Regardless of your opinions on the teams, it is undeniable that this was a good game to watch. TL dominated the early and mid game, and TSM had an amazing stall late game. GG all around.
I wish I could find the vlog where Dyrus said he hates playing against Quas's aggressive style because it is like nothing he faces in nearly every other top laner.
animagamer2 his rumble reminds me of his season 3 rumble....terrible. Back then only balls and dyrus played rumble top but balls actaully did good ults.
Haha i love the TSM Fans... Dyrus is in Wickd syndrome. He was never better mechanically as quas... Pls Open your eyes guys... Quas is one of the best top laner in NA and in the last season was too. Still i am not a fan guy just like watch games and see what is happening....
Tóth Előd Dyrus' strength is not his mechanics (they're solid, but not the best) it's his teamfights. Countless times he gets dumped on by the other team and he always bounces back. On tanks he knows how to zone, and on high-impact ult-centric champs he keeps his cool and generally pulls off ult at the best possible moments. Didn't like his build this game though: he was too squishy to magic damage in the mid game with no MR. I'd prefer MR item before finishing Zhonyas.
I think Dyrus got confused a little because he started playing rumble like would have with a tank. Got caught out a couple of times. His ults were terrible too. Good game overall. Enjoyed it.
why is everyone defending TSM? people saying TSM deserved to win they went a 55minute game wit any dragons without baron didnt even break any second tier towers they had a late game comp and TL could not close the game out and wildturtle had a few good teamfights I'm a TSM fan and I can even see they played like trash everyone saying TL does not deserve it what because they lost a few team fights? they still have about 8 dragons and 3 barons on them and played mid/early game much better
Epe Epeli They don't understand objective control and how much control TL had over TSM the only thing i didn't like from TL was the ward control mid game they were so far ahead but TSM were getting deepwards and seeing the rotations
TL objective control was amazing and mid game was outstanding but not being able to close and game with baron buff and dragon buff is just poor team work. its not the tsm played the game well thet were screwed from 3 inhibs down its that TL dragged the game for an extra 20 mins due to bad communication and team fighting. ( if u cant win with dragon and baron buff why should u)
I both agree and disagree with you in a few ways. TSM is at this point basically guranteed playoffs. They played a different style this game to try and broaden their abilities instead of playing their strength they have brought in every game before this. TSM didn't deserve this win, they fought amazingly at full build, as they normally would, but the part of the game they were trying to improve on is where they went wrong. So they did not deserve the win because the win they were looking for was where they lost the game. That being said, had TSM built a comp that was more like their normal style, they likely wouldn't have been put in that situation they were in at the end and if they had, they would have likely been able to come out with more. The way they played at the end is the TSM style of play they normally go into a game with, and they play did deserve a win. The only reason they couldn't, and what brings us to the second part, is that it was too late in objective control. With TL having dragon/baron buff each reset TSM couldn't stop them, it's why we saw them finally lose, the inhibs being down caused too much pressure so no matter how well TSM played it they literally could not leave before TL came back and got the next spawn of Dragon/Baron. Honestly if TSM hadn't gone for Baron at the end, it likely would have been a constant loop until either TSM made a mistake, or until the inhibs all came up on different timers than Dragon/Baron. So while TSM didn't deserve the win they wanted, TL absolutely didn't deserve to win. They outplayed TSM at a game that wasn't TSM's normal strat, they earned that, but the fact that with multiple Dragon/Baron combos they couldn't beat TSM with minions and inhibs down, it was a sad realization that TL could not beat TSM if TSM did not make a mistake. The fact that TSM didn't even have dragon #1 for the buffs is what drives that point even more into the ground. TL like would not have been able to get a win had TSM not been looking to expand for worlds.
***** barely won? wtf tsm didn't even break 2nd tier towers and I am not hating on them they are one of my favorite teams but they played badly this game just because they won a few fights at the end does not mean they played well there is more to league then fighting
Jee Vang I'm a c9 fan and still think tsm was better then tl , just becouse tl had 2-3 barons and 7-8 dragons and still had a hard time winning ,if tsm would stay base a little longer untill killed everyone and 2 go for turrets they would win (sorry for bad english)
I'm not worried at all for TSM. As long as they don't let this get to them mentally they can make some adjustments and annihilate TL just like last time. TL is not a very good team and Keith isn't going to suddenly make them better. They showed that earlier last week when they still got crushed with Keith.
It's interesting how people like Zayin hide behind their avatar and talk the tough game. The fact is that TL had an extremely hard time closing out that game and they showed some strong play but overall their play is not at the same level of TSM or CLG. Time can always change things, I agree with that. Perhaps after they get sorted Keith will make a larger impact on the game but I'm not convinced. I suppose if that makes me a "fagboy" (what I assume is an even more derogatory and somehow less intelligent term for fanboy) then so be it. Right now we're not talking about international competition. There are plenty of international players in the NA LCS right now, some showing signs of greatness, others showing significant inability to mesh with a team and balance themselves out. Even if TL goes on a massive streak and ends up in the number one slot that doesn't change the fact that for the time being I'm not worried about TSM or CLG's position at the top.
I agree, and I doubt this will get to TSM in any way. They played a different style as they said they were going to because they want to expand for Worlds. Team Liquid isn't bad, but seeing them unable to close out a game only shows that they can't look to outplay their opponents, they rely on their opponents making a mistake. With TSM being in a different mindset coming in, it gave TL plenty of time to capitalize on where TSM was looking to improve. When it came down to the wire, TSM brought out their style in the end and did not give flaws for TL to take advantage of. TSM absolutely will remain at the top, they are just at the point that they can start changing before playoffs and headed towards an expected S5 worlds.
I sort of agree, but that early game wasn't even close to TSM's standards. They showed up WAAAY too late and only because they had a Jinx and a TL team making weird calls. All in all, this was a pretty atrocious game for them, not at all representative of what they can accomplish, TL, on the other hand, showed up throughout pretty well. I'd say they still have what it takes to crack top 4.
I agree. I don't think the only time they have trouble is when Dyrus isn't doing well, but dyrus def needed better ults. TSM should have won anyway XD the defense they had for so long under 3 sieges with no inhibs against dragon buff baron buff, and they hold it off? I mean well played by both teams but come on it took them so long to finally end, and even then i feel it was TSM misplaying with the awk baron fight they had there.
MidnightKatana No, they didn't deserve to win. They got wrecked early and mid game and lost, get over it. Everyone is saying "Oh it's because they were trying a new comp." They had a late game comp where as Corki falls off. Turtle got some kills but obviously that wasn't good enough. Any late game comp can turtle up and defend the base if they're constantly grouped up.
I'm not salty at all. I hate using that word...It is annoying reading comments about how TSM deserved that win and people saying they did win in their minds. That's all.
I can understand that. I dislike when people say "blah blah didnt deserve that win" I mean if they won they won. Team liquid deserved it. But I can't deny that TSM did play very well in the end. In my mind they both won, TSM won by impressing me, and liquid won the actual game (And impressing me on how they are still doing rather well)
dyrus just has problems with aggressive top laners. he never does well with people who want to trade all day in the top lane. give dyrus an island and he can carry
Yeah that was honestly clg mistake picking maoki for zion they should of picked a carry. Each time they lost a fight tsm was so close to dead if it was riven or irelia they would of won the team fights.
I'm sure TSM could win this easily, but... they were probably trying something new this time (like how Bjergson mentioned in a previous interview). The defence at the end was great by TSM xD Shows how strong they are and how much they can stand up again, even after being pushed down badly. I'm kinda disappointed that TSM lost this game.. But, it's okay because they are trying something new.. Plus, knowing TSM, they always learn from their mistakes and improve. I'm still a fan whether they lose or not
Wow, really bad game by TSM. Dyrus and Santorin had very little synergy, if any. Turtle had a crucial mistake by allowing himself to get stun locked by Irealia and Annie, which led to a kill on lustboy, a Mid turret, a blue buff steal, and a Dragon! TL just played really well but they were pretty impatient at the end there. Fun game.
Well played, but I doubt Piglet would have ended the game like that. Keith played the game they needed, laidback, but pushed hard as a team. Something Piglet doesn't give 2 fx to do.
yo butthurt TSM fans. TL won because they didn't allow TSM to get a single objective other than tier 1 turrets. A pentakill, a quadra kill and a defensive late game focussed team comp doesn't mean "they deserved to win". Those accomplishments don't compare to what TL accomplished (ayy bronze scrubs objectives better than kills) in that game and you should just accept that TSM was outplayed and beaten. edit: I forgot about the TL baron steal too so ya.
TSM wasn't putting their full potential into the game until the end.. Just because TL won a game doesn't mean they are better lol. But I admit liquid did pretty well this game xD
I don't think a single person who understands what TSM was doing this game would agree with you. But you know, you do you man, it just won't happen. (Oh god, they lost a game, better start replacing people.)
Thats great that you have only watched one of the many games they have played this season :) maybe if you actually watched TSM and see how Dyrus has been playing, you would understand.
Like dont get me wrong BL4CKF4M1N3 but Dyrus is a great player but he hasnt been playing great lately has been relying on his team to much. I think his time has come like the OddOne, hes a great Jungler but he new when it was his time to step down and I think Dyrus needs to aswel. TSM needs more fresh blood to go further...
King Slayer You're joking right? Look at all the other top laners in NA LCS at the moment and compare Dyrus to them. He has the most consistent play out of anybody else right now, but just doesn't make highlight real plays. And TSM would be dumb to drop him, other teams would very much love to have him on their team.
BustedPen Yeah look at the other Top Lanes. Look at Zionsparten. He made dyrus look like trash, and if CLG didn't throw so hard, TSM would've lost against them. But do you see Top Laners that started from season 1 still in the LCS? Trust me he isnt going to last long. He either needs to step up his game or look at stepping down soon or TSM is going to be carrying Dyrus through this season. Please watch their games to make a valid point.
Tsm with no tank. You need a tank turtle and bjer were doing so good but had no one to engage with. As soon as santorin went in he was melted same with dyrus
This game was kind of different from what people expect from high level teams. TSM kinda Failed early / mid game where teamplay is the most important thing and stepped up late game just with the help of individual performances (Dyrus kinda kept failing (sorry bro, big respects)), but sadly that wasn't enough, since TL had accumulated big enough lead to make the make game unthrowable. GG WP
Ehh, any salty fans aren't really fans I feel like. As Bjerg said, TSM is looking to expand play style. With trying new strategies they aren't going to close out games as reliably as they have been. What I believe you are here to laugh at is Bandwagoners.
BL4CKF4M1N3 I'm mainly laughing at the people saying that TSM should have won. They're so blinded by Turtles late game play that they forget that TL completely destroyed them in the early and mid game.
Josh Walsh Maybe, but CLG is playing so well this season. With great rotations and fluid play. They deserve fans for that kind of play imo. As well, im a fan of TSMs amazing teamfights. TSM has been in some very good games, win or lose, nailbiters. Second half of the season will be fun. I loved how TL responded to TSMs strengths, and took as much advantage of their weaknesses as possible. In the end, it was TSMs strength in teamfights and the overconfidence that it bred, that lead to their defeat. Such a meta game, from champ select on. I think with a better jungler choice that could initiate, they may have had enough confidence to shut TL out earlier, when it might have mattered. tl/dr Awesome game. CLG, TL, and TSM are all amazing teams.
Did we learn that? Did we learn that 8 dragons "beat" the turtle that repeatedly crushed the dragons? Or did we learn that when the turtle left his shell, his home was invaded by parasites that worshiped the dragon and sought to destroy what the dragon could not?
Turtle didn't do that well, he was behind farm the majority of the game and managed to get kills because he naturally outscaled Corki, this was a terrible game by TSM.
Not really the fact they could survive and win late game with a corki vs a jinx is actually impressive. They should of lost a lot earlier to be honest. But they played it well and luring tsm into a false sense of security. And having them come out just long enough to leave the base completely defenseless was the only option for them. It was impressive by both teams honestly for a mid game team to win late game is impressive.
TL could only throw so hard. I mean, they were obviously outplayed during teamfights, but with a team like Annie, Lisandra, Irelia and Rek sai someone is eventually going to die.
animagamer2 I agree. TSM made a tad misplay with that baron fight, but i mean they can only hold e off for so long. TS played amazing from behind and while team liquid won, TSM still showed they are a better team IMO. Team liquid had a nice early, but they had a real hard time ending.
If there's one thing I learned in my games of LOL:You NEVER leave an open nexus defenseless.Doing that lost me games & it's what ultimately lost TSM this game.
MidnightKatana actually no because they had reached the point where all their champs fall off tsm wouldve won all the 5v5s with just turtle killing people from very far, if they managed to save their inhibs then they cudve won a 5v5 and and won the game but they just had to go for baron
Svendzeen I guess that is where people differ in their taste for what the game should be. I feel like you should have to win the last teamfight to win the game. I personally think there should be no point at which it's impossible to make a comeback. [prolly goes without saying, but just in case, *without needing the winning team to make a throw*]. If you can roll over the team with objectives and not have to *ultimately* beat them in a teamfight, the game just became PvE, not PvP in my opinion.
TSM are mechanical gods that dont know how to play from behind because they are so rarely there. Sure they can come back a bit but they just simply couldn't stall the game out enough.
People wonder why NA teams get stomped in international games (EU is guilty of this too). They find one style of play/strat that works and they use it constantly. Lane swap, try to tower dive the solo laner, zzzzzzzz. I was actually excited about this season because it seems League is fairly balanced and we were seeing more diversity in the champion picks. But now that diversity is somewhat gone, and teams are playing the same way. If they try different play styles (TSM in this game) they lose to inferior teams, or get destroyed by better teams.
AAAAH SO EPIC!!! :-D I'm always disappointed when the backdoor is what ends a game like that. It seems like it happens quite a lot in these epic games. Can't beat your opponent in a teamfight? Well then, even if they get an advantage, if they step out of their base to try and push, just tele to the nexus. XD GAH!!!! I guess this is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.... It takes a couple Hobbits teleporting to Mount Doom and throwing the Ring in to end it. :P
TL was way too excited in the end couldn't finish w/ fifth dragon and baron pls don't act so cocky, they have no chance to get to playoffs/worlds sooo...
3:12 Bans
9:48 Game start
47:07 game ends
Thanks mates!
Авантюра Смерть
That homeguard + flash + smite + vision is barely being attained by Corki?.... SO OUTRAGEOUS.
Pick & Ban: 3:00, Game Start: 9:45
this was one of most enjoyable games to watch.
It wasn't if you were a Liquid fan. xD
Regardless of your opinions on the teams, it is undeniable that this was a good game to watch. TL dominated the early and mid game, and TSM had an amazing stall late game. GG all around.
Quas is the hard counter to Dyrus.
His play on Rumble has been very inconsistent, but from what I've seen I'd say Dyrus is the better play mechanically.
I wish I could find the vlog where Dyrus said he hates playing against Quas's aggressive style because it is like nothing he faces in nearly every other top laner.
animagamer2 his rumble reminds me of his season 3 rumble....terrible. Back then only balls and dyrus played rumble top but balls actaully did good ults.
Haha i love the TSM Fans... Dyrus is in Wickd syndrome. He was never better mechanically as quas... Pls Open your eyes guys... Quas is one of the best top laner in NA and in the last season was too. Still i am not a fan guy just like watch games and see what is happening....
Tóth Előd Dyrus' strength is not his mechanics (they're solid, but not the best) it's his teamfights. Countless times he gets dumped on by the other team and he always bounces back. On tanks he knows how to zone, and on high-impact ult-centric champs he keeps his cool and generally pulls off ult at the best possible moments.
Didn't like his build this game though: he was too squishy to magic damage in the mid game with no MR. I'd prefer MR item before finishing Zhonyas.
1:03:35 awkward Xpecial handshake attempt quickly countered by Lustboy hug
This is why tsm is so fun to watch. Had a blast watching this insane game live
For me, TSM won this game. Just amazing.
Not how LoL works, buddy.
TSM just had a better late game comp, nothing surprising here
Borislav Arnaudov
When it really boils down to it, TSM in a best of 10 will beat Team Liquid 9/10 times. This game was pure cheese.
I think Dyrus got confused a little because he started playing rumble like would have with a tank. Got caught out a couple of times. His ults were terrible too. Good game overall. Enjoyed it.
Man.. TSM can even make LOSING LOOK GOOD. Gj Turtle and bjergs
why is everyone defending TSM? people saying TSM deserved to win they went a 55minute game wit any dragons without baron didnt even break any second tier towers they had a late game comp and TL could not close the game out and wildturtle had a few good teamfights I'm a TSM fan and I can even see they played like trash everyone saying TL does not deserve it what because they lost a few team fights? they still have about 8 dragons and 3 barons on them and played mid/early game much better
Epe Epeli They don't understand objective control and how much control TL had over TSM the only thing i didn't like from TL was the ward control mid game they were so far ahead but TSM were getting deepwards and seeing the rotations
TL objective control was amazing and mid game was outstanding but not being able to close and game with baron buff and dragon buff is just poor team work. its not the tsm played the game well thet were screwed from 3 inhibs down its that TL dragged the game for an extra 20 mins due to bad communication and team fighting. ( if u cant win with dragon and baron buff why should u)
I both agree and disagree with you in a few ways. TSM is at this point basically guranteed playoffs. They played a different style this game to try and broaden their abilities instead of playing their strength they have brought in every game before this. TSM didn't deserve this win, they fought amazingly at full build, as they normally would, but the part of the game they were trying to improve on is where they went wrong. So they did not deserve the win because the win they were looking for was where they lost the game. That being said, had TSM built a comp that was more like their normal style, they likely wouldn't have been put in that situation they were in at the end and if they had, they would have likely been able to come out with more. The way they played at the end is the TSM style of play they normally go into a game with, and they play did deserve a win. The only reason they couldn't, and what brings us to the second part, is that it was too late in objective control. With TL having dragon/baron buff each reset TSM couldn't stop them, it's why we saw them finally lose, the inhibs being down caused too much pressure so no matter how well TSM played it they literally could not leave before TL came back and got the next spawn of Dragon/Baron. Honestly if TSM hadn't gone for Baron at the end, it likely would have been a constant loop until either TSM made a mistake, or until the inhibs all came up on different timers than Dragon/Baron. So while TSM didn't deserve the win they wanted, TL absolutely didn't deserve to win. They outplayed TSM at a game that wasn't TSM's normal strat, they earned that, but the fact that with multiple Dragon/Baron combos they couldn't beat TSM with minions and inhibs down, it was a sad realization that TL could not beat TSM if TSM did not make a mistake. The fact that TSM didn't even have dragon #1 for the buffs is what drives that point even more into the ground. TL like would not have been able to get a win had TSM not been looking to expand for worlds.
***** barely won? wtf tsm didn't even break 2nd tier towers and I am not hating on them they are one of my favorite teams but they played badly this game just because they won a few fights at the end does not mean they played well there is more to league then fighting
Jee Vang I'm a c9 fan and still think tsm was better then tl , just becouse tl had 2-3 barons and 7-8 dragons and still had a hard time winning ,if tsm would stay base a little longer untill killed everyone and 2 go for turrets they would win (sorry for bad english)
A valiant end to the game by TSM, but stillnot enough. GG lads.
wow one of the best ones ever. giving this a rare thumbs up
That Jinx was sooo excited for that Pentakill...
I'm not worried at all for TSM. As long as they don't let this get to them mentally they can make some adjustments and annihilate TL just like last time. TL is not a very good team and Keith isn't going to suddenly make them better. They showed that earlier last week when they still got crushed with Keith.
It's interesting how people like Zayin hide behind their avatar and talk the tough game. The fact is that TL had an extremely hard time closing out that game and they showed some strong play but overall their play is not at the same level of TSM or CLG. Time can always change things, I agree with that.
Perhaps after they get sorted Keith will make a larger impact on the game but I'm not convinced. I suppose if that makes me a "fagboy" (what I assume is an even more derogatory and somehow less intelligent term for fanboy) then so be it. Right now we're not talking about international competition.
There are plenty of international players in the NA LCS right now, some showing signs of greatness, others showing significant inability to mesh with a team and balance themselves out. Even if TL goes on a massive streak and ends up in the number one slot that doesn't change the fact that for the time being I'm not worried about TSM or CLG's position at the top.
I agree, and I doubt this will get to TSM in any way. They played a different style as they said they were going to because they want to expand for Worlds. Team Liquid isn't bad, but seeing them unable to close out a game only shows that they can't look to outplay their opponents, they rely on their opponents making a mistake. With TSM being in a different mindset coming in, it gave TL plenty of time to capitalize on where TSM was looking to improve. When it came down to the wire, TSM brought out their style in the end and did not give flaws for TL to take advantage of. TSM absolutely will remain at the top, they are just at the point that they can start changing before playoffs and headed towards an expected S5 worlds.
I sort of agree, but that early game wasn't even close to TSM's standards. They showed up WAAAY too late and only because they had a Jinx and a TL team making weird calls. All in all, this was a pretty atrocious game for them, not at all representative of what they can accomplish,
TL, on the other hand, showed up throughout pretty well. I'd say they still have what it takes to crack top 4.
WOW! WildTurtle is a MONSTER!
TSM only has hard time dealing with their components when Dyrus doesnt play well... If he can just land those equalizers better, TSM should have won!!
I agree. I don't think the only time they have trouble is when Dyrus isn't doing well, but dyrus def needed better ults. TSM should have won anyway XD the defense they had for so long under 3 sieges with no inhibs against dragon buff baron buff, and they hold it off? I mean well played by both teams but come on it took them so long to finally end, and even then i feel it was TSM misplaying with the awk baron fight they had there.
MidnightKatana No, they didn't deserve to win. They got wrecked early and mid game and lost, get over it. Everyone is saying "Oh it's because they were trying a new comp." They had a late game comp where as Corki falls off. Turtle got some kills but obviously that wasn't good enough. Any late game comp can turtle up and defend the base if they're constantly grouped up.
I'm not salty at all. I hate using that word...It is annoying reading comments about how TSM deserved that win and people saying they did win in their minds. That's all.
I can understand that. I dislike when people say "blah blah didnt deserve that win" I mean if they won they won. Team liquid deserved it. But I can't deny that TSM did play very well in the end. In my mind they both won, TSM won by impressing me, and liquid won the actual game (And impressing me on how they are still doing rather well)
I can accept that.
"you can not possibly" that voice crack was funny
Best day for a CLG fan! :D
lol yea i know
It's almost like Dyrus has been playing too many pure tanks that he doesn't realize he can't afford to frontline with carry tops
this has to be, the best LoL game i've ever seen
CLG EU vs Moscow 5
Abowlofcereal brb gonna check that out.
Remember the Alamo - TSM 2015
Such an amazing ending!
Best game so far in this season. Made me want to watch 300 again which is weird for a LoL game :D
48:45 BLUE!
Zion and Quas are the perfect top laners to go up against Dyrus because he's such a crud top laner. So often he just gets out-mechanic'ed.
dyrus just has problems with aggressive top laners. he never does well with people who want to trade all day in the top lane. give dyrus an island and he can carry
Yeah that was honestly clg mistake picking maoki for zion they should of picked a carry. Each time they lost a fight tsm was so close to dead if it was riven or irelia they would of won the team fights.
I'm sure TSM could win this easily, but... they were probably trying something new this time (like how Bjergson mentioned in a previous interview). The defence at the end was great by TSM xD Shows how strong they are and how much they can stand up again, even after being pushed down badly.
I'm kinda disappointed that TSM lost this game.. But, it's okay because they are trying something new.. Plus, knowing TSM, they always learn from their mistakes and improve. I'm still a fan whether they lose or not
Wow, really bad game by TSM. Dyrus and Santorin had very little synergy, if any. Turtle had a crucial mistake by allowing himself to get stun locked by Irealia and Annie, which led to a kill on lustboy, a Mid turret, a blue buff steal, and a Dragon! TL just played really well but they were pretty impatient at the end there. Fun game.
It was a battle of the team jackets. Player skill is irrelevant. TL proves they have slightly cooler jacket than TSM in this game.
Misses the last weeks of lcs, what happens to Piglet?
They started Keith because the synergy was bad with piglet
Well played, but I doubt Piglet would have ended the game like that. Keith played the game they needed, laidback, but pushed hard as a team. Something Piglet doesn't give 2 fx to do.
I never understood why teams lane swap. Can someone explain?
yo butthurt TSM fans. TL won because they didn't allow TSM to get a single objective other than tier 1 turrets. A pentakill, a quadra kill and a defensive late game focussed team comp doesn't mean "they deserved to win". Those accomplishments don't compare to what TL accomplished (ayy bronze scrubs objectives better than kills) in that game and you should just accept that TSM was outplayed and beaten. edit: I forgot about the TL baron steal too so ya.
TSM wasn't putting their full potential into the game until the end.. Just because TL won a game doesn't mean they are better lol. But I admit liquid did pretty well this game xD
What a game, wow
This game shows that TSM is so powerfull. Good win for Liquid. I hope TSM get a 2-0 next week.
TSM really needs to look at getting a new top laner...
I don't think a single person who understands what TSM was doing this game would agree with you. But you know, you do you man, it just won't happen.
(Oh god, they lost a game, better start replacing people.)
Thats great that you have only watched one of the many games they have played this season :) maybe if you actually watched TSM and see how Dyrus has been playing, you would understand.
Like dont get me wrong BL4CKF4M1N3 but Dyrus is a great player but he hasnt been playing great lately has been relying on his team to much. I think his time has come like the OddOne, hes a great Jungler but he new when it was his time to step down and I think Dyrus needs to aswel. TSM needs more fresh blood to go further...
King Slayer You're joking right? Look at all the other top laners in NA LCS at the moment and compare Dyrus to them. He has the most consistent play out of anybody else right now, but just doesn't make highlight real plays. And TSM would be dumb to drop him, other teams would very much love to have him on their team.
BustedPen Yeah look at the other Top Lanes. Look at Zionsparten. He made dyrus look like trash, and if CLG didn't throw so hard, TSM would've lost against them. But do you see Top Laners that started from season 1 still in the LCS? Trust me he isnt going to last long. He either needs to step up his game or look at stepping down soon or TSM is going to be carrying Dyrus through this season. Please watch their games to make a valid point.
Tsm with no tank. You need a tank turtle and bjer were doing so good but had no one to engage with. As soon as santorin went in he was melted same with dyrus
This game was kind of different from what people expect from high level teams. TSM kinda Failed early / mid game where teamplay is the most important thing and stepped up late game just with the help of individual performances (Dyrus kinda kept failing (sorry bro, big respects)), but sadly that wasn't enough, since TL had accumulated big enough lead to make the make game unthrowable. GG WP
They may sink, but they'll be DAMNED if they Strike!!!! TSM!! TSM!! TSM!! TSM!!! TSM!!!
it amazes me how even when they lose... they lose in the most exciting way possible. TSM! indeed.
Wow, the comments are amazing!
I'm not even a TSM fan, but they were hands down the real winners of this game.
How? Because they had a higher scaling team?
This was a great game overall. GG to TL and TSM.
TL, C9 , TSM are the best teams in LCS.
Jinx is such a good champion in Late..
How did the baron steal not get into top 10 plays this week i don't know.
"you're the type to get your man indited.. im the type to pull up in a spyder"
omg this game was Amazing
yeah this game was crazy keith hype
50:46 thought......
Tsm needs a bigger focus on dragons
wow what a game gg
that was the best game i have ever seen only one to come close was fnatic vs omg at worlds!
If you think that was good check out SKT vs GE Tigers in week 6 day 3. You won't be disappointed.
FungluttonDotCom Neither SKT nor GE Tigers played on LCK week 5 day 3...
Amos Chi yes, sorry it's week 6 day 3.
I'm here to laugh at all the salty TSM fans.
Ehh, any salty fans aren't really fans I feel like. As Bjerg said, TSM is looking to expand play style. With trying new strategies they aren't going to close out games as reliably as they have been.
What I believe you are here to laugh at is Bandwagoners.
BL4CKF4M1N3 I'm mainly laughing at the people saying that TSM should have won. They're so blinded by Turtles late game play that they forget that TL completely destroyed them in the early and mid game.
BL4CKF4M1N3 I do agree with the bandwagons thing though, CLG surprisingly gained alot of fans recently, but everyone was laughing at them last season.
Josh Walsh
Maybe, but CLG is playing so well this season. With great rotations and fluid play. They deserve fans for that kind of play imo. As well, im a fan of TSMs amazing teamfights. TSM has been in some very good games, win or lose, nailbiters. Second half of the season will be fun.
I loved how TL responded to TSMs strengths, and took as much advantage of their weaknesses as possible. In the end, it was TSMs strength in teamfights and the overconfidence that it bred, that lead to their defeat. Such a meta game, from champ select on. I think with a better jungler choice that could initiate, they may have had enough confidence to shut TL out earlier, when it might have mattered.
tl/dr Awesome game. CLG, TL, and TSM are all amazing teams.
Ghostcamel Well said.
without piglet TL so much strong !
Where is piglet ??
Funny how even though TSM lost they still had smiles on their faces haha...good game though!
Jesus, Dyrus sucked this game. But turtle man. Hoooooly god. So good.
Tucson Cutsogeorge dyrus is not doing as good becouse he gets ganked so early
the pain for turtle......... T_T stun too op....
1:10:00 Say "like" more times please IWDominate I didnt hear it enough from you -.- ...
Jinx was really made for wildturtle. lol
TL is depending on 5 dragon stacks and baron buff :3 TSM deserves to win this game !
thats purposely built into the game
today we have learned: "dragons beat turtles"
Did we learn that? Did we learn that 8 dragons "beat" the turtle that repeatedly crushed the dragons? Or did we learn that when the turtle left his shell, his home was invaded by parasites that worshiped the dragon and sought to destroy what the dragon could not?
Ahahah wise words son!
Turtle didn't do that well, he was behind farm the majority of the game and managed to get kills because he naturally outscaled Corki, this was a terrible game by TSM.
Am I the only one who still think that Piglet > Keith ?
Skill-wise, no. Teamwork/Synergy, yes.
Piglet is 100 times better than keith, he was playing so poorly with corki even tho his team gave him 9 kills but had 0 carry potential
Wildturtle got the hug ! :O
3 5th dragons...
half life 3 confirmed
Respect for TSM
epic game
Where s piglet guys ?
he's benched
I'd rather have my favourite team lose in an amazing game than watch them win in a steamroll.
It's so embarassing that TL had to win by Backdooring
True champions play to win.
Not really the fact they could survive and win late game with a corki vs a jinx is actually impressive. They should of lost a lot earlier to be honest. But they played it well and luring tsm into a false sense of security. And having them come out just long enough to leave the base completely defenseless was the only option for them. It was impressive by both teams honestly for a mid game team to win late game is impressive.
Xpecial hugged Turtle? What?!
Turtle's last stand.
A amazing game!
For me,TSM won.
They only won because Lissandra is op.
12 - 1 win/lose
TL could only throw so hard. I mean, they were obviously outplayed during teamfights, but with a team like Annie, Lisandra, Irelia and Rek sai someone is eventually going to die.
I agree. TSM made a tad misplay with that baron fight, but i mean they can only hold e off for so long. TS played amazing from behind and while team liquid won, TSM still showed they are a better team IMO.
Team liquid had a nice early, but they had a real hard time ending.
If there's one thing I learned in my games of LOL:You NEVER leave an open nexus defenseless.Doing that lost me games & it's what ultimately lost TSM this game.
Still, they had no more options. Lquid could only fail end so many times.
MidnightKatana actually no because they had reached the point where all their champs fall off tsm wouldve won all the 5v5s with just turtle killing people from very far, if they managed to save their inhibs then they cudve won a 5v5 and and won the game but they just had to go for baron
Bench Fenix for a better mid laner, TL will become better
Fenix destroyed bjerg and santorin to win the game
Look at the ladder, FeniX is a machine, only language barrier to be the best of NA.
FeniX isn't the problem right now, it's the ADC situation.
Best examples for SUperminions+ baron being way too op srsly.
It's supposed to be that way... When you got all the objectives there is, it should be an almost guaranteed win.
I guess that is where people differ in their taste for what the game should be. I feel like you should have to win the last teamfight to win the game. I personally think there should be no point at which it's impossible to make a comeback. [prolly goes without saying, but just in case, *without needing the winning team to make a throw*]. If you can roll over the team with objectives and not have to *ultimately* beat them in a teamfight, the game just became PvE, not PvP in my opinion.
nice game ^^ TSM
1:05:26 1v1 quickscopes rust hahahahahah :D
Turtle GG Best game ever
I dont care which team im on i wouldve been mad win or lose
Burg carries so hard I would kick off Cyrus he alway feeders
epic defense :)
RIP piglet
Only if Bjergsen picked a right champion.
They would of lost alot sooner without Cass wave clear
TSM are mechanical gods that dont know how to play from behind because they are so rarely there. Sure they can come back a bit but they just simply couldn't stall the game out enough.
i aint even mad gg
Can someone please keep dyrus off of rumble? I don't think he has landed a decent ult the whole split.
Zz'rot usefull in this situation ? maybe ?
People wonder why NA teams get stomped in international games (EU is guilty of this too). They find one style of play/strat that works and they use it constantly. Lane swap, try to tower dive the solo laner, zzzzzzzz. I was actually excited about this season because it seems League is fairly balanced and we were seeing more diversity in the champion picks. But now that diversity is somewhat gone, and teams are playing the same way. If they try different play styles (TSM in this game) they lose to inferior teams, or get destroyed by better teams.
AAAAH SO EPIC!!! :-D I'm always disappointed when the backdoor is what ends a game like that. It seems like it happens quite a lot in these epic games. Can't beat your opponent in a teamfight? Well then, even if they get an advantage, if they step out of their base to try and push, just tele to the nexus. XD GAH!!!!
I guess this is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.... It takes a couple Hobbits teleporting to Mount Doom and throwing the Ring in to end it. :P
He hugged turtle a couple times last split
Though im a huge dyrus fan.... i gotta say... dyrus threw the game right out the window.
TL was way too excited in the end couldn't finish w/ fifth dragon and baron pls don't act so cocky, they have no chance to get to playoffs/worlds sooo...
Dyrausssss!!!! Whyyyyyy
For me TSM Won the game i Want to place turtle as the Best player in the LCS !
no thats just a 6 item jinx vs a corki, that is all.
Dyrus needs to step down