There are alot of errors here and I am surprised that this tutorial shows that it worked because this configuration should have failed as it was poorly done. First off, there is no "Router' (aka Default Gateway) so that should remain as Seeing that there is only a Switch and No Router, then following with the tutorial you need to use to be placed in the DNS Address. Which includes configuring that Same IP Address for the DNS Server as well. If was intended to be the "Default Gateway" then the Switch should have been swapped out for a Router to properly configure for this demonstration as the DNS Server would then use a different IP Address that was demonstrated in the Video. Packet Tracer must have had bugs being this video is 6 years old Or it was edited to fake that it worked because it should have failed as the configuration to use a Default Gateway and Not a DNS was completely wrong.
Why we need to use two different servers one server can act as dns and http(web server)
How can the browsers works when PC0 dont have DNS Server IP? Does cisco packet tracer have DNS cache inside the PC?
I am getting the Host Name Unresolve when i entered the dns but if I entered the IP address of the web server it works.
What is the ip address of the web server?
Am facing Same Issue
in pc0 at 0:56 you have to give DNS server addresss that you provded to DNS server
@@milan0023Thanks it’s working 👍🏻
There are alot of errors here and I am surprised that this tutorial shows that it worked because this configuration should have failed as it was poorly done.
First off, there is no "Router' (aka Default Gateway) so that should remain as Seeing that there is only a Switch and No Router, then following with the tutorial you need to use to be placed in the DNS Address. Which includes configuring that Same IP Address for the DNS Server as well. If was intended to be the "Default Gateway" then the Switch should have been swapped out for a Router to properly configure for this demonstration as the DNS Server would then use a different IP Address that was demonstrated in the Video. Packet Tracer must have had bugs being this video is 6 years old Or it was edited to fake that it worked because it should have failed as the configuration to use a Default Gateway and Not a DNS was completely wrong.
another silent video! or my sound settings are no good
there is no need of gateway
yo delte this plz i don't want clas to catch up teehee
Yo delete this gang we dont need my classmates advancing any further than where they at
😂😂🤣. this is basic level still