I simply got this pack for the prime because its one of my favorite designs for prime ever and i missed out on the gamer edition, however while i think that Megatron mold is absolutely overused and should be retured i do like the paintwork and think it looks pretty cool
I simply got this pack for the prime because its one of my favorite designs for prime ever and i missed out on the gamer edition, however while i think that Megatron mold is absolutely overused and should be retured i do like the paintwork and think it looks pretty cool
this megatron mold is tired boss. lmao
its not even a bad mold, but please put him out of his misery and make a new ss86 megatron
In my opinion, The Siege Megatron should be retired and I am waiting for 86 Megatron. I hope 86 Megatron is a brand new mold with no backpack.
I absolutely agree.