Sala Harry Potter & turul colegiilor din Oxford / Harry Potter & Oxford colleges tour Partea 2

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2024
  • Va prezentam un tur al celor mai frumoase colegii si biblioteci din Oxford, intr-o frumoasa dupa-amiaza de duminica. Ca un fapt divers, vom intra si intr-o sala din Biblioteca Bodleain unde s-a filmat o parte din Harry Potter si unde gasim cate un exemplar din fiecare carte tiparita in UK. In ziua de astazi biblioteca gazduieste un numar de 13 milioane de carti. Vom vedea gradinile si bibliotecile acestor minunate colegii, precum si capela unuia dintre cele mai cunoscute colegii din Anglia, Trinity College. Spre sfarsitul plimbarii noastre in Oxford, vom vedea un pasaj intre doua cladiri identic cu ''Puntea Suspinelor'' din Venetia, precum si o biblioteca rotunda, construita de catre John Radcliffe, al carui nume il poarta si cel mai mare spital din Oxford. Speram sa va faca placere turul nostru in centrul istoric al Oxford-ului si sa mai urmati si alte filme de ale noastre. Numai bine!
    Today we present to you a tour of the most beautiful colleges in Oxford, in a lovely Sunday afternoon. LIke a curiosity, we will enter a hall from the Bodleain Library where it was filmed a part from Harry Potter and in the same library we can found one copy of each book printed in UK. Today in this library there are more then 13 million books. We shall visit the gardens and the libraries of these wonderful colleges, and also the chapel of Trinity College. In the end we shall see a passage between 2 buildings, which is alike as the Passage of Sighs in Venice, and also a round library, built by John Radcliffe who's name is put to the biggest hospital in Oxford.
    We are hopping that you've enjoyed our journey in the historical centre of Oxford, and please follow us on TH-cam for more films and news on our channel.
    We wish you all the best!

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