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Warfare | Official Trailer HD | A24
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 13 ก.พ. 2025
- Written and directed by Iraq War Veteran Ray Mendoza and Civil War’s Alex Garland, and starring D'Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai, Will Poulter, Cosmo Jarvis, Kit Connor, Finn Bennett, Taylor John Smith, Michael Gandolfini, Adain Bradley, Noah Centineo, Evan Holtzman, Henrique Zaga, , with Joesph Quinn, and Charles Melton. WARFARE - In Theaters 2025.
DIRECTOR: Ray Mendoza and Alex Garland
CAST: D'Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai, Will Poulter, Cosmo Jarvis, Kit Connor, Finn Bennett, Taylor John Smith, Michael Gandolfini, Adain Bradley, Noah Centineo, Evan Holtzman, Henrique Zaga, , with Joesph Quinn, and Charles Melton.
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A24 on a war movie spree... would not have anticipated that a few years ago
They’ve made them for a while. They made The Kill Team in 2018(iirc) which was really solid and had a great performance from Nat Wolff & Alex Skarsgard
Civil War was awful
@@dizgroontled I thought it was great.
@@dizgroontled Plot was not great but visually and sound wise was excelent, effects too
@@daniell3471effects and sound were lacking from a realistic perspective but the plot was kinda cool I guess
Came for film trailer, leaving with PTSD.
Thank you A24
You can have mine if you want it
😂😂😂good shit brother , welcome to the club…
my thoughts exactly 👍
haha fr bro just after watching the trailer, i feel like was fighting in the actual movie 😂
Samsies. I knew I shouldn’t have watched it.
British actors are so good at playing American soldiers, idk why!
A good chunk of British actors play other roles as well in Hollywood movies
Because they're better actor's I guess.
Can't lie, as a brit we are pretty good at acting as other nationalities.
Not always
@@RyanG0899 Dont kid yourself buddy
A24 got that pentagon money I see.
I wonder if they'll have balls to do a story on all these mercenaries blowing up teslas at rumptower or is that Netflix territory.
@@HisameArtworkNetflix documentary MAYBE, more likely swept under the rug.
This will probably be another a24 "banger" about how whitey is really not that great👌
Does not look like it. Otherwise they would be using real vehicles and not CGI. I wonder if it's an indication of the political stance the movie will be taking, as the only requirement for DoD to lend vehicles for a movie is to not criticize the army in the movie.
Soldier: - I have 2 magazines left for my pistol and 1 for my rifle.
Kenny: - You guys are getting guns?
lololol I was wondering why he looked so freaking familiar!
Omfg I ain’t even realize til I read this 😂😂😂
😂😂😂 0:17
As the adage goes:
“When you’re short on everything but the enemy, you’re in combat.”
These movies seem to pop up every time army is low on recruitment.
We need some combat deployments, not movies
Can you blame young white men for not wanting to fight for this country?
I don't mind them making movies about us. It's better than a movie about you.
@@Mostlethalrather have them make movies on interesting people and not the same ole army
@@Mostlethal ouch struck a nerve
If anyone is confused, Ray Mendoza was the military technical advisor on the Alex garland movie “civil war” hes the operator that says “break out break out” and throws chem lights on the ground during the CQB scene in the white house and hes the sniper (with mustache) in this biopic
So, is there anything worth knowing about him?
I loved Civil War. I am really looking forward to this one.
@@carbonsnail014 oh definitely man, this movie however will actually give insight on the man himself, if anything, the execution of this isnt like any typical war biopic too, so you will definitely see his accolades play out 💯
@@EerieV23 dude same here, Ray Mendoza story is quite interesting tbh
@@carbonsnail014He’s another SEAL who can’t keep his mouth shut 🤷🏻♂️ Not much else.
Cosmo Jarvis is becoming one of my favourite actors, he's good in every single role he's done! Shogun, Calm with Horses, Lady Macbeth, you name it! and with Alex Garland directing...I'm so excited to watch this
Alex Garland is not directing
I wonder if they'll find weapons of mass destruction in this movie.
lmaooooooooooooo, no they will just start the largest heroin growing operation in human history
Legends tell us that Bush is still looking for them
@@alessandramaria00out there with a magnifying glass
And *Combing* the dessert.
I hear tell, he ain't found sh*t.
I mean… Netanyahu said they had them. He also said he’s letting proper aid in to Gaza so he’s surely reliable!
Will Poulter went from that funny looking guy from "We're the Millers" to this. Now that's a good actor.
Narnia 😂
The Bear
Guardians 3
He's actually a great actor. Adaptable to many roles and genres. Check out his work
Brought to you by Weapons of Mass Destruction that never existed.
Lies again ?
Or in US actually ?
Only fools think our adversaries don't have WMD's.. lies or not, underestimating your opponent is the quickest way to lose
Thank Israel
@@learnfirst2371you’re telling me Iran isn’t at the very least trying to get one?
Watch them absolutely downplay the warcrimes US were part of in Iraq and watch them downplay the horrors they put the Iraqi people through, and then switch this into a PTSD sob story for veterans who were ordered to go into a foreign country and destabilize it. Any veteran with integrity would denounce what the US did in Iraq. You can see in 1:54 they try portray the US soldiers as protecting Iraqi civilians, pathetic. See what I mean? And then they'll show the Arab fighters as bad and careless to their people. Search up the Haditha Massacre yall. One of the many. Learn the truth.
When I was a kid my father and I would watch "Combat" and it drove him nuts. He served in the Marines for 26 years, fought in WWII and Korea (Silver Stars and Purple Hearts). He would shout at the TV about how you wouldn't do this or shouldn't do that, same with "War" movies. I used to wish he'd not comment so much, I thought the guys filming these must have been combat veterans themselves, at least somebody on the set had been. Then I joined the Army and went off to Vietnam. When I came back after my first tour, he and I smoked a cigarette out on the lanai, drank a beer together and cried together. We cried because we were sad, and proud and because we were laughing at the funny shit that happens sometimes. It was the first time I ever saw my father cry, but then we laughed ourselves sick telling stories to each other. Each time I came home, my mother was a wreck and my father and I laughed and drank beer (never more than two). Now, I'm a lot older and I do the same thing. My wife tells me "if you don't like what they do in the movies, why watch them?" and she has a point. I've stopped watching war movies...and I'm okay. I see these "Trailers" and I can hear my father roaring "Cover fire, don't you assholes know how to lay down covering fire?".
My dad's a Vietnam vet and I'm an Iraq vet(xviii abc), but he never talks about it, and I never talk about Iraq with him. I don't know why. One interesting thing is we did watch the show "combat" together and my dad constantly calls out the fake parts.
@@roadbone1941 My father and I swapped the funny, odd and just plain crazy stories about our experiences. We actually did talk about combat a few times but never brought it again. It's a unique experience talking with your father as an equal about things that can only be shared with other veterans.
It’s crazy to see other studios continue to flounder while a24 out here making absolute bangers across any genre.
No that's just your opinion, it's not actually true..a24 makes garbage movies for pretentious assholes
They give creators the freedom to make their vision come to life without much studio interference, it seems
A24 is universally made fun of for making the most generic pseudo intellectual movies lol
And yet it’s better at making films that most big budget film companies now. So those who make fun of them just seem like drones who would hate actual creative films that make them sit on the edge of their seat unlike their genetic NPC ass films of the same garbage
They take risks that other studio won't and it's giving us some amazing cinema
Gave up my girlfriend and my family
Traded 'em in for an M16
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq
I don't care if I ever come back
From poor families how far we roam
So the rich kids can just stay at home
When I come home with PT-SD
The VA Hospital won't care for me
I'll probably end up homeless out in the dark
To get played on screen by Marky Mark.
Your life gets destroyed for destroying those of others in lands that aren't your own.
@@splittingvoid7923 fair trade
@@splittingvoid7923 first stop hitting skyscrapers with planes
@@splittingvoid7923that isn't very kosher
Getting the kids ready for the adventure in Iran I see
Yes, the Hollywood propaganda machine is a well oiled machine.
Looks like a movie where war looks like it fucking sucks. Don’t know if that would be a very effective recruiting tool.
@@Lil.Grandpa oh like you would not believe. american sniper, black hawk down, apocalypse now, the list could go on. movies that tell the audience 'war fucking sucks', but young dumb teenagers sign up anyway. not to mention the movies that make war 'look cool' (top gun maverick to name something recent)
I almost joined the Marines in 2004 because of the film Full Metal Jacket. Every war movie ever, has made me want to join the military.
America will enter a war in 2025, they are preparing. The same director directed Civil War as well.
I love Alex, whenever he says he's done directing, he's actually just working on another amazing project
After seeing Will Poulter in The Bear, can't get enough of his acting skill. Bro's come a long way since Narnia and is killing it. Hope he gets more big roles.
He's great in everything he's in, even Midsommar.
"You guys are getting paid?" 😂
Love him in Black Mirror Bandersnatch
. 👍👍
Maze runner
Invasion, it's an invasion 😀😎
That's how war usually begins.
@@RainOfAshes That's how war usually ends.
@@4tech69 In this case, its both
You mean FREEDOM
Justified invasion.
I feel like the Iraqi perspective would be cooler
Its not just about cooler, its about the truth
@@ibrah1mm What truth? There's never been a Hollywood movie that portrays a middle easterners truth and what engaged many of them to be militant against the US. What as the tipping point? What was the catalyst? That's what @benjy1 was getting at.
Though not a movie about the Iraq Invasion. Mosul(2019) is a pretty good film from my experience
That movie is heart wrenching, but learning about the actual battle of Mosul is shocking and heartbreaking
@@ibrah1mmI worked directly with Iraqis, met with them, ate at their tables, shook their hands, and tried to find common ground in a town where something like this happened.
And I can tell you with absolutely certainly that the Iraqi perspective would be equally a lie.
There were no “good guys” among Iraqi militants.
They terrorized their own people more often than they attacked Americans.
U know the world is in a complicated situation when everybody is releasing war movies
There's always been war movies, always.
"we have a severly wounded"
"whos the severly wounded"
"its not you"
"is it me? who is it?"
i feel like this is great piece of dialogue for a war film. 1:09
Meanwhile its the gayest part of the trailer 😂
Military ads getting smarter
Absolutely nothing in this trailer should make you think that enlisting is a good idea lmao
Lol, looks more like a anti war film. Its your generic action flick movies where the ex millitary become some kind of super hero that is financed by the millitary lol.
We all are welcome to our own opinions @@53Strat
@@NTWoo95Thats the magic, humans are terrible at assessing what war really is. Since all we know is that we are the center of our experiences, people think it will be different for them, that they can have some control of the situation. Every soldier knows they can die, but few imagine they will be snuffed out in pointless way, by a random bullet, a improvised bomb, a disease your immune sistem wasn't used to, or friendly fire. Even a war movie written by a veteran has the bias that he survived.
@@53Strat “no such thing as an anti war film” is a bit of an overused quote but its worth thinking about for a bit if you haven’t. I don’t entirely agree w it but still
Cosmo Jarvis was INSANE in Calm with Horses. Such an underrated actor.
And in shogan. He's a great musician too
In Shogun his perfomance was terrible on my opinion
@@TOFIKSIZEPIK228I think that the scene in which Blackthorne is trying not to cry shows that he's talented but the creators tried to subvert the white savior narrative but accidentally made the character passive.
@@TOFIKSIZEPIK228 In fairness he had to say I SEEK SAFE PASSAGE FOR ME AND MY MEN about a billion times
At this point I don't think anyone on the internet knows what the word underrated means.
This is a pretty expensive Army recruitment add
They are seals 🤡 part of the navy
@@rugerred8659 I didn't know seals wore ACU's, big guy
@@davycrockett5218 🤦 the movie is literally about a team of seals In the battle of Ramadi in 2006, on of the people working in the film was a seal and it’s his story from his platoon that fell under heavy enemy resistance, go look it up clown 🤡 than apologize after
It’s a movie about terrorists who go to another country, massacre the civilians, and steal their resources. This is worse than Al qaeda recruiting
@@davycrockett5218 well ya do now champ
War is so messed up. All of these humans died for what? land, oil, etc. so awful.
Tell me how much oil was involved?
yeah, we got it, war is always not a pleasant business, could you say something less pretentious and obvious?
@@vonscheer5850war is usually unpleasant and always delivers a net negative to all involved
@@seanmcpart832America imports a decent amount of oil from Iraq.
@@ClaSSik108 4% is all
ALL I ASK IS THAT JOE QUINN DOESN’T FREAKING DIE AGAIN (edit: I’ve done some research, and he spoke with the man he’s playing so we all good folks!)
He's the new sean bean lol
@@clarestonehall7665I laughed so hard at this 😂
Did ya'll watch A Quiey Place Day One yet??
Well, it's not looking good so far. 😅
He's on the ground talking about severely wounded. So idk about that.
Kit Connor, Joseph Quinn, Charles Melton, Noah Centineo and Will Poulter in the same movie? WHAT A CASTING 💥
Cosmo Jarvis too. He's criminally underrated actor and musician. He was great in shogan
I don't know ANY of these people!
How dare you leave out Anjin-sama
@@jinhunterslay1638 you have some movies and series to watch then
You forgot Michael Gandolfini!?!?!?! 🔥
just a gentle reminder that those (bad guys) are in their own country .. while those ( good guys ) went there for oil
1 million Iraqi died
1 million human just like u
Iraq never had weapons of mass destruction , and had nothing to do with 9-11
US army caused all this mess in the middle east, and we are still living the consciences
"Buh buh respekt people thst serp" Seriously imagine trying to feel sympathy because they were "lied" To and still thanking them for protecting America by invading a country that's oveseas
Very well said. In addition to the lives they took, they caused immense destruction in places that are the cradle of civilization.
Well that's the fact
The entirety war against terror from 2001 to 2021 resulted in the death of over 11 million people all across Middle East and North Africa.
That's a crass perspective, while the truth is they simply hate us for our freedoms.
recruiting must be real bad if they’re making movies like this again
so true
Or, catering to an audience that is more reliable.
something tells me this might not be the “war good” movie that you think it is
No this is the opposite of those recruiting movies this one is meant to make you not want war
Unless you’re smart enough to understand how necessary it is to do this to the other guy
This seems pretty anti war. If they wanted to do a war movie for recruiting sakes, it wouldn’t use the Iraq war as the backdrop. It would be something along the lines of World War 2, where there was a just and noble cause for what we were fighting for. Iraq war is too controversial. This is simply a post GWOT movie we’ve been seeing more of since we’ve pulled out of the Middle East
2:18 My friends and I are leaving work after a hard day's work
Looks like you lost one
2:12 Us on payday though
Leaving the bar with the homies
You are SICK!
Shup Up Kid
This looks fucking sick, the shit with the Bradley getting hit, the “am I the severely wounded one?”, the beautiful shots…
2:12 They're watching Dancing with the Stars live final.
garry's mod cough 0:46
"Sometimes...I dreeeam about cheese."
Good catch lmao
Gaming to much bro
"There's no such a thing as an anti-war film" ( Truffaut ). If anybody is reading and cares about a stranger's suggestion, you should read David Thomson's "The fatal alliance : a century of war on film". It's a great book.
He said so only because he's never seen "Grave of the Fireflies".
@@fuzzyoav You could be right but only because Grave of the Fireflies doesn't show actual war, the moment you show armed combat and people are paying to see it, the war is the attraction,; I think there are other good films that work to undermine war, and they all try to evoke rather than show.
@@mummiabaz yes! I’ve been thinking about this for sometime now. Most war films are spectacle. It shows the effects on the civilians and the soldiers but never interrogates the root cause of it in the first place. Instead of questioning the systems, ideologies, or political agendas that lead to war, they focus on individual suffering, or survival. This can glorify war by presenting it as inevitable or necessary, rather than as a failure of humanity.
Maybe it’s because it’s too ‘grey’ and complex for people who just want to have a pop-corn flick.
Edit: Though whilst writing this one film came to mind - ‘battle of Algiers’. This imo is the penultimate anti- war film. Shot like a documentary a few years after the battle with people who really have gone through it. The events ‘unfold’ without spectacle and feel raw. The film was banned in France…maybe it still is. Everyone needs to see this..tho when I read this book my thoughts might change.
The thin red line is very close to anti war, i saw it as a kid and i didn't get all hyped up, combat sequences were very real and throw you off like the rest of the film
@@mummiabaz I think the notion of "no such thin as an anti-war film" is interesting. However, if we apply your interpretation, then there are no anti-domestic-abuse films or anti-racism films, or anti-anything film for as soon as you portray the bad thing on film and people are paying to see it, the bad thing is the attraction. The difference is a lot of war films' portrayal of war glorify war in tone and theme. I would suggest it's possible to portray war without glorifying it. I think Full Metal Jacket accomplishes this to an extent.
Never forget that it was Benjamin Netanyahu that came to America and testified before congress that Iraq had WMD’s.
A Khazarian fake Jew from Poland.
and the US government happily ran with that
I actually didn't know that and I will blindly believe you because based on his current actions it's not at all surprising to me.
@@MassageSamurai1 it's not that secret you can find footage of it online. he also wrote a book that detailed all the countries he wanted to topple. Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan and Syria. And here we are, it's almost as if the US government were following Bibi's playbook to the letter.
@feralmode oh I believe you, I'm just not in the mood to Google right now. I wasn't being sarcastic or rude, though. Really doesn't surprise me at all. Sometimes I wish things like that WOULD surprise me.
when they ask me who my favourite rapper is 1:33
That’s why his stage name is so badass bruh 😂 Straight up war name
I didn’t know bro was about that life, popping smoke
@proboanimations apparently he wasn't very good at it
real af 🤣
rest in peace pop smoke 😕
1:48 the sound the weapon makes and the way it looks lol
COD ahh sfw
Bro that's literally the HALO Warthog turret stock sound effect. They better put some fucking work into the audio FX, that shit better be a placeholder
@@steinblitz1506he put a mw2 little bird sound effect for the Apache in civil war, I just hope they at least keep the same fully loaded blanks as well
@@steinblitz1506I was like I’ve literally heard this sound before lolll this is just early production
@@IPhryte Yeap and I'm pretty sure I heard some tank trap getting hit by bullet sound effect from saving private ryans omaha scene too.
navy sailor here. had a LPO that is an HM1 that was in for 24 years. He was in Fallujah back in the day when shit kicked off. The stories he would tell. He rarely wanted to talk about it. I imagine it was like this.
I find it weird seeing war movie being made about a war I was in. I was deployed to Iraq in 2006.
Very true
Thank you for your service!
I was there at the same time, and there were movies being made about it already, like the hurt locker, and some others. I thought they were really badly made, totally inaccurate, etc. I'm not sure if it's just been a long time and I don't remember that well, but this one at least looks somewhat closer to what it was like. The settings and doors look like the real thing. I was mech infantry in the muhallahs as well as in the palm groves, and Bradley's blasting away like this was real. Seems like it's somewhat closer to legit, from what I remember, but they always consult SF for these movies, and they get the gear wrong and focus on snipers, which are a small part of overall operations.
It was not your war. I have seen abu ghraib torture photos, and you're disgusting.
1:33 R.I.P popsmoke
Halo Warthog turret at 1:48
Damn beat me to it lol
kills the immersion
No way 😂
Was totally immersed and then I hear the Warthog turret at 1:48 😂
HAHAHAHAHA.. As a lifelong Halo fan, dying!
And the BTR cannon sound effect from BF3 at 2:04.
Haha yeah the SFX could have been better - there is also a HL2 cough somewhere at the start. Oh well
for those wondering ...he meant the warthog from the video game "halo" not the real life warthog a10 plane hahaha
Yeah everything sounded fantastic until those two moments
0:18 he never had the makings of an Iraq war vet
God damnit sopranos leave me alone
Theyre all way too clean
He probably never had the makings to be a varsity athlete.
The fact that an Iraq War vet is making this film, writing and directing, assures me that this casting is decently accurate for a Hollywood film. Wtf r u complaining about
Civil War 2: The Attack on Iraq
"Civil War 2: This time we remembered the war part."
Hopefully Alex Garland’s mediocrity as a director isn’t as apparent now that he’s sharing the duties.
@@07foxmulder Mediocrity? yo, didn't you know that he's the same director as Ex Machina and Civil War?
@@diegoperleche5177 I’m aware. If you like those movies, cool. To me, he hasn’t written anything decent since Dredd and has never directed a good movie.
@@07foxmulder real hot take lmfao
This is accurate description of what happened & it was intense. One minute your grabbing some water & then a white flash, your hearing is gone. . . Dust in the air and shock has filled the room.
This is not intense. lol go read about actual warfare.
I am so sorry you got traumatized while invading a country for no reason and killing their people
@@aahil2655 👏
It's a shame they missed
Okay WW3 psyop is increasing.
1:16 Wait, you guys are getting a medevac?
Brought my 8 year old daughter to see it. She's been silent, hysterical and in therapy ever since. Can't sleep, hardly eats. I'll buy her the DVD when it comes out.
This is some great casting. Anyone who watched Shogun knows how much of a stud Cosmo Jarvis is.
Wow i rewatched it to see him 😅 yep 👍 great casting
@johnharris618 👍 Yeah. I'm thankful to Shogun for introducing me to Cosmo! I had to go back and binge watch all his indie films and music after that. Talented actor and one of the best lyricists I've ever heard. This whole cast is stacked, actually.
He’s like the worst character in that show but of course any Hollywood production must have a white guy even in Asian period drama, just like Matt Damon in Great Wall lol
2:01 Nice FV432 standing in for a Bradley
They were widely used in Iraq.
@@matthewgillies7509 with a turret?
@@matthewgillies7509don’t think he was saying they WERENT used in Iraq. Just the fact that it’s a British vehicle instead of American
Thanks, I was wondering what that was
To be fair I think we sent gave all our spare 2000s Bradleys to Ukraine
You had me again at "In real time"...🔥
Does that mean the whole movie takes place in about 2 hours of one battle?
@@MatthewTheWanderer 2 hours of extract, yup. Can't wait to see ukraine version, wait theres go pro footage of that already.
@@sierracosta47 This movie isn't a documentary, it is a re-enactment of events based on memories.
The best thing about war movies is that there are no betrayals or mind games, just pure action
Cosmo Jarvis is a fucking GUN! I saw him in play a show when he was nobody. Rad guy.
Due for one of these pure war flicks, no twists, no 'original' twist, just raw and relentless carnage coming at you
And no unnecessary romance!
Will this be grounded in historical accuracy or just be another shoot-and-cry piece?
Looks like you gotta watch and find out
This made me laugh so hard for some reason.
Missed the "based on memory"?
@@fireblade295 That means nothing considering the amount of times these veterans have been found to be outright lying about the missions they've been on
the latter, obviously
Deployed OIF II - 2004 - 2005 - this... will be a hard watch.
Respect to those who served alongside - before - and since. TY4US
Holy shit, I served In Iraq in 2004 and this is the most realistic depiction I have seen. I can’t wait to see this movie.
yeah...so did my sister ....any more lies you want to share?
@@BluePrada Dude literally has videos of him in uniform in Iraq with shitty 2004 camera quality. No idea why you would even accuse anyone of lying in a situation where they have nothing to gain from it.
@@i_eat_soap792 He is probably an Iranian bot, just ignore
@@BluePrada when you're so sheltered that you cant fathom anyone actually having an interesting life
@@BluePradawhy are u people so overly emotional?
No wonder ur sister went an fnot you. You clearly can't handle anything lol
D’Pharaoh is going FAR. Super proud of him 👑!!
1:55 - love this shot!
Cosmo Jarvis is gonna be in everything after his incredible performance on Shogun. Good for him, he deserves it.
Calm with Horses was one of my fav in recent memory
Hopefully, he is an incredible talent.
Yes! Can’t wait to see him in more work. Hopefully he’s in this movie a lot cause it looks like his character gets wounded badly. He’s the one being carried and moved.
@JetConvoy oh yah, he's getting effed up in this.
This is looking like the type of film I expected civil war to be. I’ll definitely check it out.
Lol civil war ?
@ yeah one of the co-directors last films. Alex garland. The marketing for it made it seem like a military war film like this but it really wasn’t. It was about war journalism more than actual war.
1:55 thoughhhhhh
F-18 show of force pass goes hard 🫦
F-18 goes hard
Pretty sure that's supposed to be an RAF Tornado. The intakes and swept wings, plus the fact that they were the only guys who would go THAT low back in the 2005-2008 period.
How did I know this was related to Civil War the moment I saw this pop up on my notifications? Alex Garland is such a legend - what an incredible surprise announcement.
It's got very similar cinematography, shot composition and color grading.
I don’t think it’s ’related’ to civil war per se. More like it’s shot very similarly and the same director.
@@andrewrogers3067would be cool though if this somehow tied into a larger universe where we get hints that this timeline is different or that events like this somehow show the eventual buildup to what would be the civil war universe. So much potential to explore the universe from the build up to the start and to focusing on the other factions and their stories.
Funny thing for me is they seem to have the same military advisor because this trailer has the soldier shouting "break out break out!" which is also what they yell in the ending scene of Civil War as well
@@neweraamerica7363all due respect, that sounds really dumb lol
Hell yeah I bloody love Cosmo Jarvis!! Such a talented actor and musician. Glad he is continuing to get great roles and working with many well known actors.
Concerned they might be wasting a Cosmo Jarvis, here. You shouldn't waste those.
1:46 It's nice to hear the old dink dink dink machine gun sfx that goes back as far as humvees in command and conquer is still in circulation.
I'll watch anything with Cosmo Jarvis. Fantastic, versatile actor.
Whos he
@@dennywidya He’s the actor that played John Blackthorne (the Anjin) on Shōgun.
He's also a banger musician
if you watch this you're a total tool
No way, Cosmos Jarvis is bloody doing it! From my home town!
Alex Garland has been on an absolute tear lately. Civil War, Warfare, Men, and 28 Years Later. He also wrote The Beach and Coma, 2 of my favorite books ever. What talent!
shout-out to the iraqi security force dudes at 0:49, 1:27 and 1:38, identifiable by the fact that they have AKs and are wearing secondhand woodland-camouflage body armor in a desert (as well as details like the PASGT helmets and "chocolate chip" uniforms)
very cool detail, absolutely nailed
Related fun fact, throughout the war, although extremely rarely, this pattern would appear within regular US army and marine forces. Either due to it being better suited to the terrain, or as pack and helmet covers in the case of the 10th Mountain at Qala-i-Jangi.
From Nick Nelson to soldier oh god 😍
i'm SAT
that’s insane i love it
Great cast. Some of my favourite actors working today. Joseph Quinn, Cosmo Jarvis and Will Poulter. It looks intense.
I'd like to see a movie like this based on the people who had to pick up guns to defend their country from invasion
Oh, from the perspective of the Iraqi militias?
Yeah it's kinda crazy that we keep making movies that portray the invading terrorists as the heros.
What about Star Wars ep. 6 - The Return of Jedi? Ewoks with sticks and rocks, together with rebels fighting in the jungle against the Evil Empire.
Is this reminds you something?
@@silviofoj yeah its just a shame that any time we ever explore that side of war we have to do it under the guise of fiction and sci-fi. They have to be funny and cute little comedic relief fuzz balls instead of real people suffering at the hands of imperialism. Though I suppose thats the value of fiction, we can show stories akin to those that really happen without pissing off the powers that be and the bootlickers who uphold them.
Red Dawn?
Remember: no one forces you to join the army, it's just your fault
“There's nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer.”
@barnoslogik and i think tungsten is stronger than that
Saying this while being in one of the most protected countries in the world, let's remember
@@Ocktay Costa Ricans laughin in Costa Rican
@@Tyron95 Fair enough, in any case i still find this sentence completely stupid.
because i imagine that's what this sentence says "why join the military if you're afraid of death" or "why join the military if you know you gonna get hurt or die" ?
peoples do this kind of job (firefighter, policeman, military, construction worker...) by personnal conviction, not because they want to die.
I don't think you would tell a firefighter with 3rd degree burns in a sarcastic tone that it was his choice to have been burned alive lmao, that's just so weird.
If by real time they mean "one shot" style movie then hell yeah!!!
Interesting seeing a FV432 with a Fox turret pretending to be a Bradley
Cant believe they couldnt just use an actual Bradley.
@@Sevenfold120the US military probably didn’t give this movie their backing thats ehy
My first thoughts were "wtf is that abomination."
Did you look at their rifle setups?
@@calebsone1630 Think I saw an M4 with a foregrip. What else?
Ray Mendoza won a Silver Star for the real life event.
For this, somebody better win an Oscar is all I'm saying.
Alex Garland is cooking
He needs to make a new ‘The Beach’ movie based on his book
Cooking what? He's a writer / filmmaker.
@ haha, it’s a cringe term only teenagers use mostly in sports now idiots use it for films
That would be a nice surprise, his last two movies were terrible.
Sure hope this movie isn't about journos again.
They aren't making one about Abu Ghraib?
There was already a really shitty movie starring Kristen Stewart about the Guantanamo Bay detention camp called "Camp X-Ray".
Needless to say, it didn't have the impact that most anti-war and anti-American keyboard warriors wanted it to have.
the current leader of Syria was a prisoner of abu ghraib. make a great movie.
No, we want a movie about the real innocent prisoners who were tortured and killed. Not about those who contributed and were re-recruited.😊
Th3y should do on3 on Charl3s Sh3lton and David Hrdlicka. Th3y ar3 two Air Forc3 pilots who w3r3 shot down and captur3d n3ar Sam N3ua, Laos 1965 and n3v3r w3r3 r3l3as3d in 1973
@@DanielCastro-x1lworst comment I’ve read this year
Damm Will Poulter, the guy who played in We`re the Millers, the guy who said ``you`re getting paid?? meme``
Never saw The Revenant?
Bigelow’s DETROIT?
Miniseries DOPESICK?
my dad was in iraq in 2006 dont think he will give it a watch as its hard for him but i will be watching
War is such a waste of money and life...
yeah that's a good way to feel about it but i think there are some wars that give rise to great amounts of democracy & freedom. I suppose the American Revolutionary War against the British.
& the English Civil war = royalty v Parliament led to democracy in England.
WW2 liberated Europe from the nazis. The US Civil War freed slaves
Everything is a waste of mone and life.
Meh, if we didn't have stupid religion we would've had way less wars throughout history.
Yep, but those of who stand on guard and those who actually been there it is the only way to stop mad men and women, sometimes.
What an absolutely infantile, disconnected, entitled and arrogant thing to say, when you have the privilege of not having to choose your life over someone else's.
Compared to Gaza 2024/3, this battle was nothing - imagine being in combat for a year in a row in the same place.
Yeah, the Israelis are dragging ass but I get it with the amount of Civilians
The sniper in the beginning is the same guy in Peaky Blinders that freaked out " THERE NOT FUCKING VOICES "!!😂😂😂
Barney Thompson
He didnt need no pills. He just needed another war
A24 might actually make a decent war movie
This brought back memories unlike any other combat movie I’ve seen an it’s just the trailer. I recommend GWOT vets wait to watch this at home 😂😂
So effing proud of D’Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai! This is huge!
"Everything is based on memory" translates to "Everything is embellished, exaggerating, or outright bull."
never let the truth get in the way of a good story
@@joemulligan2197 My actual philosophy frfr
People will wank off to LOTR but cry when a war movie doesn't have perfectly accurate context.
No they have real footage of this … I think black rifle coffee did a documentary on this where they talk to the guys and show footage
The video I posted is the real people this movie is based on telling their story and has real footage
1:29 Swear the radio guy is the voice actor from some cod
Also sounds like that one radio announcer in rainbow six siege
And that's how you create an epic trailer.
Why are we making Iraq war films in 2024 going into 2025 ??????
Why do people still make films about the War in Vietnam, or the World Wars, or even the Trojan War?
because history doesn't disappear and people like watching movies, reading, documentaries, etc. about it.
US military must be desperate to get recruitment numbers up, and there isn't enough jerk-off pro-US-military movies out there right now I guess.
@@L._Titusnot the same. This was a disgusting event. Of america killing off innocent lives because they are demonic
@@gooddoggo3547 this is not history. This looks more like another propaganda movie
cant wait for this war criminal documentary!
Projects like Adaxum are rare. Locked in my position today, and I’m feeling great about it.
I don’t think Alex garland knows what sleep is
Kit Connor omgg ❤❤
This movie has an eerie similarity to the Battle of Fallujah. Except that it says in the beginning of the trailer that this takes place in 2006 and the Battle of Fallujah took place in 2004.
That’s because the battle of Ramadi took place in 2006. I was there.
@ salute 🫡 for your service.
ramadi probably
Fallujah was crazy. But the height of the Iraq war was 05/06. Most insurgents actually left Fallujah before the main push, then spilled into Ramadi, Baghdad, all fucking over. And that was just the one of the Sunni sects, thats not counting the dozens of other Shia and Sunni militias all over other cities and suburbs. Whatever the case, people always hear about Fallujah, and it was brutal. But 05/06 were the deadliest years where the most US troops were killed and wounded.
I was in Anbar in 2006 shit was wild.
I want to watch it right now!!! exceptional visuals and the tension created. Looking forward to witness the story on the screen. kudos!A24
The only studio left that knows how to make a good movie.
Sid from Toy Story actually did something with his life