I am just nineteen, and Carly often looks like a teen too! Or up to 25. I wish her another guy who is "So fuckin' romantic"(one of Matthews songs) like me. If you can read this (chances 1:, you are so underestimated, Carly, continue making this awesome music! Greetings from Austria, the middle of Europe!
this is SUCH a good song.
So cute, gorgeous and talented!
Sorry bro, she's already with Matthew Koma, who's also a very good singer(for example Spectrum feat. Zedd)
She isn't with him anymore since 2012
I am just nineteen, and Carly often looks like a teen too! Or up to 25. I wish her another guy who is "So fuckin' romantic"(one of Matthews songs) like me. If you can read this (chances 1:, you are so underestimated, Carly, continue making this awesome music! Greetings from Austria, the middle of Europe!