Deepak Chopra is a doctor. He has taught at Tufts University, Boston University, and even Harvard University. He has written more than 70 books, 21 of which have been New York Times bestsellers. He is a very well educated man, not a shyster. Nor does he really claim to be a "WIZARD" and would never claim to be a god. He is a very spiritual man who is speaking of things many in the world know exists. The mind can heal the body, other doctors agree... Positive Thoughts = Positive Reactions
to Tred1829......Take the good of what you hear...make your own judgements...and if he has truly lost his way you so easily discard or encourage them to come back....that is the ultimate human in us........Deepak was the only one that made any sense to me when I needed for things to make sense..and for that I am eternally grateful...peace
This video, I have watched for a good 15 years and I absolutely love it. Its so influential and inspiring. Truly. Thank you so much deepak for your wisdom and wonderful teachings.
I have read Deepak's books and listen to his tape recordings for a long time and really admire his works. He is one of a kind and have given me wisdom and guidance in my journey of life. Thanks, Dr. Chopra for all that you say and do.
Meeting the 'Sage' is as easy as sitting and entering silence and stillness. The Sage is within each of us. The Sage within is the ONE presence within, er um (the Subconscious inner voice) who guides each of us in every moment, to spiritual teachings, attracting the people and events that lift us ever higher to more profound understandings of Life and ourselves. YOU are the Sage and the words coming from Deepak are YOURS. YOU attract the words you hear coming from others as they are YOU. The words coming from your mouth are attracted by the person you meet, including the way in which you speak and the thoughts you feel within. THESE are KARMIC reactions. Realizing this truth of Life, is the first step to losing guilt and correcting perception to realize the TRUTH of the natural law ATTRACTION. Namaste
If a person tries to hear with their human ears, sees with their human eyes, and have their human understanding make rational sense of the information, then the truth of this wisdom will never be allowed by the human state of consciousness to accept, acknowledge, and surrender to the fact that the soul in each of us has known this always and always will. Thank you for the vision-
It's true. There's no such thing as time except in our minds. So you are correct, that is how we view time, that is because that's the only "time" that there is. There is always only now.
We’r cosmic beings living temporarily in the human body. We’ve had no beginning & we’ll have no end. Our true nature is beyond our own wildest imagination. And, we’ve lost that paradise. And, we’ve to regain that paradise. -Patriji
This is exactly what everyone needs to know and live by. If you dont get it or want it, your not ready for it. Maybe you two havent suffered enough. Be good to yourselves , you'll get there.....Its the same thing as The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle. They speak at the same retreats a lot of the time. Check it out, I think you really need to know this.......
I really don't get all the negative comments on here.. If you don't like what Deepak has to say, then don't go to pages with his videos and don't read his books.. Who spends the time and energy to actively seek out people and things they don't like?? Its really weird to me..
I love the man, he is really deep and really make me understand myself, and the spiritual. Deepak, may god always bless you, to shower knoweldge to mankind. U r great.
You run away from those you see as opposites until you realize the deeper truth... they are ALL YOU. Each one bringing a divine message, either to lift you with good desired news or to lift you with wisdom of lessons learned. Excellent story Deepak, so well explained, allows the perfect vibration within, to encourage one to look even deeper, gleaning the more profound messages hidden within the story. Blessings to the most High in 'thought-form" as the honorable Deepak Chopra, following his own inspirations, naturally lifting others in the process, to more accurate understanding of Existence. So through this sharing do we join the lotus flower lifted by Buddha to his eyes during the silent sermon, signifying the equality of ALL... man, woman, flowers, all equal in the eyes of the Creator, and truly equal on a sub-sub-atomic level of creation where everything is truly Omnipotent Quantum Singularities interacting in what can only be described as Pure LOVE, the unseen power that is at the root of all creation...for the sheer JOY of Life. Namaste
Wonderful video! I know what he's talking about. Once I was hallucinating and I was the seeker, the see'er appeared to me. At the time I thought it was the devil, but now I know it was projection of myself. I fought with it but in the end I surrendered to it. B'cos I was in a jail cell, at once the cops came in and took me to mental hospital.
This will only make sense to those who are in the age of the seeker or seer. As grow older and begin to understand the meaning of your life can you understand he is really saying. I have been touched deeply by this and I appreciate the posting of it. If you do not understand that's ok but don't judge because maybe one day when it is your time, you will.
its amazing to think of how can he come up with different wonderful and brilliant ideas. I learned a lot while watching this video and some questions in my mind were somehow answered. keep it up! IseXtraordinary Information with Inspiration
Examining something one doesn't like or believe is not necessarily a waste of time. I am in the "head-scratching" camp of people who are utterly bewildered by the popular appeal of what honestly appears to me to be wooly-headed, feel-good pseudo-science designed to appeal to weakness and confusion. Scepticism is by nature "negative", I suppose. In my case, it is a sincere attempt to understand something that baffles me. Chopra I understand. His appeal leaves me scratching my head.
Looking beyond the personal story, we are opened to see there is a greater story unfolding which is that of the PLANET. The entire world is and always has been moving towards ONE goal, ONE story unfolding. This story includes those who come to realize this fact as their story becomes intertwined with the larger planetary story. This is the path of every famous name in history.
Listening to this nightly for extended periods is an "Affirmation" that opens the mind to the TRUTH of Humankind. Thanks to Deepak for sharing such deep wisdom is such an entertaining manner, er Um "Mana". 8-)
I guess it's all about balance - with so much positive, there's bound to be those who like to spread the negative seed - but, honestly, I completely agree with you. I often wonder why people watch these things and then post negative comments. All are entitled to opinions, but... *scratching head*... but I wonder too why they waste their time on something they don't like or believe. They probably get caught up in the first few minutes and then bail-out, but feel compelled to leave their dropping
If you think of the Evil in another, you are fill you own mind with evil thoughts instead of good, and so you hinder your own growth, and make yourself, for those who can see, an ugly and painful object instead of a beautiful and lovable one....Peace, Love, to the people of all nationalities and religious.
Sorry , those who. Podt bad comments are still trapped in the ego stage of life.wait until u reach 30, 40, or 50 i'm sure, you will come back and watch this bideo and then you'll undertand it.
Deepak is awesome but I always find it funny when he says to listen to him and pay attention to the one listening. He then goes on to describe the seer as if we experience that. Lol... he does and thinks that we do as well, but we don't and we are left clueless. Lol....
you mean when he made a joke on twitter about his daily meditation causing it after it was clear there was no damage from the small quake? wow...people so quick to hate!
yes come back. implying come back to me when youre willing to have a healthy conversation, please stop pushing all this meaningless hate on me. i was being nothing but benovelent towards deepak chopra
I wish Bible preachers can learn to teach the bible as calm as this and well informed, thought-through and illuminated as this rather than shouting over-flogged phrases and 'undeep' discoveries. They need to study the bible real well to be able to talk as confidently as this.
No! I am not "mad" at anyone. I just thought it ridiculous and arrogant for ANYONE to think their spiritual discipline would cause an earthquake. Someone pointed out that I may have gotten my facts all wrong. If that's the case then - oops - I should have not posted anything to begin with. One of the dangers in spirituality and especially if someone sees "signs" of their spiritual evolution is that they start to think they are special and powerful. This is what I perceived from his comments
If you were brave enough to look behind the screen you'll find the real Wizard Of Oz... You picked a perfect metaphor for what Chopra is. The rational human spirit is more noble than you think. Now fly off on your unicorn.
Chopra uses logic to bring science into the God debate. His position is quite easy since he has no apparent boundaries (unlike, say, Christianity that limits itself to the claims made in the Bible). Chopra is interpreting the science logically but with the objective of rendering it spiritual. He's now firmly planted in the false dichotomy of science/materialism vs God. At this point skeptics will never agree with him because he doesn't share their presuppositions. Chopra debating a quantum physicist is largely meaningless in the context used here because the physicist [wisely] limits the conclusions he'll draw to the data observed where as Chopra is philosophizing about the data. We need scientists and philosophers to transcend our current limitations.
The boundaries however are ill-define as various disciplines (conventional science, religions, philosophies, etc) or movements such as the New Age, morph, mix, hijack, and grapple with terminology for some boundaries and numerous parameters; perhaps at times throwing out boundaries that are inconvenient, or assimilating others as suited for some specific purpose - agenda. It is not just science/materialism vs God, it is also aspects of ego-human-concentric New Age sects that present such conflicts. One may say, "my" past life taught me this, "my" higher self enlightens that, "I" can manifest what I desire, "I" am all in all; all about me me me. Such self centered paradigms don't even consider other consciousness or God; mistaking the drop of water for the ocean. Being trained as a scientist, and having training in philosophy, I find the need to drag quantum physics into any of this as amusing because one only muddies the discussion throwing around buzz words that are dimly understood by many in the audience. I think skeptics generally don't agree about much; a skeptical physicist refusing to consider notions of a colleague, for example. I have seen some scientists absolutely snow an audience with technobabble as they seek to maintain a personal franchise. The problem? People. Yet, what else can we do but muddle along and hope that our own personal mythology is convincing enough to ourselves that we may actually step forward confidently into some more accurate representation. Representation of what you ask? For some a unified field theory. For others a more enlightened apprehension of God. For other's yet following the silver cord to be in contact with their higher self. Still others to feel some astral-buzz that makes them think they've made progress toward an OBE. Everything Chopra is saying, and he does present himself well as thoughtful, having considered may traditions, is another believe system. What else can one do but try to convince one's self?
Your are so evolved, spiritual, and awakened that you are worth over 80 million dollars. I am sorrY BUT no man who is enlightened should be holding on to that kind of money and should be given to the hungry sick and disadvantaged
***** My perception of an evolved awakened person is someone who knows we are all connected as one family and who is not only talking the talk but is in action as well. Knowing there are children AKA sisters and brothers literally starving to death today and also knowing you yourself have to get your basic needs met shelter food etc.... but when you are stashing away over 80 million dollars and knowing you have little sister babies out there starving to DEATH that person is not evolved enough to be looked upon as a leader or teacher in awakening. If you believe in Jesus he washed strangers feet and fed the poor etc...
Then why are you on a page with a video about Deepak?? You really take time out of your day to make a public statement declaring hate for someone who tries to promote positive things??
i don't get it. people pay for lessons in fear, helplessness,and the idea of love and it's called tithing. But if a man speak freedom, strength, and happiness/wholeness and people are hateful and judge him on his possessions not his message. :-/
He steers the mind into self, and to become a god. He once disrespected a world renown chemist by putting something on his head and insulting his good work all because he knew he'd been wasting his time. Arrogant isn't the word. He was looking to control that beast, and he sought help from the monks. But long ago Satan proposed to himself that he could become like God, and all who follow this pursuit God will oppose in the end with sudden destruction and it is a great sin (error). b warned
What a great teacher. I was so moved by The Power of Now that I wrote a song inspired by the book. Check it out on my channel and let me know what you think!
Deepak helped change my life at 15 years old. Now in my 50's I love him for all he gave to
Deepak Chopra is a doctor. He has taught at Tufts University, Boston University, and even Harvard University. He has written more than 70 books, 21 of which have been New York Times bestsellers. He is a very well educated man, not a shyster. Nor does he really claim to be a "WIZARD" and would never claim to be a god. He is a very spiritual man who is speaking of things many in the world know exists. The mind can heal the body, other doctors agree... Positive Thoughts = Positive Reactions
to Tred1829......Take the good of what you hear...make your own judgements...and if he has truly lost his way you so easily discard or encourage them to come back....that is the ultimate human in us........Deepak was the only one that made any sense to me when I needed for things to make sense..and for that I am eternally grateful...peace
you can not see because your eyes are clouded with what you believe is real... Namaste
This video, I have watched for a good 15 years and I absolutely love it. Its so influential and inspiring. Truly. Thank you so much deepak for your wisdom and wonderful teachings.
I have read Deepak's books and listen to his tape recordings for a long time and really admire his works. He is one of a kind and have given me wisdom and guidance in my journey of life. Thanks, Dr. Chopra for all that you say and do.
Deepak is an inspiration through his books. "The way of the wizard" is incredible! I Love him! Thank you Sir!
Meeting the 'Sage' is as easy as sitting and entering silence and stillness. The Sage is within each of us. The Sage within is the ONE presence within, er um (the Subconscious inner voice) who guides each of us in every moment, to spiritual teachings, attracting the people and events that lift us ever higher to more profound understandings of Life and ourselves. YOU are the Sage and the words coming from Deepak are YOURS. YOU attract the words you hear coming from others as they are YOU. The words coming from your mouth are attracted by the person you meet, including the way in which you speak and the thoughts you feel within. THESE are KARMIC reactions. Realizing this truth of Life, is the first step to losing guilt and correcting perception to realize the TRUTH of the natural law ATTRACTION. Namaste
This presentation changed my life.
Danyavad beautiful soul, may one day the whole humanity will understand your teachings.
Such a youngster. This is what, 20 years ago? What a gem, Deepak.
If a person tries to hear with their human ears, sees with their human eyes, and have their human understanding make rational sense of the information, then the truth of this wisdom will never be allowed by the human state of consciousness to accept, acknowledge, and surrender to the fact that the soul in each of us has known this always and always will.
Thank you for the vision-
Dearest Deepak, God is Blessing U with Love in Gratitude for the Gift U R, Thank You God And So It Is!!!
Wooow!!! Deepak was sooo young in this video!!
One of the best talks on consciousness and spirituality I have listened to Namaste Deepak you are a true teacher. I understand.
The book of his I like the most is "Power, Freedom and Grace"... a masterpiece, I think.
Those who dont post bad comments on deepak are still trapped in the ego stage.This man is so so great.thanks deepak.please more.
lovely video very enjoyable must read your books.
Consciousness So beautifully and simply explained . Thank you Deepak . For sharing your knowledge of ancient wisdoms with the world. Namaste
my expression watching this, is one in love with the sceneries his words draw.
How does he remember all this....?? He speaks so fluidly.
I am a Wizard in the making.
absolutely love this! great presentation Deepak! Well done!
After 19 minutes he describes the seven Stages of Human Consciousness
It's true. There's no such thing as time except in our minds. So you are correct, that is how we view time, that is because that's the only "time" that there is. There is always only now.
The sense of wonder. It is amazing.
Just... Wow! What a simple & beautiful way to present some great thoughts.
Thank You Dr. Deepak Chopra. Grateful
Mr Deepak Chropa you are the greatest inspiration that have occurred in my precious life!
Please continue this magnificent journey!
We’r cosmic beings living temporarily in the human body. We’ve had no beginning & we’ll have no end. Our true nature is beyond our own wildest imagination. And, we’ve lost that paradise. And, we’ve to regain that paradise.
' All is well in all of creation.' - Adamus ( Crimson Circle )
Nice Lecture Sir! its amazing how he talks ..
Loved this book. One I have kept over time and have re-read
-I loved his book "The Return of Merlin", read it twice.
This is exactly what everyone needs to know and live by. If you dont get it or want it, your not ready for it. Maybe you two havent suffered enough. Be good to yourselves , you'll get there.....Its the same thing as The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle. They speak at the same retreats a lot of the time. Check it out, I think you really need to know this.......
Thank you for posting this beautiful lecture.
I really don't get all the negative comments on here.. If you don't like what Deepak has to say, then don't go to pages with his videos and don't read his books.. Who spends the time and energy to actively seek out people and things they don't like?? Its really weird to me..
Washing and reading his book helped me so much trying to understand! Brilliant 😊❤
I love the man, he is really deep and really make me understand myself, and the spiritual. Deepak, may god always bless you, to shower knoweldge to mankind. U r great.
It's like music man. ♥♪♀ Way of the wizard, yeah.
Thanks SO much for putting this in 1 video. God bless! :)
You run away from those you see as opposites until you realize the deeper truth... they are ALL YOU. Each one bringing a divine message, either to lift you with good desired news or to lift you with wisdom of lessons learned. Excellent story Deepak, so well explained, allows the perfect vibration within, to encourage one to look even deeper, gleaning the more profound messages hidden within the story. Blessings to the most High in 'thought-form" as the honorable Deepak Chopra, following his own inspirations, naturally lifting others in the process, to more accurate understanding of Existence. So through this sharing do we join the lotus flower lifted by Buddha to his eyes during the silent sermon, signifying the equality of ALL... man, woman, flowers, all equal in the eyes of the Creator, and truly equal on a sub-sub-atomic level of creation where everything is truly Omnipotent Quantum Singularities interacting in what can only be described as Pure LOVE, the unseen power that is at the root of all creation...for the sheer JOY of Life. Namaste
that's beautiful
Wonderful video! I know what he's talking about. Once I was hallucinating and I was the seeker, the see'er appeared to me. At the time I thought it was the devil, but now I know it was projection of myself. I fought with it but in the end I surrendered to it. B'cos I was in a jail cell, at once the cops came in and took me to mental hospital.
He is definitely my favorite! loved his book" Autobiography of a Yogi"
??? that is not by him.
Great video! Keep killing it!!
this guy even admits he doesn't know what he's talking about, "chile or some other country" i love it
Wizards often times work harder than non-wizards, and if your boss is a non- wizard, well forget about it then. :)
This will only make sense to those who are in the age of the seeker or seer. As grow older and begin to understand the meaning of your life can you understand he is really saying. I have been touched deeply by this and I appreciate the posting of it. If you do not understand that's ok but don't judge because maybe one day when it is your time, you will.
Thank you so much for the video!
Absolutely beautiful. 💯
Always very inspiring.
You were eloquent Reader. Thank you
its amazing to think of how can he come up with different wonderful and brilliant ideas. I learned a lot while watching this video and some questions in my mind were somehow answered. keep it up!
Information with Inspiration
Higlight of the vedio is "who is listing" when i turn to myself there is silince.i feel nice.
Examining something one doesn't like or believe is not necessarily a waste of time. I am in the "head-scratching" camp of people who are utterly bewildered by the popular appeal of what honestly appears to me to be wooly-headed, feel-good pseudo-science designed to appeal to weakness and confusion. Scepticism is by nature "negative", I suppose. In my case, it is a sincere attempt to understand something that baffles me. Chopra I understand. His appeal leaves me scratching my head.
Yes. Understanding the nature of Consciousness, which even science has not been able to do yet, is not too easy, is it? I sympathize with you.
Looking beyond the personal story, we are opened to see there is a greater story unfolding which is that of the PLANET. The entire world is and always has been moving towards ONE goal, ONE story unfolding. This story includes those who come to realize this fact as their story becomes intertwined with the larger planetary story. This is the path of every famous name in history.
Listening to this nightly for extended periods is an "Affirmation" that opens the mind to the TRUTH of Humankind. Thanks to Deepak for sharing such deep wisdom is such an entertaining manner, er Um "Mana". 8-)
I guess it's all about balance - with so much positive, there's bound to be those who like to spread the negative seed - but, honestly, I completely agree with you. I often wonder why people watch these things and then post negative comments. All are entitled to opinions, but... *scratching head*... but I wonder too why they waste their time on something they don't like or believe. They probably get caught up in the first few minutes and then bail-out, but feel compelled to leave their dropping
by wizard he means consciousness; that's what we all are.
If you don't like what he says go watch Lady Gaga!
Whether it be Deepak Chopra, Anthony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Rudy Rudeger, or even doesn't matter...what really matters is the "MESSAGE".
Thank you for this video 🙏
great insight amzin
Hermoso video ,
If you think of the Evil in another, you are fill you own mind with evil thoughts instead of good, and so you hinder your own growth, and make yourself, for those who can see, an ugly and painful object instead of a beautiful and lovable one....Peace, Love, to the people of all nationalities and religious.
Love me Some Deepak... also, jeff foxworthy at 38:10!
There is one phrase that is the best way to conceptualize criticism: "Haters gon hate."
Look into Paramahansa Yogananda's teachings! He was a fully-realized Master!
"we learned to protect ourselves, either by running or by fighting. That was useful."......
Sorry , those who. Podt bad comments are still trapped in the ego stage of life.wait until u reach 30, 40, or 50 i'm sure, you will come back and watch this bideo and then you'll undertand it.
My God! Did he do that? It gets better...
he was joking when he tweeted that. People look for ways to criticize this man and unfortunately he gets portrayed wrongly too much of the time.
We like this
no, he was joking about the small earthquake in San Jose, California that killed nobody. It wasn't Chile.
Deepak is awesome but I always find it funny when he says to listen to him and pay attention to the one listening. He then goes on to describe the seer as if we experience that. Lol... he does and thinks that we do as well, but we don't and we are left clueless. Lol....
you mean when he made a joke on twitter about his daily meditation causing it after it was clear there was no damage from the small quake? wow...people so quick to hate!
yes come back. implying come back to me when youre willing to have a healthy conversation, please stop pushing all this meaningless hate on me. i was being nothing but benovelent towards deepak chopra
perfekt Tank you
Negative attention is still attention, they're lonely.
I wish Bible preachers can learn to teach the bible as calm as this and well informed, thought-through and illuminated as this rather than shouting over-flogged phrases and 'undeep' discoveries. They need to study the bible real well to be able to talk as confidently as this.
No! I am not "mad" at anyone. I just thought it ridiculous and arrogant for ANYONE to think their spiritual discipline would cause an earthquake. Someone pointed out that I may have gotten my facts all wrong. If that's the case then - oops - I should have not posted anything to begin with. One of the dangers in spirituality and especially if someone sees "signs" of their spiritual evolution is that they start to think they are special and powerful. This is what I perceived from his comments
I would love to know what book of poetry he is reading from?????
Gabriel Rodriguez try Rabindranath Tagore
If you were brave enough to look behind the screen you'll find the real Wizard Of Oz... You picked a perfect metaphor for what Chopra is. The rational human spirit is more noble than you think. Now fly off on your unicorn.
The Wizard is within us. He has allowed the Wizard within himself to awaken. Let that which has no limits in you awaken. Breath and see, works
@Annabells117 Yes I've recovered quite a lot but still recovering. Thanks for your concern :)
Chopra uses logic to bring science into the God debate. His position is quite easy since he has no apparent boundaries (unlike, say, Christianity that limits itself to the claims made in the Bible). Chopra is interpreting the science logically but with the objective of rendering it spiritual. He's now firmly planted in the false dichotomy of science/materialism vs God. At this point skeptics will never agree with him because he doesn't share their presuppositions. Chopra debating a quantum physicist is largely meaningless in the context used here because the physicist [wisely] limits the conclusions he'll draw to the data observed where as Chopra is philosophizing about the data. We need scientists and philosophers to transcend our current limitations.
The boundaries however are ill-define as various disciplines (conventional science, religions, philosophies, etc) or movements such as the New Age, morph, mix, hijack, and grapple with terminology for some boundaries and numerous parameters; perhaps at times throwing out boundaries that are inconvenient, or assimilating others as suited for some specific purpose - agenda. It is not just science/materialism vs God, it is also aspects of ego-human-concentric New Age sects that present such conflicts. One may say, "my" past life taught me this, "my" higher self enlightens that, "I" can manifest what I desire, "I" am all in all; all about me me me. Such self centered paradigms don't even consider other consciousness or God; mistaking the drop of water for the ocean.
Being trained as a scientist, and having training in philosophy, I find the need to drag quantum physics into any of this as amusing because one only muddies the discussion throwing around buzz words that are dimly understood by many in the audience. I think skeptics generally don't agree about much; a skeptical physicist refusing to consider notions of a colleague, for example. I have seen some scientists absolutely snow an audience with technobabble as they seek to maintain a personal franchise. The problem? People.
Yet, what else can we do but muddle along and hope that our own personal mythology is convincing enough to ourselves that we may actually step forward confidently into some more accurate representation. Representation of what you ask? For some a unified field theory. For others a more enlightened apprehension of God. For other's yet following the silver cord to be in contact with their higher self. Still others to feel some astral-buzz that makes them think they've made progress toward an OBE.
Everything Chopra is saying, and he does present himself well as thoughtful, having considered may traditions, is another believe system. What else can one do but try to convince one's self?
Your are so evolved, spiritual, and awakened that you are worth over 80 million dollars. I am sorrY BUT no man who is enlightened should be holding on to that kind of money and should be given to the hungry sick and disadvantaged
J Prater Exactly. I sense a fraud who knows of the truth but does not know the truth.
***** My perception of an evolved awakened person is someone who knows we are all connected as one family and who is not only talking the talk but is in action as well. Knowing there are children AKA sisters and brothers literally starving to death today and also knowing you yourself have to get your basic needs met shelter food etc.... but when you are stashing away over 80 million dollars and knowing you have little sister babies out there starving to DEATH that person is not evolved enough to be looked upon as a leader or teacher in awakening. If you believe in Jesus he washed strangers feet and fed the poor etc...
Justin Prater Exactly...
Then why are you on a page with a video about Deepak?? You really take time out of your day to make a public statement declaring hate for someone who tries to promote positive things??
i don't get it. people pay for lessons in fear, helplessness,and the idea of love and it's called tithing. But if a man speak freedom, strength, and happiness/wholeness and people are hateful and judge him on his possessions not his message. :-/
at about 48:28...She sells sea shells by the seashore
you are!!!
I can say by confident that he has no experinceswihin he deep tate of consiousness , only utterly words to feed himself n n others
He steers the mind into self, and to become a god. He once disrespected a world renown chemist by putting something on his head and insulting his good work all because he knew he'd been wasting his time. Arrogant isn't the word. He was looking to control that beast, and he sought help from the monks. But long ago Satan proposed to himself that he could become like God, and all who follow this pursuit God will oppose in the end with sudden destruction and it is a great sin (error). b warned
What a great teacher. I was so moved by The Power of Now that I
wrote a song inspired by the book. Check it out on my channel and
let me know what you think!
Do not resist the resistance. Laugh at the youth
Using your logic - If you don't like other peoples opinions don't respond in the comments section.