I’m so glad ur back man and uploading consistently. I would have never been where I’m at musically without ur help like 4 years ago when I was just 13… and btw- the biggest thank you to you because you’re the reason I turned my life to Christ a few years ago. Ur video really spoke to me and I’ll never look back. Thanks sharpe :)
I’m so glad ur back man and uploading consistently. I would have never been where I’m at musically without ur help like 4 years ago when I was just 13… and btw- the biggest thank you to you because you’re the reason I turned my life to Christ a few years ago. Ur video really spoke to me and I’ll never look back. Thanks sharpe :)
man this comment just made my whole year! Much love brother, I'm honored to have been an inspiration both musically and spiritually for you.
@@SharpeOne Of course man! God bless u bro 🙏🏻
That melody process is pretty FIE!!! I want more videos like this.
Im feelin you bro
Brooooo where you been??? Good you back 🙏🔥
Did not know sharpe started posting vids like this again, i thought he stopped ages ago👌🏻🔥
we back 💯
Happy new year SHARPE, i need a Vocal recording mixing and mastering tutorial, I’m stuck in making my vocals sound full in the mix
Happy new years! Theres a mixing tutorial i posted on my channel a few weeks ago!
Good to see you back at it. Nice desk. Is some outboard gear coming?
much love man, its good to see you here.
It's been years and this guy has learned absolutely nothing about beatmaking
Absolutely insane 👍🔥🔥🔥
Ayo Love ur vids brosky, Keep up the good work 🙏
will do fam! much love
Dope video !
i swear bros setup keeps changing
nah fr
what synth are you using?
Can you do a new jazz tutorial
you finaly customized your FL
ikr lmao
Sheeeeesh yessir
Oh no not this guy again 😂
Young man is Shannon sharp your mother? I’m asking from Zimbabwe 😢
First here ❤
close! i still appretiate ya!
I ain't text but I know that you miss me
only OGs remember!
feel like it's just spamming random notes till it sounds good, maybe tell us something about progressions?
almost, but much love!
Nah they all say 5 minutes ago, we all first 🔥
As a pro prod this ain't it bro, very basic melody and sound selection is below par