Do Noahides have any kosher community,with Rabbi Yaron Reuven.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ก.ย. 2024
  • A lecture by Rabbi Yaron Reuven telling us about the Noahide community scams.You can find Rabbi Yaron Reuven on BeEzrate HaShem INC.
    • Rambam on Noahide Laws
    • Way Of The Righteous S...
    Tehillim (psalm) 150:6- Let every soul praise HaShem.Hallelujah!
    Mishlei(proverbs) 1:5- Let the wise man hear and increase learning.The understanding man shall aquire wise counsels.

ความคิดเห็น • 150

  • @timothya.olmeda7299
    @timothya.olmeda7299 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I don’t want to be anything but my self, which today is someone who has left Christendom and has returned to HA’SHEM, reads the Jewish Scriptures in its proper context, educate the misinformed from what I’ve learned from the faithful remnant of Israel, repent successfully (I no longer have the desire to sin) and provide charity.
    I pray to God and reflect on a daily basis, and live lawfully and right.
    I await the arrival of the true Jewish Messiah David.
    I believe when the time comes, I will be ready to convert when it is imperative to do so when we all shall serve HA’SHEM with one accord.
    May HA’SHEM bless the children of Israel, and continue to be the light to the nations.
    All glory and praise belongs to HA’SHEM!

    • @bookmouse2719
      @bookmouse2719 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      When moshiah comes there will be no more converts. Yet a Noahide has a place in the world to come. Do 7 and go to heaven. You are alright.

    • @mattjohnson9753
      @mattjohnson9753 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The true Jewish messiah David? Don’t you know that David was a mass murderer, a sex slaver and rapist, a polygamist, an adulterer who murdered the husband of his mistress? David was worse than a sinner, he was a capital criminal who by Levitical Law earned the death penalty. Why would you want such a disgusting example of a man as your messiah?

    • @mattjohnson9753
      @mattjohnson9753 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@bookmouse2719- if “do 7 and go to heaven“ is sufficient for 99.8% of humanity, us second class goyim gentiles, what then is the purpose of Judaism at all? Why don’t Jews simply revert to Noahides?

    • @bookmouse2719
      @bookmouse2719 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@mattjohnson9753 Purpose of a Jew is to keep and guard Torah and 613 mitzvot and each of us has the purpose in life to correct our own soul. The Hebrew word goy means nation. There are basically 70 nations. Jews were given the job of keeping the mitzvot that are applicable to each, a man has his purpose and a woman her purpose a Cohen and Levi have their purpose and the Noahide has their mission and also correct their own souls. The world we live in is dark and full of lies (sheker) everyone wanting to appropriate another's purpose in life and we must do our best...keep learning. You are not a second class person but G-d's child and creation and precious. The Hidden things are slowly emerging to light.

    • @Loretta1305
      @Loretta1305 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      How do you pray?

  • @bintarosector9
    @bintarosector9 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I am a Noahide and sorrounded by idol worshippers. My wife an idol worshipper, my friends idol worshippers. It is very challenging, but Baruch Hashem, God Almighty helps me to pull through. All you have said Rabbi is very true.

  • @rutbrea8796
    @rutbrea8796 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I received this video today, June 27, 2023, and wanted to listen to the teaching again. I have been praying, sometimes partly given up because I don't have support from my Jewish people. I am living in a Christian community. When I tell them that I am Jewish, because I don't want their blessings with the "blood of Christ" an abomination in my heart since I returned to my roots of Judaism. I didn't know when I was younger that my ancestry was Sephardic Jews! My family hid from us because of our roots of Judaism,because of fear, I suppose, and have asked HaShem, blessed is HE, why were my family exile. Up until today, and I am 75 years old, I have asked HaShem Elochim Tzevaot why, what did my family do to have to go through such punishment. I adore my GOD, I love my people. It took me 35 years for me to find out the truth about my ancestry. Suffering because of the pain my ancestors have gone through all these centuries. Their suffering, the pain of not being among them to worship HaShem. The lost, the sufferings. Why, why, why. Just because we worship the Creator of the universe. The true Living God!!! I just want to serve HaShem, the most important thing in my life.

    • @mattjohnson9753
      @mattjohnson9753 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Jesus, the most righteous of all Jews, made it ok for you to love ALL people. Through His personal and final blood sacrifice, which you find an abomination, He liberated us all from the real abomination of primal animal blood sacrifice. No more blood sacrifice, that age has ended. He also liberated humanity from the corruption of the Rabbinical-Kohanim power structure and its impossible, oppressive 613 laws. Believe in Christ, give thanks to Christ, for His love, His liberation, and His gift of eternal life.

  • @sebaslange4175
    @sebaslange4175 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    If a person is drawn towards Hashem & Judaism, it would be better to convert to Judaism but before coversion, its wise to discuss with a Rabbi.

    • @Kxz716
      @Kxz716 ปีที่แล้ว

      If Hashem wanted you were jew, you already had been born as a jew.

    • @shawnwatson1419
      @shawnwatson1419 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It isn't just "wise" but is an absolute must to discuss with an orthodox rabbi and beit din.

    • @Bittzen
      @Bittzen ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Kxz716 If we read the Torah, it seems HaShem gave us free will. HaShem has a plan, but within it, He gave us free will go do as we want. What comes with free will is people change their minds and think. We also see in the Torah that Jews should be kind to converts. If the 5 books of Moshe directly from HaShem say converts exist and should be welcomed, then G-d intended for converts to exist. You can think what you want, but you can acknowledge G-d disagrees with you by reading what He said.

    • @janishart5128
      @janishart5128 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Kxz716: That's not true - otherwise Rabbis wouldn't be performing conversions!

  • @thefeature7041
    @thefeature7041 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Essentially what the Rabbi is saying is, "Convert to Judaism or don't even worry with it." We can't all be Jews, we can't all convert, but we still need to serve Hashem regardless of whatever issue Rabbi Yaron Reuven has with Chabad.

  • @proudpharisee5303
    @proudpharisee5303 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    while there are some who are not following the torah in their dealings with noahides, your accusation that everyone is looking for money is silly and demonstrates a certain issue with your mindset that you need to work on. again, some are sinning in their actions, but many are actually following Halacha and your characterization is irresponsible. thats not how we speak about broad swaths of people, in ambiguous terms that allow listeners to take things which ever way you like. we can specify: Chaim clorfene is a bad teacher. etc. I am sorry to have to make this point publicly. and even some who are making a mistake are not nefarious, some of them simply dont know better (not an excuse tho).
    there is nothing wrong in noahides living together or making a school that doesnt teach kefira and apikorsus. it won't be a yeshiva. they'll learn math and English and history and also that God exists and the noahide laws and their details and that if they observe it they will be rewarded and go to olam haba. there are no Gedolim who hold that noahides can't make a community of themselves.
    it is true that the judaism light is a huge issue. and that a noahide community is dangerous right now precisely because the judaism light issue which is very prevalent can co-opt the community construction. another issue with it is that It will always need to be connected to rabbinical instruction as you said. I dont think thats an issue however (provided they dont eventually drop the rabbis - which may have been what happened with the kusum) however, the problem you raise regarding children not accepting the rabbis instruction is not an inherent issue. it can exist by jews as well. its all a matter of effort. if properly taught and properly led, there is no reason that noahide families can't do what rabbis say. the idea of following rabbis is from God, and so it shouldn't be too hard to explain if one is interested in raising a noahide family.
    with what you said about jews over noahides... I mean there are many jews who use the general torah classes taught by rabbis and counter missionary rabbis as bridges to the truth. but thats not a great argument. more to the point, its a Halacha though that if a noahide asks someone to clarify the Halacha we must answer him. it doesnt say "only if you also answer jews". furthermore, if you hold that jew before noahide, there is no logical reason to say that if you do four jew hours you can do 1 noahide hour. lastly, the whole concept of obligation to do kiruv isn't so clear. but I agree that in general, jews are not obligated to persuade gentiles to be noahides; the conventional Halacha is only that they are required to answer questions.
    your general point is very important - judaism light is wrong. noahides cannot learn a lot of the torah. judaism isn't pick and choose. either you accept the obligation to study torah and the liability of bittul torah - the sin of neglecting torah study - or dont do it. its not a free shmorgasbord. the idea is that the jews accepted the burden of the Torah. a noahide observing shabbat wasted his time. Rav moshe zatzal says it's not even a "maaseh mitzvah" - an act of a mitzvah.
    we dont convince someone to convert but if someone is just refusing to abide by these limitations, it is probably better for him to convert and not sin...but really its not coming from the right place... first accept the limitations of noahidism - its not really limitations, Hashem gave you a great mission, jews dont feel limitations that they arent cohanim and can't serve in the temple. but the point is, first completely accept the torah, and then if you are interested, as you feel like your soul wants more, convert. the motivation to convert should come from the truth. the example id give is a jew who feels an urge to teach torah - he might stop working and teach torah. working is fine in the most absolute sense but if one has the urge to teach that is making him "dying of thirst" in his soul... he should see if its a viable option for him.
    it is true that being a noahide today may seem very difficult, but life is difficult, thats the point, its difficult for jews too. as the sages teach us, "according to the pain is the reward." Hashem purposely constructed everything in your life. the difficulties arent unfortunate; they are the point. moreover, the recent movement of noahides is a revolution among the nations... all beginnings are difficult.
    I would agree that a noahide community won't have the same essence as the jewish community simply because of the mystical construction of the jewish community, but that doesnt mean that like minded people can't make a school or be friends and hang out amongst each other, and together go and listen to a rabbi telling them noahide laws. those noahides who have the conception of a similar mystical unity are constructing that on their own - not from the torah. (in general they need to stop constructing theology from the torah) (if you can't stop, see above, maybe convert so you won't be sinning). although I think it is obvious that mankind as a whole is a collective, that is not comparable to the jewish nation. but that doesnt need to be a bad thing. there is a concept of spiritual "being happy with your lot" jewish unity was something the jewish nation needed for their mission. noahides were created with a different mission. Hashem provides everyone with the tools in life that they need.
    noahides coming from other religions need to unplug everything and do a hard reset. the jew gets his knowledge from the tradition of teachers going back to moshe as to how to understand scripes. be righteous. reward and punishment are up to you. dont feel like you are starting out in prison and noahidism is the new way to salvation. I feel like the stink of original sin is subconsciously at the minds of some noahides I see online.
    the jews have no mission to convince the world. we are commanded to do our religion. if a noahide asks we should answer - thats a commandment in our religion, but the idea is that us sticking to our guns is the light that illuminates the truth for the rest of the world. as long as someone is asking the rabbi to prove something, because he is still in sola scriptura, (not because of a sort of innocent agenda) then he is still conducting a misappropriation of the jewish bible and has no connection to the true concept of a noahide. the jew has no requirement to prove; he should just instruct someone who's asking for guidance.
    noahides should recognize the beauty of their mission, should feel close to Hashem because they are a faithful servant who does what His loving Master asks of him. it is unfortunate that this is lost among some. this isn't a noahide issue per se. some jews also only feel close to Hashem when they are praying to Him. we need to feel that closeness when we act honestly in business and do acts of righteousness and conduct ourselves with honesty and justice and abide by His laws. the same God who smiles when a jew keeps the Shabbos smiles when a noahide proudly does not keep the Shabbos.
    despite all this, I have to say that I have been greatly inspired by the great majority of noahides I have come across. people have given up so much for Hashem in search for the truth. and many many noahides are doing everything properly, doing whatever they are instructed to, listening to the right rabbis. and even those who arent there yet, based on their journey I know that Hashem is so proud of them for how far they have come and is hoping that they continue in their trajectory and continuously grow closer to the truth.
    I would say that most imperfections I have pointed out are done uninitentionally and I am confident that with more time and study many truth seekers will continue to make the right choices. I feel like some of my words have been a bit to sharp, but in all honesty they come from my experiences dealing with people who I recognize to have already decided to not abide by rabbinic instruction.. their ability to harm others is worrisome. any caustic tones were meant for them. (even they still can repent and come back to the truth. I get that it's ego subjugation, but it's also only 7 commandments. think about the jewish subjugation of ego when you have the 613 commandments. the whole point is ego subjugation to God). I ask all other readers to take my words with all my gentle intentions and admiration for their journey.

    • @julieannenoel5875
      @julieannenoel5875 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You don't even take your handle seriously. Why would someone be interested in your community. Gava is a big enough problem in Kiruv communities. Work on your issues.

  • @rutbrea8796
    @rutbrea8796 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This is a very difficult situation for those like me who grew up Catholic but Ancestry was Sephardic. I'm 75 years old today, and have accepted my Jewishness, keep the Sabbath, eat Kosher, study Torah and everything Jewish that I know. But I don't have a Jewish community near me, but I keep to myself. I don't participate in anything Christian or eat their food. I make sure the food is Kosher. But it's still difficult. But what's there to do? Just serve HaShem Elochim Tzevaot the best possible way I can with heart and soul. B"H

  • @cassandra5516
    @cassandra5516 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    That's easy for you to say, Rabbi. You have a community, you have schools for your kids, you have social activities, you have people to pray with etc. You have no idea what it's like to be without a community nor do you know what it's like to be part of a religious community, kids school etc and then leave it.

    • @nickgeralys1968
      @nickgeralys1968 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      So true! Agree 100%

    • @kiruvmusic
      @kiruvmusic 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You should search "HaShem Took Back His Millions" and see if your statement is actually true.

  • @bookmouse2719
    @bookmouse2719 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    There are Rabbis that tell those leaving xianity to start soup kitchens and helping those poor and needy. They tell them not to start a new religion but to be a good person.

    • @mattjohnson9753
      @mattjohnson9753 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This Rabbi tells non-Jew goyim gentiles that they are second class humans whose purpose is to serve them. No thanks.

  • @kittyraphael
    @kittyraphael ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thank you so much for addressing this issue. I am actively looking to know what my teenage kids, as noahides, can participate with me, their Jewish father.

    • @mattjohnson9753
      @mattjohnson9753 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If you love your goyim / gentile children, Jesus showed how through love and through Him we may be liberated from the oppressive Rabbinical-Kohanim power structure, and find everlasting life in the real promised land. What greater gift can one give another?

  • @broz1488
    @broz1488 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Impossible to have a kosher Noahide community, keeping kosher is not one of the 7 Noahide laws.

    • @jkmcgregor7797
      @jkmcgregor7797 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Keeping kosher for a nohide is easy its not prohibited .

    • @broz1488
      @broz1488 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@jkmcgregor7797 keeping kosher is far more than just eating kosher foods, it's also about using different cutlery, utensils, plates, pots and pans for meat and milk. Plus a whole different set for pesach.
      As keeping kosher is not commanded for noahides, where do you draw the line for kosher for members of a community and between different communities?
      Can you eat at someone's house who cooks meat and milk together?
      Can you eat a kosher steak cooked in a pan used to cook pancakes?
      Or kosher chicken boiled in a pot that is used to boil milk or prawns?
      Are the spices, seasonings and sauces used also kosher?
      Because once something is not commanded, it gives people and communities the liberty to set their own standards.
      Thus I say it is impossible to find a kosher Noahide community that would be considered kosher by a Jewish understanding of kosher.
      At best you may have a community that abstains from pork and shellfish, but that is a long way from being called kosher.

    • @jkmcgregor7797
      @jkmcgregor7797 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@broz1488 well as jews thats their kosher rules .as nohides we can can follow any diet so if we only eat kosher slaughtered meat thats up to us .the jews can worry about utensils etc

    • @broz1488
      @broz1488 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jkmcgregor7797 if you are not following the laws related to kushrut, then you are not keeping kosher, now are you?
      Bear in mind, it is the people who coined the term kosher, who get to determine the laws and standards for what is or isn't kosher, and merely eating biblical clean animals is not sufficient enough to be identified as keeping kosher.
      Perhaps you would like to revise your opening comment about it being easy to keep kosher?
      Which you clearly are not doing.

    • @jkmcgregor7797
      @jkmcgregor7797 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@broz1488 well to me i am i don't realy care what jews think.for me eating halal is kosher

  • @lonerdio2785
    @lonerdio2785 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    may H'shem help all of us to convert.

  • @cherylchernekoff118
    @cherylchernekoff118 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is very enlightening teaching thankyou. I am trying to follow rightly.

    • @mattjohnson9753
      @mattjohnson9753 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes, follow so you may become a servant slave of the Rabbinical- Kohanim power structure. Just think as they tell you, act as they direct you, eat what they permit you. They are your masters and never forget it.

  • @Eliezer1018
    @Eliezer1018 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Baruch HaShem the complete truth

  • @pearlluber5849
    @pearlluber5849 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Dear Rabbi,
    I respectfully disagree with you. There is a place for the Noahides. You can't expect all the goyim to convert to Judaism. The Noahides follow the faith of the Jew while not joining the Jewish People. There is nothing wrong with Noahides congregating to pray. There is nothing wrong with Noahides having get togethers for Bible study. Just because one may become disillusioned with xtianity doesn't mean they have to become Jewish.
    Noahides can be creative and instead of having to say no to Halloween and Xmas they can make get togethers that are kosher for them. They can make all kinds of clubs for projects to improve society. We Jews are supposed to be a light unto the nations. That doesn't mean that the nations should convert to Judaism.

    • @broz1488
      @broz1488 ปีที่แล้ว

      The Noahide laws are a way to live for non Jews, it's not a religion.
      You can be an atheist and still follow the Noahide laws, a belief in God and the Bible is not a requirement.

    • @puddntane8364
      @puddntane8364 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@broz1488 That is nonsense. The whole point of Halakhah, whether Jewish or Noahide, is submission to the Divine will. A person who keeps the Noahide Laws, however "perfectly," simply because they are rational and make sense gets no zekhut (merit) whatsoever because he has missed the whole point.
      What is with this modern nonsense of trying to be "religious" without G-d?

    • @broz1488
      @broz1488 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@puddntane8364 which of the seven Noahide laws states that belief in God is a requirement for following the Noahide laws?
      If one's whole motivation for being religious is to get some reward from God, then they are believing in God with the mindset of a pagan.
      You will recognize it when I write, need rain, do rain dance, god send rain.
      A religious mindset that is guaranteed to lead to disappointment when the desired reward for their religious observance is not forthcoming.
      One of the prime reasons why people walk away from religion.
      Unfulfilled expectations.
      The reason one follows religion is because the Master of the Universe, the Creator and Ruler of all therein, has desired and commanded all to follow His laws and precepts with obedience and dedication, and not because of any promise of a reward.
      Thus an atheist who follows God's laws to the letter, is a hundred times better than one who claims to believe in God and doesn't follow any of God's laws.
      Faith without works is dead.
      Personally I don't think that an atheist could follow God's laws, it requires a level of commitment that is fueled only by faith in God, without which people start making up their own easy to follow laws, claiming that it's the same as following God's laws.

    • @pearlluber5849
      @pearlluber5849 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      The point of the Noahide Laws is to observe them because they are commanded by G-d. These laws are logical and reasonable to us because we are human beings created in G0d's image. We use the commandments as a means of cultivating a relationship with G0d by doing what he wants

    • @bookmouse2719
      @bookmouse2719 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@broz1488 One should do the 7 Noahide laws with the intention of fulfilling them as G-d asked and willed you to do. Noah believed in G-d, did what G-d asked and was considered righteous for his generation.

  • @4real51
    @4real51 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you very encouraging

  • @mattjohnson9753
    @mattjohnson9753 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If you’re a ‘Noahide, you’re a second class human: “Hashem does not want the Noahide to have communities” “
    One of the big objectives of the Noahide is also to help the Jews serve Hashem.” “A Jew is not allowed to teach a Noahide, if there’s another Jew that needs to learn.”

  • @lansan3430
    @lansan3430 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    YHWH commanded all men to obey all His commandments, not just Noahide which cannot be found anywhere in the Bible. All of YHWH Elohim's Laws, statutes and commandments are righteous, holy and truth which gives life, blessings and happiness. Why would anyone ignore some of it? (Logically, not everyone can keep like being a Priest, High Priest, etc. though the rest applies to all)

  • @louishaywood4999
    @louishaywood4999 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Isaiah 56: 6Also the aliens, that join themselves to the LORD, to minister unto Him,
    And to love the name of the LORD,
    To be His servants,
    Every one that keepeth the sabbath from profaning it,
    And holdeth fast by My covenant:
    7Even them will I bring to My holy mountain, And make them joyful in My house of prayer;
    Their burnt-offerings and their sacrifices
    Shall be acceptable upon Mine altar;
    For My house shall be called
    A house of prayer for all peoples.
    8Saith the Lord GOD who gathereth the dispersed of Israel:
    Yet I will gather others to him, beside those of him that are gathered.

  • @krisztiweitner7082
    @krisztiweitner7082 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    There is a Perfect Rabbi, I follow him! The Jewish Messiah himself.
    Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God

    • @mattjohnson9753
      @mattjohnson9753 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Amen! He liberated humanity from the oppressive cult of the Rabbis and the Kohanim. Praise be to our Messiah, Jesus Christ!

  • @NazareneIsrael
    @NazareneIsrael 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Shalom rav, Rabbi Reuven. Respectfully, no, Joseph does not want "Judaism light". Joseph wants pure Tanach, because that is what prophesies of his return. What you are really seeing is that Joseph is coming back generationally, and he doesn't yet know what he wants or needs, because it is like a spiritual rebirth of the northern house, and it takes time for things to gel. And, sorry to say, but the kingship house is messing up the scene with all this man-made replacement theology. Specially, what Judah needs to know and realize and take the heart is that Joseph's return is like any other process of redemption--it is a process, and it takes time. What you are seeing here is what is a still-disorganized first wave. The second wave starts in two more years, and will go for approximately four more years, after which time Joseph should be at least somewhat more organized. The full process will take two or three more generations, and two more big wars (which is a problem for you, because you only recognize one more big war, so you're going to get caught off guard if you don't wake up). And there will be at least a third wave, and possibly a fourth, but that's a few decades from now.) So, respectfully, please look again in seven years, and see what you think then, brother. Because Joseph is prophesied to come back as Joseph, and not as Esav, and not as "Noachides". And you stealing our father's coat, like you're trying to steal his identity with this whole "Noah Hyde" thing.

  • @waegnw3504
    @waegnw3504 ปีที่แล้ว

    A Jew elevates the spiritual status of the kosher foods he eats when he says a blessing over it. Also, when, after eating, that kosher food provides the Jew energy to do those things that will glorify G-d. However, the Jew cannot elevate the status of the non-kosher foods because he/she is not allowed to eat these items. For example, the Jew can elevate the spiritual status of the cow when eating beef, but they cannot elevate the status of the pig.
    The Noahide can also do the same thing with Jewish kosher foods. However, in addition to that, the Noahide can also elevate the status of all non-kosher foods as there is no requirement for a Noahide to eat only kosher foods. So, with respect to the pig, the Noahide can eat bacon, say a blessing over it, use the energy from that meal to glorify G-d, and thereby elevate the soul of that pig. The Jew Can Not do this.
    This Rabbi (Rabbi Yaron Reuven) is recommending to the Noahides that each and every one become a kosher Jew. If that were to happen, who would remain to elevate the non-kosher foods in the World?
    The point of my comment:
    The Noahides have a specific role in this World, as do the Jews. These roles are not the same. While the Jews are to be a priest unto the Nations, the job of the Noahide is to Perfect the World that we live in, to make it suitable for the King of Kings to reside here. If all Noahides convert to Judaism as recommended in this video, who would be left to perfect the World? NO ONE!
    As a Noahide, I certainly am not searching for some form of "Judaism Light" that Rabbi Yaron Reuven seems to think is true of all Noahides. Instead, I am very happy and content to fulfill the role that the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has ordained specifically for the Righteous of the Nations, the Noahide!

  • @Almscodex
    @Almscodex ปีที่แล้ว

    I like your style of sharing. Who confirms the Noahide status?
    I would say that the person is sovereign and the Jewish just tolerate the soul, correct?

    • @mattjohnson9753
      @mattjohnson9753 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It’s clear that the Rabbinical-Kohanim hierarchy is simply a man made power structure to control people, both Jew and us lowly goyim/gentiles. They tell us how to think, how to act, what to eat, and who to serve (THEM). It’s is clear now, after listening to these ‘Rabbis’ that their real function is to preserve the employment of Rabbis.

    • @mattjohnson9753
      @mattjohnson9753 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If you’re a ‘Noahide, you’re a second class human: “Hashem does not want the Noahide to have communities” “
      One of the big objectives of the Noahide is also to help the Jews serve Hashem.” “A Jew is not allowed to teach a Noahide, if there’s another Jew that needs to learn.”

  • @kenpyle1716
    @kenpyle1716 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think my '40 Ford coupe was upholstered in noahide

    • @janishart5128
      @janishart5128 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Funny! But I believe that's 'naughahide'!

  • @DavidHanson231
    @DavidHanson231 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I thought this was for people who are interested in becoming a Noahide. I have watched a couple of videos and get the impression that it is not a good idea because it is to difficult. There are to many laws to keep and no support. Where do I find information on these laws so I know what would be expected of me. I mean no disrespect - I just want to learn. Thank you

    • @noahidekiruv10565
      @noahidekiruv10565  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Look at the description of this video or any video in this channel and you will find a link which says Rambam on noahide laws.

    • @pearlluber5849
      @pearlluber5849 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      It is not difficult to be a Noahide. It is about having a relationship with our Creator, the G0d of Israel. Our Creator, who created us out of love, has given humanity (the descendants of Noah) 7 laws corresponding to the 7 colors of the rainbow. 6 are negative- don't murder, don't steal, don't blasphemy, don't have forbidden sexual relations, don't commit idolatry, don't eat from a living animal (make sure that the animal is dead and not moving before taking animal cuts to eat). The final law is that the society have a just court system. These laws are very logical and natural. The Noahide has to be mindful so he can cultivate a relationship of gratitude and love with the Creator. Before one eats one should bless the G0d of Israel for the food.
      In the world of the Internet, one can connect to Noahides around the world. There are books on the laws regarding Noahides. Just the desire to want to be closer to G0d is tremendous. Talking to G0d, knowing that He is with you always. Reading Psalms is so good for you. Reading the Hebrew Bible. You are not alone

    • @DavidHanson231
      @DavidHanson231 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Thank you for your comment. I would like to add a bit to my first comment. I’am just learning about the Noahide laws in a great book by Rabbi Moshe Weiner called The Divine Code. The Guide to Observing the Noahide Code. This book explains everything I wanted to know about how to live the Noahide life. I am a former Christian - thank you to Batya in Tzfat on the Midrash, and Rabbi Tovia Singer. I recently “nullified” all my Christmas decorations as pagan worship. Today I am destroyer meat that was in my freezer because it is not Kosher. This is hard because there are a lot of hungry people in the world. But I cannot cause another person to transgress a commandment by giving or selling it to them. This has been difficult, BUT - I am happy to do so to honor our creator. I know I am not alone in the Noahide observant world, but I wish there would be someone I could talk to. Any suggestions?

    • @stephaniebell9093
      @stephaniebell9093 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@DavidHanson231 If you are a Noahide, you do not have to eat Kosher... but if you are working your way to follow the Jewish ways, then consider converting and joining the Jewish people

    • @mattjohnson9753
      @mattjohnson9753 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The Rabbinical- Kohanim power structure kindly asks that you please just shut up , follow the 7 Noahide laws, and then as their servant do everything else they tell you. Just submit to them, be their servant slave.

  • @Speakerina
    @Speakerina ปีที่แล้ว

    Bitter truth

  • @omasthoughts47
    @omasthoughts47 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow humility ! Not.

  • @cyrusguite
    @cyrusguite ปีที่แล้ว

    We keep Sabbaths, We don’t eat unclear animals. We believe only one Hashem. We are bnei Manashe. We are in Indianapolis. We practice Torah.

    • @julieannenoel5875
      @julieannenoel5875 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Interested. What Chabad or what rabbi do you study under?

  • @jkmcgregor7797
    @jkmcgregor7797 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Nohides only follow 7 laws everything is acceptable. Apart from that .nohides can create communities jews are afraid of nohides communities becoming stronger .

    • @janishart5128
      @janishart5128 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I don't think that's it at all. There is a Biblical prohibition against creating a NEW religion, which, I think the Rabbi is thinking could happen if Noahides start making up their own 'churches' (for lack of a better word!). Also, there are certain Biblical commandments that non-Jews are forbidden to observe, such as the Sabbath, which was only given to the Jewish people.

    • @jkmcgregor7797
      @jkmcgregor7797 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@janishart5128 biblical got nothing do with us

    • @janishart5128
      @janishart5128 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@jkmcgregor7797: PLEASE lose the arrogant, self-righteous attitude! Your desire should be to LEARN God's Truth - not MOCK and REJECT it, and decide for YOURSELF what you'll follow and what you won't follow - there are WRITTEN BIBLICAL RULES, of which you are unaware, and you are obligated to LISTEN to what the Rabbis teach on this subject! I'm speaking from experience, and I'm telling you, that you DON'T know what you DON'T know! Noahides are REQUIRED to LEARN from the Rabbis, all the details involved in the 7 Noahide Laws! You can't just read them off the page, like Christianity does with their "Bible"! There is a book called The Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner which covers the Noahide Laws, in great detail. I would advise you to acquire this book.

    • @julieannenoel5875
      @julieannenoel5875 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@janishart5128I agree with what you are saying except for promoting of the book you mentioned. That, too, would be attempting to create a community outside of Judaism. With all due respect, perhaps you don't know Rabbi Reuven well at all, as he has spoken against 1 or 2 of the persons involved in the making of that book. Perhaps push your book on the comments section of another great rabbi that loves that book. I've yet to find Noahides that get along well. That much I agree with of what Rabbi Reuven said.

    • @julieannenoel5875
      @julieannenoel5875 หลายเดือนก่อน

      jkmcgregor I think it's possible to study at any Chabad in the world as long as there's someone available that is available and that Jews aren't neglected in their studies from your presence. It would probably be a good idea for Noahides to form communities near a Chabad.

  • @venuscraig748
    @venuscraig748 ปีที่แล้ว

    This rabbi tried to convince a goy to convert even AFTER the goy was against it ?????? pouahahaha.. not funny Reuven!

  • @nednoman8661
    @nednoman8661 ปีที่แล้ว

    before talking of a religion called Judaism, you have to prove the existence this religion,, the question is where in the tora the word Judaism is mentioned ?? and if mentioned,, where it says it is a religion?? never mentioned by Moses or the prophets before or after him

    • @largestoflads9409
      @largestoflads9409 ปีที่แล้ว

      No morals without a higher power

    • @proudpharisee5303
      @proudpharisee5303 ปีที่แล้ว

      where in the torah does it say judaism? judaism is another way of saying torah. why do you assume they are different entities

  • @mattjohnson9753
    @mattjohnson9753 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Sorry Rabbi Pharaoh, but our Messiah has freed us from your ethnic-racial supremacist bondage. He has shown us the way, through him, to the promised land of everlasting life with the Creator.

  • @yvonnegordon1952
    @yvonnegordon1952 ปีที่แล้ว

    the BEAST is the heart without God: The BEAST GOES on a journey from Babylon to Rome but only when it finally RECEIVES MESSIAH, sitting at the GATES OF ROME among the lepers (those who are spiritually not yet cleansed) and ask him why he hasn't come, does Israel get their answer: Moses put his hand into his heart and it came out leprous: ONLY WHEN he puts his hand in again (to reveal the ARM OF THE LORD) will it come out CLEAN: BLESSINGS to all who want to HEAR HIS VOICE TODAY:
    God put Adam and Eve in animal skins, but these are the ANIMATE DESIRES or the heart of a beast, hence the covenant ELYOWN, the MOST HIGH GOD made with ABRAHAM is about the LIGHT going between the animals (his hearts desires): It has nothing to do with actual animals and Jews of all people should be aware of this by this time in history: WHY aren't they? Because they do not GRASP TORAH as A TREE OF LIFE, but still as the tree of knowledge of BOTH evil and good, focusing on the EVIL ROOT (love of money is from that root) and so is EVERY ABOMINATION in the earth that made and KEEPS the heart (INNER COURT, HOLY PLACE, Mathew 24, Daniel 9) DESOLATE.
    Till the TORAH is a TREE OF LIFE (the GOOD ROOT is inverted to become the "CROWN OF LIFE" the anointing, the Messiah that draws all souls back to GOD, there is no UNDERSTANDING of the BIBLE as a book of life: The LAW is there for Judah to keep under his FEET (mind, Malchut) till SHILOH (Messiah) comes or RISES IN HIM, the GOOD ROOT rises in the soul to bring the CROWN OF LIFE to the soul and bring the HOLY OIL DOWN from the GOOD ROOT to Malchut: THIS WORK started 2000 years ago, and if your APPOINTED HOUR, your visitation, your TRUE JEWISH FEAST DAYS have not come, then you don't grasp the Torah as a TREE OF LIFE:
    ALL the symbolism describes the process, but if you don't grasp them from within, then you can build a temple and slaughter all the animals in the world and your heart is still a BEAST TO GOD:
    Psa 73:22
    I was so foolish and ignorant;
    I was like a beast before You.
    till when?
    read the Psalm and ask Hashem for true understanding: KNOW the HOLY PLACE, the sanctuary is that heart that you must enter, see the ABOMINATION that causes all DESOLATION and from there, God will RESTORE YOUR HEART TO HIMSELF:
    the JUST and UNJUST both live within us: We are the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE of evil and good and before we get the GOOD ROOT (which is given through David/Judah) we have to REPENT, RETURN to it, redeem the time for the days are evil: Without repentance, NO MAN shall see the LORD, the GOOD ROOT, the MESSIAH that rises through the ROOT of Judah/Jesse, David, and makes the TREE GOOD, a tree of life to those who experience this INVERSION OF ROOT TO CROWN/Keter to receive the anointing from the place of the skull: Here the dead Adam (skull) and Israel's bones, dead valley where David went through, the RESURRECTION comes through the spirit of prophecy:
    Once you experience the GOOD ROOT you are SEPARATED (SONG OF MOSES) death from life, evil from good, just from unjust, light from darkness) and here the GOOD overcomes the evil............IN YOU:
    the problem with RELIGIONS (Judaism, Christianity, Messianic) is that NONE of them understand that Judah/David is not one person: Jesus is not a person, but the "MAN" God is FORMING WITHIN OUR HEART in his image and likeness: Jesus then collectively is the RESURRECTED ADAM collectively: Everyone wants Jesus to be a person to either love or hate, but he is the "VOV" in the name YHVH, the "MAN" (VOV) that is the FORMATION (Yetzriah) of YAH in the heart of his people:
    Num 16:30 But if the LORD make a new thing, and the earth open her mouth, and swallow them up, with all that appertain unto them, and they go down quick into the pit; then ye shall understand that these men have provoked the LORD.
    Jer 31:22 How long wilt thou go about, O thou backsliding daughter? for the LORD hath created a new thing in the earth, A woman shall compass a man.
    In Gods (Hashem's) plan. the new thing (new covenant) is when the LAW IS WITHIN the heart of his people to renew their minds: Malchut is the animal soul (nephesh) that needs to have the KETER/Crown of life and Neshama (candle of the Lord) revealed within her, within the daughter, the woman, the second "HEI":
    If God's people do not collectively raise the dead men's bones in the valley of death through the POWER OF LIFE and DEATH that is in the tongue so the TONGUE can become a TREE OF LIFE, then there is NO "individual person" who can help anyone: ADAM is the collective man in whom we fell and died: David is the collective heart that is chosen to BRING HEAVEN to Malchut by inverting the ROOT and making the tree good: Israel is gathered to David as the WHOLE HEART (all the tribes on the breastplate of Aaron, and the gates into the NEW Jerusalem our mother (BINA) above: We have to start looking at the truth from the inside out and seeking to HEAR THAT VOICE that will explain it to our heart and renew our mind and LIFT UP OUR CROOKED WILL (the crooked serpent that Aaron must make straight:):
    the NT (which is given through letter but must be RECEIVED through the HEART to make it Spirit/LIFE: Just like Torah is given through Letter, but when the LETTER becomes SPIRITUALLY DISCERNED through Messiah rising in his people, is it then a tree of life: So the NT is when Israel experiences their "Elijah" (who brings them back to the LORD) who is revealed through Aaron (John the Baptist) and comes first to make the WAY (narrow road from root to skull) straight (Lifts up the WILL to the place of the skull) is beheaded of the ego/vessel of vanity (scapegoat) and brings the "CROOKED WILL" back to God so he can PUT HIS HEAD on his people instead: His head comes through the "HEART (David) made clean, rising to the SKULL, bringing the anointing (Christ to Christians) from the SKULL (Keter/crown) to the SOUL (the other nine sefirot or SOUL of Israel): As the OIL descends, it cleanses all the sefirot, including Malchut who is DIVIDED (evil from good root) at the birth of Messiah because Messiah SEPARATES (BINA, his MOTHER) as the SONG of Moses explains: This separation of BINA (first HEI) is connected to Ya, YOD, who receives the OIL from Keter, root to "FORM" Yetzriah, the VOV (MAN) within the heart (TIFERET, by the way of 'da'at, true KNOWLEDGE which is FROM NOTHING to something): Da'at is the end of the vessel of vanity, ego=exile, to give the SOUL the HIGHER LIGHT that is higher than the light of the sun and moon and stars (Israel) created on the fourth day: The fourth day is 2000 years ago when Israel began being revealed by the BIRTH OF MESSIAH THROUGH DAVID, Malchut: This has been going for 2 days (2000 years): After TWO DAYS I will visit you and the THIRD DAY you will STAND (be resurrected) in my sight:

    • @yvonnegordon1952
      @yvonnegordon1952 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hashem prepared the nations for Israel by giving them FAITH BELOW REASON (before they understood what they believed in): WHY? To prepare them for Judah when he gets ready to raise them from the dead last, or in the last days, Gen 49: When Judah is resurrected by David bringing Messiah (collective house of David) the nations will already be ready by their FAITH IN JESUS (Son of David, Son of Adam/Man, son of God/Christ): Jesus then is also a collective body of the Messiah who gets that name "salvation of YHVH" only because the person who is one member of that body, has been BAPTIZED INTO THAT NAME: They no longer come in their name but in the name of Hashem's salvation (yashuwah) which is found first time in the TORAH in Gen 49 associated with the tribe of DAN (Judge):
      Gen 49:16 Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.
      Gen 49:17 Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that bites the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.
      Gen 49:18 I have waited for thy salvation, O LORD.
      the word salvation here is
      יְשׁוּעָה yᵉshûwʻâh, yesh-oo'-aw; feminine passive participle of H3467; something saved, i.e. (abstractly) deliverance; hence, aid, victory, prosperity:-deliverance, health, help(-ing), salvation, save, saving (health), welfare.
      why does he say I have waited for the salvation of the LORD? Because this is how judgement comes upon Israel to save them:
      What happens? It begins the TRUE JEWISH FEAST DAYS with TISHA B'AV when the serpent bites the horses (power within the brain is the Hippocampus where the OIL must rise, the RAMS HORN ON BOTH TEMPLES):
      this brings the RIDER (WILL) down to the ground like we see with the APOSTLE PAUL (SHAUL/asked, enquired, wanted to know the truth): Paul=little, started all over again from the GROUND UP: So will every STONE LEFT from the first and second temple: EVERY SON OF ISRAEL must experience their "TRUE TESHUVAH" returning to the ROOT of their SOUL to see their SALVATION:
      Adam fell into slavery when he fell from his GOOD ROOT (Messiah) and became a SLAVE to his evil root (Ha Satan) that would be the warden of his soul till he REPENTS (does TESHUVAH) to the GOOD ROOT and ends his slavery to SIN:
      so when GOD ARISES, he does it through his MESSIAH, the HOLY OIL, the anointing, his BLOOD (not animal blood that we have now, which is red blood) but his GOLDEN WHITE LIGHT that saves us:
      Tho your sins be as scarlet they will be white as snow or wool because the animal is 'CUT OFF" from the HOLY HEART, the pure in heart SHALL SEE GOD:
      God rises THROUGH JUDAH, through the stiff neck, to behead Aaron (Scapegoat) of the EGO (vessel of vanity) and puts HIS OWN HEAD on the BODY SPINE (Crooked serpent LIFTED UP), which is Aaron:
      This is the beheaded for the WITNESS (SEEING) Jesus, REV 19:10 which is the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY that resurrects the dead men's bones of the whole house of Israel:
      This is why the priesthood decreases as the Messiah through Judah/David increases: Well, if you heard you did and if you didn't, there is no point in me just writing so much..........
      Isa 8:8 And he shall pass through Judah; he shall overflow and go over, he shall reach even to the neck; and the stretching out of his wings shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Immanuel.
      He does it in a MOMENT (REGA, twinkling of an EYE, SUDDENLY the LORD shall come into his temple, our heart if we are Israel):
      Exo 33:5 For the LORD had said unto Moses, Say unto the children of Israel, Ye are a stiff-necked people: I will come up into the midst of thee in a moment, and consume thee: therefore now put off thy ornaments from thee, that I may know what to do unto thee.
      Messiah doesn't come, he is revealed within his people, through the heart of his people which circumcises the heart making it a Jew and this enables the Jew to not only bring Messiah into the world through the heart (Inner court, HOLY PLACE) but it attracts all the heart, all Israel to GATHER unto Judah to correct the heart (INNER COURT, HOLY PLACE) to rid it of the abomination that causes desolations all over the world): Judah took the VOV to do this work Nahum 1:15,
      Nah 1:15 Behold upon the mountains the feet of him that brings good tidings, that publishes peace! O Judah, keep thy solemn feasts, perform thy vows: for the wicked shall no more pass through thee; he is utterly cut off.
      the Messiah CUTS OFF the abomination that causes desolation, Dan 9, Mathew 24, but without this EVENT, this circumcision of the heart, there is no Jew and there is no anointing (Messiah) to correct the heart of Gods people and this leaves it DESOLATE, without God in the world: This is why those who have not experienced the circumcision of the heart do NOT KNOW HASHEM and can NOT HEAR HIS VOICE TODAY because they don't have the MESSIAH RISEN WITHIN THEM:

    • @yvonnegordon1952
      @yvonnegordon1952 ปีที่แล้ว

      the Israelites are the SOUL of Egypt and Egypt is their 'first born' that were killed when the BLOOD (ANOINTING) was put over the door (DALED) the way through and OUT of the heart opened (separating the EGYPTIAN (EGO) from the SOUL (Israel) They are both the same people: Here is why the JEW binds the law on his forehead as the DOOR out , but the LAW has to come from the inside out, not just put on it in a ritual. The ARM of the LORD (HASHEM( is revealed when the heart is being sanctified by this INNER LAW: This is the true meaning of HEART CIRCUMCISION: Separating the ego/evil from the good, life from death, light from darkness: Song of Moses, Deut 32, 33:
      Egypt (between the straits or two rocks) is the WAY the SOUL IS BORN out of the ego, hence "born from above" from Hashem to get his inheritance, Israel: Same with Babylon where Abraham first experiences the same thing by the LIGHT going between his animate desires (heart is a beast till it is redeemed): Psalm 73
      Psa 73:22
      I was so foolish and ignorant;
      I was like a beast before You.
      The SAVIOR or great ONE Hashem sends is the HOLY ANOINTING that rises to the DOOR (Daled) to let you out of the heart that is a beast and then it becomes a STONY HEART when the law of Moses is written on it: IT will not be the WORD made flesh till the heart is circumcised by the GREAT ONE, the deliverer, the ANOINTED ONE in every Jew:
      Isa 19:19 In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.
      Isa 19:20 And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the LORD because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a SAVIOR, and a great one, and he shall deliver them.
      Isa 19:21 And the LORD shall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know the LORD in that day, and shall do sacrifice and oblation; yea, they shall vow a vow unto the LORD, and perform it.
      Isa 19:22 And the LORD shall smite Egypt: he shall smite and heal it: and they shall return even to the LORD, and he shall be intreated of them, and shall heal them.
      Isa 19:23 In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians.
      Isa 19:24 In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the land:
      Isa 19:25 Whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance.
      now, Hashem will deliver the SOUL of Israel out of the EGO (Egypt) and out of Babylon (CONFUSION of the carnal mind) through ASSYRIA the work of his hands: Assyria means "a step to happiness": Who do you think the Assyrian is?
      IS there really NONE beside him or are there really the poor lost souls and big bad wolves all around whom Hashem just wrings his wrists over? OR DO YOU THINK MAYBE Hashem is working all things together for GOOD but so few few few have COME OUT OF EGYPT (EGO) the second time so they can't SEE (SINGLE EYE) like David sees when he finally opens his EYES in hell, that God is and always has been with him?,
      WHO GOES DOWN TO EGYPT to get Gods son (ISRAEL) out of Egypt the second time?
      When Messiah Ben Joseph and Messiah Ben David get together (Ephraim and Judah become one stick or TREE OF LIFE out of the tree of knowledge), the MESSIAH IS BORN through the heart (David) and from that point forward, he shall be called WONDERFUL, COUNSELOR, the MIGHTY GOD, the EVERLASTING FATHER, the PRINCE OF PEACE:
      Messiah is not a person, but the HOLY ANOINTING that rises from within you when you DESIRE to know Hashem with all your heart soul and strength: Moses is your conscience drawn out of the water that you are: WATER and FIRE baptisms are the two levels of transformation of getting Jacob above his beastly hairy heart Esau, his twin, and getting Jacob to become Israel so both he and his lower self can be saved in the end:
      remember Isaac (Laughter) loves Esau (his ego) because he is the hunter in the field (world) bringing all this KNOWLEGE to him: Isaac working through the EGO (which is what most Rabbi's do) does not bring the BIRTHRIGHT or anointing to the soul (Jacob) till Rebekah (A CLOG from one to the other) removes the PATH of knowledge from Esau to Jacob (hell catcher, transplanted: Jacob must rise at the HEEL of his beastly end): These things are ALL WITHIN YOU ISRAEL:
      a Jew is always made by Hashem's anointing through the heart (Abraham's covenant when the light went through the animate desires) separating and correcting and revealing the great darkness of the EGO (IDOL of the WORLD): PHYSICAL bodies are not Jews: Circumcised hearts (DESIRES) are Jews and these inherit a new heart (by the neshama) that will renew the mind (Malchut-nephesh soul, animal soul) by the knowledge (da'at, fiery law) of Hashem as they sit at his feet and learn from him: TODAY if you hear his VOICE:
      Abraham the first Jew (circumcised heart by the anointing) saw the DAY OF HASHEM and was GLAD: He was not a Jew till the heart or beast was circumcised: From the beginning we see Isaac the promised YACHIDA (ONLY SON FROM HASHEM) was given to him and from him, the split continues and continues till we see DAVID (CHOSEN HEART CONDITION) who not only corrects the EVIL ROOT (Nahum 1:15) and makes it GOOD, but through setting up his tabernacle (MALCHUT, the animal soul on earth as in heaven), the BREACHES (separations) are corrected:
      the rapture is the FEAST OF TABERNACLES that comes after YOM KIPPUR (feast of atonement, the reconciliation with God): Here the SOUL must ASCEND ABOVE Its OWN SELF, its own ego and be JOINED to God again and from this HEAVENLY PLACE, he will overcome all his enemies that are of his OWN HOUSEHOLD as we see with the APOSTLE PAUL who ran the race where "ONE" wins: HIS SOUL WITH GOD:
      all of YOU stop HATING: The time has come to LOVE your neighbor as your self and fulfill the TORAH in you
      I wrote many books on Amazon, but my last one is the REVELATION of Jesus Christ which is the ANOINTING REVEALED WITHIN ISRAEL in 22 Chapters that go with the 22 Hebrew Letters:

  • @NazareneIsrael
    @NazareneIsrael 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    PS, in love, you guys are adding to scripture. You need to stop adding to scripture, because Elohim doesn't like it. It is prohibited.

    • @kiruvmusic
      @kiruvmusic 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Oral Torah existed before Written Torah.

    • @julieannenoel5875
      @julieannenoel5875 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It doesn't say not to add to Tanakh and oral law. It says not to add to written law, and the law is still the same, nothing added. It's still Genesis to Deuteronomy.