Reconciliation begins with acknowledgement of wrongs. Unless wrongs committed against Hindus are not acknowledged, the lingering hate will continue. Kashi and Mathura can be resolved if you just say that there was a temple which was wrongly destroyed.
Muslims identify with mughals they glorify the invaders, you can see a shining example of Saif Ali khan , he named his son after ruthless killer, taimiur, I am not trying to sow divide here but just spitting cold hard facts they are not ready to accept the fact that their ancestor's were forcefully converted , had they been respectful enough in handing our temples Modi would never ever have existed infavt their theology won't allow them to be respectful to other religion , I don't see a way how we can move ahead as a nation
There was no temple at masjid sites because no temple destroys otherwise the revolution of defending Bharat from invaders had been started centuries before 1857 against British.
@@munafghori4052 your reasoning is flawed and factually incorrect. Seriously what is according to you is the history of india. You are saying that early Muslims talk to everybody and convinced them to accept islam peacefully? There was no conquest , no jizya, no force was used?
@@John117-oo2qb my arguments was that Indians awaken to cruelty against British because British were doing wrong. In this same way, if Muslims would be as bad as British then Hindus as Hindus would rise up against Muslim empire. But we see this never happened. Instead many Hindus work under Muslim rulers and many Muslims work under hindu leadership. This is the reason we say ganga jamuna tehzeeb of old times between Muslims and Hindus.
Loved the way he blamed Islamic ideology for all troubles and then summarised it by putting all onus on ‘charged political environment’ of India. When the environment was in Muslims’ favour, then all was apparently well😂😂
J!had doesn't mean vi0lence alone. If we look at the Muslim circles, the phrase one can see/hear more often is "Mashallah Islam is the fastest growing religion (in India/World) ". This yearning and struggle for the 'advancement of Islam' is called J!had. The most common Method is dem0graph!cs.
This is real Jihad: Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
MR. swami you are a wonderful storyteller….you will make an excellent story writer in Bollywood. However, please stop attempting to glorify these jihadists and criminals.
After partition, every single Muslim must be sent to Pakistan and every single Hindu must be moved to India otherwise India will never be a stable nation. (Dr Ambedkar in book, Thoughts on Pakistan) But as expected, the upper caste men of those times who were in charge of Congress were not going to listen to a Dalit man's wise words. For these upper caste congress men personal global MAhatma branding was more desirable than thinking through logically about long term consequences. In process inflicting forever pain in ass for the Hindu masses who trusted these upper-caste congressmen. Yes, there were non-congress upper caste (& lower caste too) men who were in agreement with Ambedkar. Unfortunately, they were sidelined by the British in a power transfer agreement. Ironically, even today upper castes in Congress(a to Z type)/ left/socialist/DMK have not understood the wiseness of Ambedkar's words. Unfortunately even today there are at least 40% of Hindus (of all castes & all parties) who do not understand how prophetic Dr Ambedkar was on total population exchange.
Should also mention how Indian Mujahideen was eliminated in the Batla House Encounter in 2008. Don't paint these bastards in good light, Mr Swami. Feels like I'm listening to Audio version of "The Hindu". Will watch again before my CAT exam.
Is this even possible today? No single muslim will choose Pakistan over India instead some muslim of Pakistan will choose India over Pak. So total population exchange would have been better but we need a new solution now.
That could NOT be done because Christian invaders had planted pseudo Hindus & Islam-o-Marxists & quasi Muslims like Nehru as it's rulers!! We have to think of a strategy to protect Dharma and de-radicalize Islam-o-Marxists elements in Bharat, Indian sub continent & beyond!! This must be done in collaboration with Muslims, Jews & Christians with brains in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Europe, USA & beyond!!
Muslim mejority countries why not secular? But they demand secularism in Hindu mejority countries. Muslim don't allow mandir in Soudi Arab. But they allotted every religious places of Hindu. Muslim need separate law, separate Madrasa, separate Muslim University. To whom we call brother?
इंडिया एक सेकुलर कंट्री क्यों होना चाहिए।( ) क्योंकि इंडिया में कई बाहरी लोग आए जैसे आर्य, रोमन, ग्रीक, शक, हुन, पार्थियन, मंगोल मुस्लिम, पारसी,ईसाई इत्यादि। इंडिया में कई सौ ऐसी जनजातियां है जिनका धर्म अलग है। इंडिया का इतिहास भी सेकुलर ही रहा है । अतः इंडिया को सेकुलर होना चाहिए। राम जो सिर्फ एक महपुरुष है वो न तो हमारे देश का आधार है न ही संविधान का अतः हिंदू धर्म को बाकी लोगो पर थोप नही सकते । जय हिंद जय भारत।
@@EjazKhan-mh9ds Hey dumbo Hindu is not a religon to be imposed ... But its the other way round.... your Abrahamic sects who are very aggressive in Conversion tactics which your Babar, Aurangazeb and Tippu did in medival india .. You cannot Separate Hindu Culture from India. The Saree which even Muslim woman wearing is a Hindu Culture.... An indian Christian Couple in a Marriage tie the Knot is also a Hindu Culture.... The Onam which is a Hindu festival is Celebrated in Kerala by Catholic Church is a Hindu Culture The Moto of India Satyameva Jayathe is taken from Mandokya Upanishad of Hindu Scriptures So Culturally India is a Hindu Country... A Religion can be imposed but a Culture cannot be imposed because its a way of Life ... Thats why in Indonesia even they converted to Islam they still they celebrate Ramayan and Mahabharat because its their Culture 🙏🙏
@@EjazKhan-mh9dsHey dumbo Hindu is not a religon to be imposed ... But its the other way round.... your Abrahamic sects who are very aggressive in Conversion tactics which your Babar, Aurangazeb and Tippu did in medival india .. You cannot Separate Hindu Culture from India. The Saree which even Muslim woman wearing is a Hindu Culture.... An indian Christian Couple in a Marriage tie the Knot is also a Hindu Culture.... The Onam which is a Hindu festival is Celebrated in Kerala by Catholic Church is a Hindu Culture The Moto of India Satyameva Jayathe is taken from Mandokya Upanishad of Hindu Scriptures So Culturally India is a Hindu Country... A Religion can be imposed but a Culture cannot be imposed because its a way of Life ... Thats why in Indonesia even they converted to Islam they still they celebrate Ramayan and Mahabharat because its their Culture 🙏🙏
Just Imagine what we are against. You can't be sure which Muslim will turn rogue. The best part however is that yiu still seem to blame it on Indian politics haha , where were yiu before you came to print, looks like u were with The Wire , a fused one at that
Reconciliation will not work with those who believe "there is no other God to be worshipped but Allah" They will not cease till complete domination is achieved. Eternal vigilance is the answer. Weakness is an invitation for terror. Stop day dreaming of reconciliation.
INDIA IS HAVING 1.HINDUS 2. MUSLIMS 3. CHRISTIANS 4. SIKHS b) Since Hindus are in MAJORITY, all other religions in India, Should respect Hinduism, and Leave AYODHYA Mathura Kashi
Mr Swamy you portray these jihadist as somebody going that way due to charged political environment. No sir something wrong with mindset availing all facility of Bharat and going with Pakistan.
Agree with Swami on reconciliation. This is where the so called Secular opposition has failed. They should run programs and events to establish dialogue among communities at odds with each other. They should provide a space and platform for people across communities to express their fears and miss giving's against each other and also recognize and appreciate each others beliefs and way of life. People should hear from each other about the wrong done one against the other and reconcile and able to pardon/apologies the actions. But sadly it does not happen. I expected Rahul to do that since he had a good opportunity walking the length and breath of the country. He should have had this is one of the key agenda.
wow , you are expecting rahul to do something , in past 10 years he learned how to raise issue { even if they are useless } but he has no vision or roadmap for india at all ,
you are utopian thats what we hindus were doing using judiciary while even educated marxist historian turned out yo be clean shaved jihadist not letting the truth to come out helped by hindu pimp marxist historians romila, jha, kn panikkar etc while dr kk mohammad talked about accepting the the truth and facts how many sided him ? the problem is with muslim mentality and appeasement by greedy hindus
You have to brainless or heartless to support Congress & INDI Alliance!! IF your Rahul is so smart, what are his actual achievements for Dharma, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists or the nation?? Same with Jihadi Mamta Begum who sends me Muslim servants in Haryana because she can't give them employment in west Bengal!!
Jihad is basically an act which leads to advancements in Islam in terms of numbers of Muslims, power of Muslims and their domination over non Muslims. It can be both violent and non violent. In India they had been doing jihad fo decades while we Hindus have remained ignorant. The most prominent for is love jihad by which they marry non Muslim women and convert them to Islam. It is a way to get control over the reproductive power of non Muslims (by marrying their women). That's how it happened even in past. Unfortunately Hindus are too gullible to understand this and many will justify it by calling it individual freedom. Muslims however resist Muslim woman marrying Hindu man. I hope Hindus will see the reality of this dangerous jihadi minority which is extremely dangerous for the existence of Hindus. I hope we Hindus understand that demography is destiny and don't loose our demographics with respect to Muslims and defend our women against love jihad by teaching them about our religion and keeping them away from Muslims.
There was no hindu in Iran. In 712AD they come to Indian subcontinent and started Jihad. We lost Pakistan, Bangladesh ,AFGHANISTAN, parts of Kashmir. THERE were Christian,Jews and idol worshipers in SAUDI ARABIA but PROpT .MD KILLED THEM and forced them to follow his thoughts. This was /is how they were/ are promoting their religion. 😂
I'm sure there would have also been hindu victims in the Ahmedabad Riots but none of them turned towards terrorism.........why ?? All men supporting Karim were Maulanas ..... What does this say ???
At 6.30 you echo the western detractors of India by using the term “Hindu Nationalists”. You weren’t quoting anyone. In the end you said that small number of Indians were recruited by ISIS. Were any Hindus recruited by the ISIS? Please let us know in the comments.
Praveen swami is really good for when you need to sleep!! Swami makes even an interesting story like a case of somnambulism. Print....Can we get a different presenter please !!
I believe in secularism. But never hesitate to acknowledge extremist muslims. That does not justify generalizing the community. At the same time that explains Islamophobia. You claiming all secular hindus don't utter anything about extremist islam is you generalizing secularism in a bad light. Being rational is being secular as well as acknowledging extremism in any religion.
@@HD-oy6ti Secularism is a European/Christian concept that has ZERO significance or validation in Islam!! Meanwhile, Hindu Dharma is at it's roots non violent & secular AND That is WHY it was invaded & raped by Christian & Islamic invaders!! No more!! Go learn history & brush your basics!!
You believe in secularism after celebrating 7th October.? If you didn't celebrate on 7th October, then you don't have faith in your Asmani book and not Abdul anymore.
Is there something medically wrong with you that needs to be checked or fixed? I say that with sympathy & not contempt. I see you with bits of foam/dried saliva at the ends of your lips & it has been very unpleasant to look at. It takes away from your content/story, and all I can see is that dried saliva/foam. I tried to ignore that this time, and was doing OK till 9:20. Then between that time and 9:25 you added a new bit of foam on the lower lip right in the middle. BAM. That was it for me. It looks distressing and unhygienic. I can't even write any more about it.
@@GayathriK-re7wt Maybe you find people foaming at their mouth hot, and thats OK. Whatever rocks your boat. However, most people find that revolting. It takes 3 seconds to ensure your mouth is clean. 3 seconds.
Arey Hussain mia .we know that ur green manual avers that khafirs are the worst of the worst and look and smell bad. So why are u going about it in an indirect way? Seedha bolna...and quote ur green book
What do you mean by reconciliation??? It means bowing down to jehad. You people wrongly think that jehad is a consequence of some grievance. No, for the jehadis living with idolators is unjust and a fitna. Jehad is not a consequence of breach of Indian laws. It is consequence of breach of what their theology considers as "unjust".
People say bjp doing hindh muslim , I say congress do only muslim muslim , so people say modi is radical , i say modi is not radical enough 😢he is aslo becoming sickular keera,
timing of your story coinciding with pranprathistha is intriguing. mr Swami avoid gloryfying rabid terrorist our ancestors have withstood such pressures to preserve our culture
Lakh's of Rupees are pouring on Temples , I think UP was Backward State Before but now Slowly Uttar Pradesh is Taking Over Other States Now , Economy is Booming Now Great , Everything is Modi Now Awesome India's Growth .........
I am surprised that you people at Print know everything about the jihadi Muslims but still support them and oppose Modiji and BJP , who are the only party to take stance against them.
So are we supposed to feel sympathy for these people now. Maybe we need to reassess the book they sought inspiration from and if their perception of oppression was justified at all. It seems as though all problems are resolvable by waging Jihad and then using apologetics of oppression as an excuse. A crime is a crime.
Feeling Happy as Print Lallantop Wire Dhruv tatti Abhishek banerjee exposing themselves more and more this days - Looking forward to see more videos which challenges Kashi Mathura banayenge per thaarik nahi baatheyenge 😂😂😂😂
Why? Let me tell you I believe in secularism. I very well understand that extremism in any religion is dangerous. Are you afraid to acknowledge extremism in your religion? Then you're a hypocrite. Indian muslims want secularism but don't want to acknowledge extremism and terrorism in their own community is them practicing bigotry that they don't want to see in Hindus. That's simply hypocrisy.
When Ram was born nobody knows but exact place where he was born, everyone knows. What a knowledge. Where are his Palaces or its ruins as he was king. Nobody knows.
@@cheapthrills9035 Archaeological proof for a man that existed 1400 years ago. How can you be so dumb?? His grave is its proof?. Letters written by him to kings are another proof? Authentic chain of narrations of people is another proof? Quran is another proof? His progeny is another proof? His tribe and its member is another proof? There is not dispute in Historians but now you tell what is proof of Ram. Where are his bones? Where is his palace or its ruins? Where is ancient city of ayodhya? Come on you worship a man about its authenticity you have no proofs? A man who begets and die can never be a god but trick of Satan. The more logical thing is that he might have been a chosen human to guide people of his times? Nothing more than that? Why there are no Hindu Gods outside the Indian subcontinent? Why there are no Gods in India for Hindus?
There was no temple at masjid sites because no temple destroys otherwise the revolution of defending Bharat from invaders had been started centuries before 1857 against British.
Uncle who give the mic , You can’t even speak a fact properly You eat half facts and speak facts In those facts too you mislead the people by glorifying the extremism So as per a desi language *DHANG SA BOLNA SIKH LE BABASIR MAT KARWA*
Whatever he is telling, indeed is true, but when dig deeper into the story at the end of the all this was rhetoric, no doubt there are lot of crackhead Muslims, who still live in glory of jihad. But I wish this guy could shed some light on Hindus, like lot of BJP leaders talk about massacre of Muslims in rally without any repercussions. I hope he can highlight when LK Advani once’s said in his speech after demolition Babri mosque, that this is just the beginning, and we will raze all the mosque in India to ground. Talking about such incidents basically underscores the stereotype and malign. I hope you will talk about Hindus terror.
Demolishing force occupied structure is assertiveness. Its not a aggression. Shivaji Maharaj also did it. He demolished the mosque & Church build after demolishing the Mandir. But he never demolished the virgin masque. Hindus follow shivaji. There was not a single Muslim (human being) harmed in the Babri disputed structure demolition (a non-human entity). Muslims started attacking Hindus (human beings) for the demolition of non-human entity. Hindus gave it back in fair disproportion. You are unhappy about Hindus giving back rioters' taste of their own action? . Hindu terrorists are not blowing lNadon/NewYork/France/Srilanka... If you are a kuffar - Get out of the Islam apologist echo chamber of the left-liberal woke gang. If you are a true deen - If you harm Hindu human beings and expect Hindus to not give it back 10x, you are still living in a Sharia rule mindset. Get out of the Sharia rule mindset. It will be good for everyone.
There is no way you can tell who started it, the issue is what are the policies of BJP, main objective to is to demonize a community which is in minority, and then mobilize a majority vote in favor. Whatever happened in the past is past. Hindus king have killed and massacred other Hindus, just take an example of Ashoka, there was no Islam at that time. And Hindus have collaborated with Muslim king and other Hindus. Just read about the last of battle of panipat. The Hindus ( rajput) helping Durrani against Maratha and some Maratha leader did not side with Peshwa, and artillery on Maratha side was maned by Muslim. People like this guy just working on BJP agenda.
@@krislo4788 why are you even answering questions with wrong intent and putting false accusations. This is baseless talk. Look the way this person is using word 'Hindu Terror'. I wonder how are they dealing with Ammi-Abba Terror if that's the case. Anywhere they are brought to face justice and truth, lamentation is only way out.
😂😂😂 looks like pravin swamy was moved a bit too much for the Jihadist .. By the way Jihadis have existed from time immemorial .. ... Even when the Hindus had no political say or were being trampled upon .... Pravin ji please don't paint a victimised picture for Jihadis
The sad thing is the forefathers of these guys would have been caste Hindus who might have been oppressed, these guys are now being taken into Islam and made to fight upper class Hindus. This is is just a fight between two classes of humans. Islam only ignites these feelings
@@SidhantDhagare-gw3fj Then why is their behaviour so anti Hindu if they were never oppressed ? If you claim that then why do they hate Hindus so much?
@@holywarrior5719 I my self belong to dalit mahar caste. Dalits are not anty Hindu 90% of them worship hindu gods follow hindu rituals but yes we have some problems with upper caste. It's like Shia muslims hating Sunnis they don't hate Islam they hate Sunnis.
@@holywarrior5719 we don't hate Hindus we hate only castist people which is decreasing day by day because of reservations. And for your info most of the muslims are also from upper caste mogals, sayads and pathans basically asrafs. There are only few dalit muslims, Dali's never accepted Islam. Mostly adults convert into christianity and buddhism which also really less.
@@SidhantDhagare-gw3fj That’s why I say it’s wrong on the part of Hindus. We treated our own people badly and some of them took this Arab desert cult. Islam made life more miserable for them. We must continue to love the Dalits and treat them more than equal.
Reconciliation begins with acknowledgement of wrongs. Unless wrongs committed against Hindus are not acknowledged, the lingering hate will continue. Kashi and Mathura can be resolved if you just say that there was a temple which was wrongly destroyed.
Muslims identify with mughals they glorify the invaders, you can see a shining example of Saif Ali khan , he named his son after ruthless killer, taimiur, I am not trying to sow divide here but just spitting cold hard facts they are not ready to accept the fact that their ancestor's were forcefully converted , had they been respectful enough in handing our temples Modi would never ever have existed infavt their theology won't allow them to be respectful to other religion , I don't see a way how we can move ahead as a nation
There was no temple at masjid sites because no temple destroys otherwise the revolution of defending Bharat from invaders had been started centuries before 1857 against British.
What else was Shivaji doing, or Maharana Pratap ?@@munafghori4052
@@munafghori4052 your reasoning is flawed and factually incorrect.
Seriously what is according to you is the history of india.
You are saying that early Muslims talk to everybody and convinced them to accept islam peacefully?
There was no conquest , no jizya, no force was used?
@@John117-oo2qb my arguments was that Indians awaken to cruelty against British because British were doing wrong. In this same way, if Muslims would be as bad as British then Hindus as Hindus would rise up against Muslim empire. But we see this never happened. Instead many Hindus work under Muslim rulers and many Muslims work under hindu leadership. This is the reason we say ganga jamuna tehzeeb of old times between Muslims and Hindus.
Reconciliation must be based upon truth and justice and not on sher-o-shairi.
Exactly.. we must take back all of our temples.. atleast ones that are important in Hinduism.
'Truth' as defined by the other party is Allah and 'justice' is Sharia; so step out of your dreams
@@janeswan1124 I take my words back😂
I think the narrator is very sad that the jihad failed...he almost cried.
Correct!! That is Islamo-leftist mentality! This ideology & people should be treated as viral enemies of humanity & state!!
Poor allah's child
Very true , he is a jihad supporter
Loved the way he blamed Islamic ideology for all troubles and then summarised it by putting all onus on ‘charged political environment’ of India. When the environment was in Muslims’ favour, then all was apparently well😂😂
Print is print and the Wire is wire; same as ever
You are narrating as if this jihadi is a hero.
J!had doesn't mean vi0lence alone.
If we look at the Muslim circles, the phrase one can see/hear more often is "Mashallah Islam is the fastest growing religion (in India/World) ". This yearning and struggle for the 'advancement of Islam' is called J!had. The most common Method is dem0graph!cs.
It's always voilence. There is no reference for Non Violent J!had in the Quran. They just made a fool out of you.
Desi star is telling you that it can also be non violent like mushroom kids and love jihad@@theonethatexists
This is real Jihad:
Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
If it's demographic then does Musli agree with the shared national goal of hum do hamara do?
Yes very true they create demographic imbalance by increasing their population
Why are you glorifying these beings, your tone seems like these are just everyday average people doing good job
Ofc..always side with the minority
65 yr old marrying an 18 yr old. Disgusting!!
Well it's less disgusting compared to 53 years old marrying 6 yrs old and having S when she became 9 yrs (I presume you know who I am talking about).
It is a disgusting act in 21st century.
@@TamilselvamMegag disgusting act in any century
It was best act, left jihad and started living a moderate life
In 2003 he was 60, marrying a teenage girl! What is that??
Normal for Mlms/Pedo-file followers.
Just like his idol
That's what their Aaka started as tradition 😅
He did better than his idol Mohmd. who was playing in bed with a 6 year old child!!
MR. swami you are a wonderful storyteller….you will make an excellent story writer in Bollywood. However, please stop attempting to glorify these jihadists and criminals.
After partition, every single Muslim must be sent to Pakistan and every single Hindu must be moved to India otherwise India will never be a stable nation. (Dr Ambedkar in book, Thoughts on Pakistan)
But as expected, the upper caste men of those times who were in charge of Congress were not going to listen to a Dalit man's wise words. For these upper caste congress men personal global MAhatma branding was more desirable than thinking through logically about long term consequences. In process inflicting forever pain in ass for the Hindu masses who trusted these upper-caste congressmen.
Yes, there were non-congress upper caste (& lower caste too) men who were in agreement with Ambedkar. Unfortunately, they were sidelined by the British in a power transfer agreement.
Ironically, even today upper castes in Congress(a to Z type)/ left/socialist/DMK have not understood the wiseness of Ambedkar's words. Unfortunately even today there are at least 40% of Hindus (of all castes & all parties) who do not understand how prophetic Dr Ambedkar was on total population exchange.
It's very simple to see through and yet these idiots f..d up. How dumb they got to be
Should also mention how Indian Mujahideen was eliminated in the Batla House Encounter in 2008. Don't paint these bastards in good light, Mr Swami.
Feels like I'm listening to Audio version of "The Hindu". Will watch again before my CAT exam.
Good luck for CAT. Placements have been abysmal this year due to bad market conditions.
Spare the CAT fee and use it as capital for a tea stall; you'll succeed
@@janeswan1124he will succeed but you will never
Repeater this year , will come back to this for good memories
TOTAL POPULATION EXCHANGE was(is) the only solution
Is this even possible today? No single muslim will choose Pakistan over India instead some muslim of Pakistan will choose India over Pak. So total population exchange would have been better but we need a new solution now.
Absolutely true. Muslims got 3 nations. What did the non muslims get?
That could NOT be done because Christian invaders had planted pseudo Hindus & Islam-o-Marxists & quasi Muslims like Nehru as it's rulers!!
We have to think of a strategy to protect Dharma and de-radicalize Islam-o-Marxists elements in Bharat, Indian sub continent & beyond!! This must be done in collaboration with Muslims, Jews & Christians with brains in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Europe, USA & beyond!!
@@warpdrive9229 That was the plan all along....pls read about the !slamic concept of darul harb & darul !slam
Why can't they all converted?
what kind of society finds it appropriate to let a 60-70 year old buddha marry a teenager!!
why nobody is talking about such atrocity
Muslim mejority countries why not secular? But they demand secularism in Hindu mejority countries.
Muslim don't allow mandir in Soudi Arab. But they allotted every religious places of Hindu.
Muslim need separate law, separate Madrasa, separate Muslim University.
To whom we call brother?
इंडिया एक सेकुलर कंट्री क्यों होना चाहिए।( ) क्योंकि इंडिया में कई बाहरी लोग आए जैसे आर्य, रोमन, ग्रीक, शक, हुन, पार्थियन, मंगोल मुस्लिम, पारसी,ईसाई इत्यादि। इंडिया में कई सौ ऐसी जनजातियां है जिनका धर्म अलग है। इंडिया का इतिहास भी सेकुलर ही रहा है । अतः इंडिया को सेकुलर होना चाहिए। राम जो सिर्फ एक महपुरुष है वो न तो हमारे देश का आधार है न ही संविधान का अतः हिंदू धर्म को बाकी लोगो पर थोप नही सकते । जय हिंद जय भारत।
@@EjazKhan-mh9ds Hey dumbo Hindu is not a religon to be imposed ... But its the other way round.... your Abrahamic sects who are very aggressive in Conversion tactics which your Babar, Aurangazeb and Tippu did in medival india ..
You cannot Separate Hindu Culture from India.
The Saree which even Muslim woman wearing is a Hindu Culture....
An indian Christian Couple in a Marriage tie the Knot is also a Hindu Culture....
The Onam which is a Hindu festival is Celebrated in Kerala by Catholic Church is a Hindu Culture
The Moto of India Satyameva Jayathe is taken from Mandokya Upanishad of Hindu Scriptures
So Culturally India is a Hindu Country... A Religion can be imposed but a Culture cannot be imposed because its a way of Life ... Thats why in Indonesia even they converted to Islam they still they celebrate Ramayan and Mahabharat because its their Culture 🙏🙏
@@EjazKhan-mh9dsHey dumbo Hindu is not a religon to be imposed ... But its the other way round.... your Abrahamic sects who are very aggressive in Conversion tactics which your Babar, Aurangazeb and Tippu did in medival india ..
You cannot Separate Hindu Culture from India.
The Saree which even Muslim woman wearing is a Hindu Culture....
An indian Christian Couple in a Marriage tie the Knot is also a Hindu Culture....
The Onam which is a Hindu festival is Celebrated in Kerala by Catholic Church is a Hindu Culture
The Moto of India Satyameva Jayathe is taken from Mandokya Upanishad of Hindu Scriptures
So Culturally India is a Hindu Country... A Religion can be imposed but a Culture cannot be imposed because its a way of Life ... Thats why in Indonesia even they converted to Islam they still they celebrate Ramayan and Mahabharat because its their Culture 🙏🙏
@@EjazKhan-mh9ds cultural continuity ke baare mein sunna hain... nahi toh history padho sir pls...
@@rachitborkar8393 to tumhare hisab se angrejo ka shasan rahne Dena chahiye tha.
Just Imagine what we are against. You can't be sure which Muslim will turn rogue. The best part however is that yiu still seem to blame it on Indian politics haha , where were yiu before you came to print, looks like u were with The Wire , a fused one at that
Old masters never die 😅
Only solution is to curb Islam growth.
Reconciliation will not work with those who believe "there is no other God to be worshipped but Allah"
They will not cease till complete domination is achieved.
Eternal vigilance is the answer.
Weakness is an invitation for terror.
Stop day dreaming of reconciliation.
b) Since
Hindus are in MAJORITY, all other religions in India,
Should respect Hinduism,
Majority 😂😂😂5000 ++ Castes don’t make you majority evil sanghi rss liar 🤥
Mlms are ☪️ncr for India and Humanity.
* world.
Mr Swamy you portray these jihadist as somebody going that way due to charged political environment. No sir something wrong with mindset availing all facility of Bharat and going with Pakistan.
Agree with Swami on reconciliation. This is where the so called Secular opposition has failed. They should run programs and events to establish dialogue among communities at odds with each other. They should provide a space and platform for people across communities to express their fears and miss giving's against each other and also recognize and appreciate each others beliefs and way of life. People should hear from each other about the wrong done one against the other and reconcile and able to pardon/apologies the actions. But sadly it does not happen. I expected Rahul to do that since he had a good opportunity walking the length and breath of the country. He should have had this is one of the key agenda.
wow , you are expecting rahul to do something ,
in past 10 years he learned how to raise issue { even if they are useless }
but he has no vision or roadmap for india at all ,
you are utopian thats what we hindus were doing using judiciary while even educated marxist historian turned out yo be clean shaved jihadist not letting the truth to come out helped by hindu pimp marxist historians romila, jha, kn panikkar etc while dr kk mohammad talked about accepting the the truth and facts how many sided him ? the problem is with muslim mentality and appeasement by greedy hindus
You have to brainless or heartless to support Congress & INDI Alliance!!
IF your Rahul is so smart, what are his actual achievements for Dharma, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists or the nation??
Same with Jihadi Mamta Begum who sends me Muslim servants in Haryana because she can't give them employment in west Bengal!!
Pappu has walked more on the streets of Pattaya 😂🤣
How reverential he is towards them,
Sold out prostitutes are called journalists @The Print, The Wire, Indian Express & the like!!
Old masters never die
No circumcised nonsense is possible with Shah and Doval at the helm
We have to think of a strategy to protect Dharma and de-radicalize Islam-o-Marxists elements in Bharat, Indian sub continent & beyond!!
How effortlessly he is telling everycrime he did seems like he didn't do anything big..
A closet terrorists sympathizers.
The real enemy within.
Tippu road in Karachi? Why?
They glorify every terrorist that Massacred H!ndus.
Hindu trying to defame Jihad as terrorist act but they don't no what is jihad.
This excuses are not going to work now.
Margi Gandhi the first hero of Jihad
Why are they becoming jihadi? Do you blame them or Hindus?
Jihad is basically an act which leads to advancements in Islam in terms of numbers of Muslims, power of Muslims and their domination over non Muslims.
It can be both violent and non violent.
In India they had been doing jihad fo decades while we Hindus have remained ignorant. The most prominent for is love jihad by which they marry non Muslim women and convert them to Islam. It is a way to get control over the reproductive power of non Muslims (by marrying their women). That's how it happened even in past. Unfortunately Hindus are too gullible to understand this and many will justify it by calling it individual freedom. Muslims however resist Muslim woman marrying Hindu man. I hope Hindus will see the reality of this dangerous jihadi minority which is extremely dangerous for the existence of Hindus.
I hope we Hindus understand that demography is destiny and don't loose our demographics with respect to Muslims and defend our women against love jihad by teaching them about our religion and keeping them away from Muslims.
Ban Quran. Issue solved. It's ☪️ncr.
There was no hindu in Iran. In 712AD they come to Indian subcontinent and started Jihad. We lost Pakistan, Bangladesh ,AFGHANISTAN, parts of Kashmir.
THERE were Christian,Jews and idol worshipers in SAUDI ARABIA but PROpT .MD KILLED THEM and forced them to follow his thoughts. This was /is how they were/ are promoting their religion. 😂
Is it just me ? They way Praveen Swami was talking, I felt that he is feeling sad that the terrorist couldn't succeed in their plans
This could have been worse if the guy wasn't so incompetent.
the more space you cede the more they will ask for.. pls stop this reconciliation bullcrap… we need Kashi, Mathura back & more.
I'm sure there would have also been hindu victims in the Ahmedabad Riots but none of them turned towards terrorism.........why ??
All men supporting Karim were Maulanas ..... What does this say ???
Now time has come to take Ram oath to vote BJP next 1000 years Jay shree Ram 🙏🙏🙏
Islam first, Arab second, then India converted into syaria.
We want our holy places back, there is no compromise anymore.
Wanted to ask The Print 's editor - Is "charged politics" a reason across Europe where violence is happening?
Cant expect from Shekhar Gupta....
What a spinner 3 charges acquitted took 10yrs another 10 yrs for 3 more charges happily the story will end and no one remembers even ThePrint
pl, add Hindi captions on English videos. (other way also)
'Communal reconciliation', that you mentioned towards the end, would mean....?
At 6.30 you echo the western detractors of India by using the term “Hindu Nationalists”. You weren’t quoting anyone.
In the end you said that small number of Indians were recruited by ISIS. Were any Hindus recruited by the ISIS? Please let us know in the comments.
Praveen swami is really good for when you need to sleep!! Swami makes even an interesting story like a case of somnambulism. Print....Can we get a different presenter please !!
The worst thing is that they idolise these invaders.
Wonderful .. to the core of unknown hazards .
Who is jihadi in this 😂😂😂😂😂
why was he acquitted
Because Courts work for Islam-o-leftist invaders; not nation or Dharma!!
Thank you for the story
Saviour complex.
I believe in secularism. But never hesitate to acknowledge extremist muslims. That does not justify generalizing the community. At the same time that explains Islamophobia. You claiming all secular hindus don't utter anything about extremist islam is you generalizing secularism in a bad light.
Being rational is being secular as well as acknowledging extremism in any religion.
@@HD-oy6ti Secularism is a European/Christian concept that has ZERO significance or validation in Islam!! Meanwhile, Hindu Dharma is at it's roots non violent & secular AND That is WHY it was invaded & raped by Christian & Islamic invaders!! No more!!
Go learn history & brush your basics!!
The Islam-o-leftsts are no different than Jihadis!! These are communists of the soviet/Chinese/American types that are killing all that is human!!
You believe in secularism after celebrating 7th October.? If you didn't celebrate on 7th October, then you don't have faith in your Asmani book and not Abdul anymore.
It is a little sad that a competent journalist like Swami has to wear the Print's blinkers.
Old masters never die 😅
Sadi Hui kaum
Is there something medically wrong with you that needs to be checked or fixed? I say that with sympathy & not contempt. I see you with bits of foam/dried saliva at the ends of your lips & it has been very unpleasant to look at. It takes away from your content/story, and all I can see is that dried saliva/foam. I tried to ignore that this time, and was doing OK till 9:20. Then between that time and 9:25 you added a new bit of foam on the lower lip right in the middle. BAM. That was it for me. It looks distressing and unhygienic. I can't even write any more about it.
Nothing is wrong with him . Everything is wrong with you guys
@@GayathriK-re7wt Maybe you find people foaming at their mouth hot, and thats OK. Whatever rocks your boat. However, most people find that revolting. It takes 3 seconds to ensure your mouth is clean. 3 seconds.
Arey Hussain mia .we know that ur green manual avers that khafirs are the worst of the worst and look and smell bad.
So why are u going about it in an indirect way? Seedha bolna...and quote ur green book
Bro dont be hypicrite ... Accept core of the problem is in the 7th century holy book and Nabis sunnath ... 😂😂😂
@@brizhnev I can actually count the number of brain cells you have on ONE hand
We Hindus must enforce 100% Gharwapsi or 100% population exchange - better do both together. Those who cause trouble, dispatch them to Lord Ram.
Why theprint always write and speak against islam and muslims.
He is justifying you to become a Jihadi. What else do you want?
What do you mean by reconciliation??? It means bowing down to jehad. You people wrongly think that jehad is a consequence of some grievance. No, for the jehadis living with idolators is unjust and a fitna. Jehad is not a consequence of breach of Indian laws. It is consequence of breach of what their theology considers as "unjust".
People say bjp doing hindh muslim ,
I say congress do only muslim muslim , so people say modi is radical , i say modi is not radical enough 😢he is aslo becoming sickular keera,
timing of your story coinciding with pranprathistha is intriguing. mr Swami avoid gloryfying rabid terrorist our ancestors have withstood such pressures to preserve our culture
Lakh's of Rupees are pouring on Temples , I think UP was Backward State Before but now Slowly Uttar Pradesh is Taking Over Other States Now , Economy is Booming Now Great , Everything is Modi Now Awesome India's Growth .........
Haj quota has been increased ... What is this for?
BJP is scared by your jihadist mindset
I am surprised that you people at Print know everything about the jihadi Muslims but still support them and oppose Modiji and BJP , who are the only party to take stance against them.
So are we supposed to feel sympathy for these people now. Maybe we need to reassess the book they sought inspiration from and if their perception of oppression was justified at all. It seems as though all problems are resolvable by waging Jihad and then using apologetics of oppression as an excuse. A crime is a crime.
Nice articulation 😊
Parveen Swami.🙏🙏
Feeling Happy as Print Lallantop Wire Dhruv tatti Abhishek banerjee exposing themselves more and more this days -
Looking forward to see more videos which challenges Kashi Mathura banayenge per thaarik nahi baatheyenge 😂😂😂😂
Don’t know why such story is uploaded now - what is the msg?
Really peaceful 🤣🤣🤣
Interesting how job less people with idle mind are distracted towards anti social activity
Reconciliation to zimmi status?
Dont say drawn watch shaurya
Soudi Arabia invited Modi can be RSVP
he is in karachi
The security agency should have first shaved his beards..then interrogation
On this channel, Mr. Swami, how you could publish such an anti-Muslim story. Is this an effect of the Ram temple in Ayodhya?
Mlms are ☪️ncr for india and Humanity. That's the truth.
He is defending Muslim extremism & indirectly promoting Islamic Jihad!!
Finally unsubscribed the print.
Why? Let me tell you I believe in secularism. I very well understand that extremism in any religion is dangerous. Are you afraid to acknowledge extremism in your religion? Then you're a hypocrite. Indian muslims want secularism but don't want to acknowledge extremism and terrorism in their own community is them practicing bigotry that they don't want to see in Hindus. That's simply hypocrisy.
Ha!! Ha!! He is Islamic extremism supporter dude!!
Go subscribe madrasa news 😂
Bye bye jihadi Abdul. You won't be missed😂.
What a way to consecrate the jihadi mind set!! Hilarious, as if it is a failed tapasya after all.
When Ram was born nobody knows but exact place where he was born, everyone knows. What a knowledge. Where are his Palaces or its ruins as he was king. Nobody knows.
Well where was muhammad born? What is the archeological proof of Muhammad??
@@cheapthrills9035 Archaeological proof for a man that existed 1400 years ago. How can you be so dumb?? His grave is its proof?. Letters written by him to kings are another proof? Authentic chain of narrations of people is another proof? Quran is another proof? His progeny is another proof? His tribe and its member is another proof? There is not dispute in Historians but now you tell what is proof of Ram. Where are his bones? Where is his palace or its ruins? Where is ancient city of ayodhya? Come on you worship a man about its authenticity you have no proofs? A man who begets and die can never be a god but trick of Satan. The more logical thing is that he might have been a chosen human to guide people of his times? Nothing more than that? Why there are no Hindu Gods outside the Indian subcontinent? Why there are no Gods in India for Hindus?
Wow, you really had to scrape the battle here 😂😂
There was no temple at masjid sites because no temple destroys otherwise the revolution of defending Bharat from invaders had been started centuries before 1857 against British.
Change your name
Uncle who give the mic , You can’t even speak a fact properly
You eat half facts and speak facts
In those facts too you mislead the people by glorifying the extremism
So as per a desi language
Pappu may give him a Bharat Ratna
Godi Media
Whatever he is telling, indeed is true, but when dig deeper into the story at the end of the all this was rhetoric, no doubt there are lot of crackhead Muslims, who still live in glory of jihad. But I wish this guy could shed some light on Hindus, like lot of BJP leaders talk about massacre of Muslims in rally without any repercussions. I hope he can highlight when LK Advani once’s said in his speech after demolition Babri mosque, that this is just the beginning, and we will raze all the mosque in India to ground. Talking about such incidents basically underscores the stereotype and malign. I hope you will talk about Hindus terror.
Muslims have given such speeches too..infact they are the ones who started it
Demolishing force occupied structure is assertiveness. Its not a aggression. Shivaji Maharaj also did it. He demolished the mosque & Church build after demolishing the Mandir. But he never demolished the virgin masque. Hindus follow shivaji.
There was not a single Muslim (human being) harmed in the Babri disputed structure demolition (a non-human entity). Muslims started attacking Hindus (human beings) for the demolition of non-human entity. Hindus gave it back in fair disproportion. You are unhappy about Hindus giving back rioters' taste of their own action? .
Hindu terrorists are not blowing lNadon/NewYork/France/Srilanka...
If you are a kuffar - Get out of the Islam apologist echo chamber of the left-liberal woke gang.
If you are a true deen - If you harm Hindu human beings and expect Hindus to not give it back 10x, you are still living in a Sharia rule mindset. Get out of the Sharia rule mindset. It will be good for everyone.
Le me bol deta hu we will destroy all mosques built on temples or Gurudwara.
Ukhadna hai ukhadle.
There is no way you can tell who started it, the issue is what are the policies of BJP, main objective to is to demonize a community which is in minority, and then mobilize a majority vote in favor. Whatever happened in the past is past. Hindus king have killed and massacred other Hindus, just take an example of Ashoka, there was no Islam at that time. And Hindus have collaborated with Muslim king and other Hindus. Just read about the last of battle of panipat. The Hindus ( rajput) helping Durrani against Maratha and some Maratha leader did not side with Peshwa, and artillery on Maratha side was maned by Muslim. People like this guy just working on BJP agenda.
@@krislo4788 why are you even answering questions with wrong intent and putting false accusations. This is baseless talk. Look the way this person is using word 'Hindu Terror'. I wonder how are they dealing with Ammi-Abba Terror if that's the case. Anywhere they are brought to face justice and truth, lamentation is only way out.
Print is stooping to mediocre level journalism like republic tv or times now
This is rising, not stooping!
First comment
To kya aarti utaru ?
@@lajjashankarpandey utar sakta hai, choos bhi sakta hai agar chahe toh
😂😂😂 looks like pravin swamy was moved a bit too much for the Jihadist ..
By the way Jihadis have existed from time immemorial ..
... Even when the Hindus had no political say or were being trampled upon .... Pravin ji please don't paint a victimised picture for Jihadis
Absolutely nonsense
Justifying the jihad
U should be banned
Why not you gave speech at Mumbai Azad maidan like zakir naik . Stopp fooling Hindus
The sad thing is the forefathers of these guys would have been caste Hindus who might have been oppressed, these guys are now being taken into Islam and made to fight upper class Hindus. This is is just a fight between two classes of humans. Islam only ignites these feelings
Most of the muslims are converted upper caste Hindus like brahmins and Rajputs.
@@SidhantDhagare-gw3fj Then why is their behaviour so anti Hindu if they were never oppressed ? If you claim that then why do they hate Hindus so much?
@@holywarrior5719 I my self belong to dalit mahar caste.
Dalits are not anty Hindu 90% of them worship hindu gods follow hindu rituals but yes we have some problems with upper caste.
It's like Shia muslims hating Sunnis they don't hate Islam they hate Sunnis.
@@holywarrior5719 we don't hate Hindus we hate only castist people which is decreasing day by day because of reservations.
And for your info most of the muslims are also from upper caste mogals, sayads and pathans basically asrafs.
There are only few dalit muslims, Dali's never accepted Islam. Mostly adults convert into christianity and buddhism which also really less.
@@SidhantDhagare-gw3fj That’s why I say it’s wrong on the part of Hindus. We treated our own people badly and some of them took this Arab desert cult. Islam made life more miserable for them. We must continue to love the Dalits and treat them more than equal.
He has contributed politics responsible for jihad .last sentence.. jihad promoter like speech with sugar coating
Teenage wife 😂😂😂
Quick fix is encounters...
Carpenter. Hahah
Terrorism breeds out of injustice and suppression.
how often do you see Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Jains, etc join terrorist groups?
Justice sar tan Sai juda or apostasy law
Lol....jaliiii ? 🤣🤣
Momins and monians are victims of this arabian cult
What non-sense you mean?
That word describes Islam. Cvlt of pedo-file followers.
Fact is nonsense for buslim