@@davidringo1399 its sopposed to be thats what tarantino does adapts a true event into a fictional "fairytale" "hollywood amusing" movies aka. this movie inglorious bastards and once upon a time
Are these supposed to be critics? The best parts of Tarantino's work is the pacing, nobody writes a slow, tense scene like him those are the best parts, the character building parts, more film makers need to take note. People are too impatient these days.
I saw this last night, it's fantastic. It was better then I expected & I like Tarantino films. People like Spike Lee who think it's racist are just looking for something to be angry about instead of seeing it for what it is. For me it was thought provoking, it showed sides of slavery I didn't know about, how some slaves had to turn on other slaves for a better life, living in the "big house" etc. It showed a true friendship between Django & Shults & a real love between him & his wife. A+++
I love Tarantino's prolonged dialog scenes. It was one of the only good parts of Four Rooms and part of why Reservoir Dogs is one of my favorite films. Remember how tense the bar scene in Inglorious Basterds was precisely because it was drawn out?
D'Jango (EXCELLENT CLASSIC MOVIE) I will say that I appreciate the accuracy of betrayal of this portion of our historic struggle. The hope of Broomhilda is Mitchell Obama The nightmare of Kevin Candie is Honey Boo Boo!! LOL And Samuel L is Uncle Ruckus (No Relation!!) LMMAFO
I just saw it. I give it a 9/10. I loved every single scene. Obviously 3 hours are a bit too much. With 20-30 minutes less it would be perfect. But the whole theatre seemed to enjoy it much. The acting is amazing, Leo being my favorite. He truly surprised me. I already liked Inglorious Bastards very much but this is better as a whole, more focused. Great great movie. Of course you have to keep in mind is Tarantino (meaning there is always going to be lots of violence)
It showed him training throughout the winter with Shultz. It wasn't overnight that he became good, Shultz taught him to read, shoot & how to handle bounty hunter situations. They were together for months.
It makes no sense to criticise "anachronistic" music, because all 20th century music is anachronistic per definition when used in a Wild West film. Did they think that Spaghetti Western music came from the Old West? If they think it doesn't fit, that's a different matter, but it is all anachronistic.
This movie was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed it. you should cut the scene when Tarantino himself shows up though.....I agree with them on the length but I didn't feel it meandering until it was quite near the end, it's not a big deal. I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Blazing Saddles when reviewing this film [I would agree that it's nowhere near as good a film] - i think the 2 are comparable. I found this to be the funniest movie Tarantino's made in ages 8.5/10 for me :)
To be honest, I didn't like Forest Gump either. What annoys you about Tarrintino films? I can't get what people don't like about it, just curious about specifics.
Yeah but what you're describing isn't what a film critic does, it's what we the average film watcher does. There's a huge difference. For instance, if a baker bakes a cake and I try it I'm certain to have an opinion on whether it's desirable to me BUT if I were to dissect the ingredients,methods and specifically point out the baker's mistakes or lack thereof I also SHOULD be able to bake a good cake myself right?
The variable pacing gives the movie a sense of realism. In life, things don't happen back to back. When the story is believable, you become immersed and don't even notice if the movie is short or long. By the end of it, I thought it was an average length movie. That's how you know it was good.
The only problem I had was that Django didnt ask what a Dragon was when the story of Brumhilda was being told, I think they could have added 5 seconds of diaglogue in there... Maybe something along the lines of; Django:"What?" Dr. King Schultz:"Its a kind of giant fire-breathing lizard." Django:"You got a lot of those back in your country?" Dr. King Schultz:"... Sure."
The more I think about it the more I'm inclined to agree with you. I work in engineering so I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination when it comes to film. You on the other hand have a much better perspective to gauge its complexities. Also, it's not like Ben, Alonso, Matt and Christy were being rude or condescending. So yeah, you've convinced me. Thanks for the articulate replies. =)
The Movie was long but honestly what scene would you take out? There aren't any, the movie was absolutely well rounded, with comedy,enjoyment, seriousness, blood, love...SIMPLY PERFECTION!
Hey... I've only seen this once but the plot seems unnecessary at times. Can anyone tell me when they came up with the Mandingo buying idea, why they didn't just offer 12 grand for the girl to begin with? It confused me why they needed to lie and come up with some intricate plan to get her back instead of buying her. Another part was why didn't the German dude shake Di Caprio's hand... Maybe if i watch it again i can enjoy it more. Didn't like it the first time around.
Django is a BADDD-ASSSS western flick. Its like a hardcore spaghetti-western mix with hints of Blazing Saddles and it also goes deep into the perversity of Slavery.
Wow- the point in which they reach the plantation (and then on) were the best parts of the movie. The speak about bad pacing and lack of tension. The dinner scene were absolutely the most tense in the movie. Loved this movie.
I know what you mean but this Django is. There's a lot of 70's B movie in all Tarantino's films. Watch actual 70's blaxploitation, you can see the connection.
I don't know, sometimes movie critics seem a bit overly critical but their profession does demand that they fancy themselves to be experts on how to make a film. If you're THAT good at gauging what works and what doesn't then why don't YOU make a film? That's what irks me a little. I think in order to be a legit "film critic" you must first write and direct your own film to prove you know what you're talking about. Am I being unfair or narrow-minded?
im black and this movie was the first time the n word didnt bother my from this director. i actually cried in one scene because i could see in the characters eyes what that must have felt like. amazing Jamie Foxx
Not necessarily. I can't bake, but if I taste a cake I can say it's too sweet, or too salty, or too doughy, or too eggy. I work in animation, I know the television and film very well. It's not easy to make a film, like it is to just bake a cake. My experience in the television animation and film industry has proven to me, that a lot of hacks get opportunities for any number of reasons... other than pure skill. When you watch a film don't you have an opinion about it? That's all critics do too.
I see the point you're trying to make and I agree with it to a point, that being said you also have to understand that the movie wasn't about Django being a hero, I think it was more of about one particular man rising from oppression and taking back what was taken from him, one being his wife, and the other his freedom.
I'm surprised Leonardo DiCaprio isn't getting as much attention for his performance. Everyone was great (except Tarantino, who needs to quit putting himself in his movies), but Leo was fantastic. I had the same problem with the movies pacing, but still worth watching.
Lots of people are saying that this movie should have been shorter. Honestly, I can't think of a single scene that Tarantino should have cut back on. In fact, if a 4 hour extended edition came out I would be more than happy to watch it. Also to many comments saying "this movie made me ashamed to be white" I have been seeing, don't ever be ashamed of your skin colour. And that goes for every race. Be ashamed of the actions the race has done, not of the race itself. Anyway, 9.3/10 for me.
They talk about pacing and things going slow as a negative. I can only imagine them reviewing a Sergio Leone film. Which is where Tarantino gets all that from.
I feel that Jamie Foxx was good enough for the role, if it was Will Smith instead i'd believe that he would've given Django more of a comical persona where as Jamie gave a more insistent persona and a dark-horse, bad ass-like vibe. Either way Quentin's screenplay and writing really did compose the entire film extremely well.
I only had two problems with this film, some of the humour, like the bag-head scene, was a bit too over the top and felt more like they belonged in Blazing Saddles rather than a Tarantino film. My other problem was Broomhilda, aside from being the big prize for Django she really didn't do anything apart from scream and cry a lot, you'd think all the shit she's gone through would have made her a bit tougher at least. Aside from that it was a pretty decent Tarantino film, just not one of his best.
They are right about the pace of his movies; I haven't seen this one but Jackie Brown and Pulp Fiction are good examples; both are over 2 1/2 hours long and, at times, very slow.
the part regarding the hoods with eye holes was really out of place, I think that should have been left as a dvd bonus deleted scene. Still a great movie with solid writing.
Thank you. I knew i was missing something. Still a bit confused why he would rather die then shake Di Caprio's hand. Maybe they were going to get ambushed after anyway, but why go through all the trouble of filling out a receipt for the slave then. Uhh just seemed like a cheap set up for a fight sequence. Also the German guy was facing his shooter before he even turned around and he waited for the guy to shoot him. Oh, and i agree, offering 3 grand for the slave girl would have made more sense.
I thought Tarantino did another fantastic job with Django Unchained. The only negative critique I had (and mind you it's very minor), was what the guy was talking about with his "pacing" of this movie. Towards the end there, it got a little slow for about 20-30 minutes. But honestly, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. I loved the movie! Tarantino never ceases to amaze me with his movies! Great job from Waltz, Dicaprio, Foxx and Jackson! 4.5 out of 5 from me overall
Agree with slow pacing narrative being a problem for Tarantino. I dozed off during one part of Basterds, and that opening scene I was going "get on with it, enough blah blah blah". Does this movie explain how a slave becomes a crack shot?
yeah I said the same thing about There Will Be Blood and Inglorious Basterds... Tarantino and PT Anderson will go down as two of the greatest directors who ever live, so yeah, they will have a few movies on there... Pulp Fiction should be on there already... you better not dismiss There Will Be Blood because it is a masterpiece if there ever was one...
the movie is honest and accurate in the way you wouldnt expect it to be. the characters leave lasting impressions and are obviously having fun in their roles. the pacing IS very weird but i cant bitch about it cause i already know thats how quentin is. i always like the way they edit the stroy telling like when introducing characters like that part where broomhilda simply says "they call me hildie" and that was all from the flashback and then it was back to jamie and christoph i love that shit!
I agree ... maybe I should use different word instead of accurate but when I watched the movie I absolutely loved it because what you just said and the way tarantino wrapped it up.. at the same time I was thinking that the many filmmakers tried to make movies about history of slavery but no one ever made movie like this before .. This western genre movie says the story that has to be told ... Idk everyone has different point of view but that's my opinion..
Yes they obvious like the sound of their own voices more than giving a concise, to the point review of the movie.i just want to know if it is worth watching.But I could even watch this review.
I don't know why but I always underestimate Jamie Foxx's acting abilities. I heard that Will Smith, Terrence Howard and Idris Elba were in the running for the role. I originally though Foxx was miscast but I was totally wrong. Jamie Foxx is Django!!!!!!!! He is brilliant. And so is the rest of the cast!!!
I don't think there was any scenes that needed to be cut, that Quentin removed himself beforehand. You could argue that removal of the humorous scenes is necessary, but I think they bring a needed break from the torture and violence, and lighten the mood a little bit.
hey reviewers i honestly believe you guys should all watch this movie again...because i cannot understand what would make someone give it less than a 9/10 i swear...i like to consider myself openminded but i just cant grasp what would inspire you guys to rate this movie like you did. especially the female. any person reading this who has not watched the movie go ahead and enjoy what is one of the best films ive seen in a while. just cause you dont like it doesnt change how good it is 9.5/10
I feel like everything interesting happened in the middle when things slowed down, and to make it into a movie the beginning and the end were rushed through and slapped on.
With the exception of your use of "nobody" (these folks are pros in their own right), I largely agree with what yo have to say. I also don't agree that Tarantino movies are beyond "dissecting"--that's what a review boils down to in the end.
One of the reasons I love this movie is it's dirty and it has balls. What I mean by that is it seems that a lot of Hollywood movies I've seen lately try to whitewash and sanitize the story to make it pretty and happy. Thank God for Quentin Tarantino. This movie is a work of fiction, but it shows how real people act and talk and live, and how they actually did during that stain on America's history. It is a classic film.
Couldn't agree more. The bar scene in IB is one of my favourite moments in cinema. I love the undercurrent of savagery masked by civility and genteel bonhomie.
There is so much more to it than the shooting scenes. There were great dialogues and unexpected moments. The ending was great in my opinion. It was a Tarantino masterpiece.
I'm glad that you are open to people of different opinions, and are obviously trying to challenge yourself intellectually, not just trying to win cheap points. Good to know that you are improving our dialogue, and helping America be number 1 in character, in connectiveness, and in goodwill towards neighbors :)
Don't listen to these guys and shorten your films. Loved every second of the film and couldn't think of a scene or segment I'd cut out. The longevity, depth and subtlety of the less weighty scenes is what partly makes Tarantino films spectacularly engrossing. The Inside Man comparison? Really? It doesn't have NEAR the breadth of characters as Django. And even then they don't have nearly as much depth or layering. Silly comments from the panel imo.
I thought that the pace was near perfect, I was never bored while watching, maybe if I watched it a few more times I could agree but I pleased throughout non the less.
This movie was so compelling and was so awesome. I seen it last night in the theaters and i didn't even no Quentin Tarantino was the director and of course he acted in it . U can tell its a Quentin Tarantino movie right away
I'll never understand when people complain about generic crap like pacing and then flat out say a movie is great - well it wouldn't *be* the same movie, it couldn't leave the same impression if it was different now would it? You're responding to what was there when you say it's great.
I'd give it a 7 or 8, it was really great and probably shaping up to be his best film other than Pulp Fiction until the shootout. The shootout itself did nothing for me, then instead of having him just pull through the first time he's surrounded and captured. That'd be fine if it just ended there but they spend the next like 30 minutes getting him free in the most convoluted way possible and arriving at the *exact same fucking outcome* as if he'd just escaped the first time. And that's the movie Tarantino won a writing Oscar for? The last 1/3 of the movie was so fucking bad it really marred the rest of it
no the best scene was the begining of basterds the scene at the farm that scene is some of the best written, directed, acted scenes tarantino has ever done... i watched inglorious basterds last night and once again reminded myself how brilliant it really is. personally its my favorite movie hes done and ive seen all his movies. its the best looking directed, acted, written and most enjoyable movie to date. there are some scenes in that movie that take the breath away at how great they are.
This is the first review where no one mentioned Don Johnson's role as Big Daddy. He had the funniest part, Don and Jonah Hill. The white ppl had the best time out of anyone in the theater the Xmas night I watched it. It enhanced the movies greatness for me.
if you think the movie was slow then you have ADD. it was perfect from start to finish, every moment.
It was quite fast paced in my opinion, so entertaining.
A trick: watch movies at Flixzone. Been using them for watching a lot of movies lately.
@Koa Marco yea, have been using flixzone for years myself =)
@Koa Marco yea, I have been using flixzone for since november myself =)
@Koa Marco yup, I've been using Flixzone for since december myself =)
I thought it was one of the best movie of the decade so far
Django Unchained is EASILY a 10/10 and the best 2012 movie.
One of QTs top 3 imo. Well made
total absolute 100% fiction.......
@@davidringo1399 its sopposed to be thats what tarantino does adapts a true event into a fictional "fairytale" "hollywood amusing" movies aka. this movie inglorious bastards and once upon a time
My favorite Tarantino movie. Hell yes.
I actually enjoyed Django Unchained more then Inglorious Basterds. I feel like Inglorious was disjointed and the characters not as rounded.
Are these supposed to be critics? The best parts of Tarantino's work is the pacing, nobody writes a slow, tense scene like him those are the best parts, the character building parts, more film makers need to take note. People are too impatient these days.
I saw this last night, it's fantastic. It was better then I expected & I like Tarantino films. People like Spike Lee who think it's racist are just looking for something to be angry about instead of seeing it for what it is. For me it was thought provoking, it showed sides of slavery I didn't know about, how some slaves had to turn on other slaves for a better life, living in the "big house" etc. It showed a true friendship between Django & Shults & a real love between him & his wife. A+++
Leonardo DiCaprio yeah he appeared in a comedy back in the 90's on the series;Growing Pains by the end of the series in 1992
I wouldn't cut a second out of an of Tarantino's movies. I am always looking forward to his next film and he has yet to disappoint me.
***** Have you seen Death Proof? That really disappointed me
Walter White I love Death Proof. :-)
My least favorite is probably Inglorious Basterds.
I love Tarantino's prolonged dialog scenes. It was one of the only good parts of Four Rooms and part of why Reservoir Dogs is one of my favorite films. Remember how tense the bar scene in Inglorious Basterds was precisely because it was drawn out?
D'Jango (EXCELLENT CLASSIC MOVIE) I will say that I appreciate the accuracy of betrayal of this portion of our historic struggle.
The hope of Broomhilda is Mitchell Obama
The nightmare of Kevin Candie is Honey Boo Boo!! LOL
And Samuel L is Uncle Ruckus (No Relation!!) LMMAFO
I just saw it. I give it a 9/10. I loved every single scene. Obviously 3 hours are a bit too much. With 20-30 minutes less it would be perfect. But the whole theatre seemed to enjoy it much. The acting is amazing, Leo being my favorite. He truly surprised me. I already liked Inglorious Bastards very much but this is better as a whole, more focused. Great great movie. Of course you have to keep in mind is Tarantino (meaning there is always going to be lots of violence)
It showed him training throughout the winter with Shultz. It wasn't overnight that he became good, Shultz taught him to read, shoot & how to handle bounty hunter situations. They were together for months.
It makes no sense to criticise "anachronistic" music, because all 20th century music is anachronistic per definition when used in a Wild West film. Did they think that Spaghetti Western music came from the Old West? If they think it doesn't fit, that's a different matter, but it is all anachronistic.
i don't think these guys understand tension building. the climaxes wouldn't seem half as satisfying if u cut down the dialogue before hand.
ТTТThis mоvie is now avаilаable toооo watсh hеeere => twitter.com/c8ca046e1a68a9c2e/status/795841819720368128 Django Unchаined Movie Rеeеviеeeew
it doesn't work for me, only a pop-up shows up when i press the play button
For those who have seen the movie (like me), what 70's pop song is Alonzo talking about. It wasn't the Johnny Cash song, right?
I adore Django Unchained. It's a MASTERPIECE.
This movie was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed it. you should cut the scene when Tarantino himself shows up though.....I agree with them on the length but I didn't feel it meandering until it was quite near the end, it's not a big deal. I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Blazing Saddles when reviewing this film [I would agree that it's nowhere near as good a film] - i think the 2 are comparable. I found this to be the funniest movie Tarantino's made in ages
8.5/10 for me
What was the name of the "70's middle of the road song that was perfect?" I saw it but I don't know the name of the song
To be honest, I didn't like Forest Gump either. What annoys you about Tarrintino films? I can't get what people don't like about it, just curious about specifics.
Before I watch this... are there spoilers?
What about them do you usually dislike?
not a love story, It's a Revenge flick
Alonso looks so damn young here
What did you not like about it?
Yeah but what you're describing isn't what a film critic does, it's what we the average film watcher does. There's a huge difference.
For instance, if a baker bakes a cake and I try it I'm certain to have an opinion on whether it's desirable to me BUT if I were to dissect the ingredients,methods and specifically point out the baker's mistakes or lack thereof I also SHOULD be able to bake a good cake myself right?
The variable pacing gives the movie a sense of realism. In life, things don't happen back to back. When the story is believable, you become immersed and don't even notice if the movie is short or long. By the end of it, I thought it was an average length movie. That's how you know it was good.
The only problem I had was that Django didnt ask what a Dragon was when the story of Brumhilda was being told, I think they could have added 5 seconds of diaglogue in there... Maybe something along the lines of; Django:"What?" Dr. King Schultz:"Its a kind of giant fire-breathing lizard." Django:"You got a lot of those back in your country?" Dr. King Schultz:"... Sure."
The more I think about it the more I'm inclined to agree with you. I work in engineering so I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination when it comes to film. You on the other hand have a much better perspective to gauge its complexities.
Also, it's not like Ben, Alonso, Matt and Christy were being rude or condescending.
So yeah, you've convinced me. Thanks for the articulate replies. =)
And exactly what scene would you cut out of the movie. And Tarantino's not good at what he does. He's the best at what he does.
even when they like a movie, they talk shit about it.
Think it's the 'h' that silent. the 5 parts NY press also give great info, for those who like the movie, I recommend it.
Django is a classic!
The Movie was long but honestly what scene would you take out? There aren't any, the movie was absolutely well rounded, with comedy,enjoyment, seriousness, blood, love...SIMPLY PERFECTION!
Thanks you for a very pleasant exchange. I wish all you tube discussions were as thoughtful as the one you and I had. Cheers mate!
This movie was a love story at its core, however it is easy to forget that with all the blood being spilled al over the walls.
Hey... I've only seen this once but the plot seems unnecessary at times. Can anyone tell me when they came up with the Mandingo buying idea, why they didn't just offer 12 grand for the girl to begin with? It confused me why they needed to lie and come up with some intricate plan to get her back instead of buying her. Another part was why didn't the German dude shake Di Caprio's hand... Maybe if i watch it again i can enjoy it more. Didn't like it the first time around.
Django is a BADDD-ASSSS western flick.
Its like a hardcore spaghetti-western mix with hints of Blazing Saddles and
it also goes deep into the perversity of Slavery.
Wow- the point in which they reach the plantation (and then on) were the best parts of the movie. The speak about bad pacing and lack of tension. The dinner scene were absolutely the most tense in the movie. Loved this movie.
I know what you mean but this Django is. There's a lot of 70's B movie in all Tarantino's films. Watch actual 70's blaxploitation, you can see the connection.
who wrote the subtitles ??
Love the long reviews where the guys just talk to each other.
his dialogue is so amazing
I don't know, sometimes movie critics seem a bit overly critical but their profession does demand that they fancy themselves to be experts on how to make a film.
If you're THAT good at gauging what works and what doesn't then why don't YOU make a film? That's what irks me a little. I think in order to be a legit "film critic" you must first write and direct your own film to prove you know what you're talking about.
Am I being unfair or narrow-minded?
im black and this movie was the first time the n word didnt bother my from this director. i actually cried in one scene because i could see in the characters eyes what that must have felt like. amazing Jamie Foxx
Not necessarily. I can't bake, but if I taste a cake I can say it's too sweet, or too salty, or too doughy, or too eggy.
I work in animation, I know the television and film very well. It's not easy to make a film, like it is to just bake a cake. My experience in the television animation and film industry has proven to me, that a lot of hacks get opportunities for any number of reasons... other than pure skill.
When you watch a film don't you have an opinion about it? That's all critics do too.
The Dr was my favorite character
the worst critics I have ever come across
I see the point you're trying to make and I agree with it to a point, that being said you also have to understand that the movie wasn't about Django being a hero, I think it was more of about one particular man rising from oppression and taking back what was taken from him, one being his wife, and the other his freedom.
he's referring to "I Got A Name" by Jim Croce
I'm surprised Leonardo DiCaprio isn't getting as much attention for his performance. Everyone was great (except Tarantino, who needs to quit putting himself in his movies), but Leo was fantastic. I had the same problem with the movies pacing, but still worth watching.
i thought it was better than kill bill and about as good as inglourious basterds
I felt that the longer scenes just built up the tension like at the dinner table or when Calvin insists on a handshake to seal the deal.
Ben wtf.. how do they say.. did you reinvent yourself?
Lots of people are saying that this movie should have been shorter. Honestly, I can't think of a single scene that Tarantino should have cut back on. In fact, if a 4 hour extended edition came out I would be more than happy to watch it.
Also to many comments saying "this movie made me ashamed to be white" I have been seeing, don't ever be ashamed of your skin colour. And that goes for every race. Be ashamed of the actions the race has done, not of the race itself.
Anyway, 9.3/10 for me.
They talk about pacing and things going slow as a negative. I can only imagine them reviewing a Sergio Leone film. Which is where Tarantino gets all that from.
I feel that Jamie Foxx was good enough for the role, if it was Will Smith instead i'd believe that he would've given Django more of a comical persona where as Jamie gave a more insistent persona and a dark-horse, bad ass-like vibe. Either way Quentin's screenplay and writing really did compose the entire film extremely well.
I only had two problems with this film, some of the humour, like the bag-head scene, was a bit too over the top and felt more like they belonged in Blazing Saddles rather than a Tarantino film. My other problem was Broomhilda, aside from being the big prize for Django she really didn't do anything apart from scream and cry a lot, you'd think all the shit she's gone through would have made her a bit tougher at least. Aside from that it was a pretty decent Tarantino film, just not one of his best.
DeCaprio was in Catch Me If You Can, that was kind of a comedy.
They are right about the pace of his movies; I haven't seen this one but Jackie Brown and Pulp Fiction are good examples; both are over 2 1/2 hours long and, at times, very slow.
The disscusion seemed very positive and they said several times it was a great movie. But their scores seemed pretty low afterwards.
the part regarding the hoods with eye holes was really out of place, I think that should have been left as a dvd bonus deleted scene. Still a great movie with solid writing.
that was the funniest scene in the movie
Why are you guys using the Young Turks studio?!
Just rewatched this. These people really think that nitpicking is a review.
Thank you. I knew i was missing something. Still a bit confused why he would rather die then shake Di Caprio's hand. Maybe they were going to get ambushed after anyway, but why go through all the trouble of filling out a receipt for the slave then. Uhh just seemed like a cheap set up for a fight sequence. Also the German guy was facing his shooter before he even turned around and he waited for the guy to shoot him. Oh, and i agree, offering 3 grand for the slave girl would have made more sense.
I thought Tarantino did another fantastic job with Django Unchained. The only negative critique I had (and mind you it's very minor), was what the guy was talking about with his "pacing" of this movie. Towards the end there, it got a little slow for about 20-30 minutes. But honestly, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. I loved the movie! Tarantino never ceases to amaze me with his movies! Great job from Waltz, Dicaprio, Foxx and Jackson! 4.5 out of 5 from me overall
Agree with slow pacing narrative being a problem for Tarantino. I dozed off during one part of Basterds, and that opening scene I was going "get on with it, enough blah blah blah". Does this movie explain how a slave becomes a crack shot?
yeah I said the same thing about There Will Be Blood and Inglorious Basterds... Tarantino and PT Anderson will go down as two of the greatest directors who ever live, so yeah, they will have a few movies on there... Pulp Fiction should be on there already... you better not dismiss There Will Be Blood because it is a masterpiece if there ever was one...
the movie is honest and accurate in the way you wouldnt expect it to be. the characters leave lasting impressions and are obviously having fun in their roles. the pacing IS very weird but i cant bitch about it cause i already know thats how quentin is. i always like the way they edit the stroy telling like when introducing characters like that part where broomhilda simply says "they call me hildie" and that was all from the flashback and then it was back to jamie and christoph i love that shit!
I agree ... maybe I should use different word instead of accurate but when I watched the movie I absolutely loved it because what you just said and the way tarantino wrapped it up.. at the same time I was thinking that the many filmmakers tried to make movies about history of slavery but no one ever made movie like this before .. This western genre movie says the story that has to be told ... Idk everyone has different point of view but that's my opinion..
Yes they obvious like the sound of their own voices more than giving a concise, to the point review of the movie.i just want to know if it is worth watching.But I could even watch this review.
I'm always glad when Alonso and Ben have seen the movies. They have such a great wealth of knowlege.
I don't know why but I always underestimate Jamie Foxx's acting abilities. I heard that Will Smith, Terrence Howard and Idris Elba were in the running for the role. I originally though Foxx was miscast but I was totally wrong. Jamie Foxx is Django!!!!!!!! He is brilliant. And so is the rest of the cast!!!
I don't think there was any scenes that needed to be cut, that Quentin removed himself beforehand. You could argue that removal of the humorous scenes is necessary, but I think they bring a needed break from the torture and violence, and lighten the mood a little bit.
hey reviewers i honestly believe you guys should all watch this movie again...because i cannot understand what would make someone give it less than a 9/10 i swear...i like to consider myself openminded but i just cant grasp what would inspire you guys to rate this movie like you did. especially the female. any person reading this who has not watched the movie go ahead and enjoy what is one of the best films ive seen in a while. just cause you dont like it doesnt change how good it is 9.5/10
I feel like everything interesting happened in the middle when things slowed down, and to make it into a movie the beginning and the end were rushed through and slapped on.
With the exception of your use of "nobody" (these folks are pros in their own right), I largely agree with what yo have to say. I also don't agree that Tarantino movies are beyond "dissecting"--that's what a review boils down to in the end.
One of the reasons I love this movie is it's dirty and it has balls. What I mean by that is it seems that a lot of Hollywood movies I've seen lately try to whitewash and sanitize the story to make it pretty and happy. Thank God for Quentin Tarantino. This movie is a work of fiction, but it shows how real people act and talk and live, and how they actually did during that stain on America's history. It is a classic film.
Couldn't agree more. The bar scene in IB is one of my favourite moments in cinema. I love the undercurrent of savagery masked by civility and genteel bonhomie.
have you guys seen the first django it sucked i could only watch it for 5 minutes did it have anything to do with django unchained.
There is so much more to it than the shooting scenes. There were great dialogues and unexpected moments. The ending was great in my opinion. It was a Tarantino masterpiece.
I'm glad that you are open to people of different opinions, and are obviously trying to challenge yourself intellectually, not just trying to win cheap points. Good to know that you are improving our dialogue, and helping America be number 1 in character, in connectiveness, and in goodwill towards neighbors :)
Didn't beat Kill Bill for me, but still an awesome movie, loved DiCaprio in it.
Don't listen to these guys and shorten your films. Loved every second of the film and couldn't think of a scene or segment I'd cut out. The longevity, depth and subtlety of the less weighty scenes is what partly makes Tarantino films spectacularly engrossing.
The Inside Man comparison? Really? It doesn't have NEAR the breadth of characters as Django. And even then they don't have nearly as much depth or layering. Silly comments from the panel imo.
I thought that the pace was near perfect, I was never bored while watching, maybe if I watched it a few more times I could agree but I pleased throughout non the less.
Django and The Master will be on the sight and sound poll one day...
why does "Christoph Waltz" doesn`t get more parts/rolls in Hollywood ? He`s such an great actor
This movie was a 10/10 to me. It was great. I'm glad Will Smith didn't play Django. Jamie Foxx brings swag to his character.
This movie was so compelling and was so awesome. I seen it last night in the theaters and i didn't even no Quentin Tarantino was the director and of course he acted in it . U can tell its a Quentin Tarantino movie right away
DiCaprio has a good amount of humorous scenes in The Aviator.
I'll never understand when people complain about generic crap like pacing and then flat out say a movie is great - well it wouldn't *be* the same movie, it couldn't leave the same impression if it was different now would it? You're responding to what was there when you say it's great.
Shouldn't director be in love with his writing? The most logical thing ever, one would think.
If I were to title this movie it would be "Equal Opportunity Massacre" lol
I'd give it a 7 or 8, it was really great and probably shaping up to be his best film other than Pulp Fiction until the shootout. The shootout itself did nothing for me, then instead of having him just pull through the first time he's surrounded and captured. That'd be fine if it just ended there but they spend the next like 30 minutes getting him free in the most convoluted way possible and arriving at the *exact same fucking outcome* as if he'd just escaped the first time. And that's the movie Tarantino won a writing Oscar for? The last 1/3 of the movie was so fucking bad it really marred the rest of it
why not 10. it's the best movie ever made
+عبد البديع فلاتة Well I did just explain how I didn't like the last act
+GiantSandles oh!! but Leo DiCaprio's table scene is enough to to forgive that. literally best scene ever
I wanted them to talk about Tarantino's scene as an Aussie. That was painful. He should have given Paul Hogan a job.
no the best scene was the begining of basterds the scene at the farm that scene is some of the best written, directed, acted scenes tarantino has ever done... i watched inglorious basterds last night and once again reminded myself how brilliant it really is. personally its my favorite movie hes done and ive seen all his movies. its the best looking directed, acted, written and most enjoyable movie to date. there are some scenes in that movie that take the breath away at how great they are.
This is the first review where no one mentioned Don Johnson's role as Big Daddy. He had the funniest part, Don and Jonah Hill. The white ppl had the best time out of anyone in the theater the Xmas night I watched it. It enhanced the movies greatness for me.