youtube video that gets over half a million views....
As an Alabama citizen, I have not bought gas from BP since the oil spill and never will. These videos make me sick. There are still many mom and pop businesses that have closed and will never come back.
Hey BP, what about my parents condo that no one rented out because of your mess? It's nice that you helped to make up for your disaster with this ONE individual. Screw everyone else in the rest of the Gulf Coast right? As long as you have this ONE individual you can put up in your promotional video. Don't buy BP gas.
There's still a huge oil plume where the fish go to spawn. Ruined the enviroment BP, thanks!
so you guys have had time to make these videos and post it in youtube, yet there is still oil in the ocean?
What if there was an earthquake that caused oil to spew out of the ocean floor, who would you blame then?
I LOVE BP!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember that giant oil spill with millions of gallons flowing out every day...
All better now. We swear.....
Really this is scary. What did they pay him? I understand that the industry in these areas r hurting but to even think it's ok to go back into the water is criminal in away.
It is not safe period and wont be for along time.
Has BP even capped it yet?
I think we all agree we need to shut down the gulf oil wells and ramp up frac'ing big time. Save our oceans !
0:11 lol I bet BP wishes cleaning the water was so simple.
Lode almighty what would we do without BP and the likes of Exxon, Freddie Mac and Enron?
Jedi Mind tricks.
"These are not the oil dolts you're looking for"
yeah. that dude was definitely reading off a script. I wonder if they paid him compensation to do that commercial.
isnt all the oil at the bottom of the ocean
Remember when you could watch a video without having to sit through a commercial?
Remember when music videos were uploaded by users and not VEVO
Remember when all the info was to the right of the video?
Remember you could rate a video 1-5 stars?
Remember the famous yellow subscribe button?
Remember when the users controlled the site and now corporations?
Post this in every video and lets start a youtube revolution!
like to keep at top of page
Excuse me Rick, ' got a minute?
Could you help me count these dolphin calf corpses?
Propaganda plain and simple.BP paid me to tell you how great and caring they are,and what a wonderful job they did to clean our beach,see the pretty white sand and the clear blue ocean,its just wonderful.They even got rid of all those nasty critters in the water,you know dolphins and turtles and crabs,as a matter of fact there really isn't much of anything to bother you while taking a nice soothing swim in complete lifeless toxicity,its wonderful...thanks BP!
Why bother trying to repair your image? It won't do any good. You cleaned up the ocean yet?
BP is truly sorry
guess what bp's old slogan was?Bringing oil to your shores lol
"We're sorry."
Wow, so many negative reviews. No wounder that BP is doing recent deals with Russia. Don't push those companies away from your countries, they have many places to go.
BP made up the difference when they paid only this guy a ton of money to do this ad.
@steeltwistercoaster Well, they kind of almost ruined a lot of lives. Since the oil was every where people couldn't fish, and in the Gulf, that is one of the most important things around. I really don't care much about the animals, there are plenty more, but I do care about the people that were affected by this.
Let me translate for BP; "We're sorry."
Heard of the car that could run on saltwater?
Only runs on saltwater from the gulf of mexico though.
How strange...
Partycard,Keep buying BPs gas and eat a lot of shrimp taken near the oil spill site.You can buy there gas,And eat there oil two.It will be good for us you wont be around long.
I thought there would be Oil in the pool too. FREE OIL AT THE COAST
What's the point of this? It's not like anybody cares about the gulf oil spill anymore, that ended months ago :|
id rather watch a head on commercial than this
'There is bruising and skin lesions, not just with clean-up workers, these are residents not involved in the clean-up,' executive director of the Alliance Institute, a non-profit providing community support.' Just yesterday I learned of five people on Grand Isle who passed away...people who did not have health problems prior to this. Nevertheless, there has not been any talk of monitoring of these communities.'
BP Gulf Oil Disaster: Sick Gulf Residents Beg Officials for Help
why can't they just use their money to actually do more to help clean up the spill instead of using it to make tacky commercials..
"BP's ongoing commitment to the Gulf."
How about to TH-cam? Stop polluting here.
did anyone else notice on news reports how the backgrounds during live reports, just like in the Iraq war looked green screened and the look on their faces while reporting, as if they had a gun in their face , I really wish I could somehow get a bunch of national guard guys drunk to spill the beans, is this the new Roswell?
I finally got so sick of seeing this video at the top of the list as a promoted video, that I decided to take the time to come here and type how much I hate BP and how much more I hate BP for invading my space here on TH-cam.
BP regrets what happened... we get it! Now please get out of our faces about it!
You really messed up with this BP.
@yutubesexy I didn't know that's what you meant. I was under the impression you were talking about the prevention of implementation of building cars in which you put water into the tank. What you seem to be talking about now is cars where you put hydrogen into the tank. They're building hydrogen cars now, and hydrogen pumps have been installed in several places throughout the U.S. Hydrogen cars are unrelated to H2O cars. Are you saying it should be our prayer that hydrogen cars come to fruition?
We're sorry, sorry, sorry
South Park beach!
When is BP going to make it right with the wildlife they destroyed?