頭先搵嘅資料 唔肯定係咪 Allowed to stay anywhere in Malaysia except Sabah Allowed to stay not only in Sarawak, but also anywhere in West Malaysia. (MM2H visa allows you to stay anywhere in Malaysia except Sarawak.) *Since November 2022, a clause has been included in the approval letter stating that "allowed to travel to West Malaysia EXCEPT to reside in West Malaysia". As of March 2024, this condition has not yet been enforced in the visa endorsement process (and as a result, residing in West Malaysia is still possible), but it is possible that residing in West Malaysia will eventually become impossible. ikilinks.com/en/s-mm2hvisa-en/#:~:text=Allowed%20to%20stay%20not%20only,to%20reside%20in%20West%20Malaysia%22.
@@evee2800I'm from Kuala Lumpur but had travelled to Sabah, Brunei and Sarawak for 9 years for business. Most of the chinese there can speak Cantonese and Mandarin
Oh I see. Did you mean the applicant is required to pay personal bond fees to the government? What I mean can applicants apply on their own DIY without hiring an agent? In this case, they can save the funds paying the agent to do the work.
I am not sure about agent fees. If you are confident to fill in and submit all the application forms, documents, health check......bla bla bla and able to find a trusted Sarawak sponsor......then you may go ahead.
They have revised the new version as of 16 Jul, 2024 For sarawak MM2H, you have to provide Certified copy of bank statement as proof of savings fund for the latest six (6) months (For applicant who does not have offshore income/pension). Subject on Panel Approval RM 50,000.00 (for individual) RM 100,000.00 (for couple)
Thank you for sharing your knowledge on this topic. For over 50 years old, do I need to show proof of both RM7,000 income AND fd RM150,000? Or is it just either one?
but after retirement, I have no income nor pension income. Not eligible to apply. Sarawak doesn't accept any financial income like property rental/interest/dividend income. Only income from working is accepted if not pension income. Besides, income is still required on every future renewal. Not user-friendly for retirees.
出字幕唔難 係做校對要少少時間
多謝新片, 非常好
Excellent! Your informative presentation answers most of my questions. Thanks.
You are welcome!
Hi Jason, try search details for Sabah MM2H as well
Let me think about it.
有冇要改善嘅地方?例如show 6舊腹肌.....etc
@@jaussieson 要出樣,45度角望鏡頭,然後擘大個口食燒鴨髀。
@@cello_user 好心佢唔好影自己最醜既地方喇,大口加大牙肉🤮🤮🤮
要求買樓實在係一大敗筆,雖然表面上定存降低咗,諗清楚係搵笨實在係想同佢哋啲房地產去庫存,以前承擔定存嘅外匯風險,而家承擔埋外匯兼樓價嘅風險,咁搞法仲差過以前啲計劃 .
@@tanchengs5502 馬幣應該很難再低了吧
謝謝J神! 期待你有最新SMM2H (沙巴)消息再通知觀衆!🙏
感謝super thanks
Thank your for your information 🙏
You’re welcome 😊
身为一位马来西亚的华人来说,我们在马来西亚是二等公民。他们土人(Bumi)才享有特权。华人上学府、审请公务员公作都有位额限制。MM2H只让你合法居住而不能审请永居 11:00
Sarawak minister said west Malaysia 90 per cent dived. Sarawak 90 per cent up. Sarawak Overwhelming response. So chances can be very slim.
@@evee2800 Really? 咁有興趣就敢敢去 直直去啦
Avangio hotel in Metro town next to Jesselton medical centre bought over by Hong Kongers now called hotel Asaya just opened.
In Sarawak or Sabah?
Sabah , i think.
我今日問在Agent, 佢話如果用smm2h入西馬, 西馬入境會給個30-60日既印, 所以申請東馬住西馬係行唔通請問有無人知係未真係咁???
頭先搵嘅資料 唔肯定係咪
Allowed to stay anywhere in Malaysia except Sabah
Allowed to stay not only in Sarawak, but also anywhere in West Malaysia.
(MM2H visa allows you to stay anywhere in Malaysia except Sarawak.)
*Since November 2022, a clause has been included in the approval letter stating that "allowed to travel to West Malaysia EXCEPT to reside in West Malaysia". As of March 2024, this condition has not yet been enforced in the visa endorsement process (and as a result, residing in West Malaysia is still possible), but it is possible that residing in West Malaysia will eventually become impossible.
仲有你問嘅SMM2H係講緊Sarawak or Sabah, 2個係唔同
買樓 讀書嗰啲留返俾啲A蠢介紹啦
Miri in Sarawak is the best place
@@evee2800I'm from Kuala Lumpur but had travelled to Sabah, Brunei and Sarawak for 9 years for business. Most of the chinese there can speak Cantonese and Mandarin
@@evee2800 Welcome to Malaysia
Education in sarawak is in English
Good standard
Do I require to pay personal bond fees if I have my own personal sponsor living in Sarawak?
I don't think the sponsor will pay for you.
Oh I see. Did you mean the applicant is required to pay personal bond fees to the government? What I mean can applicants apply on their own DIY without hiring an agent? In this case, they can save the funds paying the agent to do the work.
Personal bond is compulsory and you have to find someone in Sarawak to be your sponsor and the person need to sign the bond as Guarantor.
How much is the agent fees? Can an applicant use their own sponsor not hiring an agent?
I am not sure about agent fees. If you are confident to fill in and submit all the application forms, documents, health check......bla bla bla and able to find a trusted Sarawak sponsor......then you may go ahead.
Jason, what about monthly income?
影片裡面有提及 個人馬幣7000 夫妻馬幣10000
@@jaussieson過去半年銀行存款有RM7,000 x 6 或RM10,000 x 6 也可代替每月收入。
@@cello_user 我唔太肯定 不過唔建議
兩者冇抵觸 不過係KL買樓就只能夠跟外國人條件而唔係MM2H
@@jaussieson 明白,謝謝🙏
thanks Jas! I am over 50, no working , no Pension, live with my own spending, what financial supporting could I provide?
They have revised the new version as of 16 Jul, 2024
For sarawak MM2H, you have to provide
Certified copy of bank statement as
proof of savings fund for the latest six
(6) months (For applicant who does not
have offshore income/pension). Subject
on Panel Approval
RM 50,000.00 (for individual)
RM 100,000.00 (for couple)
@@jaussieson Thank you so much.
謝謝你S-MM2H的資訊,我是72嵗而想申請 S-MM2H,有以下的問題 - 1. RM7000 (單人) 海外收入是每個月或者是每年? 2. Fixed Deposit - Participants are required to maintain a minimum balance of .... 這是包含了定期存款嗎?或者是定期存款之後還要加上單人8萬? 3. 如果是兩公婆,一起停留在 Sarawak 的時間是否兩個人一共30天= 2 X 15天?
1. 每個月RM7,000
2. 包含原本的定期存款
3. 以主申請人為單位 每年30天
@@jaussieson Thank you
這sarawak 第二家園計劃能否讓我在馬來西亞其他城市住? 如果可以就不用根據MMH2要求買樓,只需每年返SARAWAK 住30天就可以
@@jaussieson 謝謝回覆,那麼我就申請SMMH2 但主要住在PENANG
可以 我有朋友都係咁住緊檳城
請問有無agent 可以介紹?又或者在那裡可以找到agent 資料
@@popovdes5576 Here you go ~
沒有明文規定多少 視乎不同中介
公佈了條件 還不清楚開放申請時間
@@jaussieson 請問條件與沙勞越有什麼不同?
@@PsWai2022 早幾日我有出post講關於沙巴的申請條件,等等9點的直播也會有
@@jaussieson 謝謝
Thank you for sharing your knowledge on this topic. For over 50 years old, do I need to show proof of both RM7,000 income AND fd RM150,000? Or is it just either one?
Yes, you need to show both income proof and financial proof.
一般agent會有佢嘅方法幫你 不過依家收緊唔知佢地會點做
可以 最新版本可以
砂拉越看中醫方便嗎? 普遍嗎?
都想去考察下,有甚麼地點推介? 有甚麼要注意呢?
@@evee2800 在砂拉越,中醫和西醫都有。
@@sys1729 最好是來首府古晉,這裡旅遊景點比較多。目前沒有直飛,可以通過吉隆坡或新加坡轉機。年尾是雨季。公共交通比較不方便,所以大家都有私家車。適合慢活。華裔之間可以用中文溝通。
@@jeffc899 有中醫就放心了,謝謝🥰
最好笑唔知係馬來西亞華人/新加坡人/強國打手響部長果度留言話申請黎Mm2h既人只係黎搶馬來西亞既人,唔幫佢地買樓就滾,唔黎買樓只是低端人口,又話出左新Mm2h 新加坡人排隊申請😂😂
可以 不過每年要有30日在砂勞越
but after retirement, I have no income nor pension income. Not eligible to apply. Sarawak doesn't accept any financial income like property rental/interest/dividend income. Only income from working is accepted if not pension income. Besides, income is still required on every future renewal. Not user-friendly for retirees.
Agent will advise you the proper way to solve it.
我未夠50歳 😂😂😂😂 東馬唔好變到西馬policy咁離地呀
好奇怪兩個騙子仲唔出流量密碼mm2h 片😂😂
仲未搵到 R 觀眾錢嘅位,點出片 ? 唔通佢哋真心想幫人咩,夾埋啲agent 賣啲化咗妝 600千嘅樓畀你就有可能嘅