These talks has given me a deep understanding of grace and how it is helping me move forward on this holy path.i now experience what the guru realy is .God bless.thanks lord thanks
It is indeed amazing how the universe brings such priceless recordings to us long after Maharaj left the form.. Even the voice of the reader sounds as if Maharaj himself is speaking these words!!!
@@ZenMountain We certainly shouldn't be listening to you. you might be right in what you say, but you have no capacity whatsoever to teach. You should therefore remain silent.
The single most effective human in my live. I read I am that,couple of times,15 years ago,and it transformed anything. Now Im letting him again remind me. I love this.
@@kyleerhard9284 How do you know what you don't know? Are you calling Nisargadatta an fake, a charlatans or me? I was at a very dark place when i was given I Am That in 2002-2003. It Totally fökt me up for a while, I lost my mind when I was reading it the first time, i practiced and learned to see how I was wrong about anything. I was trying out so many Psychiatric drugs that doctors thought would help me but none of them did. Slowly quitted them over 10 months. All at the same time i was reading this book. Something happened when I detached from my thoughts and body and feelings and questioned anything. It might sound shallow to you but I am not talking about what you think. I'm not pretending to have a answer or solution but this was something that changed me. Even though I could be doing a lot more, I recognize turning points like that and when I learned to seek help and be there for others. Somewhere i read that Maharaj is a pioneer in spreading modern Non-Dualism. It gave me hope that i did not have before.
Abide in your self and, give importance to the conciusness inspite of mind and body .as self or Atman is eternal .It is 1the essence of teaching. Thanks.
Absolute clarity in the I..Ness and the ....Amness. Early morning meditation while contemplating on the talks of Maharaj is Nirvana, freedom from body and mind..Those having a quest will be satisfied ..No doubt.
Has anyone else, who is really been doing this successfully for a while, found that your intelligence has become really powerful??? I know so much about people now, how they tick etc. I don't induldge in this however, but the self really is intrinsically all knowing. I feel like i have a superpower emerging. I'll stop now, as this talk is of the ego. I just wanted to check with someone else, and then I will let these pondering burn into spirit.
@Paramahansa Yogananda I am not sure who you are supposed to be convincing here, but Nisargadatta's teachings do not hold up to the ultimate simplicity with which Bhagavan revealed that there are no human beings, and there is only one ego that takes itself to be a body and thereby creating the multiplicity that is then taken to be real. Bhakti has to logically lead to jnana because one realizes that there are no others, and one should therefore love all as oneself, and that (according to Bhagavan) should lead to the questioning of "Who am I?", which is the beginning of true knowledge.
Sri Bhagavan, I thank you for such words of Empathy and Insight. May Satchitananda, equated here as Maharaj, continue to guide and be the Light of All. You have given me the next rung on the ladder towards who I really am, and you offered 'letting go' of that rung when ready and no longer needed. Such direct and simple words from an Enlightened householder. Like the Father guiding His children...
Just wish to express my gratitude to you for uplaoding these talks. Gratitude to Jagatguru Shree Nisargadatta Maharaj who appeared in the body as such to put in words which cannot be said. Gratitude to the consciousness which plays all this drama and listens to the audio and writes this in this moment. Gratitude to the great great game.
Saint ! Saint ! Saint !!! Nisargadatta ! O ma Colombe qui vous tenez dans les fentes des rochers , qui vous cachez dans les parois escarpées , montrez-moi votre visage , que votre voix résonne à mes oreilles . Car votre voix est douce , et votre visage plein de beauté . Purifiez mon coeur et mes lèvres , ô Dieu tout puissant , qui avez purifié les lèvres d'Isaie avec un charbon ardent . Daignez avoir pitié de moi et me purifier en sorte que je puisse lire dignement votre Évangile . Vous m' arroserez avec l' hysope , Seigneur , et je serai purifié . Vous me laverez et je deviendrai plus blanc que neige . Ayez pitié de moi , ô mon Dieu , selon votre grande miséricorde . Gloire au Père , et au Fils , et au Saint - Esprit ., that knocked it back into focus 47:15...damn 54:30...WHAT!?!?!? 1:26:26...thats REALLY important if thats real. Im in crazy amounts of physical pain right now.
re:54:30 from I AM THAT (dialogue 51) : "My guru told me, 'Trust me, I tell you: you are Divine. Take it as the absolute truth. Your joy is divine, your suffering is divine too. All comes from God. Remember it always. You are God, your will alone is done.' I did believe him and soon realized how wonderfully true and accurate were his words. I did not condition my mind by thinking, 'I am God, I am wonderful, I am beyond.' I simply followed his instruction, which was to focus the mind on pure being, 'I am,' and stay in it."
Hey seekers! I want know what practice your doing after hearing all this I am stuff. I'm planning on meditation on the 'I' thought and its orgin, lack of patience is my problem.
Perhaps you can find your practice by being open to within? The "I" thought is a good start. Is it just a thought? What is its referent? Maybe you are suggesting your own practice with the questions? If you know your lack of patience is your problem, then there you go! That is simple and easy. Why complicate the ultimately simple when doing so simply veils your essence? You are the practice, so stay with it as best you can. Self unto self shall speak. Good Fortune!
Mind always perceive things in words or images, so drop all words and images and you will be surprise to see you are no more mind. be in no mind all will happen on it owns.
Patients is key, enlightenment chooses you, you can not bring it on, ,because you are on ,from the start just be... you must swim the mote before you climb the castle wall, good luck ,silence is MASTER
Awareness is you as the knower. It is irreducible in your experience. When you know that you cannot be anything that you can know, you are the knower. You are aware of consciousness and consciousness always takes an object as in "conscious of". Consciousness is a knowing of something, it requires duality. Awareness does not depend on consciousness, but consciousness depends on awareness. Now, go within and experience the consciousness as it is. Is there anything you can know that does not involve consciousness? Can consciousness be conscious of itself? Can awareness be aware of awareness, or is that what you are being when you know you are not anything? Find out.
Sir, I appreciate your work which I find extremely helpful~ one minor thing - talks on December 26th, 1980 seem to be missing~ thanks again and always!
1:20:50 What is incomprehensible to me is...why could such a realised soul not have self control to overcome habits...which even lay people are able to do with ease.
A realized soul doesn’t have any difference between a good or a bad habit. He or She can continue with their habits as they themselves are in Godly consciousness all the time
Which is superior, the Absolute not knowing itself, or the Absolute knowing itself? If nothing were to be gained by knowing itself, then why does it go there? How can not knowing itself be better, since it is by definition lesser, it lacks? When Buddha realized the Absolute, why didn't the universe disappear, game over?
Knowingness is inferior to don't knowing because knowingness breaks up the whole into parts but always misses the whole. Yet knowingness/consciousness is useful because it can turn around beyond itself to recognize the very source/Absolute. Maya by its nature does not exist actually although it appears to exist. So to expect/insist on that which doesn't exist in the first place to disappear is also a way of not seeing it thoroughly enough. Like shadows, they don't need to go away...
Hi, I'm adilson and I have this huge pressing desire to create the life I desire. My being is telling me it's time to transform my life and be on the path I know to be my true self. But, realistically Im collecting unemployment and have a family to support ( the voice in my head is telling me). How can I break this egotistical voice and create the value in my life( find the money)?
Lightning tonite 4 ME, AL EL ISHA, DinE UNITED, Sri MY Main Munkie, passed on 2 ME When I Turned 7+6mos, I Borned this TIME on march 7, 1974 , I AM WOMAN First, CHRIST Now ALSO , SRI passed onto me on Sept 9, 1981. SumBitBai WE Love U ETERNAL!
Great video!! found you through suggested videos. I just started a TH-cam Channel not long ago and very interested in the human evolution and spirituality topic. Keep following your passion and creating great content. Sending you good vibes and lots of love 💖
We are conditioned to think we are our name, we learn to live as a family , just like animals, we don't know death when we are children, when we realize there is death, we are too conditioned. How do we wake up? Just ask yourself why you were born?
I'm driving myself insane listening to this contradictory dialog. I hear the same thing over and over, different teachers all points to the same 'no thing' If I actually existed, I'd be insane.
Workdove The mind must be driven insane. This is precisely the point of the apparent contradictions. To drive the mind so insane trying to comprehend what it cannot, that it gives up. Only when the mind gives up and becomes quiet can the true meaning of Maharaj’s words be understood. Anything that can be understood by the mind is a concept only. All concepts are of no real use to you. They will not put you at ease nor take you home to yourself.
It’s amazing to hear Nisargadatta Maharaj instantly brings dispassion towards the world as it is not real
These talks has given me a deep understanding of grace and how it is helping me move forward on this holy path.i now experience what the guru realy is .God bless.thanks lord thanks
It is indeed amazing how the universe brings such priceless recordings to us long after Maharaj left the form.. Even the voice of the reader sounds as if Maharaj himself is speaking these words!!!
That’s why I love this channel so much. It’s as if it’s maharaj himself bringing us this wisdom.
@@ZenMountain We certainly shouldn't be listening to you. you might be right in what you say, but you have no capacity whatsoever to teach. You should therefore remain silent.
"Consciousness takes him by the ear and brings him here" so true wow!
And it rhymes too.
There is no one here
I have never listened to a 1 hour 45 min video... till today. Thank you for sharing this 🙏
The world doesn't bother no one.
The I am is bothering everyone.
Thnkyou Guru for knowledge of the I am.
The single most effective human in my live. I read I am that,couple of times,15 years ago,and it transformed anything.
Now Im letting him again remind me. I love this.
You might like living teacher Vishrant. Not as deep but is fully awake person.
Also Mooji.
@@djedeye2665 I find him a fraud and an actor
@austin426512 many charlatans claiming to be finished with the path, non- returners.
Your heart will tell ya which I think.
@@kyleerhard9284 How do you know what you don't know? Are you calling Nisargadatta an fake, a charlatans or me? I was at a very dark place when i was given I Am That in 2002-2003. It Totally fökt me up for a while, I lost my mind when I was reading it the first time, i practiced and learned to see how I was wrong about anything. I was trying out so many Psychiatric drugs that doctors thought would help me but none of them did. Slowly quitted them over 10 months. All at the same time i was reading this book. Something happened when I detached from my thoughts and body and feelings and questioned anything. It might sound shallow to you but I am not talking about what you think. I'm not pretending to have a answer or solution but this was something that changed me. Even though I could be doing a lot more, I recognize turning points like that and when I learned to seek help and be there for others. Somewhere i read that Maharaj is a pioneer in spreading modern Non-Dualism. It gave me hope that i did not have before.
The Final Talks indeed!!
Eternal Gratitude 🙏♥️
Truth is timeless, this format is a blessing.
This is the most profound thing I have ever heard in my entire life in Jesus I have listened to quite a bit of stuff ❤
Sir I’ve listened to this countless times and it’s great. Thanks
Maharaja’s fast and firm reply is unbelievable. 🙏🏻
This is the great knowledge which free you from bondages and make immortal . Thanks for making it available
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj is the most contemporary person to achieve enlightenment and yet no one knows his name
Very true. Check out “The Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharishi.” Also the “Kybalion” by Three Initiates.
Abide in your self and, give importance to the conciusness inspite of mind and body .as self or Atman is eternal
.It is 1the essence of teaching. Thanks.
Thank You Clay
Truly Sublimely Beautifully Inspiringly Edifying.
Sending Much Love, Light and Blessings to You One Consciousness ❤🙏
Truth Spoken from God himself, thank your gracious Heart for the pure knowledge, Master!!!!!! TONY D
Absolute clarity in the I..Ness and the ....Amness. Early morning meditation while contemplating on the talks of Maharaj is Nirvana, freedom from body and mind..Those having a quest will be satisfied ..No doubt.
Very true
Has anyone else, who is really been doing this successfully for a while, found that your intelligence has become really powerful???
I know so much about people now, how they tick etc. I don't induldge in this however, but the self really is intrinsically all knowing.
I feel like i have a superpower emerging.
I'll stop now, as this talk is of the ego. I just wanted to check with someone else, and then I will let these pondering burn into spirit.
thank you very much for taking your time to do all this
Ionescu Florian )
This man had a great state of mind.
Love, Light, Peace to all
Many, many thanks from the heart for all of the amazing recordings you are providing. I feel so blessed to have come across them 🙏
@Paramahansa Yogananda I am not sure who you are supposed to be convincing here, but Nisargadatta's teachings do not hold up to the ultimate simplicity with which Bhagavan revealed that there are no human beings, and there is only one ego that takes itself to be a body and thereby creating the multiplicity that is then taken to be real. Bhakti has to logically lead to jnana because one realizes that there are no others, and one should therefore love all as oneself, and that (according to Bhagavan) should lead to the questioning of "Who am I?", which is the beginning of true knowledge.
Thank you for providing these wonderful teachings
Thanks, I appreciate these readings
Thank you for hammering home the truth👍🙏a gracious gift to be heard
Thank you for continuing to pass on Nisargadatta Maharaj's pointings. Spoken beautifully. Love and light to you brother.
Thank you. What. A master. Grateful.
Sri Bhagavan, I thank you for such words of Empathy and Insight. May Satchitananda, equated here as Maharaj, continue to guide and be the Light of All. You have given me the next rung on the ladder towards who I really am, and you offered 'letting go' of that rung when ready and no longer needed. Such direct and simple words from an Enlightened householder. Like the Father guiding His children...
Thank you. ❤😊🎉
Just wish to express my gratitude to you for uplaoding these talks. Gratitude to Jagatguru Shree Nisargadatta Maharaj who appeared in the body as such to put in words which cannot be said. Gratitude to the consciousness which plays all this drama and listens to the audio and writes this in this moment. Gratitude to the great great game.
Namaste thankyou
I've tried out the power of love using frequencies on animals
It works they come running over for love
Thanks brother
If you tried Is not the real. You are beyond trying
Thank you for sharing these.
So grateful!!!!!
'I am, this I am not.' Thank You.
Thank you. Great talks... priceless!
Saint ! Saint ! Saint !!! Nisargadatta !
O ma Colombe qui vous tenez dans les fentes des rochers , qui vous cachez dans les parois escarpées , montrez-moi votre visage , que votre voix résonne à mes oreilles . Car votre voix est douce , et votre visage plein de beauté .
Purifiez mon coeur et mes lèvres , ô Dieu tout puissant , qui avez purifié les lèvres d'Isaie avec un charbon ardent . Daignez avoir pitié de moi et me purifier en sorte que je puisse lire dignement votre Évangile .
Vous m' arroserez avec l' hysope , Seigneur , et je serai purifié . Vous me laverez et je deviendrai plus blanc que neige . Ayez pitié de moi , ô mon Dieu , selon votre grande miséricorde .
Gloire au Père , et au Fils , et au Saint - Esprit .
This is amazing, thank you so much for creating. I feel like I know nisargadatta now.
Thank you so much... 🙏🌷☘️
Amazing. So Clear, every word
Namaste beloved master, at your feet 😊😅😮😢🎉😂❤❤❤❤❤all is SHIVA
We are the temple of God light of world keep shining light 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌹🌹🌹😍🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
🙏🙏Jai/Jay Bagavan Om Namo
When you know that you do not know, you will be aware that you are not and will never be. That forever state is our true nature.
Thank you. 💚🙏
111.MICARL off
Kohl got
Know c icmnmonlomkbyblkpkpkkjjllkiljjjkjkbjjghokjmopkkolklkll
Thank you for your beautiful work. 💛🙏🏻
Hail Sadguru which is (parabrahman) absolute reality.
Para in this context means prior, before, Brahman is Absolute Consciousness, Parabrahman means Absolute, Supreme Spirit, before Consciousness arises.
EGO (only a thought) => Automaton (non-duality) => Absolute (our true nature behind the dream)
That is beautiful, my friend
These are very good, thank you. Somehow your voice even sounds a bit like him.
haha maybe of tabacco smokeing
I like the stern Zen style voice when he switches to Maharaj haha.
Thank you brother, that knocked it back into focus
1:26:26...thats REALLY important if thats real. Im in crazy amounts of physical pain right now.
re:54:30 from I AM THAT (dialogue 51) :
"My guru told me, 'Trust me, I tell you: you are Divine. Take it as the absolute truth. Your joy is divine, your suffering is divine too. All comes from God. Remember it always. You are God, your will alone is done.' I did believe him and soon realized how wonderfully true and accurate were his words. I did not condition my mind by thinking, 'I am God, I am wonderful, I am beyond.' I simply followed his instruction, which was to focus the mind on pure being, 'I am,' and stay in it."
Jai Sadguru Parabrahman!!!
✨🙏🏼✨Grateful for the good fortune to have found your channel. Thank you soooooo very much!!!✨😇✨
Thank you 🙏
Body and mind has a role in your soul wake up now silence breath shining light is l am🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍
haha, i m glad you didn t stop when the book ended:D
Aham brahma asmi
Except what you do not know, know that you do not know, pretend that you do not exist and you will never come back to what you think you are.
I. Jaya Guru!
Hey seekers! I want know what practice your doing after hearing all this I am stuff. I'm planning on meditation on the 'I' thought and its orgin, lack of patience is my problem.
Perhaps you can find your practice by being open to within? The "I" thought is a good start. Is it just a thought? What is its referent? Maybe you are suggesting your own practice with the questions?
If you know your lack of patience is your problem, then there you go! That is simple and easy. Why complicate the ultimately simple when doing so simply veils your essence? You are the practice, so stay with it as best you can.
Self unto self shall speak.
Good Fortune!
Mind always perceive things in words or images, so drop all words and images and you will be surprise to see you are no more mind. be in no mind all will happen on it owns.
I stop seeking.
Just being.
That is all.
Patients is key, enlightenment chooses you, you can not bring it on, ,because you are on ,from the start just be... you must swim the mote before you climb the castle wall, good luck ,silence is MASTER
My daily sadhana is listening to his ultimatum 🚾🚿
I still have confusion what is awareness and consciousness ?
Consciousness takes form and is time bound..
Awareness is formless..
Awareness is you as the knower. It is irreducible in your experience. When you know that you cannot be anything that you can know, you are the knower.
You are aware of consciousness and consciousness always takes an object as in "conscious of". Consciousness is a knowing of something, it requires duality. Awareness does not depend on consciousness, but consciousness depends on awareness.
Now, go within and experience the consciousness as it is. Is there anything you can know that does not involve consciousness? Can consciousness be conscious of itself? Can awareness be aware of awareness, or is that what you are being when you know you are not anything? Find out.
The body is run bye the mind, the mind is run bye consciousness , and consciousness by awareness ,
Centred awareness in awareness is consiousness
Both mean the same. It is the only reality in which everything appears as creation you me n all forms..sentient n insentient. You are that
O que é um yani? Alguém me sabe dizer? Obrigado.
I think it's Gyani/Gnani.
One who follows the path of "knowledge", "I AM".
Thanks very enlightening speach 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Sir, I appreciate your work which I find extremely helpful~ one minor thing - talks on December 26th, 1980 seem to be missing~ thanks again and always!
1:20:50 What is incomprehensible to me is...why could such a realised soul not have self control to overcome habits...which even lay people are able to do with ease.
A realized soul doesn’t have any difference between a good or a bad habit. He or She can continue with their habits as they themselves are in Godly consciousness all the time
"The rules have no effect on the yummi." Whaaat?!
May 1st, 1980 thru February 8th, 1981~
Mary McKay, Circa 2000s, Hendron Drive MN by DULUTH...
Which is superior, the Absolute not knowing itself, or the Absolute knowing itself? If nothing were to be gained by knowing itself, then why does it go there? How can not knowing itself be better, since it is by definition lesser, it lacks? When Buddha realized the Absolute, why didn't the universe disappear, game over?
Knowingness is inferior to don't knowing because knowingness breaks up the whole into parts but always misses the whole. Yet knowingness/consciousness is useful because it can turn around beyond itself to recognize the very source/Absolute. Maya by its nature does not exist actually although it appears to exist. So to expect/insist on that which doesn't exist in the first place to disappear is also a way of not seeing it thoroughly enough. Like shadows, they don't need to go away...
Yes I love it. Only the pronunciation is not authentic but we can see beyond it
33 egos got offended
Amazing comment. 😂
Hi, I'm adilson and I have this huge pressing desire to create the life I desire. My being is telling me it's time to transform my life and be on the path I know to be my true self. But, realistically Im collecting unemployment and have a family to support ( the voice in my head is telling me). How can I break this egotistical voice and create the value in my life( find the money)?
Drop all desire.
Only desire that one should have is the desire to surrender to God and be in godly consciousness all the time.
All my questions end at some point. 😇
Very deep talk. A lot to take in. Wondering which book this comes from? Maybe I can read a page a day.
Consciousness and the Absolute: The Final Talks of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Lightning tonite 4 ME, AL EL ISHA, DinE UNITED, Sri MY Main Munkie, passed on 2 ME When I Turned 7+6mos, I Borned this TIME on march 7, 1974 , I AM WOMAN First, CHRIST Now ALSO , SRI passed onto me on Sept 9, 1981. SumBitBai WE Love U ETERNAL!
3:15. RXXXXX
4:30. Q
5:55 ❗️. Ananda
7:30. Maya. Genesis. Time. Death
10:00. Q
10:30 ⁉️
11:00. ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
12:00. Q 12:30 ❗️
14:00 ❤
15:45. Spiritual knowledge 🚩
17:00. 👌. RXXXXX 18:00 ‼️‼️⁉️‼️
19:16. Q. Dispassion
21:00 🔑. RXXXXX cs is your only capital
22:00 🦶 of sadguru
24:45. RXXXXX
27:25 28:00. RXXXXX
29:13. Total freedom. cs. RXXXXX
31:23. Q 32:00. 👏
33:30. cs. RXXXXX
35:00. cs. Fraud of Maya
36:27. Chakrapani. RXXXXX
38:05. Awareness isn’t aware of it’s awareness ⁉️
38:43 Universal cs. 40:00 RXXXXX
41:28. SCA
42:03. RXXXXX
43:45. Q. 44:30 45:00 ❗️RXXXXX
46:00. Experience
47:05. Prior to word state. RXXXXX
48:33. Q. Uniform RXXXXX
51:58. Be one with…. RXXXXX 53:29
54:30. Beingness.cs. RXXXXX
55:38. RXXXX. Universal cs
57:57. Witnessing
59:12. Seed of cs.
1:01:02. 1:02:19. RXXXXX
1:05:23. Q. Thoughts. 1:06:00. RXXXXX
1:07:10. Experience. Choice. Concepts. RXXXXX
1:11:45. 👌
1:12:38. Ultimate state
1:14:00. I amness is the power of Maya
1:15:00. cs witnessing/Doership. RXXXX
1:17:00. ‼️‼️‼️
1:18:55 ⁉️‼️. Space. Water
1:21:33. Saints
1:22:17. ⁉️
1:23:00. 🏡 I amness is unreal
1:24:30. Self love. Knowingness
1:25:30. ⁉️
1:29:00 ‼️ 1:30:30
1:30:55. Eknath stung by 🦂 of knowingness. RXXXXX
1:33:00. Disidentify from body
1:33:50. Observer
1:35:00. Know causal body cs is center. Watch cs. RXXXXX 1:36:00
1:37:10. Doership goes. Fraud ⁉️Dwell in border
1:38:50. No mind state. RXXXXX
1:41:00. ‼️. You cannot look at your self. You can only abide as the Self ‼️‼️
1:42:30. Thought flow. RXXX
Great video!! found you through suggested videos. I just started a TH-cam Channel not long ago and very interested in the human evolution and spirituality topic. Keep following your passion and creating great content. Sending you good vibes and lots of love 💖
None of Sri's books are on Audible audio books because he wrote no books? Suppose this is to spread "wisdom" not make money from audio book downloads?
Im totally lost
What is I am in Marathi????
We are conditioned to think we are our name, we learn to live as a family , just like animals, we don't know death when we are children, when we realize there is death, we are too conditioned. How do we wake up? Just ask yourself why you were born?
At work ?
I have no sense of propriety either, at least on my good days.
Does he say "Sadguru"? As in the TH-cam sensation Sadguru? 🤨
it's an ancient term
I'm driving myself insane listening to this contradictory dialog. I hear the same thing over and over, different teachers all points to the same 'no thing' If I actually existed, I'd be insane.
Everything seems so ethereal...y has god made it so a booby also going insane
@@narendranarotam3816 I found this- it has helped:
Workdove The mind must be driven insane. This is precisely the point of the apparent contradictions. To drive the mind so insane trying to comprehend what it cannot, that it gives up. Only when the mind gives up and becomes quiet can the true meaning of Maharaj’s words be understood. Anything that can be understood by the mind is a concept only. All concepts are of no real use to you. They will not put you at ease nor take you home to yourself.
maybe thats the point haha
@@secular13 I achieved enlightenment with the help of Mooji on May.3rd, 2020. It is all paradoxical but real none the less.
woods riding at 75% speed