I, as a trainee, was the BBC One engineer on duty during this in Red TCR in the NTA. It was chaos which at one point included me standing out on Wood Lane with the BBC One network director, calling my mum at home so I could tell the director what was currently on-air on her channel. A very interesting evening to be on shift, as was the following day since a lot of old kit that had been powered on 24/7 for years hadn’t survived being powered off and on quickly during the failure. Thanks for posting this, I’d never seen this report!
As little respect I have for the BBC... You've gotta give it to Huw Edwards, he's still one of the BBC News hosts twenty three years on and was the host (for the BBC) who announced that the Queen had died.
4:35 - I remember watching that Six O'Clock News and knowing it would more than likely fail as the lighting was appalling and Huw Edwards warned they might not be able to stay on air. The whole programme failed mid way through and we were left with music and a repeat of Dad's Army.
@@AIDANBC One of the most loved BBC sitcoms of the 1970s. Dad's Army was a sitcom which ran from 1968 to 1977 about the Home Guard army during World War 2. Pulled in millions of viewers, and has been constantly repeated by the BBC since the mid 1980s.
it must have been realy hard to compose a peice that could come before literaly any peice of news, can't be to grim but can't be too cheery incase it's news about a war or something
Old BBC Television Centre has not had a great track record when it comes to power cuts. 1964 when the whole of west London was blacked out BBC 2 opening night was scrapped, as the centre had no back up generator. More power failures in 2001 and 2003 caused mayhem at the centre too.
So, external mains power previously seems to have failed shortly before the blackout happened. Batteries might have succeeded to start the backup engine (plus for this transition essential system runs on a battery array) but that fuel-driven machine did not work for long then. bang. complete failure.
@@ttvbrxkens0ul it's because there isn't a "BBC One HD East Anglia" to replace it with, so the SD feed stays at 101 to ensure you can receive your local news. HD transponders are expensive to rent on Satellite, so the BBC don't want to pay for 15 copies of the same HD channel for the English variants of BBC One. So they have a generic BBC One England HD on another channel. The other nations only have one version of BBC One anyway, so that's only 3 feeds to pay for (Scotland, NI, Wales), so they can be swapped. They also opt out of the English feed much more often than just for news. ITV have a similar issue.
Holly Brown You'd of had the very old box which isnt updated anymore. Sky HD + boxes are still getting updated and the new Sky Q is undoubtably updated.
This is really interesting, Im not from the UK and this was before my time, seeing the healines, old logos and the story itself were all new to me. High chance now that im gonna go back and watch other old news reports
And then the queen walked into your house and apologized for the outage. You weren't even alive when it happened so cut the bullshit. It's especially obvious when I look at your pfp and the content on your channel.
I’ll give u a simplified explanation of it on 20th June 2000 there was a powercut at BBC Television Centre in West London when it happened a Telephone Call probably was made to other studios that employees be sent to them and from there Typeface news would be used until a story was put together then until tv centre re established there operations once the situation was under control
Just out of interest, so those emergency back up tapes from a special machine that would switch on when power is lost almost immediately? Plus how would the alarm systems that got triggered twice stopped when the power was still off? Back up supply that still let them stop it on the main panel
@@taiterobinson793 Can you digitize them? Would love to upload them! Please send me an email at queenofVHS@gmail.com and we can work out an exchange. Thanks!
20:00 BBC News followed by weather 20:30:World Business report 21:00 BBC News followed by Weather 21:30 World Business report 21:45 World Sport 22:00 BBC News followed by Weather
If this was in central time it would be this 8:00 BBC News Followed by weather 8:30 World Business report 9:00 BBC News Followed by weather 9:30 World Business report 9:45 World Sport 10:00 BBC News Followed by weather
Television centre was used still to output the news from the other studio because TVC can send data from one studio to another due to a smaller generator located in the power room it can’t power on air shows in TVC but it sends out data to tvs so that must of exploded as well so the other studio went off air. Then they must of gone to a new studio installed a broadcaster to output then be on air for a while.
People keep saying u need to test ur backup power systems regularly , but like television centre had the worst power grid ever and the backup generator is connected to the grid until the main power system goes down , then when that happens the backup system gets off the grid and tries and automatically powers up but if it’s not tested or it’s dusty or even a little cable is faulty it will burst into flames expect the generator (Backup one ) it was faulty ever since the TVC was used by the bbc. That’s why channels like itv have a couple backup generators and like sky backup generators in every building as sky provides tv boxes as well what connect to a network and a satellite in the sky so if example skys power went the backup generators wouldn’t be bursting into flames they would be gradually calculating how much power they need to use before it swaps to the next one. While the bbc had 1 generator and if that one fails of course the studio would have a sizzle. As power isn’t made to go out instantly it goes out gradually.
Really? I thought it looked wayy older than what I was expecting. The accents and the footage just seem so old! And I was born in 2000, so it's crazy to think little baby me was sat in front of the TV with this going on in front of me...
@dinoarchive news on BBC1/2 was much later than that though. It was one of the last programmes to switch. Despite News24 being 16:9 for years before...
None of that happened. BBC News 24, BBC1 & BBC2 had their own failure footage. This is a recording of the World feed, but all the other channels did not switch to World
@@IDKMANTECH I think you got it from somewhere unreliable. Search up "BBC1 20th June 2000 Power Failure" and see if anything comes up that isn't BBC World.
@@diasstebanakno i got itnfrom youtube and it was true they all linked to the television centere but for some reason bbc world is somewhere else so the only working channel was world so they all connected to world
CBBC had the problems too I remember Against all odds failed to make on air so the first cupule of minutes were missed but it did broadcast in full during CBBC's breakfast show
They started broadcasting on Digital Satellite and Terrestrial in 1998, with preparation well before then - most of the on screen branding, studios etc were upgraded to 16:9 PAL Digital Widescreen production facilities.
One of News' best themes, and so pleased to hear it again! Better than the current one I think. I remember when Digital TV was just starting, when I stayed at Hotels / visited people who had it before I, I remember trying to get to the TV on the hour when it was free to catch the main theme - on this new constant news channel! It was better than the Music used for the still known today 1pm / 6pm / 10pm broadcasts.
@@CBeaumontHIGTFY 8 months on just across your reply, I agree with you 100%, the 2000 period turned out some outstanding music by David Lowe, much better that 2021, would be nice to have this brand back, maybe will could lobby the BBC.
Honestly with this gloomy hiddiose most uninviting programming I've ever encountered it's clinical theme music, anywonder the power supply attempted suicide 😅 just heinous
This is why you need to test your backup power systems regularly.
TheMagnificentZoltar that's why the fire fighters had to come to save TV
Your right, the last time they had tested it back then was 1993
TheMagnificentZoltar they did
BBC Pebble mill in Birmingham was the backup network control for television centre, but the BBC scrapped Pebble mill
BBC's designs and graphics way back then was ahead of its time.
I have to agree with you on that
They just plucked something into iMovie 01' not that difficult.
I would see similar graphics on my local Italian newscasts to be honest
@@megatronskneecap One year in the future? Impressive.
Same with the sound design
"Glorious isolation and complete silence"
Gotta love that Brit dry wit.
Not Santa Claus *darkness
From 6 milion viewers to none in one second
@@SPLPuroOne I'd love someone to say that for a Livestream nowadays 23 years on.
I, as a trainee, was the BBC One engineer on duty during this in Red TCR in the NTA. It was chaos which at one point included me standing out on Wood Lane with the BBC One network director, calling my mum at home so I could tell the director what was currently on-air on her channel. A very interesting evening to be on shift, as was the following day since a lot of old kit that had been powered on 24/7 for years hadn’t survived being powered off and on quickly during the failure.
Thanks for posting this, I’d never seen this report!
bbc was in chaos wasnt it?
That old version of the BBC News theme is a bangin' mix.
Here's me casually thinking about "what if we re-introduce these breakfillers today?", this brought memories .
Not gonna lie the fillers with modern graphics would hit hARD.
@@TheSkellizthey did reintroduce them this year.
7:00 I really like the background music. It's so cool to hear this in 2023. The early 2000s were cool.
I'm not from the UK but that faint noise really making me cry, the nostalgia of the 2000 really hit me hard there.
@@araigumakiruno same
Its called the World TV Mix. It's on TH-cam, actually!
As little respect I have for the BBC... You've gotta give it to Huw Edwards, he's still one of the BBC News hosts twenty three years on and was the host (for the BBC) who announced that the Queen had died.
How comes you have little respect for the BBC? It's a great service, to me.
@@fuji_films Lol
@@fuji_films abolish the TV licence fee. Abolish the BBC.
no one cares if you don't respect the BBC
@@skycloud4802 nah
4:35 - I remember watching that Six O'Clock News and knowing it would more than likely fail as the lighting was appalling and Huw Edwards warned they might not be able to stay on air. The whole programme failed mid way through and we were left with music and a repeat of Dad's Army.
What is dad's army
@@AIDANBC One of the most loved BBC sitcoms of the 1970s. Dad's Army was a sitcom which ran from 1968 to 1977 about the Home Guard army during World War 2. Pulled in millions of viewers, and has been constantly repeated by the BBC since the mid 1980s.
@@johnking5174 ok
@@johnking5174 how do you feel about the power cut
@@AIDANBC I have been at the old Television Centre many times, and the one thing that was always a problem for them there was back up generators.
The 2000’s graphic gives me so much nostalgia and just a weird vibe
Because it’s brilliant. Lambie-Nairn and Lowe are a match and a half.
Idk why but I absolutely love the music
Kgray 08 me too
David Lowe did an amazing job composing the theme.
It's called World TV Mix by David Lowe
Same it's making me groovy 😎😎😎😎😎
it must have been realy hard to compose a peice that could come before literaly any peice of news, can't be to grim but can't be too cheery incase it's news about a war or something
Old BBC Television Centre has not had a great track record when it comes to power cuts. 1964 when the whole of west London was blacked out BBC 2 opening night was scrapped, as the centre had no back up generator. More power failures in 2001 and 2003 caused mayhem at the centre too.
4:43 "If I disappear from your screens you'll know why" - That now has a whole new meaning, hey Huw?
Looking for this music for a while now, thank you. Takes me back to Schumacher F1 days
So, external mains power previously seems to have failed shortly before the blackout happened. Batteries might have succeeded to start the backup engine (plus for this transition essential system runs on a battery array) but that fuel-driven machine did not work for long then. bang. complete failure.
I remember that old Sky TV layout, love to see that BBC One in SD for your local region is still on 101 where it always has been
only in England. The other nations have HD on 101.
@@thebestspork I did not know that, for my entire time growing up with Sky our 101 channel was always BBC One East Anglia instead of BBC One HD.
@@ttvbrxkens0ul it's because there isn't a "BBC One HD East Anglia" to replace it with, so the SD feed stays at 101 to ensure you can receive your local news. HD transponders are expensive to rent on Satellite, so the BBC don't want to pay for 15 copies of the same HD channel for the English variants of BBC One. So they have a generic BBC One England HD on another channel.
The other nations only have one version of BBC One anyway, so that's only 3 feeds to pay for (Scotland, NI, Wales), so they can be swapped. They also opt out of the English feed much more often than just for news.
ITV have a similar issue.
I was 4 months old then... I feel so old, this looks and sounds so old fashioned already!!
Our Sky still looks like this, with the blue and yellow menus. Fuck knows why we never had an update
Hi, I take it you have the same Sky box from 2000 in use?
Possibly? We've had several boxes over the years but I would guess the one we have now we've only had for between 5-10 years
Holly Brown You'd of had the very old box which isnt updated anymore. Sky HD + boxes are still getting updated and the new Sky Q is undoubtably updated.
I know this might sound weird but it's true:
This breakfiller music goes HARD!!!
Edit: 100 LIKES?!?! I didn’t expect this.
Yea for real
this happened on my 18th birthday. I'd give it all to be able to go back to that particular moment
Nearly 20 years since this and i wasn’t even around I just like the old aesthetics of vhs
the flag on your pfp looks like reverse visa
yeah, English engineering at it's finest
Didn't they have backup generators in like Manchester or Birmingham or did they also catch fire?
@@codydowsxp9937I think they did but that would’ve been there last resort because of Westminster
13:12 want the 1999-2001 countdown? Here you go!
(Music at 13:17)
02:32 is also the 10-second BBC world countdown
(Music at 02:33)
Good timing too, on the number 24 (maybe because news 24)
This is really interesting, Im not from the UK and this was before my time, seeing the healines, old logos and the story itself were all new to me. High chance now that im gonna go back and watch other old news reports
I love that little aside glance at the end.
I watched BBC during this and it cut to static and killed my TV.
Blud there is no way you are in your 20s minimum and have an among us pfp
@@Ellwoo ^^^^^
WHAT?! How?!
And then the queen walked into your house and apologized for the outage. You weren't even alive when it happened so cut the bullshit. It's especially obvious when I look at your pfp and the content on your channel.
@@Ellwoo I don’t!
5:16, little edwards had no idea that he will be pleaded guilty 24 years later.
Who cares? This video is not about him
Thank you very much for uploading!
Brings back a lot of memories back when I was watching my friend's dad's BBC recorded tapes he archived
Still keep that same backing beat during the news. A classic!
Where in the video did the BBC studio have a power cut? (we call it a power outage in the US though)
Jacob Griffin The power cut had already happened. This is what was broadcast until it had been restored.
I’ll give u a simplified explanation of it on 20th June 2000 there was a powercut at BBC Television Centre in West London when it happened a Telephone Call probably was made to other studios that employees be sent to them and from there Typeface news would be used until a story was put together then until tv centre re established there operations once the situation was under control
It’s talked about at 4:31
The generator caught fire when the screen went blank
6:37 Sounds futuristic, new retro wave 80s vibe.
World TV Mix, it's on TH-cam.
rip (btw the power failure begins at 6:31)
Just out of interest, so those emergency back up tapes from a special machine that would switch on when power is lost almost immediately? Plus how would the alarm systems that got triggered twice stopped when the power was still off? Back up supply that still let them stop it on the main panel
Ok it wasent THAT old lmao
@@TemporaryOofed Old enough lol
@@alexgarwood6021 not really its only 20 years old
@@TemporaryOofed Oof
What if the children's channels went off air? They weren't around in 2000 though, they launched in 2002, but just imagine!
Until 2002, CBBC was a block that aired on both BBC One and BBC Two
Iv actually got old CBeebies vhs tapes from 2002 now that’s original
OfficialOpit iv got vhs tapes of CBeebies from ‘02 well I did but my grandfather flung them out
@@mk3a and BBC Choice
@@taiterobinson793 Can you digitize them? Would love to upload them! Please send me an email at queenofVHS@gmail.com and we can work out an exchange. Thanks!
BBC was really good in the early 2000s
9:30 Click On Line. Oh, the memories.
The old version of the BBC theme music sounds so much better
I still remember this, because my mom loves watching cable news TV. I missed the old BBC news music too. This is part of my childhood.
20:00 BBC News followed by weather
20:30:World Business report
21:00 BBC News followed by Weather
21:30 World Business report
21:45 World Sport
22:00 BBC News followed by Weather
If this was in central time it would be this
8:00 BBC News Followed by weather
8:30 World Business report
9:00 BBC News Followed by weather
9:30 World Business report
9:45 World Sport
10:00 BBC News Followed by weather
6:30 why did it cut again?
Captain Railfan A generator burst into flames.
@@Undead_Shep how they were in a different studio
Television centre was used still to output the news from the other studio because TVC can send data from one studio to another due to a smaller generator located in the power room it can’t power on air shows in TVC but it sends out data to tvs so that must of exploded as well so the other studio went off air. Then they must of gone to a new studio installed a broadcaster to output then be on air for a while.
Why the BBC world ident was on there for so long is because the thing started way too early so it stayed there for about 45 seconds
that was actually a cut in the recording.
Music: World TV Mix by David Lowe (the composer for BBC's music).
People keep saying u need to test ur backup power systems regularly , but like television centre had the worst power grid ever and the backup generator is connected to the grid until the main power system goes down , then when that happens the backup system gets off the grid and tries and automatically powers up but if it’s not tested or it’s dusty or even a little cable is faulty it will burst into flames expect the generator (Backup one ) it was faulty ever since the TVC was used by the bbc. That’s why channels like itv have a couple backup generators and like sky backup generators in every building as sky provides tv boxes as well what connect to a network and a satellite in the sky so if example skys power went the backup generators wouldn’t be bursting into flames they would be gradually calculating how much power they need to use before it swaps to the next one. While the bbc had 1 generator and if that one fails of course the studio would have a sizzle. As power isn’t made to go out instantly it goes out gradually.
5:15 stop at Huw's face and say wtf
Newsroom South East on BBC News 24? Logistic.
Thank the lords for David Lowe, this music is pretty damned funky!
BBC is so futuristic it doesn’t look like 2000.
And, in 1998/99 BBC services started to broadcast in Wide 16x9
@@tv_dino_music are you kidding me
@@rtcp2020 even ITV decided to set it at 16:9 in 2002.
Really? I thought it looked wayy older than what I was expecting. The accents and the footage just seem so old! And I was born in 2000, so it's crazy to think little baby me was sat in front of the TV with this going on in front of me...
@dinoarchive news on BBC1/2 was much later than that though. It was one of the last programmes to switch.
Despite News24 being 16:9 for years before...
Can I reupload this video (with better quality and frame rate)?
I will credit to you and your video.
Anybody know the music at 9:19? Cheers
KNIGH7 it’s called Beautiful Times
That literally happened on my birthday. Oh odd is that. 😂
5:00 powercut
There was a power cut in 2001 with bbc two
6:34 lol he just like bye
You may ask Why did it go to BBC World,That is Because The Power Cut Caused A network Glitch So Everything Connected To BBC World
None of that happened. BBC News 24, BBC1 & BBC2 had their own failure footage. This is a recording of the World feed, but all the other channels did not switch to World
@@diasstebanak well i was told that!
@@IDKMANTECH I think you got it from somewhere unreliable. Search up "BBC1 20th June 2000 Power Failure" and see if anything comes up that isn't BBC World.
@@diasstebanakno i got itnfrom youtube and it was true they all linked to the television centere but for some reason bbc world is somewhere else so the only working channel was world so they all connected to world
@@diasstebanakalso in wthe middlemofnthe news is when it swithes lmao
where can i find this theme song?
IKR, why doesn't the BBC still use this set-up with groovy music in the background ;)
Do you mean the music accompanying the headlines? I think it's called "World Connection" by David Lowe, absolute tune.
The Auto-Broadcast segment and the BBC World 2000 intro can be found on the *Track 4* of *BBC World - The Music* called *BBC World - TV Mix*
10:18 Quite apt that on that night when England were knocked out of Euro 2000, the programme following the news on BBC One is called England's Shame.
13:13 LETS GOOOOOO! A countdown!!!
CBBC had the problems too I remember Against all odds failed to make on air so the first cupule of minutes were missed but it did broadcast in full during CBBC's breakfast show
CBBC wasn't around in the 2000s. It was originally just a block on ONE and TWO. It did have problems, but it wouldn't have been when this happened.
CBBC and CBeebies were launched in 2002
@@thevampiregirl7529 I t was during the block on BBC ONE
@@taiterobinson793 Yes
@@jamesdelboy Ah, okay. My mistake.
Presenter: China-. BBC: no shut up
I just love vibing to the music at the start.
Was BBC already broadcasting digital in 2000?
They started broadcasting on Digital Satellite and Terrestrial in 1998, with preparation well before then - most of the on screen branding, studios etc were upgraded to 16:9 PAL Digital Widescreen production facilities.
I really like the music played during the headline segment
14:03 very dramatic music for it’s time, very dramatic now for 2020.
One of News' best themes, and so pleased to hear it again! Better than the current one I think. I remember when Digital TV was just starting, when I stayed at Hotels / visited people who had it before I, I remember trying to get to the TV on the hour when it was free to catch the main theme - on this new constant news channel! It was better than the Music used for the still known today 1pm / 6pm / 10pm broadcasts.
@@CBeaumontHIGTFY 8 months on just across your reply, I agree with you 100%, the 2000 period turned out some outstanding music by David Lowe, much better that 2021, would be nice to have this brand back, maybe will could lobby the BBC.
@@jacksugden8190 Just keep writing to them maybe !
I don't get this was this all on BBC 1? Cutting to different programs I don't follow
Damn I miss 2000’s graphics. Minimalism was such a downgrade
Didn't you record Reporting Scotland (Breakfast News) from BBC One Scotland on Sky TV?
3:00 U Now Know What The News is goin to be
The Power Cut from News 24.
02:31 countdown 10 starts
0:06 imagine if the BBC still did this
13:13 countdown news24 starts
11:33 never knew car goin to door
Just put a UPS on the moon
BBC’s red graphics and music look and sound amazing
Shout-out to David Lowe, the creator of the theme music
News 24’s equipment was BAD not just badly hit
You now have 777 subscribers!!!! (Wednesday 12th June 2019)
There’s always something going on with the BBC lol
Bruh this has to be a powercut
and it was..
This could've used some serious editing.
Fish and Chips?
Yes please!
Fish Fingers and Custard?
Yes please nom nom nom yum🦪🍟😍
Don't forget the salt and vinegar!
yes!!!!!!!! I want that chippy!!!!! 🍟🍟
How are you? Are you fine?
sounds like Pipes from Ghostwatch got into the machine again
Why đó i do this
BBC Power Failure - 20th June 2000
BBC News at Ten Breakdown - 20th June 2017
vaxt helper After 17 years of Power Failure on Beeb's TVC and entire west London, the breakdown was happened on Beeb's News at Ten.
BBC News Blooper - PINGAS HACKS BBC NEWS (69/02/2069)
Open bbc news from TVC live bbc news at 9 13:36
Published on 27 Jun 2016
Or a firw
Miss woman not marriged for ever be Crown? Do you know about Pink Ribbon Day?
Honestly with this gloomy hiddiose most uninviting programming I've ever encountered it's clinical theme music, anywonder the power supply attempted suicide 😅 just heinous
Tục 18000 Blocks from home
Oh its a fite
nothing of value lost
Rên em past