Finally got around to uploading all the code and schematics: it's not an easy build, very constrained space and a misplaced wire could mess stuff up on the print head's burner. also requires sourcing a printer that doesn't exist anymore, however the code should be adaptable to any printer you find if you rewrite the printer control code
Finally got around to uploading all the code and schematics: it's not an easy build, very constrained space and a misplaced wire could mess stuff up on the print head's burner. also requires sourcing a printer that doesn't exist anymore, however the code should be adaptable to any printer you find if you rewrite the printer control code
Dude this is amazing! Now I really want to make one :D
Finally got around to uploading all the code and schematics:
it's not an easy build, very constrained space and a misplaced wire could mess stuff up on the print head's burner.
also requires sourcing a printer that doesn't exist anymore, however the code should be adaptable to any printer you find if you rewrite the printer control code
omg i just got a printer and the camera. Whats the setup for this one ?! printing bigger pictures sounds fun
Finally got around to uploading all the code and schematics:
it's not an easy build, very constrained space and a misplaced wire could mess stuff up on the print head's burner.
also requires sourcing a printer that doesn't exist anymore, however the code should be adaptable to any printer you find if you rewrite the printer control code