Less Me: Jesus in 3 Words // Mike Novotny // Time of Grace

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 31 ม.ค. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 23

  • @ericmarcus7139
    @ericmarcus7139 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you Pastor for the wonderful prayer it touched my heart the Lord Almighty bless you as you preach the word of our Lord

  • @shellygarcia2409
    @shellygarcia2409 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @fionakies594
    @fionakies594 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @MrPhinster
    @MrPhinster 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great message. But the intro sequence is kinda funny/ ironic for a series titled "less me".😉

  • @freightshayker
    @freightshayker 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    You're teaching is incomplete. Meaning you know the title and name of Lord Jesus. But you don't know Who is Lord Jesus of Nazareth.
    And if you've been given the Holy Spirit yet still try and sell trinitarian-ism ... then you are calling on Lord Jesus while you deny the power thereof.
    You are moving toward confessing you love Lord Jesus with your mouth as you hate Him in your heart.
    Lord Jesus even warned His owned disciples during the feeding of the multitudes: Are your hearts yet hardened?
    That's Lord Jesus asking you a question friend.
    So. Lord Jesus is not just some prophet, priest and king because Lord Jesus is God.
    That is the inconvient truth to you trinitarians. Meaning you say Lord Jesus is Son of God and Lord Jesus is God ... but somehow Lord Jesus is not Father God.
    Lord Jesus is Father God Whose name is Jesus. He is the one and only Lord God of Heaven.
    Isaiah 9: v6 and 43: v11 and 44: v6 and Revelation 22: v13 ... etc
    Because God is not just some disembodied Spirit. Nor is God just a human being named Jesus of Nazareth.
    And you won't tell us where in the Holy Bible we find how to test spirits and people to see if they are of God.
    You say Lord Jesus is king and Son of God ... yet you think He's a different "person" than Father God.
    So what's Father God's name? ... Father? ... Yahweh? ... those are titles friend because Jesus is His name.
    Show us where it says three persons is God in the Holy Bible. You won't because you can't.
    Lord Jesus is the hypostatic union. He is fully God and fully man at the same time.
    The flesh and blood, the humanity itself was not Father God. Rather Father God was inside that flesh and blood. And only the flesh and blood died on the cross. Lord Jesus' soul nor His Spirit died on the cross. Only now after His resurrection was that flesh and blood body change into a glorified body.
    Lord Jesus was the second Adam. Meaning God formed Adam from the dust. Then God breathed His breath of life into Adam's nostrils. Then Adam became a living soul.
    Lord Jesus was born of water, blood and Spirit. And Apostle John also sats He was given the Spirit without measure. That's why Lord Jesus is the only begotten Son of God.
    Because we His sons and daughters are adopted children of God. Meaning a person is only made in the image of God from birth: feeling, emotions, sense of beauty, certain personality traits, earthly morality, etc.
    But it is only when we choose to follow Lord Jesus by being born again of water and Spirit do we become adopted sons and daughters of Christ. And only adults can understand sin and the need to repent. That's why John 3 and Mark 16 are taken in context of Father Jesus first demonstrating a water baptism followed by a second and separate Spiritual baptism.
    That's why Paul in Acts 19 rebaptized those twelve in Ephesus in the name of Lord Jesus Christ because what John the Baptist started was not the complete picture of the water baptism of repentance for the remission of sins in Lord Jesus' name.
    And we haven't even talked about foot washing which is commanded as well.
    Because Lord Jesus says to go and sin no more lest a worse thing come upon you. And that with God all things are possible. Meaning the ability to go and sin no more.
    But it's not just enough to tell Lord Jesus you're sorry. One must be cleansed in water from sin.
    And one must learn how to turn away from the temptation to sin.
    Because the Old Testament says be holy because God is holy. Lord Jesus says in the New Testament to be perfect just as your Heavenly Father is perfect.
    And Lord Jesus says He and His Father are one.
    The gospel message is not to repent and believe only in the incredible sacrifice on the cross. Rather the true gospel message is to repent and believe everything Lord Jesus said and did is truth.
    Lord Jesus says to go and sin no more lest a worse thing come upon you. And that with God all things are possible. amen.
    Special place of separation for false teachers friend ... tic ... toc ...

    • @timeofgrace
      @timeofgrace  4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Thanks for your comments. Sadly, your position is in conflict with Jesus' own words recorded in Matthew 28: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.

    • @freightshayker
      @freightshayker 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Friend. If the command at that great commission was to go water baptizing people using a phrase like: I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit ... question:
      Why did all the Apostles go out water baptizing people using a phrase with Lord Jesus Christ as in Acts 2, Acts 8, Acts 10 or Acts 19?
      Why did the Apostles perfom miracles using tje name of Lord Jesus Christ and not Father, Son, Spirit?
      Why were the Apostles beaten for teaching in the name of Lord Jesus Christ?
      You have incomplete understanding of Matthew 28: v19
      Matthew 28: v19 does not contridict passages like Acts 2: v38 or Acts 19: v5
      Because Lord Jesus is Father Jesus. Hallelujah!
      There is no contradiction in God's word my friend. There is only your incomplete understanding of God's word.
      If you think the command at that great commission is: Father, Son, Spirit ... then you think the Apostles did not understand what Lord Jesus commanded. Or that they willfully disobeyed Lord Jesus' command.
      Good grief. The Apostles who waked with, lived with, ate with, and handled our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ... and you think you have some insight they did not.
      How dare you. How dare you insult Lord Jesus and His Apostles, my friend.
      It's not a matter of if you come to this realization. It's just a matter of when. And you better pray that's on this side of life.
      Because if you wait, you may hear Lord Jesus say to you: Depart from Me. I never knew you.
      And if you are willfully teaching falsely you already know you're gonna hear: Depart from Me. You who have worked inequity.
      Go to a man of God who knows the difference between titles baptism and baptism in the name of Lord Jesus Christ. amen
      ... tic ... toc ...

    • @markstuebs4856
      @markstuebs4856 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@timeofgrace Very disappointed with your incomplete explanation to David Almeroth comments. You can do better. In my opinion, Matthew 28 does nothing to address his comments. You could have used John 14: 16 -18 with an explanation of those scripture verses. Do your research!!!

    • @markstuebs4856
      @markstuebs4856 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      On your views on Trinitarianism, I refer you to John 14: 16 -18. Do some comprehensive study on those scripture verses. They contradict what your view of the triune God is.

    • @freightshayker
      @freightshayker 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Lord Jesus said: Before Abraham was, I am.
      Does Isaiah 9: v6 or 43: v11 or 44: v6 or Revelation 22: v13 tell us about two different "people"?
      Show us the word "persons" in that letter of the Apostle John.
      John 14: v21 ... He that hath My commandments and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me. And he that loveth Me shall be loved of My Father and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him.
      The Apostles knew Lord Jesus to be Immanuel meaning God with us, in the flesh. God manifested Himself in the flesh and Lord Jesus was that flesh. God invisible in the OT then God visible in the NT and a regenerating force in the church when it was born on Pentecost.
      Time wore on ... 200 an 300 AD ... Christians really didn't know Who was Lord Jesus. They had lost the understanding of the mighty God in Christ.
      In church history, the first four church-councils delt with Christology: Who is Jesus Christ of Nazareth ? ... was He totally or partially divine ? ... was He human and how much human ? ... and these questions led to different answers. Nicea 325 AD. Council of Constantinople 381 AD. Ephesus in 431 AD. Council of Calcedon in 451 AD. Councils continued thereafter.
      But it doesn't matter what man thinks that counts. Not by writings of the Catholic, Lutheran nor Methodist churches, nor the Evangelical free church. Because we will be judged out of the Holy Bible and the Holy Bible alone. The Holy Bible is the plum line by which we will be measured.
      So one main idea in the Holy Bible is one God and all so-called denominations must flow into that main idea. Think of the Mississippi river being that one-God idea and denominations being as tributaries flowing into the Mississippi. Trininitarian translators would make it appear there is more than one God. Or more than one person in the Godhead. Not so.
      Matthew 11: v27 ... All things are delivered unto Me of My Father. And no man knoweth the Son but the Father. Neither knoweth any man the Father save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.
      Luke 10: v22 ... All things are delivered to Me of My Father. And no man knoweth who the Son is but the Father. And who the Father is but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal him.
      Matthew and Luke say the same thing satisfying a principal in the Holy Bible where in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.
      John 4: v24 ... God is a Spirit. And they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.
      John 20: v28 ... Thomas said unto Jesus: My LORD and my God.
      Let's go trinitarian. Defend your position