@@robertefendi4387 setahu saya beliau mualaf bukan muslim sejak lahir. Seharusnya kita muslim sejak lahir menjadi pemikir karena ayat pertama Al Qur'an di wajibkan iqro berfikir belajar .
@@mokhamadmadenur7559 ketahuilah sodara, tidak ada beda Muallaf dg Islam sejak lahir. Para Shohabat Nabi itu muallaf semua... Islam tidak memandang itu.
Mari wahai kaum cendikiawan muslim indonesia, mari kita bersama definisikan ulang maksud dari kata "Habib". Baik dari segala sisi. Sehingga ketika ada yg mengaku2 habib ttp setelah kita lihat perilakunya, sikapnya, kata2nya, tindakannya, ilmunya, tidak menggambarkan perilaku rasulullah, kita bisa sama2 otomatis akan mereject dia.👌
Santai doktrin habib di Indonesia itu sdh ratusan tahun dan NU sangat menghormati sahabat Nabi dan keturunan Nabi jadi perlu waktu untuk menetralkan doktrin para habib ba'alawi Yahudi yaman Askenazi🤣🤣🤣 Siapapun yang memusuhi NU insyaallah akan hancur.
Definisi itu sudah di buat oleh kelakuan mereka sendiri serta penanganan antar mereka sendiri.. Dan sekarang definisi itu telah selesai mereka orbitkan.. Dan definisi itu adalah : HABIB di konotasikan sebagai orang yg suka berbuat ngawur dalam bicara, suka nipu orang dg dalih agama, menjual jual nasab bodong, menjual jual nama NABI,pemalsu sejarah apapun yg terkait dg ambisinya,membuat kaidah kaidah agama sesuka sukanya, pemalsu kuburan kuburan...pecinta hidup mewah dg mengelabui orang, gila hormat,tukang ngancam pihak lain dg kuwalat kuwalat bodong, penyebar khurafat.. Intinya habib itu di definisikan dg MAFIA AGAMA.. Semua itu bukan pihak lain yg membuatnya seperti itu ..tapi dari kalangan mereka sendirilah lahirnya definisi itu..
O Fillah Muslim. Don't let yourself be divided or divided by the enemy, because the Zionists are trying to pit fellow Muslim scholars against each other, both the Habaib and the Kyai, both of 'Ulama. Free PALESTINE 🇵🇸 Don't Stop Talking About Palestine 🇵🇸 “In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“. “Muhammad was the messenger of Allah and those who were with him were harsh towards the infidels, but kind to each other. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves seeking Allah's grace and Allah's pleasure. On their faces there were signs of former prostration. Such are their attributes (expressed) in the Torah and their attributes (expressed) in the Gospel, which are like a seed that sprouts, then the sprout grows stronger and becomes large and upright on its stem; the plant pleases the hearts of its growers because Allah wants to irritate the hearts of the unbelievers (with the strength of the believers). Allah promises those who believe and do good among them, forgiveness and a great reward.” “O believers, let you be people who always uphold (the truth) for the sake of Allah, be witnesses fairly. And never let your hatred towards a people make you act unjustly. Be fair, because justice is closer to piety. And fear Allah, indeed Allah is All-Knowing of what you do.” Salam-O-'Alaykum, O fillah muslimin. Greetings from Palestine 🇵🇸 Qassam XSVSrealteam Anonymous Free PALESTINE 🇵🇸🇮🇩 ... @@putrisrikandi3192
O Fillah Muslim. Don't let yourself be divided or divided by the enemy, because the Zionists are trying to pit fellow Muslim scholars against each other, both the Habaib and the Kyai. Free PALESTINE 🇵🇸 Don't Stop Talking About Palestine 🇵🇸 “In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“. “Muhammad was the messenger of Allah and those who were with him were harsh towards the infidels, but kind to each other. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves seeking Allah's grace and Allah's pleasure. On their faces there were signs of former prostration. Such are their attributes (expressed) in the Torah and their attributes (expressed) in the Gospel, which are like a seed that sprouts, then the sprout grows stronger and becomes large and upright on its stem; the plant pleases the hearts of its growers because Allah wants to irritate the hearts of the unbelievers (with the strength of the believers). Allah promises those who believe and do good among them, forgiveness and a great reward.” “O believers, let you be people who always uphold (the truth) for the sake of Allah, be witnesses fairly. And never let your hatred towards a people make you act unjustly. Be fair, because justice is closer to piety. And fear Allah, indeed Allah is All-Knowing of what you do.” Salam-O-'Alaykum, O fillah muslimin. Greetings from Palestine 🇵🇸 Qassam XSVSrealteam Anonymous Free PALESTINE 🇵🇸🇮🇩 ...
O Fillah Muslim. Don't let yourself be divided or divided by the enemy, because the Zionists are trying to pit fellow Muslim scholars against each other, both the Habaib and the Kyai. Free PALESTINE 🇵🇸 Don't Stop Talking About Palestine 🇵🇸 “In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“. “Muhammad was the messenger of Allah and those who were with him were harsh towards the infidels, but kind to each other. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves seeking Allah's grace and Allah's pleasure. On their faces there were signs of former prostration. Such are their attributes (expressed) in the Torah and their attributes (expressed) in the Gospel, which are like a seed that sprouts, then the sprout grows stronger and becomes large and upright on its stem; the plant pleases the hearts of its growers because Allah wants to irritate the hearts of the unbelievers (with the strength of the believers). Allah promises those who believe and do good among them, forgiveness and a great reward.” “O believers, let you be people who always uphold (the truth) for the sake of Allah, be witnesses fairly. And never let your hatred towards a people make you act unjustly. Be fair, because justice is closer to piety. And fear Allah, indeed Allah is All-Knowing of what you do.” Salam-O-'Alaykum, O fillah muslimin. Greetings from Palestine 🇵🇸 Qassam XSVSrealteam Anonymous Free PALESTINE 🇵🇸🇮🇩 ...
20:02 menunjukkan pada kita bahwa beliau, Prof. Ust. Menachem Ali, tergolong ulama `arif billah. Indonesia secara khusus, dan Islam secara umum patut bersyukur Allâḥﷻ hadirkan beliau ke tengah-tengah kita. Tabarakallah walhamdulillaah. Salam takzim untukmu Ustaz 🙏🙏🙏
O Fillah Muslim. Don't let yourself be divided or divided by the enemy, because the Zionists are trying to pit fellow Muslim scholars against each other, both the Habaib and the Kyai. Free PALESTINE 🇵🇸 Don't Stop Talking About Palestine 🇵🇸 “In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“. “Muhammad was the messenger of Allah and those who were with him were harsh towards the infidels, but kind to each other. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves seeking Allah's grace and Allah's pleasure. On their faces there were signs of former prostration. Such are their attributes (expressed) in the Torah and their attributes (expressed) in the Gospel, which are like a seed that sprouts, then the sprout grows stronger and becomes large and upright on its stem; the plant pleases the hearts of its growers because Allah wants to irritate the hearts of the unbelievers (with the strength of the believers). Allah promises those who believe and do good among them, forgiveness and a great reward.” “O believers, let you be people who always uphold (the truth) for the sake of Allah, be witnesses fairly. And never let your hatred towards a people make you act unjustly. Be fair, because justice is closer to piety. And fear Allah, indeed Allah is All-Knowing of what you do.” Salam-O-'Alaykum, O fillah muslimin. Greetings from Palestine 🇵🇸 Qassam XSVSrealteam Anonymous Free PALESTINE 🇵🇸🇮🇩 ... @@SaveGaza-n7i
Sehat sll prof, q sll nyimak, walo jauh di pelosok pedalaman, smg allohh mengijikan aku bisa bersilaturrohim di dunia nyata dg prof & semua saudara di sana
Alhamdulillah atas petunjuk Allah SWT untuk kita semua semoga ustadz manahem Ali selalu sehat dan bahagia selamat dunia akhirat aamiin ya rabbal alamin
O Fillah Muslim. Don't let yourself be divided or divided by the enemy, because the Zionists are trying to pit fellow Muslim scholars against each other, both the Habaib and the Kyai. Free PALESTINE 🇵🇸 Don't Stop Talking About Palestine 🇵🇸 “In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“. “Muhammad was the messenger of Allah and those who were with him were harsh towards the infidels, but kind to each other. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves seeking Allah's grace and Allah's pleasure. On their faces there were signs of former prostration. Such are their attributes (expressed) in the Torah and their attributes (expressed) in the Gospel, which are like a seed that sprouts, then the sprout grows stronger and becomes large and upright on its stem; the plant pleases the hearts of its growers because Allah wants to irritate the hearts of the unbelievers (with the strength of the believers). Allah promises those who believe and do good among them, forgiveness and a great reward.” “O believers, let you be people who always uphold (the truth) for the sake of Allah, be witnesses fairly. And never let your hatred towards a people make you act unjustly. Be fair, because justice is closer to piety. And fear Allah, indeed Allah is All-Knowing of what you do.” Salam-O-'Alaykum, O fillah muslimin. Greetings from Palestine 🇵🇸 Qassam XSVSrealteam Anonymous Free PALESTINE 🇵🇸🇮🇩 ...
MasyaAllaah, tabarokallaahu ustad ilmu hari ini sehat bahagia dan tetap semangat mencerahkan ilmu agama islam.. ❤ jadi ladang jariyah ustad Prof. Menachem Ali..
O Fillah Muslim. Don't let yourself be divided or divided by the enemy, because the Zionists are trying to pit fellow Muslim scholars against each other, both the Habaib and the Kyai. Free PALESTINE 🇵🇸 Don't Stop Talking About Palestine 🇵🇸 “In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“. “Muhammad was the messenger of Allah and those who were with him were harsh towards the infidels, but kind to each other. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves seeking Allah's grace and Allah's pleasure. On their faces there were signs of former prostration. Such are their attributes (expressed) in the Torah and their attributes (expressed) in the Gospel, which are like a seed that sprouts, then the sprout grows stronger and becomes large and upright on its stem; the plant pleases the hearts of its growers because Allah wants to irritate the hearts of the unbelievers (with the strength of the believers). Allah promises those who believe and do good among them, forgiveness and a great reward.” “O believers, let you be people who always uphold (the truth) for the sake of Allah, be witnesses fairly. And never let your hatred towards a people make you act unjustly. Be fair, because justice is closer to piety. And fear Allah, indeed Allah is All-Knowing of what you do.” Salam-O-'Alaykum, O fillah muslimin. Greetings from Palestine 🇵🇸 Qassam XSVSrealteam Anonymous Free PALESTINE 🇵🇸🇮🇩 ...
@@Mixterchannel iya aq tau tp tolong jgn samakan dg kyai yg waras Saya d barisan kyai pribumi satu2 nya d bela adalh kewajiban 3 para ulama kyia ali manachem kyai nur ilkya kiyai imad mantap jiwa ini Kl kyia yg lain mah ad yg terdokterin habib²
O Fillah Muslim. Don't let yourself be divided or divided by the enemy, because the Zionists are trying to pit fellow Muslim scholars against each other, both the Habaib and the Kyai. Free PALESTINE 🇵🇸 Don't Stop Talking About Palestine 🇵🇸 “In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“. “Muhammad was the messenger of Allah and those who were with him were harsh towards the infidels, but kind to each other. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves seeking Allah's grace and Allah's pleasure. On their faces there were signs of former prostration. Such are their attributes (expressed) in the Torah and their attributes (expressed) in the Gospel, which are like a seed that sprouts, then the sprout grows stronger and becomes large and upright on its stem; the plant pleases the hearts of its growers because Allah wants to irritate the hearts of the unbelievers (with the strength of the believers). Allah promises those who believe and do good among them, forgiveness and a great reward.” “O believers, let you be people who always uphold (the truth) for the sake of Allah, be witnesses fairly. And never let your hatred towards a people make you act unjustly. Be fair, because justice is closer to piety. And fear Allah, indeed Allah is All-Knowing of what you do.” Salam-O-'Alaykum, O fillah muslimin. Greetings from Palestine 🇵🇸 Qassam XSVSrealteam Anonymous Free PALESTINE 🇵🇸🇮🇩 ...
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb. Mohon Ijin Ikut Ngaji Prof ,, Sungguh Jelas, Indah dan Enak Sekali Penjelasannya utk dipahami. Semoga Kita Mendapatkan Barokahnya
Mereka benar2 akan rungkad prof, Saya sangat ingin menyaksikan kerungkadan itu , semangat terus menyampaikan kebenaran nya prof, saya terus mendukung profesor M. Ali 🔥
Dulu nonton Adam Lucius dan temen2nya buat fun aja sambil ngambil nilai2 moral yg positif aja untuk terus mengingat Ketuhanan. Eh youtube ngarahin ke Prof Ali yg bener2 ahli filologi, jadi banyak ilmu yg diperoleh berdasar kitab2 nyata yg tertulis, yg ternyata semua punya benang merah. Tidak ada peperangan gara2 beda Agama tetapi gara2 kepentingan, nafsu, politik segelintir Manusia yg berkuasa tapi menyeret kaum/bangsanya untuk memerangi kaum/bangsa2 yg lainnya. Dan yg diuntungkan adalah penjual senjata 😂😂.
Subhanallah mudah2an selalu dpt lindungan Allah SWT diberi pnjang umur murah rizkinya untuk sang Ustadz Manahem ALI selalu dlm lindungan ALLAH Amiin Yaa Robbal Alamiin
Masya Allah sejuk rasanya mendengarkan ceramah prof. Ustaz menachem ali, bnyk ilmu yg di dapat. Satu orang prof menachem ali lebih bermanfaat dari pada 1000 habib.
Barokallahu fiikum ustadz,semoga Allah Ta'ala beri kesehatan,ilmu yang bermanfaat,selalu dalam lindungan Allah Ta'ala... Semoga Allah Ta'ala munculkan orang yg lebih banyak lagi yg berilmu seperti ustadz manachem Ali dan ustadz ustadz yg lurus lainnya
Subhanallah wa Alhamdulillah wa laa illaha illallahu allahu Akbar. Laa haula wa la quwwata illa billahil aliyil adzim. Sungguh benar, agama bukan untuk senda gurau.👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏
Masya Allah, Tuan Guru Prof Menahem Ali, Terima Kasih atas kajiannya Semoga Prof sekeluarga Sehat selalu dan dalam lindungan Allah SWT Salam dari Kalsel, Banjarmasin
O Fillah Muslim. Don't let yourself be divided or divided by the enemy, because the Zionists are trying to pit fellow Muslim scholars against each other, both the Habaib and the Kyai, both of 'Ulama. Free PALESTINE 🇵🇸 Don't Stop Talking About Palestine 🇵🇸 “In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“. “Muhammad was the messenger of Allah and those who were with him were harsh towards the infidels, but kind to each other. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves seeking Allah's grace and Allah's pleasure. On their faces there were signs of former prostration. Such are their attributes (expressed) in the Torah and their attributes (expressed) in the Gospel, which are like a seed that sprouts, then the sprout grows stronger and becomes large and upright on its stem; the plant pleases the hearts of its growers because Allah wants to irritate the hearts of the unbelievers (with the strength of the believers). Allah promises those who believe and do good among them, forgiveness and a great reward.” “O believers, let you be people who always uphold (the truth) for the sake of Allah, be witnesses fairly. And never let your hatred towards a people make you act unjustly. Be fair, because justice is closer to piety. And fear Allah, indeed Allah is All-Knowing of what you do.” Salam-O-'Alaykum, O fillah muslimin. Greetings from Palestine 🇵🇸 Qassam XSVSrealteam Anonymous Free PALESTINE 🇵🇸🇮🇩 ... @@abdullahmuhsin6807
Alhamdulillah, di pulau Sumatera, terkhusus bagi kami di masyarakat minang kabau Sumatera Barat tidak pernah dikenal dan dijumpai orang-orang yang mengaku sebagai para habib keturunan nabi.
Ummat Islam wajib perkaya literasi seperti ini, apa yg disampaikan oleh ust. Menachem Ali ini dari segi kualitas keilmuan nya dan manfaat jauh melebihi daripada yg disampaikan habib2 yg cuma mengajarkan doktrin
Salah satu pemikir islam dijaman moderen yang mulai langka di indonesia semoga beliau diberi kesehatan dan kesalamatan amin amin ya robbalalamin
Aamiiiin yra.
@@robertefendi4387 setahu saya beliau mualaf bukan muslim sejak lahir. Seharusnya kita muslim sejak lahir menjadi pemikir karena ayat pertama Al Qur'an di wajibkan iqro berfikir belajar .
Aamiin YaRobbal alamin
@@robertefendi4387 amiin yra
@@mokhamadmadenur7559 ketahuilah sodara, tidak ada beda Muallaf dg Islam sejak lahir.
Para Shohabat Nabi itu muallaf semua...
Islam tidak memandang itu.
👍 Beliau salah satu tokoh cendekiawan pemikir Islam 🇮🇩 yg mendunia saat ini A@min.....
Bone/watampone hadir ✔️
Benar benar luas keilmuan Prof Manachem Ali.. ❤❤❤
Multi bahasa dan multi kitab suci
Luas taik..klo luas pasti tau apa itu ilmunasab yg sesungguhnya dan aturan aturan nya
@@yusuffahmi9123, zaini canal madura, nantang, apa kelas
Ayo donk ummat islam yang mampu , belajar ilmu filologi seperti beliau ini untuk berjihad di jalan اَللّٰه
Sungguh menyejukkan hati kami ya allah prof macken ali
Masya Allah... sedemikiandalam lautan hikmah ayat ygdibaca di muka tadi... Subhanallah...
Semoga Allah Subhanahu wata'ala.. memberikan kesehatan semua fihak..dan keluarga nya---sehingga video keilmuan ini bisa rilis.. aamiin 🤲
Mari wahai kaum cendikiawan muslim indonesia, mari kita bersama definisikan ulang maksud dari kata "Habib". Baik dari segala sisi. Sehingga ketika ada yg mengaku2 habib ttp setelah kita lihat perilakunya, sikapnya, kata2nya, tindakannya, ilmunya, tidak menggambarkan perilaku rasulullah, kita bisa sama2 otomatis akan mereject dia.👌
Santai doktrin habib di Indonesia itu sdh ratusan tahun dan NU sangat menghormati sahabat Nabi dan keturunan Nabi jadi perlu waktu untuk menetralkan doktrin para habib ba'alawi Yahudi yaman Askenazi🤣🤣🤣
Siapapun yang memusuhi NU insyaallah akan hancur.
ogah ah 😂 yg nuduh juga rasis memecah belah bangsa 😂
@@andreadjisamsoe-rj6em Dibagian mana letak rasis dan memecah belah bangsa dari koment saya kalau boleh tahu 🤕🤕🤕
Definisi itu sudah di buat oleh kelakuan mereka sendiri serta penanganan antar mereka sendiri..
Dan sekarang definisi itu telah selesai mereka orbitkan..
Dan definisi itu adalah :
HABIB di konotasikan sebagai orang yg suka berbuat ngawur dalam bicara, suka nipu orang dg dalih agama, menjual jual nasab bodong, menjual jual nama NABI,pemalsu sejarah apapun yg terkait dg ambisinya,membuat kaidah kaidah agama sesuka sukanya, pemalsu kuburan kuburan...pecinta hidup mewah dg mengelabui orang, gila hormat,tukang ngancam pihak lain dg kuwalat kuwalat bodong, penyebar khurafat..
Intinya habib itu di definisikan dg MAFIA AGAMA..
Semua itu bukan pihak lain yg membuatnya seperti itu ..tapi dari kalangan mereka sendirilah lahirnya definisi itu..
Definisi gelar habib sebagai dzuriat nabi sudah tersedia eliminasi dan batal demi ilmu❤
MasyaAllah. Ikutan mengumpulkan butiran-butiran ilmu utk semakin mendekatkan diri kepada Alloh SWT.
Terimakasih ustadz ali 🙏🙏
O Fillah Muslim. Don't let yourself be divided or divided by the enemy, because the Zionists are trying to pit fellow Muslim scholars against each other, both the Habaib and the Kyai, both of 'Ulama.
Don't Stop Talking About Palestine 🇵🇸
“In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“.
“Muhammad was the messenger of Allah and those who were with him were harsh towards the infidels, but kind to each other. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves seeking Allah's grace and Allah's pleasure. On their faces there were signs of former prostration. Such are their attributes (expressed) in the Torah and their attributes (expressed) in the Gospel, which are like a seed that sprouts, then the sprout grows stronger and becomes large and upright on its stem; the plant pleases the hearts of its growers because Allah wants to irritate the hearts of the unbelievers (with the strength of the believers). Allah promises those who believe and do good among them, forgiveness and a great reward.”
“O believers, let you be people who always uphold (the truth) for the sake of Allah, be witnesses fairly. And never let your hatred towards a people make you act unjustly. Be fair, because justice is closer to piety. And fear Allah, indeed Allah is All-Knowing of what you do.”
Salam-O-'Alaykum, O fillah muslimin. Greetings from Palestine 🇵🇸 Qassam XSVSrealteam Anonymous
Semoga Allah SWT merahmati Anda, Prof. Dan memberkahi dg hikma utk kebaikan ummat. Dakwah seperti in *sangat* penting diperluas jangkauannya.
Alhamdulillah sangat mencerahkan dan menambah kuat iman islam pada diri saya semoga ust.tetap dalam bimbingan Alloh swt.melalui Al'Qur'an.❤❤❤❤❤
Alhamdulillah, semoga umat islam cerdas, dapat membedakan haq dan bathil tentang pengaku cucu nabi. Dan ini hal penting dalam beragama
Selalu hadir, biar tidak ketinggalan. Sehat selalu Prof. Menachem Ali.❤
O Fillah Muslim. Don't let yourself be divided or divided by the enemy, because the Zionists are trying to pit fellow Muslim scholars against each other, both the Habaib and the Kyai.
Don't Stop Talking About Palestine 🇵🇸
“In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“.
“Muhammad was the messenger of Allah and those who were with him were harsh towards the infidels, but kind to each other. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves seeking Allah's grace and Allah's pleasure. On their faces there were signs of former prostration. Such are their attributes (expressed) in the Torah and their attributes (expressed) in the Gospel, which are like a seed that sprouts, then the sprout grows stronger and becomes large and upright on its stem; the plant pleases the hearts of its growers because Allah wants to irritate the hearts of the unbelievers (with the strength of the believers). Allah promises those who believe and do good among them, forgiveness and a great reward.”
“O believers, let you be people who always uphold (the truth) for the sake of Allah, be witnesses fairly. And never let your hatred towards a people make you act unjustly. Be fair, because justice is closer to piety. And fear Allah, indeed Allah is All-Knowing of what you do.”
Salam-O-'Alaykum, O fillah muslimin. Greetings from Palestine 🇵🇸 Qassam XSVSrealteam Anonymous
Alhamdulillah, kita sangat tercerahkan.kita bangga dengan keilmuan Moreh Manachem Ali.
Balikpapan nyimak sambil Ngopi ❤❤
O Fillah Muslim. Don't let yourself be divided or divided by the enemy, because the Zionists are trying to pit fellow Muslim scholars against each other, both the Habaib and the Kyai.
Don't Stop Talking About Palestine 🇵🇸
“In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“.
“Muhammad was the messenger of Allah and those who were with him were harsh towards the infidels, but kind to each other. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves seeking Allah's grace and Allah's pleasure. On their faces there were signs of former prostration. Such are their attributes (expressed) in the Torah and their attributes (expressed) in the Gospel, which are like a seed that sprouts, then the sprout grows stronger and becomes large and upright on its stem; the plant pleases the hearts of its growers because Allah wants to irritate the hearts of the unbelievers (with the strength of the believers). Allah promises those who believe and do good among them, forgiveness and a great reward.”
“O believers, let you be people who always uphold (the truth) for the sake of Allah, be witnesses fairly. And never let your hatred towards a people make you act unjustly. Be fair, because justice is closer to piety. And fear Allah, indeed Allah is All-Knowing of what you do.”
Salam-O-'Alaykum, O fillah muslimin. Greetings from Palestine 🇵🇸 Qassam XSVSrealteam Anonymous
20:02 menunjukkan pada kita bahwa beliau, Prof. Ust. Menachem Ali, tergolong ulama `arif billah. Indonesia secara khusus, dan Islam secara umum patut bersyukur Allâḥﷻ hadirkan beliau ke tengah-tengah kita. Tabarakallah walhamdulillaah. Salam takzim untukmu Ustaz 🙏🙏🙏
rungkad bani yuya yahudi askenazi ahdal
Selalu menarik mengikuti kajian Prof Menachem Ali, kajiannya selalu bernas
Irama ngaji kyai prof sangat menentramkan.. Masyaallah..
@@semangaaat seandainya ada pemilihan umum untuk memilih wali. Maka aku akan memilih USTADZ MENACHEM ALI 🙏
O Fillah Muslim. Don't let yourself be divided or divided by the enemy, because the Zionists are trying to pit fellow Muslim scholars against each other, both the Habaib and the Kyai.
Don't Stop Talking About Palestine 🇵🇸
“In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“.
“Muhammad was the messenger of Allah and those who were with him were harsh towards the infidels, but kind to each other. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves seeking Allah's grace and Allah's pleasure. On their faces there were signs of former prostration. Such are their attributes (expressed) in the Torah and their attributes (expressed) in the Gospel, which are like a seed that sprouts, then the sprout grows stronger and becomes large and upright on its stem; the plant pleases the hearts of its growers because Allah wants to irritate the hearts of the unbelievers (with the strength of the believers). Allah promises those who believe and do good among them, forgiveness and a great reward.”
“O believers, let you be people who always uphold (the truth) for the sake of Allah, be witnesses fairly. And never let your hatred towards a people make you act unjustly. Be fair, because justice is closer to piety. And fear Allah, indeed Allah is All-Knowing of what you do.”
Salam-O-'Alaykum, O fillah muslimin. Greetings from Palestine 🇵🇸 Qassam XSVSrealteam Anonymous
Ustad Menachem Wali@@SaveGaza-n7i
Terbiasa membaca kitab kitab ibrani jadi terbawa langgemnya
Inilah orang alim sebenarnya.memberikan pencerahan pada bangsa ..indonesia umat islam umumnya..jaya selalu pak kiai minahem...merdekaaaa.
Adem sekali ketika melihat dan mendengar ustad Menachem Ali bertausiah
Barakallah Ilmu Manfaatnya Ustad Prof. DR. Menachem Ali.
Apapun yang dibahas Prof. Menachem Ali selalu menarik, karena diterangkan seterang terangnya dan mudah dimengerti.
@@ayahsichaca bnr
Barokallohu ust.mg2 sht sll, panjang umur dn rizqy yg barokah, aamiin ...🤲
Pentingnya mencatat ilmu, menyimak secara kritis, & bahaya T.B.C..
Bahaya Ashobiyah, Syaikh Ahmad Surkati, & Islam tidak mengenal kasta..
Antara nubuwat Nabi Muhammad & nama Ubaidillah..
Sehat sll prof, q sll nyimak, walo jauh di pelosok pedalaman, smg allohh mengijikan aku bisa bersilaturrohim di dunia nyata dg prof & semua saudara di sana
Terima kasih.
Assalamualaikum, Banten hadir prof, terima kasih atas ilmunya yg dipaparkan, semoga barokah dan bermanfaat buat yg menyimak dan yg mendengarkan ❤❤❤❤
Alhamdulillah atas petunjuk Allah SWT untuk kita semua semoga ustadz manahem Ali selalu sehat dan bahagia selamat dunia akhirat aamiin ya rabbal alamin
Alhamdulillah selalu menyimak ilmu agama dari Prof Menachem
Alhamdulillah masih ada manusia yg mau meluruskan jalan Allah / agama Allah aamiiin semoga kyai Istiqomah dan khusnul khotimah
Coba jelaskan apa yang si manchem ini jelaskan
Smg Allah ﷻ ikhlashkan, istiqamahkan, dan kuatkan selalu Tn. Menachem Ali. Smg Allah ﷻ catat ini sbg amal kbaikan
salam Dari Banjar kalsel buat guruku tercinta manachem ali❤
O Fillah Muslim. Don't let yourself be divided or divided by the enemy, because the Zionists are trying to pit fellow Muslim scholars against each other, both the Habaib and the Kyai.
Don't Stop Talking About Palestine 🇵🇸
“In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“.
“Muhammad was the messenger of Allah and those who were with him were harsh towards the infidels, but kind to each other. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves seeking Allah's grace and Allah's pleasure. On their faces there were signs of former prostration. Such are their attributes (expressed) in the Torah and their attributes (expressed) in the Gospel, which are like a seed that sprouts, then the sprout grows stronger and becomes large and upright on its stem; the plant pleases the hearts of its growers because Allah wants to irritate the hearts of the unbelievers (with the strength of the believers). Allah promises those who believe and do good among them, forgiveness and a great reward.”
“O believers, let you be people who always uphold (the truth) for the sake of Allah, be witnesses fairly. And never let your hatred towards a people make you act unjustly. Be fair, because justice is closer to piety. And fear Allah, indeed Allah is All-Knowing of what you do.”
Salam-O-'Alaykum, O fillah muslimin. Greetings from Palestine 🇵🇸 Qassam XSVSrealteam Anonymous
@@graceputerihhhhhhh simpel
mantap sanak salam dari orang hulu sungai
MasyaAllaah, tabarokallaahu ustad ilmu hari ini sehat bahagia dan tetap semangat mencerahkan ilmu agama islam.. ❤ jadi ladang jariyah ustad Prof. Menachem Ali..
Semoga pak ustad menachem Ali dilancarkan segala urusannya🤲 semangat dalam menyuarakan kebenaran🤲 dan semoga sehat selalu🤲 amin🤲
O Fillah Muslim. Don't let yourself be divided or divided by the enemy, because the Zionists are trying to pit fellow Muslim scholars against each other, both the Habaib and the Kyai.
Don't Stop Talking About Palestine 🇵🇸
“In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“.
“Muhammad was the messenger of Allah and those who were with him were harsh towards the infidels, but kind to each other. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves seeking Allah's grace and Allah's pleasure. On their faces there were signs of former prostration. Such are their attributes (expressed) in the Torah and their attributes (expressed) in the Gospel, which are like a seed that sprouts, then the sprout grows stronger and becomes large and upright on its stem; the plant pleases the hearts of its growers because Allah wants to irritate the hearts of the unbelievers (with the strength of the believers). Allah promises those who believe and do good among them, forgiveness and a great reward.”
“O believers, let you be people who always uphold (the truth) for the sake of Allah, be witnesses fairly. And never let your hatred towards a people make you act unjustly. Be fair, because justice is closer to piety. And fear Allah, indeed Allah is All-Knowing of what you do.”
Salam-O-'Alaykum, O fillah muslimin. Greetings from Palestine 🇵🇸 Qassam XSVSrealteam Anonymous
Bandung jabar hadirr merapt d barisan kyai pribumi
Kyai 2 pribumi juga banyak yg amalan sama dengan habib habib yg halu
@@Mixterchannel iya aq tau tp tolong jgn samakan dg kyai yg waras
Saya d barisan kyai pribumi satu2 nya d bela adalh kewajiban 3 para ulama kyia ali manachem kyai nur ilkya kiyai imad mantap jiwa ini
Kl kyia yg lain mah ad yg terdokterin habib²
Semoga para ulama warosatul anbiya selalu dalam rahmat Alloh SWT
O Fillah Muslim. Don't let yourself be divided or divided by the enemy, because the Zionists are trying to pit fellow Muslim scholars against each other, both the Habaib and the Kyai.
Don't Stop Talking About Palestine 🇵🇸
“In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“.
“Muhammad was the messenger of Allah and those who were with him were harsh towards the infidels, but kind to each other. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves seeking Allah's grace and Allah's pleasure. On their faces there were signs of former prostration. Such are their attributes (expressed) in the Torah and their attributes (expressed) in the Gospel, which are like a seed that sprouts, then the sprout grows stronger and becomes large and upright on its stem; the plant pleases the hearts of its growers because Allah wants to irritate the hearts of the unbelievers (with the strength of the believers). Allah promises those who believe and do good among them, forgiveness and a great reward.”
“O believers, let you be people who always uphold (the truth) for the sake of Allah, be witnesses fairly. And never let your hatred towards a people make you act unjustly. Be fair, because justice is closer to piety. And fear Allah, indeed Allah is All-Knowing of what you do.”
Salam-O-'Alaykum, O fillah muslimin. Greetings from Palestine 🇵🇸 Qassam XSVSrealteam Anonymous
Semangat memberi ilmu bermanfaat ini prof
Selalu menyimak , sungguh menambah pengetahuan yg sangat brmangpaat .
Alhamdulillah dgn adanya channel ini makin banyak org yg trcerahkan .
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb.
Mohon Ijin Ikut Ngaji Prof ,,
Sungguh Jelas, Indah dan Enak Sekali Penjelasannya utk dipahami.
Semoga Kita Mendapatkan Barokahnya
Membuka hati dan mencerahkan pandangan, trimakasih Pak Ali
Mereka benar2 akan rungkad prof, Saya sangat ingin menyaksikan kerungkadan itu , semangat terus menyampaikan kebenaran nya prof, saya terus mendukung profesor M. Ali 🔥
Yang rungkad itu pasti mukimad cs ..akn terhina..kita liat ya endingnya berani otak Atik nasab yg sudah di sepakati para ulama dunia
Lanjut Prof utk mencerdaskan ummat, smg menjadi amal jariah... aamiin
Smg kajian ilmiah olh ustdz Prof. Manachem Ali ini didengar dan difahami olh kaum Bangalwi dan pemujanya. 🤲👍🙏
lantunan ayat2 suci yg d bacakan prof ali sangat sujuk d hati.!!
Penjelasaan yg betul2 teliti ustadz manachem ali
Semoga Panjang Umur Bpk Manachen Ali..Sehat dan serta senantiasa dilindungi Allah Swt...Al Fatihah Aamiin..Salam Sulawesi...........❤❤❤
Mantap Prof Manachem Ali..!!
Terus mengkaji berdasarkan keilmuan masing-masing, karena sejatinya hidayah itu datang bagi mereka yang berpikir
inisosok guru yg saya cari selama ini .
Semangat terus suarakan kebenaran proff,,, Indonesia akan lebih damai tanpa khabib2 al gendam... Merdeka
Dulu nonton Adam Lucius dan temen2nya buat fun aja sambil ngambil nilai2 moral yg positif aja untuk terus mengingat Ketuhanan. Eh youtube ngarahin ke Prof Ali yg bener2 ahli filologi, jadi banyak ilmu yg diperoleh berdasar kitab2 nyata yg tertulis, yg ternyata semua punya benang merah. Tidak ada peperangan gara2 beda Agama tetapi gara2 kepentingan, nafsu, politik segelintir Manusia yg berkuasa tapi menyeret kaum/bangsanya untuk memerangi kaum/bangsa2 yg lainnya. Dan yg diuntungkan adalah penjual senjata 😂😂.
Jazaakumullah Ilmunya Prof, Umat Islam sangat butuh Orang seperti antum. Semoga sehat selalu dan tambah berkah ilmunya... Amiin❤
Subhanallah mudah2an selalu dpt lindungan Allah SWT diberi pnjang umur murah rizkinya untuk sang Ustadz Manahem ALI selalu dlm lindungan ALLAH Amiin Yaa Robbal Alamiin
Alhamdulillah, syukron ustad pencerahannya, sehat wal afiat selalu ustad. Aamiin ya Robbal alamin
Assalamualaikum ... Semoga Prof Manchem Ali senantiasa diberikan kesehatan, nderek ngaos Prof 🙏
Hadir Pertama..
Kajian yg ditunggu²..
Masya Allah sejuk rasanya mendengarkan ceramah prof. Ustaz menachem ali, bnyk ilmu yg di dapat. Satu orang prof menachem ali lebih bermanfaat dari pada 1000 habib.
❤❤❤ I love prof..terimakasih ilmunya
bandung hadir . alhamdullah . banyak mukibin . sadar setelaah lihat. chanel ini.
Barakallahu ust MA 🙏🙏
Barokalloh Ustadz Menachem Ali... Semoga sehat selalu & senantiasa dlm lindungan Alloh SWT. Semoga sll istiqomah memberikan pencerahan & kajian yg berbobot.
Barokallahu fiikum ustadz,semoga Allah Ta'ala beri kesehatan,ilmu yang bermanfaat,selalu dalam lindungan Allah Ta'ala... Semoga Allah Ta'ala munculkan orang yg lebih banyak lagi yg berilmu seperti ustadz manachem Ali dan ustadz ustadz yg lurus lainnya
Salam tadzim Ustad manachem 😢🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Trimakasih..ustadz..sangat mencerahkan..❤❤❤
Alhamdulillah nikmat Islam yang dilimpahkan Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
Subhanallah wa Alhamdulillah wa laa illaha illallahu allahu Akbar.
Laa haula wa la quwwata illa billahil aliyil adzim.
Sungguh benar, agama bukan untuk senda gurau.👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏
terimakasih ilmunya pak
Masya Allah, Tuan Guru Prof Menahem Ali, Terima Kasih atas kajiannya
Semoga Prof sekeluarga Sehat selalu dan dalam lindungan Allah SWT
Salam dari Kalsel, Banjarmasin
Selalu menyimak prof ali yg selalu mencerdaskan kan umat amiiiiin
Yang lebih haru, sudi meluangkan waktu, utk berbagi, ilmu
Semoga ustad Ali selalu dalam lindungan Allah, diberikan kekuatan dan kesehatan untuk menjaga akidah umat islam...🤲
Alhamdulillah...terimakasih pencerahannya pak ustd manachem ali
O Fillah Muslim. Don't let yourself be divided or divided by the enemy, because the Zionists are trying to pit fellow Muslim scholars against each other, both the Habaib and the Kyai, both of 'Ulama.
Don't Stop Talking About Palestine 🇵🇸
“In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“.
“Muhammad was the messenger of Allah and those who were with him were harsh towards the infidels, but kind to each other. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves seeking Allah's grace and Allah's pleasure. On their faces there were signs of former prostration. Such are their attributes (expressed) in the Torah and their attributes (expressed) in the Gospel, which are like a seed that sprouts, then the sprout grows stronger and becomes large and upright on its stem; the plant pleases the hearts of its growers because Allah wants to irritate the hearts of the unbelievers (with the strength of the believers). Allah promises those who believe and do good among them, forgiveness and a great reward.”
“O believers, let you be people who always uphold (the truth) for the sake of Allah, be witnesses fairly. And never let your hatred towards a people make you act unjustly. Be fair, because justice is closer to piety. And fear Allah, indeed Allah is All-Knowing of what you do.”
Salam-O-'Alaykum, O fillah muslimin. Greetings from Palestine 🇵🇸 Qassam XSVSrealteam Anonymous
MasyaAllah masyaAllah
Alhamdulillah, di pulau Sumatera, terkhusus bagi kami di masyarakat minang kabau Sumatera Barat tidak pernah dikenal dan dijumpai orang-orang yang mengaku sebagai para habib keturunan nabi.
alhamdulillah sangat luas pengetahuan Prof., sangat mencerahkan.
Masya Allah, Subhanallah, Allahuakbar
Selalu hadir kalau kiai prof dr M Ali yang ceramah.
Ummat Islam wajib perkaya literasi seperti ini, apa yg disampaikan oleh ust. Menachem Ali ini dari segi kualitas keilmuan nya dan manfaat jauh melebihi daripada yg disampaikan habib2 yg cuma mengajarkan doktrin
Saya suka cara prof membaca ayat Qur'an, sangat menentramkan hati.. subhanallah
Alhamdulillah ikut nyimak prof.
Teruslah mencerahkan ke islaman p prof m Ali
wong PEMALANG MULYOHARJO...hadir Sebagai Fans beliau
Alhamdulillah , jangan capek mencerahkan umat prof, kami bangga punya prof menachem ali ❤️🇮🇩🙏
MasyaaAllah.... Kebenaran memang pahit... tapi baik bagi kesehatan Mental.... dan Hati..😆
Barakallahu fiik 🤲
Syukron prof Ali atas Ilmunya,, barokah selalu
Balikpapan hadir.....
Smoga Ustadz sehat selalu....
@@Kurniawan-ur1xn Sangatta juga
MasyAllah....semoga sehat selalu Dr.Manachem Ali.
adem dengar ceramah Prof Menachem Ali
Semoga prof manachem Ali selalu dalam lindungan Alloh SWT dalam berjuang amain
Alhamdulillah nderek ngaos kyai prof..
Assalamualaikum Prof Menachem Ali. Surabaya Nyimak 🙏🙏🙏
alhamdulillah tercerahkan .... lanjutkan pak ustad
Semoga Allah menjadikan kita pribumi Nusantara menjadi lebih guyub... Jauhkan dari perpecahan orang2 baalawi.
Semoga kita di jauhkan dari sifat iri dan dengki. Dan semoga kita bisa melewati masa2 fitnah yg sangat keji ini. Amin.
Semoga Alloh jaga sllu ustadz Manachem Ali,....Aamiin.